tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 27, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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because they thought they had to. there was that risk. transcanada threatened me three times with eminent domain after the governor approved that. >> jim tarnick, we'll stay on the story. i appreciate your time tonight. thanks for speaking up. congressman lee terry agreed to join us on the program tonight. but because of votes in congress, he was unable to join us this evening. he will appear on this program next week. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right thought. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from washington, d.c. tonight's lead, new documents in the chris christie bridge scandal revealed. we're learning more about the actions of key christie aides and allies before, during, and after the lane closings. the information comes from david wildstein. the former bridge official who carried out the lane closings. he's the one who replied "got it" to that now infamous e-mail,
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"time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." that exchange came to light as part of subpoenaed documents. but a big question has been why did wildstein cross out some material? today the big news. many of those redactions have been revealed, exposing christie aides joking about abusing power. and we have names to go with statements that had been anonymous. a notorious example was the response by an unnamed person to complaints from the ft. lee mayor about children who couldn't get to school. quote, is it wrong that i'm smiling? someone wrote, before adding i feel badly about the kids, i guess. today we learned those comments came from bridget kelly, who is
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christie's deputy chief of staff and sent the "time for traffic problems" e-mail. and today we know who responded, ""they are the children buono voters." it was david wildstein. weeks before the closings, wildstein and kelly joked about punishing a local rabbi. in mid-august, wildstein texted a photo of the rabbi possessing with house speaker john boehner, and then wrote "he has officially pissed me off." kelly responded "we cannot cause problems in front of his house, can we?" and then wildstein joked "flights to tel aviv mysteriously delayed." kelly wrote back, "perfect." he had no idea why he was the
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subject of these texts. there were also documentsing an effort to conceal the story and keep lawmakers away. joining me now is assemblywoman bonnie watson coleman, a member of the select committee investigating this scandal. and michael isikoff, nbc news national investigative correspondent. thank you both for joining me. >> glad to be here, reverend. >> good to be with you. >> assemblywoman, what do you make of this casual banter revealed in these e-mails? >> i think it speaks to this culture of abuse of power. i think it's very dangerous when you think where some of these people are working and some of the things they were saying. they are talking about the port authority. now they're talking about delaying flights to tel aviv if there are any coming out of the newark airport. what i think is that we're getting insight into what happens in the locker room, what
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happens when they don't think that anyone's around them or can get to what they're talking about. but talking to each other. so you see them being abusive and dismissive. you see them talking about people in racial or semitic terms. you see that there is this sort of culture of just disrespect and abusiveness. and the one thing that connects every bit of this is that the conversations are going on with the people who are either working directly for governor chris christie or in their jobs because of their relationships with the governor. and that really saddens me as a public servant in the state of new jersey. that's not who we are, and that's not what we deserve. and this really is what they're all about, transactional deals, dismissiveness, remarks that are totally, totally unacceptable in
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a civilized society. and you know what? the governor needs to think about resigning, and he needs to take all his friends with him because this is sickening. >> you're saying that the governor needs to think about resigning himself. why? >> because i think that the one connecting thread to everything you're reading that is now unredacted and released is between people that work for him at very high levels or people who are in the authority who have their jobs because of him. i believe if you look at the things that you're seeing in the e-mails, and you pay attention to the way this governor has treated people in the state of new jersey, how abusive he has been, how dismissive and disgustingly mean he has been to people, even heroes, even veterans, then this is the kind of behavior that is unacceptable in a public servant. you're not there to serve your interests. you're there to serve the
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interests of everyday people in your state. so if you can't do that -- >> but there is nothing that i've heard, and i'm going to bring michael isikoff in that directly implicates the governor there is no smoking gun on the governor directly. so why would we call on his resignation at this time? >> because he is responsible for everybody that is in the middle of all of this mess, not just this -- this is irrespective of just bridgegate. this is all the stuff that we're hearing about all the transactions that are taking place. this is abusiveness. this is bullying. this is disrespectfulness. that's the way he has been governing. and the one connecting theme here is that he has hired or caused the hiring of each and every one of them. i'm not saying he has done anything legal. i'm saying it's unethical and it is not worthy of new jersey's citizens. >> michael, you have poured over all of these documents.
