tv Lockup MSNBC February 7, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST
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>> america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day, it's a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down! on your feet! down! >> this is "lockup." in rural indiana, stands a maximum security juvenile facility charged with rehabilitating some of america's most dangerous teens. >> they don't think. they don't plot.
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they don't plan. it's whatever is happening right now, they respond to that. >> this 91-acre compound is the end of the line for kids who are repeat offenders. the kids other institutions simply can't handle. it didn't take our cameras long to document why. >> with the restraint chair, you have the restraints for the arms. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> you need to stop. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> we're having a hard time getting somebody to come into seg right now. >> stop. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> calm down. stop kicking my door. stop! stop! stop! >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> stop. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> i told you to stop, didn't i? >> [ bleep ].
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>> don't fight. don't fight. >> relax. relax. relax and we'll relax. >> [ bleep ]. >> just relax and we'll relax. >> put the shackles on him. >> you don't have to bend my hand like that. i swear to god. >> shackles! >> i don't know where he was coming from. he got sent here for, the criminal act, and intimidation on officers and staff. >> relax. >> i'm relaxed. >> it's a little scary. because you don't know who or what might get hurt. >> we had an offender that went to the hearing for his counselor and everything else to get his level. he didn't get his level that he wanted. so this is the reaction that he does get. >> [ bleep ]! >> what happened was, he was combative, started kicking on the door, resisting and becoming aggressive. he was administered oc, it's a pepper spray. it stopped him instantly. it's a 30 to 40 second burn for
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him. really hot jalapenos, if you have ever bit into one of those. how your nose starts -- same effect but like a thousand times greater. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> once he's secured, the leg irons were replaced with him and he's placed into the shower for decontamination. >> we're going to pick you up. and get on your feet. you understand me? are you going to walk or are we going to carry? which one? are you going to walk, or are we going to carry you? ready, get up. >> sergeant brian cooley knows exactly how impulsive teens can be. >> juveniles are much more dangerous than adults. it's very dangerous for staff. if staff are not on their toes around these kids, staff will get hurt. it's very easy for them to get caught up in a situation and have it explode on them with no notice at all. >> stop. lift your foot up. lift your foot up. >> oh! >> it's their own time. if they want to stay a long time they will stay. if they want to stay a short time, they will stay a short
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time. it's all due to them, how they want to react with themselves. ♪ >> as a juvenile you're committed for treatment program of rehabilitation. there is no time attached to most juveniles, juvenile sentences. when they come in, there's an intake orientation level. >> for kids as young as 12 years old, time at pendleton begins here at the intake unit. >> everybody that comes through the facility comes through here first. you see some that's real timid and scared. you see some that's kind of brash and cocky. there's a variety of attitudes or personalities that come through here. usually intake, maybe a week or two until they reclassify them and find a unit or program for you to go to. moyer.
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come with me this way. let's go ahead and strip down for me. take everything off. turn around. what is that? >> a brand. >> a brand? is that a gang-related star, man? huh? >> yes, sir. >> what gang is it? >> gd, sir. >> gang of disciples? >> yes, sir. >> been locked up five years. haven't seen my family in a while. because your family likes to leave you when you get locked up in trouble. all your friends disappear. you have no social life, really. you just have you and your cellmates. that's it. >> staff at pendleton are focused on educating these troubled teens. but intake is just the first step on the road to rehabilitation. >> from that they go into their main core programs and there are four levels there. once they've completed those four levels they go into transition. and after that they go into release which is the final level.
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it's not like a boys' camp. it's like a prison. it's a hard core, hard lock facility. ♪ >> the segregation unit is a controlled unit. the people in here have assaulted staff in the past or they -- you know, you have overt sexual behavior. you have stealing, you have theft. there are some murderers that we have here. they are violent. you have chaos going on constantly. >> this inmate's rage in general population brought him time in segregation. >> i got in a fight. he had 15 stitches in his eye. i have got an anger problem. i don't really think before i act. and that was the main problem.
