tv News Nation MSNBC April 9, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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with how many had multiple as opposed to a large single stab wound. again, i'm not really aware of the events that occurred at the hospital, and at the school, and what was described there. but, the students that are in the operating room had pretty severe injuries with the pretty penetrating affecting them. >> and going forward with the stab wound, and any other injury, what is that like, recovery wise? what can you expect to see? >> well, you can't, and the one thing about youth is that they are resilient. you know. someone who is younger, and strong can often tolerate these injuries than someone else. but a penetrating injury has to be evaluated as to what organs were affected, and that is what creates the critical nature of the injuries. >> can you elaborate that
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whether or not the suspect would be transferred to a hospital with minor injuries, can you tell us where? >> not here. >> and can you tell us about the condition of the adult, and was that a staff member? >> he is in good shape. i have met with him personally, and he is fine. >> was he a teacher? >> i am not shure if we are at liberty to say that? >> was he stabbed? >> no. >> what was the nature of the injuries? >> he had injuries related to the -- well, actually i don't know if we should, but it is a medical condition rather than surgical condition. >> well, it is a non-surgical issue. but he is treated for a medical condition and not a stab wound. >> and any idea of the age range is? >> i am not sure of that. >> have you received any students for psychological can
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counseling? >> we are making preparations for things like that, but no, we have not received anything like that. we will be working with the school in whatever appropriate way. that is one beauty of working with the allegheny team, because we have psychiatrists on the staff here at forbes, and throughout the health system, and at agh, we will be working with the school, and others in the community. >> any information on any of the other students that were transport transported? >> well, we know where some of them went, but i don't know if we know of their conditions. >> we do not. we have not had confirmation of the conditions at this time. >> and who was the first -- how did you first learn of this incident?
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did you get a phone call or see a broadcast? >> i was notified through the team that the alert went out. >> is that via a page? >> yes, a page. >> and as far as the community, when you talk about being a part of helping the children brought here as well, and the story that is now getting national attention. >> well, i think that the one thing that forbes has been on the journey to at forbes raising the level of services to provide, and we have a cardiac and transplant program, and with the trauma program, and it is to prepare for an event like this. we have a community that is relatively isolated with bridges and tunnels and all of that, and sometimes the response can be delayed. the critical nature of the injuries really demanded an acute response, and from the paramedics down to the trauma surgeons, and i look at, this and i say, this is what we have
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worked for. >> even prior to today, there were two instances which the media did cover and the other one didn't get any media attention, but there have been at least two situations in our p program's beginning where we have saved a life that they would not have made it going downtow downtown. >> and can you tell us the gender of the victims at this point? >> all male. >> all male. >> all of them. >> the ones here. the ones here. there are females who were sent to other facilities. >> and the ages? >> 15 to 17. >> with the exception of the one adult. >> and can you clarify what you said earlier about one of the patients? >> yes, so, we had a 17-year-old kid with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest, and
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you know -- >> no, talking about earlier today when you talked about the surgeons congratulating one of the victims for helping to save the life of a friend? >> well, that was mentioned earlier, but it is correct. i mean, when applying pressure, you know, it is important. it is important to preserve, and that can be life saving. >> we were under the impression that it is a female that was brought here? >> well, she came here. >> and now you are saying that all of the patients here are male, and i wanted to have that squared a wway. >> the friend that applied pressure, the friend that applied pressure to her friend. it was a girl applying pressure to the boy that was stabbed. >> and she was not injured to the point -- >> no sh, no, no. >> and since it was early in the day, were the students wearing jackets or any protective clothing on them at all that you know of that might have helped
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as far as the severity of the injuries? >> i don't think. so. >> no, the way that the paramedics respond in those is that often when they come here, the outer layer of clothing is go gone. so we responded to the victims. >> and in those circumstances, obviously, the paramedics in the field, they are johnny on the spot doing everything that they can, and you know, again, we can't compliment them enough. >> and dr. rubino, we don't know who the friend was who helped out her fellow student, but what would you say to her as far as what she did today? >> well, she displayed an amazing amount of composure to really help that friend who was having probably pretty significant bleed iing at that point, and the pressure she applied probably played a significant role in the ability to survive this. >> and would you say that she might have saved his life? >> i don't know that. i don't know all of the details. >> well, the one thing that could be a working hypothesis for you to look into, you know,
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that the boys protecting girl students as well. so some of the patients here may have also been likely heroes, you know, this morning. >> again, we don't know that. >> and we don't know that, but it would be making sense to me that i think that you need to look into it. >> and do you know if the female student who helped her male friend one of the ones who had to go into the surgery? >> yes. >> yes, okay. >> can you tell us about when you might know more about the significance of the injuries of the two in the o.r. right now? when will you know if they are out of the woods per se today? next few hours? >> well, our hopes are that they will be coming out of the o.r. pretty soon.
