tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 26, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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that is all for now. i will see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans and welcome to the ed show live from detroit lakes minnesota in the north country. let's get to work. >> those already in line for enrollment by phone or web site will be able to complete their transaction. >> what the hell is this, a joke? >> they know they're going to end up way short of their target so they're trying to string it out. >> why won't the white house just officially delay the mandate all together? >> yeah, you don't need health insurance until you need health insurance. >> but that deadline, six days away, they're backing off on that. >> well, just keep moving the goalposts further and further down the field. >> there has been a last-minute surge in demand. >> 5 million people signing up for the affordable care act so far. >> obamacare is popular because
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obamacare is saving lives. >> they like what they have once they have it. >> the dates are the date and the law is the law. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. there are only six days left to sign up for obamacare. the first open enrollment period ends monday march 31st. i have a smile on my face tonight, folks. i find this so hilarious. it's a deadline! holy smokes, they've moved the deadline again! we're saving lives across america, this is a terrible thing! okay, if you're a conservative, i'm sure before this broadcast is over with you're going to hate me and you're probably going to have a stroke. but i'm going to give you some numbers tonight that aren't being reported. there's a slight chance that this deadline is going to save even more american lives. you see, the obama administration said they'll
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extend the deadline to april 15th, as long as people declare they have started the process before march 31st. you know what this is? it's good news for consumers who need just a little bit more time to shop around to get the perfect plan. republicans are jumping all over this. it's a total failure, isn't it? they think it's a major problem with obamacare. house speaker john boehner came out and made a fool of himself, attacking the president of the united states. he made quite the scene over the new deadline. >> last night brought us yet another delay of obamacare, another deadline made meaningless. he hasn't put enough loopholes into the law already, the administration is now resorting to an honor system to enforce it. what the hell is this, a joke? the law says that enrollment stops at the end of march. that's what the law says.
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i've got to live by the law. >> mr. boehner, your press conference is a joke but you were exposing the republican ideology one more time, you don't care about people, you don't recognize the good in any of this. there's nothing wrong with giving the american people a few more days to shop around for health care. that's the mission. that's all it is. boehner has been rooting for this law to fail since day one. this guy has taken over 50 votes to the floor to take it away and to also take money out of your pocket. his outburst today nothing new. boehner knows that obamacare is working and this law is getting more popular by the day. this is why he was slamming obamacare out there today. on tuesday alone, here's the number, no one's talking about this, had 1.2 million visits to the web site. now, why do you think that is? is it in the air?
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is it the weather? it must be the basketball tournament. people don't have anything else to do, they're just killing time between the games, right? total obamacare enrollment has already topped 5 million and it's expected to top 6 million by the end of this month, march just a few days away. now, the numbers are the numbers. let me remind you, folks, that after the first month of obamacare enrollment, what were we looking at? what was that number? 106,000 people had signed up in the first 33 days of obamacare. now we're scratching 6 million and we have the same rhetoric coming from the republicans. they don't know what to say to somebody whose life is being changed because they're going to have health insurance. meanwhile, the supreme court, okay, we got to fight the legal battles, they're divided over obamacare's birth control mandate. justices began hearing arguments on tuesday on whether requiring
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companies to provide contraception violates companies' religion freedom. hobby lobby, along with others, are suing the administration. they say certain forms of birth control amount to abortion, which is hog wash. women justices on the court seem to be leaning toward siding with the administration. not surprisingly, conservative justices seem to be leaning towards hobby lobby. you know what scalia is going to do. i don't think we should make any mistake on this at all. if the court rules in favor of hobby lobby, this could be a very slippery slope for obamacare because they could piece out other parts of the law and challenge them as well. but this is all about dismantling something that's generation change. i think it just a greedy corporate grab trying to get out of providing good, quality health care for their workers. but also trying to destroy the
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president's agenda. obamacare is the law of the land. it's the law of the land. and this is more american opportunity. don't forget those numbers. i find it amazing how there was so much negativity coming from mainstream media and all the anti-advocacy groups on obamacare across the board the first month of october. and it had an effect on the numbers. 106,000 people and now we're sitting on the verge of how many, looking at march 17th we've got 5 million, by the end of this month they're scratching over 6 million? give me a number, mr. boehner. give me a number that you would be comfortable with, that you wouldn't call this a disaster. there is no number. there's no number. there could be 30, 40, 50 million. they are for profit across the board, they're for the corporations, they're not for the people and they're not for the outcomes. they're about absolute power. and this gets in their way.