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>> every anarchy of prison that you can think of with adults, we have the same subsystems here. >> with as many as 48 violent teens kept in a confined area of the facility, the segregation unit has a society all its own. ♪ where cell phones and ipods are replaced by a fast-paced secretive practice known as cadillacing. >> sometimes it takes a while. you have to mash your mat up and put a string around it. get some toilet paper wet, get some cotton or paper around it, making it square, wrap a string around it and slide it out your door. so you can attach food and notes and things like that. >> strings come from the mattresses. they're hard strings so they can't cut you. they can't choke people. mostly they're used for trafficking. coming up -- >> the day that you walk through that front sally port and you are totally comfortable and not
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a little apprehensive coming through the front gate, might be time to look for another line of work. >> while one offender goes through decontamination -- >> when you are calm, clear, collected, we will decontaminate you. you understand me? >> -- another faces the biggest day of his life. >> are you nervous? >> yes. actually, yes, ma'am, i am. >> that's good, you should be. this is a big step. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers
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make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. ♪ see what's new at the annual company retreat. planned, as usual, by this guy.
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in the unpredictable confines of pendleton's juvenile segregation unit, staff must always be prepared for violence. 19-year-old ulysses sanders isn't shy about the demons that brought him here. >> locked up four years. beat up my mama's boyfriend and i took his money. >> sanders says his uncontrollable anger comes on without warning. he hopes school and counseling at pendleton will quiet his rage.
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two years ago, before the facility made major changes in programs in security, sanders was part of this attack on staff. >> we was all in the room. and then one of the offenders came up for a shower. that was all before it was all locked down like this. and he ran over here. he grabbed the key from the officer. and ran back to the other side. and started opening doors. >> door violation. door violation. door violation. >> that's when it all went out of control. >> door violation. door violation. >> he came out of the room, started throwing buckets. and some people had mop sticks. throwing mop sticks at staff. battered officers. damaged stuff. i don't know. it just built up.
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when it's happening, you don't even think about it. i don't regret it. i just accept it and move on. >> don't let the word juvenile fool you. most of the offenders have committed adult crimes. you're going to have some offenders who have the nice streak about them. but the thing you have to remember, they're put here for a reason. it changes on a day-to-day basis with them, too. you'll have good behavior from them for a month, two months. something happens to them and then that behavior is shot and done, and they'll be one of the worst persons that you've ever had. and that could be any given day. >> what other kind of risk factors you going to have once you get out? >> with school and counseling mandatory, superintendent mike dempsey also helps to give juvenile offenders an option other than crime once they're released. >> we've been working on a program called future soldier program. essentially what it would do, it would identify offenders in our
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population who would qualify to be a future soldier. the idea is to be able to release them directly from the facility into the military service without there being any delay, without there being any community transition delay in place. >> patience is key for staff in order to turn troubled kids around. >> we had, for example, a couple offenders a while back, they would act like they was committing suicide and everything else. we went in on them and they're really not committing suicide, they're trying to hurt staff. you don't want to see it, but it does happen. >> the individuals who choose to work here and who stay, who stick it out through the difficult times of working with the adolescents are people that i say, if they can do this job, they can do any job. because this job will challenge everything about you. ♪ >> for some kids, it takes more than one stint behind bars to
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learn a lesson. 18-year-old michael brehm is nearing completion of a second round in pendleton. >> i was here the first time for 9 1/2 months. i came back here the second time for the exact same thing. minor consumption, public intox, alcohol problem, over-the-counter cough medicine problem, done a lot of that stuff. >> inside pendleton, military-like structure keeps brehm on the straight and narrow. all offenders must attend school daily. after being locked up for more than two years, michael hopes the six months he spent in pendleton's substance abuse program will give him the skills to stay out for good. >> my groups have helped me quite a bit. the substance abuse groups, they helped me think of things that could keep my time occupied, the reasons why i should stay sober. i'm 18 years old now.
