tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 10, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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to the governors who have chosen to abandon the neediest in their states expansion of medicaid isn't adding people to the titanic, it's giving them a spot in the lifeboat. that's all for now. i'll see you tomorrow. live from washington, d.c., at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is next. good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show." live from las vegas, i'm ready to go, let's get to work! >> the american people work hard and they've got a right to expect their elected representatives to do the same. >> seriously. >> top political priority. >> legislation endeded up stalling in congress. >> it's a strategy that's worked for them before. >> top political priority -- >> 40% of insured will be reduced in kentucky thanks to obamacare. >> chaos. >> i don't think mitch mcconnell disputes the figures. >> being able to logon, not my definition of success. >> top political priority.
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>> i oppose raising the minimum wage -- >> deny president obama -- >> ha, ha, ha. >> thanks for watching. i'm here in las vegas, and i had the great opportunity today to introduce joe nam math in front of the lawyer association here in las vegas. joe got up and started talking about hard work and dedication. and you will get out what you put in. what about congress? you know what has happened in the last 24 hours? actually, it's a microcosm of what we've seen this group do since president obama put his hand up to take the oath of office. we are living in the age of obstruction. that's what the history books are going to say years from now. republicans in congress have blocked virtually all legislation supported by the president of the united states, before the 2012 election, you know it, mitch mcconnell the
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made the republican mission very clear -- >> our top political priority obser over the next to years deny president obama the second term. >> it's still there. he's not running again. republicans failed to make president obama a one-term president. they failed on a lot of fronts. . they are blocking all of the president's legislation out of spite. on wednesday, it unfolded. republicans voted down equal pay act for women. who is against that? who is against that? republicans. i mean, this clearly polls in the majority, this is what americans want. f fund-raiser president obama slammed republicans on their blatant obstruction. what he said behind closed doors to folks, you you would think it's a controversial proposition, yet republicans in the senate uniformly decide to say no. the president went on to say, you've got a congress right know
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that is solely focused on obstruction because they think it's a good political strategy. it's about power, folks. i've told you that all along. the president is right. republican obstruction is a uniformed political strategy right now. they don't have any plans to let up. this is the way 2014's going to be. let's do more. in a committee meeting on wednesday, over on the house side, house republicans, voted against considering bills on minimum wage. majority of americans want that. mine safety reform. workers rights, worker production. republicans are against that. and they also voted down further discrimination protections for gay americans. they won't quit, will they? only republicans would vote against bills to keep workers paid and safe. keep in mind, those four bills were blocked on wednesday alone. now if you look back further, the record is very clear on obstruction. i think it's obscene.
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this chart, this chart of bills recorded in the congress, congress has passed, this is how many bills since 1947. there's the chart. last three blue lines on the right are congresses unpresident obama. since republicans took control of the house, number of bills passed has dropped through the floor. 2013, boehner and his obstruction, well, they did nothing. it was the do nothing congress. they passed a whopping 58 bills. 2013, the least productive year in congress sense clerks started keeping records. that chart is proof president obama is the, not one of, the most obstructed president in the history of the united states. meanwhile one major bill president obama did get passed, of course republicans want to repeal that, obamacare, doesn't matter if it's on a roll, they want to get rid of it. 7.1 million americans have health care because of obamacare, no preexisting
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conditions, no lifetime limits on coverage. if you stop there, it's great. people like the law. it's here to stay. the republicans continue to run out of fear. no one wants to take away your l health care more than this guy here, mitch mcconnell talking about repeal from day one. >> if i had my way about it, we'd repeal obamacare and start all over and get it right. one escape hatch that will fully help those trapped by this law. and that's full repeal. >> time for democrats to stop trying to defend the indefensible and join republicans in wiping this colossal legislative mistake clear off the books. hoping to have a vote on repealing obamacare. we believe it's appropriate to are that vote again and we'll be working to get that kind of vote in the near future. thanks a lot. >> the man is in a complete state of denial.
