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tv   The Reid Report  MSNBC  March 14, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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>> we have all that and more. we begin this friday with a question that's consumed the world for almost a week. where is flight 370? it is almost seven days since the plane went missing. aircraft from the u.s. and elsewhere now searching the southern portion of the bay of bengal near india. thousands of miles from where the plane originally was thought to be. this comes after officials in the u.s. and malaysia reportedly determined that the jet was ping satellite for up to four hours after it last contacted civilian control. nbc's tom costello has been following the story for us. what's the latest we know or don't know about this plane? >> i think that it is what we don't know. what we know was that it was getting off this ping signal. it was not transmitting data like its location, speed and anything like that. really just saying hear i am and
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hello, how are you kind of thing. but not transmitting data. one ping per hour for five hours or so. let's take the telestrator here. the plights, as you probably know, was headed. we now know from military radar was headed over the course -- let me try that one more time. over the course of malaysia itself. it was not the original flight plan. the original flight plan was going up this way. but because they picked up this signal right in this area, radar signal, and because now they have pings which might suggest that this plane was making it this way, they are now searching this area here. this is the bay of bengal. that's also feeding out of the sea and into the bay of bengal. in this area here. as a result, they have the navy from india moving in that direction as well as the "uss kit" searching this area here. the indian ocean is massive. it is about 28 million square miles across. so to circle just a little part
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of it, you are beg to search that area, that in and of itself is a massive task. if the plane headed this way, into the indian ocean, this is even a bigger challenge. it may be like looking for a needle and not just a haystack but, you know, a million swimming pools. a huge challenge. when and if they actually ever find the wreckage, they have got to get the black boxes. why is that critical? they want the look at the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder. the flight data recorder will contain 24 hours of plane data. cockpit voice recorder will only have the last would hours of what happened in the cockpit. as you can imagine, that may not include whatever happened in the cockpit to force them to do a u-turn. >> unbelievable. the mystery keeps getting deeper and deeper. now to the looming showdown over immigration. we have been reporting exclusively on this all week. in a late evening white house meeting with members of the congressional hispanic caucus,
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president obama announced he ordered to review the way it enforces immigration laws. just as word got out on buzz feed on and on this show, they are working on a plan to demand the president suspend deportations. >> why go after the president? >> the president will reach his political limit on deportation before he reaches his legal limit. hen people will say is he a lawless president? >> the white house says the review are take a specific look at how it can conduct enforcement more humanely within the confines of the law. it is that phrase, within the confines of the law, that is key here because the president's meeting with hispanic caucus comes just days after house republicans passed two bills that they say will force the president to adhere to the law and increase deportations. except that the obama administration has been aggressively deporting undocumented immigrants per the
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law for years. some call him the deporter in chief out of sheer frustration. the fact is that the number of deportations under president obama is approaching 2 million and that's why activists are so upset. that apparently isn't muff for house republicans. it seems they would rather pick yet another fight with the president than work on real immigration reform. they claim the reason the reason it stalled is because the president cannot be trusted to enforce the law. they are blaming him for their failure to act. here's house speaker john boehner just last month. >> he is feeding more distrust about whether he is committed to the rule of law. there's widespread doubt about whether this administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. it is going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes. >> meanwhile, activists are losing patient and want the president to choose his battle. will it be a fight over enforcement with the republicans or battle with latinos on
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deportations? representative gutierrez joins me now from washington. congressman gutierrez, thanks for being here. give us a little bit of what has happened on the resolution, that the congressional hispanic caucus was working on that activists wanted strengthened and now per the meeting with the white house does this resolution go forward? >> yeah. listen, number one, pleasure to be with you. i think the introduction really puts us and focuses where we should be. there are three prongs to this, right? but a very poimportant one is t majority party and the house of representatives says here, here are proposals and our principles. what did the president say? great. let's get to work on them. nancy pelosi, i have never seen, nor -- on msnbc have you ever seen a republican proposal have such wide acceptance from the democratic party and their proposal p then they took it away. you want to finish the deportation? you want to heal and have a
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humane compassion deportation process? then let's do comprehensive immigration. the second prong to this is out there, will is real pain. you know what, joy? i met with in the barack obama yesterday. i drafted the resolution for the hispanic congressional caucus. the caucus was ready to adopt it. not in a mean-spirited manner. first line says, you are our champion, mr. president, on immigration. we need you to get more relief to our immigrant community on deportation. look, the president of the united states is ultimate -- we wanted the ultimate goal for to him sign the bill. but out there in the community there is a devastating effect of deportation. that's when we talked to the president about. you know what, he didn't react defensively? he didn't react angrily. he didn't bring up the names he has been called and -- i have called him some of those. he said, listen, i want to work on a more humane manner to look at the deportation. that's what i have instructed and here is what -- i think what's very important.
