tv The Reid Report MSNBC March 19, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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the deletion february 3, more an month before the flight vanish. one more baffling detail to the case. also, nbc news is reporting that fbi agents have received copies of the hard drive from computedners the two pilots' homes for analysis. nbc news also quotes sources who say it appears likely that orders for the plane to change course were programmed from the cockpit before the last report from a data communications system transmitted. that would further indicate that the course change was programmed before the co-pilot's last radio transmission, all right, good night. aviation analysts caution and may well be legitimate reasons for change. we will have more on flight 370 later including how family members of missing passengers trade to storm today's news conference. now to the story you will see first here on msnbc only on "the reid report." yesterday state attorney angela
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cory e-mailed a document to florida lawmakers dealing information in her prosecution. the document entitled state versus marissa alexander is a step by step to the case as she sees it. detailing when the prosecutor says happened the night alexander fired what she says was a warning shot at her then husband, rico gray, and his would children during a domestic dispute. where she said he threatened to kill her. there's also a previously unpublicized information, including the words the prosecutor says alexander spoke to gray before the shooting, quote, i have something for your expleti expletive. at least one of the lawmakers that received that document told the local jacksonville station that she believes the document is inappropriate. alexander, you will recall, jacksonville, florida, mother of three who pace as possible 60-year prison sentence when she is retried in july. alexander is seeking a stand-your-ground hearing before her retrial.
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earlier i asked corey if it is related to the warning shot bill. lawmakers supporting the bill have cited the marissa alexander case in discussing the law had a would permit immunity for a person that fires warning shot in self defense. corey told me the media spread misinformation about the case and she said she feels a duty to address it and emphasized the e-mail was not sent to the media but only lawmakers and her office provided the following statement. state attorney corey received numerous requests for position about the alexander case. those requests came from the governor's office and local legislators. in fact, state representative mia jones requested a meeting to discuss the facts of this case before miss alexander's sentencing in 2012. miss corey did meet with miss jones and other leaders. the facts of the case have been misrepresented extensively and media spread of misposition and made the decision to armour local delegation with the truth. her predecessor, former state
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attorney, harry shorestein, that continues in private practice in florida, has a different take. i spoke with him earlier and asked if he's ever seen anything like this e-mail sent by attorney corey. >> i have neither has any of the more prominent attorneys who i have spoken with about the e-mail. >> and what do you make of the tone of it? >> well, let me start by saying our rules of professional conduct as they relate to prosecutors prohibit any extra judicial statement that could have the possibility of influencing a jury. so it would be totally unheard of to essentially put your entire argument in the media shortly before a trial. but that may be address bid the court. i haven't followed all of the motions that have been filed.
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marissa's alexander's attorney. >> let's just stay was a high-profile case that theoretically could influence lawmakers' views on pending legislation. in that kind of a case, could you see sending a letter and document like this? >> no. i could see dealing with the let tour most prosecutors have the opportunity to meet with the legislature and the governor and issues favorable to prosecution. that would never be done with a press release intended for the public. a lot of people think that was a messaging to the legislature but it was released to all of the local media and it did what i'm sure it was intended to do. it produced facts very favorable to the prosecution. some of which may or may not be
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true. >> as an ethical matter, you are saying -- is there a blurry line where there might be some justification for doing that even though, as you said, it does wind up in the public discourse? >> no. i don't believe the line is blurred at all. i think it is very clear that a prosecutor can't do that. you know, your response may be, well, what if the media runs a story that's inaccurate? we are held to a different standard than the media because of the professional rules of conduct so even if -- i know you haven't but even if you were to present a program that had inaccurate facts, it wouldn't be appropriate for the prosecutor particularly very close to the start of the trial to put in essentially an argument to the -- to the public who ultimately become the jurors in the case. some of the facts that are just -- totally inaccurate from what i have seen.
