tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 19, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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a heyer education degree at the sometime we're work organize raising a family. >> translation, string together a bunch of words of women and family and jobs and busy cycles and juggling things but off nor policy or answers. it doesn't seem all that practical a strategy in the end. trying to fight something as fundamentally logical as equal pay for equal work, maybe it's better to avoid the details. that's all for "now." see you back here tomorrow 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" up next. >> good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. let's get to work! >> if russia continues to interfere in ukraine, we stand ready to impose further sanctions. >> i think vladimir putin must be encouraged by the absolute tim midty. >> i heard this theory everything was just fine until we arrived.
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>> disarm iraq, free its people and defend the world from grave dange danger. >> going to stir up the hornet's nest theory. opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign. >> i was elected to end wars not start them. >> when we say never again, we mean never again. >> nations which embrace free m freedom, or you're with the enemy. >> good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching. are we ready for this again? is this what it could come to? possibly another confrontation? puty's different from saddam, circumstances are different. but when a country goes something -- goes through something horrific, there's no forgetting. and we learned something from. ironically, 11 years ago today our country made one of the big of the mistakes in american
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history, the united states invaded the sovereign country of iraq. now on the evening of wednesday, march 19th, 2003, americans came home to find this man on their tv screen, the president of the united states, george w. bush, delivering this disturbing message. >> on my orders, coalition forces have begun striking selective targets of military importance to undermine saddam hussein's ability to wage war. these are opening stages of what will be a broad and concerted campaign. >> not to overreact, but could you imagine president obama saying something like that about putin? this man and his administration's reckless cowboy foreign policy diplomacy left a scar on america and i don't think we're ever going to forget it. we lost over 4,000 american soldiers. nobody happy about that. still debating whether it was worth it. make no mistake, lied into the iraq war by this crowd, right
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here, the propaganda campaign from the bush administration basically hoodwinked the american people. isn't it just hard to listen to this? can we do it again? here's just an example of the lies being told by the bush administration leading up to the confrontation. >> there is no doubt that saddam hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. there is no doubt that he ace massing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us. >> the united states knows about iraq's weapons of mass destruction as well as iraq's involvement in terrorism, which is also the subject of resolution 1441 and other earlier resolutions. >> the problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly he can acquire nuclear weapons. but we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. >> smoking gun, mushroom cloud, the good old days. the lines and the scare tactics
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took us to iraq. now, to this day, our nation is still struggling to recover from george w. bush's war of choice. now, 11 years later, the united states is facing a serious problem with this guy, vladimir putin. different motives, maybe not. the invasion of crimea is something that should not be taken lightly by any american. you don't know where this is going go. president obama, i think, is playing this close to the vest. i think the president is playing it exactly right. he has to. he's not jumping to any conclusions or jumping on the gun or anything like that. he's using diplomacy and sanctions and exhausting, i think, every diplomaticist. it's the right thing to do but because of iraq, he's been cornered, i believe. meanwhile, republicans don't like the way president obama has been handling the situation in ukraine. righties have been calling him, well, he's weak. >> this president's response, i
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don't know how it could have been weaker besides doing nothing. >> what you're seeing, brian, is what you get when pay community organizer takes on a kgb agent. it doesn't go well. >> we have a weak and indecisive president. president obama needs to do something. >> putin decides what he wants to do and he does it in half a day. right? he decided he had to go to their parliament, he went to their parliament. he got permission in 15 minutes. he makes a decision and executes it quickly. then everybody reacts. that's what you call a leader. president obama, got to think about it. >> so, it's still shoot from the hip mentality for this crowd. very predictable because president obama isn't doing it the way bush did it i guess he's weak. president obama, his administration, have been clear on where they stand and at this point, it really is all about allies. vice president biden made it clear there are limits to what putin can do.
