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tv   Lockup San Quentin  MSNBC  February 14, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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due to mature subject matter, discretion is advised. america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet, now! >> among the nation's most notorious institutions, san quentin state prison. our cameras spent months documenting life on the inside, where gangs, drugs and sheer boredom make up a violent mix. this is "lockup san quentin: extended stay."
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>> probably next to an inmate's release date, visits are the most important things in their lives. keeping in touch with their loved ones. >> i don't like coming here, but i have to so i can see him. >> for some, visits are rare moments of intimacy. and for others, a business transaction. >> a lot of drugs come in through the visiting room. a lot of drugs. >> you don't want to be here, man. >> and then the hustle just like the bona fide, hustler with the web and then with the two hands, like you said. >> the money. >> money in one hand, dice coming out the other. >> it's going to be hard. make sure that i do it, though, because if someone else does it, it's going to be different. >> no, i know.
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>> everybody hates prison. society hates prison. it's part of life. i've got to accept the things i put myself in. i can't try to be rebellious and hate the people that lock these doors on me every day. that's part of their job. they're making money. you know what i mean? and i've got to respect that, but yeah, i hate prison. i hate the cards i was dealt but i dealt them myself. so i've got to accept it and that's going to make it easier on me to do time, by accepting my consequences behind the behavior i do when i'm using drugs. because that's my only downfall is drugs. if i stay out of drugs, i won't be here. >> due to frequent relapses, george, now 36, has been in and out of prison since the age of 17. >> they know when i start getting high, they know i'm gone. my mom knows. you have to go. i know, mom, i'll be gone. you know. that means i go on the run. once you're so far into an addiction or using drugs, you can't stop. the only way you can stop is doing time, getting locked up, getting taken away from it. because once you're involved in
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and you've got a pocket full of dope and money and you're living the fast life, the only way you stop is if you get into a wreck. you've got to condition your mind to do without those things. it's like, if you like drinking coffee and you ain't got it, you've got to learn to do without. if you try to get something you ain't got, then you're just making your life frustrating. in here, you've got to learn to do without a lot of things. >> for more than 600 days, george has shared this six by ten cell. >> i'm not even chewing this soup. i'm hungry. >> to escape the constraints of prison, george seeks comfort in photos of his life on the outside. >> before i went on the run, this was the real george. this is the person i like to be. someone that's real, someone that cares about other people. someone that tries to make a difference in my neighborhood. i don't like to see my nephews on drugs, i don't want to see them getting drunk, getting high, running around the neighborhood getting involved in gang violence. i'm really proud of my nephew. he just graduated high school. this is the person i went and
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picked up and took him in a stolen car to give him an example of the criminal activity i was doing. i talked to him about my downfalls in life. i told him i didn't want him to be a part of that. i told him to graduate high school, maybe possibly get into the military, get a job, stay grounded, you know, and just do good in life, which he's doing. that's something i wanted to do and i didn't do. i wanted to graduate high school. i didn't, you know. to this day, sometimes i lie and say i'm a graduate and i'm not. so, he's great moving some of the barriers that put me behind these walls. by him graduating, he's probably the only boy in my family that's graduated high school. that's a good thing. >> jason burton constantly deals with the destructive nature of drug addiction which affects
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nearly 80% of the prison population. >> i'll come in here, and seeing all the addicts and seeing all, how screwed up lives get because of the drugs makes me ashamed to even say that i was a drug dealer. really. i was trying to raise money for my latest movie. >> what does it take to make art? >> i made some bad choices. this was going to be my biggest project ever. this was going to be the movie. the full-length feature, 90 minutes. i wanted to shoot on super 16 instead of digital. film cost a little more money so i had to kind of push it. i pushed the envelope. you know, i got a little wrapped up in the money too, you know. when the money started coming,
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my original purpose got sidetracked a little bit. i was selling drugs. i had like about 58 eight balls, which is about $6,000, $7,000, maybe. i wasn't used to having large amounts of money, you know, that quick. i couldn't -- i mean, i couldn't stop. and then all of a sudden, my whole life crumbled, and i lost the school i was going to and, you know, i lost a lot because of it, because of those choices. i got four years. my first time in prison and last time in prison. >> jason is luckier than most. with the conjugal visit with his wife soon approaching and the release date a mere two weeks away. >> you won't get a chance like this again. we have a dog program. we care for dogs. a bike program here. i'm always reminded of where i could be.