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i peel the heart rate, too. i believe the president. he feels the heartbreak and wants to get comprehensive immigration reform. and the republicans don't believe that the president enforces the law, then why is it that the key allies of the president of the united states, democrats, all of us, that campaign for us and voted for him and believe in his presidency and him in individually are the ones that are taking him to task because he is enforcing the law. what they want is more deportation. let me just say to the republican party in the end, it won't be democrats and this president that will be held responsible is for the comprehensive immigration reform. it is going to be you. you had better get wise to it. >> democrats won't be held responsible, you yourself are getting a lot of pushback for this report we had, we have been following the last couple of days. there was a lot of pushback against and you the members of the chc that the resolution you were quoting was not strong enough. you have some people that want to push as hard as possible even at the risk of a collision with
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the house of representatives on enforcement. do you have concern that if the president goes too par and says i'm going to suspend deportation, that puts it in an even worse position of the house? >> i think -- joy, it is a very natural process that occurs. within those of us in the program immigration movement we have a debate and discussion. that's good. it is healthy for democrats. i'm happy. as a matter of fact, we did make amendments to the resolution before we attempted to adopt it last week. yesterday. because we listened to our community. look, this always dash will is always going to be differences between those of us elected and those of us out there in the field. i think the resolution was an important resolution and it accomplished it. many people, joy, called upon the president to stop deportation. called upon the president to reconsider the deportation. we drafted a resolution and we didn't even vote on it, didn't adapt it. they are going to begin to look at how it is. they have a much more humane. within the confines of the law.
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we would never ask this president to act outside of the law. he has acted within the confines. now we do disagree with the president in terms of what is his ability and how far it is that he can act in terms of his discretion. we have to keep the heat on the republican party for our immigrant party and continue to talk, persuade, con joel our president to ease up on these deportation and find a much more humane approach to it. number three, every de la teen owes turn 18. i'm talking about citizens. every day. 2,000 latinos turn 18. there are a million permanent residents who today can apply for american citizenship. listen, we are also going to think on a much longer term that the republican party had better get ready not only for the demographic, they better get ready for political muscle we
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are growing in our community. >> do you agree with the congressman that said john boehner puts immigration reform on the floor, it costs him his speakership, do you agree with in a? >> i have to tell you something. i never -- do i agree with it? no. i don't agree with it. i think the republican party will maintain it. i'm not a member of that caucus but i don't agree with him. i think that the vast majority of the republicans would really like a bill -- even if they don't vote for it, they would like to have them vote on it. here is what the republican party and caucus knows. there are 40, 50 members of the republican caucus now. you will say that's only 20% of them. they are ready to vote. they can join 200 democrats and you want to know something? for the good of the nation, we can take this one off the table so we can have a much more humane approach and fix our broken immigration system and the good of the republican party they can -- once again, attempt
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to be a national party. they will never be a national party again. i don't say that as a democrat or partisan. it is a political reality. >> all right. congressman gutierrez, thank you so much. >> thank you. coming up, the gesture that sparked a remarkable ipad showdown in the house. we will take you to the frontlines of the effort to roll back abortion rights. an exclusive look at the shocking proportion abolitionist movement. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good.
