tv News Nation MSNBC March 13, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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overnight in the "wall street journal." also said, quote -- u.s. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar die tex. malaysia's transport minister called the report, quote, unaccurate, but acknowledged it is the possible the plane could have continued flying for some period of time. >> i would like to refer to the news report suggesting that the aircraft may have continued flying for some time after last contact. those reports are inaccurate. the last report from the aircraft indicated everything was normal. yesterday china satellite
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detected no debris. that area has already been searched. tom, we are hearing about what's not right, then the next morning we wake up to new information. what we know at this point is this flight is still missing and you have family members of more than 200 people awaiting word of anything. >> yeah, i think it's important to reset this. we're now six days into this. a lot of people may be confused. candidly i tell you we've all been confused by information that comes out of malaysia that's then contradicted. the plane has missing since early saturday morning. according to authorities, the last transmission, as head said, was at 1:07 a.m. local time in malaysia. since then -- that's a stream of data transmitted to give -- it's call the a-car system, to give them a sense of how well the plane is operating.
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the plane dropped off radar somewhere around 1:20 or so, nothing since then. the transponder stopped working, plane went off radar. this was originally a flight to beijing, it doesn't make it, the plane was last over the gulf of thailand. there are reports that are still trying to be confirmed that maybe the plane did a u-turn, maybe it was over the strait of malacca headed out over the indian ocean. that's not confirmed. the chinese satellite images which purported to show possible wreckage in the water, the china's now say they may have been released prepa tourly, and the area was searched, they found nothing. we've had no significant developments on this plane since last saturday morning "wall street journal" reports suggesting that perhaps there was some acars data transmitting
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for up to four or five hours. the ma laze said today that was inaccurate. i will tell you the "wall street journal" reporter on this is generally very good. so where does this leave us? it leaves us still with the same number of questions we had nearly a week ago. >> and you've covered the aviation industry for so long, tom. at the beginning we described this as an unprecedented mystery. what do we -- it's been close to one week and still no answers. >> if you take the proposition that this plane did a u-turn, and the faa and ntsb are looking at the piece of radar to try to determine was this the flight that banked and did a u-turn. if that happened and the range on this plane was somewhere in the neighborhood of 2500 miles
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it could fly, potential this plane could have ended up way out over the indian ocean. that's clearly one very real possibility at this point. it's unlikely, according to most experts it continued on its trajectory toward beijing. somebody would have spotted it over vietnam or china. it seems unlikely that this plane would have landed anywhere. smush would have seen it. it would be hard to mask a 777 coming in for a landing somewhere. the general feeling is this plane is down, either in the primary search zones still off the coast of vietnam or could be 2500 piles out in the indian ocean. and all the theories today are just that. >> thank you, tom. we are waiting for a news conference from austin, texas, after two people were killed overile when a suspected drunk driver plowed into a crowd
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waiting for the south by southwest festival. stopds -- stopped when the crash took place. >> i see two bodies up in the air, one on the windshield, one on the grille of the car. from that point on, he never stopped. you can see them flying, flying, like bowling ball pins. the suspect is arrested facing two counts of capital murder and 23 counts of aggravated assault. our affiliate is in austin. set the stage here. a lot of people in town, solve qua, as a result of the south by southwest festival. the streets are crowded respect the temperatures not too cold there, and this incident happened.
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>> tamron, it was supposed to be a good time, but then turned deadly and tragic. i probably got here ten minutes after the crash happened. it was frantic. people were running to those injured, trying to help as best they could. others were being evacuated, so police would block off the area and do what they needed to do to secure the crime scene. >> sophia, right now we are awaiting this news conference. this individual as i mentioned, behind bars on a number of charges. what are the details we are expecting at this news conference? >> we'll probably get a name of the individual. we don't know who it is, how old they are, anything like that. when it comes to the victims, we haven't been notified also. police chief arecevado.
