tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC April 8, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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girl frebd. will the judge believe it is an accident? no more pings and the crews have not heard anything from the weekend and is this more false hope or could they find malaysia airlines flight 370? and it is 50 years since lbj si signed the civil rights act and four of five of the living presidents are headed to texas. a major civil rights summit kicks off today, and how can we continue to advance the message? i'm chris jansing. today, democrats are about to target a key voting bloc, women. today, president obama will sign two executive orders aimed at closing the pay gap between men and women and giving more information for salary transparency to know if they are paid fairly. >> through the transparency, we can have an honest conversation, but many times women have no idea they are being discriminated against. >> and this afternoon, eight women lawmakers will give floor
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speeches pushing for the fair pay act which could come up for a vote. and today s the day when the women's median salary catches up to what the man earn ed ed in t previous year. >> january, february and marv ach and a little april, a woman is working for free. i will take that up with anybody and what they want to say about this. it is not flexibility, but it is total unfairness. >> and the republicans and the conservatives are gearing up their own arguments that the wage gap is grossly exaggerated and the pay check gap is just a political ploy. we will bring in "huffington post" political reporter and msnbc contributor erin and ramona. >> it seems that republicans have accused the democrats to
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reducing the women to their body parts, but this is an issue that concerns women about the economic fairness that disproportionately affects working class women that they can say that republicans have repeatedly blocked any efforts to make sure that men and women are paid fairly. >> but they are not letting it go down without a fight, the republicans, because we are seeing the pushback on the right, especially on the paycheck fairness act, and let me play for you what james shirk who is with the conservative heritage foundation had to say about this. >> we don't want a law that makes employers afraid to give raises, because they are afraid it will invite is a lawsuit, and that does not help men or women. >> and laura, the gop says that the reason that the democrats won the war on women law is because they didn't fight back. is this strategy that they have now smart? >> well, you know, the strategy that they have now is to send women surrogates out for them to talk about the equal pay issue, because the male candidates were not doing well talking about
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birth control, and abortion, and rain and domestic violence so they are sending out the women surrogates, but it is not going great either. we saw in texas, when the head of the gop women's pac came out and flubbed the answer and said that women are too busy for the equal pay, and in minnesota, a lawmaker who said, that equal pay makes us look like whiners, and so when the republicans send the women out to talk about equal pay for them, it is not going well, and the answers don't make at whole lot of sense. >> but they are trying to train them, and when they have done it before on the issues that you have talked about irin, particularly reproductive rights, there was it a wilittle embarrassment that they had brought in trainers to e teach them how to talk, but clearly, they need some talking points of their own. >> right. what they have said is that the wage gap not real, because it does not control for occupation, but the reality is that the 77 cents on the dollar which goes down dramatically when you f
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factor in women of color and african-american women and latina women are paid, and it is an entire rubric that is what is women are facing. and we know that with the tran parn si today, it is easier for people to e enforce the equal pay right of title vii of the equal rights act, and actually, the equal rights act comes up against one of the biggest constituencies which is big business which claims it is about frivolous lawsuits, but if you talk to the people on the ground looking at women who are making less money, and trying to redress that in lawsuits, it is difficult to enforce the law. >> and let me bring in senator jeanne shaheen from new hampshire. senator, good to see you. >> morning. >> let me pick up on what we were just talking about, and that is the republican pushback about whether or not the pay gap is really 77 cents for every dollar a man earns, because you saw this morning in the "wall