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hayed prior to coming over here, i had been in the o.r. and the hopes were that things were starting to become stable and then plans to get them transported to the intensive care unit. >> can you confirm that one of the victims is suffering to a stab wound to the liver since you referenced the liver specialist that is here. >> and again, with a stab wound and the penetrating nature of the stab wounds, all of those organs is affected and so not to be specific, but i think that again, the expertise that is available to us, and very interesting is that the calls came in from everywhere and so when i was in contact with allegheny general hospital, and we had three young males all with right upper quadrant stab wounds, and so simply just made the call, and said, can we have the liver team activated and have them on the way. and they got in the cars and started driving here, and they arrived, and their expertise is needed and was needed. and it is being utilized.
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>> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i want everybody to know that the 15-year-old female who went to allegheny has been treated and releesased. >> was she life flighted? >> i believe. and the conclusion of the update from forbes medical center, and i want to update the audience before we discuss the new information that we have heard, and for those of you joining us, we are following a breaking news of an attack inside of a pennsylvania high school that sent as many as 20 people to the hospital with the stab wounds. we are learned that seven of them were life threatening injuries accord ting to the information that we just learned from the news conference that you are watching with us. three students are in the o.r. at this point.
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and now the students and the teachers filed outside of franklin regional high school in murrysville this morning, and these are images from the air, and controlled scene s ths that police had taken the suspect into custody. and now according to the new information regarding the suspect is identified as a 16-year-old student at the school. he was also treated for h medical issues, and now it is not clear what those injuries were or if they were injuries at all, but we know that the individual was treated at one of the local hospitals. now, the chief of police spoke moments ago and he said that a fire alarm was pulled in the attack, and that may have saved lives. >> and the first thing is that you want the students to do is to run. you know, and upon my arrival and the arrival of the other f officers is that people were chaotic and running everywhere,
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and so probably pulling the fire alarm helped to evacuate the school, and good thing that happened. >> and so now, there were ambulances lined up to transport victims to the hospital. we mentioned that three students in the o.r., and many of the injured are scattered between four hospitals, but with we were getting the information from forbes hospital, and many of those according to the hospital spokespesh person are being treated for stab wounds to the abdomen. this is outside of pittsburgh, and it is home to 1,200 students at the high school, and joining us by the scene is ranetta who is there at westmoreland on the scene, and what are you learning about how a female student jumped into action and helped her friend by applying pressure, and friend who is right now in
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the operating room. >> yes, i heard it from the witnesses and the parents that some people may have done some heroic acts today. the vice principal may have helped to quell the suspect and get him under control, and under arrest, and like you said, some other people may have saved some of their friends' lives today. >> and give us a time line today of when the first reports came in, and to where we are right now. >> 7:13 a.m. was the first call to westmoreland 911, and it is a murrysville school police officer who called it in. and ambulance and police began to arriving and i spoke to one witness who was dropping his son off at the time, and he said strains of students running out of the school, and the security guards herding them down to the field nearby, a football field, and just updated at noon by the
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chief of police or sorry, 10:30 a.m. by the chief of police and e expecting another update at noon. >> and from the school superintendent, and we are expecting that at 12:00 noon, and getting the information from the parent who dropped the child off, and school had not officially started for the day? >> no, it was 7:13 a.m., and school starts 10 to 15 minutes later, and that student was walking into the building, and the parents saw just students running out, and he saw a girl lying on the ground helped by others and his son was just corralled into the football fie field, and everyone eventually was taken over to the middle school on campus. >> and the chief of police in his news conference a short time ago indicated that the crime area is over a widespread amount of space. indicating that either these students were in the hallways and the chaos added to some of the injuries and obviously, the pulling of the fire alarm according to officials did help
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to evacuate the students, but it sounds like it added to the fear and the urgency to get out of there, especially given this individual slashing students it sounds in the hallway. >> right. according to the police chief, the suspect apparently had two knives, and he was, the police chief said previously that he was walking through the hall, and students injured in classrooms, and so, yes, probably a pretty chaotic scene this morning. >> and obviously, we are not identifying this student, but you have been on the scene, and did you hear from individuals who knew him or were able to identify this 16-year-old? >> i have. the one female student said she didn't know who he was. the police have identified him as a 16-year-old sophomore. another student said that he didn't know who he was and surprised that this would happen. >> and i understand also that there is at least one report or