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this is going to have a generational effect on young people, they are going to see that it was the democrats and the progressive movement in this country that changed. the election was about hope and change. there was a whole lot of hope we could get this done and now we're seeing the change and change is slow. let's see, we've been through october, november, december, january, february, march. gosh, over 6 million people at the end of march? where are we going to be in november? boehner has no choice but to come out and continually trash this law because he knows the numbers are against him. i've got confidence in my tackle box on this one, folks, and you should, too. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, back in october did you think enrollment would reach 6 million people by the end of march? text a for yes, text b for now to 67622. we'll bring you the results
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later on in the show. i think the deadline is good news because this means that people are going to the web site, they're realizing the severity of this, they're realizing this is real change and they're realizing this works. let me bring in senator barbara boxer of california. good to have you tonight on "the ed show." >> good to be with you. >> senator, your response to speaker boehner calling this extension a joke. >> they are unreal. you could say happy birthday and they'd say "how dare you." seriously, this is a page out of george bush's book. when we had the medicare part d prescription drug surge, everybody said let's extend the deadline. george bush extended the deadline. i never heard the republicans complain. look, again, it's all about politics, ed. you mentioned the 6 million. how about the 3 million kids who are on their parents' insurance
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who couldn't be before, and the 8 million seniors who are saving money through the medicare part d, and the 100 million people who now can get free preventive services. i could go on with you. so we have millions of reasons to be grateful for this law and i think you've got it right. you've put it into an historical perspective. it doesn't matter what the numbers are. they're playing politics. you know if you look back, this law is being vilified by them, just like they vilified social security. the republicans called it a mockery and a sham and newt gingrich said medicare should wither on the vine and bob dole was bragging that he voted against it. so put it into that context. what you see is this is another great step forward for the american people and the numbers are proving it. >> georg . >> senator, taking back. you focused on something the
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mainstream media has not focused on. medicare part d. that was under the bush administration. president bush extended the deadline. scratch your memory. where were the republicans? were they complaining about a change in the deadline? were they talking about what the law was and what had to be done? >> they were for it. we all were for it because they supported their president, and we supported president bush, who was our president at the time. but because it's president obama, if he says "a", they say "b." they can never be on the same page. it is sad. not even on foreign policy, which used to stop at the water's edge. here's the deal -- they're going to vote for probably the 55th time to take away the benefits of millions and millions of americans and i think by the time november rolls around, people are going to say, you know, who is really on my side? who is fighting to give me a fair shot? and i think the answer is democrats are not perfect, but we sure are on their side.
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>> what are your thoughts on the hobby lobby supreme court case, what unfolded yesterday? senator, let's just say the supreme court sides with hobby lobby in their decision. what does this mean? >> oh, it's very dangerous because what it means is that any time a private sector corporation decides that they don't want to follow a law because they have a moral objection, maybe it's to vaccinations, maybe it's to immunizations, maybe it's to hiv treatments, there's nothing that will stop them from just saying we're just not going to cover it. so it's -- we're not going to follow the law. and this is really a terrible thing because we're a government of by and for the people. the reason we have elections is to elect people to pass laws. if the law is unconstitutional, that's one thing. but we have a religious
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exemption in the affordable care act. up know that. a lot of people thought it went to far. we have a religious exemption. just because i may have an objection to something doesn't mean i should force my employees to follow my religious freedom. everyone has religious freedom. so you have to follow the law. i'm hopeful the court will not do that kind of a radical decision. maybe they'll just come in somewhere in the middle, but i'm praying hard on it. >> well, this is undoubtedly discrimination in the public workplace. it doesn't matter who owns the business. it is discrimination across the board against women, no doubt about it. >> can i just say one quick thing? i never heard hobby lobby complain about providing viagra, but they pick on women. it's wrong, you know? it's wrong. >> it is wrong and i hope the court gets their head screwed on right with this one. they should. >> i hope so. >> thank you, senator. appreciate your time.
