tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 1, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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hayes impression tomorrow at 8:00 eastern. good evening, americans, with to "the ed show" live from new york. if there's ever a night i need two shows, tonight is the night. but i'll get her done in one. let's get to work! >> the affordable care act is here to stay. >> where are we with obama care? >> who knows. >> how many people are there. >> they got their 7 million. >> when they put out the 7 million number -- it's like the end of the telecon. somehow they get over the number. >> i don't think anybody expected they'll get 7 million. >> on the left it shows 6 million signups reported. >> no. not 6, i said 7. that was our mistake. correction noted. >> it is april fools day, but no fooling. >> leave that to others. >> this is insanity. certainly raising eyebrows here. >> why are they so mad about the
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idea of folks having health insurance. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. that's for watching. that's a very profound question the president asked within the last hour at his press conference. why is it that there are so many people who are against other americans having health insurance? what is it? foxnews has to be feeling about this tall tonight. actually, they are so far away from the american people and what the needs and desires of our society, they're in their little bubble and they're about this tall when it comes to their knowledge on health care and they have less belief in the american people. it is amazing. this is a huge night tore this man right here. this guy who campaigned on hope and change has delivered the mail, period. >> nobody believed back in october, did they? oh, the negativity was out and about. in fact, this guy right here said, this is a deal.
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oh, yeah. it's been a heck of a ride, hasn't it? we start tonight with breaking news and it is good breaking news and before i get into the breaking news, let me say this that i was going to save for the end. i don't want to hear one democrat say they're not going to run on health care. oh we'll go to washington and fix it. fix what? 15 million people are affected by this and we're just getting started. obamacare coming out, total enrollment right now, over 7 million. that's the official word. short time ago the president came out and announced this is the news for america. this is what we've been waiting for. >> six months ago today. a big part of the affordable care act dicked in as health and state insurance marketplaces went live. millions of americans finally had the same chance to buy quality, affordable health care, and the peace of mind that comes with it, as everybody else.
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last night the first open enrollment period under this law came to an end, and despite several lost weeks out of the gate, because of problems with the website, 7.1 million americans have now signed up for private insurance plans, through these marketplaces. 1 7.1. >> you know, they keep talking about rollout. we're still in rollout. what do you think about what we went through with social security, medicare and medicaid. we're in the infancy and at 7.1 million. the irony in all of this, the conservatives think they have a locket on their market when it comes to having all this business knowledge. no one knows small business more than the conservatives. we're the champions of small business. tell me one small business that has not gone through some kind
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of computer glitch he they put a new product on the market. but these people across the street and conservatives around the country are so short-sided they have no faith. they don't believe america can get this done and you heard it from the president. 7.1 million americans. the first open enrollment ended last night at midnight and the mark has been met. that's a big number. obama administration reached their goal they set back in december. bush is probably sitting home a saying, how did they know it would be that number? well, this he did. remember if you started the process, you still have until april 15th to choose your plan. 15 more days to go. we could be looking at 8 million people. that would be something to talk about, wouldn't it? it's important to cull out republicans across the board. they've been flat out wrong all along. obamacare has done nothing but talked down and voted down bite
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conservatives since day one. here's what foxnews sounded like leading up to march 31st. >> the administration is way behind. everybody understands, except they release real numbers and it isn't a real number. >> they had to have 7 million people sign up for this to work. if they didn't have that number. the thing will go into death spiral and implode. >> to hit the 7 million target by the end of the march 31st enrollment period. they have to have 1.2 people sign up in the exchanges, private insurance coverage. that doesn't look like it's anywhere close. >> i don't know of one reporter who is now defending this. save schultz on msnbc. >> 106,000. they were expecting 500,000 after a month. they expect 7 million. these numbers are an absolute disaster. >> that schultz guy on msnbc, how in the world did he know they would sign up this many
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folks? i tell you how i knew, i have been on the road and talked to millions of americans. on the road and on tv. why would you bet against the american workers and families in elections. it's interesting. this guy right here, what a minor league prediction. you're kind of a minor leaguer from way back, aren't you? >> here's the number, 49%. look at this number right here. look at that. the more people that sign up, the more people like this. let me ask you a question. have foresight. do you think the number will grow? you better believe it will grow. 49% of americans support what is he happening in health care. it's up 9%. and of course being ridiculed. it's common sense, free preventive care.
