tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC April 11, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> joe scarborough, if it's way too early, what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." but stick around with chuck todd and "the daily run down." >> it's going to be luke. after months of scrutiny, scorn and ultimately 7.5 million sign-ups health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius says she's stepping down and president obama is expected to announce his nominee to succeed her later this morning. meantime, granite counters, scott brown makes it official in new hampshire, he wants back in the senate and he switched states to try something no one has done in modern politics. also this morning a personal appeal from pope francis, asking for forgiveness on the church's child sex abuse scandals. good morning from washington. it certainly is a busy friday morning april 1st, 2014. this is "the daily rundown." i'm luke russert in for chuck todd and we'll have an update on the horrible bus crash in california as well as here from
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one of the students being called a hero in the stabbing incident in pennsylvania this week. however, we begin with the resignation of secretary sebelius, the top obama administration official who helped secure the passage of the affordable care act but will likely be remembered of the public face of its disastrous unveiling last fall. for montds tmonths the white ho resisted letting her take the fall for the problems but they stay when she approached the president after leaving after the open enrollment period ended, he accepted her resignation. she announced thursday that 7.5 million people had signed up for health care but it was too little, too late to save the woman who had become a lightning rod for the law's critics. >> madam secretary, while you're from kansas, we're not in kansas anymore. >> single male age 32 does not need maternity coverage. to the best of your knowledge has a man ever delivered a baby? >> why aren't you losing your insurance?
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>> pardon me? >> why aren't you using your health insurance? >> you told us the system would be ready october 1st. you are clearly wrong. >> despite a series of rocky hearings and an uncomfortable interview with jon stewart when he challenged the secretary to sign up for health care before he could download any movie ever made, the president still same to her defense. >> i think kathleen sebelius over tremendously difficult circumstances over the last 4 1/2 years has done a great job in setting up the insurance markets so that there is a good product out there for people to get. you know, kathleen sebelius doesn't write code. she wasn't our i.t. person. >> but as we move toward the midterms the democrats are eager to shift the focus to the more positive news about the aca removing sebelius from the equation helps the effort. republicans meanwhile were predictably enthusiastic about her departure. eric cantor paid her a backhanded compliment and said
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she had an impossible task nobody can make obamacare work. and tennessee's marsha blackburn asked are you going to be drinking out of a red solo cup or crystal stemware tonight as you celebrate sebelius' resi resigning. they'll announce the resignation at 11:00 a.m. in the rose garden and announce his nominee to replace her his current budget director sylvia matthews burwell. and joining us is to talk about this. >> thanks for having me. >> sebelius deserves some credit for getting the 7.5 million eventually enrolled but she became of what was probably the most disastrous moment for the obama administration outside of the possibility of the debt limit catastrophe in 2011. >> look, that's right. the failures of the first two months, no matter what you think
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about obamacare now, it was really bad. the system was not working for basically for two months. and, you know, you heard the president say, well, you know, kathleen sebelius, she wasn't the one in charge of i.t. and that's correct. on the other hand, she was in charge of the department that was implementing this and it was partly her job to put the right people in charge of the i.t., so there was some kind of failure there and she bears some responsibility for that. on the other hand, you know, there's also been a lot of successes. we do see the law is working now more or less like it was supposed to work. we see 7.5 million people signing up for health insurance, and do you know what, she deserves some of that credit, too. >> yesterday, when this announcement came out i was interestingly enough talking to some republicans and they immediately said that the choice by the president to replace her, that of miss burrell was one they welcomed, john mccain sweeting his enthusiasm for it saying she is someone that we can do business with. do you foresee a confirmation process that is not necessarily
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rocky with the nuclear option being deployed by reid, all she needs is 50 essentially. but there seems to be oddly enough in this context a welcoming by some republicans? >> well, you would think -- you would think she would have an easy time. she sailed through her last confirmation hearings with no problems. she does have a huge amount of respect in washington. but i think if we've learned one thing it takes just a few very extremely conservative republicans to make a fuss and this can change on a dime. and even though there's this now universal agreement that she's qualified, that she'll do a good job, it would not shock me if here we are a few weeks from now or whenever the confirmation hearings take place and we're in the middle of another big fight i'm sure the republicans will use the chance to bring up everything about obamacare they don't like and so there will be bumps i'm sure. >> it will be fascinating to see. thanks so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. 2014 news, it's official former senator scott brown is trying to do something that's