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we did vote. it was called 2012 election. but if you look at his back yar, state of kentucky tells a very great story. kentucky governor has embraced obamacare. i think this gentleman has set really the stage. set up the state exchange and the latest numbers from his state of kentucky show that 402,000 people have enrolled in obamacare. that's not a small number. that's a huge number for a relatively rural state. so what are we dealing with here? first of all, the republicans are showing us their play book. there's no secrets here. if they get power, this how they're going to run the country. this should be a wake-up call. what i find interesting, everywhere i go, we showed you a chart where "the ed show" has been first three months of 2014, i keep hearing people talk about turnout. i keep hearing it on the radio. here it is april of 2014, and democrats are talking about what's in front of them. they're talking about the
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obstruction. they're talking about the middle class more now than ever before. the political conversation is about we got to get out there in november because this isn't the mark we want. i never hear people talk about turnout around the country as much as they're talking about right now. we hadn't even hit summer yet. i fine it encouraging. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, do republicans care more about obstruction or americans? text a for obstruction, b for americans. 67622. go to our blog. we bring you the results later on in the show. a man who can tell a totally different story from senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. let's go to the governor of kentucky, good to have you with us tonight. first, let's get this basketball thing out of the way. congratulations on a great year. i know you didn't win the championship, but kentucky had a lot of fun this year, you've got a young group of players there.
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you're going to have a lot of fun for years to come. congratulations on your team. i want to ask you right at the top. >> thank you. >> you bet. how important are these latest enrollment numbers and how important is it for the country, the story that kentucky has to tell? 402,000. >> ed, it's been an overwhelming success here. and this is mid america. this is really where the rubber meets the road. we're out here in the middle of the country, not wrapped up in the washington, d.c., stuff that go on every day. people are working making a living. we've got 402,000 people who have come out of the woodwork since october 1 and signed up for affordable health insurance. there's a craving out here for affordable health care. families are looking to finally be able to take their kids in and to let them see a doctor. you know, we've had people for years getting up every day, going to work, and hoping and
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praying they don't get sick because they know they're one bad diagnosis away from bankruptcy now we have 402,000 who don't ever have to have that worry again. >> one big opportunity for america and it's going to take time, but i think this has been a great six months for the country. how does it make you feel, governor, when you hear mitch mcconnell say things totally different from you, from the same state? >> ed, i think that he and rand paul get in a room by themselves and talk to each other, and then they go out and announce that they've been talking to the people in kentucky, and they don't like this. well, the numbers tell a different story. 402,000 people apparently like this. and they -- we signed up 30,000 just in the last seven days. so, you know, it's a different story. it's working here. people want it. these folks, you know, they are bored in on the issue and that's
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all they've got and they know that. so they're going try to make it as big as they can. i tell you the issue that's going to beat mitch mcconnell this full, it's just what you talked about, ed, obstructionism. people are sick and tired of it in washington, d.c. latest poll that came out, you know, the president's not very popular here, 34%. well guess who's at 32%, mitch mcconnell. people are sick and tired of him and sick and tired of this rank partisanship that has washington in its grips. >> alison grimes is running on fixing obamacare. you could fix any law in washington. is there enough good in obamacare in the state exchange for her to be able to be successful to defeat mitch mcconnell? >> i sure think so. ed, let's face it, people here are liking what they're finding when they go on our exchange, when they go on our telephone, toll free line and sign up, i mean, people come up to me every day, many with tears in their
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eyes to say thank you for letting me get afford health care for myself and family. the first time they've ever had it. you know, in a generation here, ed, it's going to make a huge difference for our people. we've got horrible health statistics now and they've been horrible ever since they started keeping statistics. finally, this tool is going to let us transform the history of kentucky in terms of health care. >> governor steve beshear, great work. you're leading the country. appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much. we'll do it again. let me bring in e.j. dion, columnist for "the washington post." let's talk about obstruction. i want to read a quote from president obama from last night. he said, obstruction may actually be a good political strategy for republicans if democrats don't vote in the midterms. i mean the president is openly saying, i'm the most obstructed