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no lifetime limits on coverage. obamacare is a great law. conservatives, do yourself and the country a favor. surrender, surender. tell us, john boehner, that it's the law of the land and you're not going to repeal it. i thought i heard that before you took on these boats. american people are getting on board. that's the bottom line. that yous him on the wrong side of history again. if you take this away from them. so they're stuck in the corner. you know what? this is the story. the day we reach the goal of over 7 million. the day the president comes out and gives the country good news. here comes the golden boy of the republican party, paul ryan, releasing his 2015 budget and to no surprise, what does it call for? full, not partial, full repeal
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of obamacare. you couldn't make this up. ryan has no plan on the table for health care. it's a fraud. in his numbers he accounts for the savings from the affordable care act to run his anymores. they're screwed up all over the place, folks. republicans just don't learn from their past mistake, do they? ryan ran for the last president on a platform to repeal obama care and they got rejected. they still don't get it. earlier today, president obama had a stern message. a stern message for people working to repeal this great la law. >> this law is doing what it's supposed to do. it's working. it's helping people from coast to coast. all of which makes the lengths to which critics have gone to scare people or undermind the
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law, or try to repeat the law without average any plausible alternative so hard to understand. i have to admit, i don't get it. why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance. why are they sod mad about the idea of folks having health insurance. >> if you're having a cold beer with your next door neighbor who happens to be republican, you might want to ask him that question. harry, you have your health care. why are you opposed to everything else having health insurance. what's the big deal? you don't have an answer. >> meanwhile, the rift between rick scott and charlie crist, rick scott's political action committee is spending $2 million running this misleading ad. >> just the other day -- >> do you think nothing has irrepresentably harmed
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floridians? >> no, i think it's great. >> great? obama says patients may looz their doctors. >> i think it's been great. >> great, charlie? obamacare may be great for charlie's political career but not great for the rest of us. >> nose 9 million people got shafted, didn't they? the ad is incorrect. those plans were junk insurance policies. we have federal standards that have to be met by the insurance industry. they were offered new plans that complied with obamacare. some people thought that was a cave. let's move forward. most of those 300,000 people in florida have kept their plan. it's a dirty ad from rick scott. charlie crist is fighting back with this factual ad. >> rick scott's at it again. spending special interest millions to tear down charlie
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crist. >> the press calls the attacks misleading, mostly false, incorrect. truth is, rick stott wants to take us back to the days of insurance companies denying coverage for pre-existing conditions, where women are charged more than men and lifetime caps for kids with cancer. that's the choice. the government trusts you can work with both sides to fix the problem to one you can't trust at all. why is this such a big story? there's four megastates, california, new york, texas and florida. the only megaswing state will be florida. rick scott is on the wrong side of history, again like the rest of the republican party. what is bad about obamacare? actually, don't i was going to come out and ad-lib a few mings. i don't know why so many are fighting to take health care away from anybody else. but the president did that today. i'll move to minimum wage. they're on the wrong side of history on that.
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i'll move to employment benefits. i'll go after their attack on public education. they're on the wrong side of history with that. social security they want to privatize it. nobody is for that. everything in ryan's budget is exactly where the majority of americans are not. and then there's the medicare voucher. where is the march on that. nobody wants that h. medicare is wildly popular for the people in it. tonight's lesson is this. they're a bunch of jokers, they're just a porch of jokers and i think it's poetic justice today that paul ryan comes out with his budget the day the president announced, we did it on health care. we're just getting started. democrat, run on round two and you'll win. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, should the government extend obamacare enrollment for the next days? always go to our blog at
2:13 pm we'll have the results later in the show. for more let me bring in wendel potter, senior analyst for the center for public integrity. mr. potter great to have you with us tonight. what does the 7 million mark mean for this law? >> it means a great deal. it means the insurance companies have the number that they were really needing to make sure the premiums are going to be stabilized and it's also, i think, low. i think we will see in the coming months that a lot more people than that would have been covered bite end of this year. keep in mind a lot of people signed directly with insurance companies, especially during the months when the website wasn't working well. is and a lot of people signed up through private exchanges, medicaid expansion. 26-year-olds, stay on their parents' policies. i'm betting by the end of the
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year, 15 to $15.5 million will have been newly covered. >> we needed 7 million people to make this work for the insurance striecht thought insurance industry is somewhat making -- gosh, we got all these new customer, how can we ge bee against this? what are we thinking in the front office? >> they're probably breathing a sigh of release. because they need to have substantial numbers signing up for coverage. it will vary from state to stately companies have new insureds. but it has to be good news for them. it means new revenue for these guys. keep in mind a lot of people signing up for coverage have low or moderate incomes. they'll get subsidies, so the insurance companies will do quite well. >> i want to play a clip from president obama within the last hour, talking about a cancer patient.