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street journal," they made the argument that it is a myth. in fact, there is, that's not the right gap. and it argues that the men were almost twice as likely as women to work more than 40 hours a week, and the pay gap widens when marriage and children enter the picture, because they return to the workforce with less experience of men with the same age, and they go on the say that the administration's claims regarding the gender gap pay are faulty and it is making it easier for the women to sue employers for equal play is goi going to create a greater dissensitive for women to be hired. >> well, women make up half of the workforce and the reality is whether it is 77 cents or higher or lower, the fact is that there is a gap between what men make and what women make for the same jobs. i had a somebody call our office, a woman from new boston, new hampshire, who talked about working and hiring young men right out of college who were making the same amount as she was making after being on the
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job for many years. and she was training them, and then they were making more than e she was, and it is not fair under any circumstances, and if we continue with the same rate with the amount of money that women are making, it is going to be 2056 before we reach pay parity. i don't think that anybody thinks that is good for the economy, and that is good for women and families, and you know, the reality is that it isn't just about women, this is about just about what families are making. because if wives and mothers are not making what they should be making in the workforce, then it has an impact on the husbands, on their children, and on the economy overall. >> and there are major business groups who say that the net impact will be bad for employment, and a letter was sent to the e leaders of the senate as i am sure you know on friday and the u.s. chamber of commerce, and national retail federation and 22 business groups opposed to the bill who said that it could outlaw some common ways that the salaries
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are set, and for example, for experience and hazardous waste experiences and that it is going to muddy the waters more than it clarifies it. >> well, i don't know how making sure that people are not penal itzed if they share a salary information or if women can take action if they are being discriminated against is something that's bad news for business. most of the business leaders that i know are trying to do right by the employees and make making sure that everybody gets an even break. they want to promote people who are doing a good job, and we want to make sure that happens for women a as well as for men. >> and so it is likely to get done in the senate, when it comes to the fair paycheck act, and it failed twice before, and will senator mikulski get enough votes to avoid the filibuster? >> well, we will see, but regardless of what happens, it is important for us to stand for the women and the families of the country and say it is not right to have people
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discriminated against based on the gender. >> i am curious, i know that the women of the senate on both sides of the aisle meet. do you have these conversation, and what do the republican women say about this? >> well, when we meet on the bipartisan basis and having one of the dinners tonight, we will go by mikulski's rules which is what is said at the dinner stays at the dinner. >> okay. senator jeanne shaheen, and no rule-breaker you. thank you for being on the program. and back to irin and rebecca, it is worth point ought that in the 120 midterms women voted republican 49% of the time compared to 48% of the time for democrats. very, very different than what we saw in the obama/romney split. so where is this debate going as we head towards the midterms? >> well, i would say that at this point, it is really the
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question is whether we can turn -- whether the democrats are able to turn out young women, women of color in particular who have been really crucial to the victories for the democrats in the past, and those tend to be demographics that don't turn out in the mid elections, and so a lot of it is, hey, a lot of this is at stake for you, and after the 2010 midterm elections, a lot changed for the women, and whether it is repealing acts like scott walker did or passing unprecedented restrictions on abortion. >> and political coe had a big article about this, but it is republicans trying to counter this that they have had the meetings that the rnc have had major committees getting together to talk about the pushback on this, and we have just heard from kathy mcmorris roger rogers and let me play this. >> let's stop politicizing women and focus on the policies that are going to help women and everyone in this country have a better life.