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time for me to be an adult, to grow up. done doing all my old things. >> even though michael has completed his program, he still has to convince pendleton's administrative review committee he's ready for life on the outside. >> the administrative review committee is a process that all of the juvenile offenders have to go through. it's like parole board for juveniles. so it's a high-stakes process where the juvenile offender has to convince the board that they are ready to go back into society. >> okay. you guys ready? >> i'm tired. >> how are you? >> pretty good. >> the decision of the arc is probably one of the most important decisions that we make here. we're actually sending the offender back out into your community. and so we take this very, very seriously. >> this is the administrative review committee. we will introduce ourselves to you. >> some of the juvenile offenders go home. some of them don't. you just never know. >> oh, god. i haven't been this nervous
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since court. i don't know, this pretty much decides my freedom. doing good, doing good. >> all right, mr. brehm, this is the administrative review committee. are you nervous? >> yes, actually, yes, ma'am, i am. >> that's good. you should be. this is a big step. the committee does not have a conversation prior to the offender coming in. we want to be very objective about the process. and so we let the offender come in. at that point then we ask all the questions. what i like to do is start off by having you share with us why you're in the department of correction, what did you do, why are you locked up? >> i'm here for minor consumption, public intoxication and receiving stolen property. >> this was your first offense? >> no, it wasn't my first offense. my first offense was back in 2002. i got caught stealing a pack of cigarettes from meyer. i was 13 years old.
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bad little kid back in the day. altogether, i was locked up for 8 1/2 months. >> the first time? >> right. and then i got out. and i'm only -- i think i just turned 14 years old, i was 14 and a few months. so i'm still a kid. and one night we was getting drunk over there again and got in trouble again for a minor consumption. then i came here. and i was only 15 when i got out. so i'm still just this young teenager kid with no responsibilities at all. >> how old are you now? >> 18. >> i'm going to have you stop telling me your story because quite frankly you are making a lot of excuses. okay? you're 18 years old now. >> right. >> so all of that doesn't matter anymore. >> all right. >> i've thought about that a lot. >> i'm still talking. >> i'm sorry. >> slow down. it doesn't matter anymore. now i need for you to tell me what you have learned and how
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you're going to use what you've learned without any excuses. coming up -- michael brehm takes on the review committee. >> i used the same words that the judge wrote on here. the judge wrote on here "no excuses." >> and the guards in seg face a true test of patience. >> you will be decontaminated as soon as you calm down i told you. remember that? en to ambition. open to bold ideas. that's why new york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and grows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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offenders at pendleton juvenile correctional facility serve anywhere from six months to several years behind bars. 18-year-old offender, charles taylor, has been locked up for a year. >> i started selling drugs. started selling drugs hard. and figured only way i can eat is to rob somebody. so i go around robbing people. selling, selling cocaine, marijuana, x-pills and trying to live life. that's what i thought it was. >> drugs weren't taylor's only problem. he's also a former gangster
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disciple member. inside pendleton he serves his time in one of america's most innovative and riskiest programs, the gang unit. >> on the streets we was taught to smash somebody on sight, beat them up as soon as we see them and take what they got. we was taught to hate them. see most people want things they ain't never had before. and they believe money can get you anything. it ain't about bringing you happiness. it's about you want to be on the higher level than the average person. you want to be somebody that you are not made to be. >> education is the key, it's getting your ged, going to trade school or going to college. i mean, the biggest factor that will tell whether or not you come back to prison or not is education. >> program director eric courtney oversees the program that puts rival gang members side by side. >> what kind of things do you want to teach your daughter that maybe your father wasn't around to teach you? what kind of things different do
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you want to do with yours? >> teach her to get an education. >> in general population, gd, and the vice boards, they wouldn't associate, they would be against each other, they wouldn't talk. in here, since they're isolated, they have to. they have to, they realize they're more the same, more the same than different. maybe they were brought up different in rival gangs, but they're really more similar than they are different. >> i got a little brother. if he got locked up i feel like i was a bad role model, because he followed in my footsteps. >> me, too. i was very nervous. i feel scared on the inside. on the outside i try to make myself look tough to go and let them know i wasn't playing games and it wasn't what i thought it would be. >> we found our own respect up in here. and we feel that we got to do something in life besides just killing each other. we just got to find a way to throw the gang in the trash and become something in life. >> finally made it home. >> yeah. >> are you happy, man? >> i'm going to write you. >> i got your address.
