tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 21, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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your time. >> thank you. >> i'm ari melber. you can find me on twitter. now "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. hi, al. >> thank you, ari, and hi to you. and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from houston, texas. tonight's lead, growing calls to end stand your ground. the top prosecutor in the michael dunn case now says the law needs to go. the top police officer in the dunn investigation now says the law should be fixed. and americans all across the country are demanding an end to this unjust law. it's been nearly a week since the dunn jury revealed that it was unable to reach a verdict in the shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis. the mistrial shocked millions of americans and put a new focus on
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issues of stand your ground and self-defense. through it all, the parents of jordan davis have impressed with their composure, dignity, and grace in the midst of tragedy. and at the heart of this trial is the 17-year-old son they lost. he is no longer with us. but jordan davis has become the symbol of the rallying cry for all those fighting against this injustice. joining me now is jordan davis' father, ron davis, along with the family lawyer john phillips. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you, reverend. >> first, ron, let me give my condolences for your loss. and let me ask you, it's been almost a week since the verdict. how are you and the family doing? >> we're still in a fighting mood. we want a retrial as soon as possible. and i've been in contact with the prosecutors, and they agreed
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that a retrial will happen as soon as possible, as soon as we get a chance to get with the judge. and we do want justice for jordan. >> now, right now they have said a retrial for may. and you seem to be ready to go through it. what do you hope the prosecutors may do that? anything differently? do you want them to talk more about jordan as a person? >> yes, i want them to talk more about jordan as a person. the only pitcher that the jury saw of jordan was an id picture, which is very generic. i would like to see the picture showing on your show. this is jordan davis when he is with his friends, father. he talked a lot about michael dunn and how calm a guy he was and all of that. so they were trying to get a connection with the jury with michael dunn. but nobody put a connection with jordan davis, you know, and he is the victim in all of this. >> now, john, as a lawyer, what
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do you hope to see from the prosecutors in the next trial? and are you going to be in touch with the prosecutors in giving your views from the family? >> absolutely. we're going to be a little more vocal this time. you know, the prosecutor tried a good case if the law was fair. if the law was equal and jurors viewed a white businessman and a young black teen on the same wavelength. but the scales are a little bit tipped against the young black teen, you know, the thug. it's okay to be a little bit afraid, a little bit of apprehensive in america of the young black teen, except it's really not. the thug here is a white businessman named michael dunn. and it's not fair. and so we've got to do a little bit more, the prosecutors have to do a little bit more to rebalance that and show what a good kid jordan was and what a terrible neighbor and friend and ex-husband michael dunn was. and we just got to find a way to see that done. >> now two jurors have spoken out since the verdict.
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here is part of what they said. >> everybody is making this a white and black thing. and it's not. in our decision-making process, nobody brought up not one race. never. it was never brought up. >> sitting in that room, it was never presented that way. >> ron, what is your reaction to that? and what is your reaction to that, john? >> well, the -- i think it's juror number 8, the young lady, she said it wasn't a black and white thing and nobody discussed that in the room. and i don't see how you could not discuss it with within 30 seconds of getting to the gas station, michael dunn said i hate that thug music, and all of the sudden because somebody was listening to rap, it became thug music, whether it was a person, it was a thug or was a person that went to church every day, you know. so right there they just started it was an american person so that is an american.
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does she understand what it is to have children? i don't believe she had children. i don't believe she understood a father or a mother's love for their child. she doesn't have children. and she looks to be maybe 21 and she hasn't experienced things on this earth that other people have experienced. so maybe that's her summary, you know, that everything was all right with michael done. but at the same time, she actually showed that it was guilty for attempted murder of the boy. so if you want to show a guilty for attempted murder, also she said she was leaning toward guilty and second-degree murder for my son. so you can't say the guy was a good guy or whatever when you think that he had a second degree attempted murder guilty charge that you would have given michael dunn. >> now, john, you just mentioned race and the difference. do you think the jury didn't discuss race, because it was never brought up in the trial and the prosecutors never raised it?