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every month and a half i'll get a visit. my wife comes to see me. that really shows like the character in someone. when you're put through those low points, you know. you always have people there when you're up, but when you're really down, you know, to the curb, is when your true friends and your true family kind of shine through, and she was one of those that stuck with me. next on "lockup: extended stay," jason and his wife are reunited one last time behind bars, and some visitors who come to san quentin find themselves staying much longer than originally planned. >> this is tar heroin. this was found in the possession a visitor. a second inmate had actually coerced this inmate and his female visitor into doing this by threat of death. after your company's gone public?
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everything's related to drugs, in one way or another, has to do with drugs. that's the downfall. >> can you still get drugs in prison, though? >> yeah. >> drugs have always played a big, huge factor in prisons. that will never change. >> next 10:30 appointment, please. how are you, dear? >> hanging in there. >> all right. it's nonstop from 7:30 to 2:00. we're processing family members, friends into the institution to see incarcerated inmates. the interaction with the family and friends is vital to their release.
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good morning, dear. you know, i respect them for what they're doing, not just giving up on the guy, you know what, saying you know what, he's made his bed, he's going to lay in it, i'm moving on to someone else, because what can he do for me when he's locked up? so it's all on her. so you've got to respect these women for going through what they do. >> despite elaborate security measures, visitors continue to find ingenious ways to smuggle a variety of contraband into the prison system. >> we have found contraband such as black tar, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco, alcohol. these women can hide that stuff where you will not see it. and a metal detector will not pick it up. it's prison and these guys are pros at doing this stuff to get it in. they want it and a lot of it
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comes through the visiting rooms, unfortunately, where they have contact with people from the outside who have access to that. >> i was working visiting which is a dormitory setting, contact visits. there was an inmate in there that tried to smuggle in some cocaine. he had it in two balloons. what he did is his visitor brought it in. he had to use the restroom. he went to the restroom. he pushed it up inside his rectum. as i was doing his search, i stripped him down. i had him bend at the waist and spread his cheeks. at that time, i seen an item that was yellow inside. i addressed the inmate, do you have anything hidden up inside you? no. i'm going to ask you one more time. do you? no. so, at that time, i had already seen what i seen. i cannot force him to take it out, so what i did is i have him get dressed back up, i taped his pants with duct tape, cuffed him up. the reason i taped his pants up with duct tape is so if he
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pushed it out and dropped it as i was escorting him to a holding cage, it would still be in his pants. so, he was brought from that strip-out area. he was put in a holding cell and put on potty watch, where a day later, the balloons came out. they were found. >> if caught smuggling drugs, a visitor could end up doing time in a prison, much like the one they're visiting. many smugglers are actually victims acting out of fear in response to threats from prison gangs. >> they will prey on a weak individual and force that individual to have their visitor bring in drugs because they're not suspected. but they're told that your visitor is going to be visited by somebody, they're going to give them something, and they have to bring it in. and they won't tell the inmate that they'll do something to him, they'll tell them, we'll do something to your loved one. >> this is tar heroin. this was found in the possession of a visitor.
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she was bringing it in to her fiance. she had this wrapped up in the plastic packaging here and then that was wrapped in a balloon or two and had it concealed in her vagina before, obviously, before she came into the processing area. either a balloon or a condom is the usual way of packaging it. >> what they'll do, once they clear here and get to the visiting room, they'll go straight to the bathroom. they'll pull this stuff out. they'll hide it on their clothing somewhere. and then they'll go over to the vending machine. they may buy popcorn or m&m's. they'll open up the m&m's and stick that balloon in there, or they'll stick it inside the popcorn. as the inmate is having their visit, he's enjoying his food, he swallows it. he goes back to his unit. he drinks a little bit of shampoo, vomits, throws it back up. >> a second inmate had actually coerced this inmate and his female visitor into doing this by the threat of death on this guy. this inmate was kind of a fringe
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gang member and was using his connections to get this guy who was getting regular visits from his girlfriend to bring drugs in or that was it for him. so, she was regularly bringing it in. she actually, she had a good job, no criminal record at all, and had fallen in love with this inmate -- well, i mean, before he came to prison, and he came to prison, got himself into some trouble, and next thing you know, she's running heroin in for him. ♪ constantly act as if they want to kill up their own kind ♪ ♪ blind leads the blind, but i'm going to tell you something ♪ ♪ struggled with my body, my soul and my mind ♪ 365 days of every year ♪ >> most visitors are community people who have loved ones in prison. >> you know, you have a few that will come in here and try to undermine the system. most of them are just like you and i, just ordinary folks. >> no matter how much contraband is stopped at the gates, plenty is making it through to inmates
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who will stop at nothing to get their fix. >> isu came in here about a week and a half ago, we did a heroin bust and marijuana, found 11.61 grams of heroin. i'm used to like two or three, so this was a big bust. plus, he had some marijuana, and somehow, he had a cell phone. these guys are slick. it's a never-ending problem. and these guys are addicted to heroin, et cetera. it will always be a problem. >> there is no real rehabilitation going on in this place. you're just going to come in and you're going to get out, and whatever happens in between is really on yourself. >> come on, frankie! coming up on "lockup: extended stay," see how some inmates find opportunities for intimacy in prison. >> if i didn't have these visits here with you, rachel, if i didn't have these visits, i don't know if our whole marriage would have lasted this long. >> it wouldn't, huh?
