tv News Nation MSNBC March 31, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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in virtual waiting lines and reminded they could also sign up by phone. the 1-800-number hot line is also flooded with calls. in the last week alone, the call center took in more than 2.5 million calls. that's compared to 2.4 million for the entire month of february. more than a quarter of a million people called on saturday. overall, the administration says more than 6 million have signed up on those new exchanges. and in the past hour, vice president joe biden continued to push to get young people to enroll by appearing on "the rachael ray show." >> any young person listening, if you don't need this for your peace of mind, do it for mom. do it for your dad. get health coverage. do it for mom. >> jay engoff, appointed to oversee the implementation of
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the health care law. jay, always good to see you, sir, thanks for being with me. >> thank you. >> the website, let's start there. website once again down this morning for several hours on this last day of enrollment. what happened this time? >> yeah, well this time, though, it came back up pretty quickly. considering how disastrous the rollout was in october and the massive resistance of the republicans throughout this thing, it's really an amazing accomplishment that 6 million people have already signed up through the exchanges and many more millions off the exchange and through medicaid. when it's all said and done, i'm sure well more than 10 million people have been signed up in either private insurance or medicaid. >> do we know at this point, jay, how many folks have paid for their new coverage? >> they are not exact numbers on that, but certainly, going to be a small percentage who ultimately don't pay. that's the case at any time and what people should realize is on the one hand, yeah, this is the
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deadline, people should sign up for insurance, but if you're in line and through no fault of your own you can't get insurance, can't get on the website or can't complete the enrollment process, there's been an extension, so people will have, again, if they've tried to sign up through no fault of their own, they'd have more time to sign up. >> let's look at the break down between young and old enrollees so far. roughly 25% of people who have purchased plans are between the ages of 18 and 34 at this point we're told. again, this is according to the centers of medicaid and medicare services. is that a workable number in terms of sustaining the system? >> that's a workable number, but that number's going to get larger. it stands to reason, and both sides, by the way, whether an opponent or supporter of the affordable care act you agree on this, the people who sign up first are the people who need insurance the most, that really need insurance to get health conditions taken care of
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immediately. as time goes on, the people who sign up are going to be healthier and healthier. that's why you see the vice president urging young people in particular who tend to be healthy, to sign up. >> who also tend to wait until the last minute to do things, as well. >> that's one thing that never changes. the more the time goes on, the healthier the risk pool is going to be. >> quickly, take a look at this recent nbc news poll. i'm sure you've seen it, 49% of those asked say they still have a negative view of the law. 35% say their view is positive. here's the thing, though. the health care law at this point is here to stay. millions now have coverage. once the toothpaste is out of the tube when it comes to entitlement programs, you don't get it back in. how do you reconcile these two things, the fact you've got a program that still fairly unpopular but it's not going anywhere? >> well, you're right. they are not going to be able to put the toothpaste back in the tube no matter how hard they
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try. the opponents of the aca, though, have been more committed to obstructing it than the proponents have to be obstructing it. in the past couple of years, the proponents have learned the obstructionists are not going away and they've got to get tougher and impose the affordable care act on states when there are certain states that just don't want it. that's too bad, you know, certain states didn't want the civil rights laws, but that's the law of the land. that was the law of the land in 1964. the affordable care act is the law of the land today. >> jay anngoff, thank you. >> thank you very much. let's go out west now. nine days after that deadly mudslide smothered the town of oso, washington, rescuers say weather is finally on their side and they are desperately searching for that miracle. the news so far, though, only grim. the official death toll has climbed to 21, and that does not include four bodies, four more
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bodies that were discovered sunday. the number of missing dropped to 30 as the survivors try to cope. >> i lost my mother. i lost my baby. you know, you wonder why did they get the opportunity to be here? why isn't my mom and my baby here? but it's -- it doesn't help to think that way. >> nbc's jennifer bjorklund live from arlington, washington. jennifer, what are you hearing in terms of optimism, are rescuers, are they optimistic they are going to find survivors? >> reporter: they are optimistic, but they are not naive, craig, i think is the best way to put it. they know what the chances are, so slim. but, you know, there is still that glimmer, and the governor is still holding on that, as well, as they search through the pile. that being said, they are giving the search dogs who have been