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>> just because you don't mention it, just because it's the unspoken elephant in the room doesn't mean that it's not in the jurors' subconscious. and to say i agree with ron on this issue, you know, when you ask african americans about the talk, and this is a young lady that has never had to have a talk with a black teen, it's about life preservation. in white america, the talk is about the birds and the bees and pro creation. and that says all you need to hear about where america is when white america is having a different serious talk than black america. >> you know, the jury never heard phone calls that dunn made from prison. here is part of one call. >> she found some youtube videos of these guys, and they're all gangster rappers. you know, because when the police said that these guys didn't have a record, i was like you know, i wonder if they're just flying under the radar. >> right. >> because they were bad. >> now, he never knew these
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guys, but he sees them in moments and all of the sudden he knows they're bad and comes up with they're gangster rappers. do you think the prosecutor should fight to use these calls in a new trial, ron? >> absolutely. there is also letters that were written in prison where he says that 90% of the blacks in here are idiots, and we should take a gun and shoot all of them. these things are inflammatory, yet they're true. they're his truth. so maybe though they may be inflammatory to the community, they're his truth. and because it's his truth, we need to have that displayed in front of a jury so they understand how bad this guy was and how good jordan was. they need to go ahead and put some things in there about jordan davis. they didn't even want the prosecutor to mention what a good kid jordan davis was. the police officers that went on and had michael dunn and interviewed him for the first time, they mentioned that this kid never was arrested. he was a good kid. well, they didn't want to mention that also in court. so we want them to mention that
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in court, that jordan was a good kid. >> now, john, how could these calms change the next trial? how could it make a difference? >> you know, there is still a delicate balance with character evidence. the law is very protective of not trying character. but here i think these calls and the jailhouse letters and what the neighbor had to say about dunn needs to creep in. it needs to come in to the fullest extent possible because the jurors are already misbalancing character. they're letting dunn's fathers neighbors testify that he is a peaceful guy. this shows he is not peaceful. especially to black people, you know, he is not peaceful at all if he is calling the people in prison with him monsters and animals that we need to eradicate. it's -- the insanity of michael dunn that needs to be exposed here. >> ron, both jurors had a message for you. watch this. >> i would say i am sorry, of
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course. nothing will bring back their son. i hope that they feel that we didn't do them a disservice. >> i tried to fight for his son. we -- everyone that felt he was guilty, we fought, and we fought and we fought. >> what is your response to that? >> the first juror, she, you know, when i was called into the witness stand it was unprecedented that the defense attorney didn't even let the prosecutor know that they were going to call me to the stand. he ambushed me and brought me to the stand as a grieving father, he didn't care, as someone who has lost their son that was gunned down by his client, he didn't care. and he basically said go to the stand and testify. but you know what? he couldn't break me down because of the fact that the truth, no matter when you asked me for the truth is going to be the truth. so that witness, that jury when she saw me, she was in tears
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because of the way he called me to the witness stand. the other juror, i understand that she tried to do the best that she could, and i don't have in fault with that i just want her to take a moment to realize that the prosecutor, john guy, the last thing he said to her and to the other jurors, just look at common sense, you know. sometimes you can just look at the facts and common sense will bear the facts out. and they keep looking at that jury instruction which is stand your ground. and stand your ground is so confusing to the jury and for every citizen in the state of florida, we need to rewrite stand your ground. because that's the last thing you hear from the judge is a stand your ground instruction. >> now, i know that you have become very involved in stand your ground, no withstanding the particulars of this case. many of us have been involved with that. i know you have stayed in touch with trayvon martin's family. what are you and the mother intend to do around the stand your ground law? >> well, we went to the house of
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representatives in tallahassee to get it repealed. allen williams, representative allen williams repealed it, but they connected to it the castle doctrine so they will not repeal it. the next step is to have it rewritten. because it's not clear, you know. it's so much gray area in it. so we intend to go down to tallahassee, and maybe we can come to something where we can have shoulder to shoulder, reverend sharpton. , tracy martin and sabrina fulton, maybe they can come with us. i would like to get together with all the leaders and go down to tallahassee while they're in session and demand that stand your ground be rewritten. >> now, i want to ask you this question. you said you want to meet michael dunn in prison. what would you want to say to him? >> i would like him to know, because right now he's not remorseful. and i can't forgive anything that he did until i see some remorse. i want to sit across from him and let him know he killed a good kid. he killed a child. he killed a 17-year-old that
