tv Caught on Camera MSNBC April 7, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> caught on camera "brace yourself." >> a small plane struggles to stay aloft, and a pilot desperately looks for a safe place to land while the lives of everyone on board, including a 7-month-old baby, hang in the balance. ♪ february 2nd, 2013, logan, utah. cara fielding gets in to a airplane for the first time in her life. >> the flight was a birthday present from my parents. i had just turned 22 years old and they arranged this with a family friend of ours who agreed to take me up. >> since the single-engine cessna seats four, cara brings along her mother and her husband jonathon. he suggests they also bring their 7-month-old son jacob.
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>> i almost begged like, hey, let's bring jacob along. this will be so much fun. everything will be fine. i'll hold him. >> so i relented and let him bring him up and that was the most scary part about it is knowing he was in the plane with us and not buckled. >> in the air the five of them take in utah's magnificent landscape. >> the weather was the best weather we have had in weeks. it was really exciting. >> about a half hour in to the flight, the pilot has some worrisome news. >> the pilot let us know that something was wrong. >> ice has formed on the carburetor cutting off the engine from its fuel supply. >> i didn't believe him because i know he's a little bit of jokester and it you my first time. >> but this is no joke. >> the engine had severely lost power. he did everything he was suppose ed to. he had the carburetor heat on and let it out even more to try to rid itself from the ice.
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>> it's too late. at 8500 feet, the engine stops running. >> he told us we're going to have to make a landing back here. we're not going to make it back to the airport. >> the pilot can still steer the plane, but he can't keep it from descending. >> the plane started gliding, like being on a roller coaster without the rails underneath you. things were really wrong. so i started praying because that's what i know to do. >> jonathon has a different response. >> i started videoing shortly after he let us know there was a problem. just had the thought, you know, i think i might want a recording of what i was thinking, what you going through my head. >> he only stops recording when the pilot needs help. >> he told us we needed to find a place to land. >> we had about four minutes to look out the windows and look for places. >> a road would be ideal but there were so many power lines and the roads turned too quick
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or there were cars. so he told us we needed somewhere to bring the plane down and not involve other people. >> the pilot spots a snow-covered field. everyone on board braces for the landing. >> just a prayer in our heart and think we're going to be just fine. >> jonathon holds his infant son in one hand and starts recording video again with the other. >> as i was filming, i was fully expecting just this smooth landing. >> my mind kind of seized up. i was thinking of jacob who's in the back and not in a seat belt. >> well, right now we're looking for a place to land. we're looking for a straightaway. all right. we're going to land in the field, right here.
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>> okay. >> when the plane crashed, it you like a whole blur of black and white. everything just spun around. >> the snow is too deep for the plane to glide across the field. the front wheels dig in and the back somersaults. they jolt to a stop upside down. >> is everybody okay? >> the camera slips out of jonathon's hand and lands in the front of the plane, still recording. >> when we came to rest, my first thought was i have to get this buckle off to get my baby. >> cara's head slams in to the ceiling during the crash and now she dangles with her seat belt and her feet from the air. but her mothering instinct shuts out any pain or trauma she maybe feeling. without a second thought she unlatches her belt. >> i jumped out and screamed for jacob and got him and once he was in my arms i was okay.
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>> he didn't have a single scratch. i held on to him the entire time. >> no one is seriously injured. >> i just survived a crash landing. >> we were all fine. just had a little whiplash. afterwards, i grabbed the phone and just documented what was going on. >> cara, are you okay? >> yeah, i'm all right. >> are you ever going to fly again? >> yeah. >> the crash has really affected my life. i feel like i have had a second chance to live. i definitely spend more time with jacob because i could have lost him. >> it's really given us a second chance really at appreciating what's most important. to us, that's family. >> in the end, the only casualty of the crash is the airplane.
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>> the plane is completely totalled. it was beyond repair. >> the pilot's insurance -- at midnight the night before. >> jonathon and cara have posted a video of the crash on-line hoping it will generate revenue from ads and licensing and plan to reimburse the pilots. >> he saved our lives by his experience and knowing what to do. this place could have been our burial ground out there. >> pilots don't always have time to prepare for a crash landing. brace yourself, this plane's going down. >> i thought i was going to die. sunday, august 12th, 2012, ida, michigan. ian is along for a ride in his grandfather's small plane a kick box 7.