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how are you, dear? all right. the conjugal visit's where the immediate family -- wife, mother, father, children -- can come and spend basically 48 hours here at the institution. we have a condominium available to these inmates. they have to be a mainline inmate with a release date. >> it's like a little apartment room. they've got like a stove, refrigerator, all that stuff. so, your loved ones get to bring you your food and you just get to, you get to be with your loved one. >> i can't even explain to you how great it is. i look forward to it.
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he looks forward to it. put in a request just the second we leave this visit, he'll put in for the next one so we make sure we get it every month. it's just something to look forward to. it's the only time that we can have or that we've had together alone, you know, in years. so it's just -- it's incredible. >> while conjugal visits offer freedom to the inmates, to officers they can often be a chance to smuggle contraband into the prison. >> follow the process. there's a lot of rules and regulations and things that you have to follow. i know what to expect. i mean, i'm going to do what i have to do to come see him, so if that means having to do all these crazy things, it's worth it just to be able to see him, so, get used to it. >> i'm looking for contraband. anything that's not authorized. drugs. i need to make sure that everything is approved.
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everything has to be vendor sealed and it has to have recognizable labels on here. so, this is allowed. no cans are allowed. they are allowed to bring in a plastic container and i've got to transfer this in. it has to be brand new, because then we know it hasn't been tampered with. if it's open, it could be anything in here. this could be alcohol or something flammable. so it has to be brand new. it is very extensive, but they're willing to do that to see their loved ones. >> to be able just to sleep next to your spouse is just, oh, it's the greatest, you know. just being able to put your arm over her, or you know, talk, watch tv together, just being together for those -- it's not even really two days. it's just under, but man, it's just, you forget for a second where you're at.
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>> it gets lonely, you know? you don't have -- i can't just pick up the phone and call him and tell him, you know, about my day or if, you know, i need to talk to someone. it's -- it's really hard. but it's almost over. and hopefully, we'll never have to do this again, and i wouldn't wish this on anybody in the world to have to go through this. it's really hard. >> i got married in here, which was, like, we were seeing each other outside, but we weren't planning on getting married at the time, you know. i was down a couple of years before we decided to get
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married, but she's, she's a trouper and she stuck with me. >> so, when is he paroled? >> 16 days he's getting out. >> i know you're happy. >> i'm so happy. i never thought this day would come. oh, my god. >> so does he have plans or is he going to school or a job lined up? >> he's going to work. they have a family business. a laundry. he's going to go there. going to kind of get settled. he's going to go to school after he's working for a little bit and gets set up with his parole and what not. >> that's nice. if he has a plan, he'll do well. >> he has a good family and a lot of support. >> once you leave an environment like this you really do need good support. so that's great. so what are you going to do not seeing me?