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will always forever remain 17. he shot a bullet through his lungs. it traveled and tore aorta. he was choking on his own blood. and when i have a picture in my mind of my son choking on his own blood, unable to speak, and knowing he is a second way from death, it breaks my heart. my heart is full. and i want him to know that. and i want to try to change his mind to understand that he didn't just shoot some animal on the street. he shot my son. he shot everybody's son. he shot america's son. these 17-year-olds that have a life to live. and for him to snuff it out, just because of loud music is a tragedy. >> what would you want the world to know about jordan as a father? what would the characteristics of jordan that you want us all to know? >> that jordan was playful, like most 17-year-olds. they like to go to the mall and talk to girls in the mall like most 17-year-olded. they like to play ball. he played basketball with his friends. i like him to know that he had
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aspirations to be in the military, either the air force like my brother, either in the marines like his cousin. he also liked to go to the beach. he was an excellent swimmer. we turned our back to the waves and we always had a contest who could stand up under the waves when they hit you in the back. i want you to know he is not only an african american kid, but he is an american kid. we should be respectful for all our kids, no matter what the race. and i want everybody out there to know that you cannot keep this up with shooting these kids. because after a while, they're going to turn on all the adults because it's up to us to make laws to protect them. >> ron davis and john phillips, i thank you both for your time tonight. and ron, again, our sincere condolences for your loss. we will continue to raise about stand your ground and this law and what it means. you certainly can depend that i'm going to stay out there in the field for that, because i feel that way. thank you so much. >> thank you for all you do. safe travels back. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. thank you very much.
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tonight dramatic new calls to end stand your ground. the law confused the michael dunn jury, and now the prosecutor is speaking out. plus, ted nugent's outrageous nonapology for calling the president a subhuman mongrel. you'll want to hear this. all that, plus the first lady on the tonight show, with some very special guests. big show tonight. stay with us. >> ew, dance party! ♪ [ susan ] though he had never left.
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maybe we could come to something where we can have shoulder the shoulder, reverend mart, martin, tracy and sabrina can maybe come with us. i would like get together with all the leaders, go down to tallahassee while they're in session and demand that stand your ground be rewritten. >> there are growing calls to repeal stand your ground laws. jordan davis' mother talks about it in a new op-ed in usa today, writing, quote, the blame lies with the culture that emboldened dunn to pull a loaded gun from his glove compartment, and a law that encourages unnecessary violence. florida's stand your ground law is the reason my son is dead.
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and today the sheriff of jacksonville, who had previously supported stand your ground also said it should change. quote, i think there is some tweaking to the stand your ground law needed. if it's a safe retreat and it doesn't place you in any more danger, i think that's always the best response. and angela corey, the state attorney who prosecuted both george zimmerman and michael dunn agrees. >> i believe prosecutors and the sheriff's association are in favor of the former laws that we had on justifiable use of deadly force. and we do believe that before someone should engage in a physical altercation, or especially an altercation where deadly force is used, we do believe there should be a duty to retreat. >> i believe this law needs to be repealed. joining me now, former prosecutor faith jenkins and florida criminal defense lawyer ken padowitz. thank you both for being here.
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>> thank you. >> thank you. >> ken, you've been on both sides of the stand your ground law. but you think it's a bad law. explain why. >> well, absolutely. i'm a former homicide prosecutor. i was a prosecutor for 16 years here in florida. and now i've been a defense attorney for the last 12 years or so. and i use it for my clients. if my client needs me to use this law to try to win for the defense, of course i use the law. but it's a bad law for citizens of the state of florida. me and my family are citizens here, and i fear for my children with this law on the books. you know, i have to commend the sheriff of jacksonville. he is from a very conservative area, and he has the backbone now to realize the law he once supported, this stand your ground law, it really should be tweaked, as he said. and interestingly, the tweaking that he wants to do is have the law say that you have a duty to retreat if you can retreat safely. well, that's the original self-defense law in florida.