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here what happens the vice president said in lithuania today. >> the reason i traveled to the baltics was to reaffirm or mutual commitment to collective defense. president obama wanted me to come personally to make it clear what you already know, that under article 5 of the nato treaty, we will respond. we will respond to any aggression against the nato ally. >> we will respond. alone, with nato? or will nato respond? we've heard lines before. we want definition here. looking back on the 11 years since the iraq war, i'm glad president obama is using caution in dealing with russia. it's a good thing that we don't have a trigger-happy president, because we can't afford it. we'd be talking about offsets and who's going to pay for this. america does not want or need another war. and putin knows that, at this point. so what if he has the upper
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hand? we're not committed yet. and we're looking for allies in all of the same places, nato. take a look at the map of the region. this is what we're dealing with. why in the world would putin be so aggressive here? look, putin is an international business guy. he likes deals. he loves wealth. he loves power. if you look at what's go on here, you would think well, this is all about energy. if you think it's about energy, you're right. but it's not about gas and oil or natural gas. it's about coal. 95% of the domestic resource of the ukraine is coal. it's lower in sulfur than some of the coal here in the united states. it's easy to get to. it's an unregulated industry over there. it's the wild, wild, west so to speak. there's a lot of mob activity. it's very profitable. it employs almost a million people. all of the coal reserves are on the eastern portion of this
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country. if putin were to be able to get in there, it would be very profitable. he could also generate a lot of goodwill giving stability to the coal industry, the biggest resource in the ukraine. so if you think it's about energy, you're right. but it's about coal. then, of course, the military options. putin needs this, if he is ever going to build a navy of what they once had -- they really doesn't have it now -- he needs access to the seas. this is the best and only open access to the big seas. so, geographically, it was an important move militarily. then the economic impact. we really don't know how much impact all sanctions will have in the short term. and it seemed that putin is moving a little bit faster than we want him to move on the diplomatic front and also on the military front. but the economic impact is going to have an impact on the united states, too. the sanctions. in fact, today the defense
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secretary, chuck hagel, had quite an interesting visit with some of the people of the business roundtable who do business in russia. they want to know where this is all going. so, i would advise that every american should be paying attention to this because if this is going to come to a head, it's going to come to a head over resources. sound familiar? is this kind of iraq all over again? not really. we are seeing true aggression from putin. the question is, can we slow him down? what are his intentions? what is our reactioning to be? are we talking in the coming days about arming the ukrainian people who want absolutely nothing to do with russia, that they want their independence? is freedom still on the march, america? you've got a stomach for this? get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. will americans ever let a president lie us into war?
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text a for yes, b for no. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. for more on this, i want to bring in former navy admiral, former pennsylvania congressman, who is running for the senate, joe sestak. good to have you with us tonight. >> good to be with you, thanks. >> you bet. your take on this. will the sanctions on these 11 russian have an impact? and is there an impact back on the american business side? >> these sanctions we've already imposed aren't going to have an impact in the short term. but over the longer term, as we do more sanctions, it certainly can have an impact. look, this is a cliptocracy there. a lot of the money done by laundering, a lot of money gotten by crime. and by using our treasury department, in order to clamp down and begin to hurt those who are putin's cronies can do a lot of damage.