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there the entire time, nine days, they are giving them two days off and bringing in other dogs to help in the search and they have really, really kind of intensified their search into an area that is not covered in water, because as you said, the weather has given us a little bit of a break today, but there are two enormous ponds the storms left behind, so they have to concentrate their search in the areas that are accessible, craig. >> jennifer, i understand the conditions at the site are treacherous, to say the least, in a lot of places. talking about household chemicals, septic tanks, gasoline, propane containers, as well. what kinds of safety precautions are being taken? >> it is a hazardous site, and they say it's going to be classified as that for many years to come. the national guard troops that are here set up an enormous yellow decontamination tent so that the workers after spending a day on the pile, wading
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through mud which contains all of those elements you mentioned, they can hose off, decontaminate, and switch out into fresh clothing, so they are not bringing any potential toxins or disease or any type of infectious agents back to their own families. that's an important part of the search effort out there, is the decontamination, getting the mud off, the big chunks off, and sort of a good scrub down before they leave. that's been happening with the dogs, too, as well. >> jennifer bjorklund, thank you. more than three weeks after malaysia air flight 370 vanished, officials are insisting today they are not scaling back on the search. 20 planes and ships today were scouring a massive area of the indian ocean, some 1,100 miles west of perth, australia, because the battery life on the plane's so-called black box pinger may be about to die.
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now there's new technology from the united states headed to help find the pinger, we're told. nbc's ian williams joins us live from perth, australia. before we get to the latest on the search, start with how much time searchers have to find that so-called black box. >> reporter: hi, craig, well we'd assume they'd have another week, because 30 days was the assumption was that it would keep pinging for 30 days, and that ends in about a week from now. but just before the ping locater left perth, the u.s. navy captain, mark matthews, who's in charge of this operation, said that it could last another 15 days. he said, you know, the accepted time, the published time if you'd like, was 30 days, but it still may be sending signal for an additional 15 days, which would take us into the third week of april. so gives us a little bit more
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time. the ping locater left this evening, but will take four days to get out to the search area. the problem they have is they are not really going to be able to use it until that search area has been massively narrowed, because they need to have a better idea of precisely where the plane might have gone down, and, of course, they can only determine that once they've found some wreckage and from that can start to plot the likely current and drift, craig. >> ian, what are we hearing this morning in terms of the families? the families who had folks aboard that plane, what are they saying to officials there? >> reporter: well, the family, this is a very painful time for the families, and i think what the fundamental issue is that for many of them, they will not accept their loved ones are gone until they see evidence that this aircraft actually went down in the indian ocean.
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and until that evidence is provided, many of them simply won't accept that their loved ones have gone. for others, it's a question of closure, even though they might accept that the plane has gone, they still want to see the physical evidence. and although this search and this particular part of the world is now more than a week we've seen it going on, we still see no wreckage from the aircraft. today, as you pointed out, there were 11 aircraft and as many as 11 ships in the area. they've been pulling out plenty, they've been spotting plenty of objects and the ships have been pulling stuff out of the sea, but it's just turned out to be rubbish. mainly fishing debris, so a frustrating time, but we'll be stepped up over the next few days, craig. >> we continue to wait. ian williams for us in perth, ian, thank you. both united states and russia are voicing concerns this morning about an escalation of
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tensions between north and south korea. both koreas traded artillery fire today. south korea says the north fired more than 500 artillery rounds, and it comes as the u.s. and south korea conduct joint military exercises in that region. according to reports, the south responded by firing more than 300 artillery rounds of their own. a white house official called north korea's actions, including a declaration it may conduct more nuclear tests, quote, dangerous and provocative. russia says it's also worried about the, quote, knew trul toughening of rhetoric. coming up, a dramatic look at the moment a quake hit california friday. it's the strongest quake to hit the state in years and since that moment, there have been more than 150 aftershocks. it's something even bigger to come. i'm going to talk to a seismologist professor coming up
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next. also, chris christie apologizing to the billionaire who could help finance any run that chris dee might make for the white house. why christie is saying he misspoke over the weekend and why that matters. it's today's first read. plus -- >> our family has been chosen for a great task. to save the innocent. >> the new movie "noah" seems to be weathering the storm of controversy. it topped the box office this weekend, despite some that contend the movie does not resemble the bible story at all. you can join our conversation, as well, on twitter. you can find us @newsnation. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you.