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first of all, there is no direct smoking gun on the governor yet. and we don't know if there is any. >> any closer or further away from the governor. >> but the tone, what the assemblywoman is talking about, the tone, the bantering. >> right. >> the like laughing at oh, i wish, referring to i wish i felt sorry for the kids, that throughout the documents? and how do you respond to the tone? >> what's interesting is that exchange, which you read about the rabbi in which kelly says we cannot cause traffic problems in front of his house and then wildstein talks about traffic, flights to tel aviv being mysteriously delayed. the timing is what is interesting there. it's august 19th. that's just six days after that august 13th e-mail "time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." and the language is so similar. create traffic problems. kelly, it seemed to have been a refrain or a mantra for bridget
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kellfully the governor's office to talk about creating traffic problems. now, look, at the end of the day, this seems to be more juvenile banter than anything else there was not any effort to create problems, traffic jams in front of the rabbi's house or delay flights from going to or from israel. this was just sort of jocular talk. one can raise legitimately questions about whether people in the authority, in the government ought to be talking this way in texts or e-mails. but, you know, i think the significance is the mind-set. look, it can even be in some bizarre way exculpatory for bridget kelly because she can say look, we were clearly joking here, as we were in the earlier e-mail exchange about the traffic problem. >> there was traffic jams on the george washington bridge. >> there were in fact government actions that created traffic jams on the gw bridge. and that's why there is an
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investigation, and that's why this is still going to be a story. but these e-mails in and of themselves don't really advance our state and knowledge about what happened on that bridge. >> in november, david wildstein and bill baroni discussed blocking two lawmakers from a question-and-answer session at a port authority commissioner's meeting. david wildstein wrote to bill baroni instructions for gaggle. do we let weinberg and witz attend? can we stop them? that's a reference to loretta weinberg and assembly man john wisniewski, now the co-chairs of the select committee. baroni responded how do we stop them? it just creates an issue. so there clearly seems to be some back and forward on how they were going to try and if we are to take the tone and words over this -- of these e-mails, that they were trying to
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interfere with who was going to be part of a hearing. >> so, reverend, this is more than just banter and jocular and just pettiness and silliness. these are people in authority. now, they really picked on two of the wrong legislators. you don't shut down loretta weinberg, and you don't shut down john wisniewski. they know what they can do, and they will do what they need to do to get to the bottom of this. but we are talking about professional adults making six-figure salaries in the state of new jersey in very high positions in the governor's office and very high positions in the port authority. and they are saying things that are extremely troubling. they're not just kidding. there has been no traffic -- there is no demonstration that this is anything other than political, maybe because the governor wanted to appear to be a good candidate for the presidency among all the communities, and this one wasn't working out for him. there was no study.
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and just to even suggest that we should have some traffic problems in front of this rabbi's house, it's a retribution for something that they didn't like. and that's the way they functioned. that's the way they've been functioning. that's the way they're still functioning. and i think that behavior is unacceptable in new jersey. >> well, i'm going to have to leave it there. new jersey assemblywoman bonnie watson coleman, and michael isikoff, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you, reverend, for having me. coming up, president obama reveals his program to help young minority men. i was there. and i'll tell you why it's personal for the president. also, president obama talked about bill o'reilly and me at the event. plus, inside the george zimmerman murder trial, a provocative new book is getting all kinds of attention today. what did the only minority juror say? the author joins us live. and get ready.
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today the president announced one of his most personal initiatives while in office. it's a program called my brother's keeper. it will partner business and nonprofits in order to promote greater opportunities for young minority men. it's a program that is significant to him. not just as the president or as man of color, but as a father. >> michelle and i are blessed with two beautiful daughters. we don't have a son. but i know if i had a son, on the day he was born, i would have felt everything i felt with malia and sasha, the awe, the gratitude, the overwhelming sense of responsibility to do everything in my power to protect that amazing new life from this big world out there. and just as our daughters are growing up into wonderful, beautiful young women, i would want my son to feel a sense of boundless possibility.
