tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC April 18, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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automatic weapons. >> a democrat had harsh words for the militia members. nothing more than domestic terrorists. >> it was not the announcement that everyone has been waiting for for hillary clinton, it was chelsea clinton who stole the show. >> mark and i are very excited we have our first child arriving later this year. >> history in the making, that's what the campaign of the crack smoking mayor rob ford is promising when he kicks off the election bid. >> people of toronto know i'm just like them. [ applause ] >> first up today, developing news from south korea, worst maritime accident and that is now a criminal investigation, as the frantic search for survivors inside a cap sized ferry is yielding more victims. prosecutors are now seeking an arrest warrant for the captain who they say was not at the helm when that ship toppled over.
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in the last few years, that ferry has completely submerged, still responders are pumping in oxygen and divers continue to search for those that might be inside. 28 are confirmed dead and 274 more may be missing. most of the missing? classmates from the same high school. in a shocking development, the vice principal rescued from the ferry took his own life. duncan is monitoring this situation. let's begin with this arrest warrant, duncan. why is it that the prosecutors would be seeking an arrest in this case? >> hi, ronan, at the moment there are two lines of inquiry, first senior prosecutors say the captain was not at the helm of the ship as it passed through cluster islands, they also see the captain and two other crew members failed in their duty to help passengers.
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there are questions about how long it took for the order to evacuate ship and whether that could have saved more lives. the captain had az face hidden and apologized and spoke of his deep shame. this thought the ferry made a sharp turn and they are investigating whether that could have caused the vessel to list and the turn dislodged hervy cargo that caused it to become destabilized. the search and rescue efrtd has been made tougher by strong current and bad visibility and rain. the divers have been pumping oxygen into the ship in case there are survivors but it's looking increasingly unlikely. family members on shore know that and are grieving and getting angry wanting to know how this happened. most of the missing passengers were students. the vice principal was today found hanging from a tree on the
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island. ron ronan, more sadness coming from this tragedy. >> incredibly bleak story. appreciate the update. another dramatic story is playing out in asia, this one in nepal, a dozen people are dead in the deadliest accident ever on mount everest, an avalanche killed 13 sherpa guides, three others rescued and two in critical condition. the avalanche hit just below base camp two nan area known as the popcorn field. the guides had gone out early to fix ropes ahead of the start of the popular climbing season next month. nbc crews were on site preparing for production on discovery channel and all nbc news employees are safe. we are grateful and relieved that the 7 nbc news staffers are all accounted for and unharmed. a political story developing right this moment out of the clinton presidential library.
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just moments ago that library released 7,500 pages of documents from the clinton administration. that is double the number made available including reports the middle east peace summit and the rwandan genocide and there's even a section on oprah. should make for good reading. this follows on a big day for hillary clinton yesterday. first at the clinton global initiative event in new york yesterday and event breaking the grass ceiling. they sh a moving exchange with a undocumented woman. >> for first time publicly i want to say i'm an undocumented immigrant. [ applause ] >> i want to say that it's been extremely difficult for me empower myself in america because i came here illegally when i was 5. >> that was incredibly brave and
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i thank you for doing that. because it's important to put ourselves in other people's shoes, that's one of the big hopes i have is that we can get back to being a country where people can understand what others are going through and have empathy for it and try to help each other. >> really heart felt moment but hitting on what could be a major campaign issue. clinton was at the event with her daughter chelsea who made news of her own. >> mark and i are very excited that we have our first child arriving later this year. [ applause ] >> former secretary clinton's reaction on twitter, my most exciting title yet, grandmother to be. with more now i'm joined by the contributor editor at the root and howard fineman for "the huffington post", i'll start
