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tv   Hardball With Chris Matthews  MSNBC  April 17, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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>> you both seem like real people. you have been on before. appreciate you sharing your stories tonight. thank you. >> a pleasure. >> it's a pleasure. let's play "hardball." >> good evening, i'm joy reid, in for chris matthews. it's been the battle hymn of the republican party. a guaranteed applause line no matter who you are. it's been your solemn duty as a republican, whether you're mitch mcconnell, john boehner, jeb bush or ted cruz to tell other republicans that your very reason for getting up in the morning is to repeal obama care. >> law in trouble. a law that needs to be repealed. that's the goal of every
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republican member of the senate. we're united. >> we need to repeal this law and replace it with common sense patient-centered health care reform. >> we must repeal obama care and replace wit a consume-directed market-oriented policy. >> i am convinced we are going to repeal every single word of obama care. >> so it's hardly a surprise then that the party's base has been whipped into a frenzy on the issue to the point where if you merely say you want to replace, you're committing an act of treason. but the obama punching bag is now punching back with a vengeance. a new survey has some astounding figures. at least 10 million people have signed up for coverage because of the law. that's including the 8 million sign-up through the exchange, a better than expected number that president obama has announced today.
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states who have embraced the law are seeing prices decline three times faster. and the republican fear of the law is quickly draining away. 72% of the said the law would make them worse off. now it's 51%. that should be a clear wake-up call for democrats. pruchb opposition has spiralled into a popularity contest. now we're talking about taking away health care from 8 manager, maybe 10 million or more people. if you're a democrat, maybe it's time to defend and own run on obama care. join walsh is the editor at large with salon, and both are msnbc political analysts. ladies first, should democrats lose their fear of obama care? and actually proactively run on
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it? >> yes, she should, joy. i am so thrilled to see the president out there punching back, telling them to stop the charade in the repeal of the law. i want them to keep run on repealing the law because the law is going to become increasingly popular. that number you showed about the decline, even among republicans, people who say it's going to hurt them. i wonder what john is going to say about this comparison, but it reminds me about gay marriage. people know more and more people who have been helped by this law, just like they know more and more gay people. they have them in their family. and the opposition fades away. it is felony stupid for democrats to run away with this law. >> is there an analogy to be had here where the way to get gay marriage done is to actually have people experience gay married couples? >> right. the sky didn't fall in massachusetts, which was the first state to legalize same sex marriage, the way the opponents
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predicted it would. and look at where we are right now, i think the number now is 17 states where marriage equality is legal. the more people -- the more people live with the affordable care act, the more they get comfortable with and get used to and more importantly realize some of the key provisions of the law which have been in place for a long time. such as keeping yo you are kid on insurance until they're 26 or no lifetime caps on coverage or better yet, not being denied health insurance because you have a pre-existing condition, those are all parts of the law. and the more people who are impacted by this law, it's benefitting them. also for democrats. some are running scared or even afraid to talk about this law. the president is as you said, punching back.
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he gave them a lot of lines to use for the arguments when the republican challengers hammer them with this law. >> let's take a listen to president obama. he did jump into the fight when he announced the 8 million people signing up, which beats the targets. and the 35% of enrollees being under the age of 35, which is really key and just shy of the target the white house set. let's listen to the president going on offense as you guys discussed. >> i find it strange the republican position on this law is still stuck in the same place that it has always been. they still can't bring themselves to admit the affordable care act is working. they said nobody would sign up. they were wrong about that. they said it would be unaffordable for the country. they were wrong about that. they were wrong to keep trying to repeal a law that is working when they have no alternative answer for millions of americans with pre-existing conditions
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that would be denied coverage again. >> why is there still some reticence among some democrats? >> because you can never go broke thinking about the cowardice of democrats. i hate to say that, but it really is true. maybe we're seeing a turnaround. the president went on the offensive about republicans who refused to expand medicaid, calling that a strictly ideological move putting people at risk, possibly costing people lives. we need to see more of that. these numbers are wonderful, but they make you mad in a way. that youth number is astonishing. because republicans went around with the creepy uncle sam and the parties they were holding on campuses telling student, don't sign up for obama care? imagine if the whole party wasn't working to obstruct this law and telling people not to sign up. can you imagine what the sign-ups would have been then? >> the piece on the medicaid
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expansion seems like a golden opportunity. look, your maybes are getting this, others are getting it. why aren't we hearing more of that message? >> i think that what's going to happen here from here on out is that now democrats -- before they were running scared. everything everyone knew all boiled down to the hell that broke loose on october 1 when didn't work properly. now that the numbers are coming in much better than expected, now that the cbo has come back and said that this is actually going to cost more than $100 billion less over the next ten years than had been predicted, democrats now have number, they have evidence to go back to constituents and say look, this is working and also to push back against the i evidentable republican attacks on them for supporting the law.
