tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 15, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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appetite for it whatsoever. >> thank you for your time and thoughts, my friend. that is all for now. i will see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern and you can catch me when i fill in for lawrence tonight on "the last word." "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, welcome to "the ed show." i'm ready to go, let's get to work. >> we're in opposite of the keystone project. >> complex. >> you think the project is complex? >> it's borering right on our parent's land. >> there's nothing complex about the keystone pipeline. it's time to build it. >> let's talk about the cattle battle. >> the western ranch showdown. >> in a showdown with the government. >> what's happening to these western states when the federal government just gobbles up all
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this land? >> there's nothing complex. >> the politicians were watching this. democrats in particular. >> harry reid gets on a horse and saddles up and goes to his own version of the okay corral. >> they were the ones ratcheting this up. >> there are many who say this is about freedom. >> why are liberals actually blaming me for this standoff? >> this is something that has to do with just protecting the integrity of our land and the freedom of our people. >> there's nothing complex. >> if they come back, i'll be out there with you. >> good to have you with us tonight. we start tonight with a story about a guy that paul ryan might call a taker. a person who has been free loading off the federal government for some 20 years. and the right wing media and republicans are absolutely obsessed with this story. it's the story of the divider rancher cliven bundy. we don't know if he's al bundy's
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break we haven't confirmed that. bundly owns roughly 400 cattle. he's all had no cattle. they've been grazing on federal lands in southern nevada for 20 years. now, the land does not belong to this gentleman, mr. bundy, it belongs to the bureau of land management. bundy ranch should have been, should have been, should have been paying land use fees for decades. but wait a minute, folks, we got a problem, houston. cliven bundy doesn't wreck nrec the federal government. >> we run cattle here, graze natural resource off this public land, and i abide by all of nevada state laws, but i don't recognize united states government as even existing. america better wake up if we're going to live in this country with any kind of freedom and liberty. >> well, unfortunately for cliven, the federal government doesn't care what he thinks. you see, bundy was ordered to
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pay $1 million in back land use fees. 1 million bucks. when bundy refused to pay, through a court order, the federal government seized the cattle. this of course outraged anti-government militias and protesters from nevada and surrounding states. on saturday, they staged an armed demonstration against the government. the demonstrators made clear, hey, they weren't messing around. >> nobody's going to live forever. so, you know, this is a righteous cause as far as i'm concerned and i'm willing to lay my life down. >> people will see that there's people out there willing to, you know, come out and support then, put the lives on the line. >> why the gun? well, they have guns. we need guns to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. >> later on saturday, there was a standoff between demonstrators and the bureau of land management. thankfully, a gun battle was
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avoided. >> protesters flooded this federal holding pen area aiming to release cliven bundy's cattle. >> back off, let me work with you and you. i'll allow you two to come in with me, that's it. >> it's the people or not and you guys need to leave. >> push these people back so they can do it safely. i'll walk you in so you can negotiate. >> walking past armed ranger, the bundies started talk about releasing the cattle and calming the crowds. >> what i need you to do is keep this crowd calm above and below. >> the incident commanders agreed to release bundy's cattle but say ultimately it's not their call. >> the blm ended up releasing bundy's cattle. they didn't want anyone to get hurt. the bureau said it will pursue bundy further in court. immediately, bundy was defended by fox news. and given a platform to take down the government. >> we have rapists and murderers
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and bank robbers and pedophiles out there and they've got 200 agents, you know, surrounding your ranch because your cows are eating grass and on land that they don't even want or need and you're arguing that isn't theirs. >> i have a response for every sheriff across the united states, every county sheriff across the united states, disarm the federal bowureaower bureauc. >> the entire country should know what is going on. i could not believe there were not network trucks there. >> to me, it's almost like a tipping point that people are fed up to here with the government pushing people around and i think your case just became a rallying point. if they come back, i'll be out there with you. thanks for being with us. >> oh, hannity's going to be out there with folks who are defying a court order. it's so american, isn't it? politics are jumping into the fray as well.