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so it doesn't need to be weekend. it needs to be repealed. this law is not good for anyone. it's one of the few laws that i've ever seen that actually promotes violence as opposed to doing just the opposite, which is what most laws are on the books for. so i'm against this law. and i think it's a horrible law for law enforcement and for the citizens of the state of florida. >> and faith, it's not only the state of florida, as ken said, it's now in 22 other states. this is a national problem. one of the jurors have said in this trial that a major moment was when dunn's lawyer told them to read the self-defense law. watch what she said. >> check page 25. start with page 25. >> page 25 reads "the use of deadly force is justifiable if michael dunn reasonably believes that the force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm." >> and we took a poll. there were two of us undecided. two for was justified, and the
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rest were not justified. >> why were the others so convinced that dunn was guilty? >> we all believed that there was another way out, another option. >> she thought there was another way. but stand your ground means you don't have to look for another way, right, faith? >> right. and in the mind of this juror, that defies logic, right? don't we want people to take another way out besides violence if they can? don't we want people to be held responsible if they initiate a confrontation? why should you be able to initiate a confrontation and then use stand your ground to get out of using deadly force when you used deadly force? why it is that someone who flees the scene of a crime and doesn't report a crime to the police, a shooting to the police, why is he able to then use stand your ground? shouldn't you forfeit that right to use stand your ground when you take actions that show consciousness of guilt? it just defies logic. and it gives people the reason and the opportunity to
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manufacture fear that is not there, because they're able to come in to court and say i reasonably feared for my life. when the fear is not reasonable, because they are not in life threatening situations. >> now, you know, to support that, ken, what i think a lot of people in this debate is missing, and i have clearly said that i'm against the law. i think it should be repealed and have participated in moves to try to get legislators to do so. but in both of these very well-known cases, what everyone refuses to deal with is that in both cases, neither one of the victims was threatening. there were no guns. trayvon martin was unarmed. and there has been no gun found in the jordan davis case. these are two cases in point where the threats that they thought were reasonable were wrong. >> exactly. and that's what is wrong with the law. it gives too much power to the
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individual like these shooters, like mr. dunn to take the law into his own hands, to take life into his own hands and grab that gun out of the glove compartment box, as opposed to simply moving his car away if he could do so reasonably, without placing himself in fear. you know, rev, i've got to say, just to reiterate one more time, the law the way it was before this stand your ground law allowed for self-defense and allowed for you to stay at a scene and defend yourself if by leaving you would place yourself in danger. so you always had the right to defend yourself, and there was no need for the change in the law that the nra pushed in putting down these stand your ground laws in all these states. >> faith, in a jailhouse phone call, michael dunn referred to himself as the victim. listen to this. >> you know, i was thinking about that today. i'm the [ bleep ] victim here. i was the one who was victimized. i mean, i don't know how else to
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cut it. like they attacked me. i'm the victim. >> right. >> i'm the victor, but i was the victim too. >> is it stand your ground laws that encourages people, a shooter to think that he is the victim? >> well, one, it encourages you to kill the other person that is on the other side of your gun, because if they're not around to tell their story, we're seeing some ridiculous stories being crafted as a result and put forth in trial. and we expect jurors to be able to cipher through what is true and what is not when the other person isn't there to tell their side of the story. second, i think that mr. dunn's claim of victimhood really personifies the privilege that we saw him assert in this trial. he decides who plays their music and how loud it is. he decided on the scene that it was self-defense, and that's why he drove away. he decided what law enforcement he wanted to call and report this crime. so all along the way, he didn't act like a criminal. he acted like someone who is used to having privilege.
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>> faith jenkins and ken padowitz, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, why i'm giving rand paul a lot of credit tonight. yes, you heard that right. plus, eric cantor's memo to the house gop revealed. what he is saying about president obama's executive orders. stay with us. it says here that a woman's sex drive
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nbc news obtained a memo that eric cantor sent to members of the house gop conference. he is talking about president obama's executive orders. and get ready for more repeal obamacare votes. that's next. time. time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture.
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so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. ink from chase. so you can. need an idea of how just out of step republicans are when it comes to a living minimum wage? just look at this quote.