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never been done in the modern era, be elected to the u.s. senate in two different states. on thursday, brown who represented massachusetts for two years announced he's running for snaptenate again in neighbo new hampshire. >> i campaigned for the u.s. senate begins not far as the governor referenced from where my life began. i was born in the portsmouth naval shipyard. >> one of the biggest challenges will be shaking off the carpetbagger label. it comes four years after he made this announcement in boston -- >> i'm scott brown. i'm from rentham and i drive a truck! i am nobody's senator except yours. >> brown still has to win the republican primary in september but he's already taking aim at incumbent democratic senator
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jeanne shaheen, previewing a campaign that will relying heavily on tieing shaheen to health care reform and president obama. >> whenever president obama needs her, she's there. and apparently he needs her a lot. yeah. especially right now. and let me ask you all a question. let me ask you this question. is a rubber stamp what the people of new hampshire want and expect from their senator? i didn't think so. >> joining me now political reporter for "the boston globe" jim o'sullivan. jim, thanks so much for being on the show. appreciate it. >> hi, luke, thanks for having me. >> interestingly enough, i was reading one of your pieces and you say that scott brown's strategy in this race will really have to be to throw the kitchen sink to try and make jeanne shaheen unelectable, tie her to president obama, which is sort of the opposite of what scott brown has been known for with this clean-cut, good-guy image. >> well, that's the strategy for both of them and it's sort of the inverse of what brown faced
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in 2012 with elizabeth warren, where she sort of rode the president's popularity in massachusetts. now in new hampshire, he has to -- he's going to try to come back and ride the unpopularity of both the president and the health care law. and try to shackle jeanne shaheen to that. his challenge is going to be that she's a -- you know, she's a three-term governor there. she's the only woman to be elected senator and governor, across the country historically. so, he's got a tough job, but he's going to sort of ride the personality thing and the truck you've seen has 286,000 miles on it now, he'll push that personality thing and try to overwhelm her with that. >> this is the third race in a row that scott brown will be running against a female candidate. folks would argue he did well against coakley, elizabeth warren he did get in trouble with the native american issue as well as calling her professor which some found demeaning. scott brown against jeanne shaheen, could he run into any
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problems running against a female especially with the democrats championing equal pay legislation this week and really trying to double down the woman's vote? >> i think it's important to note that shaheen is the only female candidate he's picked. he didn't pick martha coakley or elizabeth warren. shaheen is the only female candidate he chose to run against. he does a pretty good job of inoculating himself against sort of the common charge against male candidates which is that they're insensitive to women voters. he is your rounds himself with his wife, former broadcaster in boston and his two daughters, so he's a little bit vulnerable to that incentise that incentisnsitive charge but so much as other male candidates i think. >> jim o'sullivan from "the boston globe," thanks so much for joining us. to news overseas and ukraine, new evidence the russian force along the ukrainian border is fully equipped for war and according to nato could attack on just 12
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hours' notice. slote images distributed by nato's top commander show tanks and infantry vehicles lined up miles from ukraine's western border. this image shows russian su-27 fighter jets. at the same time ukrainian leaders are trying to tamp down unrest in eastern ukraine. today the acting president appealed to separatists that have taken over a compound in ukraine. offering immunity for those that give themselves up. the ukrainian prime minister tried to ease tensions by promising more autonomy for eastern ukraine. nbc's foreign correspondent is live and he joins us now. eamon, what's the latest? >> reporter: good morning, luke. a short while ago the acting prime minister of ukraine who was actually concluded a meeting with several regional official leaders here and announced he
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does not support the use of force to break up this ongoing siege that is taking place at the regional government building. now, we got to set the scene a little bit and to connect the dots about why the presence of russian troops and what is happening inside ukraine is so important. several days ago separatists, pro-russian separatists, took over a government building and since then they've set up layers of barricades and have essentially besieged that building. now, the government here said that it would use force if need be to evacuate those people to get them out. and the reason why that's important is because if, in fact, the ukrainian government used force, there are some pro-russian supporters who are saying that's when rush sha should intervene to try to protect ethnic russians inside ukraine. the ukrainiaian government doest want to give russia that pretext. this has been dragging on for several days and many people fear it could be the beginning of destabilizing the eastern part of the country. that's certainly the allegation the ukrainian government is making that russia is behind all of these efforts to try to
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destabilize the eastern part of ukraine, luke? >> eamon, thanks so much for joining us. we're going to go now to a press conference about that horrific bus crash that happened yesterday around los angeles, specifically in orland, california. it's a crash that we know killed ten. it was high school students on their way to visit a college in northern california. let's go right now to that press conference. >> s >> city of angels, manuel arts, banning, carson, chavez, diego rivera, belmont, wilson -- there were very small contingent of students from each school. a total of 19 students from the lausda students were on the bus. that's as of the latest count. i believe that's correct.