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california are waking up with rattled nerves this morning. there have been more than 150 aftershocks since friday night's 5.1 earthquake. that quack was the second to hit the region in less than two weeks, and it's triggering fears that southern california could be due for a much larger, possibly catastrophic, quake soon. right now, about a dozen homes in the l.a. area remain roped off for further inspection, and this new security video of the moment the initial quake hit was captured from a parking lot from one of the hardest hit areas. surveillance video also captured the moment customers had to run for cover. check that out, and it interrupted friday night's dodgers' game. >> and that's going to go foul to the right up there. little tremor here in the ballpark. i'm not sure if folks felt it. we certainly felt it here in press box row.
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tremor and only that, thank goodness. >> one of the aftershocks actually hit as officials were giving an update. >> you're -- oh -- >> there you go, that's no shaking expected. >> there were some mudslides and multiple water main breaks, as well. michael is a professor of seismolo seismology. thanks for joining us, professor. the big question, of course, right now is given that this is the second quake, and we've had more than 150 aftershocks so far, is this a precursor to a much larger quake? >> well, you know, that's the big question everyone's asking right now, and the truth of the matter is, we don't know, but historically tends to be about a 5% chance that one particular earthquake in the los angeles region is followed by a larger one within the next three days.
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what's surprising here is really that the level in los angeles has been extremely low for the last two decades, so though this would be normally not something to get people excited about, the fact that the region has been so quiet for so long means this might represent a pickup of seismic activity in the area. >> you mention that 5% chance of this foreshadowing a larger quake. back in 2008, as you know, usgs released this study saying that california has a more than 99% chance of having a magnitude 6.7 quake or larger in the next 30 years. how concerned should people in that area be? >> well, you know, this region has always had earthquakes. it's a very tech tonically active region, particularly because the san andreas fault takes a bend in los angeles. imagine if you have two rocks and slide them past each other,
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if they are straight, it slides easily. los angeles, you have a bend in the fault and that kink causes the san gabriel mountains to go up and the whole los angeles region to be filled with faults, so people should expect over their lifetimes there to experience many large earthquakes. >> there is, of course, the earthquake at yellowstone over the weekend, a number of smaller quakes, i understand, in oklahoma, as well. are we seeing more seismic activity around the country this year? >> well, you know, the seismic activity is about where it should be. we know that yellow stone is active, you know, that's the site of a future super volcano, if the earthquakes that were magnitude fours there represent the sign, we don't have any sense. for oklahoma, those cluster of earthquakes culminate well with human activity, regions where we have a lot of hydrofracking going on. we locate about half a million
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earthquakes around the globe per year, so this level is fairly normal, it's just interesting that all three regions were seismically activity over the same weekend. >> all right, professor, thank you for your time. >> all right, very good, thank you. just last month, two men who served 21 years in prison for a triple murder they did not commit were exonerated. is there any amount of money that can give back what's been taken away for those wrongfully imprisoned? i'm going to talk to one lawmaker about his proposal next. plus -- >> there have not been one, but two safety breaches at the number one terrorist target in the country. >> new york senator chuck schumer there demanding tighter security at the world trade center. it's one of the stories around the "news nation" today. and here's a look at what's going on today, another reminder, if you do not have health insurance, you have until the end of today to sign up for a plan to avoid a penalty.