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a top gop leader once said i'll commit suicide before i vote on a clean minimum wage bill. suicide. who was it? congressman john boehner. back in 1996, before he was the speaker of the house, the top republican in congress once said he would rather kill himself than give working class americans a raise. that's appalling. but it's the type of callousness we've come to expect from some of the right. they oppose the minimum wage, to welfare, to food stamps, to any measure that would help americans struggling to get by. >> we don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency. >> self-reliance means if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. >> we need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence. >> really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have
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no habits of working and have nobody around them who works. >> people on food stamps aren't lazy or lulled into dependency. just this week facebook purchased the company whatsapp. and the man behind that company lived on food stamps when he was growing up. the experience shaped him so much so that he signed the paperwork for the facebook deal on the door of his old welfare office. need another example? here is one. speed skater emily scott competed in the olympics this week. she once was on food stamps. is she lazy? of course not. what's actually lazy is the thinking of these right wingers who believe the poor people need to be demonized. gop officials like john boehner need to get to work and do what is right for the american
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people. joining me now are goldie taylor and ryan grim. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> thanks, reverend. >> goldie, the speaker of the house once said he would rather commit suicide than raise the minimum wage. that what americans want right now? >> well, it certainly isn't what america wants right now. and it certainly shouldn't be what speaker boehner wants right now. what we should want is a social safety net for the least of these, for those people living on the margins. what we should want is meaningful, smart regulation on business, and that includes regulating a minimum wage that becomes a living wage. i think michele bachmann said those that do not work, neither shall they eat. i think she wants them not to work and not eat. there are people like walmart out there paying people at minimum wage levels. and then we the taxpayers are picking up the dime for those companies. we're subsidizing them with food stamps, with medicaid, with programs that are really helping
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these families to subsist. so they're working a 40-hour workweek, and still not being able to feed their children on their own. and i think that is a moral dilemma for this country. and it's something that we have got to figure out and figure out quickly. >> ryan, you know, nbc obtained a memo that majority leader cantor sent to house republicans. it says, quote, president obama has provided new clarity as to what constitutes an imperial presidency. the house will consider a number of bills to restore the balance of power created by our founders. it also outlines new efforts to repeal obama care. i mean, do you really think that's a winning agenda for 2014? >> that depends on a winning agenda for whom. these are directed at very conservative districts. these fit in with a narrative about the president that has existed since before he was president. they have been warning that he was going to become a dictator.
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he came from nowhere, possibly even kenya to become this dictator obama. you know, right away they were saying that his appointees were czars, even though they had really very little power inside the white house or to actually implement much. this is just part of that. so they're going to pass a bunch of messaging bills that are intended for the kind of conservative wing of the conservative party here. and that's what this amounts to. >> you know, it amazing me because the gop is opposed to raising the minimum wage, goldie. but it's really bad politics, you would think. because democrats ran on the minimum wage increase in 2006. and they gained 30 seats. >> you know, it really is very bad politics. because when you look at the deepest of red districts across this country, some of them are also the poorest districts in this country. and so these are districts where
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people are really fighting to survive and make it. these are people who are running out of their unemployment benefits because this congress failed to extend them. these are people who are working at minimum wage, you know, at big companies and still not bringing home meaningful benefits so that they can support their families. and so it's really ironic that, you know, districts in kentucky, districts in alabama, districts in mississippi, some of the red estates in this union have some of the most poor people living in those district, and their very representatives are asking them to vote against their very own interests. i think at the end of the day, this may very well backfire when it comes time for the midterms because these are real people losing unemployment benefits. these are real people who are really subsisting at this very low minimum wage and can't live on the 40-hour workweek that they have been given. so i really think that republicans really need to take a really hard look at the constituencies and what they need in terms of this economic
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pathway, in terms of their ability to reach out and grasp this american dream. they need to take a really hard look at that. because people are going to vote with their pocketbooks when they walk into the voting booth. >> ryan, a lot has been said this week about the new cbo report. and the gop is touting that different things that was observed about the minimum wage. but it actually says, this cbo report, that it would cost the nation about 500,000 jobs. but it would also increase earnings for 16.5 million workers, and it would lift 900,000 people out of poverty. they seem to lead the raising people out of poverty and raising workers' earnings out of their scenario when they review this report. >> right. and on top of that, the cbo very strangely is a bit out of the economic consensus there. they were far to the right on the conservative direction on how many jobs this would cost.