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>> no offense, but i would love to not see you. i don't want to see this place ever again. >> yes! >> sorry, honey. >> hi, gorgeous. >> man, i've been sweating in there so bad. okay. >> here's your wife. >> it means everything to us. and i'm just happy that this is going to be the last one, and then he gets to come home and i get to have this every day, so, like it used to be. >> if i didn't have these visits here with you, rachel, if i
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didn't have these visits, i don't know if our whole marriage would have lasted this long. >> it wouldn't, huh? >> i don't think so. just these two days -- >> something to look forward to. >> something to look forward to. something to break up -- >> to hold each other. to be able to catch up and talk about everything that we can't talk about on a 15-minute phone call. >> 15-minute phone call, you got the guy interrupting. >> 120 seconds remaining. you have 60 seconds. >> your call is being recorded. it's like, all right, that's the third guy in the conversation, okay. >> so, to catch up, to just be, like, how we were when we're together, when we're here, it's like we were never apart. >> babe, to a beautiful two-day vacation. >> and 16 days left until you come home. >> that's right. >> cheers to that. >> cheers. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. next on "lockup: extended stay," a relationship tormented
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by drugs struggles to survive through noncontact visits. >> he's been in prison almost since he was 17. you know, he doesn't mean to go back. the five years we've been together, he's only went back twice, so that's not that bad. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. kand i don't have time foris morunreliable companies.b angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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top stories, president obama visited california earlier to address the state's historic drought. he pledged millions in aid to hard hit ranchers and farmers there. and the attorney general says he is proud that they struck down the same-sex marriage ban. and russian president putin paid a visit to sochi this afternoon, spending about an hour chatting about the games. now, back to lock-up. >> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised.
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>> i'll tell you what it's all about. who runs this place. it's who controls the cell. that's why i started my own country. my name's father flanigan is the god squad. flaniganistan, this stands for freedom, liberty and national intelligence, governs a nations internet as goes to the network. here we go. >> angel rodriguez has little human contact and spends his time expressing his inner anguish through art. >> she represents the queen and i represent the king. because it's part of bible stuff.
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god said that you're going to be kings and queens in the new system of things. in my letters i tell her she's my queen and she tells me i'm her king. that represents that. i mean, my girl. you know what i mean? it's something i pray for. that's what the prayers are for. and it goes with the scripture. psalms 37:4, if you find your delight in god he'll give you the desires of the heart. and that's what she is. she's one of my desires. to be with me forever, and being that i'm in here, my hope's based upon all that. and i feel if i didn't have that hope, things would be tore up, and that's what the drawing represents, my hope. >> it's not easy being in love with a prisoner. you know, i think because i'm a strong woman, i'm a strong person, that's what, you know, makes me deal with all this drama. love will make you do the most stupidest things. but it's worth it. if that person loves you back, it's worth it. i think he's worth it. >> i'm into drugs, i'm in the fast lane. yvonne's not.
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i mean, she's a godly person, but she got a big heart, so she let the home boys that didn't have a place come to her house, so that's how i met her. >> before me and him hooked up together he was telling me about his life. he had a drug problem before. he never wanted to go back to it, you know. i'm like, okay, i can deal with that, you know. but then he started hanging with the wrong crew, with the wrong people, and that's what's -- i guess he started getting tempted, and that's how it started. >> good, good. >> where's the little man today? >> he's at his auntie's house today. >> good for him. >> yes. >> anything in your pockets? >> just my key. >> your just key? okay. you enjoy your visit. have a good day. >> i will. >> noncontact visits are usually inmates that are just arrived or inmates that are on disciplinary housing units for various reasons, whether it be gang related or they're under protective custody.
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these inmates are required to be behind glass. and they, basically, they're speaking over intercom speakers. >> i don't like being here. it's like, ugh. i don't like being here. but i have no choice. i have to be here because my man's here, my baby's here. >> i tried everything. i tried heroin first time in prison. that was the first time i ever tried that was in prison, because everybody else was. i started doing coke. i used to fix. i stopped doing that because the aids thing came on. that scared me right there. i backed up on that. plus, being in prison, you know, being in prison, being on parole's like a little life-saver if you're in the fast lane because you get these breaks from being out there, so it brings your mind back, you can focus a little bit and you can reflect on what you're doing out there so when you get out, you change a little bit, you know what i mean? you're still struggling trying to change, but it's hard. >> you know, he doesn't mean to go back. he just -- things happen sometimes in life. he's been in prison since he was 17, juvenile hall.