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with you. we'll get to the baby in a moment. in addition to all of the above, there's other clinton news, she has her memoir, the title will be "hard choices", part of the press release describing the book says secretary clinton and president obama had to decide how to repair fractured alliances and address a global financial crisis. how much credit do you think she'll get in the long run for something like winding down two wars? >> i think she'll get some. but certainly not major amounts. i think her stew ardship of the state department will be known primarily for just that word, stewardship as opposed to trail blazing or world historic alley vents. that fits in who hillary is in certain respects. hillary is not -- in spite of her role as a glass ceiling breaker in many ways, and so
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forth, she's thought of i think for her stability, for her smarts, for her doggedness and her sense of responsibility. and the whole history that's tumbling out now out of little rock and so forth, she brings all of that history with her. not because of any one pivot alley veevent, but her pitch wi be about her service and to include everybody in that village she was always talking about. >> the area where i think she would be seek to be seen as a trail blazer is soft power advancement, advancement of women and youth, launched an office -- i ran at the state department focused on young people of the arab spring. will the foreign policy elite buy into something of significance, that remains to be seen. cory, what do you think of the accusations that she was the
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most hawkish member of this administration? do you think that can help rather than hurt her? >> i don't think it's anything that will hurt her. when you think about who her main opponents will be, there will be people on right and they hardly ever score points against democrats who have proven to be hawkish or firm on national security. barack obama's record and winding down the war and and killing osama bin laden, et cetera, guarded him against attacks from the right about his foreign policy. coming into hillary's potential run, i think this won't be much of a major claim. i think there will be an effort to sort of resurrect the benghazi issue, but that i think will be the focus as far as her foreign policy experience will be concerned. >> howard, what about the timing of this book? obviously robert gates took a lot of flak for writing a
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insider s account of the obama administration while he was still sitting. do you think she'll face the same criticism? >> she'll fail some criticism but her desire and need is to get her version of events out there as she can. and basically summarize in her own way the history that she's lived so far. she's not a kid. she's got a past. she's got an extensive one. she has lots of experience. she's had lots of insider knowledge and power going back to when she first began the mutual ascent into national politics with bill clinton. so she's got to tell that story and got to tell it in her own way. if she's going to run because she's going to have that whole history with her. rather than have other people pick it apart piece by piece and focus on benghazi and focus on episodes with her husband, she has to tell the whole story in
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her way and it makes perfect sense. she may get criticism from it but she's willing to take that in exchange for laying down her own narrative. >> i think it is something that when she began on the project made sense for her personal little on a lot of levels on terms of her forever legacy but something that's probably necessary to set the record straight politically regardless of what comes next. cory, everyone is exploding over the baby news, saying, quote, a grandchild could heighten the pole of history for clinton and the sense she owes it to the daughters of the future generations to walk the rest of the path towards becoming the most powerful woman in history. i mean, god, that's describing a lot of significance to chelsea clinton -- >> no pressure there. >> do you think there's anything more to this story than chelsea clinton literally having a child? >> everything about the clintons in general is subject to almost
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tabloidie political coverage. it gives new significance to baby bump, people think can can help her among voters. there are new polls out now showing that her old sort of favorables and unfavorables are starting to be restored now that she's out of the department of state. and her negatives are significant. and those will be issues -- those will be a vulnerability that her opponents will try to exploit. one of the knocks on her is that she is not a compassionate figure. and part of it is sexism. we tend to expect more from female politicians than we do male. so seeing her as a grandmother could potentially soften her image among some voters. >> and also of course that moment today was very emotional and accessible. we'll see what kind of effect that has on her reputation. the poll numbers are changing rapidly, the polls you mentioned from fox news saying her
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popularity may be flagging slightly even as the gop is on the rise we'll look at in the coming days. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, ronan. >> just ahead, in a terrible echo of an ugly time, jews in eastern ukraine are being told to register with the government. is it the latest horror or horrible hoax? we'll be right back. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. oh, no, i'll get it! let me get it. uh-uh-uh.