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>> i was excited. i was always excited to go up in and see the town. >> at 84 years old wilbert has been flying planes more than 60 years. >> i feel i'm capable of flying. i have friends that are older than i am that have still flying. >> i have never been scared to fly with my grandpa or do anything with him. i trust him with my life. >> ian snaps pictures as they go over lake erie and neighboring town. >> it you getting late and decide to head back in. >> wilbert steers the plane toward a landing strip on a friend's property. ian hits record on his phone. >> i just want to take video of the sunset and landing because i never had before. i thought it was going to be a normal landing, as usual. >> instead, he catches a terrifying moment on camera.
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>> holy [ bleep ]! >> the plane clips a telephone wire sending them in to a nose dive toward the grass. >> i just braced myself. it was very, very scary. i literally thought i was going to die. i was like okay, here we go. this is it. >> i had no time to do anything but ride it out. >> the wing hits the ground first. then the nose crashes down at a 45-degree angle. >> are you okay? >> ian's phone continues recording audio in the frantic moments after the crash. >> holy [ bleep ]! grandpa, are you okay? >> my first thought was, wow, this really just happened. how am i not dead. i looked at myself and i was like, okay, everything is working. my body's intact. >> grandpa are you okay?
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grandpa, are you okay? holy [ bleep ]. >> i was like okay we have to get out this plane because it could blow up. >> ian dislodges himself from the wreckage but his grandfather is stuck. his legs trapped by equipment that hit impact. >> he helped me get out of the airplane. luckily for both of us we didn't have any fire. so we were able to get out of the plane without any further injury. >> help soon arrives on the scene. >> i was just excited i was alive. he was mainly mad because he crashed it. >> i felt very sad. instantly exasperated, sad. how could i have done this? i have done flying. i'll never fly again. >> the plane was a wreck.
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>> but ian's biggest concern is his grandfather's health. >> okay. >> he could be hurt from internal bleeding or injuries. i was very scared. he's been one of my greatest mentors throughout my entire life. he's taught me so many things and i don't know where i would be without him. >> doctors give wilbert three stitches in hi knee and treat him for a fractured stern numb. doctors examine him thoroughly and ian has nothing more than a few small scratches on his shins. ian and his grandfather both recover fully. >> i have a new outlook on life. i easily could have died. >> ian takes every opportunity to share his video of the a crash with friends. >> i use it as a way to show people you always have one life to live. try to make the best of it. >> as for wilbert, he just wants to be back in the sky.
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>> if i had those thoughts of never flying again, i have since cancelled them out. i love to fly. i feel i'm capable of flying and i'm going to fly that airplane again, too. i've already started rebuilding it. >> coming up -- >> i'm thinking to myself, don't panic. you don't want to die today stuck in a car. >> when "caught on camera, brace yourself" continues.
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mike is where he loves to be every saturday night, behind the wheel of race car at the mahoning valley speedway. >> i got interested in racing but a my dad raced for probably 30 years. by the age 11 i already learned how to drive a car. >> at age 36 he has been racing stock cars for years. >> he was honest with me when we started dating about how racing was his first love, will always be his first love and that was that. >> it's a passion more dangerous than most. >> i do get nervous a lot. but i know push comes to shove he's going to be all right because he's a good driver. >> marlena usually watches him race but this night she's at home while he competes. >> i'm pregnant and that's part
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of the reason i stayed home that night. >> mike's cousin perry is in the stands with their grandfather taking video of the race. >> i go every saturday. he's pretty fun to watch. >> another camera records from inside the car. about one minute in to the race, mike in car number 83 is falling behind. we were actually running second last. i was trying to work my way up through. all i remember seeing is a car coming down the track. i'm thinking, man, i'm going for a ride here. and as soon as we touched wheels, i was up in the air. >> flipping over is fairly common in stock car racing. at first, mike isn't worried. >> the impacts didn't really hurt. just an everyday accident. even though it you my first time going on my side. it was all right, go through the
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driver checklist and start to get out of the car. >> although mike turns the engine off, fuel drips in to the car. >> i saw the fuel dripping out of the carburetor and i thought if i can get my belts off, i will flip it. >> because he's on his side mike has trouble removing his seat belt. fuel continues to leak, threatening to ignite at any moment. the pit crew rushes to help him. >> they started asking are you all right. i kept telling them, i'm fine but i'm stuck in my seat belt. can you sustain the car so i can release sglit as the crew heaves the car upright it bursts in to flames. the camera continues recording while the fire spreads. >> i was trapped. it crossed my mind i had died. >> when the fire started, i was actually really afraid. i didn't want to lose him that day. >> by the time they got it on