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a woman with ovarian cancer. >> jeanie is a bartender from pennsylvania. in november, she bought a plan on the marketplace. in january, an illness sent her to the hospital. and because her new plan covered a c.a.t. scan, she wouldn't have been otherwise able to afford, her doctor discovered that she also had ovarian cancer. she wrote me a letter, too. she said i hope to send a followup letter saying i am free and clear of this disease. until then, i know i will be fighting like you're fighting for my life as a american citizen. >> mr. potter how does the insurance city and the republican party fight a story like that? >> they will, i think, oversee it myself. they'll manufacture stories like we've seen in ads already. these are compelling stories. i met many people myself. people that come up to tell me
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they're alive today because of the affordable care act. and i'm certain that's true. in fact i know some people who are newly covered now, who couldn't get coverage at all in the past because of pre-existing conditions. it's a very big deal. >> wendel potter, i appreciate your time today. this is a big day for america. no doubt about it. for more let me bring in democratic governor and candidate from florida, charlie crist. this is going to be a huge issue for your race in florida but doesn't this number give you momentum to talk more about this and what is your response to governor scott's misleading ad? number one it's hard to believe he'll put an ad across the state of florida that said 3,000 people don't have health care because of this act. the truth is, they're getting health care. the numbers you talked about tonight, 7.1 million people
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signing up is amazing. we had a rough start. i think everybody acknowledged that including the president himself. just as they're trying to suppress people from getting health care. they try to suppress people from voting. it's wrong. it's not the right thing to do people in america and people in florida need and deserve affordable health care. that's what this is doing, as they deserve to have food, shelter and water. they deserve affordable health care. the president is doing the right thing. doesn't this empower democrats to run hard on this? it's safe to say the republicans have been totally wrong on this. >> no question. it's important for democrats to be strong on this. i've stayed strong on this because it's the right thing to do first and foremost. god wants people to have health care. he doesn't want people to
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suffer. this is the way to do it. people have pre-existing conditions prior to this and under rick scott because he wants to repeal it. that's what he said at least. they wouldn't be able to get health care today. that's just wrong. the other thing wrong with rick scott and his policy is he said he was for medicaid expansion and didn't lift a finger to get it done. as a result of that, about 1 million of fellow floridians aren't getting health care today. that's part of the affordable care act. the legislature and governor scott need to act for those people. they are suffering, they shouldn't be. my fellow floridians sent it there. it's $51 billion over the next ten years and deserve. governor scott would rather lie than help the people in florida. >> that shouldn't surprise us. we're talking about a guy that
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ran a company it's fraud to tell people they'll get health care. they're stealing from poor people. it's just the wrong thing to do that kind of callous attitude in somebody who wants to be a public servant. people who run for office, needs to understand it's their job to help people. they're counting on them. they deserve to have someone in office who has a heart. not the tin man as the tampa bay times said. they need somebody that cares for them. charlie, all my best, my friends. coming up. rapid desbat for florida. first, new reason conservatives are pushing the key stoestone
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and here's what is happening in the social media. want to be part of the ed team? and get my radio podcast at we got this. lots of tweeting out there about health care today. no doubt about it. we're reporting the top trenders voted on by you. number three trender, no way. >> the competition collecting $44 million. >> i might need to run out and jump on a giant boat outside.
