tv The Ed Show MSNBC February 12, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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then again, maybe this is all just a reflection of genuine concern about the creeping surveillance state in our unchecked national security policy. >> if someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and $50 in cash, i don't care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him. maybe not. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work. >> the volkswagen chattanooga plant is on its way to unionizing. >> could become the first foreign owned car factory in the united states with a union. >> some say the action could
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reverberate through the auto industry. >> surprise. >> they're also running some radio ads as well. >> they're piling out like clowns out of a circus car. >> deprive what it calls the united obama workers union. >> volkswagen is a german company. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. i want you to focus on the word freedom because how many times have we heard the republicans and the conservative movement talk about freedom. they love that word. everything is connected to freedom, except in the workplace. chattanooga, tennessee, is now ground zero when it comes to union rights in america. we got a dandy of an election going on, folks.
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today workers of the chattanooga volkswagen plant started a voting period as to whether they're going to join the united auto workers. freedom. if this plant votes to unionize, the uaw would establish the first ever german style works council. it would negotiate wages and benefits for the plant. it is a right to work state. workers, they're not going to be forced to do anything. they don't have to join the union. nobody is beating the living tar out of them. they can do what they said. that's why i asked you to focus on the word freedom. it's what the republicans love. make no mistake, if this plant
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unionizes, it would have national implications. the chattanooga plant would be the first foreign assembly plant to unionize in the united states. hold it right there. wow, that's a mouthful. we love china. we love everybody else who takes our jobs, but if a foreign company comes into our territory, wait a minute. they're a foreign company. we can't have them do that. i think it is very interesting that it's a german company. germany, they look unions and wages and they actually make stuff. they're a manufacturing country. if the vote fails, unionizing other foreign manufacturing plants, it's going to be pretty difficult. there are six other foreign automobile manufacturing plants down in the south and here's where they are. you know, this part of the country where republicans politically control things and
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they hate workers and paying anybody. if the chattanooga plant unionizes, other manufacturing facilities, they would be more likely to join the united auto workers. they might be able to get paid more. this is a hotly contested issue in tennessee. tennessee republicans are now in the mix. they're vocal opponents against unionization. the governor down there warned unionization could damage tennessee chances of luring new businesses to the state. hold it right there again. this is the age old argument that if you actually pay someone a living wage that the whole states economy is going to go in the crapper. really? how about the automobile loan that president obama floated out to ohio? that help the economy at all? how about the most recent commercial out there by mr. snyder in michigan talking about
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reelection? think he'd like to give back that automobile loan? you can go in state after state where the automobile loan was forked out to these economies and they've had a revival of sorts. the republicans are outraged by these uaw efforts to get people a living wage. watson is taking his opposition to a new level. this guy is making threats. he says that if the plant votes to unionize, new tax incentives for expansion could have a tough time of passing in the state senate in tennessee. >> and i believe any additional incentives from the state of tennessee for expansion or otherwise will have a very tough time passing the tennessee
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senate. the legislative role in this is to inform our citizens of potential consequences. >> wait a minute, senator. you want to change the legislative role. union intimidation is nothing new. it should not deter voters from working the way they want to work. here come the outside groups. they're getting involved. this could effect the election. this guy is jumping into the fray one more time. the famous norquist. he's never seen a worker that he really likes. what he's doing is buying up billboards around chattanooga warning of unionization. this billboard crosses out auto and reads "united obama workers." really innovative, huh? it says the uaw spends millions
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to elect politics like barack obama. detroit, brought to you by the uaw. somebody ought to remind norquist republican outsourcing caused a whole bunch of problems in detroit. they withheld state funds in that state. not a fair wage for workers. that's what they're really worried about. these petty intimidation tactics, they're not going unnoticed by vosk what volkswag. they're going to leave it up to the workers to see what they want to do in the workplace.