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on saturday, mike huckabee, former governor, from arkansas, was outraged the law breaker cliven bundy could actually be in this position. >> out in nevada today, federal agents are pointing rifles at american citizens in an escalation of a standoff over a man who, for 20 years, has grazed his cattle on land the state owns. i'm not here to jump in on the middle of whether bundy ought to pay the state or pay anybody. is this government more interested in some cows eating grass in nevada than they are as to why bryan terry was murdered with guns that our government provided drug dealers in mexico? >> he's getting a fan club, isn't he? folks, time-out. there's a double standard here. a major double standard coming from republicans on this entire thing. case in point, the keystone xl
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pipeline. hey, what about land rights? republicans have no problem with private land being taken over by a multinational corporation that does business outside the united states. conservatives are fine with transcanada just coming through the heartland and bullying residents of nebraska. they're quick to label the opposition a bunch of damn hippies and tree huggers, right? they're dead silent when land owners peacefully protest toxic oil flowing over their land, over the aquifer. you know, it's interesting, hold it right there, i didn't see any other trucks out there from any other media talking about imminent domain for these land owners in nebraska. where was fox news? you see, on the flip side, republicans are wrapping their arms around a law breaker who owes the government $1 million in fees but they have no problem
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with bundy abusing federal lands as long as it's in the name of freedom. it's fine, as long as you're taking on the tyrannical federal government. you see, they are praising armed demonstrators who bring guns to face off with the federal government and talk like buford purser walking tall. the big difference between bundy and the keystone opponents in nebraska is bundy's breaking the law. another difference is bundy is using guns instead of peacefully protesting. people on food stamps or unemployed folks across america, you know what they're called, they're called takers and free loaders. cliven bundy, holy smokes, this guy's a hero, because he's been stealing from the federal government for 20 years and he's now backed up by fox news who's blaming the government for collecting what's rightfully theirs. republicans, you know what they do, along with fox news, they pick and choose who they want to fight for and they make the
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case. ask yourself the question, is that consistent? i really want to see sean hannity out on the front lines with an ak-47 defying a court order and standing with those folks. listening to some of those sound bites, folks, go back and watch this on dvr. you know what these guys are? there's posse commatitus. there's been shooting matches in this country before. in north dakota where two u.s. marshals were shot and killed. this is dangerous stuff. it can spiral out of control, and it is absolutely irresponsible for any national broadcaster to be saying, hey, i'm going to stand with you folks. to hell with the federal government. to hell with paying the fees.
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it's only $1 million. get your cell phones out, what do you think. tonight's question, who was the bigger free loader, cliven bundy or an american on food stamps? text a for clive bundy, text b for someone on food stamps. can always go to our blog. we'll bring you the results later in the show. let me go to america's lawyer tonight, ring of fire radio host mike pampintino. good to have you with us tonight. what are we dealing with? it sounds like posse comatatitus to me, that they're not recognizing any kind of federal fee or any kind of state fee for that matter. >> ed, that small group of tea party militia-types and white supremacists dying to call themselves noble patriots are anything but that. they're really a group of oddballs. everything from a group called the oath keepers to sovereign
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citizens to white supremists that are defending a deadbeat. he owes us, if you're watching this program, he owes you $1 million in taxpayer money that he's taken from you. since 1993, bundy has basically been stealing taxpayer money by letting his cattle graze on public land when everybody else has to pay for it. ed, it's so bad, they've tried to negotiate with him for years. they brought three court orders against him. they say, you can graze your cattle for $1.35 per head per month. and what this guy says, that's too much money, i'd rather do it for free, i'd rather have taxpayers pay for everything. but there's nothing noble about this. this is where the huckabees and the fox news nuts get way off base trying to make this look noble. this is a welfare cowboy. that's what he is. matter of fact, he's such a flake that the nevada cattlemen's association has distanced themselves from him because they know he's a flake.
