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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  April 5, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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anything to do with the downing of the aircraft. does it represent that the aircraft went into the sea at this location or not? and it's the same with the way we prosecute the visual search. the visual searching is ongoing. ships are going to have a look at the white objects that were found in the sea yesterday, and they will be looked at closely, and, again, was this object, could that have been aboard mh-370 or is it something else? and we've done that continuously over the last 30 days with all the visual objects that have been recovered from the scene. can i just -- >> i just wanted to know.
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>> i'm sorry. >> the signal detected by chinese ship, it really belongs to the flight? >> well, that's the point. that's what we're investigating. what we are trying to do is establish whether there is -- we have -- we have an acoustic event. we have a transmission that has been received by the chinese ship. the job now is to determine what is the significance of that event, does it confirm or deny the presence of the aircraft locater on the bottom of the ocean? that's what we're doing. >> if it's transmitting at that frequency, what other possible sources could there be? >> again, what we have got here
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are fleeting acoustic events. the one night before last lasted just a very short period of time. the one yesterday afternoon, i think it was 1547 in the afternoon was nor 90 seconds. that's all we've got. it's not a continuous transmission. if you get close to the device, we should be receiving it for a longer period of time than just a fleeting encounter, but we've got a transmission, we must investigate it, and that's the way we work. >> one more thing. you were talking about satellite discrepancy earlier. >> yep. >> does that satellite discrepancy -- when you are talking about going back to the southern ocean, to the original area or in the area you are in
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the area of the chinese vessel? >> no, the search area doesn't change at all, but what -- what we get out of the data, the satellite -- this is the satellite, the characteristics of that was such that on reanalyzing the data that has been obtained, some other -- some other conclusions have come up which slightly change the possible profile of the airplane and they are based on the fact that there might be a slightly -- a slight difference in the airspeed that has been calculated and we're talking perhaps the aircraft went a little bit faster than had originally -- originally been calculated on the basis of analyzing the satellite data.
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>> so it would be further north? >> it would be a little bit further south and that's why -- that's why we are going into the southern part of the area rather than the northern part. the search area doesn't change, so it's not a big change, not the sort of changes we had early in the operation, but the area of highest probability, we think, is now probably in the southern part of the area, pretty close to where the chinese ship is operating, and that's why we're so very interested in the two acoustic encounters that the chinese ship has had. >> specifically in the area that have been tasked to go, was it down there unilaterally and secondly, was australia aware of
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this on friday and today and are you disappointed it was made public before you could -- >> well, look, where we've -- where we've ended up, i believe these -- you know, on a search like this, with journalists traveling on ships, airplanes, information will come out which basically has to be responded to and i guess that's exactly what happened in these circumstances. i accept the reality of that. in terms of where the chinese ship is operating, it is operating in a location that is central to our interests at the moment. okay? it's in the search area we are prosecuting right now. one more question. >> you cannot confirm -- until now, you can now confirm the
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frequency of the signal detected by the ocean shield is now 3.5 -- >> look. we found out one hour ago that ocean shield had found something. we do not have any detail on the encounter at this stage. we just know that there has been an acoustic detection by ocean shield which has highly sophisticated equipment, and the word i have got is it's something that needs to be investigated. so until the investigation is -- well, is under way and complete, i'm not prepared to speculate on what it might be or what it might not be. it's very important that as we go through these leads, we avoid speculation and that's what i ask all of you to do because we
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have the best expertise in the world out there, the best equipment in the world out there, and we need the experts to do their job and when they have finished their job, we'll come back and tell you what the outcome was. kerry and i have undertaken to do that. one at a time. we don't know. the one thing we do, in terms of something like this, i'm coordinating the -- all of the activities, all of activities, but the -- the rescue coordination center, which is part of the australian maritime safety authority is controlling the search. now the worst thing that could happen is if i reach in and say do this, do that, we have very
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professional, very highly qualified expert people running the search. they need to be left to do that. we also have under the command of commodore levy an international force of vessels that are well equipped to go out there and do the search. very professional people from all of the nations involved, and they are doing a great job. we just have to be realistic to realize that this is a dynamic environment and particularly when we go under water, things are going to take time, and that's just a reality of the environment that we're dealing with. one last question. no, over here. this lady has not had a question.
