tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC March 11, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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good morning, i'm chris jansing, and we begin with breaking news from trenton, new jersey, inside the courtroom, the next act is getting under way for the political payback drama that is governor chris christie's administration, a scandal that could threaten his potential 2016 run. here's where we are right now, bridget kelly, who was fired for her role in bridgegate, fighting for her right to remain silent and not respond to lawmakers' subpoenas. kelly was behind the infamous e-mail that read, "time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." "got it," said david wildstein. the access to the george washington bridge caused monumental traffic jams and this ongoing political and league quagmire. it's not just kelly, bill stepien is there, as well. stepien was all set to be the
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state gop chairman before all this broke, and christie said he lost confidence in him. the legal argument by both is that complying with the subpoenas carries the risk of self incrimination. governor christie says he knew nothing about the plot's planning or execution. nbc news correspondent michael isikoff is in trenton, new jersey. set the stage for us, what are we expecting inside that courtroom this morning? >> reporter: first of all, all eyes will be on bridget kelly, she is in that courtroom. this is, in fact, her first public appearance since she was fired by governor christie and essentially called a liar. she's not going to testify. she won't be speaking, but there is an interesting legal argument going on. this is not about whether or not she and bill stepien have the right not to testify. they had that right under the fifth amendment. this is a question about whether they have to respond to the subpoena and turn over all documents, e-mails, text messages, that they might have in possession regarding those
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lane closures. now what her lawyers are arguing is that the wording of that subpoena forces kelly and stepien to decide for themselves what e-mails and text messages might be relevant to that power play and, in effect, by making that decision, they are testifying. there is some supreme court precedent that does allow people who get subpoenas to avoid having to turn over documents if the turning over of the documents would be, in effect, testimony. that's what's going to be argued in court, and make no mistake about it, the consequences are huge, because depending on how this turns out, you know, a lot will depend on whether or not we learn more about what was behind that e-mail, because if we don't get the documents, if the committee doesn't get the documents, if the public doesn't see them, we may never learn
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what was behind the e-mail from bridget kelly, time for traffic problems in ft. lee. >> michael isikoff, thank you. as we wait for the judge to come in, i want to bring in barbara buono, chris christie's challenger in last year's election, also joined by beth fouhy and business insider, political editor hunter walker. good to have all of you here. senator buono, you heard what michael isikoff said, the consequences are huge. you know new jersey politics and the implications here. how huge are we talking? >> this is a pivotal point that we're facing today. it is by far the most significant test of the investigative authority of this legislative panel. i mean, they are going to decide whether or not the panel is able to get to the bottom of who orchestrated the lane closures. i think it's important to note that this will be a case of first impression for new jersey, and what i mean by that is there is no other previous case in new
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jersey where a legislative committee sought documents, subpoenaed documents, and the fifth amount was raised, was invoked, to prevent that from happening. i was the chair of the legislative oversight committee during christie's first two years in office and i subpoenaed his fired education commissioner bret chumler before our committee, he came willingly and testified, but when we subpoenaed documents from the administration, they gave us some of them, but raised the executive privilege at the time and not the fifth amendment. big difference, there wasn't a u.s. attorneys criminal investigation hanging over, so i have to be honest, if i'm an attorney, bridget kelly's attorney or stepien's attorney, i would do the same thing. i would not want them to testify if they are going to run the risk of self incrimination, unless they are going to be given immunity. >> we're talking some pretty big fire power here legally. both of these lawyers, very well known and have great
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reputations. >> exactly. bill stepien has kevin moreno, very highly regarded in new jersey as sort of a power house lawyer. bridget kelly is represented by a democrat and the legislative committee got reid chars, special lawyer, who brought down blagojevich. >> let's get to the heart of what they want to know. let's boil this down, beth. they want to know who told bridget kelly that this was okay to do, right? when you really get to the heart of what is the information they want, where does the buck stop? >> right. they want to see communication with the governor that bridget kelly communicated with him in some way or somebody did and that, in fact, he knew all about this. this is really the political impact of the governor. he has not been tied to this. he's paid the price in the polling. we all know that. he's had to kind of climb back out and reclaim his reputation,
