tv Politics Nation MSNBC March 18, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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your time tonight. great reporting as all. i think this is really a classic example of what happens when oil gets its way. there's a lack of oversight big time. there should be some regulation on this. it's kind of like cleaning up after work, isn't it? that's the ed show. politics nation starts now. good even, rev. >> and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the shame old, shame old gop. exactly one year ago today, the republican national committee released its autopsy on the 2012 debacle. reince priebus said he was tired of a party considered quote, scary and narrow minded, out of touch and full of stuffy old men. but a year later, the party's not getting better. it's getting worse. last year's report talked about building a lasting relationship with the african-american
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community. here's our congressman paul ryan is working on that relationship. >> we have got this tail spin of culture in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work and so there's a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. >> blaming poverty on the culture of inner cities. it's not exactly a recipe for minority outreach. the report also said republicans should be embracing and championing comprehensive immigration reform. so, here's what congressman steve king is saying about undocumented young people. >> for every one who's a valedictorian, there's another hundred out there, they weigh 130 pounds and have got calves the size of cantaloupes.
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>> with talk like that, it's not surprise and when it comes to gay americans, the report said republicans had to show we care about them, too. nothing says we care like the gop bill that would have let businesses discriminate against gays in arizona. the rnc report also said the party negative image among women was a big issue. their solution to the war on women? bring out uncle sugar. >> the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without uncle sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they can't control their reproductive system without the help of the government. >> we've seen many republican leaders double down on the worst kind of extremist rhetoric.
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may fly off the base, but it's not a formula for change and not a road to winning a national election anytime soon. joining me are karen finney and cynthia tucker. thank you both for being here. >> good to be here, reverend. >> karen, do republicans actually want to change and become more inclusive or just paying lip service to the idea? >> well, i think it's pretty obvious what's between what's happened in the past year that it was all about lip service and even this morning, if you look at what chairman priebus was talking about, he basically was talking about technical tools, technology and things reich that. he wasn't able to say in any way, and here's our agenda to outreach to african-americans. to gay people. to women. he had nothing. it was all the same policy prescriptions, but they were again trying to dress it up with the idea they've got a year
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round ground game. they're not growing the base of voters. >> now, you know, cynthia, the rnc autopsy also said the party needed to change its tone. on economics. quote, the republican party must be the champion of those who seek to climb the economic ladder of life. low income americans are hard working people who want to become hard working middle income americans. now, here's what they said since then. about those trying to climb the ladder. let's watch. >> we need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence. >> why don't you have against pay dime, pay nickel, instill in them there is no such thing as a free lunch. >> the left is making a big mistake here. what they're offering people is a full stomach and empty soul. the american people want more
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than that. >> slamming free lunch programs. talking about empty souls. that's championing those that want to go into the middle class, cynthia? >> you know, this is the worst assault that i have heard on the working poor since reagan was in office. you remember ronald reagan infamously claimed that if people are poor, it's their own fault and if government is doing anything to help them, it just makes it worse. paul ryan and other republican leaders have simply trotted out all of that old rhetoric, dressed it up a bit and rehashed it all over again. they have cut food stamps. they, many republicans in state capitals around the country, want to drug test people before they can get food stamps. they have no problem with crony
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capitalism, with farm subsidies. yet, they look at a program that keeps people from going hungry and all they see is corruption. they don't want to raise the minimum wage. when they talk about programs to help poor people, they talk about marriage. well, they ought to get married. if people get married, they wouldn't be poor. i don't see how that helps. if you have a woman making minimum wage and she marries a man who makes minimum wage and they have a couple of children, guess what? they're still going to be poor. >> well, you know, let me raise this one to you, karen. mr. priebus, the chairman, he also weighed in on paul ryan's inner city comments. it comes to mind when cynthia brought that up. here's what priebus said about ryan's inner city comments when we're talking about poverty. it says, quote, as far as