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>> at the chinese ship was outside of search target area. >> it was on the edge, yeah. which one? the one -- the first one? well, i would have to take that on notice because we're going back a fair way, but we became aware of it fairly quickly because essentially it was a journalist aboard and we heard about it. now, almost at the same time, i was informed by the chinese government that they had found something, so these things happened more or less at the same time, and then the one that we are reporting today, the second one, we were formally
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informed about that quite some time ago, so that was -- that came through in absolutely the normal way, and i'm completely comfortable with that. we have been working very closely with all of the government's and forces involved to basically get the best coordination and consultation going that we can, and i've spent quite a bit of time with our chinese friends working on the best way to consult because clearly language is sometimes an issue, and we're actually going to perhaps enhance the number of liaison people up in the coordination center, and we will be getting a chinese liaison officer into our center to assist with the -- you know, the
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coordination of the search and making sure that nothing falls through the cracks. >> do you believe chinese is withholding intelligence? >> china is sharing everything that's relevant to this search. >> was it more than a couple hundred kilometers out of the search zone where it's supposed to be, on friday, has it not since been redefined? >> perhaps the next -- we'll be having another press conference, probably the next couple of days. i'll come back to you on that at that time. >> it's a fairly critical question today. >> yeah. let me i couldn't say say, though -- let me just say though that china has seven ships out there. that's by far the largest fleet of ships out there. they are out there looking for
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this aircraft, and at the moment, the most promising lead appears to be the one associated with a chinese ship. i think we should be focusing on the positives, and not start saying well are they doing this or are they doing that? i'm very satisfied with the consultation, the coordination that we are building with our chinese friends. i've spent two hours last night with the chinese ambassador and we worked out the best way to effect that coordination and consultation for my responsibilities, and i'm very, very happy about that. so you need to concentrate on that. not on, well, was it here, was it there. one more question and then i'm going. >> since the australian and chinese vessels received the signals without finding any
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debris, does it suggest that the plane went through the water in a whole piece? >> look, again, we're speculating. we can't speculate. we've got to work on reality and at this stage, we have no idea how the aircraft went into the water. did it go in -- glide into the water, did it go in vertically, we don't know. that's something that we shouldn't speculate about at this time. thank you very much. i'll be back with you in the not too distant future and please come next time. thank you. >> angus houston there, the chief coordinator there for. some briefing to reporters asking questions. the key piece of breaking news
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that we learned from him was not really not detailed until about halfway through his news conference when he had said what they learn and he turned around to ask one of his colleagues, when did that happen, that acoustic event that happened, he said about an hour ago and that acoustic event that he was alluding to came from ocean shield. that happened about an hour ago. that was outside the area of the other two acoustic events that have been in the news as of late. the breaking news that he was bringing to us, is that another acoustic event that happened that they detected by ocean shield about an hour ago. and the second piece of information that he really started with there was that they were confirming that signal, that chinese ship had detected yesterday, a saturday, he was saying he received the information from the chinese and that he was confirming that indeed that second acoustic event lasted 90 seconds.
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that's another new piece of information that we had received from him, and that second event from the chinese that they are reporting happened about 18 hours ago, about two kilometers away from another acoustic event that was reported on friday. so there we have it. three acoustic events in three days. friday, saturday, and sunday. watching this for us is nbc's ian williams. he is in perth australia listening there with us to mr. angus houston. did i get that right? >> you did, i think, richard. he was being incredibly cautious. very measured. he was pointing out at each stage that this search has been through, from satellite observations to looking at the surface of the ocean from airplanes, it has generated a lot of false leads and what i think he was saying is that look we're now into the stage of
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searching beneath the ocean and that will also generate false leads because there's a lot of noise down there, but nevertheless, he did say that this was an important lead from china but he caution the people to treat it very carefully. he said there will be a lot of leads, false leads, as this stage of the search develops. now interestingly, he said it was sufficiently important for him to divert the british ship, the hms echo into that area, which is carrying its own sophisticated acoustic kit. he then of course came out with that extraordinary piece of breaking news this morning that the ocean shield, which is carrying the u.s. pinger locater has its own acoustic event. it's spotted and its listened and it has heard noise itself in an area aat least 300 miles away from the chinese ship. a lot going on.
