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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  February 25, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST

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that area. and god forbid if something were to happen, they're afraid of some possible confrontation. that story comes to msnbc and "the ed show" tomorrow night from south dakota. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, al. >> good evening, rev. thanks to you for tuning. in i'm live tonight from atlanta, georgia. tonight's lead, dick cheney and the gop war on the poor. right after the obama administration announced historic military cuts, dick cheney, of all people, had the nerve to say this in an interview with fox news. >> i think the whole thing is not driven by any change in world circumstances. it's driven by budget considerations. much rather spend the money on food stamps than he would on a strong military or support for our troops. >> there is so much to say about that comment.
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former vice president dick cheney, who used the u.s. military as a political pawn, who relied on bogus claims to sell two wars with disastrous results is lecturing president obama? and, again, listen to the words he chose, focusing on food stamps. >> he'd much rather spend the money on food stamps than he would on a strong military or support for our troops. >> president obama cares more about food stamps than the troops. first of all, shouldn't cheney's record disqualify him from this debate? and second. >> what's wrong with food stamps? what's wrong with helping americans in need feed their families? this shouldn't be a partisan issue. maybe the vice president forgot that the number of people receiving food stamps rose 63%
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in the bush-cheney years, compared to a 48% increase under president obama. but this isn't about facts. this is about demonizing the poor and launching toxic attacks on the president. we've seen it for years. >> food stamps versus paychecks. obama is the best food stamp president in american history. >> when he says obama is the food stamp president, which by the way he is. >> no program in our government has surged out of control more dramatically than food stamps. lottery winners, multimillion-dollar lottery winners are getting food stamps. >> on economic policy, he's doubled the number of people on food stamps. >> in the oval office, none of this is a problem. this is the objective. the objective is unemployment, more food stamps. >> vice president cheney is now picking up that vile pretty
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rick. it's past time for some on the right to do what is right. joining me now are congresswoman karen bass, democrat from california and executive editor richard wolffe. thanks to both of you for being here. >> thanks for having us on. >> thanks. >> congresswoman, let me go to you first. dick cheney going after food stamps. your response. >> mr. halliburton no bid contract vice president has an awful lot of nerve talking about that. it's really kind of shameful. i mean, the fact of the matter is the reason why people are on food stamps, especially now, is because it has been a long time coming out of the recession. we know that unemployment still is very high. and frankly, i believe if it wasn't for the self-inflicted injuries that this congress has done to the economy, we should be roaring right now. there should be plenty of jobs. but the cuts that have been imposed because of the sequester
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and because of the republican agenda contributes to the fact that people need food stamps. you are talking about food primarily to children, primarily to people are understood employed. . >> you know, richard, i think the thing that is so striking to me is the insensitivity. >> right. >> of the citizens in america that need food stamps, like someone wants to be on food stamps or use food stamps. and that food stamps is some great profit to somebody. this month, president obama talked about the importance that food stamp is, the program, snap, what it is to millions of americans. listen to this. >> a large majority of snap recipients are children or the elderly or americans with disabilities. a lot of others are hardworking americans who need just a little help feeding their families while they look for a job or
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they're trying to find a better one. and in 2012, the snap program kept nearly 5 million people, including more than 2 million children out of poverty. think about that. five million people. >> richard, five million people, two million children. >> right. >> the elderly, some veterans. i mean, what is cheney and his allies talking about? >> well, most importantly, working families. you know, the conservative idea is that the people on food stamps are somehow sponging, they're unwilling to work. but dick cheney surely ought to remember that his former boss george w. bush ran has a compassionate conservative. and that compassion back in 2000 was about this very issue. was about whether the house gop was right to seek budget cuts on the backs of the working poor as george w. bush, then texas governor described them. if he paid attention to the budget debate right now, dick
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cheney would know that food stamps have actually been cut in this latest budget round. he would know that actually there is no real choice there is no simple choice for any president between military spending and this kind of food stamp, this safety net aid. so he is wrong on to the politics. he is wrong on the fax. and i'm afraid he has clearly forgotten who he ran for president and vice president with. >> and as i said in the opening, food stamps increased under he and president bush to a larger percentage than they have under president obama. but i suppose congresswoman, what strikes me even more is not only the policies against the poor, but the vile rhetoric. >> right. >> that we've seen, how they have had this ugly rhetoric to denigrate the poor. listen to this. >> we don't want to turn this safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency.
