tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 21, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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the faa, i feel for them. they want to keep the skies safe. but they have a difference between the things like a june bug, maybe it doesn't have a air safety problem but it has a privacy problem. >> it is a brave new world, tomas, thank you for your time. i will see you back here 4:00 p.m. eastern. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show," live from new york. let's get to work. >> where are the jobs? >> we have a party nationally that has a hard time losing mid-terms. >> they are counting on the fact that the democratic base will not turn out in the mid-term elections. >> america is broke. >> so why is that? >> there is a party working to
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expand opportunity for all. >> big differences between democrats and republicans. attitude toward america's working families. >> and another who is focused only on opportunities for a few. >> they had a plan to extend emergency unemployment benefits. i would consider it as long as it was paid for to expand the economy and create more jobs. good to have you with us, folks, thank you for joining us. well, there is really two big stories on the globe right now. one of them is the missing plane, the other basketball here in america. 345 teams go into the gym and 64 of them end up in the big dance. millions of people are watching. and when you watch, all of a sudden there are names put in front of you like, oh, where did that guy come from? boy is he good. how is that team winning? you're a little surprised aren't you? heck, it is the tournament, you never know what is going to happen. and then you start to think boy,
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the team has about kmchemistry. you know the first thing you have to have if you're going to build any kind of team or alliance? you got to have loyalty. you got to be loyal. you got to be loyal to the coach. you got to be loyal to your players. because when it gets down to the wire if you don't have that loyalty or that belief in one another it is not going to happen. how is that loyalty developed? gosh, that team just showed up on tv and started hitting shots. oh, no. it all starts in here. it starts right here in the gym when nobody is looking, nobody is paying attention to those teamins that are coming out of nowhere and knocking out duke, duke lost today? how did that happen? north dakota state? they beat oklahoma? they must have worked really hard right here. they must have developed that loyalty when nobody was watching. let me ask you a question. do you think this guy right
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here, do you think he is loyal? do you think he is loyal to american workers? do you think he is one of those guys that behind the scenes when nobody else is watching, he is right there with you workers in lorain, ohio, you can count on your guy from the buckeye state. i say bs to that. let me tell you about this guy right here, john boehner, we're living in the age of destruction, i don't know if he hates the president or not but he certainly doesn't want to see him succeed. so there is no jobs package, no protection for the american workers which we'll explain in a moment. and there is not even any help for the long-term unemployed. does that sound like a loyal guy to you? this guy is off the rails. joey bish john boehner i taking this to a new level of we don't give a damn, as of today, 2 million people have lost their
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unemployment insurance because congress has decided oh, we don't care about those folks in the stand, we have our own game. last week the senate finally compromised on a small deal to help these americans out, with this guy, no. he said no way. although he did release a statement to ease all the fears of americans out there. he said we're willing to look at extending emergency unemployment benefits if washington democrats can come up with a plan that is fiscally responsible and gets to the root of the problem by helping to create more private sector jobs. mr. boehner, what have you done to create private sector jobs? he is 0 for 0 at the free throw line. you see, john boehner is a shameless human being. in fact, the people in ohio don't even like him. how he gets reelected? gerrymandering. there is no reason he can't put
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the senate bill on the floor for a vote. wouldn't hurt him a bit. wouldn't affect his re-election a bit. so what is inside this guy? it is all politics. he doesn't want to have his fellow republicans on record for voting for the extended unemployment insurance. that is the kind of loyalty this guy knows. but don't worry, don't, don't, worry. they're working their fannies off. oh, absolutely, john boehner is working on a very important bill. you see next week, house republicans are planning a vote to stop new national parks and monuments. have you ever met anybody in your neighborhood that is really concerned about new parks and monuments to the point where it would take congressional action? are you kidding me? house resolution 1459 would limit, oh, they love that word, would limit president obama's ability to establish new national parks and monuments. this is a huge issue.