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a few out there that the school principal had some type of interaction or confrontation with the suspect, and what have you heard about that? >> i believe it is the vice principal who may have tackled the suspect to try to help to get him under kcontrol, and a also an adult security guard stabbed in the stomach at some point in the incident. >> and so this school has a security guard at least one that we know of, and what about the metal detectors and what is the security situation at the school that you know of? >> as far as i know, the county spokesman has said that there were no metal detectors and the parents and the students have told me that there were no metal detectors, but one parent did say that updated security doors have been responded recently, so that a person coming in would have to buzz into the office, but a student coming in would not have to do that in the morning. >> and thank you so much for the details that you have been able to obtain while on the ground there, and the fbi is now involved in the investigation, and joining me now is chief
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justice correspondent pete w williams, and pete, why would the fbi be involved here? >> at the request of the local police, and they are called in to provide two types of assistance according to the officials. one is to go through the crime scene and reconstruct what is going on, and that is critical for the police in building a criminal case against this student, and secondly, the provide counselling for victims, a and that is another resource that the fbi has available, and so those are the two things that they are doing, and obviously a local crime and not a federal crime, and so that the fbi is there to simply provide assistan assistance. and in terms of the motive of what led to this, we have not heard anything about that, and there are no firm details that have reached the officials here about the motives, and they waiting to find out with the rest of us as is so often with the cases of violence in the school, whether it was a student who was bullied or whether something else set that person
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off. >> all right. pete, thank you very much. joining me now, it is former fbi proviler clint van zandt, and, clint, you have been on air this morning, and to pete's point, we do not know a motive here, but from the information, in is about 15 minutes before school started, and this individual is a 16-year-old walked in armed with at least two knives. >> two knives. >> and i don't know if he attended school there, but if there was a new security system in place that required you to be buzzed in, but as a student, he would be allowed to walk into the school, and no metal detectors and the knives perhaps obviously undetected here. >> yeah. yeah, again, the knives could have, i think been easily undetected, and we normally prepare for the events that guns are used inside of the school, but, you know, it was eight years ago in japan that a in that case an adult male went into the japanese school and killed eight and wounded 21, and
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then just last year in september of last year, another high school student in spring, texas, stabbed and killed one student, and wounded three others. so guns are not the only thing that we have the fear. knives are there also, but to get in front of those, tamron, we have to understand the emotion that led through this, and were there the critical incident signs that should have been available? should somebody have known? and we are not pointing fingers of guilt guilt while we are dealing with the injure and the wounded, but trying to understand the event to head it off better in the future, but as pete williams said that the fbi is going to be there and the evidence response team not only going to the school to look at the cameras and getting the weapons and dealing with the crime scene, but also to the alleged subject's house, and looking into the writings and the e-mails and the telephone usage, and number one trying to figure out motive and number two, was anybody else aware or anybody else involved in the
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situation like this. the fbi has a deep history of going all of the way back to columbine high school and coming forward in dealing with the traumatic situation, and so not only helping local officials put a case, and local case together and gather evidence, but they also have the experience in dealing with very traumatized victims, and there are special ways that you need to deal with young younger people as opposed to adults to extract information, but you don't want to re-traumatize them after what they have been through today. >> and what you know professionally, clint, and people have said this, wow, how does one person injure so many people? you have 1,200 student, and not all of them in the area ats that time, because school had not officially started, but we know that there was a security guard and other adults, principal and vice principal and one person can injury so many, granted it again, and some of these people,
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sadly, some of the kids were injured trying to get out of harm's way. >> yes. >> and we know that contact was made with enough students that you have three now in the operating room. >> well, your colleague chris jan z janson used the term rage, and that is what someone has to have with the two instruments and the adrenaline has to be be pumping through the system so much to be swinging and stabbing, and again, we heard the doctor on the program who was talking and said that some of these were extremely deep penetrating wounds. we may have had multiple stab wounds, and many on the right side of the victim's, and many of the victims' bodies and we don't know what that means right now, but there is someone who was swinging and stabbing, and that rage just, you know, it almost had to be vol kcanicvolc to put that much energy into action and center it all on
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otherwise innocent victims, friends, colleagues of the young man who are now victims in a hospital. >> and thank you, clint van zandt. and we will continue to follow this breaking news, and we will follow other developing stories, including the information of the pings detected in the search for the missing malaysian airline flight 370. are they from that plane? and also, jim brown who left football at the peak of his career will join me to talk about the impact of sports in the battle to remove barriers of segregation, and he is life at the civil rights summit, and jim brown is going to join us, and join the conversation on twitter, and you can find me on tamron hall and my team at news nation. [ female announcer ] who are we?