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they have to pay, other cattlemen have to pay as high as $5 per head per month to allow their cattle to graze on private lands. so this -- the idea of huckabee trying to make this guy sound noble is ludicrous. three court orders, years of attempts to negotiate. >> this is like a parking fee. this is like you go downtown to the metropolitan area and you put your quarter in the parking fee. say, i'm not going to do that. well, you get a ticket. this guy has defied the law for a long time. now the bureau land management has walked away, saying they're going to deal with him differently legally. what are the options? >> that was the thing to do. the options are to freeze the act. at some point, they'll try to freeze the sale. they simply interrupted the transaction of the money, they take the money. they put judgments on everything he owns. look, it was a good decision for the federal government to back down on this because what you
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had, you had these people -- ed, this was so crazy out there, that you had a former sheriff, who was in the crowd, saying, you know what, we put the women up front, we put the children up front, because if they were going to get shot, we knew that that was going to be something that would cause such pandemonium that it basically would start the next revolution. that's what this guy was thinking when they said let's put the women up front, let's put the children up front. these people are waiting for the big federal apocalypse. they're waiting for the big war. this has nothing to do with money. you had people coming in from all over the country that wouldn't know which end of a cow to feed, much less what this was about. they wanted to become disruptive and pick a fight with the federal government, that's what this was about. >> we're going to find out how not recognizing a federal court order is going to go over. this is -- this is long from over. the fact that the bureau of land
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management just backed off to avoid a confrontation does not mean this is over. mike pampantino, appreciate your time tonight. i want to turn now to jane cleb of bold who joins us via telephone tonight. jane, your reaction to the republican double standard on clive bundy and the keystone opponents, what's different here as you see it? >> yeah, i mean, so having access to affordable land and water for cattle is an issue that faces a lot of ranchers. this particular rancher gives everybody a bad name. ranchers live by a code to protect their land and do good. that means paying your taxes and all the fees that go along with your livelihood. that's grazing fees and checkoff fees. so it's crazy mr. bundy is being essentially treated like a hero and right wing media for not paying his taxes when the real property rights issue is happening right now in states all along the route and none of those tv stations like you said, ed, or politicians are rallying
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behind the farmers and ranchers who just want to grow their crops and raise cat well clean water and yet this foreign oil corporation transcanada is bullying them. >> so you would welcome all these critics over on fox news to come out to nebraska and do a story on eminent domain and land owners rights because you're being cash whipped and run over and now of course it's going to the state supreme court. it's clearly a double standard. what's the latest on the xl pipeline, waiting for the state to make a decision? >> the state supreme court will hear both sides and make a decision early next year. there's another kink in the plan which is south dakota has a permit process as well. transcanada lesses their permit in south dakota as of june 20th. so if the president doesn't make a decision by then, transcanada's not only looking
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at a year long's process in nebraska, they're also looking at that same time frame in south dakota. while transcanada trained both the fbi and local police officers how to use terrorism laws against us protecting our land and water without gun, yet where's sean hannity to either tell the process about the supreme court or tell the process of how transcanada was training our local police officers to use terrorism laws against it, that's the story. >> that is absolutely amazing. coming up in a couple of weeks, you're going to have an encampment in washington, d.c. and a march on the white house. tell us about that. >> yes, so reject and is where viewers can learn more information. we've been working with different tribal nations to bring over seven teepees on the national mall and we'll have various actions throughout the week and we're sending the clear message to the president he has to reject the keystone xl.
