tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC February 25, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST
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lans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. starts with freshly-made pasta, and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all. that moment you enjoy it at home. stouffer's. made with care for you or your family. hello and welcome to "ronan farrow." today we have breaking news on the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan. we've got a struggle between religion and rights in arizona fueled by little news we broke on this show yesterday. and we've got a political dynasty reentering the fray on the campaign trail and updates also on your contributions to
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our call to action this week on the student debt crisis. stay with us. first, today's headlines. >> this is a proposal that will send tourists away. >> major businesses like apple, american airlines and marriott are urging the bill to be killed. >> people use church, god as an excuse to discriminate. >> i will make my decision in the near future, i have until friday or saturday morning. >> some businesses have put up signs that read nice shirt, nice shoes, no service. >> bill clinton is the most popular active politician in the country and will make his first 2014 campaign stop for allison grimes. >> she understands how the issues debated in washington affect the people in kentucky. >> check out the ice boulders literally swallowing this pickup truck. >> the polar vortex is at it again. >> when i hear the forecast, i want to scream. >> since we sat down have you
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used cocaine or other illegal drugs? >> i don't use illegal drugs. >> first up today, breaking news, president obama tells the pentagon to have plans in place to pull all troops from afghanistan by the end of this year. let's talk more about this. i'll bring in chuck todd, nbc news political director and host of "the daily rundown." i'm a big fan, happy you could come on. >> thanks, congratulations on day two. >> this came out of a phone call president obama just had with the afghan leader, hamid karzai in a very detailed readout that by the way the white house doesn't provide, including about the topic discussed in this case has to do with a potential agreement between the united states and afghan government about keeping some sort of
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troops, a size to be determined, less than 10,000 in the country after 2014. there's already plans to put combat troops out of afghanistan by the end of this year. the question is would there be a residual force of some sort? for the past three to four months, susan rice has made trips to afghanistan. you've had i believe chuck hagel has done it. john kerry has done it. trying to have -- come to an agreement with karzai before the next set of elections in afghanistan which are coming up in a month, to agree -- make -- sign an agreement that would protect our troops there and have some sort of -- whatever the agreement turns out to be, temporary basis, multiple basis, all of that was to be negotiated. what the white house is signaling today, it is now fact in their minds, karzai is not going to sign this. it is now got to be his government they negotiate with at this point and now they are waiting to see the results of the next election. at this point as you see, the
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time line here, the calendar is going to keep moving so what the president is saying, hey, it looks like now we have to prepare to pull everybody out. if there is a force that is agreed upon between the united states and the new afghan government, it's now going to be smaller than anything that they were planning on during their negotiations with karzai. i know this is a little complicated but the bottom line is this, they now have come to the conclusion, karzai is not going to sign any agreement that the united states is comfortable with about some sort of residual force in post 2014 in afghanistan. so they've given up negotiating with him unless he sometimes does a 180 -- >> i can tell you from my time working with the state department in afghanistan, he as difficult a figure to deal with diplomatically as they come. it does come at a time when we've seen 84 afghan soldiers killed this year so far. we'll see what kind of repercussions the decision has on the ground.