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>> thank you. >> that was a press conference updating us from the latest about that horrific bus crash yesterday that happened in orland, california. ten folks were killed on their way to visit a college in northern california. some of those were students. it happened when a fedex freight truck actually jumped a median and hit that bus head-on. if there's any more developments throughout the hour we'll obviously bring them to you. coming up next chuck's interview with civil rights icon john lewis as president obama prepared to give another speech on civil rights today. you can see that here on today's planner. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. ♪
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a day after presenting himself as the legacy of the 1964 civil rights act, the president will use a speech this afternoon at the national action network conference to address another civil rights issue, issuing an election year warning against new restrictions on the right to vote. according to the white house the president will make the case that every american should have the chance to know their elections are being administered fairly and efficiently and talk about new barriers he says make it more difficult for americans to exercise one of their most fundamental rights as sit zenci. it's a warning president bill clinton issued in austin on wednesday. chuck todd spoke to john lewis about the 1965 voting rights act and his political career. >> if it weren't for the civil rights act i wouldn't be standing here as a member of congress. >> and president obama? >> president obama would not be president if linden johnson had not passed the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights
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act of '65. he created the climate and made it possible for a man of color to be elected president. >> it's that legacy lbj's family and friends hope someday trumps vietnam. >> new doors of opportunity and education swung open. they swung open for you and they swung open for me. that's why i'm standing here today. because of those efforts. because of that legacy. >> president george w. bush used his speech in austin to talk about inequality in education and defend part of his own legacy. the no child left behind act he signed into law in 2002 which many in his own party have now rejected. >> no law's perfect. every legislative instrument eventually requires adjustment. but the problem comes when people start to give up on the goal. the alliance between ideology
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and complacency seems to be getting softer. i fear the soft bigotry of low expectations is returning. >> chuck todd has more from austin where he was traveling with the president. >> you know, luke, presidential legacies sometimes take decades if not centuries to figure out. historians, supporters, detractors will debate them for a long time and there's no more complicated presidential legacy in modern times than lyndon johnson. for years he's been haunted by one word, that word, of course, has been vietnam. but this week was designed by his family and friends as an attempt to broaden the picture a little bit, maybe even change the narrative completely, and if you look at this week as a whole, you could say it was a pretty successful start by the johnson family and johnson supporters to start having a conversation about his domestic achievements. what's been fascinating about this week is how the current predi predipr
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predict amouments the voting ri and the fights in states that the republicans are having with democrats or the quiet criticism that you hear from liberals or other influential leaders who believe that barack obama should employ the same skills that lyndon johnson used with the congress back in the '60s, that these current times end up painting a more flattering picture, say, of lyndon johnson, another thing that the johnson family was hoping to accomplish. so, on that score they accomplished it. what was also fascinating this week was to see how the other presidents that participated used this moment for their own politics. take president obama. he obviously does not like that criticism about how he deals with congress versus how lbj did. and he wasn't -- he didn't really embrace that part of the criticism in his speech. but he was able to use his speech to talk about socialized medicine that lyndon johnson was accused of enacting, of course, talking about medicare. >> the health care law that
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opponents described as socialized medicine that would curtail america's freedom but ultimately freed millions of seniors from the fear that illness could rob them of dignity and security in their golden years which we now know today as medicare. >> then you this bill clinton with what he did, talking about voting rights. what's that about? that's about reminding them that t the clintons will be on the side of african-americans and then president bush of having to redo legacies after you have a legacy of an unpopular war haunting your own presidency. and so that's what made this week so unique, so much fun to follow as a political junkie and probably important for all of us to follow. luke? >> chuck todd, thanks so much for that report. time for the first number on your friday databank. the number is 129. that's how many points the nasdaq lost on thursday. that's more than 3%. it was the worst day for the
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tech index in more than 2 1/2 years. the s&p also fell sharply suffering its biggest drop since february and the dow fell 266 points. ouch! unfortunately, stock futures are also down right now. coming up, developing news on the search for the missing plane. the new signal detecting in the indian ocean was not likely from the black box. the latest on the search is next. plus, the names you need to know in north carolina. our tvr, 50 rising stars, that's up next. but today the trivia question, who is the last person to serve two full terms in the senate seat, richard burr now holds? the first person to twee tweet @dailyrundown will get an on-air shout. i think it's a liddy. could be wrong. have one hand, you're not doing anything as fast as you used to, which is funny, because i still do it better than her. [ afi ] i do not like sweeping. it's a little frustrating.