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>> self-reliance means if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. >> we need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence. >> really poor children in really poor neighborhoods have no habits of working. and have nobody around them who works. >> i mean, the politics of denigrating the poor, the way that they seem to use them as a way to try to play to some imaginary base or real base, to me is just totally against what this country should be standing for. >> i think so, absolutely. and we also know that it's completely based in ignorance. just like your other guests said, the majority of people on food stamps are working people. they just do not make enough money. so if you want to get people off food stamps, how about raising the minimum wage? how about addressing income inequality? how about expanding jobs? you know, the president put forward a jobs act a couple years ago that has not been acted on in this congress.
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there are things that we could do to reduce the number of people that need food stamps. but in the meantime, i mean, you know, someone said that if you don't work, you don't eat. so if you know the majority of people using food stamps, number one, are employed, and number two, are children, what message is that actually sending? it is extremely mean-spirited, but fundamentally, it's ignorant. >> you know, richard, the congresswoman talks about the minimum wage. today we learned more about how house democrats are pressuring republicans on the minimum wage. tomorrow, house democrats will file a petition on a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $10.10. they need 218 signatures to bring the bill to a vote. >> right. >> which means getting about two dozen republicans to sign on. but senate democrats said today that republicans would likely filibuster a minimum wage bill. so it might not get through.
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but richard, what could it mean politically? >> well, i'm sure it won't get through, not in this environment. but it is an important debate to have about what opportunities there are for working people. you know, if democrats are going to just be talking about the bottom of the safety net, then they haven't got a great agenda of opportunity, which they really want to talk about. that's where the minimum wage comes in, where if you ask people what do you think of fair minimum wages, you would get numbers way ahead of where the current federal minimum wage. that's why retailers like the gap are making moves of their own. when the private sector is moving already, then the republicans are saying this isn't about what the private sector wants or the idea that it's going to destroy jobs. this is really about ideology and what we think people deserve. and that's a strangely kind of value judgment position for them to be taking what level working people should get as opposed to the retail sector saying we can
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afford this, it's okay. >> congresswoman, today president obama formally ordered a complete withdrawal of military from afghanistan by the end of the year. it's worth looking at a chart of military spending for 2012. on the left are the combined cost of the top ten largest military budgets after the united states. and america is larger than all of them combined. >> combined. >> so doesn't it make sense to reduce the military budget as we bring two wars to an end? if we're bringing the military out of afghanistan, if we're ending two wars, why would we need the same military budget? >> well, absolutely right. and frankly, i hope that we take the savings and invest it in our economy and in jobs, because just think about it. when we end the war, we're going to be bringing home tens of thousands of young men and women. where are they going to work? they need jobs. you know that people in our military, some of the families,
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they actually are recipients of food stamps. so not only it is time that we invest in jobs, we also have to raise the minimum wage. we need to address income inequality so that people don't need food stamps. that's the real way to do it, versus a punitive approach which is what my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have been doing. and it is driven completely by a conservative ideology. >> congresswoman karen bass and richard wolffe, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks for having us on. still ahead, we'll show you ted nugent's new ugly comments about the president, and reveal why he's got plenty of company in the gop. plus, the growing outrage over a plan to legalize discrimination in arizona. i'll talk to actor and activist george takei. also, a somber moment to reflect and reenergize. tomorrow marks two years since the death of trayvon martin.
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i'll talk to his father, tracy martin about trayvon's legacy, the jordan davis case, and the new fight against stand your ground. stay with us. (vo) you are a business pro. seeker of the sublime. you can separate runway ridiculousness... from fashion that flies off the shelves. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we. go national. go like a pro. where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes.