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nothing beats the pushback from the republicans like the facts. maybe nothing beats the facts than a former republican. i want to play you a little bit of charlie crist, newly minted democrat. and this is the way that charlie crist is running for governor again against republican rick scott, who is dead set against obama care. let's listen to which are lee crist's ad. >> truth is, rick scott wants to take us back to the days of i insurance companies denying people with pre-existing conditions, and putting caps on even children with cancer. >> breaking the law up into the pieces that people like and say, that guy is going to take this stuff away from you. and really not even saying the affordable care act.
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>> i think part that's what they need to do. the appeal to wait a minute is being a woman was a pre-existing condition. women play paid more, sometimes much more than men. you have a gender gap, go out there and run on that. these are the things that we're learning about the law. it seeps democrats are now learning about the law. >> i'm not so sure if it make sense to run away from even talking about the affordable care act itself, was that is the way charlie crist is doing it and he's leadinging in the polls against rick scott. what does it seem that some republicans are backing down a little bit from this idea of full repeal. mitch mcconnell has said his whole reason for getting up in the morning is to fully repeal, root and branch, root out the affordable care act. when he actually confronted health care workers in kentucky earlier this week, this was the tone that he struck for him.
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-reported by the madison currier this by way. obama won't repeal the law, but republican legislators plan to push back against the legislation. we're going to figure out a way to get this fixed, mcconnell said. and there's a new ad praising mitch mcconnell for wanting to fix the law. >> mitch mcconnell is leading the fight to fix this obama care mess. to lower costs and reduce red tape. mitch mcconnell is fighting for us and for kentucky's future. right now, that's what we need. >> so january than, now mitch mcconnell is being tagged, i guess he's an obama care sympathizer. does this make any sense to you? >> wow. is this "hardball" or have i fallen through the looking glass. what we have with that ad is sort of the stark divide between the establishment wing of the republican party and the tea party wing of republican party that still wants to repeal obama care, doesn't even want to talk
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about replacing it with anything. and mcconnell is striking an incredibly moderate tone saying he wants to fix it, wants to do all these things that the law is actually already doing. to me, that sounds like mitch mcconnell is trying to put forth a general election message. because that will work for him in the general election. how it's going to help him with his, you know, challenges from the far right, i don't know. and other republicans who have challenges from the far right. >> mcconnell must be fairly confident in his primary to be putting out statements like that. but doesn't that clear the fundamental problem for republicans, joan. you can not repeal this law a, you can't do it. and b, you would be fundamentally taking away something from people. tens of millions of people who have it. and even republicans won't like that. >> mitch mcconnell is really stuck, because kentucky, his own state, has brought down its number of uninsured by 40%,
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because there is a democratic governor in a red state who did his own exchange, who accepted medicaid expansion. and some of mitch mccobble's own voter base aging white people. you know they are on -- it's not called obama care. they may not know what it is, but increasingly if he goes out and says i'm going to repeal that, he can't do that. but he's lying when he says he wants to fix it because he doesn't. >> he understand people are getting dental care and help for the very first time in their lives. and to say to them i'm going to take that away from you because it's associated with obama care doesn't work. i want to go to north carolina. and you have the same sort of issue happening. karl rove's american crossroads ran an ad and they were supporting the establishment command. his name was tom tillis. let's look at the original ad. >> tom tillis, true to our values. as speaker, eliminated a $2.5 billion deficit.