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the last paragraph, it said -- is something to the effect i have to respond to the inaccurate accusations that hill -- history had a domestic violence and then the next sentence lists two prior convictions for domestic violence. i mean, it is -- almost incoherent at that point but regardless, it is inappropriate. >> one of the things that state attorney corey has said her office did release as a statement in which they said that lawmakers had asked for clarification of the case and the governor's office asked for clarification of the case. when you were in this job were you ever asked by lawmakers, listen, you have a high-profile case and we need more clarification and does that ring true to you? >> no. let me tell you that during my five terms, i had a tremendous number of very, very high-profile cases arguably going back to the most high-proceed pile case in florida's history and in the
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1970s. you have -- responsibilities to improve legislation but not at the risk of violating the con stayal rights of the defendant in the criminal case. >> you have been critical of angela corey in the past. she used to work for you. you fired her. can you explain what happened? >> yes. let me say about being critical, i remember being on a morning talk show, i think almost power years into her term, and the -- the reporter said it is interesting, you haven't mentioned her at all in four years. i really didn't. there comes a point where things have been said and policies have been adopted that are -- to justice and i think we have a
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responsibility to speak out. the firing of her is a very, very simple case. we have interns from the local law schools, as most state attorney's offices do. we bring them in and tray to had them and this help us. at the end of the internship, they report back to the professor in charge of the program and we also report back to the law school. one of the interns worked under miss corey and reported back that she was profane, unprofessional, abusive towards women. it won't and on. the law school notified me of that. i called her in and said that's totally inappropriate. you have to apologize to the law school. she refused. i don't want to sound like an old marine but i am. if you issue an order that is legal and appropriate and if you work for me and are unwilling to follow that standard of ethics,
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then you have to be terminated. it wasn't a very complicated termination. i think she tried to file suit under the federal law and they summarily dismissed it. the facts of that are very clear regardless of what she may have stated. >> just -- and finally in wrapping this up, mr. shorestein, it is your contention that this would not be -- the e-mail that was sent up to lawmakers would not be something that if you had an attorney working for you or if you were the state attorney you would see as normal practice? >> no. absolutely. it would not be normal practice. and i think that if you were to canv canv canva canvass lawyers, i think you would find unanimity among ethical attorneys about the inappropriateness of her press release. >> all right.
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attorney harry shorestein, thank you very much. >> thank you. up next, one of the lawmakers who received the e-mail from state attorney an jael co -- angela corey. the families are getting angrier. the case is getting more mysterious. more on the missing malaysian airlines plane as the search continues. oyp. 's never been a better time to buy a jetta tdi clean diesel. been avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event get a great deal on a jetta tdi. it gets 42 highway miles per gallon. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. volkswagen has the most tdi clean diesel models of any brand. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models.
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more on our developing story on florida's stand your ground law. state attorney corey was prosecuting high-profile cases including the george zimmerman case and the marissa alexander case, detailed her case against alex an ezer in a three-page document e-mailed to lawmakers. it comes as the practice let tour prepares to debate a change to the stand your ground law to
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include immunity for anyone that fires a warning shot in self-defense. alexander is under house arrest awaiting a julg retrial. if convicted she could face 60 years in prison. some lawmakers mentioned the alexander case when discussing the case. i spoke with corey who told me it was her duty to clear up what she called misinformation about the case from the media. however her predecessor told me this is something he never would have done when he held that office. >> it would not be normal practice. i think if you were to canvass prominent lawyers, i know alan dershowitz has been unbelievably critical of miss corey, i think you find unanimity among ethical attorneys about the inappropriateness of her press release. >> again, that would be the opinion of former florida state attorney harry shorestein. state senator audrey gibson is one of the 13 state law makers that received the corey document and joins me now on the phone and senator, what did you make
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of the document when you received it? >> thank you for having me. and -- i was -- certainly ex-reamly perplexed and really thought that what i was looking at was horrible which included mug shot of miss alexander. >> and did you request any information from the state attorney's office about this case to clarify any details? >> i have never requested any information for the state attorney on this matter. i have never called the state attorney on this matter. it was a surprise -- well, after i saw it, it was a shock to receive such a document in an e-mail. >> i want to speak to you about what angela corey told me, what she had to say -- he said, my
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response is that this has been highly unusual case procedurally and factually in that the media showed no attention or interest in the case when we did try it in an open courtroom. and the media started reporting erroneous information that someone on behalf of the defendant started reporting prior to her sentencing. which put us in a very unusual situation to try to correct the misinformation. this case was being discussed in legislative circles in tallahassee and, in fact, two legislatures came to me to visit between rile and sentencing to discuss the facts in this case. one was senator gibson. mia johns and tony hill who she says came in to discuss the fact of the case. why wouldn't we think they were interested in the facts of this case because the case could influence law being discussed in tallahassee? my first question would be is this case coming up as you discussed the changes to the stand grournd law, warning shot provision, that comes up for discussion on thursday? >> first of all, you see how
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angela corey tries to tie two people to me whom one of the state representatives and -- both who work for the -- in the mayor's office. which has nothing to do with the legislature. and so -- the -- her case she is trying on the lee pieces of paper don't really talk about the threatened use of force bill that is on the floor tomorrow which is separate from the stand your ground bill. she doesn't call it by name but implies that the law, as it stands, is on the books to protect people such as if will is a robbery that took place at gunpoint and the firearm was discharged but nobody was struck by a bullet, that person would still fall under the 1020 life sentencing structure based on
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how the state attorney saw the case. >> we reached obviously to the 13 lawmakers including yourself whoa received the e-mail. we did hear back from four that confirmed they received it but didn't solicit it and heard book from one, ms. jones, who did say that she received it but didn't say whether or not she asked to see it. to your knowledge, were any members of the duval delegation, the 13 of you who represent the areas surrounding jacksonville, the feeling that the case has not been presented accurately in the media, therefore you are not clear on the details of the case or you feel the -- they have been misconstrued in the way it has been covered. >> well, there has been no conversation between me and any other member of the duval delegation concerning this case. and it is not the duty of the newspaper to try the case. it is the duty of the state attorney. if she has the facts to try her case in court.