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it's just common sense. it's discriminating against women in the workplace. joining me tonight also is dr. cory abare and also the ceo of you know, the numbers are the numbers. 106,000 and five months later 6 million. cory, what do you think republicans -- why are they making a big deal out of this extension? >> look, i don't want to hear another word out of boehner. he just needs to sit down because basically he's just mad right now because of the 5 million people that have signed up. we know that extension and the deadline, we know that it's important because people need to get covered. that's the bottom line. so right now we know that there are 14 hardship exemptions that you can have just in case that you missed that deadline. and so what i want people to really understand is that that deadline is still there and you got to go on and sign up before
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that deadline just in case. all you have to do is show that you signed up. take a screen shot or something so that you can show that you signed up and you won't have a problem because there's still 60% of uninsured people out there that don't know that the march 31st deadline is there. that's from the kaiser family foundation's latest study. so we got to get the word out, man. we got to get it out. >> could this dramatically increase the enrollment numbers in your opinion? we're counting on human nature here, people are procrastinators. if there's enough conversation, it can change the numbers. your thoughts, will this really help the numbers? >> i agree. we all know when we have a term paper to do at the end of the semester when we were in college, we know that you waited till the last minute to do that term paper. i could almost think that those numbers could almost hit 7 million. 60% of the people doesn't even know. if we keep talking about it and
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letting people know that they're going to be taken care of the way they need to be taken care of medically in this country, then those numbers are going to go up and that's what boehner is so upset about. >> doctor, why is it important for the hobby lobby case to go in favor of the people and not this private business that is objecting to the law? how do see it? >> this is a good ol' boy conservative club. i'm so sad the supreme court has to be split this way because we know women are always discriminated against. but one really important thing is that we know that this is the old roe v. wade, when is conception, when is that actually occurring. what i want to know is that if we have "in god we trust" on our money and we say one nation under god in one of our allegiance preamble, what happens if the hypocrisy of our democracy because we don't have church and state separation when
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we should. we should make sure hobby lobby and all the rest of those places out there that don't want to give free care to their employees so they can get preventive care, especially the women, they need to make sure they do what they're supposed to do and our supreme court needs to do what they're supposed to do and find in favor of this law. they have to. because that's a very slippery slope. very slippery slope. >> dr. corey hebert, appreciate your time. thanks for being on "the ed show." share your thoughts with us on twitter and on facebook. we want to know what you think on this. tweet the show on theis extension, on this new deadline. coming up, how raising minimum wage could close the gender pay gap. but first, the conversation and the conservative effort to turn schools into for-profit businesses. more on the fight for public education next on "the ed show."
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stay with us. how was prugh.ce? that bad? i dropped 2 balls, mom. eye on the ball! that's all it is. eye on the ball. that's a good tip. i'll try it. by the way, bill... this is delicious! so many grilled tastes and textures. and all the nutrition i need. go on. no really. top notch. (laughing) there it is - there ya go. new american grill from kibbles 'n bits... go together like... food 'n family.
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out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again!
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[ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. time now for the trenders. social media, check us out on twitter @ed show. we're talking a lot about this mandate and this deadline tomorrow. social media nation has decided and we are reporting, here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> lousy march weather. >> the number three trender, weather. >> so much for that spring thing, huh? >> winter is coming. >> this is the fourth time this winter that blizzard warnings have been issued on cape cod, nantucket and martha's vineyard. >> it's a great year to be in the snow business. >> the northeast gets one last winter blast. >> all over the cape and islands, 40-to-50 mile-an-hour
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winds. >> impressive, fierce. >> our visibility has absolutely gone down. so we're -- whoo! whoo! >> are you ready for spring? >> yes! >> i'm ready, i'm ready. >> the number two trender, holy water. >> those are places that will be visited by the holy spirit. >> everybody on the arc now! >> an oklahoma preacher said his prayers once brought record rain in the south. >> literally the day after we first used this decree in 2007, the rains came -- >> it's going to rain! >> at one point every river and lake in oklahoma, texas, kansas and missouri were at or above flood stage. >> in texas, we've had three times the rainfall we would have in june. >> this is one of the worst floods we've seen. >> those are areas targeted for a holy spirit invasion. >> and today's top trender, charter chatter. >> we are at war, charters
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against public and at the end of the day, the children are losing. >> the education fight continues across the country. >> so you have seen the depletion of resources in public education because of charter schools? >> absolutely. >> we must give parents a choice of where they send their children to school. >> i don't think it's fair for a charter school to take up space that belongs to us. >> i might want the freedom to operate my school differently, and that's what a charter school is designed to do. >> it makes a system that is separate and unequal. >> joining me now is michael eric dyson, professor at georgetown university and msnbc political analyst. professor, this is not about whether charter schools are successful, it's not about whether parents should have the freedom to send their kids to charter schools. this is about taking resources away from the public schools. that's what this is about. >> i'm glad you clarified that.