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>> it's now 12:16 in the afternoon there in perth australia. as angus houston was telling us -- stand by for a second. i want to bring in paul mccarthy a former airline pilot. you've heard what we've been told. what's your thought about the acoustic events now three in three days, friday, saturday, and sunday, one day each? he is at least telling us. paul. >> i think he's just telling you that they are doing a very thorough job, and they are getting some information and they are going to prosecute but until they really get closer and get a lot more data, it could be whales, it could be airplanes, it could be any number of things. >> what is the process for them and he was trying to lay out we of course are very careful, these are unverified, he's very clear in his language, always say acoustic event or pulse signals, not using the word ping
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necessarily, what's the process as they go through confirming these acoustic events? what do they do? >> i can only go back to many, many years ago, when i did some of this work in the military. it's not what we did in the airline pilot business. so i probably would be a worst speculator than anybody else for it but i do know that with any search you do, it's methodical and you just have to go back and forth and back and forth and continuously refine the data until you know what you are looking at. the same process they are using for the things that are floating in the water. >> right. ian back to you on this. as we've been listening to the reporting here, he has also discussed debris. now, is there debris located close to this -- these two detections by the chinese? if you could tell us about what we know about that in about 30 seconds. >> well, this debris is about 90
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kilometers, 50 miles away from the area where the chinese have detected this acoustic, this noise under the ocean. it was detengtd by chinese aircraft who say over a 20-minute period they saw little white objects and of course there are aircraft, australian aircraft now being diverted down there to check that out also, but also the chinese saying that it was pretty rough down there yesterday in terms of the sea levels and, of course, it is tough sometimes to detect and most of what they have seen so far has turn out not to have anything to do with the aircraft. >> ian williams, thank you so much. paul mccarthy we'll continue to follow the story.
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>> narrator: when new inmates arrive at san antonio's bear jail, officials ask them about any known enemies they might already have here. they then place those inmates in separate housing units. but inmates rarely disclose every conflict they have on the streets such as the dispute that
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led to the recent fight between two inmates. sanchez initially claims that he sustained a black eye, burns to his chest and a cuts on his head in a fight. both of whom admitted to the fight but denied the injuries. >> is he the one that threw the water on you? >> no, no. >> who threw the walter on you? >> i don't know about that. he was already like that. >> narrator: after sergeant tucker investigated a rumor that sanchez had fought with two other inmates days earlier, sanchez admitted that the black eye came from that fight, as did the cut on the back of his head, which was reopened in the fight with lomez and hernandez. but he still insists they were the ones that burned him with hot water. >> sanchez, do you want to file charges? >> should i? >> it's up to you.
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i will tell you that if you don't file charges, the county is going to file them anyway. that's serious bodily injury. >> yeah, i'll press charges. >> on all four of them? >> what four? the two from two days ago? we really can't do anything about that right now. the only thing we can work on right now is this case right here. >> yeah, i want to press charges. >> okay. that's all i need to know. >> that's what they get. they assaulted me. i got assaulted. so they're going to see what they can do. what it will come to now. >> as a member of the arian brotherhood gang, todd has seen his share of violence behind bars, as well. >> that's what we was trained here for. whatever we've got to do. we need to pull. grab whatever you can grab and hit somebody over the head with it.