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right now more than 40,000 innocent people convicted of crimes that they did not commit are believed to be sitting in u.s. prison cells. that's according to the innocence project, but when the wrongfully convicted finally get their names cleared, does the government owe them a big paycheck? a minnesota representative says yes. he's pushing for a bill that would pay out people like this man, who was convicted in a crash involving a toyota car. he went to prison for three years, missed the birth of his child, then came news that similar toyota models did, in fact, have some acceleration problems. a free man.
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he lost so much. the new measure would mean up to $50,000 for every year wrongfully spent in prison. minnesota state representative john lesh is the chief author of that bill. representative lesh, what brought this about, what was the impetus for the bill? >> well, craig, in the last 50 years, minnesota's only had three people for whom innocence has been established, and two of those people, including who you just mentioned, as well as michael hanson, happened in the last ten years, so we thought it was time and the innocence project pushed real hard to ensure we do have a compensation statute on the books, just like 29 other states, district of columbia and federal system currently has. >> any idea how many innocent people might be sitting in prison cells in minnesota? >> no, we don't, and that's part of the tragedy, you know, in most cases in minnesota, prosecutors, judges, defense attorneys, and police, as well as others, do an outstanding job to ensure justice is done, but until organizations like the
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innocence project come forward and do the hard work to establish innocence, we have no idea, so this bill is an effort to ensure that when that work pays off and innocence is established, they are correctly compensated for it. >> as you know, the minnesota county attorneys association opposes the bill that you have authored, at least in its current state, saying that some people who have their charges dismissed can be made to your bill. >> well, i think there are some tweaks and i've been working with the minnesota county attorneys association. i've been a prosecutor myself for 13 years, so i understand the tendency to say hold on a second, let's make sure we get everything right, but everyone knows in this country you are innocent until proven guilty, and where guilt cannot be proven, we do not assume that, in fact, you should be spending time in prison, and if you are, we can compensate you, but i
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think the minnesota county attorney's association does have some good points, some tweaks that we can make to give some of those county prosecutors a little less indigestion over the bill. >> support at this point in the legislature, what's it like, what are folks saying about the bill? >> it's got a lot of momentum. people are saying, well, this is a bill whose time has come, especially with two of the outstanding innocent individuals that have been up to the capital have testified. there's a lot of support for it, i think we'll pass it. >> quickly, $50,000, how do you arrive at that figure, where did that number come from? >> it was started because we matched it with 29 other states, as well as the district of columbia and federal system, we looked at the general guidelines that those states provide, but that is a baseline, because we will have a committee of individuals, a panel of experts, whose job it has been to establish the value of the time that you have missed, whether it be education, opportunity to
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advance, lost salary, lost time with family, so the $50,000 is a starting point based on those other states, what they do, but we use the panel's recommendations after that. >> keep us posted, sir. >> thank you very much, craig. coming up, is there some movement between the united states and russia on ukraine? >> both sides made suggestions on ways to de-escalate the security and political situation in and around ukraine. >> secretary of state john kerry met his russian counterpart late yesterday. we are live in ukraine with what, if any, agreements came out of that meeting. plus, buzzing over jeb bush, now some of the gop's biggest names are working behind the scenes to get jeb into the race for 2016. today's first read is next. hygi, she's awesome. when i go in there, i want to be awesome too.
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we're following some breaking news right now, malaysian officials are now saying that the last words from the cockpit of that missing malaysian airliner, those words were not "all right, good night," but were, in fact, "good night, malaysian 370." the ministry of transport says it's still doing a forensic investigation to determine whether those words were from the pilot or copilot, but he's ordered the full transcript to be made available during the briefing to family members. this is especially significant, because it lessens the possibility or probability that either the pilot or the copilot was involved in some sort of deliberate sinister act to steer the plane in the westerly direction there. we're told that the standard greeting used in aviation, that this is the standard greeting used in aviation.