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outside political groups won't divert us from the work at hand, innovating, creating job, growing and producing great automobiles. volkswagen is committed to defending our employees' legal right to make a free choice. there's that word again, freedom. the republicans seem to have a hard time with that one if somebody is going to get paid a little more. i'm glad to see volkswagen is standing by the employees and letting them go through the process. if it fails, it could be a major setback for workers all across this country. the facts on union wages are really pretty simple. we've shown you this before. here it is. blue line and red line. this chart shows wages and union members. the red line is union membership
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rates. when union membership goes down, so do wages. i want to go back to this guy bowe watson. who is this guy? what dog does he have in the fight that he is all of a sudden against workers? it reminds me of the ted kennedy floor speech back in 2007 on the senate floor. what is it that you have against these workers? why is it that you have such a disdain for american workers? are you afraid that workers in the workplace have a vote it's going to destroy your economy in tennessee? his threatening legislative retribution. he's telling the people of tennessee if this vote and this plant goes through and those guys from the uaw get into our
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state, we're going to pass some laws so other companies aren't going to be able to get tax incentives. why does this guy hate workers? that's what the local media ought to be asking this guy down in tennessee. then there's norquist. his union workers, they might pick a candidate they might want to support. they don't want to give the workers down in tennessee an opportunity to be involved in some kind of social networks or ground effort door to door that might elect a democrat down in tennessee. so this is really the new model. we can call this the watson-norquist model for defeating unions.
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just plaster and threaten any kind of legislative retribution so the workers will say we're screwing up the state. we better not have a voice in the workplace. they're going to take it out on us. billboards, lies, fear tactics, you name it. all because some people want to make a little bit more money and the company doesn't have a problem with it. is this the america the republicans want? yeah, it is. tonight's question -- does the process -- does the process of legislative retribution bother you as an american? text a for yes. text b for no. you can always go to our blog. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for me, let me bring in steve cohen of tennessee and bob king, the president of the united auto
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workers. great to have you with us tonight. congressman, your reaction to state senator watson's threat. what about that? >> i guess chris christie's influence is spreading south. i don't think senator watson would seriously try to stop the expansion of a major industry that's employed so many people in chattanooga regardless of how this labor vote goes. it's interesting. part of the reason detroit has problems is people bought german cars where they had workers councils and they produced fine cars and they get along great. germany has a better labor industry than we do here.
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i noticed your chart. as labor goes down, membership, so does the middle class. we have such an inequality of weath wealth and disappearance in the middle class it's scary. >> how important is this volkswagen vote? if the employees don't vote yes on this, what does it mean? >> it gives them a voice on the global work esss council. it's extremely positive for c chattanooga and tennessee. there was only uaw through collective bargaining. general motors got the plant reopened. we set up the works council there. we work in a model of cooperation, collaboration, that
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works so well in germany. i think it will be very positive for labor management relations in the u.s. >> do you believe the statement that they don't have a dog in the fight? if this is what the employees want to do, they want to make sure it goes through. is that an accurate portrayal of what they are? >> absolutely. they say they believe in the right to organize and collective bargaining and they violate those rights every day. volkswagen has lived up to its code of ethics. >> congressman, what is your reaction to these billboards and outside special interest groups getting involved and depressing wages? that's basically what they want to do. >> they do believe in a society where the top have all the controls, and that's what we're
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getting to have in this country. the billboards also bother me because i know president obama has his weaknesses in chattanooga and areas in the south, but his race is part of it in my opinion. i find those billboards abh abhorrent this day and time. we have one legislator who wants to allow the right to refuse service to those who are gay or in a civil union. the billboards are offensive. the idea of keeping people from decent wages -- >> you think norquist is race baiting? >> i didn't want to say that. i know him. i find the ads abhorrent.
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>> are you hearing about intimidation of workers? >> this campaign was built on workers in the chattanooga plant. all the cards that were signed were collected by workers in the plant. it's a great leadership council down there that has asked us to come in there and support. i think it will a tremendous story for what labor management can do together. >> what does this do for other votes? we put up a graphic about how many other manufacturing plants there are in the south. if this goes through, what does it mean to the ones in mississippi, georgia, and south carolina? >> i think it's a real positive step forward. when workers have a free, open
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democratic choice, workers will overwhelmingly want to have union representation. >> finally, congressman, isn't this about winning elections at the end of the day? isn't that why norquist has injected himself into this? >> i imagine it's part of it. they don't want people to vote not only in union elections. they don't want them to vote period. in the worst states with voting rights regulations, i haven't been able to get southerners so sign on even though their states are suspect areas. they don't want people to vote at all. the main way they can win is by limiting who votes. >> steve cohen and bob king, great to have you with us tonight.
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still ahead, the best of the worst. why republicans are keeping score of chris christie's good days and bad days. ted cruz tries to stir up trouble in the debt vote. discover card. i asked my husband to pay our bill, and he forgot. you have the it card and it's your first time missing a payment, so there's no late fee. really? yep! so is your husband off the hook? no. he went out for milk last week and came back with a puppy. hold it. hold it. hold it. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with late payment forgiveness.