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>> thank you. chuck. >> you've got it, ronan. your show is on msnbc and i'm a fan. please watch, everybody, 9:00 a.m., "daily rundown" weekdays on this network. meanwhile, back home, the clock is ticking as arizona's governor has just four days left to make a decision. with millions of dollars in revenue at stake, governor jan brewer's state has the attention of a country because of a bill that pits gay rights against religious protections and it's senate bill 1062 also called the religious rights bill by supporters. if she signs it, businesses in her state could deny services to lgbt customers based on religious grounds. she is xpekexpected to travel b today and sources tell nbc she'll likely veto the bill, something she wasn't willing to commit to yesterday. >> if i have to look at what it says and what the law says and
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take that information and do the right thing. >> but there's already building opposition to this. three republican state senators are expressing remorse for voting for the bill. there's also three major businesses, marriott, american airlines and now apple who are calling on the governor to strike it down. a growing call for the nfl to pull out of super bowl xlix, which is hosted in arizona, if the state signs this bill precipitating a lot of this tension was delaware governor jack markel. >> the nfl should be looking to move the super bowl out of that state because there are so many places around the country that are welcoming to everybody. >> the nfl issued a statement just moments after our report saying, quote, our policies emphasize tolerance and inclusiveness and prohibit discrimination based on age,
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gender, religion, sexual orientation. this is now a wait and watch situation with all eyes on jan brewer and her pen. i'm going to take a deeper look into the business angle of this story with david leonard, ceo of petsmart, one of the biggest petstore chains in the country. i have shopped there. thanks so much for joining us. your business is based in arizona. what was your reaction when you heard about this bill? >> thanks, ronan, it's great to be here to talk about this important topic. at pet smart we very muchal yu diversity and ininclusion, so our reaction has been one of disappoint. we absolutely think it is a bad piece of legislation and that's why we're urging the governor to veto it. >> three businesses have called on her to veet to the bill and n mccain said businesses are galvanized by the bill. why do you think the private sector seems to be responding to
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this? >> i think it's important because this gets to a core value, this value of diversity and ininclusion. for us at pet smart that is a key piece of who we are. we believe our associates and communities and customers all deserve equal respect and this bill undermines it and goes against that. that's why we're urging the governor to oppose this legislation. >> so what specifically is your company going to do? would you risk taking follow on action or is this going to be -- >> we think it's important to express our point of views which we're doing. we're also working with the arizona technology council and joined that coalition again in urging the governor to veto this bill. we think it's important for us to come out on this issue. >> all right, that's david leonard, ceo of pet smart. thank you for taking a strong stand and sharing your thoughts today. >> thank you, ronan. >> getting pressed for his reaction to the bill, someone you may not expect on political
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stage, it's actor george takei, who married his partner brad in 2008, penned a scathing open letter to the people of arizona. he quote, quote, we will urge everyone we know from large corporations to small families on vacation to boycott because you don't deserve our dollars, not one red cent. he joins me here in the studio. thank you so much for coming, sir. >> thank you for the invitation and congratulations on your new show. >> thank you so much. i'm a big fan of yours. this was a letter that moved a lot of people. tell me how you felt when you read the language of the bill which contemplates kicking yourself and partner out of places of business. >> your husband. >> your husband. what was the reaction that you had? >> first of all, it was absolute as stonishment and then my blood started to boil. and we -- we love arizona, we have many, many friends there.
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brad was born in phoenix, arizona. we have relatives there. and a beautiful state. how can a state like that pass something this ugly? both houses of the legislature passed it and it's filled with right wing extremist religious republicans. it's as tounding something like this could happen. we know many, many people and none of their views are represented here. and if governor brewer should sign this, we are ready to take action but we are urging her to veet to it so that we can have the state that we love, the state where we spend a lot of money. we own property there and we spend a lot of vacation time there up in the white mountains -- >> that's a really important point, right, they are worried about losing the tourism market, the taxes paid by landowners such as yourself in the state.
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do you think that the business owners that are responding to this are part of the key to this problem? >> absolutely. the health of the economy is what politicians are supposed to protect. not this phony thing called religious freedom. their freedom is that argument is just a veil over a personal prejudice. and you cannot write personal prejudice into civil law and cannotry your religious values into civil law. so these legislators don't know the constitution. they apparently don't listen either because in the legislature, they were told that this is going to do serious damage and stain the reputation of a beautiful state. >> one of the pieces of news today is that there's actually copycat legislation in georgia pending. what's your reaction to the idea that maybe this is a ripple effect? >> there have been others that
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were written and in kansas for example had -- >> utah had one struck down. >> utah and they were struck down or it never made it to the floor. it's the same thing that's going to happen in georgia too. fundamentally it is unconstitutional. attorney general eric holder made the statement yesterday, that those laws or bills that come up that are unconstitutional will be defeated. >> thank you so much, mr. takei, your stand on this has been moving a lot of people. i would love to come back as this develops. >> thank you for having introduced this for discussion here. >> all right. today's battle of the day is a little different and on this very subject that mr. takei just introduced us too. we're going to ask you to do something. if you disagree with the bill in arizona, call governor jan brewer and let her know personally. her number is up on your screen right now, 602-542-4710.