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let's focus on the policies that are going to actually move forward on a jobs plan that will create a higher pay check, more opportunities, and the opportunity for a better life which we all want. >> and let me play a little bit of the devil's advocate here, laura, because on the basic facts of the argument, can the democrats win? because when you talk to the republicans, what they will say to you is that they have essentially been stymied by some bad phrases that were said by a few republicans. but if they stay on the same page in terms of the messaging, they think that they can win the actual straight forward actual messaging. >> well with, lo, let's look at facts. women do make 77 cents or as high as 82%, but give it to them, and say it is 82 cents on the dollar, and that is still really bad, we are talking about the money in the women's pocketsbooks to put money on the pocketbooks and to retire and they are making less than men,
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and 40% of them are the primary breadwinners of the houses, and so democrats are not trying to push the fairness, but push minimum wage, and workplace flexibility legislation, and other things that would help women's pocketbook, and so regardless of how big the wage gap is and whether the republicans want to sayt it is a myth or not, and what percentage is pay discrimination, we need a conversation of why the money in women's pockets is less than the money in men's pockets and how unfortunate that is for american families. >> and it is part of the larger, obviously, push by the white house and by democrats, because think think that the economic issues are going to be a big help to them, and again, part of it is the paul ryan budget. this is what steny hoyer had to say about that on "morning joe" this morning. >> i call it ryan's retreat. it repeals the affordable care act without revoking the revenue
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that it generates, and he uses that for the wealthiest in america. it is a budget to make the republicans vulnerable, because the american people are going to see a budget that is not helpful to them. >> and irin, what the republicans are saying is that they have run against a paul ryan budget before, and it did not help them. so what about this as part of the overall economic strategy? >> e well, the policies are enormously unpopular with women, and when you know they have unpaid labor for them, and the fact that they are disproportionately living on social security, and women are on medicaid, and women support the affordable care act in various polls and see that they are treatbed fairly under the affordable care act, and it is a economic issue and justice issue. >> irin carmon and laura bassett, thank you. >> thank you. and now, this morning, new details on the shooting at ft. hood last week. specialist ivan lopez shot at
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least 50 rounds before killing three people, and injuriing as many as 19 others. friends said that he wanted more time off after his mother died, but some say we may never know the motive. president obama will at a tend a memorial at the army base tomorrow. >> it has been a wild few days of weather with tornados and flooding. tornadoes through the midwest have ripped across rural areas. there was a tornado that damaged 30 homes and many more in mississippi. last night, search teams found the body of a 9-year-old girl swept away by floodwaters. freshman republican congressman vance mcallister ran on a platform of traditional values and now that he was caught on surveillance cameras
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kissing a staffer outside of her apartment, he has apologized and both of them are married. this is part of the statement, no doubt i have fallen short and asking for forgiveness, and asking for forgiveness from god, my wife, my kids and my staff and my constituents who elected me to serve. and now, to oscar pistorius, and he was so overcome with the emotion talk thing about the night he shot his girlfriend they had to adjourn court. in his own words for the first time after the break. "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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he mistook reeva for an intruder in the bathroom. he described the moment that he realized that it was her. >> and i threw the door open and i saw, oh, reeva, and i cried. i don't know -- i don't know how long -- i don't know how long i was there for. she wasn't breathing. >> we will take an adjournment. court will adjourn. >> let me bring in msnbc legal analyst and former criminal prosecutor faith jenkins, and good to see you. this touched off quite a con r conversation in the newsroom, because we should remind people that will is no jury, and we see the judge, and she has not changed her expression, her demeanor that i have seen throughout this trial, but when someone gets that emotional, what is your take on it? >> i mean, on a very human
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level, right, this is someone who said he accidentally shot and killed his girlfriend, and so on the witness stand, you will see someone who is very emotional. and he has been emotional throughout the trial, but this is someone who is expressing remorse, and saying that he is sorry, repeatedly and apologizing to the the family, and so throughout his testimony, and throughout the presence in the trial, he has been every emotional and cried and sobbed and vomited and then on the stand, he is trying to recount the events and then there, they had to take a break, because he is so emotion al that he can't get through the testimony. and what does that mean? we have seen many defendants in the criminal cases as prosecutors, they will express remorse, because sometimes they are guilty and feel remorse or they are innocent. and. >> and so does she find his story believable. this is when he described firing
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the shots into the bathroom. >> what i perceived was somebody coming out of the toilet. before i knew it, i had fired four shots at the door. my ears were ring iing. i could not hear anything. so i shot it, and i kept on shouting for reeva to call the police. >> he claims that he thought that she was in bed at the time. >> right. >> and so, he was yelling at her to call the police, get down, and but she was the one in the bathroom. >> this is the part from the where the prosecutors do not believe the story, because hez has been charged with murder. i will say he has been consistent on this, and gave a statement prior to a bail hearing and the same as the testimony today, and talking about what happened, but wait until you talk about what happened with the prosecutors, because they are going to say, step by step, you went over to get the gun, and reached underneath the bed, and you did not check to see where the
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girlfriend was at that time, and then you walked back into the room, and you didn't see that reeva was not in the bed and go step by step, and all of chances to notice that she was not there and perhaps in the bathroom, but he claims that he didn't notice. >> and given how emotional he i is, and we know he has gotten sick and cry and prayed and put his head in his hands, and is that a fine line for the prosecutors to walk? because you don't want to look like you are beating up on the the guy? sgli will tell you that they are going to be tough on him, because they believe that he killed the girlfriend after the rage-fueled argument. he may cry and times when they take a break, but they are not going to handle him with kid gloves. they are going to go after him and try to get a truth or expose the inconsistencies in a level of disbelief from the testimony, because once the judge believes that he is not telling the truth or forthcoming, she can make the adverse inference and disregard the testimonial together, and that is what the prosecutors are going to be going for here.