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but, ed, also understand, this may have some impact upon our economy, but i don't believe it's going to be that major at all. russia only imports $11 billion of u.s. goods every year. my gosh, in the next four, five days our defense department will spend that. >> sure. >> it's less than .1% of gdp. if we don't act, it means someone like china, and i mean economically act upon, not militarily, so someone like china, who had a conflict with vietnam over the spratly islands might say i can clamp down, put my force as shore the prattly islands. that's why the sanctions have to be turf. >> do you believe that it is about resources, it is about the stability of russia being able to provide for its people that this coal industry that i talked about is a big player here? >> i think, first and foremost, it's about a lieutenant colonel who used to be in the kgb that
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has false dreams that somehow he can hold on to a czarist-type empire that only now they have belarus and ukraine left to them. number two, though, is it about the economy? energy? you bet it is. it's about that natural gas, about that oil in western siberia, and eastern sigh bea, only in the east are they able to get out of the ground. they need our technology to get it out of western siberia. we have a chance to clamp down and make sure they don't have technology to export in the future natural gas and oil. >> what do you think it will take for the touds act? >> i think it has to do sure what vice president biden is there to do today. he's making sure, first and foremost, a message is sent that the united states is in the forefront of leading nato in its response to the ukraine. and, second, reassuring all of our allies that we are here to stay. look, we have moved f-15 and
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f-18s into latvia, into poland the last couple of days reconfirm article have of the na nato treaty, an attack on one of them is an attack on one of them. over the last few years, we've done exercises in ukraine. we have one with the army and 14 other nations scheduled in ukraine this summer. we're going to be there. we're going it remain out there with our military. but, ed, militaries can stop a problem. we can't fix it. we're going to fix this, it's the economic diplomatic financial sessions. >> what about arming the ukrainian people because they don't want to anything to do with putin? they want independence. >> i thil you'nk you'll see nat whole, led by poland, give nonlethal aid and some lethal aid. primarily through training, helping them how to station forces and in order to show that
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they're not alone. we will not defend them militarily. much like we didn't for budapest or the prague spring when the old soviet soon went in. that limits have to be demonstrated by our economic financial sanctions. >> all right. joe sestak, we will have you back on this. great resource. great to have you with us on the program. love youren sight. we want to turn to john saltz, veteran of the iraq war, chairman of good to have you on tonight. this dynamic between iraq and ukraine, it's totally different. the reasons are going to be different. do you think the american people would accept any kind of military advancement by the united states to protect nato's alliance. >> it's an interesting question. we say in the military we train to fight one war and we continue to train that way after the war's over and it doesn't prepare us for the next one. i think unfortunately here what
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i find ironic about the republican rhetoric out of cpac, how the president's been weak, their inability to deal with iraq and the public so against it over time and never found weapons is really hindering or would be the large effort hin rance this president has to any aggressive action against russia. the president is dealing with war fatigue in iraq and afghanistan, a war the republicans led us into and now they're hammering him. they doesn't have any support for any intervention whatsoever. >> moving military hardware, and the vice president speaks the way he did today, where does that leave us? as a vet, how does it make you feel when you hear comments like that? and also match them up against what the republicans are saying about how president obama is weak? >> well, i don't think the president's been weak here at all. in fact, the president's been rather more aggressive than i think a lot of people think. look, we took over an oil tanker outside of libya last week.
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he wanted to -- almost unilaterally intervened in syria. sure, we've moved hardware over there and that gives us a certain amount of projection and forced capabilities from air power standpoint but it doesn't mean we're close to intervening militarily. he's sending a message to allies in nato where they're to protect them and the nato alliance is strong and drawing a line in the sand to putin. it doesn't mean we're close to any type of military altercation in crimea whatsoever. >> what are putin's military objectives, in your opinion? >> well, putin's all about the sea, right? when you look at syria, for instance, and i know you and i have talked about this for a long time, i mean, there's a certain amount of stlaerength a assad has and that's from putin. when you look the crimea reege. >> and that naval base, your analysis is correct. he cares about his navy and this in projection of force. this was started years ago.
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i served with the russian army in kosovo. we talk about iraq. >> yeah. >> we have been moving east for a long time in regards to nato expansion. when we took kosovo, the russian paratroopers were in in five minutes. we modified the army because of it. i served with them on the serb border. they're out there shooting dogs. they're a third-rate military. anything to do with u.s. expansion east, it makes putin nervous and reacts with the idea of going back to the old school soviet dynamic. >> this is coming to us, interview with nbc affiliate, knsd, president obama says united states will not get involved in military excursion in ukraine. john, your response to that? >> yeah i think that's accurate. there's absolutely no support in the american public for this. the republican rhetoric, it bothers me. last week, ed, there was a bill in the senate supported by every
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veteran service organization, 22 billion to the v.a. and republicans voted against it yet want to spend money on missile defense. the bush administration response in georgia was weak, and in fact, president bush relied on the french to cut a deal with russians. it been a long process that's led us to the point through multiple administrations and i think the president has made the right decision because until we've given diplomacy a chance, we shouldn't be engaged military. >> john soltz, thank you. the american steel industry is the best in the world. the investment, u.s. steel puts into creating the highest quality product pumps jobs and money back into the local economy. more from our series coming up, fighting chance, american steel. the big 10.10 support grows. business leaders are pushing back. hey guys! sorry we're late.