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all four wheels, it spread pretty quick. i couldn't see anything in front of me except yellow. i said to myself don't panic. if you panic you are slowing yourself down. get out as quick as you can. you have friends and family here today. you don't want to die stuck in a car. >> they can't see if he is okay. >> it was a big ball of fire surrounding the car. i was really scared at that moment. >> behind the wall of fire and smoke, a race car staff member pulls mike out of the car. >> i did feel the this last couple of seconds somebody's hand come in and kind of guide me. this is a way out. as soon as i felt that, that's the way i went. >> after 13 seconds in the overturned car, mike escapes uninjured. some of his rescuers have burns. >> they all singed their arms a
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little bit i guess you could say. if those guys would have gotten scared and let the car go it would have fallen on its side. the fire would have kept getting fuel dumped in it to. i probably would have ended up dying. >> as soon as i got a phone call as to what actually happened, i was there in a heart beat. when i first showed up at the racetrack, people were going oh my god, thank god you weren't here. that was the most horrible thing we ever saw. i was shaken up at that point. michael was not shaken up at all. >> mike's car makes a surprisingly speedy recovery. >> the car didn't really sustain any injuries besides cosmetics. the miracle is we got the car back together 25 minutes later. >> there was no ifs, ands or buts about it, he was ready to go. >> less than an hour after his car turned no a fire ball, mike is back on the track competing in another race.
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he comes if fifth. >> i wanted to get it before it got a chance to set in. >> that night, mar lain that sees the video in the crash. >> i couldn't handle it. i literally walked out of the house crying. >> but she still won't get between her husband and his race car. >> i know that's what he loves to do. and i would never ask him not to race. >> a true racer has no fear about getting in that car week in and week out. coming up, get ready for impact. and later, a relaxing family vacation. [ screaming ] >> oh, my god! >> when "caught on camera, brace yourself" continues.
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[ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending. only flood insurance covers floods. ♪ visit to learn your risk. >> maybe you have seen something like this on the "dukes of hazard."
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but this is the real thing. >> the scariest thing i have ever seen in my life. august 16th, 2013, michigan. a freshman at michigan state university is on her way to dance team practice. >> i was driving down the freeway with my window down because it you hot out. >> glancing to her left, she sees a silver pickup truck with a trailer attached to the back and it is speeding to the median lane that separates the two sides of the highway. >> i thought it was someone being stupid or funny and i got my phone out and thought it would be funny to record it and show friends later. >> law enforcement officers don't recommend video recording while driving. >> i saw him like go right through a sign on the median. that's when i realized it was probably something serious. >> the median lane abruptly
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ends. the truck speeds over the edge and disappears in to a ravine below. >> as soon as i saw him go over the ledge, i just dropped my phone. it was crazy. craziest thing i have ever seen. >> she pulls off to the side of the road and called 911. at the ingham county sheriffs department the, sheriff flint is on duty. >> i'm the shift supervisor and responded out there. i didn't know if it would be a fatality or fender bender. i have been doing this 20 years. i've never seen anything like this. >> examining the accident site, flint can tell the truck was airborne for about 100 feet and landed scary on all four wheels in the creek bed below. the air bags deployed cushioning the driver's landing.
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>> frankly, i was spuprised that we didn't have a fatality. >> they identify the driver as 58-year-old mark moreland. >> i think he was in quite a bit of shock. he was talking, but he wasn't making sense. from the time that i arrived on the scene, it was about 15 minutes to stabilize mr. moreland down in the creek bed, put him on a backboard and then he was lifted out with the use of a ladder truck over over on to the highway and placed in an ambulance that was ready to transport to the hospital. [ sirens ] >> while moreland is rushed off for emergency care, police are left wondering why he sped off the road at more than 60 miles an hour. >> at that point in time we started to look at the accident scene with some of my investigators. >> eyewitness accounts, along with the trail of debris, offer up some clues. >> he didn't slow down or make any evasive turns or anything like that. he just kept his speed.