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and you have to understand what they mean by costing a job too. what they mean is that people would leave certain jobs. and they might not be filled. but cbo also assumes that those people would later find higher paying jobs. so overall, and including the stats that you read, even the cbo report that tilts far in the conservative direction says that this policy benefits millions of people. >> a little selective reading there. >> sure i is. >> goldie taylor and ryan grim, thanks for your time this evening. and have a great weekend. >> you too. >> happy friday, reverend. still ahead, the gop's ted nugent problem is just getting worse. you got to hear what he said today as his attempt to apologize. also, the power of late night tv. the first lady goes beyond the beltway to make a big pitch. stay with us. ♪
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skating. >> me too! >> same person. >> triple hand hug. >> ew, ew. >> eh. >> wow, michelle, you're pretty strong. you could totally be in the olympics. >> well, thank you, sara. i do try to exercise every day. >> really? because i think exercise is ew. >> exercise is not eow. >> it got laughs. and for the first lady, it got a message across to a younger audience. over the years, political figures from both parties have increasingly turned to late night tv. ♪ >> this is why i'm going to run for governor of the state of california. >> and the president knows his stuff, y'all. that's why call him the potus,
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which means person on top -- what is it? >> jimmy, potus stands for president of the united states. ♪ he's the potus with the most >> i do take painting. it's change mid life. and i brought a painting for you. >> you did? >> yeah. >> did you paint that? look at that. >> no matter the political party, it's always fun to see a different side of our politicians. the question, does it move the needle, and does it have real impact. joining me now, angela rye and jimy williams. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you. >> angela, there is a reason the first lady and politicians do these talk shows. do you think it has real impact? >> it's got tremendous impact, rev. i would like to believe that everyone watches msnbc all day
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long like some of us, but that's not necessarily the case. sometimes people utilize other mediums. they watch "good morning america," they watch the "today" show and they watch the late night shows. and that's where a lot of folks get their news. they also get their laughs. so it's a great medium. there are a tremendous number of viewers. it's an excellent way to communicate your message with normal everyday americans. >> what do you think, jimmy. >> i think, listen, doing these shows, it's very humanizing. i think that most americans think that most politicians are out of touch with them. they don't understand what they're going through in their everyday lives. and so to see the first lady or john mccain or former president bush on a late night show like that, it actually humanizes them and puts them literally into their living room, into their bedrooms. and that's a good thing, unless they really, really whiff if. if they do that, that's their problem. >> you know, angela, the first lady last night talked about her daughters, sasha and malia. listen to this.
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>> you know, it's really interesting. my kids, they're 15 and 12, and they want nothing to do with us. >> really? >> i am so serious. malia is god, dad, please, just don't come to my school. just keep your s.w.a.t. team. >> are they driving? >> you know, malia will be. she's going to turn 16 this summer. ladies and gentlemen in d.c., watch out. malia obama on the road. >> you know, how important are these shows in terms of humanizing political figures, really showing their personalities and family life and human side, angela? >> well, i think jimmy just touched on this too. it absolutely is humanizing to have regular teenagers, even in the white house. i'm sure some of the other channels would put out all types of propaganda about how they have the cars driving them
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around and secret service. they're teenagers that don't want anything to do with that life, regardless of how cool some other americans think it is, they do not. they think it's eeow. so there you have it. >> an adviser who worked on the president's campaign compared the political impact of jimmy fallon's show with the impact of other late night shows. quote, the type of stuff fallon does from a political strategist point of view will be a lot more helpful. when obama slow jammed with fallon, he was talking about student loans. he got his message across. that was more effective than going on a talk show. you know, to be clear, that's something that could help democrats or republican politicians alike, isn't it, jimmy? >> yeah, i think that's right. and i don't know who that was that said that. but it's all about relatability. remember, we just had a campaign. mitt romney versus barack obama. and then they just released the -- i wrote a column about how mitt romney just couldn't relate to at least 50.1% of the
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american people. when you do these kinds of things, if you have that connection, like right now, someone is connecting with me or with you or with angela, then they're going to listen to what we say with a more open ear. but if they go on one of these shows and they have virtually nothing in common with someone, that's also going to come across. so i think it helps both political parties, and it could hurt both political parties. it purely depends on who is actually on the receiving end of the interview, frankly. >> and the slow jam, the news clip, rev, just as an example, youtube views, over 8 million youtube views. >> right, right. exactly. >> but the president has been attacked for doing it. yet both parties do it. angela? >> he can't help it, rev, if he is a little bit cooler than the rest of the candidates. the president and the first lady have a tremendous ability to relate to people. perhaps it's the way that they have approached politics as everyday human beings. they want their kids to grow up just like everyone else. they have some really cool artists that come into the white house when they're not working.