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supposedly police say an officer was trying to pull over the suspect behind the car. at that point they pulled into a gas station. they went on a one-way street. he turned down on riverside, and he plowed through the crowd. police say an offers that was staring at the barricade had to jump out wait so he wasn't hit. at ha point he kept driving, the driver did, he actually ended up hitting a moped with two individuals on it. they were pronounced dead at the scene, but tamron, it goes on, he hit a taxicab and also ran into a parked van. at that point he tried to run, the officers were able to tails him and put him in customer did. we'll bring you any
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developments include the identities of those individuals who lost their lives. thank you. we're continuing to monitor the scene in new york city, where in just the past couple hours, a seventh person was confirmed dead in the explosion that leveled two willings. rescue crews are still looking for -- they pulled a body from the rubble about four hours ago. authorities now say this appears to have started with a gas leak. i know mayor de blasio is expected to hold a news conference within the hour. any new inform? >> reporter: no new information. they pulled four bodies from the rubble overnight, adding to the three that were already dead. there's still operations going on. steam and smoke is rising from the charred pit. the steam is there was a waterline break below the
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buildings as well. they believe the waterline broke because of the gas explosion. they have two floors of rubble they're going through. it is very cold out here. the fire underneath was burning all night long. so there's a rescue and recovery effort, but the rescue effort has velgts hope to find any potential survivors. they are expecting to find more bodies. there are a number of people still missing. there's hope those people just happened to be out of town or for the around or not answering their phone, but as time goes on, this story presents, the hope for their safe return is certainly dwindling. de blasio toured the area just a few moments ago looking at the challenges, asking what their gap plan wasened and thanking them for their efforts. there are more than 100 people displaced as the people who lived in the former buildings.
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as well as others around them. windows were blown out. the blast could be felt to blocks. those more than 100 people are in shelters or staying with friends. long-term plans for them still unknown as investigators are trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. >> that's the question i have. yesterday we had a state senator on who indicated that particular building had over 60 violations. we don't know if these were severe or just some order things that could be repaired and fixed by the owner of the building. we have also heard that people who lived in that building who say they smelled gas for some period of time. in fact, one man said when you would enter the building you would get nauseous at the odor of gas. all right. apparently we've lost our connection with katy. we'll check back in with her. we apologize. up next a youtube video made
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in cal dale took center stage in the murder case against oscar pistorius. today we are live in south africa. we'll show you the video that was shown in court. plus new reaction to paul ryan saying, quote, we've got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities, in particular of men not working. >> congressman ryan needs to stop blaming poverty on, quote, inner city culture. we will have more reaction to congressman ryan's comments. and judge from "master chef" is revealing his 150-pound weight loss. graham elliott, life changing, how did he do it? why is he sharing his story on social media? and you can join our conversation on twitter. you can find me at tamron hall.
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more intense testimony inside the courtroom in the oscar pistorius trial, as prosecutors display graphic images taken inside his home the night his girlfriend was fatally shot. a forensic expert was back on the stand to discuss key pieces of evidence, photos of prosthetic legs covered about blood, and the door he shot through. the defense had a compelling experiment of a california man describing him as a crime scene analysts. they used this to support the claim that what a neighbor
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thought was gunshots could have been oscar pistorius hitting the door with a cricket bat. >> here we have a cricket bad, and we want to see what kind of noise we can make by striking this against the door. i'm recording here, but also down there, which is about 180 meters from here with a recording device. >> well, mike taibi, he compares it to the sound of a 9 millimeter, and it is a remarkably similar town. >> right. there are questions about that, questions which the defense attorney is certain the judge
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would consider herself in thinks about that part of the they said they heard an argument ahead of time, and a collection of shots, three, four shots. so the sequence of events is something that the defense at least is trying to say demonstrate that pistorius' story is true and accurate and that the neighbors didn't hear exactly what they thought they heard, ear witnesses as being unreliable in some instances as eyewitnesses. what you said earlier in your introduction about this being a graphic day. this was a viewer discretion advised day in court today. dozens of photographs of the nitty-gritty of this case, the crime scene that helped describe the last molt of ree -- last mos
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of her life. now, this afternoon's session, there was a series of photographs that were not subject to crocks that raised a lot of questions about exactly what happened. there were blood spatters, for example, in the master bedroom. splatters, not smears, on a watch box, on a chest of drawers, on a d duvet cover, suggesting there might have been something going on in the bedroom. there was no question by the prosecutor. there were also two indentation in the doorjamb that seemed to have been made by a strike from a blunt object, so more questions being raised. earlier, as you said, the defense attorney was peppering all the of the witnesses, the two today, with questions that obvious in many cases they seemed unable to answer. >> what i don't understand, we have seen the photograph.