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alan's current conflict is not about race. it's about another inmate's charges. i found out there was a child molester in here. man, you don't do that. >> those that have charges against children, they tend to become prey. some tend to make it out of population. they find out that their lives are being threatened and everything like that. we have to separate them. >> laws can only protect a person for so long. there's ways to get to a person in any way, every way. you can get to them and kill a person right here in this jailhouse, if you know what you're doing. >> believe it or not, we have individuals here in the facility who, themselves, do not like those type of crimes and they they will try to seek retribution and get revenge. >> and even though attacking the alleged sex offender in his housing unit could result in additional criminal charges, allen says he's up for the job and intends to follow through. >> i don't care if they put me on lockdown or what, i'm going
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to smash him. you don't do that to kids, man. that could have been my daughter. that could have been your daughter. it could have been his daughter. you don't hold one down and force yourself on nobody, man. a kid is a kid. that's a gift from god. >> thomas fames has been banking on a different gift from god. an acquittal. known around san antonio fors his barbecue, fames has been charged with murder and concealing a corpse in what has been called a drug deal gone back. >> this is what i wrote a long time ago. love god and be careful what you wish for, i'm going home. be careful what you pray for. i'm going home. me totally free. >> i wrote that when i first got here. because i knew i was innocent. >> we have a total of 80 inmates that get read scriptures every day. rain or show. >> every day, he takes it upon himself and he puts a little
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piece of paper and has three bible versus. it's nice that his spirit moves him to do that. to take it upon himself to try to win another soul. >> fame's popularity is not unlike what he enjoyed on the outside as the owner of a barbecue restaurant and catering service. a business that started out in a road side tent. >> had an opportunity to get a partnership with a gentleman and we started building the business together. so god blessed me with this young man and he bought trailer. so not only one trailer, we had two trailers and we had two locations. from those two locations, we started our restaurant. one of his customers is now one of his jail keepers. officer moore hired fames to caterer parties at his home and took note to businesses growth.
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>> i asked him how did you get this money? how did you do this? he said there's a rich benefactor who believes in me. okay, cool. do your thing. >> narrator: moore was startled to see fames in jail as an inmate. >> that, basically, made my heart drop. and i was kind of upset. like what are you doing in here. i told him, straight up: don't lie to me, man. what are you doing in here? and that's when he told me. >> fames told moore he was innocent. >> when you know the truth, the truth will set you free. and when you know the truth, you don't have to answer any questions or ask god any questions. >> narrator: coming up. >> this is the year of release and when god is going to start releasing his chosen ones. and i'm one of those that he's going to be releasing. >> thomas fames finds out if he will be released free. >> most people think they can't. do pull-ups. >> narrator: michael lesher
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shares his jailhouse fitness tips. here's what's happening .
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breaking news. good evening. i'm richard liu. a news conference moments ago wrapped up. the leader of the search team says they have now heard three pulse signals in the past three days that could be connected to the plane's black box. latest was heard just within the last two hours by a ship called owing shield, an australian ship. two other signals were heard by a chinese ship. we'll continue to follow this story on msnbc. now back to lock up. >> i'll help you build self
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esteem and all of that, man. >> i'll miss you. i'll be home soon. every day. 500, no, stop. >> don't worry about it. take a shower. >> narrator: most inmates at san antonio's bear county jail find working out is one way to beat the monotony of incarceration. and michael lesher is no exception. >> most people think they can't do pull ups from it. >> narrator: the pull up method is against jail rules. he says his sets are short enough that he can usually do them out of sight of roaming officers. but he knows he can't stay fit from exercise alone. >> after the workout, try your hardest to make everything you put in your body, proteins, starches, things that are going
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to be stackers, you know, body stackers. that's how you grow. if you don't get enough food, you can only use what you put in your body. if you work more than that, they're going to burn off what you put in your body. so you are going to get skinnier. again, 40 pounds, 44 pounds since i've been here, i don't think too much of it is fat, you know what i mean? so i've got a six pack. i'm doing all right. >> unlike most inmates, lesher finds the meal served by the jail to be effective in feeling the rigorous workouts that help keep that six pack from turning into a keg. >> remember, just two slices of bread. just two slices of bread. >> i understand all of my carbohydrates, the break downs of non-complete protein. and complete proteins. i can eat things like bread, sugars. it breaks down into a glucose. i use it before energy to work out. >> and lesher has also figured out how to acquire food trays from others.