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>> nothing against charter schools. look, if parents want to send their kids to private schools, that's fine. if they have the resources or the choice to do that, this is america. but what this is, i believe, is a big conservative generational agenda to show that charter schools can outperform public schools. and this is what we really should be doing with our money. the conservatives want to make education a for-profit venture down the road across the board. what do you think? >> i'm so glad you clarified that. we're not against charter schools, or private schools, god bless you. the point is will you deplete resources meant for public schools in the service of an agenda that doesn't serve all kids? if you cherry pick the best and brightest and put them into these schools and we know charter schools with be a
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stopgap measure, but the problem is the broader structural impact here. how are we consistently and systematically channelling monies that are meant for public schools into private schools or into charter schools and why won't we pay attention to those public schools? because we know this, the diamondbadog the feed the most is the one that's going to prevail in the fight. the school that you fund the most is the one that will better prepare students for education in the future. if you would supply money to these public schools, they could do equally as well. >> this breeds and feeds the next generation of segregation in america. i have nothing against the charter schools. i hope they all perform well. but when you have got public dollars that are going to charter schools and you're taking away from public schools and you're picking and choosing neighborhood, that is a slippery slope, and i am amazed that we're not having the big conversation nationally on this.
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>> you're absolutely right. >> when you start picking and choosing neighborhoods, you're picking winners and losers in public education. now it's not about equal opportunity and that gap is going to grow just like the income gap. your thoughts. >> no doubt about it. the structural inequality that prevails in this country is being reinforced at the educational level when we choose a two-tier system. those public schools we want to see do well and those charter schools we want to see do better. so we pump money into the charter schools, neglect the public schools, we have $60 million, $70 million schools in the suburbs, we have inner city schools failing, they don't have water that runs in their particular neighborhood, they don't have aquarium, they don't have high speed internet or any of the things we can take advantage of or take for granted in some of these other schools. if you give money to the public schools and you fund them, they will do well. if you defund them, they are destined to fail. >> what it does is it injects
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big money politics into the educational system in this country. it's more money influence making the decision instead of the professional educators making the decision, and that's one of the foundations that i think is going to be shaken throughout all of this. now, sure -- professor dyson, you have spent your career in the classroom. >> yes. >> if you pick and choose kids, you change the learning environment in a classroom. when you don't have a good mix of kids that have different abilities and different potentials, it brings down the learning curve for those who are not -- and i think this is lost in the conversation. i think competition's a great thing. i want you to talk about that. >> absolutely right. we talk about diversity toward the end of radical justice and democracy here. the point is if you have a
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different set of kids in school, a diverse population from which you draw to, if you will, pop la -- populate that school, you have a better chance of having a real life education and you have the ability to bring in the rich people and the poor people. those with zip codes that are highly established and those flailing and beginning to be established. the point is if you bring resources to bare upon education, if you give pre-k support, if you give early childhood education a nod, if you provide lunches for those who are unable to provide for themselves and to provide opportunities for them, then the educational parity will be brought to bare in america and the disparities between those with economic footing and those without it will be closed. until that day occurs, we end up preproducing the pathology of inequality and it reflects the inequality through our educational system. low wages and the lack of, if
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you will, stability in this country is to provide people opportunity on the ladder of success and the ladder of success is about education and being able to educate one's children. >> that is it, brother dyson, no question about it. good to have you with us tonight. i appreciate your time on this subject. we're going to talk a lot more about public schools and charter schools on this program. coming up, mind the gender gap. the rapid response panel weighs in on why women would benefit most from a minimum wage hike in this country. and later, you have got to hear john boehner's latest excuse on unemployment insurance. it is unbelievable. senator brown of ohio joins me on that. next, i'm taking your questions, "ask ed live," just ahead on msnbc.