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agreed to yesterday by the u.s., e.u. and russia and ukraine. president obama was among those who voiced serious doubts yesterday. >> my hope is that we actually do see follow through over the next several days, but i don't think given past performance that we can count on that. we have to be prepared to potentially respond to what continues to be efforts of interference by the russians in eastern and southern ukraine. >> and reports of a startling moment of discrimination inside ukraine is stoking even more fear. those reports? that jewish ukrainians standing outside a synagogue were hand the pamphlets warning all jews to register with the pro-russian government. nbc news has not independently confirmed these reports but it is causing a lot of misgivings
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on the grounds and in the united states. with the latest on everything is jim maceda tell us about these reports. there's been speculation that it may have been a hoax of some kind and others say it's a political ploy. do you have any idea who's responsible at this point? >> reporter: hi, ronan, we spoke with very upset members of the jewish community about that today, including the chief rabbi of donetsk, who told me they don't know yet who is responsible. they are in touch with the police, they are in touch with the ukrainian security service who they say are looking actively for the individual or individuals behind the leaflets. a jew from brooklyn told me he was among one of those leaving for prayers two nights ago and noticed three men, they were armed and masked had and back packs and started to hand out these leavelets then leaving the scene quite quickly.
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the rabbi said people were shocked. they thought it looked official because he couldn't believe it was real. the leaflets then -- he decided to after reading it to test the validity of it. he sent a family out to the location mentioned in an address on leaflet to register those people to see if it was in fact real. and it was at the pro-russian protesters headquarters and they found family neither a registration going on or anyone who knew about one. now the jewish community here does believe this was a hoax, a provocation, not against the jews per se but against one side or the other of the political divide in ukraine. in other words, ronan, a pretty desperate attempt to either discredit the pro-russian separatists or government in kiev with the jews caught in the middle. >> a lot of questions remaining
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but clearly troubling. thank you for that report. jewish leaders around the globe condemned the pamphlets and among them new york congressman jerry nadler. if this attack is being used for political purposes, that is a particularly manipulative and callous act in a country where the jewish community is already subject to a rise in anti-semitism. thank you for joining ugs. tell me one of the big reactions is that this is an echo of history, this part of the world was occupied by nazi germany by world war 2 roemsz. >> there's a reference that says we're taking these steps in requiring the jews to register because leader of the jewish community supported the bandera hunto or something, the pro-russian p separatist
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reference to the russian government. fought with the nazis against the soviets and participated in mass murders of jews. this is a deliberate reminder of ukrainian mass murder of jews aiding the nazis. and in effect, warning that if thep don't behave, any don't register, they are risking similar things. asking jews to register and pay a fee, every time it's been done historically, before it was a prelude to murder. >> brings back a lot of painful history and we did hear accounts of people bursting into tears. what do you think this is behind this? do you think this is an effort as pro-russian pro testers to maybe discredit them? >> it's not clear who. it was signed allegedly by the someone, the head of the local
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pro-russian separatists. he denies having anything to do with it. which side put this out we don't know, it's a desperate attempt to use the jews as a pawn in and use anti-semitism in a land steeped in its history to use that as a pawn in the struggles between these two groups. >> and of course it's yet another division in a country that can't really tolerate more divisions that seems on pt can you say cusp of falling apart. >> that anti-semitism is strong enough if one other the other side feels it's useful to exploit. >> it's always a troubling thing to hear. do you think this new deal has any chance of withstanding that? >> i don't know. i'm not going to venture a guess. the initial signs are not very good but whether the russians can or want to pressure the pro-russian separatists to adhere to the deal, remains to
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be seen. >> do you think this administration and president obama have done enough on ukraine and crisis there? >> i think they've done what they can. you have to realize, it always bothers me to read people and tough guys saying -- unless you're willing to go to war or threaten to send in troops, you don't have that much leverage. i don't think we're willing to do that nor should we be. within the limits of what the capabilities of the united states, we're doing about what can be done. >> all right, voice of caution there. thank you so much and taking a stand on the discrimination issue here. next on the program, you've weighed in for the most underreported story crying unou for more coverage. we'll look at the top contenders next. if ...hey breathing's hard... know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