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really? isn't it comical? i mean, they're just worthless, they're just totally freaking worthless. i wonder if they caught any of the game when ohio lost. oh, just kidding. no american is against national parks or monuments. but meanwhile, let's turn the table now. are the democrats paying attention to what the president is saying? now, the president has beaten this crowd twice, got elected and reelected. and now the president is starting to step out a little bit telling democrats to do something about this republican house. he told democrats at a fundraiser, the challenge is that our politics in washington has become so toxic that people just lose faith. in mid-terms we get clobbered. either because we don't think it is important or because we get so discouraged about what is happening in washington that we
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think it is not worth our while. well, let me put it to you this way. mr. president, there is a little criticism coming from the fat red head tonight for you, too. i think president obama is sending mixed signals. he wants to help, he wants to help. no doubt. he wants the democrats to win the mid-terms. i got it. but you know what? in that locker room you can't talk your way to a championship. you got to earn it. but there is a reason why voters are decision coura are discouraged right now. and it is because not enough work is done on the hard court. you see, americans are hurting because of bad trade deals. it is that simple. the ripple effect of what happens to a job as it filters through the economy is terribly destructive. and the republicans know this. jobs are being out-sourced and the president wants what?
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another one of these bad deals, the tpp. he even wants it fast-tracked. any lawmaker that goes into the factoring sector of this country sees what is happening. we just don't seem to have an inside game. we are not strong around the hoop. we don't freaking dunk it when it comes to jobs. we're on the outside saying this and cheering and taking a long shot and missing. that is where our effort is as a country when it comes to protecting american workers. so you want to know where the workers are? i'll tell you where they are. i was with them last week and i was with the voters. when i visited the folks in lorain, ohio, i learned voters in the middle of the country are flat-out pissed off at washington, you know that? here is part five of our series champ american steel. >> when politicianins talk abou
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saving the middle class these are the people they're talking about. but talk is cheap and when the going gets tough and towns like lorain, ohio need saving those politicians often times are nowhere to be found. >> they don't understand what these men go through, what my men go through, they don't understand. >> so when you watch the news and hear people talking about well, we have to save the middle class, what are you thinking? >> they don't have a clue, i think washington gets it. they get it. but do they care? >> here in ohio, republican governor john kasich has launched an assault on people's rights. it is not lost on the public. >> we have a governor in this state who tried to destroy collective bargaining rights. who will make another attempt most likely to do the same thing. we have a governor here who was part of a team who helped cause the havoc on wall street. the governor in this state? we don't -- we're not expecting
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him to step in and do the right thing. >> but it would seem to me that he would be concerned about a bad trade agreement as well if it is affecting his constituents or his taxpaying folks in ohio. i mean, it would seem to me that a governor who has a $200 million investment from a corporation and banking on the future of the workers would say okay, what is the industry facing and why wouldn't he jump in on the trade agreements? >> i think the oath of office would require him to do that but his morals don't. i think we have a big problem with the political system. we have allowed folks to get elected that have shown time and time again they're going to cause harm. they're going to cause harm. >> they're just stuck on the free market. free anywhere. >> and that is why we're having the conversation. >> ohio is always the battleground state in any election. they have to win ohio in order
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to become president. after they win ohio it seems they forget us. >> the mainstream media, and national media refer to your government as moderate. what do you think of it? >> it is a joke. i agree, the governor has not done anything for the state, especially the working man. >> sb five sets the stage for a kind of dictatorship. top down, you -- these are your working conditions, take it or leave it. these are your benefits, take it or leave it. don't ask any questions, shut up and go to work. >> the right to work coming up. that is his agenda, that is his tone. i think that says what his opinion is of american workers. >> yeah, there is great concern that the governor still has not learned his lesson on this. >> and i think if they can bargain on wages and working conditions that is fine. but at the end of the day we have to be able to control the costs because the taxpayers in