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but there's still no direct tie to the bridge closings to the governor. that's the one piece left and within all these documents and e-mails and texts, there's got to be something to tie him to that and that's why they are resisting so far. >> bridget kelly has been textbook. every defense lawyer will tell you, don't say anything. yesterday, michael isikoff caught up with her, first time really we've heard from her. let me just play that little piece of tape. >> how are you holding up during all this? >> i'm okay, thank you. >> how difficult an experience this has been for you? >> i'm not going to comment. >> would you say that there's more to the story that people haven't heard? >> hunter, what do we know about bridget kelly, what her motives may be here? >> first off, she's a mother. if at any point she is looking at legitimate jail time, that's got to be weighing on her a lot. she certainly is a christie loyalist and right now she's sort of got the most
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incriminating quote of the entire scandal hanging on her, so i think in a sense she might be very eager to pass that off on someone else and expose more, but on the other hand, is she trying to make sure she's protected and also does the context make her look better or worse, we don't know. >> judge mary jacobson has taken to the bench and she's going to be in charge of the proceeding. the people to look for, bill stepien, bridget kelly is in the courtroom and their lawyers. let's listen in. >> docket number mer-l-350-14 and the new jersey legislative select committee on investigation versus william stepien, docket number mer-l-354-14. if i could have the appearances of counsel, starting with counsel for plaintiff. >> yes, your honor.
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>> your honor, leon and my associate anthony sochy as counsel for the defendant. >> and for defendant kelly? >> good morning, michael quincy, mr. danoa to my left also for ms. kelly. thank you. >> good morning, your honor, kevin moreno and with me is my partner. >> thank you. this matter arises out of two verified complaints and orders to show cause that have been filed by the plaintiff, the new jersey legislative select committee on investigations, and against both william stepien and bridget kelly. subpoenas were issued to each of them and by the committee, which is investigating the bridgegate controversy that involves the closure of multiple traffic lanes leading to the george
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washington bridge in ft. lee. after the defendants were unresponsive, the committee moved to compel the production of the documents, but defendants have maintained their refusal to comply. citing their privilege against self incrimination and the fourth amendment's protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. and so the committee has initiated this action to obtain a declaratory judgment that defendants have failed to comply with the subpoenas without justification and also a court order compelling them to produce the documents. so we'll hear from mr. sharp. >> may i approach the podium? >> yes. >> judge, the mayor, obviously, has been fully briefed, too, your honor, and i think briefed
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thoroughly. i want to spend my time this morning kind of walking through our view of various issues that were raised in, certainly the response briefs, but really my goal, your honor, is to answer and address any questions that you may have regarding these issues, understanding parts of this are a case of first impression related to a legislative subpoena. judge, in this case, the committee issued very focused subpoenas seeking among other things communications, and most specifically, e-mails and text messages regarding a very narrow topic, and that topic is lane closures, which have garnered a specific amount of attention. this is not, has not been, and these subpoenas are not fishing expeditions of any sort. quite the opposite. we have, in fact, presented to your honor communications in the form of e-mails, both from mr. stepien and ms. kelly, or
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between them, on this very topic. so we are aware they have communications responsive and relevant to the subpoena. the subpoenas here are, quite frankly, the type that are routinely issued to legislative investigations but many investigations, grand jury and otherwise, on a near daily basis in the united states. and in response to what we believe are fairly focused subpoenas, mr. stepien and ms. kelly have refused to provide any documents whatsoever. instead, based on my reading of the briefs, what they are arguing is effect that of the united states v. hubble, one of the seminal cases in this area, any use of their mind, any, to respond to the subpoena requests that have been issued somehow permits them to invoke their fifth amendment right against self incrimination. >> but doesn't this fall somewhere between hubble and fischer? >> i totally agree. >> and, you, yourself, pointed
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to the ponds decision and i didn't see anything that was cited by the committee that was the equivalent of the legal retainer agreement that was produced in ponds where the court there had a mixed decision, said that there was a reasonable particularity to ask for certain kinds of documents because they had the legal retainer, but for the vast majority of the documents, they said there was no reasonable particularity. these pawns had a mercedes, for example, so they had targeted subpoena about the mercedes and the court held there that it was a testimonial -- for him to produce those documents was testimonial in nature and protected by the fifth amendment. so why isn't your subpoena, although limited to the lane
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closures, more like the mercedes than the legal retainer? >> i think the answer is because we actually have e-mails specific to the lane closure, and the way we read pawns is it's topical. in the sense of the legal retainer allowed the issue of the legal retainer and pawns allowed permission to subpoena full documents related, in effect, to that retainer. here we have communications specific to the lane closures. topically, we're focused topically. >> while they are arguing this. let me bring you back in, senator buono. it was interesting, the first thing he said, these are not fishing expeditions of any sort. why is that critical to the argument they are making for these e-mails and other communications? >> well, it is a very technical legal analysis that's going on here, and what it will eventually turn on is how the subpoena is worded. will the judge say that it is