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you will see hundreds along with tribal groups coming to washington, d.c. and showing the president our faces. showing him really what's at risk. whether it's the leaks in the aquifer or threats of eminent domain, we're saying we're not going to take it anymore and we want the president to see our faces. >> anykleeb, appreciate your time. we'll follow the story. i'll be in washington covering that coming up on april 26th. remember to answer tonight's question. share your thoughts with us on twitter @edshow. coming up, ohio voters relying on public transportation face journeys up to three hours round trip just to get to the polls to vote. nina turner joins us on the rapid response panel. first, shoe thrower truthers they're out and about. the latest conspiracy theories from the right wing. ♪
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huh the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out, with no annual fee. go to check us out on twitt twitter @edshow. on sirius xm. we're there either day. the ed show social media nation has decided. we're reporting. today's top trend as voted on by you. the number three trender. blood moon rising. >> a spectacular light show brightened up the sky overnight. >> great name blood moon. is it just because of the red color? >> there's no blood on the moon. >> the moon's made of cheese? >> night owls caught a glimpse
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of a rare red moon. >> an explanation is probably long overdue. >> creep along the moon surface until it totally blocks the moon. >> this isn't your average eclipse. it's the first of four total lunar eclipses in the next eight months. >> geez louis. >> older generations might lament the explosion of selfies, i'm not surprised and optimistic about where this is going. >> omg. >> selfies are part of a minute lennial movement. >> millennials saw the government lead us into really expensive war, saw the economy collapse, they've seen their heros who have found ways to solve problems on their own. >> whatever, i do what i want. >> why would a millennial say, can you take my picture for me, when they know they can take their own picture better than
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anyone in the history of time. >> and today's top trender, soul searching. >> the woman in the cocktail dress hurled something at the former first lady. >> who throws a shoe? honestly. >> federal authorities have now filed two criminal charges against 36-year-old allison ernst. >> somebody threw a shoe at hillary, big whoop. >> the right wing shoe truther conspiracy falls flat. >> i can totally relate to people who think everything the clintons do is fake. i just don't attach much genuineness to them. maybe it's because in my subconscious i think it was staged. >> joining me now, political analyst and author jonathan alter. great to have you with us. this is the strange efst conspiy theory i think i have ever heard. what is your take on this? >> first of all, we need to
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remind ourselves that rush limbaugh is not just a blow hard, he's an extraordinarily powerful blow hard. nobody in the republican party will ever defy him. if they criticize him, they immediately have to apologize. he's had for 25 years a two or three hour advertisement for the republican party, a two or three hour negative ad against the democrats, that has inundated and in some cases polluted the minds of broad swaths particularly of rule america. when he gives credence to some idiotic conspiracy theory, it's a reminder they will basically say anything they can to take down hillary clinton and other democrats. here's the good news for democrats out there. when they get desperate like this, when they become shoe birthers, just like when they were birthers with president obama, that means they are
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almost out of ammunition. they have nothing real to go after these democratic politicians on. so they go for these idiotic conspiracies. >> this isn't the first time clinton conspiracy has been pushed out by the right wing. in 2012, they claimed she was suffering from benghazi fleu, when she became ill before i believe a hearing on the attack. are conservatives going to be suspicious on every move hillary clinton makes because they are desperate for a narrative? i think -- they hate hillary as much as they hate president. >> yeah, and when she starts to actually run in earnest, if she does run, it will get a lot worse than this. but hillary clinton is used to it. she has a thick skin. she knows that this nonsense is not believed by the american
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public, and that there is a desperation that this shows. you know, they couldn't get anything to stick on benghazi. so now they're saying this person throwing the shoe was actually a hillary person who was doing it to lampoon the people who don't like her, the crazy people who don't like her on benghazi, whatever their, you know, conspiracy notion of the moment might be, all falls in in the department of desperate on the right side of the spectrum. >> what they're not explaining is what is the upside for hillary clinton, having a shoe thrown at her. i mean, is it the sympathy? why in the world would they ever -- it's the most outlandish thing. they are desperate. limbaugh suggesting the shoe thrower was an attempt to make the benghazi people look like they were nuts. at the national review, they made a benghazi connection as well. will the right ever drop the
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benghazi talking point? i say probably not. >> no, they won't, because what it does, it helps rev up their base. they know they're not persuading any independents, much less democrats, with this. what it does, it's reid meat for the conservative-base. it didn't do anything for them during the 2012 campaign. it won't do anything for them in 2014 or 2016. but it's become like a golden oldie for them. >> yeah, well, this is the kind of garbage that limbaugh's coming up with, that's probably why he was yanked off the big station in san francisco, new york and los angeles by his own company. >> my question for liberals, ed, when do more boycotts of rush limbaugh's sponsors come? you know, there's been some racist garbage over the years. he's been racist on any number
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of occasions. so you get a little bit of a boycott or a little bit of a sense that, you know, the sponsors should be challenged as they would be on the other side of the spectrum, if the shoe, so to speak, were on the other foot. but you don't see any sustained organization on the part of liberals to go after limbaugh. we'll see if that takes place in the future. >> all right, jonathan, good to have you with us on the ed show. appreciate your time. still ahead, republican voter suppression tactics. i'll tell you, they're getting pretty creative in ohio. joins me in the rapid response panel to discuss latest assault on voting rights in the state. it's amaze. later, wisconsin republicans, what do they want to do, they want to include the threat of secession in the state party platform.