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this state are the ones holding the bag. and if we don't lift ohio by reducing our taxes and reducing regulations, getting universities to work more with business we're not going make it. >> and great concern if this governor gets reelected what happened with the right to work? boy, i would have to put my money on right to work will come to ohio if john kasich is reelected. that is scary. >> this all falls on speaker of the house john boehner who was a native of ohio. but the residents and workers in lorain, ohio, feel he has simply forgotten them. >> he is from southwestern ohio, many of our firefighters down there. it is -- it is amazing the things that he says and the things that he does. they're absolutely two different things. >> it just doesn't fit the culture of ohio where he came from? >> with all the things he is supposed to have done in his
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life how he can do what he does now is unconscionable. >> so he has been infected by washington? do you have thoughts on john boehner? >> he doesn't even seem like he is from ohio, he doesn't understand us. he doesn't get us. it seems like he thinks that working people are asking for a handout. and that is ridiculous. >> he just doesn't understand the working class people of ohio. i mean, you know, we're not looking for a handout. we just want a job. our members just want a job and they want a place to go and work and to be able to provide for their families. and you know, with these trade agreements, it is going to you know really damage us. he doesn't get it. >> yeah, i think you can go back to when president obama was first elected and mitch mcconnell said we're going to look at everything we can can do
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to not get him elected. we look at the legislature, and all the other workers that fall hard for the working men and women. john boehner was part of the team that did whatever they could to stop legislation from being enacted that would help hard working men and women. >> the people of lorain know in the wake of bad trade deals the domestic deal is struggling, their government tried to roll back collective bargaining rights and reduce access to the polls. their vote means more now than ever. >> they gerrymandered the districts in ohio on a state level to a point where it is almost impossible to change. it is almost impossible anymore. if you look at the districts and what they have done to get the votes that they need, it is
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obscene. and it all just supports their agenda that is not for the working men and women of ohio. >> what is the voting rights laws? shutting down early voting. taking away the number of days, same-day registration, what are your thoughts on that? >> my thoughts on it, it is to prevent the people, the working class and poor from getting out and voting. because it is harder for them to get out and vote when you regulate the hours and the days. you know, most of us working six days a week. you know? so by cutting the hours and the days makes it tougher to get out and vote. >> and they want you standing in line for a long time. >> right. >> how long would you stand in line to vote? >> i would stand in line forever to vote. that is my right to vote and anybody that don't vote. shame on them. that is your right as an american citizen to vote.
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>> and of course the question is, will any of this frustration end up at the ballot box in november? only time will tell. and there is a lot of time between now and november. a lot of time for congress to get it right when it comes to jobs, because it is about the economy. you can talk health care and immigration and taxation, whatever. it is about the economy. it is about jobs, and this is why boehner just wouldn't show up. get your cell phones out. want to know what you think. tonight's question, does john boehner have the guts to go to lorain, ohio and talk jobs? you can go to our blog and leave a comment. we'll bring you results later in the show. for more, i want to bring in united steel workers mr. girard, good to have you with us, the frustration felt by the american
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workers, we get clobbered during mid-term, is this frustration going to show up in november? >> look, i hope it shows up in november and targeted where it ought to be targeted. i want to compliment the people you interviewed. they understand this president has tried to bring forward jobs programs, a raise in the unemployment, insurance where people wouldn't be left behind, the raise in the minimum wage so people wouldn't be left behind. under john boehner's speakership they have stopped every piece of legislation that would have helped the middle class create jobs, raise their standard of living. let me give you an example of john kasich. we have a plant in ohio that has got a thousand people that are employed there. and an additional -- rotating vote that the additional resolving jobs, i mean. and then all they want is a decent power deal. and they want this governor to stand up for them, to get a decent power deal from the power
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company and they wouldn't help them. so we're going to lose a thousand jobs while he sits on the sidelines, not counting the additional jobs servicing the plant. the people get it. the people know the frustration. and they understand this this frustration has been created by the republican party. and you got to come to the conclusion that it is ideologically driven by the already rich and powerful that they don't want working class folks to have a standard of living. they want to depress the standard of living so they can find cheap labor and make us compete with china and korea and other places like that. and that is just not acceptable. >> so when you hear some politicians including the president talk about the tpp it shakes my head. i can't believe there is such a bad track record with the south korean free trade agreement and no one is talking about okay, how are we going to reverse it? what is the landscape?