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most of them are willing to purchase from the commissary. lesher is more than willing to deal. >> i get emotional about food. i like candy, cakes, and cookies. i like all that stuff too. it doesn't do anything for me. when i think, i might as well trade that to the kids that love that stuff. they're hungry. i'm sitting there working out. i've got enough food in my body to do it. >> lesher pays for the commissary snacks through another one of his talents. >> what are those? >> these are poker chips. these are all poker chips. $2.50 chips, 5 cent chips, 10 cent chips. you know what i mean? but, like i said, it's up to me to survive. my family does what they can. but they can't do too much. they're retired and living off of a fixed income. i hustle.
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poker tends to be a good hustle for somebody that played it 15 years. i feed off of it. i do what i got to do. >> lesher learns commissary through one other method, as well. >> my art, i normally have it sold. >> it's already sold before i did it. i have a handkerchief that i'm going to be working on. what i do is braid the edges. and then i'll put the portrait of the man's kid and his wife on there. charge $4 for the handkerchief itself and then i'll charge another $5 to do the portrait on a handkerchief. so in between $14 to $16, depending. >> managing the dollars and cents of life behind bars is a skill lesher has honed over his 15 years of incarceration. todd allen has also spent most of the past 20 years in and out of jail in prison. now, he's taking it upon himself to uphold another inmate tradition. one with a decidedly more sinister side.
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>> we don't allow snitches and we don't allow child molesters. >> when allen discovered an accused child molester had moved onto his housing unit, he threatened to dish out his own form of justice. by the next time we saw him, he had apparently made good on it. >> he was in his cell. i went in behind him and shut the door and that way, he couldn't run out of the cell on me. the door was automatically shut. and locked. he was acting like he was asleep. i woke him up. i said hey, get up, punk. i've got bad news for you. i said you got three seconds to tell me the truth. finally, he looked at me. he said yes, sir, that's what i'm in here for. and i slapped the [bleep] out of him about three times. knocked him off the top bunk. if i had a lot of time on my hands, say i had a life sentence in prison or 20 years, i'd have killed the guy. >> alan achieved another goal. >> basically, the unit officer
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called me in b and said he had an inmate that was in fear of his safety. so i went to the unit to interview the inmate. at that time, we sent him down to medical to be evaluated by medical staff where he alleges that he fell off of his bunk. snchts without the cooperation of victim or witnesses, >> jail officials were unable to issue any punitive sanctions. to alan. >> i'm not going to say yeah, i did do it. i'll deny it to the fullest. but if they find out any different, i'll tell you the consequences. i still feel happy about myself, you know. >> allen is proud to take credit for assaulting another inmate. jail officials have been sorting out who's responsible for the water burn suffered by victor sanchez. lomez says the burns were from an earlier fight. sanchez had with two other inmates. >> is he the one who threw the water on you? >> no, no. >> i don't know about that.
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he was already like that. >> what did you hit him with? >> my hand. >> who had the thing that cut the back of his head open? >> i don't know about that. >> then he comes and says where's the weapon? i said what weapon, fool? maybe he bumped his head up on the door because he had already had a cut. from they stomped his [ bleep ] already. i did what i had to do, but i didn't use a weapon to cut him or anything like that. and i sure as hell didn't throw no water. >> i'm not a fruit. i didn't get to be 48 by being an idiot. >> after a disciplinary hearing on the matter, the truth finally came out. sanchez admitted all of his injuries, including the burns were caused in the earlier fight. even the bloody wound on the back of his head. the criminal charges sanchez was
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going to file have been dropped. but sometimes, in jail, the settling of one dispute is simply the calm before the next storm. coming up -- >> you talk like a duck, you walk like a duck, don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. >> victor sanchez undergoes interrogation. there's only one person with inconsistent stories. that's a liar. guadalupe lomez suffers a beating of his own. ortho weed b. kills weeds without harming innocent lawns. guaranteed. ortho weed b gon max. get order. get ortho®. so, what'd you think of the house? did you see the school rating? oh, you're right. hey, babe, i got to go. bye, daddy. have a good day at school, okay? ♪ [ man ] but what about when my parents visit? okay. just love this one. it's next to a park. [ man ] i love it. i love it, too. here's your new house.