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this is where you can find us, be a part of the game, monday through friday, noon to 3:00 p.m., radio podcast you can get it at we are reporting today's top trenders voted on by you. >> friendly bee. ahh! >> number three trender, be. -ball. >> a swarm of bees in left field. >> anybody know the number of an exterminator quick. >> be careful or i'll steng you with my stinger. >> a swarm bees. >> they sprayed them. that's going to get them angry. >> you wouldn't like me when i'm angry. >> what's that supposed to do.
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>> free honey for everyone. >> number two trender, maverick tv. >> america, prepare to be amazed. >> oh, no, not again! >> sarah palin, the first lady of the outdoors. >> the half-term governor starts her second term as a reality tv star. >> this show is going to highlight freedom that we get to experience in america. i'll try to find you some and bring them to you. get red, wild and blue, america. thanks, but no thanks. amazing america with me, sarah palin. >> quick, change the channel! today's top trender, wage wars. >> it's time to give america a raise. >> this is not what we need now in a period where we've got significant unemployment. >> talking about moving people out of poverty. >> as business leaders push back on a minimum wage increase. >> according to the chief financial officers of the country, rough lay half in retail say they would cut jobs if the minimum wage were to jump
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to $10 an hour. >> you're fired. >> cities across america push forward to help workers. >> the city council voted to raise the city's minimum wage to $12.30 an hour. >> one group hopes to raise the minimum wage in dave to $15 an hour. >> $15 seems high because 8 has been ridiculously low. >> proposed ballot measure would raise oakland's to $12.25 an hour. >> unemployment drop will be negligible to the number of people earning 30%, 40%, 50% more per year. >> joining us tonight, california senator barbara boxer. great to have you with us tonight. this is become still a -- it's still a hot conversation and it's interesting to see how many cities around the country are moving on this. for instance, your state of california, minimum wage is going to move to $9 an hour in july. in 2016 it's going to $10 an hour. is this the model, this how we have to do this if we can't get federal action?
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>> well, certainly makes a lot of sense, and in california you know, there's no distinction between the tip minimum wage and the regular minimum wage whereas the federal law is $2.13, imagine, for a tipped worker, hasn't been raised in 22 years, ed. we need federal action. and while i so encourage the cities and states to move forward, the pressure should be on these republicans who brought about, in my view, under george w. bush, because of their policies, a horrific, economic crash, president obama got on top of this. remember, we were losing 700,000 a month? we've had all of these months of job creation. we've cut the deficit in half. we have some credibility. and i believe there are three things we can do to get the economy rocking and rolling and one is raise the minimum wage. the other pay unemployment compensation to long-term,
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unemployed, and third, pass immigration bill. and those three things would get us really moving. so i'm not going to sit back and say let the cities and states do it. i'm going to push as hard as i can. and i think we've made the case. the last point on this, i wanted to mention to you, i ran into robert reich the other day. this is the same stormy we'll hear eve and over. we'll lose jobs, we'll lose jobs. when we raised the minimum wage with clinton we created 23 million jobs and reich said it was a great thing to do, and i think he has credibility. >> 70% of the american people that certainly want the minimum wage to move forward. interesting. i did a town hall down in florida last weekend, and there was a lot of support for raising the minimum wage but not everyone was convinced. >> if ten is a good idea, let's -- let's double down. >> rather not have the minimum
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wage moved? >> of course. it's a free market. >> no minimum wage at all? >> no new york, no. >> you don't have to take the job if you don't want it. >> isn't that what you need? passion of the people for this to happen? i was rather taken. it was no shoulder shrugging going on when i asked that question. i mean, they're into it. >> well, we need the passion of the people and we need the people to vote, ed. in this midterm election. these are the issues that are confronting us. >> is it over? >> this is a huge difference between the parties. sadly it never used to be. under george w. we raised minimum wage, did it in a few steps. this makes no sense. but that's where the parties are. you know, two-thirds of small businesses support an increase in the minimum wage because you know they're very smart. they see if their workers, if their workers have some extra money in their pocket they will