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not -- in the media nor in a lee-page document in a -- three-paint document sent to legislatures. >> i should note that in the statement sent to us from the spokeswoman for ms. core corey she did mention the governor's office is requesting information. we heard back saying the material had been distributed to legislatures and subsequently requested here as well. in your opinion, senator, when this case is -- with the law being debated thursday, will this now incident following, did this release of information by the state attorney's office have an influence on you as you are looking at this law? will you this information in your deliberations or whether to support the warning shot bill? >> angelal co aa aal -- angela she did not come to one
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committee. not one of the three committee it is bill went through to speak for or against the bill. and -- to send information on a particular case, the bill itself is not even about marissa alexander. it has nothing to do with an -- an incident that happened some where else in the state to someone that's very senior and is really the -- part of the impetus that i'm sure the bill will tell thaw. it just so happens that it is coming up at a time when miss corey has decided that, you know, whatever, she is going to have her way and she wants to send miss alexander away for 60 years because that's what she has decided she wants to do, period. >> all right. thank you so much, state senator audrey gibson. they did not release that e-mail to the media. only to those 13 lawmakers.
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you can draw your conclusions from had a. now to an update on a voting rights story we have been following. a federal judge has just ordered. the u.s. election assistance commission to help both kansas and arizona enforce their voter i.d. laws. it is a significant victory for both states which require the new voters to provide proof of their citizenship. they sued the agessy to demand stricter proof of the i.d. documents. >> jen launched it in 2009. rufts rep dresses and accessories for a fraction of what it would cost to buy them. it became 25% of their traffic. so they launched a very successful app last year. for more watch "your business" sunday mornings at 7:30 on msnbc. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple
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comb through its satellite image which is were updated to many of you have shared images on this to twitter to crowd source search for missing plane. your hearts are in the right place. also big on social media is a new app that discouragies information sharing instead helping people keep secrets. secret is the name of the app that has silicone valley heated. everybody is anonymous. already popular leaders there are debating the fact that industry rumors are actually circulating on the app. secret investigator alexis o'hanlon had this to say to "the new york times." apps like secret become an outlet for people to speak honestly about things that would otherwise result in career damage. venture capitalist mike suser countered it is nothing more than what you would see etch order a bathroom wall.