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you know, very busily on managing their careers and using initiatives that everyday americans can relate to, let's move, let's exercise. a lot of folks struggle with trying to figure out how to eat healthy and how to work out with their schedules. so they have humanized the political process at large. >> but you know, jimmy, jimmy fallon has taken over "the tonight show." he has a famous talent for impersonations, including political impersonations. >> we're here tonight to nominate a president. and i've got one in mind. of course i'm talking about me, bill clinton. jk. >> hi. i'm michele bachmann. and despite recent financial problems that forced me to let most of my staff go, i'm still in the race to be your next president. >> this is mitt romney. this week's rant son people who listen to their discman too
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soft. blast that discman. blast that walkman. crank up that ll cool beans. >> i mean, these kind of impressions, jimmy, can help or hurt a politician. >> listen, what fallon is doing is he is channeling exactly what most americans think. okay, that michele bachmann parody was just spot-on. and frankly, i can't find -- i bet you if i polled all of my republican friends and said hey, the fallon parody of michele bachmann, they would be like oh my god, it's completely her. the point is if fallon can go and do these kinds of things, he reaches out to a larger audience. i'm glad he has taken the reins here. i'm not saying it because it's msnbc. i'm a 40 something guy. he is i think a 40 something guy. i can relate to him more. so our generation, the general x folks, i will stay up later to watch jimmy fallon. that's a good thing. >> uunderstand why more people
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stop me and say they saw me on poll ticks live. >> is that a burn? >> thank you both for your time tonight. have a great weekend. >> thanks. you too. coming up, ted nugent apologizes for calling president obama a subhuman mongrel, but it's one of the worst apologies i've ever heard. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!"
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if you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reality. start your business today with legalzoom. tonight some republicans are finally coming forward to denounce ted nugent, even as he himself issues the worst kind of phony apology. the controversy exploded this week when the republican candidate for governor in texas invited nugent to campaign with him. despite these recent comments about the president. >> a chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the a.c.o.r.n. community organizer gangster
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barack hussein obama. >> that kind of talk has no place in our political debate, and no elected official should associate himself with those views. some republicans said it was just ted being ted. but others did the right thing. senator rand paul tweeted, quote, ted nugent's derogatory description of the president, president obama is offensive and has no place in politics. he should apologize. senator john mccain said, quote, that kind of language really doesn't have any place in our political dialogue. it harms the republican party. he is the president of the united states. i believe we should treat him respectfully. they're right. and i applaud them for coming forward. but as for ted nugent himself, here is what he offered today as his apology. >> i do apologize, not
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necessarily to the president, but on behalf of much better men than myself, i apologize for using the street fighter terminology of subhuman mongrel instead of just using more understandable language such as violator of his oath to the constitution, the liar that he is. >> liar? violator of the constitution? really? later in the interview, the radio host asked again if nugent was directly apologizing to the president. and he did grudgingly say yes. so now i hope more republicans will realize that this kind of vicious extremism is not good for their party. it's certainly not good for the country. as i've grown and seen things down through the years, i realized you can be passionate, and you may be given to emotional reactions, but when you say vile things and you keep
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saying them, people start thinking you're not just being passionate, that maybe you're really a vile person. and vile people should not be in the company of people that want to lead this country. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. obama to republicans. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in new york. let me start tonight with this. president obama lays down the law. he is doing what critics on the left have urged him to do for five years. he is saying what he wants. his new budget says no to austerity, no cuts in social security. he says yes again to a big hike in the federal minimum wage, right up there to $10.10. message to the democratic base, barack obama is
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