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going the distance and saving at the pump you want it all. get our multi-point inspection with a a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup. only at your ford dealer. and time now for the trenders. social media, this is where you can find us. on the radio monday through friday, sirius xm channel 127 noon to 3:00 p.m. the ed show social media nation very active as of late. here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> every dog has his day. >> the number three trender, skies the limit.
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>> the crowd loves nathan. >> these dogs are pampered and petted and all in top physical condition, am i right? >> best in show this evening is the wire fox terrier. >> the wire fox terrier is top dog at the westminster kennel club. >> but they're all champions. on their way over to sardi's for a victory lunch? the number two trender, lone speaker. >> our members are not crazy about voting to increase the debt ceiling. >> john boehner, the republican, walking away from his own party. >> this is the first time he has not held our nation hostage over the debt limit. >> john boehner loses conservative cred after the debt limit deal. >> john boehner largely deserted
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among his own caucus. >> the senate conservatives fund called for boehner to lose his job. if you're not holding any cards, you fold. and boehner held no cards. and today's top trender, ted walks. >> i want to take the opportunity to read two bedtime stories to my girls, but there's a point to this. >> just 28 republicans joined democrats to raise the debt ceiling. >> i do not like them in a house. i do not like them anywhere. >> ted cruz, he slammed a clean debt limit increase. >> our national debt is out of control. you let me be. we should not raise the debt ceiling. i will not, will not without fundamental structural reforms. i do not like them, sam i am.
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>> congressman, good to have you on with us tonight. is it a watershed moment? there's a lot of people on the right that are mad at john boehner right now. >> great to be back on your show. we're at the end of these manmade fiscal crisises. there's enough going on in the world in terms of national crisis taking place and wars. we don't need additional crisises here in the united states. they're playing to the far right wing element, the tea party. it's the overwhelming majority
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of the republicans who are willing to take, i think, a very irresponsible vote in voting down a clean debt ceiling bill. that's what they did yesterday. thankfully and we thank mr. boehner for having some level of responsibility in supporting the bill. once again, a bill that democrats supported overwhelmingly. i think it's clear where the responsibility lies with them, with the minority and democrats. >> democrats are trying to come to the conclusion that john boehner found a spine and stood up to the tea party. what this means for minimum wage, would he actually bring it to the floor for the vote? there's 28 republicans who sided with the democrats that say, you know, paying the bills is important. i mean, do they have their heads screwed on right? are they reasonable republicans? are these people you can work with?
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or they understand the severity of the moment? >> they're willing to play these games as long as it doesn't hurt them politically. they demonstrated that with the shutdown of the government over the budget. when they saw how bad they were being hurt, they turned ship around and i think the same thing here. they did not want this once again to be about them and their fiscal malpractice for the country. he said, quote, that's what our leadership said. if we get past this one, we're down until the election. the price of having this clean bill was that they're not going to do anything. you asked whether or not we can do an increase in a minimum wage. i think there are the votes in the house of representatives both democrats and republicans. i think we can do immigration reform. clearly it looks as though mr.
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boehner made a deal with the devil here and that is where the overall caucus he represents. >> where's the opportunity here for the democrats? is there an opportunity to go to boehner and say, that wasn't all that bad, was it? you told the guys where to stick it. let's do something on jobs. you guys are going to be able to go home with something positive on the economy. aren't they about helping the country? they're not interested in helping the country. all they want to do is win elections. >> i read it this way, ed. i think they're a party that lacks any vision. they have a vision, but no agenda. what i think is really critical right now, we need to getz a jobs bill passed. we need to help grow this economy further. it's growing, but not at the
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rate it ought to be to get every american that needs to get back to work back to work. >> ted cruz in the senate, he's not going to cause a problem. your thoughts. >> ted cruz is a problem for his own party, i think. he was demonstrating in the state he's willing to play to the far right wing as long as it meets his political requirements to advance his political agenda. i don't believe ted cruz believes half the things he says on the floor. >> good to have you with us tonight. coming up, scandal or not, chris christie is feeling good. the rapid response panel weighs in on the governor's good day. still ahead, wall street and the changing face of big business. reverend jesse jackson joins us to discuss what's going on at his seminar. next, a look at a deadly storm that could reach from louisiana to maine.