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i cold congressman issa from the very beginning, the proverb where it said if you want to go fast, go by yourself.
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if you want to go far, go with others. >> that was elijah cummings with my colleague andrea mitchell talking about the controversy surround i surrounding of daryl issa. last week issa got himself into a world of trouble using his government oversight committee to hold yet another hearing over how the irs police politically active nonprofit. chairman issa adjourned the hearing after 12 minutes, cutsing the mike on his democratic counterpart, ranking member cummings of maryland, before the democrat had a chance to ask even one question of the witness, former irs official lois lerner. >> for the past year, the simple republican accusation -- >> close it down. >> before our committee -- thank you. >> we have slowed down the video
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here, chairman issa gave the throat slash sign when he cut congressman cummings' mike. that gesture became a weapon for democrats in the house and senate against their antagonist issa who has since apologized to cummings. however, on thursday, democrats tried to pass a resolution condemning issa's actions and came armed with ipads. >> whereas ranking member cummings protested immediately stating, quote, mr. chairman, you cannot run a committee like this. you just cannot -- >> the gentleman will suspend. the chair will ask for the decorum of the house the members not display their ipads. it is a violation of the house rules. >> republicans overruled the presence of ipads. all of which had pictures of issa giving the throat slash
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cutting the mike gesture. a very important point was made. democrats are not going to roll over in the face of issa's irs witch-hunt. here to talk about the ipad protest that took over my twitter timeline last might is congressman dan. >> i don't think that i ever read the no ipad clause. i can't hardly imagine back in the 19th century when most of these rules were written there was a no ipad clause. we respected the ruling of the speaker. and i ask the members to hold down their ipads. we will -- you know, we have -- one difference between us and mr. issa is when there is a ruling we tend to follow and it we will live to fight another day. >> moments ago, we received a copy of a letter from congressman issa to mr. cummings and it is about the view lois lerner of the irs cannot be held in contempt of congress and in a big, bold letters, issa writes
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this to uppings. your tactics undermine the committee's prerogative and harm the institutional interests of the house of representatives. and issa claims cummings' tactician undermine the investigative prerogative, et cetera. do you -- what's your response to that? >> well, it is just amazing. daryl issa abused his authority. this case of him cutting off the microphone is a good example. the way he defended himself continuously is to go on the attack and try to create a diversion from his own bad behavior. you know, so -- i mean, the question that-of the -- core question mr. issa and mr. coupleings were discussing relative to miss lerner, that's a question for the committee to work out. you certainly can't do so -- you can't deal with those questions without having both parties have a chance to weigh in on the question itself. mr. issa could have had the
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benefit of mr. cummings' input if he similar my allowed him as the rules require to have his say. he refused to do that. >> you heard a lot about the rules last might as we -- in regard to ipads. current rules don't allow on issa to con his chairmanship over the committee but reports say he would like to. what are you hearing? >> this is obviously going to be a question for the republican conference. the concern that i have is that the republican leadership is unwilling to hold mr. issa accountable for that which he will not hold himself accountable for. that being his own behavior. i would hate to see it happen. interest wouldn't surprise me if the leadership which seems to cowher whenever mr. issa opens his mouth if they allow him another term. the point of this, though, the important point we were trying to make is that these rules are in place. rules that protect the speech rights of the minority in congress are in place to free serve the democracy that's so central to the way our
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government is intended to function. when we have is one member of congress who, i suppose, whose ego or needs for the sound of his own voice are so great that he doesn't want to hear anyone else's voice. that's fine if he doesn't want to hear. the american people and the rest of the congress have a right to hear both sides of every question. you just can't have a member of congress who decides that he is going to make his own rules, he will decide who can speak, when had can speak, and in the case of this situation, what you can say. keep in mind that he recognizedes mr. cummings. he allowed him to take the microphone and speak until he didn't like what mr. cummings was saying. and then he stood, ordered the mike phones to be cut off. what a statement that is. what gall it takes for a member of congress to determine for everybody else, not only who gets to speak and when they get tow speak, but what they get to
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say. that is where he went too far. the reason we took this resolution to the floor is we can't just let this stand. he can't publicly violate the rules and then quietly, privately call mr. couplings and say look, i'm sorry about that. he owes the american people an apology. he owes every member of the house of representatives an apology. we ask him to do the right thing, be the man you say you are. come to the floor of the house and stand on your own two feet and say you are sorry. >> all right. congressman, i think you made that point. thank you so much. >> thank you. abthousands of russian troo lined ukraine's eastern border in advance of a much criticized ref aren't dumb whether the crimea region will leave ukraine and join the russian federation. secretary of state john kerry negati's negative officialations with russia are stall. >> we are continuing to hope will is a diplomatic solution to
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be found but the united states and europe stand united not only in its message about the ukrainian sovereignty but also that there will be consequence it is in fact that sovereignty continues to be violated. >> congress is working on a billion dollar aid package. however, it is tied up over several questions about reforms through the international monetary fund. also because this is politics, rules governing campaign finance. got a question you are burning for me to answer? i will be taking your questions after the show in a live google plus video chat at 3:30 p.m. [ male announcer ] at his current pace, bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage.