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>> look, i share that frustration and shake my head, as well. if you look historically ed, at the results of these trade deals, if we go back to nafta, and then you go with the preferential trade agreement with china, depending on which economy you accept, the accumulated trade debt, if you want to talk about debt in america the accumulated trade debt just with china is over $7 trillion. if you accumulate a trade debt since the passage of nafta, it is over $11 trillion. you don't see that debt on the books because what it is is a wealth transfer. so historically, since the passage of the trade deals we've lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs, even 60 thousand, not 6300, but 63,000 factories we've lost since the passage of nafta. so when they start to talk about yeah, we'll increase exports, quite often they do.
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but they double or quadripple the exports. >> the numbers are overwhelming. what i think if the democrats want to inspire their base prove to america that you care about jobs and start to talk about reversing the trade agreements that are just slicking jobs overseas and sticking it to the guys on main street across america. >> what the guys have to do is get a collective back bone, i am very proud of harry reid and nancy pelosi because of what they said on fast track and tpp. and they're the ones who are going to move the agenda forward. >> okay, leo girard, great to have you with us, thank you so much. and coming up, the latest with the rapid response panel. and how about this one, suing over a billboard? we'll be right back, stick around. ♪
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differential, differenti . time now for the trenders, tweet up, dude, social media, this is where it is happening, on the radio monday through friday, noon to three, sirius xm channel, ed social media decided we're reporting today's top trenders, voted on by you. >> happy day ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> this is my song. >> he is a dancing machine. congressman john lewis, grooves to pharrell's hit "happy." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> get happy, everybody. >> the number two trender,
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bracket busters. >> just one day into the ncaa tournament and lots of busted brackets. >> the battle for ohio. >> a record four overtime zbgam and a day full of upsets. >> the dayton fliers and the north dakota state bison, surprise in the ncaa tournament. >> in recorded history, no one has ever filled out a perfect bracket. >> 95% of the people in the challenge eliminated. >> this from north dakota state. >> all right, let's -- >> and today's top trender, bust a move. >> why are louisiana republicans trying to take down this billboard? >> the state of louisiana suing accusing the policy group of a trademark agreement. >> encourage your family and friends to visit louisiana. >> bobby jindal's administration
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takes on >> the image was taken right off our website. >> you're a copy cat. >> there are 224,000 people in louisiana who don't have health care. instead of working on that problem, the state has chosen to sue moveon. >> i'm very protective of our right to move that mark. >> good to have you with us, anne, is this the first time has ever been sued? >> you know, this is historic, in our whole 15-year organizational history and we've worked on some controversial issues. and this is the first thing that has ever happened like this, sclool. >> so is this a freedom of speech issue or is this truly a trademark violation as some in louisiana claim it is? >> look, we put up a billboard in the state of louisiana along with five other states that have republican leadership. where that leadership is blocking health care for
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literally hundreds of thousands of constituents. if you look across the whole country there are 5 million americans who right now don't have access to health care. who should. because the republican governors and other republican leaders have chosen to say no to expanding medicaid in those states. >> and jindal is one of them. and jindal on offensive has written an op-ed in the paper saying what does have against individuals with disabilities? he goes on to say your group, quote, wouldn't say one word about caring for individuals with disabilities or how obamacare priortizes health care. they just want to move into states expanding the massive health care. >> this is just an incredible response, it shows we're getting under his skin. first of all it is a false choice to pit people with
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disabilities against low income americans who don't have access to health care. secondly, he seems to be trying to distract people from the fact that the medicaid program, the medicaid expansion program which i should note that republican governors like john kasich know it is not a progressive. those republican governors have accepted these funds, would he say that those governors have a problem with people with disabilities? i don't think so, what we're seeing here is that bobby jindal and his administration seem to be distracting attention from the issue here, which is that low income people in louisiana don't have access to health care. he could change his mind and immediately change their situations. and instead of doing that and working on the problem of how to extend health care coverage in the state of louisiana he is coming after us. it makes no sense. >> all right, you say you will stand up and fight. do democrats need to do the
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same? is this a tea leaf of the battles on the horizon? it just seems that jindal is jumping out in front of the parade. he wants more attention than others who might be dealing with subpoenas and everything else. >> what you see here, the best i can figure, what he is doing here and you know this is all reading tea leaves and trying to imagine what is in his mind. but it seems he is catering to his constituents. >> are you going to be successful in this lawsuit? >> absolutely, we will not be silenced, we know the suit is baseless, and the campaign will be going not just the state of louisiana doubling down, but in other states until we get access to health care in all the states. >> thank you so much. more countries join in the search for the missing malaysian airlines flight 370.