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>> what you trying to say? >> i'm going to write you though. i'm leaving today, man. >> yeah. >> after 12 months behind bars and hundreds of hours of counseling, today taylor is scheduled for release. >> this is my room, my old cell. call it my 8 x 6. just to let you know, it has 175 bricks up in here. all you can do is count them. and i would look out the window, my little old window, think about the future. and it's been a while, get to leave, no shackles, no handcuffs, go home. see all my relatives. >> in the year that charles has been locked up, he has not seen his mother. >> i just told her not to come visit me. because i figure if you don't get no visitors you'll be desperate to get home. but if you get visitors, you'll be comfortable with where you're at. y'all keep your head up, man. in a way i am scared to see,
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it's been a long time, you know. get a little emotional when i see her. i just want to be there for my mama. just be a better son now. i'm just proud of myself. i'm ready to go home. >> your mama ain't come yet? >> no, i ain't seen her. >> me, too. >> good afternoon. i'd like to welcome everyone here to pendleton juvenile correctional facility. >> as the ceremony gets started the happy day becomes stressful for charles who still hasn't spotted his mother. >> before i give out the certificates, our assistant superintendent would like to say a few words. >> first of all, on behalf of the facility and the superintendent dempsey, i want to thank you all for being here today to join in the celebration and success for a new beginning for these four gentlemen. [ applause ] >> congratulations. >> after months behind bars, freedom is just minutes away. >> all right, guys. go ahead and change into your
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street clothes, and you'll be ready to leave soon. >> i got my ged. that's a door opening. now i can take a further step. and just make my mom proud. so i feel good about that. >> i'm happy for you. >> me, too. >> stay out of trouble, man. >> yeah. >> charles' first test of how he handles pressure comes a little sooner than he might have wanted. >> his mother called around 11:00. and she lives three hours from here. so we thought that was strange that the person would wait until an hour before you are supposed to be here to call and say my car broke down. i can't come. so we encouraged her to find another ride, try to get up here. >> i talked to her friday. but i don't know what's going on right now. she should be down here any minute now. >> just be patient. >> i know. >> keep it together. >> if she can't get here today, he'll go back into his unit. and just go back to being one of the juvenile offenders until his
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family gets here. try to get ahold of his parent. find out what she's going to do, what her plans are. and then communicate that back to either me or the superintendent so we can make a plan. all right? >> okay. >> how do you feel about that? >> i'm cool with it. >> she'll be here, don't you think, today? >> yeah. >> all right. >> good. let's make this thing happen then. >> okay. i will get your clothes. i'll have you change. >> sometimes it can be a couple days before they can get a ride. >> just stay right here. >> okay. coming up -- more frustration for charles taylor and the pendleton staff. >> she must have turned it off. it went straight to voicemail. >> meanwhile, michael brehm fears retribution from his cellmates. >> i've seen a guy who was scheduled to go home in three days and somebody put a shank in his bed. he didn't get out for another 90 days afterwards.
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>> and extra staff are called in for an uncooperative teen. >> you've got to get your clothes off and get in the shower. come on. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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i'm richard lui. a florida judge denied bail for the man charged with fatally shooting another movie goer last month. the suspect has pleaded not guilty. and more than 200,000 people are still without power in maryland and pennsylvania, two days after a wicked winter storm there. thousands of workers are trying to restore, but a utility spokesman saying some customers could remain without power over the weekend. now back to "lockup." indiana's pendleton juvenile correctional facility is the end of the line in the juvenile system for kids who have committed serious offenses.