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house speaker. first, it is time for the stories you can't stop buzz being on social media and we call it "we the tweeple." it is pie day. for super bowl like geeks like us at the "the reid report." we are talking about a mathematical symbol. 3.1415, et cetera, et cetera. it is also albert einstein's birthday. if you love math and science and even if you love banana cream pie too is your day, march 14. on a sad note facebook is tremding with the death of hal douglas. you don't know his name but you definitely know his voice. >> a story this big can only be told on the world's largest screens. imax experience, michael jordan to the max. >> douglas was the voice for trailers for films like "lethal
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weapon" and "forrest gump presidents. he died at the age of 89 of pancreatic cancer. keep telling us what is important to you. republicans are focused on trying to retake the senate for november. but i will tell you why they should really be looking at 2020. ♪ [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ from crest 3d white, new brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost polishes your smile
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. looking ahead for republicans, there is good and bad news. actually it is more like bad news and less bad news. for the 2014 election directly 'head things couldn't be better. the electorate most likely to show is up for the gop. couldn't be better. p the midterm goes the way they its historically do. but just down the road they can get less, not hopeless, for the grand old party thanks to white millennials. many disapprove of barack obama,
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think government should be smaller, provide pure services and think the government has month responsibility to provide health insurance for all. beware of false sense of security republicans. the country is getting browner. white millennials are by no means an insurance policy since they are less conservative on key issues. not identified with the republican party and also less numerous. the same research find 50% of millennials describe themselves as independents and three in ten say they are not affiliated with my religion and the 18 to 33-year-olds a 33-year-olds are voting heavily democratic and liberal views on many political social issues. what about the minorities? according to the article, the hispanic population grew by 43% between 2000 and 2010. asians were the fastest growing ethnic group during this time. while the black population is growing slowly, in 2012 hair turnout rate was higher than that of whites. surely figures like that means
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the gop is working hard to win over majority groups, right? this was the abysmal turnout last week. that leads us to the really bad news. by 2020 the demographic profile is arm god an-like. in the words of lindsey graham his party face as spiral. here to discuss it with us, joan walsh. political analyst and veteran of the clinton and obama campaign, fernamd. i'm going to start with you, joan. you did write the book, what's the matter with white people? when you look at sort of the near-term prospects for the gop, they are pretty good in the near term because of the failure of democrats to get out hair more ethnic votes. we look at the research. research i love reading that talked about where had a business is. and this is what i'm going to
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put up to show how that base is feeling. and the big words that stand out are worried, concerned and scared. how does that help republicans in the near term? >> it means that these are the people that turn out and turn out with every bad thing that's said about our president. they get more scared and more worried and more angry and show up at the polls. you know, that would make me sad for these people but they -- i don't know how to reach out and give them a hug and bring them into the world we live in. it is a positive force for the gop. the white lennials is mixed. they are definitely more liberal than their parents. it is a good thing because usually people stick with their parents' views, something like 75% to 80% stay with their parents' views. when you break it down with the women are more liberal and college educate reasonable doubt more liberal. what's n
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let's not write off white millennials too quickly. >> the cultural cool factor, if you want to call it that. i want to give you a picture of who was rooting for who at the last two conventions, republican and democratic? in terms of the culture war dem have eva longoria. democrats have george clooney. republicans, clint eastwood who did talk to a chair. a great actor, though. republicans had scarlett johansson. there is this coolness factor of the republican party doesn't exactly help them win more millennials, right? >> not at all. fundamentally when you bring it down to its essence it is about numbers and demographics these numbers and trends portend. if you are a republican, the doomsday scenario really can be distilled into three sets of numbers. 45, 75, and 95. which conversely is the holy trinity if you are a democrat looking at the national elections going forward. not just 2020 but 2016.