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multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. welcome back to "the ed show." love hearing from you. all the questions, we have one tonight. courtney says why do republicans think it is okay to victimize the working poor in this country? well, because the working poor just can't fight back at that level. see, the republicans love to pit groups against one another. and if they can get a target and the target in the political system is the working poor right now, they're the problem. they sit home. they're the -- takers. that is what ryan calls them. how do you fix that? you vote them out. stick around, rapid response panel is next.
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the dow's triple digit gains evaporate, leaving the industrials down 38 points in the trade, the s&p off by five, the nasdaq shedding 42, tiffany's revenues fell short of estimates, the guidance also fell below forecast, nike shares fell, the profits beat outcome but the outcome disappointed. and gm shares end in the red, the ceo will testify before lawmakers april 1st about the handling of the recall. that is it first in business, cnbc worldwide. ♪
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states is considering malaysia's request for undersea surveillance gear to search for flight 370. no sign of debris from the flight has been found and we're now in day number 14. a ten-hour mission by the australian search planes failed to turn up any sign of the missing malaysian airliner on friday. and the planes are working in a remote patch of the indian ocean where a satellite detected what looked like two pieces of debris earlier this week. grainy satellite images at least the ones released to the public captured what investigators are calling their best and most credible lead in the search. the search is happening in one of the most remote corners of the earth. the australian prime minister addressed this earlier this morning. >> it is about the most inaccessible spot that you could imagine on the face of the earth. but if there is anything down there we will find it. we owe it to the families of those people to do no less. >> other countries are jumping in to help. two chinese aircraft are expected to arrive in australia
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later today. two japanese aircraft will be arriving on sunday and a flotilla of ships coming from china is still on its way. and of the passengers on the flight, 154 were from china. joining me now, we have richard gillespie with us tonight, executive director of tiger, the international group for recovery. mr. gillespie, you first, is there anything in aviation history that compares to what the world is witnessing right now? >> oh, yes, 1937, amelia earhardt disappeared in an incident that had uncanny similarities to this one. an aircraft quickly disappears, it was immediately thought to have gone into the ocean. a search doesn't turn up wreckage, then we start to hear the communications after the proposed time of loss. the speculation that the
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airplane continued flying. there was even a north-south component to the search and they thought the search went south. they searched south. didn't find anything, although they saw something that should not have been there and then they searched open ocean and found nothing, this is deja vu. >> so would you say these are striking similarities in what we're going through now and what happened with amelia earhardt? >> i have been looking for amelia earhardt for 25 years, our organization has. and for the last two weeks, it has just mirrored how closely the reaction of the press and the media, and the actual development of clues and non-clues has paralleled what happened 77 years ago. >> captain fortune, the triple 7 is one heck of an airplane. it would take a real immense