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>> faith jenkins, thank you so much. >> sure. >> come up, they called it the most promising lead yet, but the crews have heard no new pings here in the search for the missing malaysian airliner. we will catch you up on what is happening next. but first to the white house to talk to the national press secretary from the rnc on this equal payday. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up.
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pings here in the search for the missing malaysian airliner. we will catch you up on what is happening next. but first to the white house to talk to the national press secretary from the rnc on this equal payday. l. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. if you read only one thing this morning, check out a story from "time" magazine, and especially if you are planning your summer vacation. it's the "amazing places to visit before they vanish." where would you like to go? it is my must read and let me know what you think, because it is up on the facebook page at facebook@jansingco. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown.
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lesson learned from the 2010 campaign when barack obama won a majority of the women. kirsten kukowski is the president of the national republican for women. >> thank you. >> and so what is your plan to fix the problem? >> well, we all agree ta people should be paid equal pay for equal work, and we also agree that it is against the law to discriminate based on gender, and also agree that there is still a discrepancy, and still a je jender gap when it comes to pay between men and women, and moving forward the problem with the discussion is that the democrats are having a dismonest
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conservation with the ub american public leaving out key information such as their own gender gap pay that women are facing in the white house. so they using their own math, they are actually, and you know, they say that there is a discrepancy of the 77 cents that women make to the dollar that men make. in the white house, it is act l actually 88 cents that women make for every dollar that men make. so first w need the white house to be honest with the american people over the facts and the current situation. but also, what we need to do is that we can't have what this legislation does is that it actually makes it more difficult for women in the workplace, when you consider flexibility, and when you consider merit pay, and so when voters and americans hear about those things, and what this legislation does to impact women in the workplace, it is actually not achieving what they say that they are going to achieve which is fairness in the paycheck. >> and there are two things that
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i would say to that, and the democrats would respond, one, that is not a plan on the republican side, and the second thing is that while it is indeed gai against the law to discriminate in pay, the question remains, isn't it a fact, and here is what valerie jarrett had to say just this morning. >> even though it is against the law to discriminate, based on gender, it happens all of the time, and so government's role is to provide those women who are being discriminated against with the tools they need to make sure they get equal pay. >> wouldn't it make sense to make it better? >> well, i see that we need to make it better, but where we are disagreeing is how we go about doing that. instead of the government coming in to be harmful to the women in the workplace with the merit play and the flexibility, what we need to do is is to look at the corp can rat best practices, and how are some of the large
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companies going about paying men, and paying women and let's have this conversation, and be transparent about the need to close this gender gap, but it is the way that the democrats are going about it in a dishonest fashion, and i think that is why we want to, you know, speak to the american people, and make sure that they understand, you know, the facts that are behind this issue. >> they, obviously, republicans have been trying to speak to them so far, and i think that the message does not seem to be working. this is february's cnn poll, 55% of americans believe that republicans don't understand women, and that number rises to 59% among women, and increases to 64% among women over 50 years old. so, again, how do you make inroads? what is the plan? >> well shgs, i think they we a agree that the republican party needs to make inroads in the discussion which is why i'm on today talking to you about this and you will see more from the republican party talking to women about health care, and
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jobs and which this president has done us a misfortune, and so you are going to see that moving forward, but part of the discussi discussion, too, is correcting the record on what the democrats are saying about our party, and that is what they are trying to do today with the paycheck fairness act is to try to be dishonest about where the republican party stands and the democratic party stands. and so it is twofold, looking at the best solutions and the corporate best practices, and there is legislation that the house passed having to do with the flex time, and let's have harry reid in the senate start taking up some tof the legislation and start moving the ball forward, but let's have an honest discussion about it. >> kirsten kukowski can, thank you for being on the program from the rnc. >> thank you. and now let me bring in jennifer palmary. and let me start by answering