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we're wrapping up in week's tdr 50 focus on north carolina the state that gives us great barbecue, a look at some of the state's rising stars, these are politicians to keep an eye on. we start on the republican side with tim moore. he's a state representative now but could get elected house speaker in 2015 as a kind of compromise candidate who can bring together various factions. he made news two years ago when he sponsored a bill to ban tv for death-row inmates. a republican on the state's senate side has eyed a national run in the recent past, senate pro tem phil burger opted not to run for u.s. senate this year but he's considered to be one of the most powerful people in north carolina. big state budget votes usually go his way. and get this, burger rarely gets his hands dirty in the process. not an easy thing to do. several north carolina democrats are proving to be promising
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politicians as well. state senator josh stein could run for attorney general in 2016. and that could set him up for a race for governor eventually. stein's only served three years in the senate but he's already had a meteoric rise up to minority whip. state treasure janet cao who used to be an equity analyst at lehman brothers and she started her political career as a councilwoman in 2001 and someone to keep an eye on if god is not a toar heel, why is the sky carolina blue. and the databank number two is linked to former connecticut governor and ex-con facing a new corruption scandal, two congressional campaigns john rowland secretly worked on, seving payments in violation of federal law. he served as both a governor and
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congressman will be arraigned later today on several federal counts. up next the latest on the condition of the stabbing victims of that suburban pittsburgh high school this week. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪
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♪ if i need some help i'm not alone ♪ ♪ we're all tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ we've got a place that we call home ♪ ♪ we're all type e ♪ we're keeping an eye on the markets following yesterday's huge selloff to see if wall street will end the week on a high note. you look right down there the dow jones down about 66. s&p 500 down about nine. nasdaq down about 41 already. seems like we haven't had a discovery on yesterday's tough news on the market. hopefully those stocks turn a little bit upwards for everybody's 401(k)s we'll keep an eye on that throughout the day. we just got new information on the developing story we're following of a terrible bus crash in northern california. ten people have been killed and dozens more injured. moments ago officials from the los angeles county unified school district gave an update.