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show." our question comes from christina. what is the best strategy to get rural people to stop voting against their own best interests? commercials, commercials and more commercials, and less conservative talk radio. i really believe that conservative talk radio in this country has fixated people in rural america because that's the only thing they hear, fixated people in rural america that it is the social issues and the democrats will never be on your side. well, i think women are finding out different. so it's a generational shift. our next question is from india. "do you believe the supreme court will rule in favor of hobby lobby in regard to the contraceptive mandate?" no, i don't. i think cooler and smarter heads will prevail on this. if it's only about abortion and
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if it is about abortion, why is it that 98% of the women use birth control but not 98% of the women in the country have abortions. why do doctors prescribe to women for them to have birth control pills? why do they do that? because it's a health issue. we could go on for hours on that. this is not about abortion. this is about women's health. and if the supreme court rules in favor of hobby lobby, it will open the flood gates to lawsuits because this means mr. hobby lobby is now a person, and he's going to get sued a hell of a lot more in society. that will open the door to more frivolous lawsuits is what the conservatives like to call them. the other thing that we have to realize that this could open the door to more discrimination. as if we're not discriminating against women enough in society, let's start with the paycheck on that one. no, the supreme court needs to tell hobby lobby to go back and
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sell some more product and forget about trying to be a doctor. stick around. rapid response panel is next. >> i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. early gains fade. the s&p down and the nasdaq down 16 points. >> last month's gain reversed two straight months of losses. king digital, the maker of candy crush, fell more than 15% in its first day of trading. and facebook shares ended lower after announcing its purchase of oculus, a maker of virtual reality headsets. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide.
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welcome back to "the head show." the wage gap in america is growing, and more women in this country are falling behind. now, i want to show you who's on your side. this is the senate floor live right now. this is senator brown from ohio. if you're a woman, he's on your side. he's talking about minimum wage and what is out there in america right now and what we have to do. republicans are doing nothing to prevent these numbers going in the wrong direction. a new white house report says raising the wage floor would benefit women the most in america. but republicans refusing to raise the minimum wage, they're waging a war on women. >> what i've long said is that waging the minimum wage destroys jobs. what americans are asking is where are the jobs and the president wants to make it harder for people to find one. it really makes no sense at all. >> 55% of the workers who would benefit from increasing minimum
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wage to 10.10 an hour are women. it's a fact. analysts from the national women's law center show the surrender pay gap is worse in states that haven't raised the minimum wage higher than the federal level. women are also more likely than men to be earning tipped minimum wage from jobs such as restaurant servers. and by the way, that rate is only $2.13 on the federal level and hasn't been raised in more than two decades! now democrats, minimum wage legislation has a long way to go before reaching president obama's desk, there's no doubt about it. the senate is expected to take up the bill sometime next month. house republicans have shown no interest in bringing a bill to the house floor for a vote. joining me tonight, i've got two very intelligent women who are not short on opinions. ehrlina maxwell and also angela
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rye, political strategist. great to have both of you tonight. let me approach this, what can women do they're not doing to change the numbers. is there more activism? where's the march? what else can women do right now to turn this around? >> i certainly think that women are doing a lot already. i think the fact that we're talking about the minimum wage as an issue that impacts women and families is due in large part by activism last year, fast food forward, that was led by labor leaders, including many women labor leaders. i don't want to live in a country and you doesn't either, where people are working full time and not able to pay for food and clothes and rent. these are basic necessities. you should not be working full time and still living in poverty. we have to raise these wages. no more poverty wages. so i think that women certainly have been in the street and we
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will continue to be in the streets and we're going to turn out in november. i think that black and latino women make up the gender gap. that is the gap. black and latino women. they also are the largest group holding minimum wage jobs. >> that's an interesting point. are these numbers and is this social condition out there going to be a motivator come the mid terms? angela, your thoughts on this. women occupy more low-wage workforce jobs than men do in this country. and many women are raising the ki kids, they don't get the opportunity to get the education they want and get stuck in a low-wage job so minimum wage would affect them. what has to happen, what has to change? >> i think you raised a good question with zerlina and that is what else can women do? i would submit this is not a women's problem alone. it is not a partisan issue.