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a high school just outside of pittsburgh. governor tom corbett is reacting to the news. he released a statement in part saying that i was shocked and saddened upon learning of the events that occurred as students arrived at franklin regional high school. and as a parent, and grandparent, i can think of nothing more distressing than senseless violence against children. and we are joined now by a represe representative of the police department, and we want to update the audience, that two of the three students in the operating room, are all males, between the ages of 16 and 17, and they are in the o.r., and we are hearing of how some students stepped in to help the fellow classmates and one student who stepped in to stop bleeding on
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one patient, and doctors said she had incredible strength. what can you tell us what happened? >> well, it is early in the day, and the first incident happened at 7:13 this morning, and so you have students arriving at school, and the classes don't start for 15 or 20 minutes later, and the hallways were full, and you know, it is just a very active situation in the hallways. he went to one of the rooms, and did some damage, and went into the hallway and another room, and he did not have any victims that he appeared to have chosen out. it was a random acts. >> daniel, as i understand it, and you pointed out the same, the school, this happened or started at 7:15, and school set to start at 7:30 eastern time, and about 15 minutes before school. he walked into the classroom, and were there a lot of students there at the time in that school which had not official ly
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started? >> well, the buses start arriving, and you know, the final bus has to be here by approximately 25 after, and so the school holds approximately 1,200 students, and you know, quite a few students in the schools, so that the halls were rather full. that is how he was able to affect so many individuals. there were some heroic actions by students and staff member, and those are being talked to and debriefed to make sure that we do the right thing. we teach the children to run away from these types of situations. one of the children actually pulled the fire alarms to cause the disruption of the room and try to get people outside of the building, and so those are some of the things that we are going to go offwhen law enforce was arriving on scene -- >> daniel, do you know how the student was stopped? >> right. he was actually stopped be by the school has a security officer, but they also have a school resource officer which is an armed marysville police
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officer. and the school resource officer and the security guard and one o other individual who is the vice principal attacked the individual in the hallway, a nd you know, the school resource officer placed him under arrest. >> and again, daniel, the school resource officer is actually an armed adult on campus? >> correct. he is, and his assignment is to be resource officer at all marysville schools and he normally starts out the day at the high school, and he had been on scene for about 15 to 20 minutes prior to the incident occurri occurring. >> and i sassume that he did no have to fire any shots, and he did not have to discharge his gun or anything like that? >> no, the officer used whatever force was necessary to take control of of the situation, and take the actor into custody. >> thank you, daniel stevens from the westmoreland emergency management office, and we appreciate that so much is going on there, and our thoughts and
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prayers are with you and the community there. >> thank you. and today, the summit commemorating the 1964 civil rights act is under way at the lbj library in austin, texas. president obama will deliver the keynote address tomorrow, and the first lady will be on hand. it is to bring together civil rights leaders to advance the movement. we will bring you some of the stories from austin, and today, we are joined by an absolute legend jim brown. he made his name on the gridiron becoming the best running back in the nfl while going out at the top of the game, but it is what he has done off of the field as an activist working with inner city youth that may prove to be the greatest legacy. and nfl hall of famer jim brown is going to join us now, and he is the founder of a non-profit group called "yes, i can" for at-risk youth. >> thank you.