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and cut taxes. the conservative guts to replace obama care with honest health care reforms. >> his tea party opponent goes on the attack and brannon's campaign ad said it makes no talk of repealing obama care. now here's the ad. >> the guts to repeal and replace obama care. >> can they get themselves out of this position they put themselves in on the affordable care act? >> no, they can't. here's the thing. repeal of the affordable care act, repeal of obama care is sort of the oxygen to the fire that burns within the tea party base of the republican heart. those people go out and vote in primaries and those are the people who all republicans live in fear of if they face a republican party, tea party challenger.
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so it makes sense they went back and changed the ad. but they don't talk about what the replace part is when they dane to talk about replacing obama care. >> you know what the replacement is? it's obama care. thanks to both of you. coming up, fear and loathing on the campaign trail. why the republican establishment will do whatever it takes to stop rand paul from winning the party's nomination. plus, the right is falling all over itself, portraying the rancher standoff in nevada as the next waco or ruby ridge. but this welfare cowboy is really less waco and more george wallace standing in the schoolhouse door. also, look who's behind those aviator sunglasses. and let me finish tonight with a republican party that finds itself looking for love in all
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the wrong places.
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>> chelsea clinton and her husband aren't kping their first child. they announced the baby is due later this year, congratulations to the parents to be. we'll be right back.
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the republican establishment is declaring war on its republican rising stars and likely 2016 candidates. ke ki senator rand paul. they're unhappy with paul's isolationism anti-surveillance views on foreign policy and recent criticism of dick cheney. establishment types fear paul is unelectable and are making it clear with a full frontal attack this week. paul's belief that the iraq war may have been about padding a
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bottom law excos war profiteering has been a staebl of left. his instincts sometimes seem more appropriate to a dorm room bull session than a situation room. brett stevens satirically wrote of paul, let's not mince words. the man wants to be the republican nominee for president and so he should be. because maybe what the gop needs is another humbling landslide defeat. when moderation on a subject like immigration is ideologically disqualifying but bark at the moon lunacy about halliburton is not, then the party has worse problems than merely its choice of nominee. and the republican congressman peter king of new york had even tougher words for paul, telling our own joe scarborough that his views would be disastrous for the dp op. >> i think he appeals to the lowest common denominator. this is an isolationist wing from the 1930s.
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rand paul brings it to this hysterical level when he talks about the cia trying to kill americans having coffee in starbucks. when he talks about president obama listening to his cell phone conversations. that to me is feeding into paranoia. we do need an intelligent debate and i don't think rand paul is capable of having that debate. >> okay, michael, my friend, i have to talk to you. >> i love that last sound bite. classic king. >> rand paul, michael, rand paul is trying to appeal to younger voters on issues like surveillance. he's on the same side of a lot of voters under po. he's trying to reach out to minorities. he is trying to do this conversation about black and brown voters. he is energizing the tea party libertarian wing of the party. do you think that that is disastrous?
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is he a disaster for your party? >> he's a disaster for people who like status quo or who don't know how to have an effect icon ver sags, not skrus with the people you're talking about, but the issues that concern women or minorities. i give rand paul total props for making the effort of at least trying to reshape the landscape for a national debate about these issues. kwle, he is a libertarian, but we seem to have forgotten that's part of our roots as a republican party. we always talked about the individual rights to make choices based on the freedoms that are inherent in the constitution. so all of a sudden now, this is an anathema? he's not his father. i think once we get into a presidential debate you'll see rand paul begin to shape, as all these candidates must be their positions and views around what's going on currently in the economy and foreign affairs.
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there are a lot of folks who are scared right now in the party, the establishment types especially. this is a guy who's having a conversation with the american people. they apparently can't seem to have. and number two, he's organizing around that conversation in all 50 states. that more than anybody is scaring the you know what out of them. >> mark, when you talk a republicans, what is scaring them more? is it the idea of a rand paul candidacy fwauz he is giving them the party? or do they more fear that same base may be so turned off by yet another establishment candidate rolled out by "the wall street journal" wing that people may not even take an interest and vote? >> one fear is he might win the candidacy.