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this should not even be debated. this should be something that all members of congress say we know we need a boost in our economy, we know we're recovering but we're still struggling just a bit. the best way to do that is to ensure that the minimum wage becomes a living wage and that means making sure to her last point that people can afford to keep the lights on so when it comes time for 2014 or 2016, folks are motivated to go to the polls. i'm thinking about a tupac song in the 90s when he says "it's hard to be legit and make your rent." we've got a lot of work to do and we should get paid for it. >> angela, do you really think it will make a difference in the mid terms? is this the issue that will motivate women knowing democrats are trying to do something about it? >> i think if there's movement.
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i think it won't be a motivator if there's no movement on the hill and we know this is one of the least productive congresses in history. i hope there's movement and does not become a partisan issue but i don't have much hope. >> it amazes me that servers are sitting at $2.13 for two decades. if that doesn't put us in the dark ages of society, i don't know what does. >> angela made this point really clear. this is not a partisan issue. the minimum wage used to be an issue in which republicans were on board and understood that raising the wages for americans helps everyone. because one of the problems here is that when we pay such low wages, if you're paying someone who works at walmart minimum wage and they can't afford food and then they need food stamps to supplement their poverty wages, we are subsidizing the low wages that walmart is paying
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their workers. so it's everyone's problem. >> well, let me ask both of you quickly here. why don't women's groups in this country get very, very aggressive and say if you're a woman and you're in management, just make the declarative statement, hey, we're looking for women to move up. how else are you going to fight it? i know it would be reverse discrimination on men there but, i mean, i really do believe when you get women in the workplace in a position of power, they're going to have to take -- this is what's going to turn it because you've got republican politicians that aren't going to do it. doesn't something have to happen in the workplace? i want both of you to answer that. angela, you first. >> i think you've seen ceos at companies say they're going to voluntarily boost the minimum wage. i think women whether they're in the position of leadership or if they're men that say we see there is a wage gap here and we are going to close it, i think that's all you need. it doesn't have to be a
2:45 pm petition. change can start with you. >> right. >> zerlina? >> i think one of the other things that's important here is i don't think we need women in leadership to be making these decisions only. i think men, like angela said, they also need to be recognizing they need to allow women to move up and not only hire their friends or promote their friends or people that they, quote, feel comfortable with, which is largely the reason that a lot of people are not hired. and so i think that it's on men and women alike. >> all right. both of you could be my boss any day. i'm a hard worker so just remember that. >> let's get to work, ed. >> i think this is going to turn someday. great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. >> coming up, a louisiana republican calls thomas jefferson a right wing nut? "pretenders" is coming up. stay with us. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well:
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jobs all over america. thousands of people here in alaska are working to safely produce more energy. but that's just the start. to produce more from existing wells, we need advanced technology. that means hi-tech jobs in california and colorado. the oil moves through one of the world's largest pipelines. maintaining it means manufacturing jobs in the midwest. then we transport it with 4 state-of-the-art, double-hull tankers. some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world: built in san diego with a $1 billion investment. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. and no energy company invests more in the u.s. than bp. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. how was prugh.ce? that bad? i dropped 2 balls, mom. eye on the ball! that's all it is. eye on the ball. that's a good tip. i'll try it.
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by the way, bill... this is delicious! so many grilled tastes and textures. and all the nutrition i need. go on. no really. top notch. (laughing) there it is - there ya go. new american grill from kibbles 'n bits... go together like... food 'n family. he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day.