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all right, good night. more ominous. at this point, officials confirming "all right, good night," not the last words, but "good night, malaysian 370." breaking news, we'll continue to follow that and update you as more information becomes available. turning back to politics now, what happens in vegas usually stays in vegas, but not in the world of politics. a number of high profile republicans with sights on the 2016 presidential bid are returning from a weekend in sin city, where they addressed the republican jewish coalition's annual spring gathering. among those names, wisconsin governor scott walker, ohio governor john kasich, new jersey governor chris christie, and without mentioning his name, many, as expected, took swipes at president obama's foreign policy, but the key name on everyone's mind this weekend seemed to be gop mega donor and casino owner sheldon adelson. with adelson and his wife
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spending more $90 million in the 2012 election cycle, the big question now is, who will he bet on in 2016? nbc news senior political editor mark murray is here. a number of headlines coming out of this weekend gathering, as the first read team notes, billionaires financing national campaigns is now so important that one man, not even an advocacy group, can create a cattle call. this is a new day. elaborate for me how significant this weekend was, given we had multiple governors lining up for face-to-face time with one guy, not a pac or group, as you note. >> a lot of times, and i've been covering politics many years now, you have perspective presidential candidates kiss the rings of particular interest groups, but never before where the one person in this interest
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group is essentially a billionaire. as you mentioned, he spent $90 million in the 2012 presidential election, first for newt gingrich and that super pac that was trying to help anymore during the primary season, then the general election for mitt romney. of course, sheldon adelson, that $90 million didn't work out for him either in the primaries or general, but there is a sense if you have these billionaires willing to spend $90 million, $100 million in these presidential contests by creating a super pac, you want to be on their good side and if they are going to hold an event, you're going to show up. >> it's also interesting, look at some of the folks not there, no ted cruz, no rand paul either. >> well, rand paul's the most interesting person who wasn't there, and in some ways, it's not a surprise. his views when it comes to israel, when it comes to foreign policy, national security, don't necessarily align with sheldon adelson. sheldon adelson is known as a very big pro israel hawk. so rand paul's politics are
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necessarily not there. the people who did attend would maybe be the people who, you know, certainly seen the share of his views when it comes to israel, when it comes to foreign policy and national security. >> chris christie there addressing some tough questions over that internal report that cleared him of any wrong doing in the bridge scandal, but he also had to apologize to adelson for this comment. >> i took a helicopter ride from the occupied territories across, and just felt personally how extraordinary that was to understand the military risk that israel faces every day. >> why was that such a misstep, mark? >> well, occupied territories, the big israel hawks, the big people from the settlers movement don't like that terminology. of course, when you listen at the totality of what chris christie was saying, it's in agreement, but does show the
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complications of when you are trying to kiss the ring of interest groups or certain individuals, your terminology, your words have to be precise so that you seem like you're in alignment, and what was so interesting is, we heard chris christie later apologize for saying that. they all want to be in the good graces of sheldon adelson, and that is a new point in american politics where you're going to kiss the ring with one individual and make sure you're 100% along with him. >> quickly, to jeb bush, he did not speak at the rgc this weekend, but did speak at a private vip event with adelson last thursday. "the washington post" writing, many of the republican parties most powerful insiders and financiers have started a behind the scenes campaign to draft former governor jeb bush into the 2016 presidential race, courting him and starting talks on a fundraising strategy, but this is what mark meklan told me saturday.