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whether it hurt our efforts, no, i think that paul admitted that he was inarticulate. the fact is that he made those comments because he's devoted his life to this issue, which i think is commendable. now, wouldn't they have more credibility if they called him out on this? he said that this was a traditional of men not working. this was inner city culture. what is he talking about that he's committed his life to this and he was just inarticulate? >> i don't even know. i had to chuckle a bit as you were reading it. last week, when congressman ryan said that, i don't think any of us really bought that answer. we talked about this on your show. it's not just what he said, but it's the you know, racist person that he cited as well. >> charles murray, the author of the bell curve. >> so, to say that is the source
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of information that you are going to espouse those ideas, we knew what you were saying and chairman priebus, once again, they're just trying to pretty it up, but they know they have nothing to offer. look at just immigration reform for heavens sakes. if they were in any way, shape or form serious or sincere about anything this that report, we would have seen comprehensive immigration reform move, no problem getting extension for unemployment insurance, no problem for expansion of the minimum wage. >> you know, cynthia, what also is interesting is that this is not just a segment. they are on the wrong side of the american public on a lot of issues. the public. 69% support raising the minimum wage. 55% support same-sex marriage and 53% support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, so how much further
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out of the mainstream could they be, cynthia? >> well, you're absolutely right, reverend al, but i think they're counting on a couple of things here. they are counting on the fact that the democratic base will not turn out in the midterm elections. and what they have spent their time doing is selling anger and fear to their ageing, white base so that they will turn out in large numbers. fr they know that the polls are against them on the issues. it's not just the things you named. most americans like most provisions of the affordable care act, too. but they spend all of their time not trying to grow the party's voters. they're not trying to attract more people of color. they're not trying to attract more young women. they're not trying to attract more lgbt voters. what they're trying to do is get
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their ageing white base angry and fearful and drive them to the polls. >> well, they're not trying to attract any of those segments you mentioned, then they are being successful because they're not attracting any, karen. >> no, they're not and let's not forget, i think this needs to be a real wake-up call to democratic voters in this country. don't forget what they are also doing is trying to disenfranchise voters, so they're not only just trying to aggrevate that very narrow base, they're continuing with their efforts to do everything they can to make it harder for democratic voters, the traditional democratic voters, african-american, latinos, to vote in this country. and so, i think people need to take that as a wake-up call in these midterm elections and get out there and get to the polls and take people with you and don't forget when it comes november, the very thipgs we're talking about now, that's why
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you've got to get out there and vote. >> thank you both for your time tonight. be sure to watch karen by the way on disrupt with karen finney weekends at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. coming up, it happened again. another republican billionaire is comparing this fight for fairness to nazi germany. plus, what do new e-mails released in the bridgegate scandal reveal? and another twist in the search for that missing malaysia plane. new radar detected and a new focus on a computer inside the cockpit. and an extraordinary ceremony at the white house today. the medal of honor awarded to heroes overlooked because of discrimination. stay with us.
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revealed about the chris christie bridgegate scandal. one of the key figures in the investigation joins me live next. inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables
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for only 50 delicious calories. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. investigators closing in on team christie, newly released e-mails showed that the george washington bridge scandal sparked a frenzy of activity among christie officials with
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campaign staffers communicating directly with members of the governors office. for example, in october as reporters first started asking questions, a staffer named kevin roberts wrote to a campaign manager, bill steplen and said quote, coordinating with -- on this. that's a reference to michael, governor christie's press secretary. why was the -- coordinating about the matter of state government? it's a key question. also released, a december e-mail linking mike duhane to discussions about the fallout from the lane closures. if this was all just a minor traffic study, why did christie's top strategist get involved? these new details helped fill
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out the web of communication between the re-election campaign, the governor's office and the port authority. key players were urgently e-mailing and texting about the closing of the world's busiest bridge, begging the question, was the governor really kept out of the loop? joining me now is new jersey democratic assemblyman john wisneski, thanks for being here. >> good to be here, thanks. >> what do you make of these new documents? >> what they tell us is that third-degr this had become a big political issue. we see communication asking very -- questions, how to respond to press inquiries and those were not within the port authority. these were chun communications