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impact to have the debris floating in the ocean right now. wouldn't that have just been an immense impact to destroy the aircraft like that? >> yeah, absolutely, for the impact it would have been at a very high speed after running out of fuel if it did get to that point. and the airplane would have come apart in many pieces, yes. >> and captain fortune, i want you both to comment on this. you first, captain fortune. we're doing this search based on satellite images. are the images that we're seeing being released, is that everything they have? or do you think they have it down to the point where it would back up what they're saying. that this is the most credible evidence? because if we look at some of the satellite images are they doing all of this searching based on this right here? what is your thought on that,
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captain fophonetic? >> the only -- i have an -- >> the images i see are quite grainy, i am sure there are resolutions that are better available, however not available to the public. i don't know what the reasons are, perhaps nasa security issues. but i believe we're searching based on the satellite pings and where they believe the aircraft is through satellite imagery. yes, i do believe that. >> mr. gillespie, your thoughts on that? >> i think we're way out ahead of the facts on this thing. we've got a couple of objects in the satellite image. we work with satellite images on the earhardt searches all the time. i can get half resolution on the islands where we're searching. if they had been able to get something that said yes this is definitely aircraft wreckage i think they would have told us. i think they're throwing
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tremendous assets at something that is just one of several hypothe hypotheses that need to be tested. >> and why do you think it is? >> i would call it human nature rather than politics. we have satellite images in an area where we had reason to think there might be something. that invites confirmation by us. the bar is set very low for anything useful. so suddenly, grainy satellite images become the best lead we have yet. that is not very good. but now we're throwing everything at it. i don't say they should not do that. but don't not pursue other hypothes hypotheses. >> okay, yeah, it seems like it is concentrated in this portion of the world right now. and michael fortune, all the hours you spent in the cockpit of the triple 7, what is most
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puzzling to you about this whole story as a pilot? >> as a pilot, the most puzzling thing happened immediately after takeoff. the acars was disabled. the aircraft turned. and if there was a mechanical problem there was no communication whatsoever from the pilots. nothing. and i find that to be very compelling in supporting a scenario that perhaps one or both of the pilots were complicit in taking this airplane off track for some reason that we don't know. had there been a mechanical issue these guys would have declared an emergency, tried to turn back toward kuala lumpur or perhaps another air field that was suitable and worked with air traffic control to try to get the aircraft on the ground as soon as possible.
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that doesn't appear to have happened. if it was a catastrophic incident there would have been a debris field somewhere around there. and they haven't found one yet. so i find that very, very interesting. there was absolutely no communication at all from the cockpit. >> all right, captain michael fortune and mr. richard gillespie, good to have you both with us tonight. thank you for your time. coming up, florida is a key state to watch for the mid-term elections. i sat down with ten voters in miami to find out what is on your mind. what is the issues? what is your hot button, how do you feel about this, that and the other? we'll be right back. predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out.