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and it's hard for him. it's hard for these men to go back in and out, but that's all that they know. but he did pretty good. the five years we've been together, he's only went back twice. so that's not that bad. you know? >> in this relationship, she don't want no drugs because her old man was on drugs and he was cheating on her and everything else. she says you do anything else, just don't cheat and don't do drugs, because she wanted god in the relationship, and i agreed upon that, but i didn't keep my word to her. i broke my part. i was only with her five days and i got put in violation in prison. and i didn't hear from her because the mail's slow here. a month slow. when i finally did hear from her, she told me she was pregnant. so i feel that helped me keep her in my life, you know what i mean? so, she's still with me. >> despite their rocky beginnings, angel and yvonne seem capable of overlooking all obstacles. >> i guess i tried to commit a domestic violence, but i didn't. >> it doesn't make sense to me. either you hit the person or you didn't. >> to me, it's like, i'm on my way to the store, i'm going to the store, but then i change my
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mind. i've got my money in my pocket and i grab the door, i'm not going to the store. that's an attempt. that's the only way i can explain. i didn't do nothing. i argued with her. >> we're arguing about his ex-girlfriend who has a daughter from him. i had heard rumors he was messing around on me. so i was really hurt, upset. i would never think he would do that. come to find it was a lie. then we started arguing in the streets. he was on drugs really bad. he was on meth. and that stuff really makes you go cuckoo and wacko. >> she got me pissed off so i turned around and told her, okay, i did sleep with this girl, she does this better than you, she does that better than you. i said i don't want you no more. she screamed, pulled herself by her hair and took off running. so i leave my son in the stroller on the sidewalk and i take after yvonne. i run after her, i catch her in front of the parole office. and i'm trying, baby, i'm sorry, i didn't mean it. >> and i pushed him, so he tried to grab me and told me that he's sorry, that that was a lie.
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he was just trying to convince me. >> i'm looking at the parole office, this close, looking in the windows, like baby, you're going to get me in trouble, you know what i mean? police are going to come. i've got dope in my pocket. i've got a warrant. right? i'm high as hell. right? i'm trying to calm her down. >> i guess because we were arguing hard, attacking each other verbally. and the cops came. >> so i just backed -- started backing up. yvonne's standing over there. i told her, come on, let's get out of here. and i walked, because i left my son up the street. i went and grabbed my son and i took off. i left yvonne there. the police were coming. i was going to hide my drugs. know what i mean? take my son out of the area. i took off. police started coming around. i left my son with some youngsters behind a fence. which, that's the house i was going to, which they ended up leaving him there, too, so i got charged with that, too, a misdemeanor, child endangerment because i left my son in the stroller, right? >> and they looked at his record and his background, looked at his i.d., he says, oh, no, you're coming with us. so, they looked at him like he
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was some monster because of his background. and then when i got home, i laid there and i looked at my little angel, it's like, oh, my god, his daddy's gone, you know? >> with a successful appeal to his case unlikely, angel and his girlfriend must suffer his ten-year sentence together. >> what keeps me close to him is visiting him, keep him company by writing to him, visiting him. i have no problem with that. i can do it. i won't ever get tired of it. >> if she stays with me, because seven years is a long time. plus, she probably blames herself, too, you know, more than she probably admits to me. i'm older now and my desire is to change. when i was younger, i didn't care. i had my son. i had my family. i got a woman who loves me and i got my boy. i got my daughter i got to try to get back, too. all these things, my head's clear, i'm focusing on them. you know what i mean? and i'm blessed. i really am. i just overlooked all that. coming up on "lockup: extended stay" --
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>> this is all your property, right? >> will jason make his release date? and the boys in ad seg get a little surprise. >> they know when i go in i'm not leaving until i find something. of heart disease. it seems that 80 is the new 18. grannies, bless your heart, you are bringing sexy back! eat up. keep heart-healthy. live long. for a healthy heart, eat the 100% natural whole grain goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it.
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>> attention, donnor cos! [ bleep ] >> that was our greeting. >> to battle overcrowding, officer cavagnolo's donner unit houses inmates meant to be segregated from the general population within feet of mainline inmates. >> we have in this unit, we have 2 1/2 tiers of administrative segregation, and the bottom half is a reception center. it makes it really difficult for us, because inmates on the bottom half of the unit, they have access through a lot of different parts of the institution, and then our challenge we have in administrative segregation is the inmates make fish lines and they'll tie a little weight to it and pass it down and pass kites or weapons, so it's a constant battle.