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that went to the governor's campaign manager and among others. it really shows that there was a significant political component to what was going on here. we don't know why. we're trying to get that answer, but clearly, involving all of these folks in the campaign, running by them, the press strategy indicates there was some political element to this. >> so, if it was just a traffic study, why would you be calling the campaign, the governor's office? why not just be handled in the port authority? >> that's really the question. where we thought it started, it went to bridgette kelly in the governor's office, but now, we see those communications going beyond that and now, going directly to the governor's campaign. >> now, last november, you heard testimony from port authority official, bill baron and that these lane closures were quote part of a traffic study, but here's what he wrote bill stepien the next day, quote, at
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least we have explained the counternarrative. what do you make of that phrase? used to describe a testimony before your transportation committee? >> it's troubling. i sat through that and it seemed implausible when it was being delivered, but to see this communication really underscores the fact that they weren't there just simply to put the facts on the record, but they were there to put a story on the record. a counternarrative as we see it described. there was no traffic study. that's been said by pat foy and many other people, but this document really goes to show they considered this to be a narrative that they wanted to get out there as opposed to the facts. >> now, bill stepien and bridgette kelly say subjects of a federal investigation, a testimonial act of production by
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a person in the throws of a criminal investigation and that against all odds is precisely where mr. stepien finds himself, violates the person's right against self-incrimination. what is your response? >> fifth amendment is one hand, a simple piece of law, but very complicated. there's no testimony involved here what the committee is looking for. dolts that had been created by bill stepien and we need that information in order to get to the basic answers, why this was done and how this abuse of power could have happened. we don't have those answers, but the very people withholding the documents may have the answers to those questions. >> do you feel you will not get those documents from those two people? >> well, we're in the middle of a court battle. i'm confident in the position our attorneys put forward and i think ultimately, we'll get information we need. >> will it impair your investigation if you don't get
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it? >> it won't impair it. i think that we have a legitimate right to get documents that were created, especially those by bridgette kelly, by a government employee, using her personal e-mail account. i think the committee has a right to see those comments. >> we thank you for your time tonight. we'll be watching. >> still ahead, big news tonight about the so-called affluenza teen. will the families of his victim finally get some justice? plus, lifestyles of the rich and shameless. you got to hear what another billionaire said about hitler and the 1%. plus, is willard really thinking about running for president again? we'll take a look at tonight's gotcha.
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he's giving interviews on the sunday morning shows and today, a "wall street journal" op-ed slamming failed leadership on ukraine. quote, president obama and secretary of state clinton travel the world this pursuit of their promise to reset relations and to build friendships across the globe. their failure has been painfully evident. that's suspicious. why is he calling out hillary clinton? sure, she might run for president in 2016. but she's not the secretary of state anymore. unless, wait a minute, are you thinking what i'm thinking? is the third time the charm? is he ready for another run? where there's a willard, there's a way. look out, big bird, here he comes. >> i'm sorry, jim. i made a stop to subsidy to pbs and i like pbs.
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i like big bird, i actually like you, too. >> it's not just "sesame street" who should be on alert, all of those 47 percenters better watch out, too. >> 47% who are -- believe that they are victims. well, maybe i should also tell my story. i'm also unemployed. i like being able to fire people who provide services to me. i'm not concerned about the very poor. i drive a mustang and a chevy pick-up truck. ann drives a couple of cadillacs, actually. >> but, there is one constituency that will be thrilled about a third romney campaign. late night comedians. your material could be coming soon. >> i'm learning to say, y'all. i like grits and things are strange happening to me. i love this state. it seems right here, trees and -- >> we went to the company and said, look, you can't have any illegals working in our property. i'm running for office for pete's sake, i can't have
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illegals. >> who let the dogs out? >> no one's asked to see my birth certificate. they brought us binders full of women. >> i guess the binder business is gearing up, but who knows what the future holds. mitt romney going up to hillary clinton seems a little off. is anyone willing to take this bet? anyone? >> i'll tell you what, 10,000 bu bucks? $10,000 bet. >> i thought so. one thing we know. mitt romney isn't attacking hillary clinton for no reason. nice try. but let me get nostalgic for a second because we got you. co: i've always found you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is what makes using the mobile app so useful. i can book a nearby hotel room from wherever i am. or, i could not book a hotel room and put my cellphone
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that's a trend we can all get behind. anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'. the gap between the rich and poor has reached a level we haven't seen since the 1920s. that's why president obama's trying to level the playing field.