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spend it on the products that they sell, produce. henry ford understood this. i think it's important to note that the average age of a minimum wage worker is 35, ed. it's not kids. it's grown-ups. >> it is. >> many of them single mom or dad with two kids, a minimum wage job, they're under the poverty line at 15,000 a year. they can't make it. this is america, and we've got to do better. it is an election issue. >> we are talking about helping the poor here. 10.10 an hour, in three years, it's not a very lofty goal but it's certainly moving forward. still talking about somebody making under $21,000 a year. >> yes. >> hopefully this will bring up ward pressure on wages to the middle class. hope it happens. >> no question. if you move it -- i was going to say if you move to 10.10 it would be a justice for inflation from 1968. >> senator barbara boktsxer, ths
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so much. >> u.s. steel workers take pride in their community. but the model for investing in american jobs is facing serious challenges thanks to bad trade deals. we'll have more from our series "a fighting chance, american steel". later, governor chris christie lashes out at a health care policy advocate. during a new jersey town hall, she joins me for an exclusive interview coming up. but next, i'm taking your questions, just ahead on "the ed show" on msnbc. we're right back. (vo) you are a business pro.
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i guess i wasn't expecting a question like that. l'wren scott walker's got a huge ego and so does chris christie. who is bigger? i don't know, they're the same. the next question comes from mitch. and he wants to know, could kentucky governor steve beshear be a viable 2016 candidate? he could. he's done yeoman's work in the health care, with the economy. can he bring kentucky with him? part iii of our series, fighting chance. american steel next. stay with us. cnbc market wrap, stocks slide on worries of rising rates dow falling 114 points. s&p off 11. nasdaq dropping 25. comments from janet yellen unnerved investors. she said interest rates would remain near zero for a considerable time or six months
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welcome back to "the ed show." the culture of steel in america has always been about industry and workers operating hand in hand to make it happen. in the midst of bad trade deals that synergy is more important than ever before. in order to be successful, congress needs to take action to support what the industry is trying to accomplish in america. tonight, i take you inside u.s. steel plant in loraine, ohio, to continue our series "fighting chance, american steel".
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>> one of your quotes from last year, you said, quote, the single, most important thing we want to achieve is for president obama to be a one-term president. how do you respond to those democrat lines of attack? >> well, that is true. >> republican obstruction has prevented us passing a meaningful jobs bill or investing in our infrastructure. the republican demand for austerity has slashed critical budgets and left many americans without the safety net they desperately need. >> today the republican leadership is bringing to the floor one of the most heartless pieces of legislation i have ever seen, a bill to take food away from some of our most vulnerable neighbors. >> in the absence of leadership in washington, u.s. steel is taking the lead and investing in american jobs. these pipes, u.s. steel, american-made. here in loraine, ohio, u.s. steel has invested over $200 million in the latest state-of-the-art technology.
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banking on american workers, banking on the future. here in this community, over 700 workers come this this plant every day and that dollar turns on main street, what america's all about. >> a lot of the newer equipment. this facility was built, it commissioned in september 2011, a lot of this is the newer equipment, newer designs, what's the best to use. this industry's changed. it's not -- it's not what you saw back in the 1960s, 1970s where you had big hammers and the big ladles and whatever everybody thinks it is on tv. it's precision. it's intricacy. it's being knowledgeable of what you're doing and understanding and caring. we've always had that. now it's a lot bigger. we have so much more technology. industry's changing. customers are asking for more. we want to make sure we deliver.