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mr. moreland suffered some sort of medical incident prior to him being launched in to the ravine. mr. moreland suffered a partially collapsed lung, had a lower lumbar fracture and fractured ankle. >> the driver is expected to make a full recovery from his injuries. >> i was actually very surprised when i found out the driver was still alive because i had thought for sure that he was either in critical condition or like bad because it was such a crazy thing. >> we were very fortunate this was a single-car accident. no one else was hurt. we didn't have any other residual damage. >> police don't learn about stacks video until a couple of days later when it goes viral. >> when i saw the video, it just solidified what we were seeing at the accident scene. live video is a wonderful thing but i would encourage people not to videotape and drive at the
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same time because you are putting other people in harm's way. >> flint believes moreland owes his life to air bags, his seat belt and auto engineering. >> technology is a wonderful thing. we have a vehicle that's designed to crumble away, protecting the victims and it was captured on video phone. what a wonderful world we live in. coming up -- >> this is it. this is how i'm going to die. >> man versus gravity. >> i thought this could be the last few moments. the thought goes through your mind. >> when "caught on camera, brace yourself" continues.
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ever had that nightmare where you are falling from the sky? well, wake up. this is really happening. >> i remember thinking in my head, this is it. this is how i'm going to die. >> december 13th, 2006, new zealand. sky diving instructor michael holmes is on his fifth jump of the day. he has a camera built in to hi helmet to capture first-time sky divers as they make their
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descent. >> it was beautiful conditions, and just felt like any other day. >> but you wouldn't be watching this on caught on camera if it any other day. >> things started to go wrong very soon after i activated my main parachute, like almost immediately. >> holmes parachute fails to open properly. >> immediately i started spinning out of control. >> for holmes, this actually isn't cause for concern. it's happened to him eight times before. yes, eight. like all sky divers, he has a reserve parachute. >> i thought oh, it's no big deal. the main parachute is not functioning right. i will get rid of it. i pulled the cut-away handle and that's meant to release me from that parachute. >> it's crucial to get rid of the main chute before opening up the backup.
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otherwise the two can get tangled causing the second chute to malfunction as well. when holmes pulls the release chord, the main parachute doesn't detach. >> i was shocked. i was like this is not good. i knew that it wasn't a situation that i could really survive. if you are not trained for this to happen, that's just not something that's in the book really. >> above him holmes colleague and friend, jonathon king, has just jumped and is videotaping a client's descent when he notices that holmes is spiraling out of control. king catches a second view of the action on his helmet cam. holmes faces a tough decision, his main parachute, while malfunctioning is slightly slowing his descent. if he pulls the reserve parachute and it gets caught in
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the mangled main chute, it will not only fail to open but it could interfere with the little bit of drag he has and actually speed up his descent. >> it's either going to make it better -- it's either going to have the magic, slow it all down, crisis averted or i pull the reserve and it reduces the drag and then definitely, definitely dead. >> holmes takes a calculated risk are, waiting until he is below 1,000 feet to pull the reserve. >> below 1,000 feet, i'm dead any way. i was like, here we go. i grabbed the reserve and i was like well, nothing else to lose now. if i'm going to die, i'm going to die trying. so that's what i did. >> just as holmes feared, the chutes get tangled. he picks up speed and spins faster hurdling toward the ground at more than 50 miles an hour.
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>> i remember thinking in my head, this is it. this is how i'm going to diechlt i was like oh, you are kidding me. this is the way i'm going to go. [ bleep ]. >> in the seconds before landing, holmes remembers the camera on his helmet and uses it to memorialize what he thinks are hi last moments alive. >> a lot of emotion because i thought i was going to die. >> holmes crashes through a thicket of thorny blackberry bushes and in to the ground. >> i remember seeing the ground coming up and straight away once i hit the ground it went black and i was blacked out. >> moments later, king lands nearby, not sure if his friend is dead or alive. >> he was calling out to me and waiting for a response. he didn't hear anything.