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the accusation that she made several times that the white house is dishonest, and about women in particular, and looking at the white house in female staff thors they found on average that a white house st f staffer makes an median of $65,000, and male staffers, $74,000, and that means that the women at the white house are making 88 cents for every one dollar a man makes, so the question is how can you push for equal pay when staffers in the white house are not on the same footing. >> well, let me look at the numbers in a broader context. nationally, the women make 77 cents less than a man. and so that means every dollar for a woman is 77 to $1 for a man. and so there are two parts behind the stat that the president is trying to get to. first is that the women are not being paid the same amount of money as the male counterparts doing the same work, and that is equal pay for equal work, and part of the reason that is
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happening is because a lot of the businesses don't even allow you the ask your colleagues how much money they are making, and so the women cannot even know what the problem is, and that is the problem that the president is trying to address by at least with federal contractors they cannot prohibit the employees from talking about the stall ris, and that gives them more information, and the second part of the problem is that a lot of women, and while more women are going to college and getting the advanced degrees, that is a positive thing, but they are still in the lower-paid professions, and so majority of the people making minimum wage are women, and they are in fields that are not doing particularly well like the engineering and the science and the tech, and the president's policy is trying to address that, and it is the two factors combined for the not getting the equal pay for the same work, and the women not having access to the higher paid professions, and trying to address both. in terms of the white house, we have equal pay for equal work. all department heads make the
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same amount of money, and make the same money as my counterpart jay carney, and we have the same amount of women heads in the department as men, and, you know, that is something that the president is very proud of. we do also, trying to recruit people of the younger levels and recruit a lot of the young women to come here to work, and a lot of diverse staff as well, and the point is that you want to get the people in the pipeline, and get the people here that can do that. >> and with the study, jennifer, one thing is that the republicans say is that they crunch the numbers the same way that you are crunching to get 77 cents on the dollar, and using the exact same formula, it is 88 cents on the dollar and is it at least looking at by the white house? >> we can do better by having more women in senior places. we do a pretty good job at that, and we have promoted women from within, and make it a priority as well, and everyone can do better, but, as is our pay transparent? yes, it is.
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that is the executive order. and are we recruiting and paying more to women? yes, we believe that is true, and what the republicans in congress need to do is if they have these same concerns, they are easily vote to pass the fair p paycheck standard which is reasonable to ask people within the workplace be allowed to ask their colleagues how much money they are making, and that is going to get at part of making up the gap for 77 cents on the dollar, and it is not going to help to get there, because you have women in lower paid professions, and that is not going to help that, but republicans are concerned about it, then great to support the legislation. >> jennifer palmeiri for coming on the program. >> thank you, chris, for having me. >> reser archers at the universy of louisville are saying that four paralyzed men are able to work again with the help of an electrical stimulator implanted
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on the spinal cord. it is retraining the brain, and now they can lift their legs and flex the ankles and stand when the device is turned on. researchers say that this could open up a new way to treat spinal injuryies. and now vandals are cow tipping in san francisco, but apparently smart car tipping. three of these smart cars were found up on the sides or one end and police say they are investigating the crimes as f l felony vandalism. after a month of madness, we have a a winner, the uconn men's team won the national championship defeating the kentucky wildcats, 60-54 and the second championship in four years. students spilled out on to the streets of storrs, connecticut, after the win, and police arrested at least 30 of them after they set off fireworks and caused property damage. uconn is going to try to go for the sweep tonight when the undefeated women's team will play against the undefeated notre dame team in the ncaa final.