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coming up, it's a bill that would legalize discrimination. the pressure is ramping up in arizona. and it looks like governor brewer will veto it. but what is taking so long? and why are some lawmakers still supporting this? actor and gay rights activist george takei has been a leader in the fight. and today he posted this image on facebook, saying we've already had this conversation. you don't get the right to decide who sits at a lunch counter. george joins us live, next.
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now to the arizona bill that has the country outraged. it would legalize discrimination, let businesses refuse to serve gay customers if they cite their religious beliefs. treat them like second class citizens. so why in the world is taking it governor brewer so long to veto it? the pressure is mounting from all sides. nbc news reports the governor is likely to veto the bill, but she hasn't committed to it. >> when i received the bill, and
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i'm going to read it and i'm going to be briefed on it. we have been following it, and i will make my decision in the near future. i have until friday or saturday morning to determine that. >> what does the governor need to determine? again, it would legalize discrimination. there is a growing list against it. the arizona super bowl host committee businesses like marriott, american airlines, and apple, other business groups, tourism associations, even three republican state senators who voted for it. arizona republican senator jeff flake tweeted yesterday, quote, saw governor brewer in washington tonight. encouraged her personally to veto the bill. and here is senator john mccain. >> this is not the message we want to send. i hope the governor will veto it and we will move on and advertise the great beauty of our state. >> so what was that governor
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brewer said? >> i have been following it, and i will make my decision in the near future. >> this bill would use religion to justify discrimination. governor brewer's decision shouldn't take this long. joining me now is actor and gay rights activist george takei. thank you for being here, george. >> it's a pleasure being here. thank you very much for the invitation. >> george, you're calling for a boycott of arizona if the governor doesn't veto the bill. and today you posted this to your facebook page. it reads, quote, dear arizona, in case you missed it, we've already had this conversation. you don't get to decide who sits at the lunch counter. love, america. it's gotten more than 254,000 likes and more than 116,000 shares. what's your reaction to this huge response to your post? >> well, you know, this is an
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eerie echo of what is happening in arizona today. last week i was in baltimore, working with the baltimore symphony, and i had a chance to visit the civil war museum. and there were exhibits on slavery, the underground railroad, and the very same argument, religious freedom, religion, was used to justify slavery back then by the slave owners. so this is a clear-cut situation. and the fact that the governor who found out about this both houses of the arizona legislature passing it last thursday is taking this long, indecisiveness is just appalling. it's repugnant. it's very clear, black and white. this is a bigotry bill masked under religious freedom. our religious freedom, all of our religious freedom is well protected by the first amendment.
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and gays and lesbians in the military are defending that right. and these wacko extremist legislators in arizona are either blind or deaf. they've been told that this is not constitutional. and yet they passed it. and now three have changed their mind. and they're saying that we never heard about discrimination. well, the democrats very clearly articulated the discriminatory aspect of this bill. so why it's taking this long is also very revealing. >> and i think it's important to say it, and i'm a big proponent of this, that discrimination and bigotry of any kind is wrong. and they usually use the same justification. and rather than people comparing how they were discriminated against, we've got to go and you have to go passionately against all discrimination. you know, and this isn't just about arizona.
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>> that's right. >> similar religious freedom bills are pending in georgia. >> that's right. >> where i am tonight. utah and mississippi. and others either were withdrawn or failed in kansas, tennessee, idaho, and south dakota. if governor brewer vetoes though bill, would it send a message beyond arizona? >> it's got to send the message. it's very clear. and first of all, unconstitutional. and just yesterday, attorney general eric holder stated that -- state attorneys general should examine every law that is passed by the legislature. and if they deemed that they are unconstitutional that. >> don't have to defend it. so, you know, all state legislatures should stand apprised of this fact. the attorney general of the
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united states will ask all the attorneys general of the states to not defend laws that they deem to be unconstitutional. >> george takei, thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you very much. coming up, ted nugent is now calling president obama a liar. but the gop has even bigger rebranding issues today. plus joe biden made some news on "the view toda" today. you'll want to hear. this. and michelle obama's child obesity campaign celebrates a big milestone. and she is rapping about it. stay with us. >> yet hype for healthy snacks, fresh food, we love it. pretty good. holler!