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he was expecting to see a body, not a body that was still able to talk. >> i broke my left ankle in quite an impressive way. there was severe bruising all over me. the blackberry bush inserted in to me everywhere and collapsed my lung. >> the horrific experience and ensuing injuries are not enough to keep holmes on the ground. after an eight-month recovery, he returns to his sky diving job, performing 10 to 15 jumps a day. >> so, just back to normal. i have done it since i was 17 for work. i love every single day i go to work. i just love it. it's my life. i love it. >> as long as his parachute
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functions properly, it's a good day. but for this guy, jumping without deploying a parachute is the whole point. >> one mistake when you are close to the ground. >> it's one of the most daring stunts you'll ever see and it's caught on camera. may 25th, 2012, henley entames, england. he is attempting to jump from 2400 feet without a parachute. a film and tv stuntman and avid base jumper, he is no stranger to high flying fets. >> i have jumped from the eiffel tower, rid an bmx bike, the london eye, inside the millennium dome. >> each of those times he used a parachute, but this jump is
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different. if he succeeds, he will be the first person ever intentionally to sky dive without using one. connery spent months working with a designer to create a custom wing suit. >> wing suits are basically suits made of simple material. they are double skinned. then you have air intakes up on the shoulders here. so it kind of inflates like a double air bag. we made it much thicker. so it allowed me to fly much, much slower. >> connery's idea of slow may be different from yours and mine. even with the wind suit, he'll hit the ground at nearly 70 miles an hour. still he's planning to cushion his landing using, of all things, a massive row of boxes. >> cardboard is amazing stuff really in terms of breaking one's fall. my rate was 350 feet long, 42
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feet wide and probably 12 feet deep. >> a team of more than 100 friends and supporters spends all morning building the landing area before connery puts it and himself to the test. >> i remember walking with my wife across to the helicopter and we had a big hug and squeeze and cuddle and kiss and she walked off in tears. and that caused me to be in tears. >> it's no surprise connery's wife is concerned. between the years, 2000 and 2012, more than 50 people died in wing suit jumps. the helicopter climbs to 2400 feet, the height of two empire state building if you stack one on top of the other. nearly a half mile in to the sky. >> certainly the feeling or the
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thought of this could be your last few moments does go through your mind. >> connery takes the plunge. above him, another catcher catches his descent on helmet cam while connery's supporters take video from the ground. connery maneuvers his suit to direct him toward the target. he has a parachute he can deploy if he thinks he might miss but below 100 feet it won't do the any good. >> as i approached the boxes, one has to make a commitment or not. i remember everything just settling. >> connery crashes in to the boxes and disappears in to the pile. for a few tense moments, the crowd is unsure if he's okay.
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then he emerges without a scratch. connery sets the world recorder for the highest sky dive without a parachute. videos from local news and spectators hit the internet within minutes and go viral. >> my life is changed dramatically. i'm certainly asked to do things in the past i wouldn't have been asked to do. >> things like parachuting dressed as the queen of england in to the opening ceremony of the london games. >> i think everybody likes to test themselves every so often. i'm no different but my testing goes a little bit higher. >> coming up -- >> oh holy --! >> an unexpected takedown. >> i was absolutely horrified. i didn't know if he was going to be able to get up. >> when "caught on camera, brace yourself" continues.
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i'm sinora and this is my son, chris. i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ]
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wrestlers are used to getting pinned, but not hike this. >> oh, holy -- >> i thought it was my opponent being really aggressive when he got on me, but it wasn't my opponent. >> what the hell happened there? >> the scariest thing, folks, ithink i have ever seen. >> holy -- >> january 22nd, 2013, madison south dakota, it's the biggest night of the year for wrestlers at the high school. this senior has been looking forward to it all night long. >> it is compared to homecoming for wrestling.
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we turn off the lights in the gym and just have that one spotlight over the top of the mat. it lights up the whole match and the gym is packed full of kids. >> the madison daily leader, a local news outlet is streaming the event live on its website. michael's mother, heather, is up in the stands. >> i love watching michael wrestle. this was my chance to get to see him under the lights. >> in her excitement, she can't manage her son facing anything more menacing than an opponent. and his competitors step on to the mat. >> the ref says go and we start wrestling. and he got a takedown on me. we were close to the edge of the mat. >> the wrestlers need to reset. >> when you go out of bounds, you go back to the middle of the mat and start in referee's
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position which is where you go on your hands and knees and the other person comes on top of you. >> michael gets in to position, but before his opponent approaches -- >> oh, holy --! >> the 80-pound spotlight falls 12 feet on to michael's back. >> i thought the guy was being really aggressive but then it was really bright. michael's mother watches helplessly from the stands. >> i was absolutely horrified. i didn't know if he was going to be able to get up. >> holy --! >> i tried to stand up right away and i couldn't get up. i fell back down. i was just thinking get it off of me. >> the referee and other wrestle act quickly to pull the heavy light off of michael. >> that was the scariest thing, folks, i think i have ever seen. >> i walked off the side of the mat and told people my head's
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bleeding. >> a light bulb shattered on michael's forehead. heather rushes down from the bleachers. >> i wanted to know how badly he was wounded and when i could see they had gone through a couple of small towels and he was bleeding right through them. >> right away i just wanted to get back out there and wrestle. it didn't phase me the light had fallen on me. i just wanted to finish wrestling. >> instead michael's family rushed him to the hospital where doctors close ed the wound on his forehead with stitches and tend to minor cuts on his knees. miraculously he has no other injuries. since the lights were l.e.d.s he didn't get burned. >> if michael had been standing, he could have broken his neck. if he had been off to one side and the aluminum frame hit him, it could have easily broken bones or we could have lost him.