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>> "noah" faces a con of criticism from christians. >> it is disinformation. >> how do you make a movie about noah without mentioning the word god? >> it stinks. >> number two trender. dark side candidate. >> one from the visible leaders announced he'll run for presiden president. >> impressive darth vader promises to turn it the country into a empire. >> it's not known whether youtube can be turned into real
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votes. >> and today's top trender, sweet crude revenge. >> we're getting into the say anything, do anything phase of the keystone xl pipeline. >> excuses, excuses, excuses. >> keystone supporters say the xl pipeline will plug up putin. >> keystone pipeline must be approved. the more oil and natural gas canada can produce and distribute, the weaker russia becomes -- >> with the new cold war the way they won the last time, they bankrupt russia. >> i think we can do more to produce natural gas exports. >> joining us tonight. jane club, executive director of bold nebraska. jane, good to have you back. seems conservatives will try anything to push for the pipeline. the silicone valley executives. a bunch of them have gotten together and written a letter to secretary kerry saying there will not be any economic boom
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for the united states. where does this sit right now and how dirty are these tactics going to get? i'm waiting for them to promise we'll see rainbows and unicorns if the pipeline gets built. that author believes canada and the united states could be one country as well. we'll see all sorts of ideas from the right wing. people across the country were saying we have to protect ourselves from folks like putin and othersly is have diversified energy source, which more renewables not importing dirty oil. >> there's going to be several encampments along the way. they claim they have a treaty that the united states must
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abide by. how serious is this treaty going to be considered when it comes down to the decision making time for the president as you see it? >> you know, travel communities do have various treaties, but right now, canada as well as the united states are not following. that is a very serious legal ground they have to stand on but they have a stronger moral ground to stand on. we have to remember president obama was adopted into the tribal community as part of a black eagle family. that's part of when we come to d.c., that we'll remind the president. he knows tribal communities have a deep sacred bond with land and water like the farmers and ranchers do. he has a moral authority to stand with us and say no. >> h tell us about that adoption. i note president met with the tribes in sioux falls, south
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dakota when campaigning in 2008. i assume that's what you're referring to. >> there's a crow tribe out of montana that adopted president obama. that's a serious thing. it's not just a name he wants to wear but it's an honor and part of something he now wants to carry on traditions of that tribe. tribes know their water rights, their treaty rights are being violated. this pipeline made a lot of us, formers and ranchers, and property rights, certainly made tribes say no more. we'll not let our rights continue to get trampled on. that's why this unit that you witnessed with your own two eyes is something that will stop the pipeline. everybody tells us, we don't have enough money. we don't need to match their money. what we need to match is the moral authority we have to say we're not going to let you risk land and water when we knee noe woo have to have diversified
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energy. >> thank you for join us. still ahead. schools getting millions in tax dollars while public schools are getting budgets slashed. rapid response panel weighs in on that and the great education debate continues and later millionaire donors are spending millions on small town elections. why americans are getting involved in local wisconsin politic, next, i've got your questions, ask ed live. stay with us, we'll be right back.
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then we transport it with 4 state-of-the-art, double-hull tankers. some of the safest, most advanced ships in the world: built in san diego with a $1 billion investment. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. and no energy company invests more in the u.s. than bp. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. welcome back to the ed show, love the question. keep them coming. thank you so much in our ask ed live segment. first question comes from nicole. how do you feel michele bachmann feels after saying obamacare will literally kill people after 7 million people have signed up. we have a real problem on our hands if that's true. the conservative message on
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health care is very shallow. it fits their messenger, don't you think? i don't think she feels anything. i think she has ice in her veins. next co-question comes from don. don wants to know, do we have any plans for the fifth anniversary of "the ed show." do we have plans? friday night. dinner and drinks with the team. i ain't sticking around. "rapid response panel" is next. i'm courtney reagan with the cnbc stock market wraps. dow up 74.95. mass doc up 69. mary barra testified about the emissions recall linked to 13 deaths. she apologized to family whose lost loved ones. gm and ford reported bester than
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welcome back. republicans claim they care about your kid's education. i think they hide behind their agenda by using these catchy phrases like pro-school choice. or education reform. don't be fooled by the rhetoric, folks. if you want to know what republicans education policy looks like. all you have to do is pay attention to the fight going on in florida with governor rick scott. last week the florida house passed a 75$75.3 billion budget. over $596 million is devoted to public education capital outlay
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trust fund. public education part is very misleading. house wants millions are dollars to be set aside for public school repair. a record $100 million provided to charter schools including those managed by for-profit companies. the senate is suggesting $50 million for charter schools and $40 million for traditional public schools. governor rick scott wants to give $80 million to peco funds for traditional public schools and $90.6 million in peco and lottery funds for charter schools. go figure. either way, you slice this story, florida republicans want taxpayer funned alternatives, public school system. public education has always been one of the country's greatest equalizers. it doesn't discriminate by class, gender or race. to turn our back on that