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and i'd want him to have independence and confidence. and i would want him to have empathy and compassion. i would want him to have a sense of diligence and commitment and respect for others and himself. the tools that he would need to succeed. i don't have a son. but as parents, that's what we should want, not just for our children, but for all children. >> for the president, this is an issue as important as any he has worked on. and he is inspired in his mission by the young men he has met while in office, like the young inner city youth he met in chicago last year. kids who weren't that different from himself, except for circumstance. >> the point was i could see myself in these young men. and the only difference is that i grew up in an environment that was a little bit more forgiving.
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so when i made a mistake, the consequences were not as severe. i had people who encourage me, not just my mom and grandparents, but wonderful teachers and community leaders. and they would push me to work hard and study hard and make the most of myself. and if i didn't listen, they said it again. and if i didn't listen, they said it a third time, and they would give me second chances and third chances. they never gave up on me. and so i didn't give up on myself. i told these young men my story then, and i repeat it now because i firmly believe that every child deserves the same chances that i have. this is an issue of national importance. it's as important as any issue that i work on. it's an issue that goes to the very heart of why i ran for president.
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because if america stands for anything, it stands for the idea of opportunity for everybody. the notion that no matter who you are or where you came from or the circumstances in which you are born, if you work hard, if you take responsibility, then you can make it in this country. that's the core idea. >> this is of national importance, because only 52% of black males graduate from high school on time. because 49% of young black males have been arrested. by the time they're 23. because there is a 38% unemployment rate among black teens. that's why this initiative matters for all of us. joining me now from the white house briefing room is valerie jarrett, white house senior adviser and assistant to president obama. jalry, welcome back to the show. >> thank you, reverend sharpton.
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it's always a pleasure to be with you, particularly on a day as important as today. >> well, it was an important day, and you were there front row today and have worked on this. and you know the president was speaking from his heart. he was clearly very passionate about this. >> he was. and, you know, he was standing in front of those young men, many who he had met before when he was in chicago and who he had invited to the white house previously last year to celebrate father's day with him. and so there is a very special bond. and as he said, and as you just said, he isn't that different than they were when he was their age. and he just wants to make sure that every child in our country, regardless of the zip code where you were born has that opportunity to reach for that american dream. and he called on us all collectively to assume our responsibilities for them. because it is a national issue. this isn't an issue that just affects those boys. those boys are the workforce of tomorrow. and we owe them a duty to make sure that they can thrive and
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grow and learn and achieve their dreams. so it was a very special moment. and just keep in mind, this is launching the initiative. we still have a lot of hard work ahead. but we know what works. and we have the opportunity to take what works to scale. >> now, he talked about how young minority men of color affected the economy, how it was good for the whole country. and he talked in very personal terms. as i sat down, watched the young men on the stage, i thought about my own growing up from a single parent home. and i was really touched how personal he got. listen to this. >> when i was their age, i was a lot like them. i didn't have a dad in the house. and i was angry about it, even though i didn't necessarily realize it at the time. i made bad choices. i got high without always thinking about the harm that it
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could do. i didn't always take school as seriously as i should have. i made excuses. sometimes i sold myself short. >> i mean, being that open and that honest, as only he can as president, has got to give this initiative that it's going to be driven towards concrete programs he said with measurable results. but it gives it the edge because he can communicate something that i don't think anyone who has reached a presidency can. >> well, you know what? when he met with the boys a year ago in chicago at high park high school and he told that story, one of the boys said are you talking about yourself? and he couldn't believe that the president of the united states had actually had those same experiences that he had probably had. and i think it's such an important message to them, because what it demonstrates is if you decide that you're going to work hard and act responsibly and play by the rules, and you have a safety net around you