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too broadly worded and that it is indeed a fishing expedition, or is it narrow enough, topical one of the lawyers said, to not transcend into the testimonial sphere. in other words, it's very, very narrow. listen, we want e-mails that are touching on x, y, and z. the judge may say that is sufficiently narrow so as not to involve testimony, but it's a very esoteric legal question that has to be answered and the judge really has three choices. she could either deny the subpoena, she could grant the subpoenas, or the third choice, which i think is probably the most fair and equitable one, she could agree to go over these documents, document by document, in camera, in seek and behind closed doors. >> and i think we need to make the point, obviously, this has
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great implications for chris christie. this is not going to end with this. whichever side loses, hunter, is going to appeal this. if people are thinking tomorrow we're going to get to read the e-mails, that's not exactly going to happen. >> this is, if anything, just a reminder about how much longer this whole investigation is going to go on. you saw chris christie having a town hall, appearing at cpac, going back to business as usual in the last week or so, but the poll numbers have been brutal. >> can we show those? if we still have them, let me put them up. a new poll shows his approval rating has plummeted, down 20 points. only 23% say he's trustworthy. >> this was the first time in new jersey voters who disappr e disapproved of christie outnumbered those who approve of him. >> tell me about it. >> barbara buono, beth fouhy, hunter walker, thanks to all of you and we may be talking to you later on. coming up, we're going to
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get the latest on the missing plane, still a mystery. investigators now looking at the possibility someone onboard maybe had psychological problems. we'll break down more of the possible scenarios next and continue to watch the courtroom in trenton for any further developments. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything.
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some striking new developments this morning in the missing malaysian jetliner, including learning the identity of one of the two men who had stolen passports. he's a 19-year-old iranian. his mother says he was just trying to migrate to germany. it would be another piece of information making it unlikely he was involved in the plane's disappearance. >> we believe that he is not likely to be a member of any terrorist group. >> plus, we're seeing these new
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images of the two men before they boarded the plane and investigators are asking anyone who recognizes the second man and might know why he was traveling to come forward. the search is also expanding today. authorities are hunting well beyond the flight path to both the east and west coasts of malaysia for any signs of wreckage. that would be approximately 750 miles across. that is an enormous area. nbc's tom costello joins me now. tom, where are we in this investigation? >> reporter: i'll tell you what, we are still day four of the search has wrapped up in asia and we still have nothing. can we go back to that map? because i think it's important to illustrate what we're talking about here. i'm going to point to it here. look where the plane was lost. it was headed towards vietnam, and now they have expanded the search zone to literally be behind the plane. why is that? because the malaysian military radar now says it had a track on this plain in the straight of malacca. that is the water between
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malaysia, the body in yellow, and indonesia, which is literally behind the trajectory of this plane. how did that happen? well, that's what they want to know. but if this plane had for some reason mechanical issue, was the crew incapacitated, if it made a u-turn, literally doubled back and last known position over the strait of malacca, where is it? out over the indian ocean? these are the questions this morning and really they don't have any idea at the moment. they still don't have an emergency transmitter beacon, still don't have an underwater pinger going off. they still don't have a good, firm radar track showing the last firm location. they think they know where it was in malaysian territory, so they have more questions. i do want to suggest, though, that the malaysian inspector general today said in addition to a mechanical issue, he's looking at the possibility, possibility, of sabotage, of hijack, or of a crew member or somebody onboard having a
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psychological issue. chris? >> nbc's tom costello staying on top of this investigation for us, thank you. i want to bring in david soucie, author of the book "why planes crash." good to see you, good morning. >> hello, thanks for having me this morning. >> let me go through some of the list what investigators think might have happened that they are considering might have caused this plane to disappear. let's start with a possible hijacking. what's the likelihood of that? >> well, i think there's two issues with the hijacking scenario. one would be that there's been speculation there was a bomb on board or some kind of in-flight breakup caused by that. the hijacking scenario i can't answer to or talk about right now, obviously, we don't have any information that would lead us that way. except the two passports, but those issues, i think, are being resolved as we speak. the more concerning thing to me or what we can learn from what we do know is i don't believe that aircraft broke up in flight and i think that's an important point to make.