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what do those numbers mean? 45% of the annual vote for the democrats. coupled with 75% of the hispanic and asian votes and 95% of the black votes means the republicans are block buster in a netflix world. they are no longer competitive and no longer exist. those are numbers, frankly, with the prospects of what looks like might be -- clinton candidacy very much attain sxabl that's what is causing so much concern, i think, on the other side. >> part of what he's getting to, if the republicans can maintain their share of the white vote -- >> which they won't. >> which they won't over time. the white vote is shrinks as a percentage of the majority vote. it is like a snowball. >> when people say the white mill envote could change, gay marriage, drug legalization, they are not necessarily. they take for granted that
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republicans are going to get away from their work fixation. there is tension around the party around that. white millennials are anti-war. they really -- they really are up for grabs. it is true that the dem graph changed. racial demographic changed. they are doing nothing on that front. shockingly. >> going forward, because there is a more libertarian strain among millennials, among younger voters, is there an opportunity for democrats there or is that a risk for democrats? >> no. it is an opportunity. fundamentally what it comes down to is not identity politics as it is ideology. young people, i think, perceive and see a role had a government can play in their own lives. i think that's why the affordable care act and roll going forward can play such an important role in cementing some of the perspectives. if you begin to see this having a transformational impact on their quality of lives, and on other issues like student loan reform and debt reform and those
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regards, you will see much more of an alignment going forward and sense of comfort not only with the role of government but the party that espouses that for perspective point of view which is the democratic party. >> how devastating would it be for republicans if they don't do immigration reform? >> you know, joy, i think that it is a major problem which is why i think you see so much scrambling. it does not allow them to turn the page on the conversation. right now impressions are calcifying quickly that this is just a party that's hostile to any group that is not of the anglo community or population. i think that sitting on the immigration where the goals are clearly on the republican side in terms of potential inaction will allow them to sent that perspective that they are hostile minorities and other groups and that's not an impression want. not only going into 2014 but 2016 and beyond. >> did you wrote the book on this and you a talked about the anxieties fueling resistance to things like immigration reform, even some of the resistance to
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social programs that boomers use, they use in growing up like what in your research for your book is behind that resistance? >> i think that they don't understand the extent to which they use it. i think the republicans are successful if in '60s and '70s and 80s and 90s. it is something that went to the other people and interest didn't go to us. when we know the story of the building with the middle class and '40s, '50s and '60s. is it a dig on white families? it is why we have the vast white middle class. the danger is republican obstruction prevents barack obama and democrats from doing the positive things with government that this generation of every race needs to see being done, whether it is reducing the student loan debt or raising the minimum wage or immigration reform or all he is things that would make people feel like, hey, government plays a really tangible role in my life and it is a good one. >> yeah. as somebody that has done the research in terms of the polling, for democrats, is the resistance among particularly i
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would say the white male population too democrat? sit more about democrats and policy and the things joan was talking about? or is it more personalized to barack obama? >> i think a lot of it can only be described as the personalized towards the president. that's what i think with the specter of hillary clinton can't cassie, very much coming this way, i think you will have that factor that variable removed from the table and allow it to be more of a focus on some of the issues. particularly how the issues and economic environment where you see the -- gap between rich and poor growing and it takes away some of the long-held beliefs. >> that means without president obama on the table it becomes even more difficult for republicans to keep making that case. very interesting. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> thank you. up next, congressman elijah cummings joins me exclusively to respond tow a letter that congressman daryl issa just sent
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in. the debate between the two congressmen over whether lois lerner can be held in contempt of congress. [ coughs, sneezes ] i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. iwe don't back down. we only know one direction: up so we're up early. up late.