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we now know that 19 students on that bus were from the l.a. unified school district and they came from a number of different schools within that district. the charter bus carrying high school students and chaperones from los angeles was headed to humboldt state university for a campus tour when they collided with a fedex freight truck on i-5. that truck, in fact, crossed that grassy median. both the bus driver and truck driver were killed. but it's not clear yet how many students and chaperones are among the other eight fatalities. witnesses captured the aftermath of the fiery crash on a cell phone video last night. interstate 5 wa clos closed in directions for hours. police just opened the southbound lane moments ago. the northbound lanes are still shut down at this time. the school superintendent said this morning the students were from more than a dozen high schools. riding in a caravan of buses, and this was not a district sanctioned trip, mind you. one of the survivors sold the
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"today" show's savannah guthrie about his harrowing sperges. >> all of a sudden i heard people screaming and when i woke up, that's when the impact hit. when the impact hit, i flew from my seat to the seat in front of me and that caused the cut on my eyebrow. i realized we in a bad accident and the entire aisle was full of smoke and that's when the students were trying to escape the school bus. >> so far it appears the fedex truck crossed the center line and hit the bus head-on. investigators are checking to see if the truck driver had a medical condition that might have caused the crash. more developments on another tragedy. here's the latest in that school stabbing rampage that happened outside pittsburgh. four students are now in critical condition. one of them is on life support. the knife used by the assailant reportedly missed the student's heart by just millimeters. and investigators say 16-year-old alex hribal slashed
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he himself way through the halls armed with two eight-inch kitchen notiknives. he's being held as a juvenile facility for how. his attorney said the teen never had discipline problems. >> he's never been disciplined in school. he mixes well with the other students as far as i've been able to determine. so, you know, everybody wants to come up with some kind of analysis, but i think he's a good -- he's a nice kid. i don't know what happened here. we'll find out. >> nbc news has learned there may have been an angry phone call between the suspect and another student the night before the attack. the high school is being cleaned. but the superintendent says classes will resume there on monday. some mixed signals on the search for that malaysian airlines passenger jet that's been missing for more than a month now. australian search coordinators say there's been no major breakthrough quite yet. that comes after prime minister
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tony abbott said searchers knew the position of the black boxes. chinese and australian ships picked up possible black box ping signals over the weekend and crews have been working to locate more pings to zero in on that specific location. search crews are running out of time. the black box pinger batteries could go dead any day now. it's been about 45 days. teams still haven't seen any sign of wreckage in the specific search area. court is adjourned in south africa after a third blistering day of the prosecution's cross examination of olympian oscar pistorius. pistorius is accused of murdering his girlfriend reeva steenkamp, pistorius testified he thought he was shooting an intruder. this morning the prosecution accused pistorius of contradi contradicting himself. that led to this exchange with the judge -- >> mr. pistorius, it's important that you should be all here when
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in the witness box. you understand that? >> i do, my lady. >> so if you are tired and the reason you are making all these mistakes is because you're tired, you must say so. >> pistorius is due back on the witness stand monday. surprisingly strong message from pope francis today on the issue of child sex abuse in the catholic church. this morning during a meeting with a catholic children's organization the pope said, quote, i feel compelled to personally ask for forgiveness for the damage some priests have done for having sexually abused children. the church is aware of this damage. it is personal. moral damage carried out by men of the church and we will not take one step backward with regards to how we will deal with this problem and the sanctions that must be imposed. in the past year the pope has strengthened vatican laws against sex abuse in order to organize help for victims.
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before a quick break, our tdr 50 soup of the day. from the restaurant inside what was the home of rally mayor william dodd back in the late 1800s? at the second empire and rally they are serving up a french onion soup. love the second empire. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] what's a powerful way to cut through everyday greasy messes? [ male announcer ] sponges take your mark. ♪ [ female announcer ] one drop of ultra dawn has twice the everyday grease cleaning ingredients of one drop of the leading non-concentrated brand... ♪ [ crowd cheering ] clean 2x more greasy dishes. dawn does more. so it's not a chore. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm.
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you always get the lowest price book any flight or hotel and if you find it for less we'll match it and give you fifty dollars back that's the expedia guarantee republicans are stepping up pressure on louisiana republican vance mcallister to re-sign his seat after a video was posted showing the freshman congressman kissing one of his aides. nbc's kelly o'donnell has more. >> reporter: the fallout is building. after this lingering kiss caught on security camera video and posted online, revealed the married congressman embracing a married staffer. >> i have had a conversation with him. and, you know, he's got decisions that he has to make.
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do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution? >> reporter: it's only been five months since he was sworn in after a special election where he touted his christian family values. >> here in this house that kelly and i worked to instill the values of faith, value and country in our children. >> reporter: he'd generated buzz when "duck dynasty" star willie robertson was his state of the union guest. but now that his not-so-secret kiss has gone viral, mcalister responded -- there's no doubt i've fallen short and i'm asking for forgiveness. thursday louisiana's governor bobby jindal said mcalister must go. he says he wants privacy to work on his issues with his family. the best way to get privacy and work on putting his family back together is to resign from congress. and a blistering rebuke from the state republican party. mr. mcalister's extreme
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hypocrisy is an example why ordinary people are fed up with politics. a breach of trust of this magnitude can only be rectified by an immediate res ignatioresi. speaker boehner was not as direct. >> i expect all members to be held to the highest ethical standards and this is no different. >> nbc's kelly o'donnell right there, thanks so much. mcalister who has only been on the job for 140 days has missed 13 vote since this scandal broke. and it's your last chance to vote in the sweet 16 round of the 2016 tdr presidential near misses contest. today's modern era bracket matchups are unbelievably great. al gore versus john kerry. john mccain versus hillary clinton. that is some prime time star power. make your picks now for which early 20th century politicians should go on to the elite 8, go
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to our website to get on the challenge. nerd up if you are a political junky. this is great time. sam irvin was the last person to serve two full terms in the senate seat richard burr now holds? jesse helms had the other seat. congratulations to today's winner phillip beshara, if i mispronounced your name, i owe you a nice chocolate ice cream. send your trivia suggestions to daily rundown.