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we have seen the photo. right next to the door on the 30th we see the pieces, missing pieces. do you remember that? >> that's correct, my lady. >> so common sense would only dictate to me, but of course you can assist us, where are the missing pieces in that door? they would say to you, but colonel, there they are. >> that's possible. that's one possible, my lady. what would be the other possibility. >> i cannot remember exactly why i spoke to -- >> reporter: a series of questions implies that there might have been a broken chain of custody of some of the evidence, perhaps evidence tampering, or at least careless handling. this trial is expected to last
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until april 4th, but it's hard to say that will be a reliability number, they're only on witness number 17 of 107 on the prosecution list, and the defense has their list, of course starring oscar pistorius, who they have said will testify. >> mike, greatly appreciate it. right now in idaho, a professor's satirical letter asked this provocative question -- when may i shoot a student? that's the student that professor asked. the shocking question is sparking major debate over a new law allowing concealed guns on college campuses. and if a couple is not married, should the mother be able to ban the child's father from the delivery room? a new jersey judge has ruled yes. and that one is our gut check. here's a look at what's
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happen today, thursday, march 13th, ukraine's acting prime minister will address the united states security council this afternoon, in just three days. people in crimea will vote on whether to split with ukraine and join russia. at the white house today, the president will sign a memorandum on modernizing rules regarding overtime pay. msnbc will carry that event live. within the hour, women and girls will take over the national mall for the million women march. the worldwide event will highlight endomeetry oz, a disorder affecting nearly 200 million women. we'll be right back. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes! well, i found this new thing called... [ dennis' voice ] allstate quickfoto claim. [ normal voice ] it's an app. you understand that? just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get [dennis' voice] a quicker estimate, quicker payment, [normal voice] quicker back to normal.
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so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cash card from capital one, i get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally someone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! idaho's governor signed a controversial bill that would allow some people to carry guns on college campuses. but the measure was overwhelmingly approved by lawmakers, despite opposition by
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the president of every one of idaho's public colleges and universities. the new gun law has sparked a lot of debate and an eye-opening letter from one college professor. nbc's joe friar has moor for us. >> i'm a biology professor, no the a lawyer. i never considered bringing a gun to work until now, but since many of my students are likely to be armed. i thought it would be a good idea to even the playing field. >> reporter: greg is a dna expert suddenly diving into politics. he recently wrote a satire cal her published in "new york times" and headlined by a shocking question -- >> when may i shoot a student? >> reporter: when may i shoot a student in that's provocative. >> it's serious as well. >> reporter: mass shootings
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often come to mind, but his t g tong -- tongue in cheek letter talks about encounters with students. >> i always assumed when they reached into a backpack, but now that we'll all be packing heat, i would like legal instruction in the rules of classroom eng e engagement. if i'm working out a long eindication on the board and several students try to correct me using their laser sights, am i allowed to fire a warning shots? do you have any concerns about your safety if this passes? >> no. honestly, no. >> he hoped his letter would draw attention to a bill opposed by leaders of all eight public colleges. >> i personally look at this more of an individual protection, no the for the masses. >> reporter: state representative jason monks has three kids in college, including
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kelby who plans to carry a weapon. >> i wouldn't be able to live with myself, knowing that i watched something so horrible and heinous happen and people were murdered and i just had to lay down and hope i wasn't next. >> reporter: with so many pins, the professor opened up debate in class. >> when you're defending yourself, you are reacting to an attack. why not level the playing field? >> people are going to carry whether you restrict them or not. >> i have a concealed carry, i don't think it's necessarily appropriate on campus. >> people are talking about it all over the country. >> reporter: he just wanted his letter to generate opinions, something that everyone has a listen to carry. license to carry. >> idaho will become the seventh state in the country to allow guns on college campuses. guns will not be allowed in dorms or stadiums. of course you can always hit us
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up on social media and let us know what you this i. new revelations in the wake of a massive gm recall. the company now admits it knew of the admission switch problem years before they first reported it. we are in detroit with what's becoming a criminal investigation. plus this -- pope francis is marking the day he was elected pontiff. he surprised the world with his humility, lifestyle, comments on diadvicive issue, and tackling church corruption. but what do catholics think of their leader. brand-new poll numbers, and we will reveal the results.