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president in the history of the countrier. is that going to wake people up? what do you think? >> i think what you said earlier is really important, i can't remember an election cycle people were talking about turnout early in the cycle. what matters is that you've got a lot of democrats who might not vote so much in offyears realizing that there are big stakes in this particular election. the senate is on the line. i thought it was really good you had governor beshear on, who has done an extraordinary thing in kentucky. when talk about obstruct, we're not talking about congress. we're talking about all of the governors, mostly republicans who refuse to help on obamacare. if you had every governor in the country saying, i may not have liked this or did like it but this is an opportunity for the people of our state, let's put our shoulder to the wheel here, you would have many more
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sign-ups. 4 million, 5 million people who would be eligible for medicaid if 20-plus governors hadn't refused to take the medicaid expansion. there is a lot to talk about here. but turnout is the issue, the democrats lost big in 2010 because the other side was energized, mobilized and angry, and the democratic side wasn't ready to fight. and the real question this year is if they will do something a little bit differently than they did in 2010. >> e.j., historically, not to date you, you have covered politics for a long time. there has never -- >> i'm used to it ed. >> okay. there's never been this level of obstruction. and i think that, you know, if representatives on the republican side vote for minimum wage, it's not going to hurt them. if they vote for equal pay for women, they can go home and make a case that there is no war on women. if they vote for long-term unemployment, it's affecting
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everybody's district. these are issues that poll well everywhere. so why would they take this level -- take the obstruction to the level that it's not now at a history ic proportion? >> it's interesting, i was talking to a former republican congressman earlier today who made the point that at this point in the party's history, because of the way district lines are drawn and because of where most of the republican representatives come from, there were very few of them, from mixed districts, from suburbanish middle of the road districts, a lot of those representatives might like to vote for men mmen minimum wage the opportunity but the power in the republican caucus shifted to the right, well to right where it was when newt gingrich was speaker. think about that. so you've got a house caucus
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that does not want to bring any of this on the floor, because it's true that if minimum wage came up, it would win. i think there are a lot of other measures that, if they could get to the floor, there would be enough republicans joining democrats to pass them. immigration reform is another within. but power in that caucus keeps obstruction going. it does. the tea party, quarterbacking this whole thing, no question about it. okay. does the president keep talking about this? i mean, everybody knows he's not going to be whining. they may call him the whiner in chief because they're not going along with his legislation. this does aggravate people, this obstruction. it's a fairness issue. is this fair to the people who voted for president obama? is this fair to americans when we elect and re-elect? is this going to be a motivating factor. >> i think that democrats need
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to not only talk about obstruction, but really present a compact, but clear program to try to lift up the middle class and to try to stop the wage stagnation. i think they need to go aggressi aggressively, not only do people want to vote against the other side, but they have a sense that with minimum wage and some other things -- and i think they need other things -- they'll say, i want to vote to make my life better, and i don't think we're there yet in terms of hearing that kind of argument. i think health care should be linked to that, rather than running away from health care, affordable care act should be linked to the part of a way of saying, here are the things we're going to do so ease the economic insecurities of middle class people. and i think they make it part of a larger argument, they can win the argument. >> great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. americans are frustrated with what's going on in washington,
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they just can't block everything, or can they? answer tonight's question at bottom of the screen. share thought is with us on twitter. like us on facebook, thanks so much. coming up, there's plays into the election. neen na turn or of ohio, how difficult conservatives have played it to vote in ohio. going to hamilton county. first, bob corker, he gets served. the latest for the fight of volkswagen workers to unionize. so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker.