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an institute of scrap recycling, meeting at the mandalay casino in las vegas when an audience member threw a shoe at her. >> it's already about recycling when -- what was that a bat? was that a bat? that somebody throwing something at me? is that part of circumstanque l soleil? my goodness, i didn't know solid waste management was so controversial. thank goodness she didn't play softball like i did. >> former first lady and u.s. senator and secretary of state shaking it off right there. according to the associated press, a u.s. secret service
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supervisory special agent in las vegas said the woman was in custody being questioned and would face criminal charges for throwing the shoe. no danger of projectiles today. clinton speaks via satellite on health care to the western health care leadership academy conference. it's a subject she'll have to take on if she runs. her bio lists her as chair of the president's task force on national health care reform during the 1990s. both the clinton and bush legacies have been in the spotlight this week in texas. and it's not just george bush defending his record to conservatives who have rejected what they see as breaks from party orthodoxy. at a connecticut republican party dinner last night jeb bush defended his comments that undocumented immigrants in search of a better life broke the law but it's not a felony, he says, it's an act of love. >> this last week i made some statements about immigration reform apparently generated a little more news than i anticipated. you know, i -- i have been
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saying this for the last three or four years. i said the exact same thing that i've said regularly, and the simple fact is there is no conflict between enforcing our laws, believing in the rule of law and having some sensitivity to the immigrant experience, which is a part of who we are as a country. >> and get ready for a whirlwind weekend in 2016 politics on the heels of the passage of this 2015 budget congressman paul ryan is in cedar rapids, iowa, tonight to headline the state gop's lincoln dinner. just an invited guest, nothing more. and kentucky senator rand paul kicks off a granite state swing with a rally tonight in dover before joining texas senator ted cruz, former arkansas governor mike huckabee and others in manchester new hampshire at a summit sponsored by americans for prosperity and citizens united. to talk about this is politico's m.j. lee and kristen anderson
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and rodoll molanu. ben tairps wrote a piece about a bush 2015 era reunion of bush 41 and he gave thisreyun yunion of1 and talking about bush and clinton in the washington post from joe trippy. i used to think, oh, my god, hill h ri clinton and a bush, and here we go again, but i am thinking that it is maybe the best way to get an actual debate about the issues. that stuck out to many, because here you have a candidates who are so vetted and the names cancel each other out in terms of the legacy idea, and could you have a real presidential debate with a jeb bush and hillary clinton matchup? in a way they need each other. >> i am not fan of hillary clinton, but i think that she is for m formidable and i am a huge fan of jeb bush, and i would like to see him run, and both are advocate s f
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advocates for the policies of their side and not just vague talking points, but in the sense that bill clinton was lauded as being the secretary of explaining stuff on for the left, i mean, i think that both of them are very good at explaining the policies of their side which would hopefully lead to a more substantive campaign. >> and now, as someone who has worked on a campaign in a previous life, and these two nominees, they are so well known and defined. >> well, i'm not sure about that. as long as there is outside money, there is outside money, but i do believe that they are the two adults in the room. a lot of after ffection for secy clinton. not as much for jeb bush, but i do respect him as a statesman. i think that he is going to have a lot to -- listen, the first thing that we have to hear about jeb is g.w. bush, and i don't think that is going to necessarily help him going into 2016, but you never know. >> and m.j., there is not as much dirt for reporters to dig
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up, and -- >> well, you never know. >> and a lot has happened, obviously, but an air of we know them, and more so than the specific response to a policy or what not. >> well, it is not true that we know everything to know about jeb bush or even hillary clinton. with hillary we have a book date publishing book now, june 10th, and we have to keep in mind that when she was secretary of state and when she was a private person, she didn't actually engage in a lot of the important policy debates going on in washington, and so once this book comes out, and she is facing a lot of the questions, we will get to actually hear from her a lot of how do you think that the immigration system should be faced and fixed and the health care system as well, and those are issues that she has not spoken about. with bush, it is true, the two big events that he has spoken in rekre recently, one honoring his father, and one named after his grandfather, and that could be a negative thing for him, and his challenge is going to be, you