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that will allow you to have the support that you need, that you can reach your dreams. you can be the president of the united states. and so i think you're right. he is the best messenger for this. but he also called on everybody. every community, business leaders, faith leaders, the foundations who are putting up an enormous amount of money. they have already put up $150 million. and now they're prepared to invest another 200 million. that's just the foundations. the private sector can play an enormous role here. it's interesting. when we had the meeting before the president's remarks, magic johnson said that he took some young men to all state, rather than having the officials from all state go to their school. and he let them see the business. and on the bus on the way home from visiting this beautiful office, the young people were talking about i'd like to work in an office like that. i think i could make a difference there. i met some people there who look like me. and so it doesn't take that much to inspire these young people. and you also heard him mention the young gentleman who work
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here is in the white house, mo. and what mo said to me yesterday was that children will reach the expectations that are set for them. and i think that's a very powerful message. >> i want to also make it clear, because i know there will always with the lit ticks of the president. he made it clear, one, that there is not a government program. he is raising this with foundations and private sector and asking for everyone to cooperate. and secondly, he was challenging the young men to no excuses, that he said all that we do, you've got to stand up and make something out of yourselves. >> exactly. and it's not, as he said, quoting martin luther king, it's not either or, it's both/and. government should do what kit do smartly. we could do a better job of coordinating our efforts and showcases what works and creating incentives for folks all around the country to expand these programs that do work. so we should do our job well. but it isn't just ours alone.
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and that parents need to parent. you need to read to your children. fathers need to show up and be engaged in their lives, particularly the lives of their sons. those boys need a positive role mold. if they don't need a father, maybe they have an uncle or a cousin or a spiritual leader or a mentor that they've just met through one of these businesses who will offer them that summer job that transforms their life. so everybody, reverend sharpton, has a role to play. everybody should get involved. this is a national problem, and the status quo is unacceptable. the president has said this is going to be a year of action. he is going to use his pen and he is going to use his telephone. and for this initiative, he is using both. and he is calling on everyone to get involved because we know what works. we know what works. we saw those amazing young men today who have turned their lives around. and all around the country, that's possible if we just stay committed and stay focused. and remember that we are our
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brother's keeper. >> white house senior adviser valerie jarrett. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> my pleasure, reverend. still ahead, why did the jury find george zimmerman not guilty? a provocative book is out with new details about what happened inside that jury room. also, congratulations, darrell issa. you're back in tonight's got you. plus, the groundbreaking show that is rewriting the rules of drama on tv. can you handle "scandal"? that's ahead. ♪
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no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. state of florida versus george zimmerman verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. so say we all. >> the verdict in a florida courtroom that stunned millions of americans across the country. 17-year-old trayvon martin was shot and killed by george zimmerman two years ago this week. zimmerman claims self-defense and was acquitted on second degree murder in july.
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days later trayvon's parents came on this show to express their shock. >> i broke down, because i was in disbelief. i just didn't -- i couldn't understand why the jury came back with the verdict that they did. >> when the verdict came, it just seemed like wow, you can get away with murder. >> two years later, a new book is raising some provocative questions about the trial. and about race and justice in america. it's called "suspicion nation: the inside story of the trayvon martin injustice and why we continue to repeat it." and the author, lisa bloom, is very harsh on the prosecution. she writes, quote, yes, the prosecution blew it. the overlooked evidence, lack of witness preparation, and poor strategic choices made by the state's attorneys were nothing short of astonishing.
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joining me now is lisa bloom, a legal analyst for the "today" show and she is also a frequent guest on this show during and after the zimmerman trial. thank you for being here, lisa. >> thank you, reverend. >> in your book, you highlight this photo. george zimmerman showing police where his gun was holstered the night of the shooting. why did you say this is an example of how the prosecution dropped the ball in the trial? >> because this should have been one of the most important pieces of evidence in the case. this is what the prosecution should have started with. this is what they should have ended with. this is what they should have shown witnesses on cross-examination. this is what they should have called an expert witness to talk about, because george zimmerman showed in that photo and two other times on a videotape that his gun was holstered behind him. he claims that he was lying on his back, trayvon atop him when trayvon saw the gun, reached for the gun and threatened to kill him.