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investment goes against everything we start for. not against charter school bus this is a classic example how we see disproportion of funds go against something that was not intended for. do we want that to be for profit? is that good for all kids? it's for all kids that's why we call it public education. joining me, florida state representative and school board member, anna revis logan and joining us is florida business conservative owner and that's ireey irena there's a couple of big issues, public education and charter schools, i want to get to both of them. anna, you were a republican state representative. you changed party affiliation in february. is education policy run of the reasons why you made the move? >> education is definitely a big issue. the legislators are charged with making sure the budget is
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balanced and budget is used properly. public dollars, tax bars that should not be used for public entities. they are talking about taking public dollars and giving them to landlords who basically own a building and they want us to retrofit the building. they want us to maintain the building. that should be the landlord of that building that should take care of the building, not the public, not the taxpayers, actually the legislators are not doing their job of being fiscal watch dogs of the public dollars. it's a terrible return on the investment. >> irnea as a taxpayer, business owner, how do you feel about that? >> i am surprised by miss rivas logan's remarks because she voted for vouchers. i don't see where the conflict lies. health care is privately managed in this country and it is
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publicly afforded to its citizen, obviously there's something broken within our education system. we're 36th in the world yet spend most than any other country in the world per capita. our education system is broken. what we're doing is not working. if the private sector can pick up schooling regulations and follow a curriculum regulated by the state. why shouldn't we have charter schools or vouchers to facilitate students in poor areas, that are exposed to terrible education system or terrible schooling system within their neighborhoods to better education? >> irina, do you think for profit charter schools will do better than what we're see writing now? >> i can't see it doing worse than what we're doing right now with the public system. we're 36th in the world. country has such as china, india fare better than we do in
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mathematics and science. we're obviously doing something critically wrong. >> ana, what do you think of that? >> charter schools produce no better outcomes it tries an opportunity for parents unhappy with their school system. that's fine. we need to have parents have choices for parents. the reality is the outcomes are exactly the same. what we're talking about here is not the actual education. we're talking about taking money for facilities that are owned by private owners, by landlords. they should be fixing those facilities. i want to touch on something that she touched upon, the voucher system. i did support corporate vouchers. it was a win-win situation for everybody. what we're talking about is an expansion of voucher system and public dollars picking it up. as it stands right now the corporate vouchers is a win-win situation. you have corporations able to fund children to go to school. it's a win-win situation for them.
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they get a tax break. the public system saves money and the state saves money. i did support that. as it was a good return on investment. >> the issue here from the story, more resources will be going to the charter schools in a for-profit system than the public schools. >> right. >> is that what the public wants? >> no. absolutely not. i wouldn't don't want my tax dollars going to a for-profit system. >> says who? >> listen, we give tax breaks to all sorts of corporations, including stadium thars being built here in south florida, day in, and day out. these are privately owned operations, yet our public is also sponsoring a lot of the refurbishments that go into these stadiums. if we do it for sports why can't dewie do it for our children if it affords them better education? >> does it? are charter schools outperforming public schools? >> no, they're not. >> i don't think they're
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comparing apples to apples. if you have a child that's inner city, or going to a low-ranked elementary school or low-end school and they go to a charter school an doing the same as the national average. if they are doing poorly before and now doing the same isn't that better? >> that's not what the research shows. the research shows a bright, motivated student in a public school or charter student. >> a bright, motivated student. how many are bright and motivated? >> there's a lot. they just don't have the opportunities. >> i beg to differ. >> really? >> irina, what you just said is that the children in the inner city schools are dumb. that's a fallacy, children are not born dumb. >> don't put words in my mouth. i never said they were dumb.
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i said they are locked into pore education system within their districts. why are we going to limit them to that system when they have the opportunity of going elsewhere. >> i just said that. charter schools provide an alternative and a good avenue for parents. >> let's hone in on this. what would constitute charter schools getting more public funding than public schools when charter schools aren't for every kid. >> they could be. why are they limited? if someone wanted to go to a charter school. they could go to a charter school. if they have incentive to take their children elsewhere. >> that's not the story i got in florida. they were picking and choosing the best to get in the charter schools. am i wrong about that ana? >> they have motivation to do better. >> if they don't perform they are kicked out. they are hand picking children and throwing out the ones that went perform. >> ana revis logan and irina
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nutrition in charge™. and slap in the face. ted cruz, the canadian senator from texas truly values social media. after all, it's the voice of the people, right, ted? >> there is e-mail, there is facebook, there is twitter. there is an awful lot of ways for the american people to speak up. >> unfortunately for the senator, he is right. the senator reached out on his facebook page, asking the question, are you better off with obamacare? comment yes or no. careful what you wish for, cruz. the facebook post was slammed with positive reviews for the health care law. the senator got the answer loud and clear, yes, yes, and yes. people love the affordable care act. they're shouting from the rooftops on his facebook page.
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if senator ted cruz thinks friends are the only thing he can going to find on facebook, he can keep on pretending. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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oh! the name your price tool! you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. i told you to wear something comfortable! this is a polyester blend! whoa! uh...little help? i got you! unh! it's so beautiful! man: should we call security? no, this is just getting good. the name your price tool, still only from progressive. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. ♪ whoo-hoo!