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>> it is a pleasure to talk to you, and you have to been in studio before and this is a huge occasion and one thing that you are focused on is the diversity of sports, and the influence of sports on our country, including the barriers that were put up due to segregation, and how sports stars well before you, and you have continued on with the legacy, have made this country a better place. >> well, sports have always been a leader in breaking down the ba barriers of segregation. and of course, that makes america better place. but as i say, it has been the leader, and it is also a situation where we have a lot of ground to cover, because in the front office, you do not have as much diversity as we need. >> and in fact, two-thirds of the league's nfl league's players are racial minorities and the vast majority african-american, and 2/3 of the league's management positions are occupied by people of color, but most of the participants in
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the super bowl were black gms or coaches, and as you go up the food chain further in the management and the owners, you don't see as much diversity, and why is that case? >> well, i have to have you repeat some of that, because i did not get the last part of that. >> why are we not seeing the diversity in the ownership, and the top the office holders in the nfl? >> well, america is dominated by a certain individual, and if you are white and a male, you are going to occupy all of the positions of power, and you control a lot of the wealth of the country, and basically, you do not want to give up the power of ownership, so it is very difficult for minorities to generate the resources, and the power to become owners. and an owner can have any kind of diversity as far as the diversity, and you know, slavery had many kinds of slaves. and so the power position in america has always been
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controlled by a certain segment of our population. >> and i'm curious about your own story, and motivated you to be as they say more than a football star, more than a legend. i mean, there you were in 1967 alongside muhammad ali when he explained why he would not fight in the war. you have been there, and you have started organizations to help black businesses, and you are still in the struggle with young people who are easily forgotten or easily labeled as cast offs to prove that they are a productive part of our society, and i feel like we don't see a lot of jim browns anymore, and we don't see a lot of athletes who understand the power of being an activist as you did, and what made the difference? >> well sh, i was born at a tim when segregation was running rampant and we were fighting in the community for freedom, equality and justice and we were
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all american citizens and good citizens and we were paying the taxes and deserve to have all of the rights and so that the battle was not only on the football field, but also to make sure that we were recognized as american citizens and be able to be a part of the freedom, equality, and justice. >> and a different battle is happening and i want to hear your thoughts on it, because you have college basketball players who say it is now time for them tho unionize and you know what has happened with northwestern and the star player from uconn who said recent ly in an interview that here is the mvp of the ncaa tournament, and that he goes to bed hungry. so should college student s s b able to unionize? >> i think that college athletes should become students, and understand that athletes are not controlling the world. take advantage of the fine
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universities that they go to. let their athletic abilities get them the money, but understand that value of education, and i don't think that needs to be unionized. i think that when you get a scholarship to go to college, you should take advantage of it, and take advantage of the education that is offered. >> jim brown, thank you so much for your time, and it is always an honor the speak to you, and we look forward to hearing about your comments today at the summit. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> absolutely. our conversation with mr. jim brown is not going to end here, because he is taking your questions on and leave your question on the exclusive article and have your chance to have a question answered by jim brown. we will be right back. probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now.
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were stabbed this morning. a sophomore male is in custody suspected of the attack, and it is at regional high school which is not far from pittsburgh. and we are able to hear from one student who was able to escape. >> the fire alarm went off, and i was walking to the exit, and so i saw the blood on the floor and thought it was a nosebleed or something, and somebody yelled, she got stabbed. i walked out of the doors. >> and the ambulances lined up outside of the doors able to transport the injured and one spokesman at a regional hospital said that many students suffered similar wounds. >> the wounds were all knife wound, and most of them were to the lower abdomen, and they seemed to actually almost have a pattern. most of them were to the right lower abdomen and the right flank which created the criticality of the wounds and the nature of the injuries.
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>> and joining me by phone, linda limon from the "reporter news" and we are not identifying the 16-year-old, because he is a sophomore at the school, but any information on the background or what is being able to be uncovered at this point about him? >> well, no information is being given, because he is a juvenile, and he is not 18. the only information that i have is that he was being treated for some cut injury to the hands. and that he was taken down by a principal in the school who tackled him. >> what do we know, or more do we know regarding the events leading up to it? i know that school had not official officially started, but the last bus was set to drop off the students at 7:25 eastern time. this started around 7:15. so this is right at the tip of when all of the students would be starting their day there. >> right. at that time in the morning, the
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students are sort of walking around the hall talking to friends and going to the lockers to get ready for home room. they are not giving out information about what led to this. they have no motive and they said that the investigation will take several days. >> tell me, linda, about this community here. obviously a small town, but no small town or big city can escape violence it seems, and we are seeing it again here. >> it's a bedroom community of a suburb of pittsburgh. it is normally very quiet, and the school district has an excellent reputation, and they have a school resource officer on site who was instrumental in this event. they do have plans, and they have said that the plans were executed perfectly, and the kids got out of the building, and other than that, murrysville is a quiet little town where people go off in the day, and come back in the evening. it has a very good reputation.