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just controlling contraband and keep an eye on these inmates, keep them in order. you never know what you're going to get in here. you have to be prepared. just last week we had an inmate slashed from the second tier reception center and we just came off of lockdown from that. yesterday we had an inmate cut his wrist coming off the fifth tier. like i said, we're five tiers high. we do not have suicide bars in here. one of the inmates came out in handcuffs and we're in an altercation and fighting for our lives up there. you're looking at a death drop, there is no recovering from the drop. there's no recovery from a fifth tier drop. that's always in the back of your mind. it is a little creepy when you're walking up there. you've got to make sure you have a good partner with you and keep your hands on the escort and just be ready for anything in this unit. >> escort four one! >> since drugs inevitably surface within the prison, surprise cell searches are cos' only chance to curb their movement. >> most of the time, if they sense there's going to be a cell search, the first thing they're going to do is flush any type of contraband they have. so, i'll get them in handcuffs, escort them down to the holding cage and strip them out in a well-lighted area.
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then from there, i'll conduct my uncloaked body search there and then come back up and do my cell search. that's all we did right there. no way to flush contraband down there. if i get them in cuffs, i got them. right now we're going to conduct a cell search, see what we find. you get low, i'll get the top. we have to conduct three cell searches per day. and before it was three per tier, now they want three per officer. so, you've got three officers, that's nine searches per day, and we have to do it to control the contraband. if you're hitting nine cells a day really good, you're going to cut down the contraband, especially when we find razor blades. that's a weapon now. it can be in the form of a full shaving razor. it's administrative segregation. we know it came from downstairs, you fished it up here. it could easily be broken down. that's a weapon. right here's a fish line, so if he's using this to -- they use this as a weight and they'll
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send this off the tier to the lower tiers, most likely, where they're allowed to have razor blades, stuff like that, and the inmate will attach a razor blade to this and they'll fish it in. as you can see, they've got a lot of line right here. they'll go all the way up the tier. they'll go up, they'll go down, they'll go side to side, and this is how they pass contraband right here, so, we'll definitely take this. they know exactly how some of us do our jobs, so if they're going to sit there and they're going to be loud or disrespectful while i walk down the tier, i may pay a visit to their cell and do a cell inspection and maybe find some contraband. they know when i go in, i'm not leaving until i find something. a lot of times, they tear up the side of their mattress, try to hide stuff, think we won't get dirty and go in there. >> these cell searches yield both contraband and vital gang-related information. >> this is a basic kite, nothing incriminating on it, but it has aka danny boy out of donner 44. so, when we go back, we can notate that 114 final, aka, danny boy.
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if they come up with any type of hit list or anything or any type of gang activity with that game, we'll know exactly who it is. i've had lieutenants come in here and ask me certain nicknames, do i know who it is? i keep a note pad on me and i can flip it up, look over at danny boy, write his cc number down, his actual name and where he was housed at. he is not housed there anymore. points past, they could go through control, look up a cc number and find his proper housing, and we do that all the time. so, just something small like this is vital for us. that's a kite right here, everything written on this side, but right there is "danny boy," 4 donner 44. what's your stance on it, are you affiliated? >> well, yeah. >> you are affiliated? >> yeah. >> and who are you affiliated with? >> well, to be honest with you, just about any white in here that will stand with me. >> okay. >> all right? >> all right. so, when you go to your cell, you're going to find some paperwork. we went through everything and we found those kites.
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it wasn't a matter of disrespect or anything, we did what we had to do, so understand that and that's it. we're going to take copies of the kites, send them to the squad and make copies of your addresses and get your addresses right back to you. >> okay. >> all right? okay, turn around, back out. doing these cell searches and we're coming up with a lot of contraband, a lot of information that they don't want us to have. we're hitting them all so we don't ever know if our lives are in jeopardy until we find our names on a piece of paper and we get that information. so, we keep plugging away and hope for the best. you can see they're hit-or-miss up here, you know. you might do ten searches and not find anything, and then you might do a string of ten searches and find something in eight of the cells, you know? so, it just comes and goes. >> next on "lockup extended stay," jason is scheduled to parole, but that doesn't mean he's free to go. >> hey, before you guys go, when you go, we're going to search you, right? and if there's anything hot, you're not going to go. we're going to keep you here and
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any inmate coming or going through the prison comes through here first. on their way in they come from either the county jails or our own cdc buses for the prison. they're processed here, inventory their property, search them, get them started on their way into prison time. then when they're done with their prison time, same thing on the way out.