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thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. congressman paul ryan has stirred controversy with comments he made yesterday about people from the inner city and what he said is a quote, culture of not working. ryan made the comments in an
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interview with conserb tiff radio host bill bennett. >> your buddies, you know, have written books on this, which is we have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working. just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work. so there's a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. everybody's got to get involved. >> ryan's comments sparked immediate reaction from california congresswoman barbara lee, who called the remarks dively offensive. she had reian's comments are a thinly veiled racial attach. when mr. rye an yes, sir inner city, culture, these are simply code words for what he really means, black. >> ryan responded said his remarks had nothing to do with race and were but one part of a long conversation about poverty.
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joining mess casey, thank you for your time. what are you hearing there? >> for sure. well, the one thing you do have to remember. it's a bit of a paradox with congressman ryan. on the one hand he's drawn incredible attention to the problem of positive in america. it's chronically unattended to especially here in washington where the interests of those who may not have as loud voices as those with more money or influence are able to have. he's held town has, really made it a centerpiece. on the other hand, the comments aside, some of the policies he's proposed, you have to remember medicare, for example, one of the most significant antipoverty -- and he's proposed changing that dramatically to a voucher system. reasonable people can have a
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debate about how dramatically we need to fix or systems, but you're already seeing democrats using it in the midterm elections. i think one other important thing to note about the follow-up comments, he said that this is not just an inner city issue. the reality is poverty in america is changing. it is in inner cities, sure, but there's also a growing problem of rural, even suburban poverty. as we're sort of wrestling with this question of who is benefiting from coming out of this recession, is it, you know, most of america or just the top 10 percent? while ryan clearly felt his comments were taken out of context, the fact we're having this debate can be viewed in a positive way. >> i get what you're saying by in a positive way, but i think that the point of contention, casey, for a lot of teem is when you would say a cultural problem, that people don't know
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the value of work, and that is different from saying you're attacking poverty. poverty can be caused by many, many issues. not everyone has a trust fund allotted to them. >> absolutely. >> in both the city and rural committee committees. the think the wravgle comes in when you say that people don't know the value of work. that's something he did not clearly explain in his response. >> you're right, he did not xleerly explain that. i will also say he did a forum with nbc's brian williams on the subject of poverty earlier this year. he mentioned at that point the system and how we have to change it might relate to disincentives for people to work. you know, there are plenty of stories about people across america, in inner cities, who want to work, right? we're having a terrible recession, people are having
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trouble getting jobs. some of the programs are structured that if they start to work, they lose assistance they very desperately need to continue to feed their families. that particular way of setting up a practice is ineffective for everyone. >> i think there's a lot to be discussed here, without a doubt. perhaps he'll be compelled to explain more. i think that on the flip side people can say is there a culture of corruption on wall street that's mostly dominated by white men? >> and we asked for paul ryan's office for clarification, and have not heard back i okay. thank you sdpoo one year ago today, the white smoke signaled the catholic church had chosen pope francis, and they have learned the white frock he donned on day one would be the first of many surprises.