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>> and can you tell us what activity is happening at the scene right now? >> well, at this point, most of the school buses are still lined up, and most of the kids are going home with parents, but i know that the police chaplain dr. dan lawrence, is at the crime scene and nobody is able to get near the crime scene and it will take days to process it. >> we are expecting another press conference in 20 minutes from the school officials. >> yes, it is at noontime. thank you, linda. and now new hope to find ma malaysian missing flight 370. new pings were detect ed by the australian ship "uss shield" which is carrying a sophisticated navy ping er. and we have tom costello joining
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us live from washington. and we saw the report earlier about the report on the black box. and what can you tell us? >> yes, it is phenom thal they have picked up the pings again, and it is right here, about 1,100 miles from the australian coast, and this is where the australian team picked up the pings over the weekend about not the chinese team. and talking about the ocean depths, and this is what tamron is talking about here, and this is the topography, and the underwater terrain and this is a volcanic plateau called broken ridge, and we have depths from 1.8 miles down to 3.7 miles. we are talking about 15,000 feet more or less, and 15,000 feet is what they believe is the general area where this beeping is coming from, and the pinging is coming from, and so that would be about three miles or so. what is interesting about this terrain here is that it is so
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dark at the bottom of this ocean, and they have been getting so much silt that builds up that they say that the bottom is very mushy for lack of a better word, and soft, and so it is entirely possible that if wreckage is there, it would have sunk into the silt, and so recovery is going to be a challenge. and let's talk about the ocean shield, because it is an impressive ship which is towing the pinger, and that pinger is about two miles down on the depth. now, we believe, we believe that the pinging may be coming from nearly 3 miles down. so what is important here is that the pinger has to be working at a depth in which it is going to be hearing the ak
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cue sticks of tak -- accoustics of the pinging, because it is coming through a particular layer and then it ek cos across, but it is highly unlikely to make its way all of the way to the top. that is why they are dragging it at such a low depth. and then the challenge is to triangulate the pinging and come in on the black boxes if they can, a nd as we have said they are not black, but orange. and the pinger is of course, right here. and they need to triangulate the pinging and hopefully identify the black boxes, be tow give you a sense of the herculean job this is, right now, tamron, this is like looking for a computer a desk top computer in the area the size of houston, texas, so it is a massive job, and they have a lot more work to do before they ever drop that submersible vehicle underneath the the water, and begin to scan the ocean floor and photographing and looking for the wreckage. >> all right. thank you vsh much, tom. a tense and explosive scene inside of the courtroom today as
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the prosecutors finally got their chance to cross-examine oscar pistorius from the start. the prosecutor pressed the olympic sprinter to admit that he shot and killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. >> i made a mistake. >> you killed reeva steenkamp, and that is what you did. >> i made a mistake, my lady. >> you are repeating it three times that you made a mistake. >> my mistake was taking reeva steenkamp's life. >> i did, my lady. >> then say it that you shot and killed reeva steenkamp. >> i did, myly di. >> and then there was this video of pistorius shooting a watermelon at a gun range and you can hear him laughing and then they chose to show the
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comparison to reeva steenkamp's head, and we are not showing that photo, but you can hear the exchange between oscar pistorius and the prosecutor. >> i know you don't want to take responsibility, but take responsibility for what you have done, mr. pistorius. >> i have taken responsibility by not taking my life and taking the time to tell what happened on the stand of what happened to reeva and myself. i am tormented by what happened. as i picked up reeva, i remember, i was there, i don't have to look at the picture. >> and lisa, have you -- is there anything to compare this to? >> no. this is what happened today, tamron, because the case shifted th thanks to the prosecutor canny from state versus pistorius to
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oscar versus oscar. and he was bereft on the stand, and today, the prosecutor said, look at this, and stand up and be a man and admit to what you have done, and now pistorius under days of withering cross-examination has to see if the story holds up. >> and the jury, if they were present you would see that they would ooeither feel sympathy fo oscar paistorius or that he is not owning up to what he has done, and this a guy laughing at a shooting range and not clear if it matters as relates to the death of reeva steenkamp, but the prosecutors were very showy in this with no jury presence. >> well, it is theatrical, but the audience is one person, and that is the defendant. this is what the prosecutor did today, throw him and the team off guard. and that photograph was