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a news conference from kansas city is expected shortly. where police have a suspect in custody for a string of erratic and frightening highway shootings that have kept the city on edge for two weeks. police haven't released the suspect's name and he hasn't been charged yet but here's what we do know. he was arrested in grand view and officers zero in on him over the last few days with undercover officers tailing him for a week. since the beginning of march, somebody has been firing at vehicles along the network of freeways in kansas city, as many as 20 vehicles have now been hit. police warn that the shooter seemed to be randomly targeting motorists and simply bounced off the car doors but three struck people but didn't cause life threatening injuries. this arrest is the biggest development in the case since the shootings began. just moments we should get the very first details on the subject. you see the conference we're awaiting. we'll monitor that conversation and bring you the latest as we get it. to the part of our show where
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your humble dj is always taking requests. this week we've been asking you to submit the underreported story you want us to cover next. here are the three most popular nominees, first up, many asked us to review gerrymandering and look at whether it's responsible for bitter partisanship that affected us politics and prescription drugs and link between overprescription and drug abuse and finally, a surprising number of people wanted to look at new trade partnerships that the united states is brokering and whether it helpses or hinders american progress around the world. first up, 15% of you wanted to know more about trade partnerships. 26% said you wanted to hear about drug abuse and finally, gerrymandering won by a significant margin, 59% of the vote, go to the website and cast your vote for the next mrreported story here on rf
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daily. all week we've been looking at the problem of food insecurity in america. good news, we found a devoted group of people with compelling and compassionate solution. salesperson #1: the real deal is the passat tdi clean diesel gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. salesperson #2: actually, we're throwing in a $1,000 fuel reward card. we've never done that. that's why there's never been a better time to buy a passat tdi clean diesel. husband: so it's like two deals in one? salesperson #2: exactly. avo: during the first ever volkswagen tdi clean diesel event, get a great deal on a passat tdi, that gets up to 795 highway miles per tank. and get a $1,000 fuel reward card. it's like two deals in one. hurry in and get a $1,000 fuel reward card and 0.9% apr for 60 months on tdi models. ♪ i ♪ and i got the tools ira ♪ to do it my way ♪ i got a lock on equities ♪ that's why i'm type e ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ i can do it all from my mobile phone ♪
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a new study just out reveals the price you pay for food could skyrocket in the komting months. according to arizona state university research, a three-year drought in california could make america's staple fruits and vegetables anywhere from 14 to 34% more expensive. as you can see on this wall street journal chart, the people that can get hit hardest by this, the 49 million americans our government calls food insecure, who live in food deserts with limited or no access to healthy food leading to serious medical issues that
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can cost the country billions. to put a face on that problem, we head to one of the poorest congressional districts in america, right here in new york city in the south bronx. >> how are you feeling today? >> i'm doing fine. it's a new day. >> amen. >> on a saturday morning in the south bronx, hundreds wait in line, more than 500 mothers and fathers and young and not so young. all here for something many take for granted, a simple chance to eat right. >> whose next? >> on this day, lisa rivera is a volunteer keeping the line in line, just a few years ago, she was standing in it. >> why did you first start coming here and waiting in line. >> i started as a participant. my husband had recently lost his job and it was hard to make ends meet. >> she remembers nights agonizing over sending her children to bed hungry. >> it wasn't healthy choices, junk food or leftovers that is
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not even suitable to feed an animal to be honest. >> lisa learned by city harvest. twice a month they bring these markets to the poorest neighborhoods in the five boroughs. a growing number of americans face a tough choice, no food or unhealthy food. hundreds line up for donated fruits and vegetables at markets like this one in the south bronk. julie stevens leads the efforts to field 2 million hungry new yorkers every year. >> very low income neighborhoods, we begin to see high diet related disease. >> a poverty rate of 40% and obesedy rate over 60%. it's a double epidemic emerging in low income neighborhoods nationwide. >> if we walk around, you'll see a lot of corner stores and not selling a lot of health y food. it is more expensive than i
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might find in my own supermarket. >> she is always here early in the morning. >> ten years ago, lisa decided she had to give something back. that's when she went from standing in the line to helping those in it. now she's got some help. >> you also brought your daughter to volunteer. >> my daughter victoria. >> she is 13. when she grows up she wants to work on feeding the hungry. >> i wanted to hen other people that might be going through what i'm going through and like help them more better because i don't want them to experience as bad as what i did, you know so -- >> thanks to lisa and victoria for their story. you can see more of my interview on our website. the kind of food insecurity lisa and her family lived out has been the subject of our call to action all this week. remember, we turn to you to get a sense of the challenge you face in your communities on this asking, are you closer to fresh food or fast food?