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is joe biden running for president? he was on "the view" today and was asked if he would run if hillary clinton runs. here is what he said. >> you have said that if she runs for president, you will not run. >> no, i haven't. >> oh. then tell me what you have said. >> the only reason to run for the president of the united states, if you truly believe you're better positioned to do what you think is most needed in the country. i think my knowledge of foreign policy, my engagement with world leaders, my experience is -- uniquely positions me to follow through on the agenda barack and i have of bringing up world peace in a way that is real and substantive. i also think the middle class is the single focus, what we should be looking at and how to grow it. so whether she runs or not will not affect my decision. >> that was not a no. this koko get very interesting.
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gop's ted nugent problem isn't going away. just days after offering a backhanded apology for calling the president a subhuman mongrel, nugent tried once again to show some remorse for his poor choice of words. >> ted nugent, remember the alamo, february 24th, 2014. i'm not going to call people names anymore. >> i'm not going to call people names. hallelujah! except he went on to say this in the very same interview. >> instead of using terms like subhuman mongrel, i'm going to get right to the meat of the matter where our president is a liar. i think the president is intentionally disassembling the greatest quality of life in the history of the world. i believe that he is creating
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class warfare intentionally. this president's fundamental transformation of this country is indeed the destruction of the american dream. the president's a bad man. >> it would be easy to dismiss ted nugent if we didn't find so many other gop politicians and candidates using the same kind of language. for example, a senate candidate in texas recently referred to the president as a, quote, socialist son of a b. he also claimed ranchers should be allowed to shoot anyone illegally crossing the border. and referred to such people as wetbacks. so much for the republicans trying to reach out to minorities. but at least no gop lawmakers offended women this week, right? wrong. a virginia lawmaker wrote in a facebook post that a pregnant woman is just a host, though some refer to them as mothers.
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so pregnant women aren't mothers. they're just host. this extremist talk is coming from actual elected officials and candidates in the gop. so it doesn't matter if ted nugent has this to say -- >> i'm not going to call people names anymore. >> there is plenty of name-calling going around in the gop with or without mr. nugent. joining me now are michelle cottle and james peterson. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> thanks, rev. >> james, ted nugent is one thing. but aren't there plenty of right wing politicians whose views are nearly as extreme? >> absolutely, rev. we've seen the e-mails from certain congress people circulated about this president. we've seen joe wilson in a state of the union address refer to this president as a liar or say that he lies. we've seen this kind of rhetoric
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coming from multiple people there. but the reality is, rev, is that the policies match the rhetoric. and so, you know, you can't talk about a mongrel and say that's it not about race. by definition, calling someone a mongrel is about a racial epithet. but when you look at the sort of terms of reference a host to a woman who is pregnant, that sort of speaks to the policies that republicans favor in terms of women. when you look at the congress person who called or referred to latino immigrants as wetbacks, that reflects the kind of policies that they want to have represent to immigration. and when you look at terms like mongrel, that reflects the ways in which this congress has obstructed this president since the inception of his presidency. >> you know, michelle, you recently wrote about this, about the gop's connection with ted nugent. i'm quoting your article. it is about courting and stoking the absolute ugliest most paranoid elements of the gop coalition. people who find it quaint when
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nugent starts raving about how black people are lazy or how disgusting he finds gays. why appeal to this base? doesn't it hurt candidates seeking a wider constituency, michelle? >> well, look, what you have -- when you wind up with greg abbott, taking ted nugent to his events, he is trying to appeal and kind of show his street cred to the elements in texas. so you have a party where in certain quarters they have courted and gotten their energy from people who this president makes completely crazy. and you get all of that grassroots energy. but then you become imprisoned with by that and you have to kind of have to roll with it. and ted nugent, despite all of his long history of just outrageous statements, people love it when he gets up there