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so the fierce independence he showed, telling catholics he must change opening the door for consideration. as america's faithful mark a day with visits to church, a new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows they like what they have seen so far. 60% say he's strengthened their faith. thank you so much for joins me, sir. >> thank you. >> father, first let's talk about the poll numbers. 60% of u.s. catholics say the pope has renewed and strengthened their faith. >> i think it's very encouraging. i took an informal poll among six jesuits i live. for a first upon from a man in his 80s, i like him. i would like to sit down and
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have dinner with them. i think they're seeing an engaged positive happy man. >> to that point we were here live when he walked from behind the kurtingen, and we saw this smool. i even remember myself as a journalist remarking on how -- the feeling -- it's almost indescribable, father, the feeling that was across the globe, just reacting to his smile that day, this energy i think that people believe they were feeling, and his actions followed up to be just that. >> i was in rome four days after the pope was elected for a jesuit meeting. i got trapped in a crowd of 300,000 people coming to his first sunday angelus, all praying with him in the streets of rome. it was quite astonishing. i understand from a bishop who i talked to a few months ago, there's still 100,000 people every sunday coming to pray with the pope and to hear his words. >> it's affectionately called
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the francis effect. not everyone is happy with some of the comments particularly when he says the church needs to focus on other things and who are we to judge, i believe us was his exact comment on that long plane ride when he sat and spoke with some reporters the who feel that the pope is off the mark here in some of these comments. >> one of the things i find when i think about it, to what extent does he reflect what jesus himself did? jesus druce enormous crowds, was extremely popular, and would obvious say go and since no more. he forgave people. he ate with sinners, healed sinners, i think he's reflecting a lot of the character of jesus himself. >> very happy to have you on for a number of reasons, new orleans and because you are a priest, and because bruce carter or college here, you have a close
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association with his family, so i have to give that out. thank you for your team, father. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. a happy ending to an unbelievable high-speed chase. you might have seen this. >> my car with my son in there. >> a little boy is safely back at home after a fugitive snatches him. plus three cars and crashes several times. it was all caught on tape. and what left the capitol dome in the dark last night? a tv chef and judge on a very popular show, graham elliott, is showing off his dramatic weight loss. what did he do to lose solid weight? what is his message for others? he's going to join us. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪
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are keeping an eye on the news conference on the deadly car accident. they're just getting started. we'll bring you any updates from there, but police say this was the result of a chase. a guy was driving while intoxicated, and attempted to flee according to police. plowed into a crowd of people killing two individuals during a very busy time in that city. this huge festival we have talked so much about, is taking place. a look at our stories. general motors says the first sign of the ignition switch problem that led to the massive recall of over 1.6 million cars came in 2001. federal regulator released the updated timetable. the car maker now says it found an issue with the ignition switch in pre-production testing. former nfl star darren sharper is expected to be in court today to determine a
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hearing whether he will be released from jail. he is facing charges in arizona and california that he drugged and sexually assaulted women. he's under investigation for similar crimes in louisiana, nevada and arizona. 18-year-old rachel canning returning to her parents' home after suing them for child support and tuition. the judge denied the question. arthur, we come to you first, you were in third place, we wrote down who was george ii. it will cost you how much? $6400, dropping you to zero. >> and jeopardy champ arthur chu, who won big money while taking heat for his ren gait style of play finally lost last night. don't you love it when we can
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say renegade as associated with "jeopardy". now to colorado, where a dangerous pursuit came to an enonly after three people were carjacked, a young boy kidnapped and an officer seriously injured. it happened in the denver suburb, weaving back and through roads and highways. the chase captivated the attention of so many people who could not turn away from it. nbc's miguel almaguer has the incredible ending. >> a high-speed chase, apparently somebody took a car in longmont. >> reporter: police gave the suspect room, fearing for the safety of a 4-year-old boy inside the stolen car. >> he's getting into at vehicle. >> the chase lasted for over ahn hour. the suspect stole three vehicles.
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>> it is very dangerous. we're lucky there was a news helicopter following this guy. he wasn't going to stop for anybody. >> veteran koa news reporter johns morrissey has never seen anything like. >> not even thinking about stopping. >> he passed loaded school buses, in traffic, on the wrong way on the interstate. >> he t-biomed a car. >> more than half a dozen cars were hit. >> he's throwing a young lady to the ground. she's fighting him. there's two police officers coming right straight at him. right there. police have their man. >> the suspect is on his stomach. this is over. >> reporter: 28-year-old ryan stone is in custody. that 4-year-old boy clutching a
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teddy bear is safe back with his family, a wild pursued that played out on wild tv few will forget. miguel aim ma gere, nbc news, los angeles los angeles. that is unbelievable. unnext, though, looking forward to this one, graham elliott from "past "master chef." the message he wants to send to others. graham is up next. up so we're up early. up late. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here. or start a new business here... and pay no taxes for 10 years. with new jobs, new opportunities and a new tax free plan. there's only one way for your business to go. up. find out if your business can qualify at a seven day cruise to alaska or the caribbean from just $549.