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if uconn wins, it is the second time in ten years that they have won both titles. and it is the end of an era, and today, microsoft pulls the plug on windows xp, the popular system introduced by bill gates a decade ago. >> today, we will launch windows xp. this is a version of windows the take the pc industry to new heights. windows xp is the most powerful, fastest most reliable operating system that we have ever done. >> cnbc's mandy drury is joining us, and 10 years in tech industry is an eternal ti, and still 30% of users are using the xp and what do you do about it? >> well, you are right. an extraordinary number of businesses and kon sum consumer held on to it, despite microsoft's best efforts to get
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them to upgrade. and why? because maybe some people were lazy or maybe the upgrades were not perceived to be worth the hassle, but if your p.c. runs on xp, it is going to function as it did before and it is not going to suddenly shutdown or anything, but microsoft says that it is unlikely that the pc will run it even if you are running an anti-virus software, but you are right. a lot of people probably just didn't think that it is worth the hassle. >> and meantime, a new mid-sized vehicle crash test results in. not good. >> only 2 of 9 got the highest ratings in the crash tests. they were done by an insurance group, the insurance institute for highway safety and they say that chevrolet's gm equinox, and terrain received the highest and the good rating and the toyota highlander got the second best which is acceptable, and these are all 2014 models by the way, and the jeep cherokee grand and the toyota four-runner, and the
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ford explorer got marginal ratings, and the kia and honda rated poor. >> and those pictures are so scary when you see the crash tests. mandy drury, thank you. >> thank you. nobody drinks more coffee than americans, 400 million cups a day, and a lot of the coffee is sold at starbucks, and they put out the list of the most popular drinks city by city according to coffee. here is seattle, the founding home of starbucks, they like a extra shot of expresso, and soy in l.a., and frappachino is number one in san antonio, and in memphis, it is white chocolate mocha. a full list is up at jansing &
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who takes your blood pressure may impact the level. a study compared patient's blood readings when compared to when a doctor takes it to a nurse, and it is the code effect where doctors can raise anxiety levels causing the blood pressures to be higher. and now in pro russia demonstrators who took control of the government building in the second largest city of the country have been driven out and arrested. just moments ago, john kerry pointed the finger at the new tensions to russia. >> everything that we have seen from the russian provocateurs and russian agents operating in eastern ukraine tells us that they have been sent there determined to create chaos, and that is the absolutely unacceptable. these efforts are as ham handed
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as they are transparent, frankly. >> and we are going to continue to keep our eye on that developing situation. meantime, one month to the day that malaysia airlines flight 370 vanished. the search teams today failed to find anymore pings deep under the indian ocean, and officials say it could take days to determine if two acoustic signals are connected to the missing plane. >> it is a herculean task over a wide area and the water is extremely deep. this is day 32. i want to confirm that we have at least several days of the intense action ahead of is. >> and let me bring in the former ntsb investigate for greg fife, and should we be surprised that they have not detected anymore of the pings? what is going on here? >> i don't think so, chris. it yesterday was hopeful and optimist optimistic, but you have to be
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real tick. they heard the pings, one for two hours and then went back and heard the second one for 13 minutes. now, either the boxes and the bat tri, itself, is starting to the wane at this pointer or it was a false positive if you will, which we have had in the pa past. so it is really hard to determine at this point. >> and i do wonder, though, and i tend to find myself identifying with the families, we have heard so many times that this is the latest best piece of information, and hopes keep getting raised and dash and then all of us hope that these are indeed the black boxes and leading to finding them, and you do wonder about these constant every few days pronouncements that something good has really happened here. >> and that is always my concern. hayed to deal with that and with value jet and a number of big accidents that i worked. you to be cautious with what you release, because you start to raise the hopes and they go up and come down, and while i feel for the fact that the families want to have information, it is going to get back to vetting the information.