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that's physically impossible if the gun is holstered behind you and you're lying on your back. the prosecution was blind to this piece of evidence. and that was really my eye-opener, my wow moment when i was covering the trial every day on your show, reverend al. i thought if they're missing this, what else are they missing? so when this case was over, you know, i thought i was done. i thought i would move on to the next case. but it really disturbed me. and i had to go back and conduct new witnesses, talk what happened in the jury room, talk about what didn't happen in the case that we weren't seeing. i thought that was the big story. and that's what i reveal in my book. >> now juror b-29, only known only as matty was the only minority on the six-person all women jury. a couple of months after the verdict, here's what she told you. here's what she said to me. >> but justice to know that in my heart, you feel that a person is guilty. but when it comes out to the law, they give you so much that you can work with, you know, it
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makes me feel worse the more i hear about george zimmerman. >> now, that's what she told me. but what she told you that was truly stunning of what was going on in the jury room, one juror, quote, knew more than we knew. from pretrial publicity, she knew from pretrial publicity that trayvon martin was a bad kid, was intentionally behind zimmerman, that he knew he was going to hit him, and that he planned his own death. lisa, none of these points were mentioned during the trial. how did this make into it the deliberations? >> it's really sickening. and it's really disturbing, reverend al. i opened the book with maddy's story. i spent a considerable amount of time with her. she and i are really friends now. she and i have a been texting the last couple of days. she cannot get over this case because she feels that the
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weight of trayvon martin's death is on her shoulders. and when she tells the story of what went on not only during deliberations, but during the three weeks of sequestration, i was shocked. i mean, i think it raises serious questions about whether about whether racial profiling was going on in the jury room. how cruel the five white women were on that jury to maddy, how they demeaned her, how they mocked the way she smoke. it was microcosm of how what this case was about. >> give me an example. what do you mean mocked her and treated her -- isolated her and treated her differently? did she give you examples? >> yes, yes. and i have the examples in the book. for example, she referred to ramen noodles as roman noodles. they all laughed at her. oh, maddy, you don't know how to talk. one of them was allowed to bring her dog in for nine hours on a weekend because she was lonely. maddy wanted to bring in her 3-month-old infant, and she was denied that on the ground that
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supposedly the child could talk. >> wow. >> there was a deputy stationed outside of maddy's hotel door. she thought is that just a coincidence, or is it because i'm the only nonwhite juror? the same kinds of questions that people of color have to ask all the time when they're followed and asked by law enforcement. >> there was a deputy outside her door, but there wasn't outside of the other jurors' doors? >> correct. that's right. >> wow. i mean, you write a lot about race in this trial, that at the root of this entire case is, quote, unspoken fear that african americans are criminal, that fear is often armed, locked, and loaded. and so the body count continues to rise in an atmosphere of lawlessness. was race a part of this trial whether the prosecution wanted it to be or not, lisa? >> there is no question about it. the defense is the one that brought race into the case, comparing trayvon martin to a couple of african american burglars that he had absolutely no connection to, except for shared skin color. you know, i was driven to write
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this book, reverend al. i had to expose what went on in that courtroom and what we didn't see the first time around, because i feel this is an iconic case. i feel the story had to be told. but it's bigger even than just the trayvon martin case. we see it again in the jordan davis shooting. renisha mcbride, and all of the other young people who are unarmed, who are considered suspicious in this country. it's got to stop. and i felt that the least i could do would be to expose it in my book. >> lisa bloom, new for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. >> and again, the book is called "suspicion nation." coming up, what president obama said today about me and bill o'reilly. it has people talking. but first, the "scandal" phenomenon. it's a smash hit. it's groundbreaking, and it's back tonight. two super fans who i'm sure you know, join me next. >> if you want me, earn me. until then we are done.