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and starts peddling his very peculiar ugly breed of white grievance ugly politics. >> it has attracted it seems a whole batch of far right candidates for senate in 2014. in mississippi, their senate candidate attended a neo confederate rally. in colorado, senate hopeful ken buck, who already had trouble with women voters compared pregnancy to cancer. and in georgia right here, three of the senate candidates said they would support president obama's impeachment. so it seems like a whole new crop is coming in this year. >> it is, reverend. what it reflects is the sort of modern bifurcation of the republican party. as michelle is saying, there is political strategy here. they're trying to appeal to the "duck dynasty" demographic. and in doing so, sort of try to work through the primary system,
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especially at the local, municipal, and state levels for republican politics. but then they have to also face the federal and national levels. and that's where they run into problems. so while they can speak to specific loud vocal consistents through some of this racialized and deplorable rhetoric, they ultimately have to reconcile that what the challenges are at broader levels. that's why the republican party is shrinking and why it will be difficult for them to win at the state and national levels. >> you know, michelle, the view of the republican party has turned extremely negative. 51% view the party negatively. only 26% view it positively. so politically, this is devastating for them. >> if you're talking about it remaining a national viable party, this is a terrible plan. you know, if you're looking at it from individual congressional districts or if you want it to be kind of a very idealogically
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pure regional party, maybe that's what they're aiming for. but you do run into this problem where what plays in texas doesn't necessarily play elsewhere. and they haven't quite figured out what to do about that. >> it doesn't even play all over texas. you know, quickly, james, a fox host seemed to even blame lincoln for starting the civil war. listen to this. >> at the time that he was the president of the united states, slavery was dying a natural death all over the western world. instead of allowing it to die or helping it to die, or even purchasing the slaves and then freeing them, which would have cost a lot less money than the civil war cost, lincoln set about on the most murderous war in american history. >> that is something -- >> disgusting, rev. >> amazing me. i don't know how you comment. >> it's disgusting. rev, that's disgusting. i think we can agree together that's just -- it's disgusting.
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here is the thing. there are republican strategists who believe at the state level and through gerrymandered congressional districts that can play to a certain ideological base and win those elections. >> yeah. >> and that may work regionally. but there is no long-term national sort of impact with that. and in fact, when you look at the trends nationally, that kind of ideology is not going to be stomached by the american voting public. >> nor will it stand up to the truth. michelle cottle. >> how about that. >> and james peterson, thank you both for your time this evening. >> thanks. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, the legacy of trayvon martin. he was killed two years ago tomorrow. but the fight against stand your ground continues. i'll talk to trayvon's father, tracy martin, about the less of his son, how he is doing now, and where we go from here. stay with us. u stopped by the house? uh-huh. yea. alright, whenever you get your stuff, run upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner. you leave the house in good shape? yea. yea, of course. ♪ [ sportscaster talking on tv ] last-second field go--
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tomorrow night marks a tragic and somber date. two years since the shooting death of trayvon martin. in the early evening of february 26th, 2012, 17-year-old trayvon martin was walking home in the rain. he had just come from a 7-eleven to buy some iced tea and skittles, but he never made it home. instead he was shot dead, killed by a single bullet after an altercation with a neighborhood watch volunteer who thought trayvon looked, quote, suspicious. two years ago, few americans had
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ever heard of stand your ground. but now it's a national issue. it's become a central topic in the fight for fairness in our criminal justice system. and trayvon has become a symbol. trayvon's death and the acquittal of his killer sparked a national conversation about race and self-defense. stars like stevie wonder, jamie foxx and oprah winfrey were moved to speak out against stand your ground. the country's top law enforcement officials, attorney general eric holder denounced the law. and president obama himself addressed the controversy. >> you know, when trayvon martin was first shot, i said that this could have been my son. another way of saying that is that trayvon martin could have been me 35 years ago.
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it's important to recognize that the african american community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn't go away. >> no, it doesn't go away. the debate rages on, re-ignited by the shooting death of jordan davis, another 17-year-old taken from us too soon. the death of trayvon martin has become a political and moral challenge for america. but for trayvon's family, it will always be a personal tragedy. joining me now is tracy martin, trayvon's father. thank you for being here tonight, tracy. >> thank you for having me, rev. >> you know, tomorrow marks two years since the death of your son. and so much has happened since then. first of all, how are you and the family holding up? >> we're doing good. we're holding up.