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>> as a country, we've got to make a decision whether we're going to protect tax breaks or make smart investments to grow jobs and the economy. one thing americans across the board agree on is if you work full time in the wealthiest nation on earth, you shouldn't be in poverty. if you take responsible ility a work as hard as these folks work, you work full time, you shouldn't be living in poverty. we believe that. >> but look at one billionaire's respo responding. today, ken langone, a top republican donor, said this about the push for feds. quote, if you go back to 1933 with different words, this is what hitler was saying in germany. you don't survive as a society if you're encouraging thrive on envy or jealousy. yes, he's comparing populous politics to nazi germany and
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earlier this year, billionaire tom perkins compared the treatment of the rich to the holocaust. there's no war on the rich. just a push for fairness. comparing that to nazi germany is deeply offensive and only reignites the push for change. joining me now, thank you both for coming on the show to want. >> thank you. >> the president is trying to make this an economy that works for everyone. but they're making hitler comparisons. what's your reaction? >> you know, in full disclosure, i used to work for ken langone at home depot in atlanta. so i know a bit about him and his politics. people who stand inside the gate, people on the other side of the wall making these kinds of attacks on people who are trying to survive, i think the absolutely deplorable. it's incomprehensible to me how someone like him who has tens of
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thousands of part time workers in home depot stores across the country and the world who are qualified for food stamps, who qualify for subsidies on the affordable care act because they don't make enough to support their families. if he would just turn his eye to his own workforce, the people inside those home depot stores who are putting in the work, who deserve greater pay, who deserve greater benefits, maybe he'll see a little bit of what's on the other side of that wall. if you work full time in this country, you shouldn't be in poverty and ken langone ought to know that by raising the stakes, the politics of opportunity, not of enji, but of opportunity, for people who really work for it in this country, then it raises the quality of life for everybody in this country. >> what do you think about this nazi comparison? >> it's just disgusting. this started, let's remember, it
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started when barack obama was running for president and he attracted these big crowds and mark levin, right wing radio talk show host, they have kept that nazi analogy comparison up since that time. right? and you know, this is not the politics of envy or jealousy. this is just all people are asking for is a fair shake and a fair opportunity. >> you know -- >> just giving others an opportunity. you know, look at ken langone with home depot. i prefer to think of saul price, the founder of the price club. he made as much and gave so much away. one of the most generous people ever met in california. look at bill gates, warren buffett. but when these rich people get so greedy and want to deprive anybody else of having a chance,
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that's what's dpis disgusting. >> a billionaire investor, watch this. >> the quote 1% are being pummelled because it's politically convenient to do so. the 1% work harder. >> is this all part of the lazy comments we hear from some republicans that are in congress now? poor people don't work hard? >> you know, i'm not so certain this the 1% in this country spends 40 to 50 hours a week in a coal mine. they spent 40 to 50 hours a week waiting tables or standing at a retail customer service line. i just don't understand how one would believe that you know working as an investor and god love you, if you inherited wealth, accumulated it or earned
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it, god love you for it, but other people deserve the same pathway, the same kind of opportunity my parents had, that your parents may have had, to go to work for an honest day's work and pay and to invest in themselves for a greater opportunity. to compare this whole thing to nazi germany i think is really beyond the pale. >> just last week, michelle bachmann expressed her gratitude for billionaires who fund her party. listen to this. >> i just thank god there's a billionaire or two on our side. all the billionaires seem to be on the radical left, so i'm glad that we've got a couple on ours. this is an intimidation movement. i'm sure the donors on our side don't like to have their names vilified. >> nope. >> that's really what this is about. intimidating people from giing one to our cause. that's it. >> and i mentioned tom perkins. listen to what else he had to
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say that i didn't play. >> the way this system is, you don't get to vote. unless you pay a dollar in taxes, but it should be like a corporation. if you pay a million dollars in taxes, get a million votes. how's that? >> million dollars in taxes, a million votes. there was a lot of laughter, but is this what the 1% really think sns. >> unbelievable. that means the koch brothers would get 400 million votes. these guys again, nobody has taken anything away from them. stop whining. they've got it great. they don't work a day in their life. they coast, right, with all the money they've got. all we're saying is give other people a chance to get up and live off poverty. i guess the final thing on this,