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i have great respect for people who put themselves out the way this guy has. you could make a list of ten things where he's in the top one or two tier of republican potential candidates in terms of skills. reaching out to new people, good candidate skills, trying to go to new places. tons of strengths. but the party establishment thinks he'll lose 40 states and there are a lot of democrats who think he'll lose. he's not even close to prime time. >> go ahead, michael. >> who is? i mean, who is going to make it through this republican primary? who is is that's going to be able to bring together those two ends of the hard core conservative wing that everyone wants to go vote but no one wants to give them the issues that they really want to talk about and this establishment? who's going to tie that bow for the party? that's the question. >> this is the fundment ral problem for the tea party.
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they love the energy of the tea party wing. if it's towards the establishment candidate, they would prefer. they lost control of the plot completely. now the base wants a rand paul type. but look at the polling. fox news had a poll that shows chris christie and jeb bush are just sort of lumped together with rand paul right there, tied for second place. it's a party that seems to be disconnected with itself. >> it's impossible to be imagine someone with a lot of rand paul's attitudes and constituency theories being a strong nominee for the party. what's harder to imagine is someone with rand paul's controversial statement, most of the criticisms comes from a series of controversial statements and associations that he is not good at handling, like his father. he's not his father. he handles criticism and pressure and scrutiny horribly. i don't think you can get elected with controversies in your back ground and the inability to handle them.
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>> one of the areas where he's ran into trouble is the issue of israel. it's one of the strongest criticisms people have had. and the gop strategist on last night said this, he has significant liabilities. father cast a big shadow over his ambitions. the pro israel part of the party distrusts him. rand paul has told top gop donor he's evolving on foreign policy. several prominent gop donors a the conference, which is the republican jewish coalition meeting in las vegas that was hosted by shell donn adelson suggested delson who spent more than $100 million fwaking newt gingrich and mitt romney is likely 20 donate vast sum against rand paul. adelson's spending is largely motivated by his strong concern for israel. >> that could havive could evolve from passover to easter to christmas to every holiday in
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the world. he could spend his whole life evolving. he will never evolve enough for the pro israel wing of the party. that is an important part of the current view of american foreign policy. he can evolve all he wants. i just don't think he'll get over that hurdle. >> the pro war wing of the party, the neo-cons are not accepting of him. even even his minority outreach are flawed that it's hard to imagine hip doing it. but he is the most interesting candidate out there. >> he's the most interesting. michael steele, mike halprin, thanks to both of you. instra gram's newest user, joe biden. 
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>> time for the slide show. joe biden joined instagram this week and already his photos are going viral. he sent this one out this morning. this photo of his famous sunglasses. fallow the latest@vp for the latest from the vice president and an occasional aviator pic. he was loinging at the special olympics wearing his sunglasses and a 2010 shot in a rally in philadelphia where the president began referencing biden's shades in his speeches. maybe joe should consider giving the aviators their own instagram account.
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next up, jimmy kimmel appeared on toronto mayor rob ford's show. ford hosts the talk show with his brother who asked kimmel about the decision to serve his audience alcohol during his premier. >> what were you thinking that night, jimmy, when you fed your whole audience a bunch of booze and they were hammered. what were you thinking? what was on your mind that night? >> that wasn't one night. that's most nights on our show. i don't know what i was thinking to be honest with you. >> you know you're starting to sound like a politician. you said i don't know what happened that night. >> i was just saying i was so drunk i don't know what happened that night. >> i use that excuse one too many times myself. >> maybe one too many times mayor ford. finally, have you seen those republican ads with the leather jacket hipster aimed at attracting young voters?