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welcome back to "the ed show." the outbreak of severe conditions continues to hammer the south and east coast this evening. airlines across the country cancelled over 3,000 flights today. hundreds of thousands are left without power across states georgia, louisiana, south carolina, and at least seven people have died in weather related incidents in this week alone. temperatures are falling. the wind is fierce. snow is accumulating and leaving the roads icy and very dangerous. for more, let's turn to kim cunningham. thank you for joining us tonight. how bad is it going to be? >> well, it's going to be pretty bad, especially if you're in the mid atlantic and the northeast and you're west of the i-95
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corridor. that's where we're going to see the heaviest amount of snow. across the south, we'll see a change over in atlanta to all snow after a sleet, freezing rain day today. we're going to see the snow coming into washington, d.c. here very soon, and we're going to see several inches of snow as bell. we'll see some snow starting out. we'll see a mix of rain and snow tonight for some of you. we're going to mix in with some rainfall during the day. new york city and boston, yes, we're going to see accumulating snow initially. then we're going to mix with some rainfall. very windy conditions to go with this. back to you. >> thank you, kim. kim cunningham with us tonight
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from the weather channel. rapid response panel is next. stocks take a breather ending mixed. the dow falling 30 points. s&p finishing flat. the nasdaq gain ten points. cisco shares are lower. revenue edge passed estimated. it's increasing its dividend. fell more than 3% today. uvs downgraded the shares earlier. [ male announcer ] the new new york is open.
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republicans, so the star politician now ready for a comeback? >> the fact he had an event in front of democrats and republicans, former white house chief of staff, i think it was, said he had a great performance yesterday. republicans remain focused on everything he says and does because he leads the rga. i can't think of a politician in either party who has remained more focused on his day job. >> it's been a tough couple of months now for chris christie. he has just broken fundraising records for republicans. raising more than twice as much as they did at this time than about a year ago. >> the reports of his demise are premature. >> it set a monthly fundraising record. the total is $6 million for the month of january. i'd argue that a lot of those
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donations might have something to do with the fact that hillary clinton has been called the biggest frontrunner for the democratic nomination. republicans are still looking for their candidate. t they're trying to spin the good fundraising news in his favor. the group reached the fundraising goal, in their words, because he's back. for most people, it's not a good day when you're getting called out by half term former governor. >> it's hard to be the ceo of an organization and not know what the closest people to you are up to. it's tough not to know. i know when i was mayor and manager of this city and then governor of the state, you know what your top aides are up to.
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>> it's not a good day when your so desperate to regain the trust of your base that you try to remind people how underappreciated george w. bush was. >> the guy won two national elections. i think he was grossly underappreciated by his own party and by the country as a politician. >> joining us now are my guests. we're counting good days for chris christie now. people are rooting for him. what do you think? >> there are some people rooting for him in the republican party because they figure the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and they
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despise what palin calls the lame stream media. he'll do better with conservatives in the republican party than if there hadn't been a scandal, but that hardly means he's in good shape. he has legal and investigative problems. over the weekend, you had some people who were caught in traffic and who had serious problems. a woman who had an eye infection and couldn't get the treatment, she was in excruciating pain. >> what do you make of the fundraising? do you think there's some possible outside forces that are helping the republicans, like hillary clinton? >> yeah, and not just that. within the republican party, who are the top gives to the rga. it's billionaires who want to
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take over state politics. i think his ego is in great shape. his poll numbers as far as running against hillary have jumped over the george washington bridge. i think people are kidding themselves if they think they're seeing a christie comeback in this. >> christie now trails hillary clinton by 21 points in a hypothetical 2016 matchup. that's an eight point drop from a poll done in january. but it just seems there are people with microphones who are of the conservative persuasion who are doing everything they can to present that chris christie is having a good day. it's almost like walkeritis,
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isn't it? >> yeah. i think that just not going to fly in a national election. christie makes this pitch that he's the great uniter and the bipartisan candidate. it's not working for him. once you get out of the primaries and you get to the general election, the shine is off christie. >> they looking for a comeback narrative here of sorts? >> they're getting help from people like karl rove who still want chris christie unless jeb bush were going to get in because they are terrified of the tea party. there's this schism in the republican party that's very much at issue here, and it's kind of like weekends at bernies where they prop up the dead guy and make him look alive. you could make an argument that christie is a walking dead man politically right now and
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they're trying to resurrect them. they could succeed because two years a long time. it would be wrong to write off christie off right now. >> to go so far as to say george w bush was under appreciated, that's an interesting strategy. >> it's a good one. bush had a base even as he became very unpopular in the country as a whole. there's so much more money in politics than there used to be that every fundraising cycle sets a new record in either party. >> well put. great to have you with us tonight. coming up, ted cruz just flew in from texas and boy are his arms tired. the jokester lands in pretenders tonight.