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got a problem in washington? call olivia pope. that's the premise of abc's hit show "scandal," which is back tonight after its winter break. kerry washington plays olivia pope, a d.c. fixer who spends her days keeping politicians' scandal out of the headlines. >> if you get subpoenaed in front of a grand jury, you can testify as an officer of the court that i was working on my own. i didn't blackmail or threaten
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her. if you don't get subpoenaed, this never happened. >> it's handled. >> no matter the problem is handled. the show's a rating success and a groundbreaking series as washington is the first black woman to lead a tv drama in almost 40 years. but the show's also a social media phenomenon. when "scandal" is on, twitter is taken over by its fans. the show's cast and creator live tweet the show. joining a conversation of thousands, including celebrity fans like mary j. blige, jessica simpson, and mariah carey. in november, kerry tweeted shock and awe. just woke up and watched scandal. floored, and probably won't recover for years. she is not the only one floored with scenes like this. >> she told you there was a
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problem in the plan, but it was a lie. there never was a bomb, was there? she got you to kill hundreds of people, all for nothing. she fooled you like she fooled me. didn't she? dad? didn't she? >> more than nine million people watched that episode. but it also got more than 420,000 tweets, nearly four times more than any other regularly scheduled show that week. joining me now are two "scandal" fanatics, and prolific "scandal" tweeters. joy reid and angela rye. thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev.
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>> thank you. >> and joy, congratulations on the new show. >> thank you, rev. appreciate it. thanks. >> joy, there were more than 400,000 tweets sent out about "scandal's" last episode. how many were yours? about half, right? >> about half. i mean, listen. a lot of times when "scandal" is on, i am not in the active tweeting involvement in it because a lot of the times i'm here, i'm on the last word a lot on thursday nights. i'm one of the people who is a lot of times is catching it on dvr. but it is fascinating to see how scandal has mobilized twitter, both to get people to watch. one of the reasons i started watching it is because it did take over my entire twitter timeline, force knowing binge watch the early episodes and catch up. now i am absolutely adibbed to it. they took twitter and turned a show that was in some ratings trouble in the first season and turned it into a bona fide hit by turning into it appointment television. and that is very smart, and it's something that shawn derhymes and her team are to be commended
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for. >> angela, what sets "scandal" apart? why is there such a big online conversation? >> i think there is a big online conversation, rev, because african americans and people of color generally, particularly those in the demographic that watch this show over index on social media period. so we're actively watching and engaging with the #scandal all evening long. even afterwards there is an after show conversation that happens. it absolutely is engagement at the highest level. it's like you're tweeting during commercial breaks, during the show. omg, did that just happen? all of that is going on. and it absolutely to joy's point is the reason why "scandal" is a tremendous success. i know the cast live tweets. but sometimes the celebrities and the other folks who you follow make the show exactly what it is, the side conversation is the best. >> that's interesting, joy. because i tweet for another first black woman on tv, tamron hall on the "today" show. >> amen. >> all right. >> this show has so many twists and turns.