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on a light note it is time for march madness. president obama continues the tradition of engaging in bracketology. the president posted his bracket detailing how he thinks the games will play out on white wait for it, for the health care law. in a nod to the sweet 16 teams that make to it the final round president obama post ad final reminder of the 16 sweetest reasons to get health care. . speaking of health care the reid report will host a live chat next week where i will bring on an actual expert to answer all of your questions on the affordable care act. you picked winners today. between can't to see what you get into next. please join the conversation on twitter, facebook, instagram and msnbc.and keep telling us what is pore to you. the malaysian airlines plane is still missing. stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna. topped with a mouth-watering blend of fresh cheese and aged parmesan. it makes our lasagna a delicious centerpiece
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missing malaysian flight 370. nbc news learned the fbi is assisting in the analysis of a hard drive of computers taken from the pilots' homes. investigating the detailed law of the flight simulator confiscated from the home of flight 370's pilot. however, another aspect of the mystery nearly took over malaysia's news conference today. family members of the missing chinese passengers tried to storm the event before it began. china's home to more than two-hirds of the missing passengers did and the government and media have been sharply critical of how malaysia handled the investigation. >> reporter: just before that news conference in which they announced the stunning news that they had found that some files on the pilot's simulator have been deleted, there was distressing scenes where relatives came to the area where the media are and they said to ask for help to try to find out what was going on saying they
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hadn't been told enough and they were taken away by officials. one mother screaming out -- i want my son back. it was really heartbreaking to see. she seemed to collapse at one point as she was pulled away. taken down into a room and then there was a stand-off between the relatives with officials and the media. the media saying we just want to talk to them. the officials not allowing us to. an hour this lasted. they were dragged away down across the hotel. taken away followed by large amounts of media. really upsetting p. the relatives simply saying they are not being told anything. they cannot stand this wait. back to you. >> thanks. tough scenes to watch. all right. now to security expert and formal commercial pilot anthony roman. anthony, you see those scenes, horrific scenes. the families have to be in agony. what should be happening in the investigation at this point? >> i think that we should be
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sticking to the known facts rather than all of the hypotheticals that are coming through. and the malaysian government has been slow to release the facts and contradictory throughout the course of the investigation. what is it that we know? we know that the specific flight track that the aircraft took. we know that that information must have been enter flood the navigation system known as the flight management system. we know that had to be done by human hands. the question is -- was it the pilots or was it a passenger who breached the cockpit? the co-pilot had a history of allowing passengers into the cockpit which creates a security dilemma. not uncommon in non-western airlines. it happens fairly commonly. it is not disparaging but it creates a security dilemma. did a passenger breach cockpit, hold a hostage and force the crew to enter those coordinates?
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or did one of the pilots have an agenda? well, the background of the pilots doesn't suggest they had an agenda. so we are left with the question -- the pilots or passengers? >> let me go back one step further to the pilot. we have this information about the deleted files off the flight simulator. is there anything in and of itself us is patient bus that? >> no, not at all. i have a flight simulator myself. i delete files all the time. essentially some of the flight simulators are just pcs with enhanced programs and lots of computer screens around them. these type of simulations eat up a lot of hard drive so you are always clearing your hard drive. not necessarily something nefarious. >> the families obviously are inning a my. they are not -- not that they are not getting information. what's more frustrating is we get information and a few days later we have to negate the information that we have gotten.
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how usual is that in a case like this where -- it isn't very usual to not have a plane to do an investigation on? >> in the u.s., we have such a structured environment and so many resources that the family is managed first and all new information, once verified, once verified, is first given though the families before it is released to the press. it appears that the malaysian government was caught completely unprepared for such a massive devastating problem. they simply are playing catch or fall the entire investigation. >> as a former pilot yourself and done expert investigations, do you have a theory as to what happened to the plane? >> based on the facts that we have now, based on the lack of evidence of any known criminal or terrorist radical background with the pilots, that suggests to us that it is more likely a
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passenger may have breached -- that means the investigation would be something different because, again, it is a much broader number of people. chinese government saying we cleared our 130-some-ott passengers and it is not one of them. how do you vet had a information? this is an international investigation. how can you even get at figuring out among the passengers and crew who to look closer at? >> you would have to look at all of them. simply all of them. clean slate and start from the beginning. that's about the only thing you can do at this juncture. >> to do that you need the cooperation of all these married government. >> you do. the chinese government, with all due respect, isn't necessarily forthcoming with negative information. >> right. the transparency issue, too. you started off with this. is that we are in a country that is so used to transparency and demands transparency of our government. we are not used to seeing a situation unfold with two governments where transparency is not of the first order. >> it is not. part of the culture in this region of the world is to save
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face. put the best face on a bad situation. malaysia in particular, trust the government, we know best for you. the shirt the captain was wearing, democracy is dead, was a sarcastic remark towards the current government that has been in power for 30 or so years. he is a pro-democracy advocate. >> last question. do you believe that ultimately this plane will be found? the wreckage or the plane in some fashion? >> we started out believing that the wreckage or the plane would be found. but we are dealing with 2.25 square million miles to search. we have 22,000 or so square miles in the air france disaster in 2009. we had the last data string. we knew more or less where the aircraft went down. we had specific debris patterns
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that we followed. it still took two years to find the black boxes. so we are faced with a mammoth, unprecedented dilemma in aviation history. >> good information, horrific information. >> afraid so. >> thank you for your expertise. appreciate it. now an update on the crisis in crimea. hours ago ukraine's acting president gave new government in crimea until the end of this hour to release top naval officials taken hostage at a naval base this morning. he added ukraine, quote will take appropriate measures should the hostages not be released. meanwhile, vice president biden is returning to the u.s. after a two-day visit to washington. the trip comes as the u.s. is promising more sanctions in response to the annexation of the cripple in a section of ukraine. >> personally to make it clear what you already know. that under article 5 of the nato
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treaty, we will respond. we will respond to any aggression against the nato ally. >> president obama is scheduled to visit europe and meet with leaders there next week. coming up, how the battle over lifting the embargo against cuba is shaking up political races in there. that can have a huge ripple effect.