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do we release this information to have everybody wound up and spooled up only to let them down. that is the big concern of running the roller coaster for the families a and that is the hard part. >> and greg, a quick thumbnail now that they believe there may be legitimacy to the pings and the way they have triangulated them? >> well, i believe they are going to have to go down to the station, and stay there probably with the pinger locator and try to see if they can find anything for the next several days. it may be that the batteries, because of the life of the batteries is now depleted, they may still have a faint ping and try to exhaust that, but then they have to get side scan sonar in there and start to map the area. that is going to the take days if not weeks, because it is a large area to try to map with the side scan sonar. >> and greg fife, always good to have you on the program. thank you. >> you are welcome. it is the hottest ticket in austin, texas, 9,000 to apply for 1,000 seats, and it is not a big concert. it is the civil rights summit at
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the lbj library to highlight both the history and the future of civil rights. the three-day event marks the 50th anniversary of president lyndon johnson signing the civil rights bill in 1964. msnbc reporter adam sueward ewa joining us from the lbj library. and i have seen the list, entertainment, sports, and i have seen from billie jean king to krozny stills and nash, and may vis staples, and presidents are there, and what is the point that we are expected to hear? >> well, the summit is going to be looking at not only lbj's legacy as far as the civil rights are concerned, but the civil rights going forward there. are panels on gay rights, panels on immigration, panels on women's rights, and what we are going to hear from the speakers and the presidents in
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particular, they will try to talk about civil rights not as a past issue, but reframing the issue going forward and talking about what they would like to see happening, and that is maybe different depending which president is speaking from barack obama to george w. bush, but there is certain ly going t be a lot to see. >> and this event is obviously at the lyndon b. johnson presidential library. if there is a mark on his presidency, it is for the vietnam war, but he also was a pioneer on domestic policy. here is president johnson on the day he signed the civil rights act. >> we must not approach the observance and enforcement of this law in a vengeful spirit. its purpose is not to punish. its purpose is not the divide, but to end divisions. divisions which have lasted all too long. >> and is there sort of a concrete agenda here of what they hope to accomplish over the next three days?
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>> well, i think that the speakers really want to talk about what needs to happen going forward and obviously a lot of unfinished business as far as the civil rights is concerned, and president johnson said that the purpose is to end division, but america still remains divided on the important issues, and you have seen how the republicans are responding to the president's executive actions on equal pay, and lot of disagreement and a lot of things to do going forward. >> no doubt about it, adam. we will keep our eye on this over the next few days. and what does the civil rights mean to you? let us know at advancing the dream. thing about an ira ♪ ♪ and i got the tools ♪ to do it my way ♪ i got a lock on equities ♪ that's why i'm type e ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ i can do it all from my mobile phone ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ if i need some help i'm not alone ♪
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sitting together watching uconn beat kentucky for the sports title and so can sports unite political opposites? joe biden strengthened community colleges yesterday, and he gave some of the credit to his views for his wife jill, and then it got personal. >> thank you for what you do, and i mean that sincerely, and jill is right, i would have the same attitude if i did not sleep with a cutie college professor every night, and the same one. the same one. >> and the vice president is returning to social media, and the tweet is dusting off the g twitter handle for a big midterm election. and so now, we go to tamron hall next to talk about the lilly led better equal payday. and also, talk about some u.p.s. workers who were fired in support of their colleague.
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good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall and this is "news nation." and we are following the gripping and the emotional testimony the of oscar pistorius as he was back on the stand today finally e recounting what he says happened the night that reeva steenkamp was killed. the olympic runner was so obvious come with emotion, the judge ajourned for the day when pistorius was unable to compose himself. >> i kicked and screaming, and then i heard a noise from inside of the toilet, but i perceived it to be somebody coming out of the toilet. before i knew it, i had fired four shots at the door. my ears were ringing, and i could not hear anything. i kept on shouting for reeva.
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i didn't care anything at this point, and it did not occur to me that it could be in the door open, and i said "oh, reeva" and i cried. i don't know. i don't know how long -- i don't know how long i was there for. [ sobbing ] she wasn't breathing. >> we will take an adjournment. court will adjourn. >> now, oscar pistorius is still choosing to testify off camera with only the audio that you heard available. he described waking up to hear the noise that made him feel that an intruder had climbed through the bathroom window of his home. >> my
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