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monday through friday, noon to 3:00 p.m. we are reporting here today's top trenders voted on by you. number three trender. brain teaser. >> you've said no woman has been significant original thinker in any of the world's greatest philosophical traditions. do you hold this stance. >> a woman with a small brain. >> one of greg abbott's advisers can give him a headache with women voters. >> you think you so smart because you can read. >> philosophy, she is not an original thinker. i'll stick with the statement. >> number two trender, equality eruption. >> we can't even get to a majority vote on how to make sure women get equal pay for equal work. when i hear phony reasons, i do
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get emotional. i get angry. i get outraged. i get volcanic. >> i feel like i'm going to explode here. >> the fair pay debate sparks her emotions. >> what i'm tired of hear, somehow or another we're too emotional when we talk. >> i have a lot of feelings. >> and the way i'm going to challenge my emotionses, helping everything we can do to be able to pass this bill. we want change. we want change today. >> and today's top trender, shifting gears. >> united auto walkers served 20 subpoenas. >> more than 100 pages in all. >> union seeks testimony from governor bill haslem, bob corkers. >> you suckers got served. >> a big move to fight for workers' rights in tennessee. >> seeking communications and dock mentes of anything relates to vw, uaw, and incentives for the zblant abuse of power to tie
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incentives to the union vote. >> no secret we had an opinion of what should happen. >> what's wrong for political leaders to try to interfere with workers' rights to decide if they want representation or not. >> joining us tonight, phil williams, chief investigative reporter for wtvf in nashville, tennessee. good to have you back with us. great reporting on this, as always. tell us our audience what is the significance of the subpoenas? i think it's unprecedented that a governor and a sitting united states senator are subpoenaed to talk about a vote in front of the national labor relaxs board. how significant is this? >> i don't think there's any doubt, regardless how this turns out this could be a landmark case. from my perspective as a journalist, this could be very interesting to watch. for example, there have been a lot of questions about who was behind the effort to oppose the
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uaw in chattanooga. there are rumors about the koch brothers, for example. so we have the possibility here that not only could we have political officials, the governor, the u.s. senator, but also people like grover norquist sitting down, under oath, having to answer questions who is providing money and why. so that in and of itself could be interesting to watch. >> could this evolve to an investigation that would do maybe even some forensic, to see what's on everybody's computer? i mean how do we know everybody's going to be forthcoming with these documents because they are trying to connect the dots on exactly what kind of activity and what kind of deals were cut before the vote? what about that? >> certainly no hint of any forensic examination that could come in to play. certainly you have the power of a subpoena. you have people being called to testify. you have the power of a subpoena
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saying we want you to produce these documents. for example, that 300 million offer that tennessee governor bill haslem's administration made to volkswagen in exchange, they wanted to say in volkswagen's relations with the uaw, we got the information because of a document that was leaked to us. there is no doubt in my mind that there are lots of other document out there that would shed a lot of light into exactly what happened. so there's at least the chance that to the power of subpoena we might find out a little bit more about what was going on. >> do you think we'll get detailed? are you expecting detailed community indication on senator corker's involvement? >> certainly we have been able to obtain a limited amount of communication that indicated that senator corker's office was communicating with the activists who had been brought in to oppose the uaw. again, there is no doubt in my
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mind, that there are even more communications that we did not receive. we received those through a state agency. senator corker's office would have other communications that i believe probably do exist. you know, they may make the case of uaw. they actually, you know, there's a possibility that it could make the opposite case. so we don't know until we see them. the question is, will senator corker, will tennessee governor bill hasl. produce documents in response to the subpoena. >> will we see the governor and senator testify under oath. >> that's what the uaw would like. indications are now, though no one said this per se, there is every reason to believe that they probably will fight the subpoenas i mean, we have a real clash of ideologies here. >> sure. >> you have some people who believe that strongly as you do,
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and people on the other side who believe just as strongly. i don't think that anyone is going to unilaterally disarm here. i think there's going to be a real fight before we even get to that stage, before we find out. >> do we know if grover norquist has been served with subpoenas? his involvement in this from an act everybodyist standpoint? >> absolutely. he's on the list of 20 people or organizations who have received subpoenas. i reached out to him through twitter today and asked if he had any comment. and have not heard back from him yet. certainly, the uaw lawyers would love to get grover norquist on the stand and question him about why he was involved. >> all right. phil williams, investigative reporter, wtvf, in nashville. great to have you with us tonight. appreciate it. still ahead, voting righted under attack in the state of ohio. we'll take you on an exclusive ride-along. this is what it's like.