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>> stop! >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> i told you to stop, didn't i? >> [ bleep ]. >> don't fight. don't fight. don't fight. >> oh, oh. >> relax. relax. >> relax, we'll relax. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> extreme anger issues haunt most juvenile offenders who wind up at this maximum security facility. >> we are going to pick you up and you're going to get on your feet. you understand me? >> are you going to walk or are we going to carry you? which one? are you going to walk or are we going to carry you? huh? answer me. >> you gonna walk or we gonna carry you? >> i'm gonna walk, man! >> okay. calm down. calm down. >> once he does calm down, we can stand there and read him the oc administrative warning, then we'll continue with the decontamination. as long as he is combative like that, that is on him. we will decontaminate him as soon as he becomes noncombative. >> [ bleep ]. >> officer linda frisby monitors
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the situation from inside the control room. >> i found out through working with them and on the unit, if you show no fear, they don't bother you. they will intimidate officers that are not strong. >> as guards wait for the team to comply and take a shower, officer russell anderson explains the effects of the pepper spray. >> it opens up the nasal passages, creates a lot of water in the eyes, mucous forming in the nose, can't breathe. shortness of breath. because it just fills up with everything. a safe, effective way for them to, you know, be restrained. there's no long-term effects. it's 99% safe. >> i spent 20 years in the united states navy. i'm retired. this is the hardest job i've ever had. >> open your eyes. wash it in your eyes. wash up your nose. >> not everybody we can stand there and reach. he's a person that we'll have for a long time down here. >> you know that, don't you? he is.
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this is his last try. his last time, last time. >> the safety and security is my main priority. and it's the officers' main priority. everything else is second. what happens when an offender does get like that, you have to snap it off at the hilt. because the other offenders will see that and they'll start acting the same. it's like a fire. we're searching for compliance out of them one way or another. we will get compliance. >> understanding the mood swings of juvenile offenders is one of the challenges for staff. just an hour after this intense scene, the calm teen talks freely with guards. while officers are trained to keep staff and offenders safe, reinforcement is close by in the rare case of an emergency. >> once we get past the point of physical force, we move into chemical weapons. this is pepper spray. we have got the stream which is used on individuals. and then we've got the fogger which we have to fog spaces like seg cells or things like that. next weapons system is a pepper
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ball gun. it actually fires a .67 caliber pepper ball and we can use this to shoot off the walls and fog an area if we can't get directly to the offender or if they're out of the range of the spray. this is similar to the tear gas you see police use where if there's a large area that they need to affect, to move people back or control their movement, this is what we are going to employ. finally this is a riot control weapon. it fires a .37 millimeter wooden baton round. the round is fired at the floor, skipped into the offenders' legs. it's designed to discourage offenders from doing what they're doing and get them to move back. >> unfortunately for staff, they're not the only ones armed. >> door violation. door violation. door violation. >> homemade weapons of every kind are routinely confiscated
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from clever teens. >> what have we got? >> glass. >> was this wrapped around it? >> uh-huh. >> is that how it was found? >> yes. >> thank you. >> slow your roll, gentlemen. the dish room is hot. that's all. this is a fire alarm. we are going to go ahead and move to the fire exit. on the off chance this is actually a fire. stop running. >> everybody go to the right side -- >> got everybody out of here? >> yes. >> if there is a lot of steam in there, it will set off the fire system, which is very, very sensitive. so we'll clear this count here probably in a couple minutes and it will be back to business as usual in the dining hall. this right here, this does warrant a little bit of concern. you could probably cut somebody with it. a handle there. these offenders are anything but dumb. educationally, they may be lacking. but as far as ingenuity and creativity, a lot of these guys are off the charts. most of the collection of things
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we have here, you would look at every day and never think it could be used to injure, maim or kill you. >> a knife made from a clipboard. a puncture weapon made from the earpiece of eyeglasses, a blade made from the metal hanger of a file folder, a slashing weapon fashioned from a toothbrush and razor blade, and homemade tattoo gun made from ordinary items in the facility. >> it is very difficult to stay one step ahead of the inmate. they are creative. ♪ >> every day, the officers in seg walk a thin line between managing a teen's harmful behavior and adding fuel to the fire. >> he's got a rope in his room, it's probably about 4 1/2, 5 feet long. working on tearing apart and getting rid of. >> officer daly 44. he is taking the rope and flushing it down the toilet.