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let us know if you're going to call her using one of two hash tags, rfd call or rfd stay out. we're going to be updating you and sharing your responses throughout today's show. first, up next, bill clinton hits the campaign trail in kentucky's closely watched senate race. can the single most popular politician out there right now still help swing the race for democrats? also, billions of american taxpayer dollars spent each year on this effort to help the world but is it actually hurting instead? i went all the way around the world and to power players in washington to find out. later, one of these world leaders is getting a big thumb's down from us today. find out later who our zero is. stay with us. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.d
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welcome back. today bill clinton is in kentucky making his first campaign stop of 2014 and that stop is for a democratic senate candidate alison grimes. clinton is become to speak any moment. bringing a new profile and already has national implications, we take you behind the headlineses to players and issues on ground. and today we're going behind that race in kentucky. who are the players? first, we have alson grimes, a lawyer and kentucky's current secretary of state and also a family friend of the clintons. her father in fact ran hillary clinton's presidential campaign
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in kentucky in 2008. grimes' signature issue, her jobs plan. she's kg on the details including the number of jobs it would create. second up, we have the opponent trying to dethrone, senator minority leader mitch mcconnell. he is very important to the republican party. he's actually the seventh most senior member of the senate. having spent nearly 30 years in office. his job approval rating in kentucky is flagging. right now it's actually lower than president obama's. third, up against mcconnell in the republican primary is a tea party candidate, matt bevan has been dogged by controversy by comparing same-sex marriage to incest and lags behind mcconnell in the polls. joining us is james carroll. >> con grats on your new gig. >> appreciate it. >> clinton is a big deal in kentucky and approval rating over 60% there now.
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what was the major headline coming out of this event? what have we heard? >> we're going to see him in a minute. i appreciate you got me on before him because in politics and showbiz, never follow bill clinton. he's the big dog for a reason. he's the most popular by all accounts the most popular democrat in the country. he -- everywhere he goes, he draws big crowds and important to alison grimes in kentucky will draw a lot of dollars by what we understand today, this fundraiser will raise about $600,000 for her campaign against mcconnell, who has been raising money a lot longer than she has. they are kind of keeping pace with each other and mcconnell has more in the bank than she does. this $600,000 out of one event will be a big help to her campaign. she still has -- leading in the polls narrowly. but it's a long way to november. >> so how do you think mcconnell and bevan will respond to this.
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>> to the clinton appearance? well, i don't know about bevan, but the republicans in general in kentucky and here in washington have sort of pointed out, yes, bill clinton is popular and appeals to centrist democrats but that the national party has moved under obama a little more the left. and that they are really trying to tie grimes more to obama than to clinton. the republicans also point out while clinton won the presidency and carried kentucky in '92 and '96, the last democrat to do so, he has campaigned for democrats since then in kentucky but has been unable to bring those democrats across the finish line with him. so there's -- they think iz impact in kentucky will be limited. at least that's what they are hoping. >> we're listening closely the moment we have news -- he's thanking people right now. we'll go and listen. in the meantime, eastern kentucky is actually coal
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country and heavily republican. one of the surprising things i wanted to ask you about, how they are leading the state in obama care enrollments. why do you think that is? >> well, officials there say it's probably the infrastructure they have on the ground, the kind of outreach they have to patients and to people who are looking for coverage and that just a superior -- almost like a voter turnout ground game. they have that for kentucky connect, that's what the program is called in kentucky. they have that there and it's doing very well there. ironically in a place where mitch mcconnell who has been campaigning almost daily against obamacare, he tells a totally different counter narrative that this is very harmful to kentucky and the rest of the united states. as you know, kentucky is considered one of the bright spots in the implementation of the health care law. >> james, thank you so much. we're going to go to president
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clinton for a moment. he's getting into the substance of his remarks. take a listen. >> unlike most of you do not make a choice on. i watched both the kentucky victory and the louisville victory over the last few days. and i like both the coaches and both the teams and cheer for them both to win. so but i don't have a problem making a choice in this race for the senate. and here's what i want you to know. since i left office, i worked all over america and all over the world. and i've been blessed to do the work i've done and we've created a lot of jobs and saved a lot of lives. and here's what i've learned over and over again. first of all, it really matter what you think is important in public life.