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if they really think this is like nazi germany, why don't they talk about the pope? pope francis talks more about income inquality than president obama does. they call him a nazi, really? >> i think that all of this uglyness, i mean from the left or the right, i mean, we do not have to get extreme to have a discussion on fairness and the most, one of the most horrific things in the history of the world was what happened in nazi germany. close the gap in areas in this country and middle income inquality to be compared to this it should be beneath anyone particularly intelligent people that have done so well in this country. >> amen. >> thank you for your time. >> thanks. >> coming up, too rich to jail, the teen who killed four drunk
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370. we've learned that the plane's u turn was likely programmed into an on board computer system in the cockpit and tonight, sources tell nbc news that the turn was programmed into the computer at least 12 minutes before the co-pilot calmly said, good night, to air traffic controllers. it's just another key element to a timeline that's beginning to get pieceded together. >> here is the mystery flight's most updated timeline. flight 370 leaves kuala lumpur at 12:41. the next transmission scheduled for 30 minutes later never comes. at 1:19 a.m., the co-pilot radios, all right, good night, as malaysian krahlers hand him
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over. at 1:21 a.m., someone turns off the transponders. the plane then turns around. at 2:15, the last military radar contact. all that's left are the six pings being transported along two arcs from the north and south. >> that would further indicate the u turn was planned and executed in the cockpit before controllers lost contact. but was the plan to sabotage the flight? and could more than one person be involved? joining me now are gregory fyfe, a former ntsb investigator and jim cavanaugh, an nbc law enforcement analyst. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. greg, let me start with you. we've learned that the plane was programmed to make this turn. walk us through that. could one of the pilots have
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done this without the other one realizing it? >> absolutely. during the preflight preparation on the ground, typically you'll have a pilot walk around the outside of the plane to do the preflight to make sure the plane is sound. a lot of the time, the other pilot will be in the cockpit doing cockpit duties to include building the flight management flight plan, so you'll have a guy by himself putting in the route. he could build a primary flight plan from kuala lumpur to beijing. >> without the knowledge of the other pilot that was checking out the plane. >> correct. we've also learned more about the pilots. >> each day, the mystery surrounding the pilot deepens. we now know he has two homes. why would a well off pilot hijack his own plane, friends ask? >> bright, intelligent, inquisitive. >> and a family man.
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three children and a grandchild. then the co-pilot, he is reported to have a girlfriend, also a pilot, why would he be involved? >> jim, what do you think? don't seem like any red flags here. >> right. i don't see a red flag either. i do think these pilots with good men, experienced and you know, i would stand with that until the facts change. we have to look at them as possible suspects because they have the ability, the knowledge, the access, the community like greg described. one could manipulate the flight system while the other was down. and also, that's not the only scenario. you could have a hijack by persons on board. a passenger could be trained as a pilot by a foreign military and the pilots are innocent heroes and could be hijacked or
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you could have a comply sit pilot with hijackers in another location or a pilot suicide. it's not the only scenario. just one of a few possible criminal scenarios. >> but greg, there are a ton of theorys about this plane. there's even one that says the plane could have used another jet to hide its movements. what do you make of that one? >> i think that's probably the most propostrouse. you're talking about a 650,000 pound airplane. with another airplane at night, at altitude, you'd have to, there would have to be so much choreography and experience and it's just, it's just not reasonable. >> greg, there's also talk today that the plane could have experienced a slow moving fire on board. what do you make of that? >> if there was an on board fire and it's been talked about with
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the wiring, that plane has several hundred miles of wire. >> several hundred miles. >> yes. this is a large airplane. you're talking hundreds of miles of wiring. there's wire all over this airplane. it's not just located in one area, so that fire would have to burn through enough wire to take out all of the communication systems or be so big in the cockpit that it would render the cockpit basically unuseful to the crew in a very, very short period of time and wire fires don't burn that fast. >> jim, ten days into the ve investigati investigation, the military says it may have detected the plane. doesn't this delay at least raise the possibility that the plane could have flown over other country's radar systems and they're simply not telling us or -- >> it did. >> i think you're right, rev lend. it's kind of -- that the thai
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government when this is all happening in their backyard. malaysia is next to thailand. if they discover this, you would think all the countries were sweeping their radar data. their surface ship's data, everything, just to find out where this plane is. but i agree with greg on the arson theory. i investigated arsons and fires for more than 35 years and you know, that's the kind of analysis i feel like back in the command post. guys like greg are the guys that are in there. they have the knowledge. they tell you the facts, then you have to make the theorys and you have to always work from a foundation of facts. so, that's smart thinking and we don't have the answer. accident is not totally off the table, but it's likelihood has gone down. it's still there, but it's very, very low at the moment. it could come back up if facts change and we've seen them change this many times. >> greg, what do you think happened? with all that's been going on,