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st. paulout over a march 5 hearing. earlier were in the show we received a copy of this letter from congressman issa to congressman cummings. congressman issa writes this. we now have congressman elijah cummings on the phone. congressman, the let hear was written by chairman issa also says that mrs. lerner of the irs knew that the committee rejected her privileged objection and consequently risked contempt should we persist in refusing to answer the committee's questions. can i ask you, sir is that issue
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still in dispute as far as you are concerned? thank you for joining us. >> let me be clear. i received the response. as far as i'm concerned, it is not -- it is not my opinion. it is opinion of martin rosenberg who spent 45 years, and has written books on this subject and is an expert, he says you have to do two things. the case law is clear. number one, chairman issa demand an answer and when that -- when the -- when lois lerner asserted her right under the fifth amendment, he had to overrule her objection and then he had to do the second thing -- he had to demand she answer the question. chairman issa was so busy trying to adjourn the meeting that he did not follow the law. this is not even close.
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that's why, you know, boehner -- boehner and chairman issa said they had -- a house council memo earlier this week had a would refute what these experts have said. i have asked them to produce it. as lawyer, i can tell you that basically what apparently happened is that chairman issa went to his staff and said, you know, write something that will at least -- make any kind of argument you can make. but the arguments are not very good because they do not overcome the constitutional and legal requirement and the law is very clear that those are the -- he did not do that. period. >> congressman, is it your intention chairman issa's -- contention that chairman issa is trying to hold lois lerner in contempt? >> i think he wants to drag this out into the election.
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if he was really trying on get information, he could have gotten it. number one. he was making arrangements for her lawyer -- the lawyer that agreed to gym hiv a proffer which would have been -- say what he would have been -- if she testified. he decided not to go with that. number two, a week before our last hearing, her lawyer said, look, if you give us a week, i will have her come in and testify. and then he rejected that. in other words, by this time now we would have had that. i can only assume he is trying to drag this situation out. >> congressman, he could have given her immunity but will is also an attack on you in this letter that chairman issa wrote. he includes several footnotes including one to a talking article after this is what he writes 37 even though the white house helped orchestrate your ascension to ranking member, i have encouraged and continue to encourage you to subordinate your political loyalties to the
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institutional interests of the committee in the house. how do you respond to in a? >> you know, i think he -- again, putting out -- trying to create a headline, whatever. not substantiate it with facts. i'm the one that has been constantly pushing for us to find truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. i'm one that released memos out -- i mean, transcripts when issa was not even -- would not release them. i don't buy it. the last thing, too, joy is that we are talking about -- he also said with that letter we are trying to defend lois lerner. it is not about defending lois lerner. this is about making sure that we are told the constitution of the united states of america -- uphold the constitution of america. people have rights thaupd constitution. chairman issa has that right.
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i have rights. every single citizen in our country has rights. that's what we have been trying to do. period. >> just one more time to reiterate, have you as a ranking member on the house oversight committee seen any evidence that the white house had any contact with lois lerner before the irs began scrutinizing 501-c groups? >> absolutely not. chairman issa knows that. he has called 38 witnesses and interviewed. every one of those witnesses has made it clear the white house was not involved in this and that there is month political motivation. >> all right. thank you, congressman cummings. appreciate it. >> thank you. all right. john boehner said again and again he wants immigration reform. but it is not hard to read between the lines and see that's not the case. why this is setting up yet another showdown with the white house, next.