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i want to play the last scene from the last episode. olivia's mother has disappeared, and then this happens. >> this is olivia pope. >> hi livy. >> where are you? >> i know you must be angry with me. >> where are you, mom? >> i just wanted to hear your vois voice. >> tell me where you are. >> don't worry, sweetheart. i'll see you real soon. ♪ >> how did twitter react to that, joy? >> it was half omg, olivia pope's mom. and the other half was now we understand where olivia pope got her coat game. because both olivia and her mom have the baddest wardrobes on tv. >> ever. >> period. >> kerry washington really has groundbreaking role there. hadn't been an african american
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female lead of a drama since 1974. she talked about that with oprah. let's listen. >> i didn't know -- i knew that i had never seen this before, but i didn't know that it would actually be this -- >> the first time. >> yeah, yeah. >> but now you don't feel like you to take on the role of the black woman because the truth is she is a fully realized woman. she is not just in this role because she is african american, right? >> yeah. she kind of represents a new moment for me, because i feel like for a long time -- >> a new moment for our culture. >> do you agree? does she represent a new moment for our culture? >> well, rev, i believe that it's opening the door. we still aren't where we need to be on dramas, on prime time tv. and i think that it's definitely opening a door. i know that people, just like they talk about the president, it's post racial, but it's really not. even with kerry washington's lines in one of the episodes
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with her affair with fits, she calls herself salary hemmings, and it's something i was seeing a lot on twitter. so we're really not post racial. but i do think it's a great way to open up the door for more folks to get opportunities. we're seeing more shows like being mary jane on b.e.t., which is not on the same level in terms of viewership, but again, it's create mortgage opportunities for african american actresses. >> but she mentioned something there, joy. a lot of scandal is really dark. but the real first lady says she is a fan. why does "scandal" -- i mean, what does it get right about washington? let me ask you that? >> well, hopefully not a lot. >> right. >> because there is a lot of jeopardy going on. even when kerry washington first took the role, she did point out she wouldn't have taken the role had the president been cast as an african american, because she didn't want to it have any of that sort of realism that it was related to the real washington. but because her character, olivia pope is based on a real person, a real woman who is a top fixer on the gop side of the
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ledger in washington, and has done real big-time work in terms of this kind of consulting, that does give it a slight bit of realism. but really, it is an idealized and much more high fashion and fly version of washington than i think is really real, except for angela rye. except for angela rye. >> i have one last big question for you, angela, before i go. it's a big one, now. >> okay. >> team fits or team jake? >> team neither, rev. we don't do affairs and we don't dole illegal activity. team neither. >> thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> and be sure to watch joy on "the reid report" right here on msnbc. and by the way, kerry, if you're watching, you are welcome any time on "politicsnation." we'd love to have you join us. the president mentioned bill o'reilly and myself at an event at the white house today. i'll tell you why, ahead. a breathe right strip
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on expedia you can book any flight, car and hotel together and save up to 20% when you build your custom trip. expedia, find yours. finally tonight, putting differences aside for the cause. as i mentioned earlier in the show, the president announced his new initiative to empower minority men. today it was an event that the president referenced dr. martin luther king jr. in.
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>> yes, we need to encourage fathers to stick around and remove the barriers to marriage, and talk openly about things like responsibility and faith and community. in the words of dr. king, it is not either or, it is both/and. >> it is not either/or, it is both. it was an event where the parents of trayvon martin and jordan davis were in attendance. this was not a partisan event, nonprofit groups, business leaders, and civil rights leaders. and bill o'reilly was there. the president mentioned both of us. >> if i can persuade, you know, sharpton and o'reilly to be in the same meeting -- [ laughter ] -- then it means that -- then it means that there are people of good faith who want to get some stuff done, even if we don't agree on everything. and that's our focus. >> i sat there with the parents
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of jordan davis and trayvon martin thinking of their pain. we sat in front of john lewis, who had been beaten to open up america. but then i thought about the pain of many parents who are the parents of children victimized by gun violence in communities, parents whose schools don't function well for them and whose communities are crumbling. and the initiative the president is doing is not against the injustices that we fight for the trayvons, but the injustices inside, some of which we won't stand up and challenge and give excuses ourselves. and i thought about if it wasn't for bishop f.d. washington and reverend bill jones, who mentored me when i had no father, and a mother that believed in me, that i wouldn't have been sitting in the white house today as a head of a civil rights group. that's more important to me than any differences i may have. yes, bill o'reilly and i have differences, and we will continue to.
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but i think what is more important to me is not who i differ with, but who i can stand up for and stand up with. we must help young men in the community, because i'm one of them young men that got help. and we owe it to work with the president to do this. mr. o'reilly and others can be there or not, but i'll be there if i have to be there by myself. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. battle at the top? let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. for a while now here on "hardball," i've spoken of joe
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