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>> we haven't even talked about my heating bill at home. so when it comes to energy policy for this country, i'm very everything, solar, wind, shale gas, oil, whatever. >> well, hbo's last week tonight with john oliver doesn't debut until april 27, but that isn't stopping the team there from already poking fun at those ads. >> when it comes to energy policy for this country, i'm for everything. solar, wind, shale gas, oil, panda blood, the elderly, bones of first generation immigrants. i'm a republican because i'm under the impression that lower cost for energy companies will result in savings being passed on to the consumer which is cray-cray. >> up next, the right wing's love affair with a nevada rancher.
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president obama says he's hopeful but concerned that russia will reach a dooe deal with ukraine. it calls for legally armed groups to is d arm. -- disarm. there are questions whether a captain of a ship was among the first to escape a sinking ship. 25 people are confirmed dead. 271 are missing. now let's take you back to "hardball." >> if they do come in the middle of the night, will you willingly go with them?
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>> that's a pretty good question. you know, if the county sheriff comes to arrest me, yes, i would go with him. these feds i don't recognize their jurisdiction or authority, so no, i wouldn't go with them. >> a standoff between a nevada cattle rancher and the u.s. bureau of land management ended this past weekend after federal authorities stood down to avoid violence, but the dispute at the heart of the conflict is still unresolved. bundy is defiant as ever, emboldened by voices on the right stoking the flame of this con in incompetent in name of states rites. presidential candidate and former texas congressman ron paul saluted bundy, but also cautioned that there's more to come. >> when the people do get together and stand up, i think governments will be forced to back down, but the other thing is governments don't give up their power easily and they may welcome back with a lot more force, like they did at waco with the davidian.
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>> ron paul's warning that the nevada standoff could turn into the next waco has been echoed throughout the week on fox, and our colleagues at the rachel maddow show compiled some of that rhetoric. >> people being killed like waco texas. we don't want any of that to happen. >> a lot of memories coming back, waco and ruby ridge, right? >> on voicely the government was wrong in waco. the government was wrong at ruby ridge, except the people in those situations were also pretty goofy. there may be another way to enforce the law without risking retaliation. a judge must issue a warrant for his arrest. a marshall and a sheriff should lock up bundy where he should remain there until his family, and not the blm, h remove all the cows from the public land.
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that in and of itself will be tricky, but it's the only option. ginning us now is the host of ral ton reports. as well as a former atv in charge. >> i actually want to start with you, john. how likely is it to happen? >> well, joy, i think your use of the word theoretically is unfortunately to apt. this is very, very tricky. mike ford is a blm veteran and other blm veterans worry about how this was handled up front by the blm and now you have the militia types, the oath keepers and some are still hanging around up there. even if you were to get the local sheriff to try to go in there, that clive but b dihas been em bolened by all the right people thinking this is
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something it's not. he's phrasing on federal lands. he's lost in court, the law is clear. they don't care about that. and just one more thing, joy. i just came from an event where harry reid referred to those folks up there as domestic terrorists. that's going to tamp it all down. >> exactly. the thing that is really scary is these illusions to waco and rudy ridge. incidents, violent crashes. i don't know, is this a violent fantasy on the right for this to happen? or do they consider it a warning? >> the militia men ral lig to the cause of this rancher, they
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always want a violent conflict with the government because they feel it is the shot that's going to be heard around the world. their life is going to be the martyr, the next revolution. they see themselves as, you know, reincarnated paul revere. we heard this for 40 years. we understand the talk. it all goes in a circle to mean that the united states government does not have any authority. and john, you know, john's reporting is so good on this. he points out what the former blm manager said. the sovereign citizens and the militia men put out about the sheriff has the power is really a phony one. one of the fathers of the movement was gordon call. and he said that all the time.
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the sheriff, the county, he killed the sheriff in ar ar. he killed the sheriff. so, you know, it's not real. it's not real. to that point, this idea that bundy said he would surrender to local authorities, i want you guys to listen to the way that he talked to that same sheriff about how to apply the law and essentially the orders he gave him. take a listen to bundy. >> we the people are asking this morning, disarm the park service and all other parks that the federal government claims they have jurisdiction over. >> do your job, sir! >> you disarm those park service people. we want those arms delivered right here under these flags in one hour.