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>> yeah. >> the video of michael's accident draws viewers to the madison daily leaders website and quickly goes viral. >> my brother actually took it and posted it on a bunch of websites for people to see. within a week, i went from five views and then it was like 300,000 and then it was like wow. >> michael's newfound fame earns him a nickname in his small south dakota town. >> people call me hollywood and joke around. >> in a couple of weeks, michael's back out on the mat. these days he's more aware of hi surroundings. >> now when i get down in referee's position, i find myself looking up more oen if than i used to. >> coming up, this dad just can't say no to his little girl.
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>> brace yourself, parenting dilemma ahead. >> oh, my god! >> may 30th, 2011, pigeon forge, tennessee. steve feeney son a family vacation with his wife, three kids and their close friends the winklers. >> we were walking down and the kids saw this ride at the park. >> steve loves amusement park rides and this one looks up her alley. >> the name of the ride was the screaming swing. i was drawn to it because i just really loved fast rides. i love speed.
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>> grace did not inherit this trait from her dad. >> i'm terrified from heights and get motion sickness very easley. >> when they reach the front of the line steve has a tough choice. >> grace was only 10 but you have to be a certain height or you have to have an adult and there was nobody else there other than me to go on with her. and the lady is like either get on or get to the back of the line. >> so my dad volunteered to go with me because he's such a good dad. >> it's a decision he will soon regret and one he will never forget thanks to the ride's built-in camera. steve braces himself for what's to come. >> as soon as the ride started i could feel the pressure in my stomach. it was a little more than i anticipated. at first he tries to calm for his daughter. but he quickly throws all
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composure to the wind. [ screaming ] >> i was just having a complete blast, and then i looked over and saw my dad. he was screaming away. >> oh, my god! >> it kept getting worse and worse and worse. i didn't see the end in sight. finally i just started screaming for them to stop the ride. >> the ride operator recognizes steve's agony and brings the swing to a stop. but when the operator tells steve his daughter will have to get off with him, he makes a fatherly sacrifice. >> i will do it with you, honey. >> she was so looking forward to the ride, i didn't want to disappoint her. >> i was completely shocked and i was so excited that i could
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stay on and go again. >> steve holds on for dear life. >> somewhere along the line, i cracked my wedding ring all the way through. >> oh, the torture is over but the moment will live on. >> when we got off the ride, we were at the line where everybody was waiting to get on. there were 30 to 40 people waiting to get on and they were laughing hysterically. they were watching video of me and grace on the ride. >> total strangers asked to purchase the video for $15 a pop but they need steve's permission. >> i said absolutely not. i don't want that to float around on the internet somewhere. >> steve convinces them they should purchase one for himself but brian has no intention of
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keeping this gem. >> we thought the video went missing but apparently brian stuck the video in his suitcase and took it home and posted it on you tube. >> to steve's dismay, the video spreads around their hometown in illinois. then over the course of the year it goes viral. steve's captivating performance gets more than 2 million hits on you tube. >> one morning "the today show" called. >> my biggest fear is heights. so that didn't help a lot. >> have you ever soon him like that before? >> no, not really. >> grace elizabeth, i have two words for you this summer, bungee jumping. >> the attention the video has generated for the family has been really cool and fun. wherever we go we get recognized and people want to talk about it. all three of my kids think it's a blast. [ screaming ]
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this morning, coming to terms with the tragedy of fort hood. how could there be a second shooting spree in five years at the very same base? i'll discuss the big security questions at the base, as well as the mental health questions for our returning veterans with admiral mike mullen, former head of the joint chiefs of staff. also this week, there's an important supreme court ruling, does it open the floodgates to the rich having even more influence over our elections? the alabama businessman who won the case debates if american democracy is for sale. and unique insights into an environmental fight over the keystone pipeline. our "meeting america" feature takes us to a
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