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i think only three things matter when you're all said and done. are people before off when you quit than when you started? do children have a better future? and are things coming together instead of being torn apart? if you can answer question to those three things, the rest is background music. the only way to achieve those yeses is by putting people first and working on concrete plans to actually change other people's lives. this election is really about that wonderful lady and her daughter and her husband who spoke earlier on this platform. and all of the people like them. now we're living in a kind of crazy time because so much of politics is dominated by mass media and big money, that what works in an election is exactly the reverse of what works when the election is over.
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that's what you're being asked to do. don't kid yourselves. you're being asked to make what works in an election the same thing as what works when the election is over. when you run for office, you have to emphasize your differences but the truth is, this constant effort that alison's opponent has been little short of brilliant at, he's been great at it -- >> we're hearing president clinton hitting a personal narrative about this candidate. do you think that's a wise approach, james? >> people like to hear bill clinton tell stories. >> he's good at that. >> we saw what he did at 2012 at the democratic national convention. if you note, it looks like he's speaking pretty extell pore rain yusly. he knows her and her father as well. they are very good friends. he's known alison grimes for a
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very long time. considered not only a mentor and adviser to her but also really almost an uncle-like figure. he's going to be speaking from the heart. you can see he's warming up to that. and -- >> he's getting going and decrying a lot of politics of the race, saying to focus on big things in the long run. i think you're probably right, people are responding to this. the crowd seems to be hot on this. >> it's all democrats presumably so -- >> not a tough crowd. >> thank you, james. we'll keep watching this story as president clinton says things of interest we'll pbring you them. just ahead, we are going to take you to the world unseen. the u.s. spends $2 billion every year on this program. could it be hurting people as much as it's helping? i went all the way around the world and two power brokers in washington to ask that question next. stay with us. i'm randy, and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i've helped many people
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today a group of congressional leaders celebrated the passage of the recent 2014 farm bill. the bill supporters claim it triples government fat. some areas of bill are still expensive and costing you, the taxpayer dearly. let's look at numbers $2 billion, even today that's a lot of money and how much it cost to shut down the federal government back in october. $2 billion is what banking giant hsbc was fined for laundering drug money from el chapo drug cartel and about what the united states spends to feed the world's poor. that includes the cost of one provision in that recent farm bill that we talked about. how is it working? we get the answers in washington and on the ground in kenya as part of our series, the world unseen. that's where we take a closer look at the people affected by the news.