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welcome back to "the ed show." tonight, first question comes up from twitter user orcon warrior. who wants to know, is the united states seriously heading for an oligarchy? there's a lot of evidence that says we are but let me reverse this, try to make the argument that we aren't. ernie sanders is making the case as he's done in recent visits to this program and on the radio show. i agree with him. next question is from marcus. how will the republicans -- how are the republicans going to keep the house with such a low approval rating? it's not about a poll, it's not about an approval rating, it's about tactics, meaning voter suppress. it's about gerrymandering, socially engineering the vote, keeping as many people away from the polls as those who come.
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they're confident they're going to hang on to the house. it's going to take a big thing to make that happen. stick around. it was a busy day on wall street it the dow gaining 89 points. the s&p up 12. the nasdaq adding 11. consumer prices edged up in march maybely due to a rise in food and rent prices. strong sales in china pushed case volumes up 2%. topping estimates in the first quarter. google class on sale today but just for today. the going price for the wearable computer, $1500. revolutionizing an industry can be a tough act to follow,
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the republican effort to suppress the vote shows no sign of slowing down. they're getting more and more innovative all the time. they're getting very, very creative on how they do it. case in point, hamilton county, ohio, now, last week, we followed state senator nina turner who took a trip to the newly approved hamilton county board of elections site. now, the current board of elections site is centrally located in downtown cincinnati. the new site is located in mount airy. nine miles outside of the downtown area. now, using public transportation to get there, it took over an hour and a half one way. >> even in the best scenario, we got here in an hour and a half, hour 45 minutes. that is just what -- and for what? i continue to go back for what,
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to save a couple dollars because this was a gift? guess where the cost is being shifted to. the people who have to pay in time, energy and money to get here and the reality is that's not acceptable. >> ohio secretary suppression john hugh said -- broke a tie vote in february to approve the move which is scheduled to happen after the 2016 election. well, let's just see how '14 goes. you can't trust these folks. we can't wait until then to take up this fight and this issue and bring it to light. here's the situation. over 41,000 households in hamilton county, they don't own a car. they don't have private transportation. they rely on public transportation. the burden is being shifted on to these folks, these americans. they are said to be strat
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strategically disenfranchised by this move. without a car, you would need to carve out three hours just to account for a round trip to go vote. does that sound like america to you? all in the order to exercise your right to vote in the freest country in the world? i mean, this should not be happening in america. not now, not in two years, but ever. why is it happening? because republicans want to suppress the vote. i want to alert viewers. this story came to us from state senator nina turner. we can't find any other scenario that's playing out in the country that is similar to this one. but we might be missing it. so i'm asking our audience tonight if you've been on the issue of voter suppress and redistricting and moving officers and making it harder for people to vote, we want to know if you have something that is similar to this. because if this is what their plan is not only in ohio but maybe in north carolina or in
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colorado or in states that could go either way that are purple that have gone democrat in the past, gone republican in the past or have a great deal of legislative pressure on suppressing the vote, we want to know. we can't find anything that parallels this. joining me tonight, our rapid response panel, ohio state senator turner. also with us tonight, tim burke, the chair of county and hamilton board of elections. how outrageous is this if it goes through and how much of an impact will it have on hamilton county voters? >> well, there's no question, you've already hit on the fact there are 41,000 households, not just people, households in hamilton county that don't have cars. they have to rely on mass transit. senator turner demonstrated just what a burden that can be. even secretary hugh said the republicans on the board and the democrats ought to get together and try to work out a solution.