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>> the guy who's ordering the sheriff to bring him the guns of the federal authorities, is that a guy that's going to surrender to the sheriff. can we trust anything he's saying about cooperating? >> right, joy. i was a uniformed deputy sheriff before i spent a career in the u.s. government with the atf. and i talked a lot to sheriffs. i have friends that are sheriffs all over the country. anybody who strikes a deal -- now, the sheriff in nevada was just trying to keep the peace. i think he's doing the right thing there. he was working the right way. but any other sheriff who tries to strike a deal with these guys, it's a deal with the devil. once they get strong around you, they'll be justice like this rancher, they'll be telling you what to do. go disarm the federal agents, which, of course, would be obstructing the law, obstructs justice. violations of federal law. but they're ordering you to commit them. you've got to be careful when you tread with these guys.
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they're your friend once they get control of you, they'll be ordering you around. >> and do you have any reporting there are investigations into possible charge against all of these armed militias who came down and pointed guns at federal authorities. i can't imagine any american being able to get away with that, let alone the part about grazing your cattle illegally on federal land? >> yeah. and jim is absolutely right, joy. there's no evidence that bundy or any of his relatives are violent people. but they' been captured now by this movement, emboldened by it. and senator reid just said at this event i was at that he's talked to the sheriff, who is a very solid guy and tried to resolve this peacefully, was kind of caught in the middle. he's talked to the attorney general now. eric holder, and he's talked to the fbi about finding some way to resolve all of this. some of those guys are still up there. so if you go up there and try to arrest bundy, what might happen reid when he was pressed about what might happen, he doesn't want to talk about it.
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but certainly all these law enforcement agencies are talking about it. but as mike ford said, it's tricky. that's the word he used and it's very, very dangerous. >> scary stuff. thanks so much. and up next, a once unthinkable goal now within reach. this is "hardball" a place for politics. i procrastinated on... buying a car because i knew... it would be a scary process. truecar made it very easy... for me to negotiate, because i didn't really need to do any negotiating at all. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit
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>> the son of the vice president announced he'll run for governor in his home state of delaware. se served as the state's attorney general for the past eight years and his term ends this year. he says he won't run for re-election as ag so he can focus on running for governor in 2016.
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>> we are back with an important global story. over the next month, "hardball" will be teaming up with a group called born free which is trying to stop the transmission of hiv from mother to children. in other words, to make it so no child is born with hiv. experts say it's very doable. the world has come a long way in
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fighting the epidemic of aids. for many, it's gone from a near certain death sentence to a disease that can be managed. thanks in part to new medications and treatment options. and that has meant the tragedy of pregnant women passing the disease on to their children has also been dramatically reduced. since 2003 in fact there's been a 54% drop worldwide. in the united states and other high-income countries mother to child infection has actually been virtually eliminated. but 22 countries now account for more than 80% of all new hiv infections among children. 21 of those countries are in africa, where born free is focus. the sad reality is far too many children are still infected with hiv. in 2012 about 700 children each and every day were infected. by december 31st of next year the goal is to get that number down to zero. anna squires levine is the president of the group born free. so anna, the goal that you're setting sounds really ambitious but you actually say it's quite workable. what would it take to actually reduce that number of 700
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infections a day to zero? >> well, joy, there are about 36 million people living with hiv in the world today, and that takes an unbelievable toll socially, economically, on families and countries, and if we want to see the end of that epidemic it starts by making sure that moms don't pass on the virus to their kids. and as you said, luckily, we know the answer. it's one pill once a day. and we're seeing tremendous momentum. we're really getting there. so what does it take going forward? it's really a question of execution. how do you make sure that every mom, every family, every community has access to the drugs they need and has the education to do it. that's a tough challenge for the world but we're getting there. >> it's a tough challenge. so how do you plan to do it? how do you want to fund and carry out this goal of getting that one pill to each of those children? >> there is an incredible group of global stakeholders that has come together around this. we bring a private sector voice and business acumen. the united nations is working on this. the u.s. government. non-profits around the world. and of course the sub-saharan african governments to whom this matters the most.