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why do you refuse to talk about a that? >> that was john boehner at pete's diner in washington having his breakfast interrupted by an activist that was frustrate bid action of the house. boehner did bring it up. it would probably pass just like did it in the senate last june by an overwhelming 68 to 32. boehner has said repeatedly he wants immigration reform, he agrees with the president on it. and reform also has the support of key business groups that republicans need to listen to. boehner will not bring up the bill. republicans claim they can't trust president obama to faithfully execute immigration laws. despite tons of evidence that he is totally carrying out those laws. the fact is that boehner won't bring a bill to the floor while a big part of his caucus and the gop base opposes what they
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consider amnesty. even though not passing reform could -- gop going forward. the result a stalemate. one that only john banker break. so if you are an immigration activist frustrated with the stalemate, what do you do? how do you get john boehner to do what he claims he wants to do but won't? keeping in mind there is no presidential order that can create comprehensive immigration reform. it has to go through congress. when the lgbt community wanted don't ask don't tell repealed they face ad similar problem. only congress could p repeal the law. it is targeted towards the president. they pushed repeal through the lame duck congress in 2010. in fact, there is a long history of civil rights activists targeting the president to push legislative reform. in most successful cases, the president has the majority. even a slim majority in both houses of congress. like lyndon johnson did in the
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'60s president obama did briefly to repeal don't ask, don't tell. president obama now faces a hostile house majority that would much rather fight him than their base. what immigration activists seem to have decided to use their leverage to push the president as the democrats anyway. and that means either a showdown or a deal between the president and the speaker is coming. reminder, i will be taking your questions after the show in a live google plus video chat 30 minutes from now. to submit your questions join the readers group on or tweet your questions to the read report #by including readers. a quick programming note. in order to bring thank you breaking news of congressman cummings, we were not able to bring you the abortion abolition movement story we mentioned at the top of the show. but please stay tuned. we will bring you that story on monday. that wraps things up for "the reid report." have a wonderful weekend. i will see you back here on monday at 2:00 p.m. eastern. be sure to visit us online.
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"the cycle" is up next. what do you have going? >> i have a question for you. . if they are doing the web chat with you 30 minutes from now how can they also be watching "the cycle"? i'm a little confused. multitasking. maybe they can do it. we have new details on the malaysian plane mystery. we have the great author joyce carrollosa on the show. did you know that there is a television show about "between two ferns" that i host? i'm having a congresswoman on today to talk about the president'ser and vi president'ser and -- president's interview on "between two ferns." >> that cannot be missed. toure, you and i will be at the jazz in the gardens music festival this weekend in miami gardens, florida. it is part of our growing hope. i will see you down there. have a great show. "the cycle" comes up next.
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a busy day is winding down. fast-moving developments in the missing plane mystery. as the americans hint the malaysians may be praying fast and loose. u.s. officials expanded their search in a new direction. why are the malaysians saying nothing? >> in politics worst week ever for the dems. feinstein versus the and the the president versus congress and the american people versus all of them. the only question left to answer is whether the republicans can capitalize on a political gift from their friends across the aisle. >> in the ukraine the final countdown to a huge vote that won't be counted. let's assume the inevitable does happen sunday. then what? >> sports. there is another big vote here at home on sunday. who will make up college basketball's field of 68? i'm krystal ball. we have one of the biggest names in the business with his prediction and maybe a bit of advice for my [ set all that and the guest spot. acclaimed author who literally wrote a book on writing books. be here when the great carol
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takes a seat at the head of the table. the search and rescue for missing malaysia flight 370 is now in its second week. there's still month sign of the 250-ton plane or 239 people who were onboard, including three americans. potential much area keeps growing because it has to. the malaysian government is refusing to confirm anything. frustrating families and other governments trying that are trying to help in the search. within the last hour, we learned american scientists are depunking a theory the plane crashed near where it last contacted civilian air traffic control. the u.s. geological survey says the seismic event was motto during, not caused by


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