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>> it's this kind of stuff. they actually turned his water off. >> the first thing you got to keep in mind is they are in prison. and they're not in, you know, for jaywalking or anything. they are violent. so we do have dangerous kids. but in all, they're still teenagers. you got to understand that they are teenagers. >> can you please turn my water back on? >> why are you trying to stop up the commode? >> he'll have it off for the rest of the day. probably on a 24 to 48-hour restriction. >> i'm not going to go in his room and rip it out. because then he'll start cutting on himself, tearing up everything, tearing up everything else. this is just a recurring thing. so if he is getting rid of it that's fine. he'll go out for rec tomorrow or today. as soon as he does, i'll just strip everything out of his room. >> after the destructive inmate is removed from his cell, sergeant russell anderson and officer randy daly conduct a search. >> he tore it open, the pillow.
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cut open the corner. >> nice. >> and not supposed to have anything like that here. as you can see, by officer daly, there's a lot of stg on the wall. just gang-related graffiti. they just get wrote up for trafficking, wrote up for destruction of state property, they lose their levels which pushes them back farther. >> toilet paper. cadillac. >> they're impulsive. they think about right here and now. i'll give you a second chance. don't plug the toilet. coming up -- two longtime offenders learn if their days behind bars are finally coming to an end. >> i think there's a chance they
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that's my end goal, that's my end destination. for me, even a quick weekend trip to kind of reset makes me a better athlete. [ male announcer ] be a weekender like ashley wagner at hotels like hilton and hampton. book now at after serving six months at pendleton juvenile correctional facility on drug charges, release day has finally arrived for 18-year-old charles taylor. all he needs is his mother's signature, and he will be free. >> if she can't get here today, he'll go back into his unit. he'll have to. sometimes it can be a couple days before they can get a ride. >> okay.
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>> unfortunately for him, though, she missed his graduation ceremony, and charles is now back in his prison uniform. >> this is one of the more frustrating aspects of working in the juvenile facility. obviously, he has done everything that he needed to do in order to be released from the program. i'm sure his heart's been ripped out. in his mind, his parents didn't care enough to come and make sure he got picked up today. so i'm frustrated, i'm sure he's really frustrated as well. >> now charles is unsure where his mother is and when she'll show up to get him. >> taylor's parent are not here. johnson's parents are. >> hopefully she didn't get lost. >> hopefully not. >> we got a little confused as to which parent was almost here. we have two offenders scheduled for release today. both sets of parents are on their way here. however, they haven't arrived yet. we thought offender taylor's mother was almost here, and it wound up being offender johnson's mother who was almost here.
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>> i'm not going to rush her through it. as long as she get down here to get me, i'll be fine with that situation. >> let's try her again. she must have turned it off. it went straight to voicemail. >> as long as she get down here though. >> she'll be here. >> the captain isn't the only one sweating. staff throughout the facility are nervous about what comes next for charles. >> charles obviously is frustrated. he was worried about this before. i think he's had some issues with mother coming through and not always being there. he's upset. he's worried. it's obviously frustrating. we built this kid up, do this so you can get home. follow the rules. work this program. make some changes so you go home. and they've done the work, they've followed the rules, they've worked the program. they've done everything they had to do. then mother doesn't come through. and it's no fault of their own. >> i'm in the captain's office. it's somewhere we mostly don't go.
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i feel privileged, chilling with the old capitan, head honcho, head of all heads. >> that's enough. you're going home. we already signed the papers. >> going all the way home. >> some students when they come to me, school is either a good place or a bad place. and they either don't care and don't want to care or they're working towards getting out of here as quickly as possible. and charles is one of those students who came to me ready to do what he needed to do to get out of this facility. and i think he has leadership potential. i hope, i pray that he does well. because he really could. he could do wonderful things. >> while charles taylor makes the best of the wait that has already stretched to more than five hours, 18-year-old michael brehm continues his gruelling interview with the committee that will decide his fate. >> i haven't been this nervous
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since court. this pretty much decides my freedom. >> program director chris blessinger cuts to the core of michael's problems. >> you and i have had conversations before. and one of those conversations has been about the seriousness, about the extensive history that you have using substances. >> right. >> if you look back on a lot of your charges, a lot of those charges were when you were high or when you were drunk. so what is going to be different this time when you get out? >> i have a lot more access to things when i get out like groups. i'm going to go to aa and na meetings. i'm really going to try my hardest. like i said, i am an adult now. i really have to change. and if i continue this, then i'm going to be dead or i'm going to be in a wheelchair. and that scares me, it really does. because i know the temptation is going to be out there in any
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face. >> does anybody in your family drink or smoke or use drugs? anybody in your extended family? >> my mom, she quit drinking. she quit drinking for me. because i asked her to. i was like, mom, when i go home, i know you like to have your cocktails every now and then. but you're going to have to do me a favor and stop that. she told me she respects that and she'll do it for me. >> you're exactly right. because if you're around it, you're going to be tempted. >> okay, michael. i'm going to have you go over in that room and wait for a second while we have a discussion and then we'll have you come back out. thank you. >> okay. >> what's going on? >> everything sounded good. i answered every question, straightforward the best i could. told her what my plans are when i get out. and the captain said i have done a good program. ms. blessinger agreed and they said they're proud of me that i got my ged on my own free will. i hope everything goes well. >> i think he's a party animal, what do you think? >> oh, definitely.