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we just continue to look to the law for answers. we continue to lean on the law. we continue to pray. we're doing good as a family. we're doing good overall. >> you and trayvon's mother, sabrina, have both testified before congress. you created the trayvon martin foundation and worked with various groups with all kinds of people, including me. has this helped you through your grief? >> it has helped. but i think that the grieving process is something that only time will heal. when you lose a child the way we did unexpectedly, it's hard to put it in the past. i don't think you'll ever put it in the past. it's been 729 long days without trayvon. and we miss him.
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and just to say that, you know, that we're over -- that we have come to the healing process, i think that's an understatement. he meant so much to us, i just don't feel as though, you know, we'll come to that grieving process will be over any time soon. >> a new bill in the florida legislature would revise neighborhood watch guidelines and revise stand your ground rules. two years later, are you still confident we'll fix stand your ground, tracy? >> well, we're hopeful. we're very hopeful. we're trying to get the trayvon martin bill passed, amendment passed which says that you can't pursue a person, start a confrontation, pick a fight, whatever you want to do, shoot and kill a person, no one around is watching and then say you were standing your ground. it's a bad law. the law affects us as our
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community. and it needs to be changed. >> you know, what did you think when you heard that michael dunn's jury had reached a mistrial in the shooting death of jordan davis? >> first of all, rev, my heart goes out to brother ron davis. me and ron have grown close over this past year and a half. and i just sympathize with them. because any time, you know, we're in america, and this is a free country. but any time you find a jury that says we're going to convict this individual for shooting at someone, attempting to kill someone, and you don't convict the individual for killing the person, it's something wrong with the system, rev. >> you know, i spoke with ron davis, jordan davis' father on friday. and he talked about how that case was more than just about his own son. watch this.
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>> he killed a good kid. he killed a child. he killed a 17-year-old that will always, forever remain 17. i want to try to change his mind to understand that he didn't just shoot some animal on the street. he shot my son. he shot everybody's son. he shot america's son. these 17-year-olds, they have a life to live. and for him to snuff it out just because of loud music is a tragedy. >> i know you feel the same way about trayvon and his legacy. >> man, i agree with ron davis 110%. and whatever efforts that ron davis is putting out, whatever he is doing to try to change the way people think, the way people act, i'm with them 110% as well as the kendrick johnson family. you know, this -- >> that's the case in valdosta, georgia. >> yes. it's an epidemic. it seems like it's an epidemic
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where the value of african american kids' lives really don't mean anything. we got to stand up as fathers. we've got to stand up as leaders and let this country know it's not okay to kill our kids and just give a little slap on the hand and you walk away. it's not okay. >> i've always been struck, and i've said it since day one when you and i met before trayvon's name had gotten all the national currency. i've always been struck by how you and how saab and the family always insisted on every gathering, every rally be peaceful and dignified, despite the disappointments and despite the pain. i know all of us are dealing with the stand your ground laws in tallahassee in march, march tennesseeth. and you have always maintained in public that level of dignity and insist that all of the rally
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and all of the speakers respect that dignity. how do you want trayvon to be remembered? and what do you want his legacy to be? >> we want him to be remembered as the person he was. he was a bright, brilliant, charisma, he had it all, man. he was a game-changer. he a challenge-seeker, he was a problem-solver, man. he was a good kid. and just to have his life taken away from him like that, it's just, you know, it hurts today like it did 729 days ago, man. and it's sad to say that i feel as though this country actually value guns more than they do our children's lives. and, you know, that's sad. as far as being peaceful, man, we continue to be -- god say trayvon, i really don't think
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that -- trayvon can rest unless we continue to be peaceful. >> tracy martin and certainly to you and to sabrina, the whole family and all of those that continue to fight with you, ben crump and all, we continue to fight for what is right in this country for everyone. my condolences again as you face this anniversary tomorrow. and we'll continue to fight to honor trayvon's memory. >> thank you, rev. i'm looking forward to seeing you on the 10th. >> we'll be right back. els. all-you-can-eat is a hotel policy that allows you to eat all that you can. the hotel gym is short for gymnasium. the hotel pool is usually filled with water. and the best dot com for booking hotels, is it's on the internet, but you probably knew that. or maybe not, i don't really know you. bellman: welcome back, captain obvious. captain obvious: yes i am. all those words are spelled correctly.