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there's a lot going on today. here's something we just thought you should know because it just came in a second ago. congressman paul ryan is saying he was quote, inarticulate when he made comments about people in the inner city yesterday and a culture of not working. congressman ryan said he called representative barbara lee yesterday. we're just getting this from from or own reporters on capitol hill. he said after reading the
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transcript of yesterday morning's interview, it is clear i was inarticulate and the point i was trying to make. i was not implicating the culture of one community but of owe site as a whole. we'll have more on that and a celebrity chef is getting a lot of attention after cooking up the perfect recipe. to get slim, after undergoing weightloss surgery, graham elliott, on master chef has gone from this to this. 150 pounds he's dropped. elliott says he works at least out at least every other day and incorporated a healthier diet. he first revealed his stunning transform agency after he lost 128 points. our team was so inspired by the story, i had to chat with him. graham joins you now.
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i was up to 400 poinds pounds, which is a huge number. you don't pay attention to it until it hits that and it really wakes up. >> because you're a chef and because you were in a culture or how you were raised? >> i've always used food as a crux to make me happy. on the show you work crazy hours. you accept your role, i'm a big guy, make fun of yourself before anyone else can. it gets to a point where you realize, it's not a way to think, you think about your health and other people involved in your life. >> had you tried other d. you
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tried this diet or this roller coaster thing? >> i started to gain weight, more and more and had multiple personal trainers and joined a ton of gyms. i got to the point at 400 pounds with three beautiful boys, my awesome wivfe allie, weight los with the surgery was the answer. >> you know it's a controversial decision, but in the end people will tell you what works for you. how do you jump start the weight loss because in the end the other option can be an early death. you're a father as you pointed out. >> you can keep saying, well, you got to do it the real old fashioned way and do it on your own, surgery is the easy way out. when you get to 400 pounds and you have a family to look after,
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you realize, that's all ego. you can try to do it on your own. if you don't get the results, you have to do whatever you have to do. with diabetes around the corner and high blood pressure and sleep apnea, everything that was hitting me, i decided ifr to do this. i don't care what the -- >> what would be the message for other people? >> the big message you have to do it on your own as well, do whatever you can to lose weight to get healthy. there are others in your life that depend on you and you want to enjoy it. >> thank you so much and thank you for the social media openness that you presented. it caught my eye and i think it's really great. take care of yourself. >> thanks, tamron, i appreciate it. >> time for the gut check, a new jersey judge ruled a woman can block her baby's father if they are unwed from being in the delivery room during the birth. in the judge's written opinion he cited a woman's right to privacy saying a mother can block the single father from being in the delivery room.
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the decision comes after a new jersey man sued his estranged fiance. the expectant mom went into labor the day of the hearing and had to participate through oral arguments by phone from the hospital. what does your gut tell you? do you agree that a mom can keep an unwed father out of the delivery room? it's his kid. i'm tamron hall. up next, "andrea mitchell reports," the big hurdles ahead for the aid package to ukraine with senator corker. with new febreze allergen reducer. >>wanna see some allergens? eww! what is that thing? they could be all around you right now. how would you deal with them? >>ummm.... ninjas. no need for ninjas. reduce up to 95% of inanimate allergens becoming airborne from fabrics... ...with new, dermatologist tested, febreze allergen reducer.
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the plane could have been flying for four hours after he was last seen on radar and might even have been intentionally diverted. no comfort for the passengers and crew family. >> disappeared off the face of the earth. >> last chance with only three days to go until crimea votes to break away from ukraine, the interim prime minister is marshaling support wherever he can get it. tonight john kerry flies to london for a last ditch meeting with sergei lavrov. >> i don't think anybody can believe a rushed referendum taking place in -- under the imprint of 20,000 plus troops and all that has happened without debate and without opportunity is a genuine referendum. >> desperate search, firefighters are sifting through the rubble after
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