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what do you think happened? >> i think that the malaysian government is looking at this as a crime. we're not sure that we have all the information that they have. with regard to the background of the pilots. we know what they're saying, but because we're not all intimately involved in this process and we know they've not been forthcoming with a lot of information, plus, there's been some misinformation, i know that in this instance, where you have deliberate turns, you have a deliberate flight plan that was programmed in and executed, you have somebody who wants this plane to disappear by turning off those pieces of equipment that will provide the appeara e appearance, they wanted to get lost. they didn't want to be tracked and this airplane, you would have expected if it crashed on land, we would have seen it, a reasonable distance from kuala lumpur, we have found nothing. >> there's a lot of talk about
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why no one on board sent any messages. "the new york times" reports that someone may have intentionally depressurized the plane as it soared to an unusually high altitude right after the turn around, which would have rendered passengers and flight attendants unconscious. >> i think that's wrong information. the information they've been running with with for the last three days about the plane climbing to 45,000 feet then making a dramatic dive is not true. when they got the radar information from the military, it was at the very boundary of their radar capability. their coverage and the altitude information that they were getting was not accurate. and so, they smoothed the radar data to take those points and the plane was at 29,500 feet. never climbed. never descended. >> now, jim, do you think foul play is involved? >> well, i think it's a likely
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scenario in this event. likely scenario that a criminal purpose was a foot here just like greg said i'm in agreement. it looks deliberate. i think this was a mystery because it was steined to be so. the sequence of events, the western flight path. the maybe evading radar, the way the plane turned and turned, so it seems very deliberate. seems like there's a purpose here. we just have to or investigators have to uncover this purpose, the motive for what happened. it could be that the plane is way down in the indian ocean and the goal of the purpose was to completely disappear and that's not unusual in a suicide case either because sometimes insurance won't pay for suicide and you wouldn't want to be blamed for the murder of all those innocents. >> well, greg and jim, thank you both for your time. >> you're welcome. >> there's for having us.
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up next, a new twist in the case of that affluenza teenager. who critics said was too rich for jail. also, president obama makes a big move to set the record straight. and fix an old injustice. stay with us. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. and only national is ranked highest in car rental customer satisfaction by j.d. power. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro.
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it was a case that had the nation outraged. could someone be too rich to jail? last summer, we told you how ethan couch, a rich teenager in texas, avoided jail time after killing four people and injurying two. in a drunk driving accident. by using the affluenza defense. saying because of wealth, he never learned that bad behavior has consequences. today, we learned couch's parents have settled with some of his victim's families, paying an undisclosed amount to families of three of the victims, but couch still faces charges of intoxicational assault for the injury. we will keep following this story. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ]
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injustice. the president bestoued the congressional made med dahl of honor on 24 army veterans. because of their race, ethnicity and religion. >> no nation is perfect. here in america, we confront our imperfections and painful past. including the truth that some of these soldiers fought and died for a country, but not always see them. but after years of review, these two dozen soldiers among them, hispanic, african-american and jewish were identified as having earned. >> these soldiers ved during world war ii. korea, deserved the military's highest honor. they were denied. because of who they were. three of these heroes are still alive today. they travel to the white house and got special recognition from the president.
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>> today, we remember how 32-year-old sergeant first class rodela fought through his wounds in vietnam and rallied his men during 18 hours of constant combat. today, we were how 27-year-old staff sergeant morris, one of our nation's very first green bare bare barets, think about that. that's legendary. how staff sergeant morris recovered a fallen comrade in vietnam, took out several enemy bunkers and kept going even after he was shot three times. today, we remember how 23-year-old specialist aravia under a hail of bullets in vietnam gave first aid to his wounded comrades and single handedly destroyed four enemy
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bunkers. these are extraordinary americans. they are exemplary soldiers. >> the shame is that they were not honored in the past. the good news though is that the president said we confronted a painful past. and corrected the record. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. after putin's defiance, it's president obama's move. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chuck todd in for chris matthews. a defiant putin told a joint session of parliament that in quotes, people's hearts and minds, crimea has been a part of russia and they
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