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the reason i don't think that is because in my investigations when the aircraft breaks up in flight, you have debris spread over miles and miles, and that would be very easy to see, even in the vast area we've been searching. >> even across 750 miles, which, you know, people are not familiar with what it takes to search for parts of a missing plane, you are. even across an area that big, you think they would have found something after four days? >> yes, i definitely do think that they would have. you have to understand there's not only the search with local rescues, but satellites and other things that are working on this. what concerns me most, though, and what's perplexing to me is that 777 has two elts, emergency locating transmitters that are broadcasting. one of them is activated by shock, the other's activated by salt water. neither of those is giving out any kind of signal. satellites are listening for that, all of the local aircraft and boats are listening for that
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frequency. there's nothing going on. >> so let me ask you about the other thing they are talking about, which is a possible psychological problem, and there have been articles written today about the possibility of this being what's been called aircraft assisted pilot suicide. in other words, you know, the pilot deliberately crashed this plane. it's incredibly rare, but it has happened. >> yes. >> how would we even begin to find that out if that was the case? >> well, at this point, again, we don't have enough information, but i'm confident the black boxes will be retrieved. i've done a lot of work in this neuropsychological aspect of the pilots, and i believe and i've made it clear to the faa and all the other authorities that i work with that we really need to focus on that. you have to understand, all of our training so far for the pilots and crews and flight attendants has been that every single person that gets on that airplane is a suspected terrorist. they have to think of it that way, and when you do, you think about the thousands of people
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they are in contact with every day, that has to have some psychological impact on your head. and we don't do, currently, we don't do any psychological testing or preparation in that aspect as far as how that impacts the people in the crew. >> david soucie, author of the book "why planes crash," thank you very much for coming on the program. >> thank you. coming up, we're going ahead to the capitol and talk to senator barbara boxer about the senate climate change all nighter and the path forward in ukraine. this is for you.