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no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. could what's happening 90 miles from florida swing the race for governor of florida? former florida governor charlie crist is trying to become governor again. she a democrat now but was a republican then. now against rick scott is a tossup according to a new poll released by the university of north florida. the economy and health care are big factors. cuba could become one, too he now supports lifting the embargo that has been in place for more than 50 years. last month senator rubio deliver
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ad withering speech on the senate floor with the suggestion is embargo should be lifted. >> you think cuba is a paradise? you think it is an exam and model we should be polling? you are free to say that, in the press and anywhere you want. we are free here to come here and tell the truth. we are free here to come and denounce the violation of human. >> this week our colleagues at nbc latino report on the changing attitudes towards the embargo among cuban exiles in florida. overing the weekend, i traveled to miami to take the pulse of cubans in the neighborhood they call little havana. >> i have been here for 40 years. you know, i'm very americanized. i'm like, you know, i came and hope for me, i hope change so i can go there one day. >> it is a shame the people in cuba don't get to enjoy things
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>> joining me now state senator floor whose represents florida's 38th district which includes miami. nbc news latino editor sandra lily. senator flores, as you saw in the piece, there is a definite generational divide even among the people we talked to, walking up and down the stop. but you are a very young woman. under 40 on. who is in support of the embargo. why do you feel that it should remain in place? >> well the reason why we have an embargo against cuba is because there are very detailed specific reasons of continued political oppression, no free elections, just have an idea and think that since 1961 there has not been an election in cuba. 53 years was the exact same regime. here's something that we could not even possibly fathom in the
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united states. complete censureship of press and complete lack of access to the internet and to newspapers and even to regular books, why would the united states reward such a totalitarian regime? what's in it for us if we were to lift the embargo? there is nothing in it for us as americans and, of course, there's absolutely nothing in it for the cuban people. >> let me go back on this a little bit. the argument people make that say the embargo outlived uselessness, china a not a free society, censorship of the meats and we do business, incredible amounts of business with the government of china and other regimes that would be considered not exactly bastions of freedom. why cuba and not the other countries? >> i think that you hit the nail on the head. when you look at the relations we have with vietnam, with china, we see that while there might be some economic infractions from government to
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government, at the end of day people of china ask vietnam con to suffer that exact same oppression. how can we in the united states bass mcthe freedom? how can we not allow but then sanction -- be okay with the horrors that are happening in cu cuba? it is a regime that routinely jails people for simply having an opinion. routinely jails members of the press. right now will is an american citizen named ali grove that's in cuba for the crime of giving cell phones to cuban people on the islands. for that he was rewarded with 15 years in prison. why would the united states say, well, it is okay for us to extend our credit to a nation that simply does not pay back its creditors? it is a country routinely does trade as many of the folks -- you spoke with, they trade with spain, with china, venezuela, et cetera, the cuban government doesn't pay back their debts to
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those countries. some of whom are their friends. why -- they are not going -- certainly not going to pay back my debt they would have to the united states if this embargo were to be lifted. here is an opportunity for the united states to continue top stand on the side of people, continue to stand on the side of the right side of history and to say we are not going to be okay with a totalitarian regime and what continues to oppress its people. >> all right. thank you very much for being here. i want to turn to you. because senator flores, those are the age-old arguments we hear made about the embargo except that the united states is doing it alone. so -- the effectiveness of it, when you hear what people are challenging the effective must of it, in your reporting, was the fact -- because some of we talked to heard there are 160 businesses doing business with castro. >> what was interesting in the report week did, she did an excellent job on that. she interviewed unforced errores. can i not go there. my parents suffered. i know people.