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some big news from president obama just moments ago. he announced that four million americans have signed up for insurance through the health care exchanges. four million. obamacare is gaining steam. and with five weeks left in the enrollment period, there is plenty of time for more people to get covered. also today, first lady michelle obama is celebrating the fourth anniversary of the let's move campaign to fight childhood obesity. she announced new guidelines for schools to help promote healthy lifestyles for kids. including restrictions on advertising for junk food at schools. >> the fact is today the average child watches thousands of food advertisements each year. and 86% of these ads are for
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products loaded with sugar, fat, or salt. by contrast, our kids see an average of just one ad a week for healthy products like water, fruits, and vegetables. >> and mrs. obama highlighted her high school class in virginia that even wrote a little rap song. >> if i'm going to help my brain come to fruition, i'm going to have to feed it quality nutrition. we love the cookies but they're not sufficient. we need veggies to make our bodies efficient. roll my chicken in a wrap don't japan it in a nugget, get hype for healthy snacks, fresh food, we love it. pretty good. holla! >> everyone should get behind this. but sadly, this is what we've seen. >> they're taking it to a new
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level, michelle obama is suggesting what you should feed your children. >> this is michelle. she knows better than anybody else about healthy foods, because she has a garden. big whoop. >> why would you want to raise your own kids when michelle obama will do it for you? in fact, she'll do it at gunpoint. >> nutritionist at large michelle obama is urging, demanding, advocating, requiring what everybody can and can't eat. she is demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu. >> but guess what? it's working. today a study shows the obesity rate for young children dropped 43% in the last decade there is still work to do, but that's great news. so happy anniversary, happy fourth anniversary to let's move. i raise my glass of water to four more years. ok at the weath. nice day, beautiful tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise.
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we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. driven to preserve the environment, csx moves a ton of freight nearly 450 miles on one gallon of fuel. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow.
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it says here that increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disease. keep heart-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shredded wheat. doctors recommend it. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.s everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ugh. geico. little help here. i need>>that's my geico digital insurance id card - gots all my pertinents on it and such. works for me. turn to the camera. >>ah, actually i think my eyes might ha... next! digital insurance id cards. just a tap away on the geico app. 50 years ago tonight, a young man from louisville became the champion of the world.
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cassius clay was just 22 years old when he faced off against the champ, sonny lister. nobody had seen anything like him before. his critics called him the louisville lip. >> you know how great i am. i don't have to tell you about my strategy. tell him. what are we going to do? >> you're going float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. rumble your man, rumble. >> ah. that's what we're going to do. you heard it. that's my trainer. he'll tell you. >> rumble, young man, rumble. nobody gave cassius clay much of a chance. but he was confident that he would shock the world. clay knocked out liston in six rounds. becoming the youngest to ever win the heavy-weight title. just a few days later he stunned the country again by changing his name to muhammed ali. >> mohamud means worthy of all
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praises. and ali means most high. i want to be called by that name. i want to write autographs by that name. i want to be known all over the world by that name. >> muhammed ali became a powerful voice for change, speaking out on civil rights and refusing to fight in what he said was an unjust war in vietnam. >> my conscience won't let me go shoot my brother, some darker people, some poor hungry people in the mud for big powerful america. for what? did didn't rob me of my nationality. how can i shoot them poor people? just take me to jail. >> the one and only muhammed ali. his road to becoming the greatest began on this night back in 1964 when he became the champ for the very first time. i've gotten to know ali down through the years. he has been a champ that never
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diminished from being what he was out of the ring and in the ring. we've had other heavyweight champions down through the years since muhammed ali, but we've never had another muhammed ali. and we've never had anyone take his crown as the greatest. not only that put on gloves, but that stood up for things bigger than himself. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. biden enters the ring. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. earlier today, barbara walters popped the question to vice president biden. if hillary clinton runs for president, does that mean you won't run?


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