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to begin recess next week. senator boxer is a member of the senate foreign relations committee, also part of the climate change talkathon overnight. could include sanctions targeting officials involved in what is called threatening the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. they are also talking about loan guarantees, also reforms to the imf, the international monetary fund. the white house would like that. what would you support in this package, senator? >> i think you've laid it out very, very well. the importance of the imf is that's what we're going to be looking towards for ukraine, so we want to make sure they have enough and have the flexibility to act. so my understanding is, we're not there yet with the package, that we're trying to work it all out, and i'm thinking we'll probably have that done by next week. >> by next week, so not before congress adjourns? >> well, we're just going to be in monday, but we have asked
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what the impact is if we have another week to work it out and they said it would be fine for ukraine. so we know we're going to do this loan package. the house passed one, that's great, so at the minimum, we'll have that done, but we want to see if we can take the opportunity to make sure that going forward we've got a good system in place, back-up system for ukraine to help them financially get out of the hole that they are in. what we might see this week is a resolution that condemns what russia did and say that we stand with the ukrainian people. we're working on that. senator durbin has worked on that across party lines, so we may see that come up this week. >> so sounds like you're working on those on paralleled tracks, but let me go back to the reforms on the imf, which you said is something the white house wants, but republicans have balked at. give us what your gut tells you, what are the chances that happens? >> i think we've got a good
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chance. that's why we need a little time to make the case. america's not going to save ukraine. it's going to be the civilized world. it's going to be the e.u. we have to work together, and that's, i think, the big selling point, is that we want to make sure we've got the institutions in place, so all the burden doesn't fall on american taxpayers. >> i have to say, you look great because you had a very long night with the climate change talk-a-thon. i'm sure you know this, mitch mcconnell offered a kind of prebuttal yesterday to this. let me play it. >> tonight you're going to hear 30 hours of excuses from a group of people who think that's okay, that that's just okay that we have a depression in appalachia. well, it's not okay. it's cruel. >> the argument is, not only that it's cruel, but it doesn't make any sense because there isn't a bill out there, you're just talking for the sake of talking. why do this? what do you think you accomplish? >> well, let me tell you what's
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cruel. what's cruel is hurricane sandy. what's cruel is the drought that is hurting our people so much. what's cruel is all these impacts that are happening along the beaches and the erosion and to our way of life, and what we saw through the night when the republicans just stayed away from us, what we saw through the night is that all across our great nation, whether it's both coasts or it's the south or it's the midwest, middle of the country, everybody is struggling. whether it's the problem with the fisheries in washington state or in maine, that's what's cruel. and mitch mcconnell is walking away from this in the face of 98% of the scientists who say climate change is real. here's the great news, the solution is, essentially, moving to clean energy. many, many thousands of jobs that can't be exported, good paying jobs, and the health of our people will improve, and if we put a price on carbon, we
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would use that revenues to make sure middle class families and the working poor families can pay that interim price, which will be a little higher for energy, but eventually go way down as we really look out into the future. >> senator barbara boxer, always good to see you. thanks so much for coming on the program. >> thanks for having me on, chris. moments ago, the head of the senate intelligence committee dropped a bomb shell. senator dianne feinstein said the cia improperly searched a computer network established for congress. the senator said this happened during an investigation into allegations of cia abuse in the bush era detention interrogation program. >> the cia search may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the united states constitution. including the speech and debate clause. >> nbc's kasie hunt is live on capitol hill. this is a pretty strong allegation, kasie, what can you
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tell us? >> senator feinstein went to the floor in what was clearly a carefully laid out set of accusations against the intelligence community. she's angry because she says the cia has insinuated that the intelligence committee did something wrong. at issue is a review that was done by leon panetta, then the director of the cia, of the cia's detention and interrogation program, so the intelligence committee was trying to conduct its usual oversight of that program and there was a lot of back and forth over what documents that senators would be allowed to access and how they would be allowed to access them. the cia has sort of insinuated the intelligence committee procured this review panetta did illegally, potentially, and as feinstein said on the floor, they searched computers looking for that document. feinstein said that search may have violated the fourth amendment and several statutes. she said she's asked for an apology from the cia, as well as an acknowledgment it was wrong