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and in "pretrenders" tonight, the louisiana congressman is fired up over the birth control mandate in the affordable the mandate. he says thomas jefferson would have backed him up. >> our founding fathers when they created this nation, they didn't say these were rights, the rights that they laid out in the constitution. these were not rights given by men. these were rights granted through men from god. >> no, no, no. thomas jefferson would have not been in the modern day tea party. not even close. jefferson once wrote in a letter question the existence of god because if there is one he would approve of reason and not blind folded fear. blind folded fear is in the tea
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party's mission statement. scalise should read a history book before quoting from it. (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure. (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours.
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met. the state directors are saying we don't know who went back to work or who is still out there. so we have to send checks to everybody. i don't think taxpayers expect us to do that. i don't see how it is workable. >> this is the story from the folks who take a shower after work. another day, another sorry set of excuses from speaker boehner. by the end of 2014 roughly 5 million americans stand to lose their only source of income through unemployment insurance. it is obvious boehner is playing politics. he is set on tanking the economy ahead of the 2014 mid terms so he can turn and blame the president for the mess and of course the democrats. for boehner this is all about politics and not about people. even folks from his own state know he is completely out of touch. >> he just doesn't understand the working class people of ohio. we are not looking for a
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handout. we just want a job. >> he doesn't seem like he is from ohio. >> john boehner was part of the team that did whatever they could to stop legislation from being enacted that would help hard working men and women. >> joining me tonight senator brown of ohio. thank you for being with us tonight. >> thanks for interviewing people from lorain the last couple of weeks on your show. >> they are the heart of america, senator. they are the middle class people that we talk about. these are the middle class workers that democrats and progressive movement are fighting for. they are hearty people. they don't want a handout. those are your folks out there. address this constant garbage we get from boehner about it has to be paid for. what about that? >> he just doesn't want to do it. you start with one thing. speaker boehner and the tea party don't believe in the whole idea of social insurance.
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what is unemployment compensation? the whole program you pay in when you are working, you are paying in now. we all pay into unemployment insurance when you are working. if you are laid off you get this check to keep you going but you only get it if you are out looking for work. speaker boehner has 150,000 people in our state. he is my constituent. 150,000 of our constituents in ohio will see unemployment expire by the end of the year. they have the checks. it helps those families and communities. places like hamilton and middle town. that money will be put right into the economy. these workers aren't in a swiss bank account. they are spending it in mansfield and toledo and cleveland. that money will help community businesses and will help our economy because that is where the real job creation is. >> as a betting man, if i were, i would say nothing is going to happen here on the house side.
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what is this going to do to the economy? >> speaker boehner knows it will hurt the economy. we have just enough republican votes to extend these benefits. what speaker boehner has to do, every morning he wakes up in his washington wherever he lives here, every morning he wakes up and thinks am i the speaker of the tea party or the u.s. house of representatives. if he is a speaker of the house of representatives, the job he took an oath to be, he will put the bill to the floor. if he is a speaker of the tea party and listening to people like that guy you had on the show from louisiana who don't believe in unemployment and don't believe in minimum wage and don't believe in social security or medicare, people who think there is no role for government in our lives. i don't want government to run everything but i want government to be that insurance, social
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security, medicare, affordable care act, unemployment insurance. it makes this country better to give people that partnership with government so they can take advantage of opportunities in their lives and get ahead. >> do you think that this is all about tanking the economy? and that is all it is? >> i don't know if he is setting out to tank the economy. i think that house republicans are callusly indifferent to the plight of workers in this country. pope francis said something. he exhorted parish priests to smell like the flock. what he meant was go out and listen. if you are a parish priest go out and listen to people in your state, district, parish, see how they are living and talk to them about the dreams they have for their kids. if john boehner and his colleagues would do that they would expand unemployment and pass a minimum wage increase in
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a second. >> i was out there. i was with those folks in ohio, what the folks in ohio are saying is totally different from what we are hearing from john boehner. great to have you with us tonight. >> thanks for joining us. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the g.o.p.'s health care freakout. we are five days away from the deadline to sign up for health care. democrats are racing to get people covered and republicans can't handle it. today the obama administration announced people who start the enrollment process before monday's deadline can get an extension if they don't finish in time. it's just like if you are in line to vote when the polls close you still get
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