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definitely. >> back in the captain's office, charles taylor's wait for his mother enters its sixth hour. >> okay. well, i'll see if i can't get ahold of his mom again, see how far out she is or if she's hung in traffic. >> my mom's getting close. i feel it in my heart. the best part of about it, my heart. >> it kicked over to her voice mail again. >> can you call my sister and ask her to call the phone and leave a message find out where she at. >> what's her name? >> terel.
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it is something that is stressful. >> coming up, this three time offe offender, and a long day comes to an end for taylor. >> there's no home to go to. no pot at the end of the rain bow. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years.
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you. that's the best way i can describe this place. >> it's been nearly an hour since michael took his best shot at the admin straigreview commi >> we second guess ourselves and we have a heart for the defender but we can't let that be the deciding factor. >> he spent two years behind bars. >> hopefully people don't come here. this is one place they doept want to go. >> do you have any questions for us? >> it's very stressful. hopefully if i get accepted i'll only have two weeks left. >> i'm looking at a piece of papers from the judge, i used the same word the judge used, he wrote on here "no excuses" i
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think smu omething you need to start thinking about is all these things when you were young, you didn't get the right treatment or hanging out with the wrong people, whatever, you're 18 years old now so all of that doesn't matter any more. for us as the administrative community we have the opportunity to sit back and look at everything over the course of the time the defender has been here and from that make the right decision. are we always right, no. if there are no further questions we will take a vote that michael be promoted to release. >> i agree. >> i agree. >> congratulations, you got your promotion. >> thank you. have you no idea how much this means to me. like a thousand pounds has been lifted off my shoulder.
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i haven't had this good of feeling in months. >> in two weeks he will be allowed to leave but not even that is a guarantee of freedom. more most of the day, charles tailor has been waiting for his mother to arrive and sign the papers that will free him. he has not lost hope. >> i got a feeling she is something close. she'll be here soon. >> after eight excruciating hours charles faith and patience is about to pay off. >> your mom's here. let's come out and meet her. >> all right.
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>> hey, how you doing. >> i'm all right. >> i had so many things going wrong during the first course of the day, so i'm grateful, i'm happy. >> good deal. good deal. i am so proud of you. i bought you a cake too. >> all right. >> i'm glad to see you. i'm so happy. >> . >> it's been a long hard road but you sometimes got to take a long road to get to the good parts. freedom, huh, baby, you gonna keep it this time. >> yeah, i'm gonna keep it this time. >> i'm glad. i want you out. it's gonna be all right baby.
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finally made it. >> keep with your plan. >> good luck. >> thanks. bye bye. >> no looking back. >> charles stanley is actually one of my favorite kids that went through this program. he wants to be a navy seal, i think he could be a great one. i hope he keeps in contact with us. >> it feels good to see my mom. i haven't seen her in a long time. long time. >> a change in mind set and attitude is evident after months of of intensive rehab, but tomorrow staff will start all over again with the 300 who still remain behind bars.
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>> msnbc takes you behind the world of the world's most notorio notorious, lock up raw. i think it would be ina inaccurate to say there's never a dull moment in prison, actually there's plenty of dull moments in prison, it's just that all that is broken up with moments of sheer terror. there's a lot of
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