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we search them, process the paperwork, make sure it's correct and out the door. that's all we do, you know, a couple hundred a day, 100, 200 a day. before you guys know, so you know, did he tell you? when you go, we're going to search you. so, if you have any letters for home boy, any bull [ bleep ] that you're taking out, we're going to take it. >> i've got a letter. >> if it's your [ bleep ], it's all right, but if it's somebody else's, we're going to take it from you. and if you have anything hot, we're going to take it from you. you won't make it out. if they have contraband, they won't leave. but i gave them a heads-up that we're going to search them. they try to mail letters to their home boy, because we read it, so no top-secret stuff goes out. we take it and destroy it. >> what's up, man? >> what's up, home? i'll take your towel, man. no souvenirs, all right? your state i.d. of the souvenir, your cdc number, how about that? are you going to be all right out there? when am i going to see you again? >> never. >> never? we've never had this
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conversation before? [ laughter ] right? >> yeah. >> yeah. i know all these guys, i know they'll be back. lift your shirt up. they'll all come back here. a lot of them will. see you in a month. >> i need your full name, first and last name. >> jason charles. >> number? >> d-5728. >> the firefighter guy? you know, i seen him around, yeah. he's 50/50, you know. he's got low-level experience. out there at the firehouse is a really easy time. so, you know, it wasn't hard for him to come here. unless he really misses his family or something like that. good chance he won't come back. this is all your property, right? >> yes. >> anything in here you're not supposed to have i'll take from you. but i can take anything. he's on parole. he's not a normal citizen. he's got a lot of rules and regulations he has to follow that we don't have to. you know? he can come back pretty easy. so we'll see. you've done this before, right? >> no, first time.
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>> your first time parolling a "v" number? how many years you doing that? four years? all right. do what your patrol agent says. check in the first day you can or you'll come right back. all right? just hang out right over there a minute. we'll do everybody else. all right. >> i'm anxious. i'm excited. >> come on out here on the deck. get in the van, guys. get into the van. no waving. get in the van and go home, all right? >> i can't wave? >> you can wave at me when you come back. >> jason hopes to beat the odds and not be among the more than half of all inmates in california who return to prison after being released, which would make this his first and last visit to san quentin state prison. >> yeah! whoo! >> oh, my god!
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>> the biggest punishment of this whole ordeal has been putting what i put my family through in this whole thing. it's just been having to sleep with that was -- i mean, the bars are one thing, but messing with them? messing with, making my family so upset all the time, that's just been a hell, torture. >> okay, let's put his stuff in the car. >> let's go to breakfast. >> hey, i've got some clothes, too. >> nice. >> a shirt. >> oh, man. >> come home, jason. >> okay, walk in the doors. >> welcome home. >> welcome home, son. >> oh, my. this is so weird right now. >> is it weird? >> oh, wow. >> it's home. it's the same. >> look at that!
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>> look -- >> sliding door? you can just open it whenever you want and go in there? wow. it's just, it's beautiful. it's ten times more beautiful than what i remember it being. oh, it feels so good to be here right now. it's going to take some time to get used to. there's so much like colors right now. i mean, just everything's so nice and it's clean. it's almost like i've been seeing it in black and white the last four years, you know. maybe it's just the color. everything is, like, so fresh and seems so, seems so beautiful here. i just love it. i got priorities right now. number one, parole officer. i need to meet him. he'll have everything laid out to me, know what i can and can't do, pee for him. and then i'll let my shoulders
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down a little bit, relax. and next is job. right away. i mean, i even want to start today, but probably, i don't know, maybe i'll ease in a little bit. that's what i've got -- i've got to do it, like right now. i've got to go to the parole officer. i have like a countdown right now. there's traffic and there's all these other obstacles. i just can't take a chance. i want to get that done, because i have a small window of time to do that before they write the warrant out for my arrest. i've just got the greatest family and i just can't wait to spend the rest of my life with them and never be taken away from them again and not do anything to put me in that situation where they would have to take me. >> right, exactly. >> so i mean, i've got to, you know, i've got to -- i know i can do it, it's no problem. now i've just got to put my words into action, and you know, make it happen. >> yes. >> yeah, jay! >> you know you can do it.
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>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet. down! >> located in the deep south, holman correctional facility, where most are spending life sentences. we spent time documenting life on the inside where the


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