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know, to alter his own, and make him sound like someone passionate and forward-looking. >> listen to what hillary clinton said about in san francisco whether or not she is go ing the run and make this conversation valid. >> i am thinking at it, but i am going to think about for a while, and part of it is that the hard questions are not, do you want to be president, can you win -- i mean the hard questions are why? why would you want to do this? and what, what can you offer? we are having a political period of, you know, frankly dysfunction. i saw it from afar when i was secretary and it was disheartening and even embarrassing to see people arguing about letting us default on the debt. i mean, really. >> i get e-mails from the rnc
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weekly bash iing hillary clinto and anybody else, and anybody else that the republicans are geared up to running gaiagainst? >> i don't think that is a republican problem, but a democratic problem. if she does not run, who is out there? martin o'malley? joe biden? the great hopef of the democratic party? and people are focused on her, because she is the only game in town in the view of most republicans. >> and so if she does not run, you will lose, right? >> no, there is an obsession on the republican side when it come comes to hillary clinton, because they don't want her to run, and they want her to run. and it is building up, but we have great governors and a sitting vpd vice president, and we are going to be okay, but there is a lot of support politically and grass roots wise for secretary clinton the run. >> and now, paul ryan going to iowa is something i found fascinating and as i have morep
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conversations, and i want everybody's opinion on this, and there is a school of thought that if paul ryan wants to go for president, this is the time, and he can't stay in congress as the chairman of the ways and means for four or six years, and does he have to go now, mj? >> i don't think it is true that he has to go now, but he does have an opening and a little bit of the room to mature on capitol hill. others might say that is not the best route for him, but you know that as well as i do that the thing that he is doing the most right now in d.c. is positioning himself to get this chairmanship on the ways and the means, and if that is what he wants, and the way for him to mature as a politician, and come back another year or eight years or 12 years, then, yeah, why not. >> and kristen, does he have to go now? >> no, he has a long career in front of him, and he does not have to run now. >> and i don't believe he has to go now, but there are more votes with people there. >> and the house gop, too, and that is not good for the hol pick ticks. and shameless plugs some.
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>> i want to congratulate my friend who started a new job at picture motion social awareness through film. >> columnist this the week at the daily beast all about can can rand paul with the unique foreign policy views actually win in a republican primary. >> okay. >> i am going to plug politico p pros newest political pro, and anybody who is ob ssessed with campaigns. >> and i will plug gio gonzalez of the nats back to true form. and coming up, we will have chris jansing & company coming up. you don't want to miss that. have a great weekend, and take care. it is time for the "your business entrepreneur of the week." ellie and mike were designers who started makerhaus in seattle. they helped entrepreneurs ste steeped in the economy to have ak cess to sophisticated equipment. for more, watch "your business"
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(laughs) it's more than just a meal, it's meow mix mealtime. with wholesome ingredients and irresistible taste, no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. kathleen is sebelius is out as hhs secretary and next hour, president obama will make it official and nominate her new replacement, and what will this
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mean for health care? we are watching the markets very closely after that huge drop tuesday. is there a biotech bubble about to burst? and duck! a shoe hurled at hillary clinton at an event, and why this is dubbed "ducking the shoe." and now sh, the ntsb is on way to investigate a crash that killed at least ten people, and most of them high school students. witnesses said they saw explosion and giant flames. a fedex truck slammed headon into a tour bus packed with high school students. the kids were from los angeles on the way to a college visit when that crash happened 100 miles north of sacramento. check this out, it capturing a tower of black smoke above the scene. the highway california patrol says that the drivers of the bus and the truck were killed. at least five of the victims who survived talked about the
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