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take a look. >> this is coffee. >> kenyan coffee is the best. >> irene is a farmer in kenya. she struggles to support her three children. and she says part of the challenge lies all the way across the world. >> the problems we face when american bring their produces here and grains so we are unable to sell our grain and our produce. >> this is lush farm lands like these the key to africa's economic independence. but farmers hire tell me that american taxpayer dollars sent to help often do the opposite. according to usaid, this year alone the united states is spending $2 billion in food aid to countries in need. most of it is spent buying and shipping food from american farmers. but there's bipartisan concern that the food may be hurting
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some countries more than it's helping. >> dumping commodities often destroys local markets. putting local farmers out of business. >> it takes far too long to get food aid to starving people and often harms agricultural markets in the countries we're trying to help. >> care usa feels strongly about reforming the practice. they gave up an estimated $45 million a year in federal funding because of damage they feel some american food aid programs can do to local farmers. they see a different solution. >> buying local is faster and cheaper. it's a more efficient use of taxpayer dollars. and it ultimately supports our long-term goals in tackling hunger and nutrition. we're giving local farmers a hand up rather than a handout. >> would it help you if other organizations did what care did and refuse to accept american food on -- to sell on the kenyan
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market? >> it will help us because kenyans will eat our produce. they will be able to provide our produce. >> the american farm bureau believes that sending american grown produce is still a simple but powerful way to help. >> obviously it takes a lot longer to put food on a ship here and ship it across the waters than it would to simply send a check. but we also have problems in that when checks are simply set to foreign governments, we have no way of knowing and in many cases we're pretty sure it isn't getting used for food. it's getting used by whomever gets the money for whatever reason they deem appropriate. >> president obama disagrees with the insistence on sending american food abroad. last year began a push to modernize the food aid program. usaid administrator shaw has led that fight. >> the realty was over the last decade the ability to reach
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people was cut in half. it represented an outdated system that needed modernized. >> he says the recently passed farm bill was a small victory but more work needs to be done. >> a congress gave us a third what the president asked for. we want to move faster and do the best we can. >> back in kenya, farmers are still hoping they can have a shot at one of the most basic american principles. giving the underdog a fighting chance. >> we are unable to bring up the family, to feed them and educate them and even to buy clothes for them. >> a legislative fight with very real human stakes both here and around the world, early signs of promise. we'll keep watching that. first, we're going to have the latest from the white house daily briefing, some breaking news about afghanistan we're keeping track of, and also the first lady taking her fight against childhood obesity to
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another level. it is not going to make some food companies very happy. he may be the butt of endless jokes but rob ford is making no apologies being caught on tape falling off the wagon. >> i drank and enjoyed myself. ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" purina dog chow light & healthy
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big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. we made clear to be case the president has tasked the pentagon with preparing for the contingency that there will be no troops in afghanistan beyond 2014. >> all right, that was white house press said jay carney with the latest on breaking news we broit you at the top of the hour about afghanistan. he was telling us about the call between president obama and hamid karzai of afghanistan in which the president told pentagon officials today they need to get ready to have all troops out of afghanistan by the end of this year. we'll keep you updated on that story. first on a lighter note, we're
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back now with our exciting daily panel and wealth of healthy topics from first lady michelle obama who is increasing her efforts to ban marketing junk food and sodas in schools to toronto mayor rob ford who says he's hitting the gym more. and joining me to do it all are the extremely healthy joy reid, host of "the reid report", which airs next hour. and mike moynahan of the daily beast. also very healthy. >> apparently he disagrees. let's start with what the first lady is introducing, she's trying to get more string ent ban on junk foods and soft drinks, so stringent you may not be able to have advertising in cafeterias. one of the interesting things to me, some of these companies that stem to lose a lot are backing this bill. coca-cola is saying, okay, we're behind this. >> coca-cola has ties to minute made. they are a soft drink company,
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big con glom rate. bill clinton did the soda ban when he was president, there's been initiatives to try and somebody with teenagers, it's amazing the marketing to kids in school. you try to get your kids to have healthy eating habits and send them to school with allowance and there are almost franchises, literal franchises in particularly high schools and junior high schools where they have access to unhealthy food. i think it's smart and parents will like it. i don't think conservatives will dig it. >> i search sometimes on the shelves for things with less sugar. i don't want sugar free. a little unhealthy but it is almost impossible to find. many times where you find the most sugar in the capri suns and -- >> evil juicy box. >> do you think we risk a backlash against the first lady because she's going farther on this? >> we do. i don't think they apply. i'm an expert on these things as