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order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. ♪ ♪ >> narrator: inside the walls of san antonio's bexar county jail, thomas thames has spent the last three years trying to fit his 6'9" on a considerably shorter bed. the former basketball player and barbecue restaurant owner has also been fighting charges of murder and concealing a corpse in a case described as a drug
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deal gone bad. >> i had a dream about god releasing me. and opening the gates of heaven. opening the gates so i can be out. and that's the picture right there that i have on the wall. this is jupiter. this is the year of release. and this is when god is going to start releasing his chosen ones. and i'm one of those that he's going to be releasing. >> narrator: and according to thames, his statement is no longer one of faith but of fact. >> i went to court and they said paperwork is already ready. i didn't know i was getting my case dismissed. i knew it was going to be dismissed, but i didn't know when. so when i went to court, i was ready to be dismissed. it took me seconds -- or it took me five minutes to get my case dismissed. but i had just spent three and a half years for what it only took five minutes to do. i should be leaving any day. today, tomorrow, wednesday. i'm just waiting on paperwork to be cleared up. as soon as e get out, my job is
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to preach the word. >> and a few days later >> thames did, in fact, leave the jail. but he did not go home. while he did have the most serious of his charges, murder, dismissed. he had given an inaccurate account of what actually happened in court. >> unlawful carrying a gun and the capital murder cases were dismissed. and in court, they found him guilty of the disposing of a human corpse, where he was sentenced to 10 years, tdc. >> why would he have thought he was going to go straight from jail home? >> now, that part would be a misinterpretation in his part. >> he was there in front of the judge with his attorney. so whether he didn't understand or if he knew and maybe really misrepresenting the truth to you, i don't know. >> but he's there in front of the judge and everybody pleading
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out to tdc. >> when we went to follow up with him, >> he had already been transferred to a texas state prison to begin serving his sentence. with the time he's already spent in jail taken into account, he will be eligible for parole in little more than a year. one of his former customers will serve as an important lesson. i want him to get back on track and let him know, you know what, these chances are given to you for a reason. you can't mess it up. if you mess it up, you know where you are going to go. now, one of jail's intelligence officers suspects a jail inmate is not being truthful about an aspect of his life. the inmate is victor sanchez. >> narrator: officer rodriguez has received a report that he has an operative for the mexican ma mafia. >> your name came up in a report, victor. you don't know the report we're talking about?
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roughly 20 days ago? fear for safety. >> me? no, someone else was in fair view. the report says that this guy fears that you and a bunch of other inmates are basically strong arming him and other inmates and that you're ex-mexican mafia. now the problem with this report is you also vanish you have a history of being identified as a gang member in the past. >> i'm not. >> i understand that. why would this inmate say that about you? the thing is, there's 44 units in that unit. why would he do that? >> i don't know who he is. >> it doesn't matter who he is. the point is he identified you. >> i don't know. >> obviously, something is happening in there. we want to go ahead and try to weed out the major prison gangs from general population because these particular gangs are predatory gangs and they prey upon the weaker inmates. in the facility. we want to get them out of population so we can make the jail, as a whole, safer for inmates and staff. >> so you understand what i'm telling you, right?
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>> i'm going on lockdown? >> you probably will today. >> why? if you didn't do anything? >> your history is being identified as a gang member in this report. >> my job is to figure out where we're going to house you at. >> but i'm not doing nothing. you can look at my reports. >> i am looking at your reports. >> i'm not getting in trouble. >> we're talking about a report you were involved in. why do you think this guy would identify you as a member of the mexican mafia? if you are not doing anything. >> >> who is he? >> it doesn't matter who he is. why would he say that? >> to put you on lockdown. >> why would he want to do that to you? you owe money in there. what's going on? why does somebody want to get rid of you? >> i don't know. i don't have no response to that. because i don't know. look at me, man.