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welcome ba to "the ed show." appreciate all of the questions. our ask ed live segment. ray, who's the biggest joke? louis gome ert or daryl issa in the timing of this question is very, very interesting because we have had a big discussion of equality and inequality when it comes to pay. le me tell you, between those two, when it comes to being a joke, there is no inequality. our next question comes from mike, have you ever tried fishing in the florida keys? quite honestly, no i have not. i have fished around boca raton
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area, got a nice sail fish, but never in the florida keys. let's get to work. i'm working all the time. i don't have time to go all way down there. maybe some day i will. more coming up on "the ed show." i'm seema mody with your cnbc market wrap. dow plummets 266 points, the s&p 500 falling 39, more than 2%. nasdaq down triple digits, its worst day since november 2011. jobless claims failed to inspire buyingen lowest in nearly seven years. walmart is teaming up with wild oats on a new line of organic foods priced 25% below similar offerings. that's it from cnbc. that's all . but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients?
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welcome back to "the ed show." republicans know they're in the minority on key issues that matter most to americans. they are ideologically bent against this country. at this point, they know the only way to secure victory is gerrymander more and suppress the vote. the story we're going to show you tonight, i think, takes the cake. who would have ever thought voting in america would be this sna hard? here's the story from ohio. >> reporter: when republicans in ohio ramped up their efforts to restrict access to the polls, state senator nina turner wasn't afraid to speak up. but nina turner isn't just mad. she's trying to get elected.
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turner is running against john housted for secretary of state in ohio. i asked what motivated her to run and all or nothing campaign. >> hamilton county, for example, a vote to move the board of election from a centrally located place in downtown cincinnati to a suburban area that some folks estimate that if somebody had to catch the bus, it could take them up to two hours one way. >> he cast the deciding vote this afternoon. local democrats opposed to the move because it limits number of people who can take advantage of early voting. >> two hours one way. even when they got off the bus, they would have to walk quite some distance. >> reporter: we took the trip with senator turner to see how long it would take. ♪
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>> we are -- it has taken us about an hour and ten minutes. we got on the bus at 9:09. that bus didn't leave until 9:19. here we are, an hour and 15 minutes later just getting off the bus, and now walking -- >> half a mile -- >> walking to the polling place. the entrance to where the place will be. we still got to walk back there. where are the sidewalks to walk on? >> no sidewalks. >> no sidewalks. >> this is reprehensible. we simulated the best of all situations, right, weather is perfect, right? bus was on time. we didn't have any major challenges. imagine the reality in october, november, if i have a stroller, wheelchair, trying to cart things, bus is not on time i miss my transfer. even in the best scenario, we got here in an hour and a half,
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hour, 45 minutes. for what? i continue go back to for what? save a couple of dollars. >> thousands of people that vote early downtown and those are the folks we're here to represent today. you know i've got a car. i can get here. this isn't about me. this business the people that i represent that down have access to transportation and can't get to the polling place on election day which i think is sometimes for people that, you know, aren't exposed to working more than one job, that don't have you know, eaaren't a single parent, all of these disadvantages they don't understand what the big deal is. this is the big deal. >> we've got 40,000 households in hamilton county that don't have cars. that speaks to the need for mass transit to be able to get people to early voting. >> right. >> that doesn't happen here. >> i'm glad i got to experience this because, you know, it seemed like -- they trying to push us back in time.