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a type i diabetic. there's sugar in everything. >> high stakes on this. >> the interesting thing about companies like coca-cola, you don't need a weather man to know which way the wind bloz. they are backing them because people are back away from sugary drinks. it's hand to quantify these things but there's a huge move away from the stuff before michelle obama. drinking 95-ounce big gul ps will make their familiar -- >> look at the reaction to the bloomberg initiative. >> nanny state stayed with him as he left office. >> michelle obama, i don't think this applies, these are government funded schools and she's actually saying these are recommendations, making funny videos with will ferrell. they always have their
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initiatives. >> we did love the history of dance video. >> the difference is because naacp jumped on it as well because small businesses could be hurt by being told they can't sell the products. >> and at a time when the president needs to push an economic victory narrative that gets in the way. first, we have another surprising health advocate in his comments to our own matt lauer today on the "today" show. rob ford came out saying he's going to hit the gym. let's take a listen. >> since we sat down on november 18th, mayor ford, have you used crack cocaine or any other illegal drug? >> i don't use illegal drugs. i experimented with them like probably a year ago. but i don't use drugs. and we're in great shape and right after this interview i'm going to hit the gym. so i would be at the gym usually at this time now but things are going fantastic, matt.
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>> maybe this will inspire me to hit the gym which i never ever do. do you think this has any chance of rehabilitating shall we say an increasingly colorful image -- >> i can't believe he's still in image -- >> this is the fourth largest city in north america. >> and i think they should keep him forever. he should actually stay in for life. >> maybe he should come to america, we could use the color in -- >> let's send it to one of the various states that aren't exciting. he is an amazing survivor. >> he is getting back into politics and in the mayoral race and in it to win it -- >> a head shake. >> he can't lose. he literally can't lose. >> he's in it to lose it. he's not going to win this one. >> i love that clip where he says a lot of people have said in the past i've experimented, there's an addendum, i experimented in the last year. when i was mayor of toronto. by the way, when he dogs the
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question, he didn't deny -- >> his answer was i'm on my way to the gym. >> i fear he might die when he goes to the gym. >> during his form tif years six months ago. >> as mayor of toronto. >> a lot of time -- >> we talk about canada and we never do. >> it's behaving like a real country. i kid, i'm a big canada fan. in other news, we've seen protests against miley cyrus recently. there's a boycott this week, another public figure who is fit as a fiddle, but is standing for some things other than fitness that parents are taking issue with. the latest news this week is parents against her tour. question from you, we will have an exclusive interview with miss cyrus later in the week, do you think that does anything that drive ticket sales for someone with this type of controversy and parents come out swinging? >> the whole point of what miley
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cyrus is trying to do, break away from her teen pop star image and declare her adulthood. a lot of people would request her methods. i'm assuming her real fans will love it and more parents hate it, the more they'll like it. >> it's one thing she talks about in the conversation we're going to be airing, she views herself as courting controversy strategically and i think she has a good head on her shoulders. >> it's a panic we see with madonna and every generation, as an important point, parents are protesting kids have to see the show. one point need to be made, kids tend not to have money or cars for transportation to venues. if you don't want your daughter to see miley cyrus or son, don't bring them. it's a simple thing. if you want to sort of go ra ra and collapse of civilization -- >> don't pay for the ticket. i will point out this oversexualized culture, teen
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pregnancies are down and stds are down, nonsense moral panic. >> you guys are great, thanks for joining, mike moin moynahan and joy reid, weekdays here on msnbc at 2:00 p.m. eastern time right after this show. let's check back in on today's battle of the day. today remember, we have a special edition where we actually ask you to take action and to let uts know if you did. we asked you to call arizona governor jan brewer if you disagreed with her state's anti-gay bill. the number is 602-542-4710. here's how your vote is breaking down so far. 72% have chosen rfd call and 28% chose to stay out of it with rfd stay out. so many of you have been sharing thoughts. this is an interesting day. daisy picked rfd stay out and quoted, let arizona state
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nice to have you back. time now for our heroes and zeros. first up the head of a financial institute that manages $6.8 billion, with a "b" remained shrouded in secrecy for the 125 year history that will change when this man invited in outside assessors to conduct audits for the first time. that's right, it's pope francis and that financial institution is the vatican bank.