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work. if you're talking about hot florida politics you'll need a shower. florida is one of the hottest markers of the gritty 2014 midterm elections coming up. i know we're seven months away but this is unreal. the special election of the 13th congressional district served as what some are setting to be the year's first showdown. well, republicans want to frame the results of this as the state's race as a referendum on the affordable care act. i say no to that. as the midterms loom i do wonder just how much of the vote hinges on the affordable care act say in the state of florida which is a megaswing state. president obama was in florida fund-raising yesterday and talking up the health care law. i was in florida last week end to moderate a focus group that was put together. here is their take on the landmark legislation. >> it's a very personal issue. it's about my health and there really should be no politics involved in health care. and in my health. >> there's a lot of hesitation, there's a lot of unknowns and we
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don't know how it's going to affect small businesses. >> if the democratic priority and president obama can accentuate and highlight those people that are getting great experiences with health care i think that will help the message. >> but the mandate from federal government to everyone that has to do it, i just -- that worries me. >> to say that it's broken and that it doesn't work is too soon. the jury is still out. we need to be patient. there's no doubt that obamacare is improving lives of americans all across the country. florida is no exception. the division between the voters, however, tells us a very different story. joining me tonight, mitch cesar, chairman of the broward county democratic party. a couple health care and everything else. you've got a heated governor's race down there. first of all, will charlie crist get the democratic nod to run against rick scott? >> well, as you know, ed, he does have a primary. he's certainly the heavy favorite that polling has indicated. he's raised millions of dollars and we know rick scott will
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outraise democrats in general by 2-1 or 3-1. >> what will turn voters non'14 in florida? it's an off year election, a midterm, historically not good for democrats. everybody loves to point that out but the issues are a little more intense. >> i think president obama is not the negative the republicans are trying to make him out to be. i think because of education, in building the middle-class and also the key issue will be rick scott. i think people really in florida don't like rick scott. he's done terrible things. he had an opportunity to accept $51 billion in medicaid money, he turned it down. this supposed jobs governor had an opportunity to create 23,000 jobs by a rail system and said no to that. it goes on and on. he even removed a billion dollars from the state education budget in his first year as governor. >> well, he's going to have -- and sources down there told me -- that there's going to be $50 million thrown at this just to level the playing field because charlie crist leads in the polls right now by just a
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few points. they want to tlaefl playing field. this is going to be money that florida's never seen, isn't it? >> it will be unprecedented. florida will not only be the premier governor's race across the country, i think it will be the premier race period in the united states. we expect the republicans to throw between $100 and $125 million that we know of at us. we will probably raise half that, maybe $50 million, we don't need as much money as republicans do but it will be the most costly, negative, and horrifying to watch on tv in florida for the last couple of months. >> for the democratic candidate it's going to be miami-dade and broward. that's the bread basket. >> and palm beach county. >> and palm beach county. but there has to be big turnout. is there going to be the turnout that will be needed? >> i think the greatest unifiers we have in this particular race isn't president obama it's rick scott. democrats want him out; inspects want him out. and, frankly, he's not polling
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as well among republicans as he should so he will be able to be the motivator for us but we have to do an unprecedented get out the vote effort. >> what about this analysis that it's health care that helped the republican win in tampa in the next. >> i don't believe that. when you poll republicans it's a motivator for them but it wasn't a motivator for democrats to vote against the democratic nominee nor, perhaps more importantly, was it a motivator among independence. i think they may use that to rally their hard core troops but i think it will be other issues. i think they're on the wrong track there in florida and nationally. >> so you know it's going to turn on the republicans being against obamacare, the affordable care act. what turns the switch for the democrats in florida? you're saying it's rick scott. >> unquestionably it's rick scott and the national brand of the republican party. you know, the tea party brought the republican party into a cul-de-sac ideologically and
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they can't get out. >> so how does charlie crist go on the road with health care? what does he say? what's the winning message? does he run from it? run around saying "i'm going to fix it" what does he do? >> as was indicated in the miami "herald" today, he was at the function in the president in south florida, miami, last night and said he supports health care. he supports the affordable care act and he has embraced it. so he's not running from it. i can tell you that any candidate who's been around for a while reads polls. i can assure you if it was a drag he wouldn't be saying it. >> why is this governor's race so important to the democratic candidate for 2016? >> well, because we are, as you said, a megastate. there's four megastates in this country. california and new york go democratic. texas at this point goes republican. florida is the only giant state that swings back and forth everyday. and therefore setting the table for 2016 and who can win florida regardless of talks about jeb bush or anybody else, it sets the table.
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>> mitch sea czar, good to have you with us. that's "the ed show." "politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, obamacare is saving lives. and the republicans are telling lies. we're just ten days away from the deadline to sign up for health insurance but even though the clock's ticking, we can't lose sight of how far we've come. this weekend marks the fourth year anniversary of a law that brings affordable health care to millions of people. today vice president biden said it brought a fundamental change. >> the most incredible thing about the health care bill is this is the first time in american history we have at least legislatively ended the debate. health care is a r
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