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>> all works in synchroization, people involve making sure everything's going appropriately. from there we do our straightener. that's where we make the straightness property. make sure as they go down all the lines or hang-ups, make sure it fits in the departments they're looking for. >> in i came in here ten years ago, would i have seen the same stuff? >> no, this facility wouldn't have been here. this facility would have been empty. >> in the past two years u.s. steel's projected $200 million inl vestment has created full-time positions at loraine tubular operations and hundreds of part-time construction jobs. 100 million invested to construct the number six line, equipped with the latest advanced technology. another $100 million is set to be invested to upgrade loraine's mill to expand the range of pipe
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production. but these steel workers aren't just turning out the best quality product. they take great pride in what they do. >> the equipment that you use and the quality system that you have in place. our quality system, one we have world-class people we have world-class equip mement, we maintain it appropriatiately. on top of it our quality system is designed to make sure we hold ourselves accountable to our customers, the environment, because when we tell everybody our quality's their safety. we have -- we put a product bad out in the environment it endangers people's lives, it endangers their environment and overall health of their business. we're not willing to compromise. the quality system in part, like anything else. a piece of paper is a great document and it has a lot of information but it's people's interaction with that. that's where you have great workforce that will say, this is
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important to me because it's our name on the product. we're putting it into american soil and it means so much to us. that quality system is a great thing. if the people don't grab on to it understand it, and really are passionate about it it's just a piece of paper. we're very fortunate here in loraine because we have people like that. they grasp on to. they have passion about it. they apply it every day. that's what differentiates us in the market. >> reporter: u.s. steel isn't just making an investment in loraine steel workers. they're making an investment in the community of loraine, ohio. >> when the mills make an investment in new processes, new equipment, there's a lot of investment there with, you know, hydraulics, all of the different types of piping systems that are needed to keep all of the stuff running. we've got 40 members working right now. the same thing is what mark alluded to, it's you know, it's jobs. >> when you guys hear that u.s.
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steel has dumped $200 million to the future, what's it mean to you? what do you think about that? >> i mean they've been -- made a huge investment. >> it's an investment in the community. the people that live here, work here, pay taxes here. and that's -- it means a lot to us. >> what does it do mentally for the community? >> it brings the community up, you know? when you have that kind of investment, it keeps, you know, local jobs. so the dollars turn over here in the community because of the local participation that we have with the trades. >> we need this type of investment. these type of workers, and that's what makes this county great. we can get back to where we were once if we get that commitment from the workers in this county, u.s. steel in particular. it was an outstanding thing
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they've done for us. it picks up everyone. we have to make something in this county other than fast food. >> the investment in loraine tubular operations won't pay off if we fall victim to bad trade deals and fail to enforce trade laws against countries like south korea. >> passionate about what we do, put a quality product in the market and watch it be fruitless, efforts fruitless because we're being undercut, it's not a fair situation. are we scared of competition? absolutely not. we'll go head to head against anybody any day of the week. >> it's amazing what the american worker can do american technology. >> absolutely. a little support. we can accomplish anything. i've never seen an american worker turn down a challenge. >> what is it about our congress that they just don't get that enough? they think that a trade deal with south korea is better for
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america, the ripple effect, it is real. loraine tubular operations employs 730 workers and has an annual payroll of $77.5 million. their vendor spending in ohio alone is over $116 million to $237 ohio vendors. congress, it's about american workers. it about the middle class. tomorrow night, we focus on the ripple effect. still to come, chris christie bullies an audience member at a new jersey town hall. again, i'll have an exclusive interview with the woman he lashed out at. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪
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my mom works at ge. ♪ the making of a bombshell starring new bombshell volume with the bombshell boost system. extreme volume meets intensifying topcoat and tada. 10 times more noticeable lashes. new bombshell from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure.
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>> god makes it very clear that marriage is between a man and a woman and there's no discussion about it. there's no way you can have a family with two females or males. if you think biologically how f if you think how god made us, our plumbing. >> i'm not homophobic. not against gay or lesbian people. >> now calling vladimir putin a crusader for morality and protecting from gay and lesbian agenda. franklin graham is applauding persecution, not morality. if franklin graham thinks human rights violations are the moral code america needs he can keep pretending. thinking up game-changing ideas, like this: dozens of tax free zones across new york state. move here. expand here.