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many people died for us to be able to vote. the a shame that they trying to do this. i have fibro ma al ga, that was a long walk. my knees hurt bad. i am a determined person. lie go to the end. >> the ride ways long ride, i thought i was going on a vacation. i didn't realize how long it was. >> injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. what we've got to do is we've got to step up, stand up, speak out, be vocal about this because the people who this is going to affect, they don't have a voice. they can't come out here and make the statements that we're making today. we have to represent them on their behalf and step up and show exactly what this is doing to our communities. >> this journey was very important that we highlight in the real sense what it takes for somebody to come and vote.
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voting shouldn't take all day, you shouldn't have to justify over hoops and hurdles. in the state of h. ohio this is the precivil rights remix, and it's not a good one. this is not right. today we were able to try for a lille while to put ourselves in the shoes of someone to make the journey to vote in person. it's unconscionable. it's undemocratic, it's un-american. we stand here, elected and nonelected, to say this not right. as one reporter asked us, you no know whether or not this starts today or two years from now, it done matter. the house is burning. it is on fire. we are sounding the alarm that nobody should have to go through this to vote. >> i think it's disgusting. absolutely disgusting. but john kasich, that's your backyard. john kasich, that's your america. that's your state, ohio.
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that's what you think your citizens should have to go through to vote. in great state of ohio. democracy reins. it's a little bit harder, isn't it? it's unconscionable for any sitting governor to allow this to happen. what are we going to do? i'm inviting every progressive and every liberal website in this country to take that story and put it on your website. we need to get that story out. that's america. that's the breadbasket of america. that's ohio. every liberal should see that story. that's what's happening. that's the result of voters suppression, gerrymandering and republican power. they don't want those black folks to vote. they don't want those elderly or economically depressed folks to get out and vote. why? they might be democrats. it is un-american. think about that. an hour and ten minutes to travel to go vote?
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what are we doing? going back to colonial days on horseback? it's outrageous. kasich, i was asked-year-old in the broadcast who's a bigger joke, daryl issa or louie gohmert. i'm sorry, you're the biggest damned joke in america whether it comes to being governor. limbaugh says letterman's replacement will be a bad joke on america. how can you just stand there? what do you mean? your grass, man. it's famished!
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uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. critic, rush limbaugh. freaked out over cbs' announcement stephen colbert will take over as host "the late show" when letterman retires. >> cbs just declared war on the heartland of america. there is -- i here's no longer
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is comedy going to be a covert assault on traditional american values, conservatives. now it's wide out in the open. what this hire means redefinition of what is funny and redefinition of what is comedy. >> well, colbert will reported lid break out of his fake conservative character for the hosting gig on cbs. but limbaugh's quick to rush to judgment about what comedy is. >> by the way, did you hear joe biden, joe biden was mystified how bobby jindal government his shift off at 7/11 to make a speech. you think i made a joke, ethic joke about bobby jindal don't you? i didn't. i made a joke about the bigotry of the vice president of the united states. >> if limbaugh thinks he can
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alone isn't enough to change hearts and minds. a full century after lincoln's time, he said until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men skins, emancipation will be a proclamation, but not a fact. he understood laws couldn't accomplish everything, but he also knew that only the law could anchor change and set hearts and minds on a different course. >> 10 years after the civil rights act was passed, baseball hall-of-famer hank aaron was hot on the heels of babe ruth's home run record back in 1974. hank aaron says president obama's opponents in the republican party are abusing him the same way the people who threatened hank aaron decades ago. the baseball great told "usa today" he kept the hate-filled racist letters he received while
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playing. he also said sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, president obama is left with his feet stuck in the mud from all of the republicans with the way he's treated. we have moved in the right direction and there have been improvements, but we still have a long way to go in the country. hank aaron took his dom pair son of the republican party further by saying this. back then, they had hoods. now they have neckies and starched shirts. michael eric dyson, professor of sociology at georgetown university and political analyst here on msnbc joins us tonight. professor, good to have you with us. >> great to be here, ed. >> you know, when i first read this story, i thought, you know, hank aaron, god bless you, it's about time. the president is now talking about how he is the most obstructed president in american history.