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at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and see your fico® credit score. and in pretenders tonight, ted cruz. this week texas ted tried out his latest material during the heritage foundation summit. >> good afternoon. it's great to join you. i just got off a plane coming in from texas. i get out here and it is freezing. i mean, it is really cold. i have to admit i was surprised. al gore told us this wouldn't happen. look, it is so cold i actually saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets. now that's cold. >> tough crowd, huh? let's help his act with a little
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editing magic. >> good afternoon. it's great to join you. >> thank you very much. right now, i'd like to do routi >> just got off a plane coming into texas. >> my friends told me you better not going to text. >> i get out here and it is freezing. >> it is freezing. >> i mean, it is really cold. >> just to give you an idea how cold it is back there i heard on the radio it snowed on the sun. >> i was surprised. al gore told us it wouldn't happen. >> where [ bleep ] is global warming when you need it. >> it is so cold i saw a democrat with his hands in his own pockets. that's cold. >> anyone else feel the fetal position coming in. >> ted cruz may be a laughab aa politician but if he thinks that
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is funny he can keep pretending. feeling safe behind the wheel, going the distance and saving at the pump you want it all. get our multi-point inspection with a a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup. only at your ford dealer. this is a map of the pressure points on my feet. i have flat feet. i learned where the stress was at the dr.scholl's foot mapping center. then i got my number, which matched the custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support. find a walmart with a foot mapping center at i'm a believer.
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welcome back. 50 years after the civil rights unfinished business for minorities in this country. >> too many poor people, people that can't make a living wage. too many folks and too much war. we must readjust our priority. >> rev. jesse jackson and his coalition working to promote that mission. they are holding the 17th annual
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wall street project economic summit here in new york city. the three-day summit concentrating on economic justice for minorities. one major accomplishment announced was when at&t became the first major company that utilized a mier nority owned firm to co-manage a live financial transaction. t"wall street journal" will release a new study. rev. jesse jackson joins us here tonight. good to have you with us. the corporate scoreboard for minorities. are we seeing change? >> kind of going backwards. a $50 billion bill out with
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fees. that they have been offering and -- >> what does this tell you? >> what changed in the 17 years you have been holding the summit if this is the report today? >> well, when the companies, when wall street collapsed because of lack of oversight and the banks went into the predatory lending and private mortgage insurance scheme the government without proper oversight let them go down and bailed them out and linked to investments. you see banks in washington and new york and you see the communities are destroyed, that is a part of it. i think if the government were
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to vigorously enforce affirmative action and vigorously enforce eeoc and contract compliance, wallace pulled out the bill where two agents have a monitoring agency. that has not happened yet. so the government is not honoring its own principles. >> so affirmative action you think should go to the corporate board room? >> when you look at the market, what does a black and brown market represent except money and location. so it forces us to begin to have hearings. and force us to begin to look at strategies of boycotts again. >> you think boycotts are coming because of this? >> we hope they will see the good sense in it. when you include the leads to growth, i would say in the super
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bowl last week that the civil rights movement made the super bowl process. >> the civil rights movement made the super bowl possible? >> you couldn't have had the panthers and falcons behind the cotton curtain. you couldn't have the alabama/lsu game. when the walls came down everything changed. so all the new stadium and new ownership and then these guys getting the free agency money. and guys fighting the civil rights fight. those who km out to school early so the civil rights struggleal expanded economic opportunity for everybody. >> what companies are the most inclusive for minorities? who is the model? >> citi group is one, ge is one. on this issue they are for that kind of group. there is a -- i think of a company like coca-cola with a great reputation. coca-cola like franchise owner.
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pepsi cola one franchise owner. >> zero for coke. so it's kind of wall street segregation. we have politicized and in the political process. wall street has been left off the front burner. we focus on politics and who is going to lead us and not lead us. in the meantime wall street gets a pass almost every day. >> is the gap -- the wealth gap, is it getting wider? >> it is getting wider. as a matter of fact, the race gap is not as wide as the resource gap. few and fewer got more and more middle class jobs and popular base expanding. can you imag aen $23 trillion? >> i can imagine it. >> and then we are closing schools and building jails leaving people unemployed.
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we deserve better. >> reverend, good to have you with us. thanks for coming in. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from harrisburg, pennsylvania. tonight's lead, the jury has the case. right now 12 jurors in the loud music murder trial are shut away in the jury room deliberating the fate of 47-year-old michael dunn charged with first degree murder, seven months after george zimmerman was acquitted in the killing of unarmed trayvon martin the dunn trial has re-ignited the debate over florida's controversial stand your ground law.
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