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unexpected and that exchange where pistorius says i won't look, and the pros ecutor is saying, man-up, you did this. >> and he has admitted that he killed her. >> no question. >> and not saying that he murdered her, but how is this going to prove the case, someone not wanting to look at the picture, and the reaction of crying and saying, i was there, and i saw it, and i don't have to be tormented by it. how does that further the prosecut prosecutor's case? >> the prosecutor wants to take advantage of oscar pistorius's emotionalism, and today at the end of the testimony, he wanted to get him boxed out of the testimony. and you will see a much more attack on the credibility. >> and the video of him at the shooting range and laughing, and how does the prosecutor leap from you are laughing at a shooting range and so you must be giuilty of this. >> well, it is not a connective ish the shoe, but it is showing a contrast of the man on the stand broken man, and laughing on the range, and it is atmospheric, and it is goes to
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the facility of a man who is prone to violence and likes to shoot the weapon, and we will see how they get into the events of that night which is where we will see the fireworks. >> was the prosecutor effective jumping from the guy who likes to shoot, and thus this person likes to murder, and there are lots of people who like to hunt and shoot, and would never murder anyone. >> yes, and you know in south africa, the history of violence, but what the prosecutor is trying to do here is that say to pa pistorius, i have got your number, and i have heard h all of the testimony, and i will now throw you off guard. >> and do they need to do that if the motive is on the text messages and the volatility of the relationship and how do they tidy it up, and obviously, nothing is tidy with the death of a wonderful young woman by all accounts, and how do they tidy it up to make the judge believe it? >> well, it is cross-examination, and the prosecutor's chief job is to
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undermine the credibility of oscar pistorius, and the case in chief was four shots, and pistorius said it was an accident, and i have to say, four shots, how was that accidental? >> and thank you, so much news past few minutes. the measure needed 60 votes to avoid a republican filibuster. 53-44. the measure would have expanded the equal pay protections president obama gave yesterday to federal workers to the rest of the american work force. republicans criticized the bill as a, quote, desperate election year stunt that actually hurts women. this is the third time the measure has failed to advance in the senate. we'll be right back. ♪ to do it my way ♪ i got a lock on equities ♪ that's why i'm type e ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ i can do it all from my mobile phone ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ if i need some help i'm not alone ♪ ♪ we're all tyyyyype eeeee, ♪
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wounded. five remain in the hospital today. 38-year-old staff sergeant carlos rodriguez served in iraq, and after nearly 20 years in the military, he was planning to retire to puerto rico at the end of the year. 37-year-old timothy owens was a ten-year army vet who also served in iraq. he remattrried just last august. daniel ferguson served in iraq and afghanistan. he sacrificed his life blocking a doorway so the gunman could not enter a room filled with soldiers. the family said he was a friend of the gunman. his mother described what it was like seeing her son for the first time. >> he's strong like mama. i'm telling you. don't leave me. i need you.
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>> private joseph's family plans to attend this afternoon's memorial. msnbc will have the live coverage beginning at 3:00 p.m. eastern. i'm tamron hall. up next, "andrea mitchell reports" on the breaking news out of pennsylvania. plus, umass basketball player derrick gordon came out today, becoming the first actively openly gay division 1 athlete. his live interview. the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," a mass stabbing in murrysville, pennsylvania. the alleged attacker, a 16-year-old male sophomore student. he's in custody after reportedly going from classroom to classroom this morning stabbing several students and staff members. the rampage finally ended when
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assistant principal sam king tackled him. >> i do want to thank and commend school staff. they played an integral part in this. there was a school principal who actually had contact with the juvenile, and was able to lead to him being put in custody. >> as many as 20 people were stabbed, including 19 students and one security guard. four are in critical condition. >> i'm an obstetrician, gynecologist. a number of these patients, these are kids we likely delivered. and one thing about being a doctor that lives in the community that you serve, you can become emotional, because these are your friends and neighbors, in addition to your patients. i was proud of the response. >> and right now, live, the school superintendent and other officials are speaking from murrysville. let's go there. >> it's for the safety of your child that it's taken a little
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extra time. those that are being reunited are not affected by this in any way, shape or form. and the school district will release a statement here shortly on exactly what's going to transpire over the next two days, three days. the school will be in lockdown, shut down, the high school will be shut down for another two or three days because of the ongoing police investigation. this is not going to be taken lightly. we have to make sure that we do everything necessary to assure for a swift and orderly type resolution to the situation that occurred. we will -- at this time i'll bring the superintendent up and he'll make a statement for the school district. superintendent? >> as a school community, our focus is on our students and staff, as well as their families. our thoughts and prayers are with the in
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