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our mayor and our city council members have said let's sit down, let's talk. we've got three sites inside downtown that can be made available. the republican chair, the republican president of the county commission, refused to even meet to talk about alternatives. >> dina, what's your response to that? it takes two to tango here, two parties to think the vote is important. what's going on? >> absolutely, ed, thank you so much for highlighting this and also want to thank senator eric currenty whose district we were in when we took that bus ride. again, the secretary of state broke the tie, so let's not lose sight of that, when he could have very clearly said no, that location will not move and if it does move, it will move to a location that is easily accessible by bus and easily acceptable by car. and as chairman burke highlighted, one of the arguments that the republicans made on that board was about the car, the car. are we supposed to pretend that in the great country, the great
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state of ohio, this great nation, that only people who have access to a car will be able to vote? that is outrageous. you know, less than 1% of the state of ohio's transportation budget, a $7 billion budget, less than 1% of it, ed, goes towards public transportation. doesn't make a whole lot of sense to make it harder for people to vote, to take an hour and a half one way. and, ed, that was only one community. we could have selected other communities. it would have taken a lot longer. 50 years after the signing of the civil rights act, 50 years after the march on washington and next year will be 50 years after the signing of the voting rights act and this is where we find ourselves in america? >> mr. burke, let's say that this goes as scheduled for the republicans. let's say this plan is put into place and this is the way it's going to be. what's the game plan or could
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there be a game plan that would mobilize all of these folks? i mean, how you going to make sure all these 41,000 house holds are going to be represented? they're going to need some help, aren't they? >> there is no question about that. we're going to have to work with a lot of the community groups, the naacp, the pastors of the many churches who rely on encouraging their parishioners to get out and vote prior to elections. we're going to have to work with all of those folks to overcome this kind of a voter suppress effort. >> you know, they want this to take place after 2016, but if the alarm isn't sounded, you can't put anything past them. then they may try to do it even before then. is there an opportunity depending on how the election goes in 2014 that this could be implemented for 2016? >> oh, yeah, there's an opportunity, ed, it's called the
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election on november 4, 2014, here in the state of ohio where folks want different types of policymaker, people who will stand up for middle class and the working poor in this nation, will stand up for the right to vote, then we need different types of elected officials so in ohio, ohioans will have a chance to make their voices heard and to vote for people who care about a government that is for the people and by the people, you know, of the people, for the people and by the people been that is the kind of government. it's the by the people point we have to keep pushing for. people must get out to vote and exercise their right to lift their voices. the only place where we are all equal. but they are trying to take that away. >> mr. burke, you take away 40-so40 40-some thousand votes away. would that be quote an election mover or decider? >> ed, it certainly has that possibility. we had a juvenile court race that took us 18 months to get
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resolved after the election because of how close that was on a countywide basis. you take away 20,000 votes here in hamilton county and you can change the results in this county. what the republicans are trying to could do is return this county to what it used to be when it was a solid republican county. it is no longer that. and people, like senator turner, we're counting on to help us ensure it will continue to be a democratic county in the future. >> bottom line, folks, they have no boundaries, they'll do whatever they have to do. nina turner, tim, great to have you with us tonight. again, we want to ask our viewers, does this sound familiar, that somebody who uses public transportation in your neck of the woods, in your state, would take an hour to get to the polls, this is the model the republicans want to use? coming up, john kasich, governor of ohio, tries to blur out old alliances, pretenders is next, stick around, we're right back.
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delivered by the united states postal service. >> and in pretenders tonight, john kasich, the union busting governor always living in the past. kasich is using old photographs for his commercials and website, but this particular picture leaves out the full story, folks. you see the "columbus dispatch" noticed how the kasich campaign blurred out a sign for mim romney. john kasich would love to drop his association with the failed candidate. the governor has photos, but we have the tape. >> i'm for mitt romney for a bunch of different reasons. >> this is a man that's the trifecta, he's got it all. >> i'm very, very enthusiastic about this. >> we need mitt romney as president. >> we sit down with the guy who's probably going to be the president of the united states.