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what is your reaction to hank aaron comparing the republican party basically to the klu klux kl klan. >> look, hank aaron earned every right to speak his mind. this man, 8 0 years old prk the 40th an investigatory of historic feat of besting babe ruth, and he was subject to all kinds of acrimony and racist assault for simply trying to move that he was the best and to show excellence on the field. if that's his perception, we have to acknowledge that. he's been a forthright social activist, and he's seen the comparisons and he know what is he's talking about, between the december rimtal ways he was treated and the december rimtal ways president obama is treated. he's talking about a shift in the dress from extroverted and external forms of racism and explicit forms of race im, and now the more sophisticated ones. he's earned the right to say
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that when we have to take him seriously. i don't think we should cast dispersions at mr. aaron, we should listen to what he's saying. >> how important is this event when you have four living presidents coming together to speak? >> oh, it's remarkably important. when you have lbj in my opinion, one of the two greatest president, at least for african-american people in this nation, first there was lincoln, and then there was lbj. lbj, the civil rights bill, the voting rites act, and then in the aftermath of dr. king's death, the fair housing act. this is the holy trinity of social, political and policy transformation in america. lbj didn't get the kind of remarkable so fiphistication th john f. kennedy, but he did the hard work. he forced the sdmarts and congress to pass this legislation. he was a remarkable legislative genius in that sense, and he was a guy who made a great impact on our country, and it's great that the four living presidents came
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together to celebrate his legacy. >> well, not only is president obama being obstructed, it goes furtherer than that. on tuesday, attorney general eric holder and texas congressman louie gohmert had a pretty tense exchange. eric holder reacted. here's what he had to say about that. here he is. >> i'm pleased to note the last 25 years having defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms, even in the face, even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive adversity. if you believe believe, look at the way -- forget about me. you look at the way the attorney general of the united states was treated yesterday by the house committee. what attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? what president has ever had to
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deal with that kind of treatment? >> professor, what's your reaction to that? >> amen, right on, about time. look, eric holder and barack obama, president barack obama are two of the coolest customers under difficult circumstances. these two men can hardly be accused of being overemotive, reactionary or even, quote, angry black men. so when eric holder stands up to talk about the truth about the obstruction against the president of the united states of america and the disrespect that president has received, he's right on the mark. >> disrespect is the perfect word. and the headline, of course, today in the washington freebie con is that eric holder plays the race card. what do you make of it? >> that's ridiculous. if he's playing the race card, he's dealing with the deck that's been handed to him. race is not a card, it's a condition. it's a situation in america that we have to contest. we cannot reduce it to every time a progressive person or a
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democrat respond to a vicious vehement treatment, that person is said, when he or she defends him or herself, seem to be playing the race card. here is louie gohmert and others, darrell issa and others in the past who have done disrespectful things to the attorney general and cummings. these kinds of things have to be acknowledged. you lie, sir. what president has been subjected to sna what attorney general has been subjected to that? we have to tell the truth. >> great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. wednesday with some breaking news. from here in the city in las vegas, a woman has been detained after throwing a shoe at former secretary of state hillary clinton during a speech at the mandalay bay casino. clinton wasn't hurt and reportedly joked about the incident. we don't know who the woman is and why she threw the shoe at
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hillary clinton. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton begins right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, fighting to protect our civil rights. today, president obama gave a major speech, mocking the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act, talking about how far we've come and the work we still vl to do. >> we are here today because we know we cannot be complacent. for history travels not only forwards, history can travel backwards. history can travel sideways. and securing the gachbs this country has made requires the vigilance of its citizens. our rights, our freedoms, they are not given. they must be won. >> make no mistake, civil rites and voting rights are un
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