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and over the past couple of years they have rallied. there is funding available from many sources. we know the science. and it's boots on the ground. it's village by village, house by house, clinic by clinic, making sure that the system works. >> so to be clear, you guys are the convenor of these groups. you're a business-oriented group. describe what born free is. >> born free is a group of private sector executives who have come together to bring their resources and business acumen to this larger effort. there are many groups out there making policies. there are many clinicians. there are many people giving money. we try to be a catalyst. we try to invest in places like in human talent and capital within ministers of health where you spark change and enable everyone else to do what they were already doing bigger and better. >> and are you getting cooperation? because i know in some parts of sub-saharan africa there are issues of resistance on aids and hiv because of culture the resistance. how do you bridge that? >> it's a process. like anything change is hard, and something so personal it's difficult. it's difficult when a family
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member has a condition you that don't totally understand or there are cultural stigmas associated with it. and it's a cultural change over time. what we see, or what we have seen is that 15 years ago it was very difficult for a woman or a man to come home and tell his or her spouse that they had hiv. and it's still hard in some places but it's getting a lot better. >> and we talk about so many of those countries being in africa. what are other parts of the world where we've seen this epidemic really not declining to the rates that it is in western europe and the u.s.? >> well, the country outside of africa where the community is focusing the most is in india. and there hiv is a challenge because the country is just so large. it's almost like finding a needle in a haystack. so even though the prevalence of hiv is not so high, the population is so large you that do have many people with hiv. >> it is a global scandal that the african continent continues to be really the epicenter of this aids epidemic when you are seeing so much progress throughout the rest of the world. >> that's true. but we're seeing tremendous progress in africa too.
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it's true that the vast majority of people living with hiv who don't yet have access to the drugs they need live in africa. but as you said, there's been a 50% decline in kids born with hiv since 2003. so we're getting there. and we will get to zero by 2015. >> all right. excellent. anna squires levine from born free. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you, joy. >> all right. and for more information on the campaign you can go to born free's website at or link to it through our site at we'll be back after this. [ male announcer ] meet jill.
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let me finish tonight with a divide that captures the essence of the republican party's brand dilemma. namely, the agonistis the party is having over rand paul and jeb bush. rand paul, who if he's not the front-runner in the long march toward the republican nomination in 2016 is definitely the guy working hardest to check off constituency boxes inside and outside the party. he's battered the clintons on the former president's personal life as a kind of demonstration project about how hard he'd fight as the nominee. he's hammering away at the right's favorite pet issues. benghazi, fast and furious, and the irs. and he's publicly courted young voters by hammering on drones and drug incarceration while sticking it to old neocons like dick cheney. and he's telling black audiences his party needs to be more inclusive when he's not making excuses for a pro confederate oddball who calls himself the southern avenger. but paul is a non-starter for
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the part of the republican party who actually pays for the elections the establishment guys who picked george w. bush over john mccain and then john mccain after the base cooled off on him and he needed sarah palin and mitt romney and you know how that worked out. the "wall street journal," the paper of record for the establishment wing, recently ran an op-ed by brett stevens deriding paul as someone so nakedly unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of sane americans that only the gop could think of nominating him. so what about jeb bush? stevens sarcastically says the party surely wouldn't want him. he's plainly unsuited to be president. he's insufficiently hostile to mexicans. he holds heretical views on common core, which as we know is the defining issue of our time. and he's a bush. because dynasties only work if your name is clinton, kennedy, or paul. so what's it going to be, gop? an old school conservative with a toxic surname or an untested libertarian who if he delivered his home state would bring exactly eight electoral votes and the tea party clown car?
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the return of the neocons or a complete surrender to the libertarian right? clearly this is a party in need of more options. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. the standoff in nevada might be over, but armed militia members remain on site. and today senate majority leader harry reid called those supporters of rancher and conservative hero cliven bundy domestic terrorists. an event sponsored by the las vegas review journal, reid had this to say about the armed supporters who rallied in support of bundy's right to not pay federal grazing fees for his cattle. "they're nothing more than domestic terrorists. i repeat, what happened there was domestic terrorism." those comments mark an