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for championing transparency in an institution known for exactly the opposite. he gets our hero of the day. on the other hand vladimir putin, the guy him, the guy who is hoping to achieve a pr spin triple lutz after the olympics. today, russian authorities rounded up a group of protesters that included the two most visible members of pussy riot. our favorites, maya and gnash sha. the two with madonna and yoko ono. the duo were among those carted away from a protest in moscow. details remain unclear. the pictures as you can see tell a disturbing story. sorry, mr. putin. that earns you our zero of the day. up next, we update you on the battle of the day. and our call to action this week. the student debt crisis. we asked how much you owe.
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and the feedback has been incredible. here's garrett who says he owes over $118,000. in student loans. more on this issue and your responses next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ben! ♪ [ train whistle blows ] oh, that was close. you ain't lying. let quicken loans help you save your money with a mortgage that's engineered to amaze.
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welcome back here on "ronan farrow daily." we'd like to get to you help as we report the story. that's our call to action. this week, we're digging deep into something that millions of americans struggle with. something that puts a damper on the economy. student loan debt. yesterday, we asked you to put a face to this problem by making a sign with either how much you owe. or when you'll have your loans paid off. the outpouring the stories has been incredible. christie tweeted to tell us, quote, i may almost a third of my income for student loans. she's not paid off until 2032. good luck. katie's problem is worse she paid off her first degree in 12 years by living with her mom
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until 32. but her second degree cost $60,000. and isn't going to be paid off for another 25 years. look at linda's sign, she said i'll be dead before it's paid off. $110,000 due to interest. we're going to have more on this including developments with government officials with the private sector on ways to address this challenge. you can tweet those pictures to @ronandaily. or e-mail us. and check for regular updates. the battle of the day before we go. this is an interesting one. remember, we asked to call governor jan brewer's office, you number you see on your screen, if you disagreed with arizona anti-gay rights bill and let us know what you decided. the winner with wide margin is rfd call. 76% of you chose to quality governor rather than sit it out. patty just tweeted us, quote, my
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very first time interacting with a tv program while watching. #kind of cool. that wraps up for day two of "ronan farrow daily." thank you for joining he. i'm excited to kick it off with "the reid report" with joy reid. what do you have coming up? >> it's been an entire 15 minutes. >> it's been too long. thanks i appreciate it. coming up on "the reid report," we are live in kentucky where bill clinton's star power is front and center today with allison lundergan grimes. and plus, show me your budget. chris christie lays it out. we'll take a look at what the statement of christie values would mean for the garden state. and 50 years since the fight that shocked the world. rashida ali, the daughter of muhammad ali, how things have
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changed since her father's footing with sonny liston. christina wilson had a network of friends, opera singers, actresses musicians who needed part-time work. she started sitter studio. and now those artists are taking care of kids across the city. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. ness owner, it would be ness owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it's open for eveone. there's not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. [ chainsaw whirring ]
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11:00 am
welcome to "the reid report." i'm joy reid. and before the hour's over, we'll take you from new jersey to uganda to miami beach. but there will be no frequent flier miles. chris christie unveils his next budget and pulls the mask off old-fashioned republican priorities and we'll also look back at muhammad ali, and sonny liston and the battle for american culture. let's start with politics. former president bill clinton to be exact. a short time ago the old president clinton brought the democratic to kentucky. the first campaign event of the year for the former president who hopes he can do for allison lundergan grimes what he did for barack obama in 2012
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