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>> officer rodriguez then changes course to ask sanchez about the fight he was in with lopez. . >> you got in a fight with two guys, didn't you? or one guy? what was that about? >> money. >> talking about drugs here? know, talking about money he owed me. >> how much did he owe you? >> 50e. >> for what? >> for fixing his car. >> when they did the investigation, you told them it over a beer. >> it was beer and the car. >> only one person has inconsistent stories that. 's a liar. flat out. ware both grown men here. i mean, we're both grown men here. there's no beating around the bush. you've been lying in the past. why, on earth, would i believe anything you tell me at this point. so here's what i'm seeing. you are identified as a member of the mafia in the population. you're going to fight as a member in the population. you talk like a duck, you walk like a duck, don't get mad at me if i think you're a duck. you know what i mean. >> narrator: still, without concrete proof of sanchez's gang affiliation, officer rodriguez has no choice but do but to
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return him to general population. >> we may need to keep a close eye on him in population to see who he's talking to and to see
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♪ the words of a warrior ♪ oh, close, the words of a warrior ♪ ♪ my family, my friends, my home boys ♪ ♪ doing everything i know being wrong ♪ ♪ and it is so true when they sing that song ♪ ♪ everything that you do comes back tenfold ♪ ♪ a product of the bad life in the bad land ♪ ♪ only made one thing that's a bad land ♪ ♪ what i have become people cannot understand ♪ ♪ a demented little cracker with the first white land ♪ ♪. >> i wanted to be a rapper. you know what it mean. but it never happened. life in prison happened. ♪ ♪
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>> narrator: michael lesher has spent half of his life behind bars and is now facing three counts of burglary with of a habitation. he has just turned down a plea deal for 25 years in order to go to trial. if found guilty, he could get life in prison. if he's set free, he'll have a different set of challenges. >> i don't know what's in the free world. nobody is willing to tell me. i don't know how to pay bills, i don't know how to pay rent. i don't know how to do a w 2 form. nobody went out of their way to teach me. it is what it is. another person just balled up and thrown away like a piece of trash. another life ended before it ever started. >> while lesher awaits his fate
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in bexar county, he's looking at another inmate who could be facing a long sentence. ed to allen. he was recently transferred to the unit. >> a short time later, he got some new ink to honor his gang. >> yeah, i decided to go ahead, man, with a little different look. this one here is abt. it's gaining-related, you know what i said. for the three-leaf clover, one is a shamrock clover. the lightning bottles go with it too. this here represents, man. allen also received something new from the district attorney. a plea deal offer on his charge of assault and vehicle theft. because of his past record, allen could face significant time in prison if he were found guilty in trial. >> they offered ten years on both charges. i'm like no, man. you get it down to five or less, i'll sign it, man. >> though allen is holding out for a better deal, he is anxious
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to leave the jail because of yet another piece of news. he just got word that his mother is gravely ill and fears he will never see her again because she lives far from san antonio. >> she's got lung cancer real bad. she's in and out of the hospital. pneumonia. she's on oxygen, breathing machines. even though people think i'm cold-hearted, and, in a way, i am. i want to be able to see my mom before she does pass on, you know? >> if allen quickly accepts a plea deal, he could request a priv closer to his home and possibly see her again. >> i almost died, so, you know, just ask god for forgiveness and he will help you. and one of the letter she wrote in there, she said i'll never forget you. >> if he doesn't accept a deal, he might have to be acquitted to see her. and even he feels that's a long shot.
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>> she's a real good woman. >> i've seen people go through hard times and bad times and take beatings. i'm a hardcore dude. you'll never see me crime, but when it comes to that, it's hard, man. i say just to see her one more time, and i'd take five years. i might even take the ten piece, i don't know. when i lose my mom, it's over. she's special to me, man. she really is.
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an inmate causes chaos in the housing unit after accusing staff of abusing him. and he explodes in anger when a valued possession is taken from his cell. >> from what i was told they found the head and like a field away from the body. >> accused of a vicious vigilante-style murder, another inmate says jail saved his life. >> i was 437 when i came in. i am


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