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>> each of these folks has their weaknesses if you ran them by a tea party litmus test. i don't think anybody has an appetite for a third bush presidency. >> how strong are jeb bush's chances? >> that's the bigger question, does he actually really want it. of course, the bush name probably wouldn't be an asset in a general election, even a primary you'd end up hearing republicans already needing to break away from that bush administration, so, yeah, again, it's very early. and i think a lot of the buzz around jeb bush is coming because people see chris christie at least right now is so wounded, so if you are trying to find an establishment person who you think has crossover appeal, can win independents, do well with latino voters, if chris christie wasn't your guy, maybe jeb bush would be, but we have a long time to figure out how wounded chris christie is going to be when it comes to 2016 if jeb bush actually wants it, if we're going to be talking
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about somebody else a year and a half from now. you're right, the spotlight ended up shining on jeb bush this weekend. >> mark murray, always good to see you, thank you. >> thanks, craig. we turn now to ukraine and the obama administration's ongoing efforts to de-escalate the ongoing tension with russia. yesterday in paris, secretary of state john kerry held a four-hour meeting with his russian counterpart, sergey lavrov. secretary kerry held to the administration's firm line on the annexation of crimea, also made clear that russia must meet with the new ukrainian government to diffuse the situation. >> i made clear that the united states still considers the russian actions to be legal and illegitimate. we will not accept a path forward where the legitimate government of ukraine is not at the table. >> ai monomohyeldin is in
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ukraine for us. four hours, they meet for four hours yesterday. are the two countries at this point any closer in terms of their positions on ukraine? >> reporter: well, all indications suggest, no, there isn't an actual agreement of some sorts, even if that were the purposes of these talks, there doesn't seem to be a concrete agreement that could de-escalate the situation. now today, you know, we are talking about secretary of state john kerry making the statement the u.s. still considers russian's actions illegitimate. today they sent their aest ranking individuals to crimea. by saying that new laws will be imposed in crimea, bringing up salaries and wages and pensions to the level inside russia. russian educational system will be taught in crimea. russia is going full steam ahead
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and that's certainly something that's angered the ukrainian government, this high ranking visit today. in fact, they put out a statement saying they reject this visit, saying it is a violation of international rules and international behavior, so it does still give you a sense they are not any closer on some of the issues going forward, and one of those issues is why perhaps the u.s. and russia spent four hours talking about it, which is the future of ukraine. russia wants to see ukraine become a federated state, allowing regions to have more autonomy, but ukraine thinks that is going to allow the eastern part of the country to ultimately separate and break away from kiev and that's something they and the united states and the west don't want to see happen and that seems to be what the talks are focused on, what kind of constitutional reforms can ukraine have going forward to bring this situation to a steadier level than what we've seen in the past couple of weeks. >> ayman mohyeldin on the ground in ukraine.
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thanks as always, sir. still ahead, what's the big deal over the new movie "noah"? i'm going to talk to president and ceo of the national religious broadcasters group and talk about the controversy over why you should or perhaps should not see the movie. and a real life house of cards drama playing out right now in maryland. just wait until you hear what state lawmakers are threatening to do if the show's producers pack up and leave the state. ♪ [ laughs ] whoo! ♪ oh! nice! great! [ laughs ] a shot like that calls for a postgame celebration. [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-eat!
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i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she's still gonna give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. a new reason to fear global warming. u.n. scientists just issued a report that says a warmer world will push food prices higher, trigger hot spots of hunger, and put a crunch on luxury delights, as well, like fine wine and coffee. the report concluded less food grows in a warmed-up worl. the agency that keeps new york
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trade center's tower safe is acknowledging today that some changes need to be made. this comes after a 16-year-old boy makes his way to the roof. and after the arrest, the three men who parachuted from that main tower back in september, a port authority official says security is being reviewed at america's tallest building. and the uconn huskies continue to put the madness into march madness this year, beating michigan state yesterday and beating the odds, as well, to make the final four. it was uconn's third straight upset and the team could not resist post game smack talk on twitter, as well, aimed at none other than the leader of the free world himself. check this out, there it is, "sorry about busting your bracket @barackobama." in case you've been under a rock, florida facing uconn saturday evening. then you've got kentucky and wisconsin. that's the matchup that's going to follow. it was a weekend of biblical