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and received neither of those. >> kasie hunt with the breaking news from the floor of the senate, thank you. >> thanks, chris. checking the news feed this morning, president obama heads to new york later today to raise money for the democratic party. while some 2014 candidates have been shying away from appearing with the president, they are not shy when it comes to campaign cash. the dnc event is at the home of a long-time fundraiser for hillary clinton. vice president joe biden is in chile today attending the inauguration for that country's president for a second term, but then will cut his trip short for tomorrow's meeting with the ukrainian prime minister. in what could be a preview of november's midterms, voters are heading to the polls in a special election in florida's 13th congressional district. after spending $9 million on this hotly contested race, it's expected to be a close one between democrat alex sink and republican david jolly. president obama narrowly won the district in 2012. the seat was previously held by
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so we're about 40 minutes into this live hearing at a courthouse in trenton and bridget kelly and bill stepien are arguing they should not have to comply with a legislative subpoena that's related to the investigation into the lane closures on the george washington bridge. well, moments ago, here's what the attorney representing the state assembly had to say. >> obviously, ms. kelly is critical to what occurred, based on the communications we've presented to your honor and have. >> you could grant immunity and then they have their right against self incrimination goes away and we don't have the constitutional issue and you have the right to proceed with your investigation. >> well, that's a -- there's a complicated analysis. >> so, obviously, what they are looking for is communication, including e-mails, that may lead
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them to understand how the lane closures came about. we'll continue to listen in and keep you updated on that. meantime, we have the very first tax numbers and the pot industry is making a lot of money for colorado. the state raked in more than $3.5 million in taxes and fees in january. that's their take on $14 million that was spent on recreational pot. that's just in january. the first full month it was legal. and this thursday, denver is going to hold its first ever marijuana-themed job fair. they are calling it cannisearch. time reports at least 15 employers in the cannabis industry are looking to hire. joining me now, jared polis. good to see you. i should say you've been a supporter of this and now are looking at the numbers. is it about what you expected and do you think it's going to cause other states to look at this? >> they are looking at an annual projection of about $140 million in taxes from the sale, but you know what, guess what, people
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working in the industry with jobs pay income tax, that's not included. what about going out and spending the money people who own dispensaries. there's a lot more economic activity and much of the activity existed before, but it was underground, underground economy. it wasn't reported, there were no taxes paid, it was criminals and cartels. we brought it out of that and allow legitimate businessmen and women to engage in the trade and pay taxes. >> a good bit of that tax money is going to go to education, but also going to go for ads, because there's very real concerns about whether this is going to lead to driving while impaired, so let me show you the d.o.t. ad that's running.
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>> you don't want that guy driving, so you actually have introduced a bill that would create stoned driving standards. tell us about that. >> it's very important. this is what the federal government did with alcohol, they threatened to withhold highway funds if states didn't have dui limits of a certain level. we need to do the same thing to make sure the states, because many don't, have the laws on the books and the ability to implement them to prevent stoned drivers from taking the wheel. it's one of the biggest dangers we face with legalized sale of marijuana. colorado just passed those laws, other states don't have them yet. >> let me also ask about something else going on in colorado, that is gay marriage. john hickenlooper, the governor just came out in support of that last week. they were legal same-sex civil unions as of last year, but gay marriage was banned until 2006. what's the likelihood?
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>> well, we're still one of the states sort of separate but equal, so we have civil unions, it's a step forward, but we won't rest until we have marriage. i expect it will be brought before the voters in 2016. sadly, we have marriage defined in our constitution as between a man and a woman. i hope we can amend that in 2016, if not earlier. >> we've seen polls young republicans are heavily in favor of, 61%. is this something that's going to take the time until basically we age into this population? >> i think we're there with colorado. looking nationally, close to 50/50. i think colorado is more libertarian, more ahead. i think if same-sex marriage is placed on the ballot today, probably 55%, 58% would vote for it. >> i can't let you go without the gq question. they showed this picture of you in a purple shirt there and offered to give you a makeover. and you said you were going to take them up on that. >> you're still looking at me
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premakeover. i should have worn the bow tie here today. >> i would like that. i don't have a problem with the bow tie. are you really going to have a makeover? >> absolutely. they offered it, we're going to do it. i said they can't take away my individuality. >> jared polis, will you come back after the makeover? >> always a pleasure. >> thank you so much. and we'll be right back. probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation
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mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. how's energy and commerce committee planning to hold hearings? >> congress really wants to know why it took nearly a decade to initiate this recall of 1.6 million vehicles that have been linked to 13 deaths because of a faulty ignition. it's becoming somewhat of a blame game, though, for example, versus company gm versus regulators. this investigation will hopefully through the hearings process reveal some of these answers, but gm, for its part, wants to be seen to be rapidly responding under the new ceo, they've hired tom, who led the investigation into the 2008 lehman collapse, he's going to be leading gm's internal investigations and they've also done things like put up a website, so if you're someone who feels you might be affected, you can see details about, for example, the models asked and that kind of thing.