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we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement, standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual at... today. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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welcome back to the ed show. this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. everybody loves health care except chris christie. a health policy advocate to the microphone. asked the governor to address his failure to facilitate medicaid expansion and the exchange got heated. >> you have taken what the feds have given and not put up the state resources to match. >> that's simply not true. i didn't accept the federal resources. >> you did not take the savings
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that the medicaid program is realizing from the cost shifting of federal dollars, needs to remain in the medicaid program to include increasing staffing. >> you are wrong. the medicaid program has been expanded. we are spending more dollars federal and state on medicaid than at the beginning oof my administration so you are simply wrong. to stand up here and misinform people because you have an agenda is simply incorrect. >> we have a budget statement. we will be happy to stay with you. >> i write the budget so i don't need to read your budget statement. medicaid has been expanded in this state. i am sorry that you favor obamacare and i do not. that is the way it goes. >> who benefits from the fact -- >> everybody benefits who needs medicaid. >> new jersey did not set up its own online exchange.
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laura collins group health policy advocate joins us tonight here on the ed show. thanks for your time tonight. governor christie says you were misinforming the public. what was he talking about? >> i think the governor just doesn't want people to know what the real position is of his administration. he has not done anything to help people connect to coverage through the health insurance market place. we have hundreds of thousands of new jerseyens who are eligible for that coverage and for assistance. >> this is a consumer watch dog organization, correct? >> yes. >> so the money coming into new jersey is not being allocated properly? >> much of the money that comes into new jersey is not being allocated properly in health care the governor had an opportunity to use $7.6 billion to promote the health insurance market place and rather than do that he sent the money back to
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the u.s. treasury. >> so the savings achieved threw affordable care act should be used to improve health care for low income families. that is not happening? >> the governor has an opportunity to do more of that. he is moving money from the medicaid program. we are asking him to make this the opportunity that it really is to expand and improve health care for all new jersey and not use it as opportunity to take away some state resources. >> he is all for health care reform but can't get too close to obamacare. >> i would say that is correct. he says he is for the medicaid expansion but medicaid expansion was part of the affordable care act. it is one of the cornerer stones. you can't have it both ways. you are either for it or not. >> do the residents of new jersey want this expansion?
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>> absolutely. >> so he is in your opinion doing what? denying the people? >> he is standing in the way of many people connecting to what they need to be more healthy and live more healthy and productive lives. >> i don't want to make this personal but this man loves to get up and pontificate and he is very combative. how does it feel? >> it was like going around with some of the lawyers that i used to dot that with. i was surprised to be called on. we have been out in the forefront of this issue for a long time. this is not about governor christie and i. >> did you feel like you were fairly treated? >> i felt he was a bit rude. we were glad that if nothing else it was the way to get the message out. >> what do you want the governor to do totally across the board right now as we are closing in on this deadline? you obviously want to see him
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make a shift that he is not going to do. what could he do to make this right? >> the governor could let people know what is happening with their applications. they have been delayed in the new jersey family care system. he could let them know what the status of that is and give them reassurance. the governor could also help to publicize the health insurance market place. why is it you can sign up and register to vote in a motor vehicle agency when you can't find out anything about health care? things like that really are an easy lift for the governor to do and to dissemnate the information through his agency. >> is he purposefully dragging his feet on this? >> absolutely, i think so. >> there is a lot that he could be doing even if he were against obamacare? >> the governor has been totally silent on this. we are asking him to use his bully pulpit to tell people what the options are.
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it is okay if he doesn't agree with obamacare. let new jerseyens decide what it is that they can choose. >> thanks for standing up. great work. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts now. thanks for tuning in. tonight's lead march madness at the white house. it has become a presidential tradition. president obama took a few minutes this week to fill out his ncaa bracket. >> i have michigan state going all the way. been a while since. my pick michigan state, bring it home for me. it has been a while since i have won my pool. >> the president is looking for a slam dunk on his brackets and is
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