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i need mitt romney as president of the united states. that's what i need. >> no one came out harder for mitt romney than john kasich. if he believes ohio's memory will be as weak weak as his campaign promises, he can keep on pretending. to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.
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country are taking divide to a new level of crazy. some wisconsin republicans want to secede from the union. that's right, secede from the union. you may remember just a few years ago when texas governor rick perry talked about secession. >> i think there's a lot of different scenarios. texas is a unique place. when we came in the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that. if washington continues to thumb their nose at the american people, you know, who knows what may come out of that. but texas is a very unique place, and we're independent. >> well, rick perry has been dogged by this comment ever since he made it. republicans in wisconsin, you know what they're going to do? they're going to vote on whether to include this rhetoric, this threat of secession into their party platform next month.
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eight regional gop caucuses have already approved the proposal for the state convention. some in the right wing are trying to distance themselves from the idea, including governor scott walker, but guess what, folks? it's too late. you can't run from this. the petition has already been filed, the party will vote on this and the state gop annual convention next month. ruth coniff, editor in chief of the progressive magazine from wisconsin joins us tonight. you know, i know that wisconsin is a state that is politically rich and anything can happen, but this? ruth can we take this petition seriously? what wing of the republican party is coming up with this? >> it's the tea party wing. you know, it puts walkner a real jam. because our governor, scott walker has said in the past that he was the original tea partier in wisconsin. well, you know, he doesn't really like it now.
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it looks bad for him to have to, as he floats the idea of a presidential campaign, be running for reelection for governor in a state that might want to be a nation all to its own. it's not great for him. and also the republican party which was founded in wisconsin in 1854 as an opponent of secession. it was founded to defend the union, lincoln for president, to fight against slavery. so they've really come full circumstance wl this one. >> what is this threat of secession actually accomplish for the republicans? i mean, what is this -- what is this -- why are they doing this? do they really think that america is going to unravel to the point where wisconsin would become its own country? that's really where they are on this. what do they aim to accomplish? >> i think this recent it ration of this favorite line of the tea party, because this is a sort of national rallying cry for tea party folks. i think it has to do with disliking obama. it has to do with saying, you know, we need states rights,
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which has a certain racial resonance, and it also has to do with resisting obamacare. so one of the issues they're talking about in these little con founds is whether they can arrest federal agents who try to come and impose national health care on the people of wisconsin. it's a real parallel universe view of the world. >> that is amazing. and there's careful language in here that says they could secede from the union if conditions became severe, but it doesn't really explain what these severe conditions would be. i mean, obamacare is severe in wisconsin? what do you make of that verbiage? >> i think it's a way to assert the idea whatever the folks in tinfoil hats worry about conditions getting so severe they have to get out their guns and fight for an independent nation in wisconsin, it sort of pushes their buttons. these state party conventions have gotten more and more tea
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party dominated. they're so far to the right now, they a support the candidates who do the worst in elections. their top candidate for senator when tommy thompson ran was the guy who was the lowest vote getter in the primary. nay ear too far to the right for frun p republican primary voters in wisconsin. >> walker is trying to distance himself from this? you think it's going to be hard for him to do at this point? he's going to at the convention take a stand on this, isn't he? >> one of the supporters of the secession idea, mike murphy, said bitterly, they want us to come out and vote but they don't like our ideas in the resolution committee. that's right, he needs their votes, they're very motivated voter, yet he's trying to run a national career. he doesn't want to be associated with this kind of nuttiness. the other thing that's happening is there's a purge of moderate republicans going on in the state of wisconsin. these folks are really taking over. >> sure. ruth coniff, great to have you
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with us tonight. appreciate your time on "the ed show." thank you. i'm ed shultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop's tax day giveaway to millions. today, republicans have a message for many americans filing their taxes -- you should be paying even more! unless, of course, you happen to be a millionaire. conservatives are embracing congressman paul ryan's budget, which shreds the safety net, while lavishing massive tax cuts and tax breaks on the wealthy. if ryan's budget were in evident today, millionaires would get an average tax break of $200,000. corporations would enjoy tax cuts of 10% at a time
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