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po proportions for the blockbuster movie "noah." >> a great flood is coming. we'll build a vessel to survive the form. we'll build an ark. >> the ark! >> is this the end of everything? >> the beginning. the beginning of everything. >> "noah" debuted at number one this weekend, taking in $44 million, and $95 million worldwide. that's despite some mixed reviews and controversy surrounding the film. it's getting criticized in some religious circles for not being faithful to one of the bible's most famous stories. jerry johnson is president and ceo of the national religious broadcasters. jerry, thanks for being with me, sir. >> thank you, craig. it's good to be with you. >> the film has been criticized for among other things, not
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strictly following the story of noah. in fact, it goes well beyond that story to produce this epic blockbuster. at the last minute, the producers agreed to put in a disclaimer on ads that reads in part, "the film is inspired by the story of noah, while artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence of values and integrity of a story that is, of course, known of faith for millions of people worldwide. the biblical story of noah can be found in the book of genesis." does the disclaimer satisfy you? >> well, paramount came to us and asked us to take a look at the film, we did, and we said, look, truth in advertising would be the best policy here, and so there are pluses to this film, there are minuses to this film, but this actually allows people to decide for themselves. >> what are the pluses, what are the minuses? >> well, the plus, i mean, you just saw the clip there, it's about the noah story in the
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bible, and you just did a segment, craig, on the innocence project, well, this could be about the guilt project. that is, what does god do with guilt. and the bible has this story that god is judging, and people don't talk about that today, and i think that's interesting, that this film coming out of hollywood, would talk about the idea of sin and judgment and, of course, the flip side of that is that god is a god of mercy and god is a god of grace, so noah and his family are saved on the ark, and this is important, craig, because the bible says that this is a picture of the cross, at the cross, god judged our sin. at the cross, god showed mercy. this is why jesus died at the cross for our sins and rose again. it's a great message for christians and for jews. >> what's one of the minuses? >> well, craig, there's an extreme environmentalism agenda. you'll see visions of mad max
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topography, wasteland, you just have the story on global warming, and it's really an insertion of a 21st century political agenda into this film. it really doesn't make sense. it sounds kind of preachy, actually. >> well,preachy. >> it is a movie, jerry. >> it is just a movie. so that's okay. but you know, it's -- it's forced. you'll have to see the film to see it. >> this has been called the year of the bible by some in hollywood following last year's hugely popular the bible tv series, "son of god", mark bur net's film has done better than expected "god is not dead" in the box office. still to come "heaven is for real." "exodus" in september. are you encouraged? >> i went to see walter mitty and there were three trailers and it is a new day in hollywood
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when you see the studios trying and theaters trying. i think this is a good thing. these movies are doing well at the box office, we're encouraged. the wolf of wall street just broke a record for over 400 f-words, i'm glad to see something on the other side and trying to make movies about the bible. >> god seems to sell, huh? >> if you get it right it sells better. >> even if you get it wrong apparently it sells. up next "saturday night live" spoofing the last ditch efforts get to get people to sign up for the health care law and involves justin bieber and the pope. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. bthere was a boy who traveledn. to a faraway place
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producers of "house of cards" to leave the state if they don't get millions more in tax credits. maryland delegates approved a proposal to seize house of cards properties if filming leaves the state. the state senate is not expected to go along. check this out. yes, this is house speaker john boehner, cutting the grass at his house in ohio. the speaker posted the video over the weekend with the caption, spring time equals yard work time. >> from our friends at "saturday night live," ideas for president obama on how to get people sign up for the health care law by the deadline. they included a dance video with the pope, a photo-op with kim kardashian and last resort, justin bieber. >> all right, all right. >> that was beautiful.
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>> sir, you made history. >> you think so? well, then live from new york, it's saturday night. >> those are just a few of the things we thought you should know. time now for the monday edition of our gut check. earlier we talked about friday's earthquake near the los angeles area. it is the second to hit that region in less than two weeks and it's triggering fears that southern california could be due for a much larger possibly kas strofic quake soon. the usgs predicted california has more than a 99% chance of having a 6.7 magnitude or larger earthquake within the next 30 years. what does your gut tell you? will california be ready for the big one? you can go to that's going to do it for this edition of "news nation." up next, andrea mitchell reports.
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," last call with only hours to go until the first obamacare enrollment deadline. can it deliver? joe biden went on rachael ray's show trying to appeal to the 20-somethings. >> any young person listening, if you don't need this for your piece of mind, do it for your mom and your dad. >> face time, secretary of state john kerry u-turns to paris to meet his russian counterpart but no breakthroughs on ukraine. >> any real progress in ukraine must include a pullback of the very large russian force that is currently massing along ukraine's borders. >> race against the clock. a high tech australian naval vessel embarks on a 1,000 mile journey to
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