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. conservatives with deep pockets could be coming to a town near you real soon. big money donors are inserting themselves into elections on the most local level. americans for prosperity, the conservative group funded by billionaire brothers charles and david koch, they have spent
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millions of dollars in national politics promoting conservative causes. this kind of influence has caught the attention of democrats in washington, no doubt. >> democrats fighting for a fair shot for everyone while republicans are doing the bidding of the koch brothers, the wealthy and huge corporations. those people already have a fair shot. middle class people need a fair shot. that's the distinction we will draw in november. >> koch brothers have been neck-deep in politics in wisconsin for a long time, and they are major supporters of governor scott walker. now the koch brothers are getting involved in local politics in rural areas of the state. american americans for prosperity has jumped into a local election by attacking proponents of an iron ore mind. mailed flyers to voters ahead of today's election. the milwaukee sentinel journal reports americans for prosperity
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has also a field team on the ground, canvassing and making phone calls about the kenosha unified school board race. they're all over the state. groups like americans for prosperity spend money and do not specifically say to vote for or against a candidate. "the ed show" reached out to americans for prosperity for a comment. they haven't gotten back to us. we did get a statement from robert tappen, external relations director from the koch companies, and he says neither koch industries nor any koch company has an interest in or involvement with either of these projects. for more on this, let's turn to ruth connaught. good to have you with us tonight. how did a small town and small towns in wisconsin get the attention of a huge group like americans for prosperity? i mean, they are down to the very local level, are they not? >> they are absolutely, ed. you're right. and it's never happened before.
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in fact, i was talking to some campaign finance watchdogs today who said they have never seen anything like it. we're accustomed to the koch brothers coming in with governor walker. they said they spent a lot of money in wisconsin. they're going to spend more. they come in big in congressional races. they came in big against senator tammy baldwin. but now what they're doing is coming in to a tiny community like the iron county board race and sending flyers to the neighbors of folks who run in what have almost been uncontested races, slamming and smearing local folks who want to serve on the county board. and the reason that they're doing it is because there is a great big open pit mine. the county board is going to make a decision about that mine. and the koch brothers want to see deregulation. they want to see dirty industry, which not in this mine, but in green bay, wisconsin, they're in big all over the country. so they're promoting that interest there. and in kenosha, which you mentioned, they're coming into this local school board race because along with a coalition of other right wing groups,
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they've been arguing it was illegal for the school board to recognize the teachers union and give them a contract. and they want to suppress wages. this is why billionaires from out of state care about who is on the local school board. they have an agenda that deals with suppressing wages and deregulating industry. >> what was the reaction to the local folks up there getting these high valued flyers? i mean, some rookie didn't put these things together. these things are full of information. they're glossy. they're professionally put together. they got to be thinking where the heck did this come from? what is the reaction up there? >> well, we'll find out the final word from the voters today. as you point out, both of these races are going on right now. it's election day in wisconsin. it's a typically low turnout spring election. but this is real democracy. these are neighbors voting for neighbors. these are people who want to serve at the most local level of government. and you're right. they've never seen big spending. it's actually a big bargain for the koch brothers to come in and spend money here because these are races where one of the candidates in iron county, his
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total investment for campaign was four rolls of stamps. but some of the people they're pillorying are actually proponents of the mine. they're so far outside this community, that they don't even know who their allies and enemies are. and i think that kind of mistake and that kind of heavy-handedness with these flyers that they these people are anti-mine radicals, they want you to be on welfare, they show a man out of work, looking for a job. it's not about closing a mine. it's about whether the mine will open. the fact that they're attacking the head of the chamber of commerce in the town of mercer who was a mine proponent until he worried that it might poison the drinking water and said he wanted to hear all sides. these are the kinds of mistakes that i think could cost them, and have really left people wondering what is going on up there, because they can't believe that this huge force is coming in against them, and their neighbors can't believe it because they know these candidates. >> all the things that serve their interest, no doubt. deregulation is what it's about. and of course we know where they stand when it comes to gutting public publication. ruth conniff, great to have you with us tonight.
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i appreciate your time on "the ed show." always informative. that's ted ed. i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts tryright now. rev, this is a big day for america. over seven million people, high-five, brother, high-five. high-five, and high-five back to you, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, not one, not two, not three, four, five, six, seven million and counting. president obama announcing just moments ago that america's hit a major milestone when it comes to health care. >> 7.1 million americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through these marketplaces. 7.1. [ applause ] >> 7.1 million
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