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what's interesting is it is not a right-left divide. every human american she spoke to is not in agreement with the government. what they -- what they are saying is that the best way to start pushing change is to have more commerce. have more trade, to have more trips. and to make it a little more enticing. the miami way of life instead of human way of life and it is -- a nuance divide. it is not anybody supporting castro. it is ways to see how things can change. >> right. i guess example of other countries where there are people interacting prepare there commercial interests to end the embargo? we found cuban americans, one cuban american who found -- the bay of pigs. and other companies. we -- spoke to someone from -- an organization cuban americans for engagement and he was telling me there are republican and his group for -- it is time to do more business. maybe it is time to open a few
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doors. >> talk about this in terms of your reporting. this used to be a voting issue. this was one of the things that you could count on that made the cuban american cohort in miami more republican. we are not seeing that anymore. president obama won the cuban american vote in miami-dade county. it is now not as much of a definitive voting issue that helped republicans. how might that influence the politics in practice? south practice and statewide. >> it is inwhen you had your intro and you spoke about scott. i do think that the voting will be reflected by what we saw in our reporting. i think that you cannot see the american community will go only one way or the other. i think that just like it happened in 2012 elections, there is more division and i think that will reflect the stances on cuba. >> all right. sandra li sandra lilly. it is excellent read. >> thanks for having me. these images just coming in from a suspected stash house in houston. as many as 100 immigrants were found. early reports say the ages of
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the people in the house range from 10 to 50 years of age. at least lee people were arrested for trying to flee the scene. we will update the story as we learn more. i wear when i'm on my period? with tampax radiant -- whatever i want. [ female announcer ] tampax radiant protects 30% better. plus, it comes with a resealable wrapper for discreet disposal. you'll be ready to wear anything with the tampax radiant collection.
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11:53 am
when the united states signed the norpth atlantic righty on april 4, 1949 the u.s. agreed to 14 articles. including article 5 which states that an armed attack on one member of the alliance, which now includes 28 countries in europe and north america, is an attack on all. at the time the treaty passed the primary anning a nis to those countries, members of the alliance were worried about having to defend themselves against with the soviet union. before the soviet union dissolved in 1991 this was the map showing how many republics were part of the ussr. afterward the map looked like this. in the end all 15 states left the soviet union to become independent countries. including estonia, latvia, lithuania and ukraine.
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russian president gorbachev eventually resigned in despair. russia then watched as one by one its former satellites turned to the west and joining nato and seeking to join the eu. in 2008 even after george w. bush looked into vladimir putin's eyes and got a sense of his soul, russia reacted to its former satellite georgia's election of a pro-western government by invading. it was ukraine's attempt to broker a deal with the european union instead shaft that triggered the military invasion of ukraine. now some of those former soviet republics are looking at what happened in crimea, react kwisition in russia and are fearing the worst. if vladimir putin could look to other former soviet states with an eye towards recapturing the former is over yet glory. vice president joe biden today sought to reassure the balkan states the u.s. is committed to defending our neighbors in the region.
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most americans don't necessarily care all that much whether crimea is part of russia or eye crane. the united states is duty-bound to care. nato was the vehicle for military intervention kosovo and afghanistan. and with nato states cutting back on defense spending, when trouble strikes they still look our way. and yet, russia is part of our negotiations for the peaceful solution in iran. and to de-escalate the civil war in syria. we have the muscle but the majority of americans don't armed conflict in europe. our nato allies are pulling out the 1949 charter and waving it around. so if you are president obama, given how complicated this is what would you do? that wraps things up for "the reid report." i will see you back here tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern and be sure to watch us online at "the cycle" comes up. >> we will have the latest on this crazy missing plane
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mystery. we will talk conspiracy theories with senator chris murphy is here. just back from ukraine. joy, i have the gop autopsy one year later. you know what, joy? still i dead. >> patience. oh, dear. what a tough diagnosis. weigh can't wait to see it. "the cycle" comes up next. [ male announcer ] this is jim. a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but now, with once-a-day xarelto jim's on the move. jim's doctor recommended xarelto. like warfarin, xarelto is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. so jim's not tied to that monitoring routine.
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11:58 am
11:59 am
rate now new theories only leading to new frustration in the mystery of flight 370. raw anger and emotion flying high with family members on that missing plane. >> in politics, field trip, senator chris murphy just back from ukraine tells us why he thinks russia's president is putin himself between a rock and a hard place. i'm jonathan capeheart. senator murphy will join us live in a few minutes.
12:00 pm
>> malaysia to ukraine. even back to 9/11. why are some of us so quick to go for conspiracy theories? looking at you. i'm toure. we have a harvard scholar at the head of the table. he says there is a simple way to debunk that. >> does the news cycle ever get to you? not our "news cycle," the information we are flooded with 24-7. we will speak to a philosopher who says it is time to turn it all off. wait. >> some data has been deleted from the simulator and forensic work to trooretrieve the data i ongoing. passengers, pilot and crew remain innocent until proven otherwise. for the sake of their families i ask that we refrain from my speculation that might make
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