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and that recall was initiated on february the 13th. still a lot of answers that we need out here, but hopefully we'll get to the bottom of it. >> also an interesting story for mcdonald's. february was kind of disappointing. they've been looking at could they become more like chipotle. >> i'm conflicted about this. i feel i like the predictability of mcdonald's. i like a cheeseburger. i know what i'm going to get. but the problem is, you know, they've had lackluster sales so they are trying to reinvent the wheel here. they are going to go down the customization root like chipotle. apparently last year they started experimenting with this, build your own burger, you can choose options, no onions, yes onions, on a tablet computer and i believe they are going to start rolling that system out in some other locations. >> my question is, is time money? it takes time to do that, to customize, five guys and other burger places let you customize, but that takes time. time is money.
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>> time is money, but if it equals more sales, and that's what the customer wants, it's all about it's my choice, me time. it's all about me. i don't want to just be given something. i want to be able to have power over what i get. i believe mcdonald's may also be going down the healthy root like chipotle, natural ingredients, you might see more focused on things like caged free eggs, that kind of thing. >> i'm for that. >> why not? >> mandy drury, always good to have you in here, thank you. and we'll be right back.
7:51 am
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7:53 am
so this is what we've been keeping our eye on for an hour, trenton courthouse, bridget kelly and bill stepien, two former aides to chris christie who are caught in the middle of this bridgegate scandal and they want to not have to answer subpoenas from a legislative committee. the question is, could they take, would they accept some sort of immunity? we're going to keep our eye on this and get back to you throughout the morning here on msnbc.
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to politics now, where the newsroom was cracking up to this new video of the president talking to the hangover actor za. i said that wrong. >> you can get affordable health care and most young americans right now, they are not covered, and the truth is, they can get coverage all for what it cost you to pay your cell phone bill. >> is this what they mean by drones? >> the point is, a lot of young people, they think they are invincible. >> did you say invisible? >> no, no, not invisible, invincible. meaning that they don't think they can get hurt. >> i'm just saying, nobody could be invisible. if you said you could be invisible. >> i understand that. gallifanakas, hangover guy. the administration is hoping a funny video like that is going to appeal to young people, get
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the message out they should sign up for health care. that's going to wrap up this hour of "jansing and co.," i'm chris jansing. "news nation" is up next. tamron is going to be talking to a lawmaker that's proposing a bill to oppose killer whale performances like at sea warld. stay tuned for that. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am.
7:56 am
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total your car, and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? hi, everyone, i'm tamron hall, and this is "news nation." we are following breaking news from capitol hill and a bomb shell accusation from the cia this morning from the senate intelligence committee, senator dianne feinstein in a lengthy speech on the senate floor, feinstein accused the cia of secretly removing documents from computers belonging to the senate committee. >> without prior notification or approval, cia personnel had conducted a search that was done
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of committee computers. i have grave concerns that the cia's search may well have violated the separation of powers principles embodied in the united states constitution. >> the actions may not only have been unconstitutional, but an attempt to undermine her panel, which is investigating controversial detention and interrogation program. she also defended the committee from allegations that it obtained documents illegally. >> there is no legitimate reason to allege to the justice department that senate staff may have committed a crime. i view the acting council general's referral as a potential effort to intimidate this staff and i am not taking it lightly. >> joining me now with more on this breaking news, nbc's kasie hunt and justice correspondent for nbc, pete williams.
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thank you both. let's start here, reports of this surfaced last wednesday. this is when the rumblings started and it's led to what we saw from senator feinstein today. >> absolutely. this is a pretty intense or exploded into a pretty intense confrontation between the intelligent committee and the cia. reports surfaced last week and senator feinstein has been silent on this issue since then. this is a pretty aggressive step for her to say this and she set this up as a conflict between the cia itself and the committee and she's defending her staffers, as you heard her say, from what she says are cia accusations that they engaged in criminal activity by accessing this document. now at issue, is an internal review of this interrogation and detention program, the george w. bush era program, that was conducted by then-cia director leon panetta, so the committee says they had access to that document as part of a searchable
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