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chris told us, nothing but fast food around me but it's a very quick and easy drive to places negotiate that sell fresh. edward e-mailed to say he and his wife are retired and eat fresh food and our food bill is outrageously high but we manage, we rather spend on food than medical care. 50% of you are closer to fresh food, 31% closer to fast food. and 10% said you were equally close to both. thanks for weighing in. stay tuned for next week's call to action on an underreported story you want to see more of. dirty crimes like oil spills ravaging america's environment, eric brockovich kicks off that on monday. first today, republican young guns banding together to push their party on something you might not expect. it's a gamble that could pay off nationally up next. [ male announcer ] this is jim.
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welcome back, young members of the republican party are launching a brand-new campaign hoping gop leaders hear this message, marriage equality matters to young voters. polls show 61% of republicans under 30 now support gay marriage. that's why a group called young conservatives for the freedom to marry announcing a campaign to soften language on same-sex marriage in the national gop platform. they are responding to a remarkable change at the state level springing up every from nevada to indiana to oregon. state republicans have changed their state party platforms removing divisive language about marriage equality. could this be a way to bring young voters back into the republican fold? joining me to look at this question is the young conservatives for freedom to marry, richard sock rides and former adviser to billion clinton on gay civil rights and
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chris tell ball. your group is lobbying for this platform. what's your strategy within the republican party? >> my strategy is basically to reach out to conservative voters and constituents and making sure they understand that we're not trying to alienate anyone and trying to push anything out of the big tent. we're making sure that we're pushing the republican values of liberty, personal freedom and family values in a way to especially young people into our party going forward. it's a change already done in some states as i'm sure you've noticed nevada -- >> let's look at it nevada. it comes on the heels of the convention in nevada where members decided to exclude divisive language in that state and along with nevada, indiana,
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california, oregon, a bunch of states where republicans are mods fiing party language. do you think the drum beat at this point has become too loud for the national party to ignore or is there a long way to go here? >> it's going to be a struggle. it's never easy to achieve anything worth fighting for really. but i do think that those are important first steps that the party will take notice of and the more we fight for and make our case to the grass roots, the more change we'll see. >> richard, let's look at the implications on the national political level. obviously there's some risk that you alienate the core voter base within the republican party and you've lived out advocacy and pros and cons for a party like the republican party right now. do you think it's more important to win over young voters or stay true to the base? >> i think first of all this is a good development for the country because to the extent that rights become a nonpartisan issue and issue that everybody can rally around, it's good for
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the country and consistent with the constitution. i think the many republicans, the northeast republicans, the moderate republicans see that this issue is an issue that will alienate voters. if they want to win national elections they have to stop sounding like crazy far right people. >> seems like that's almost inevitable. >> but there's a huge split in the republican party. the tea party republicans are still very much wedded to the socially conservative issues. we're about to see a big struggle in the republican party. it will be good for all of america if moderates win but i'm not sure they will. >> one of the big shifts within the republican party has been individuals seeing people come out in their own families and people like rob portman and number of prominent politicians who are now living this out on a more personal level. you've dealt with this on the campaign trail and dealt with a lot of republican politicians who were ar dent opponents of marriage equality and learned that for instance, their own children were gay.
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which do you think is the trump card here? pragmatic numbers or these personal revelations that seem almost inhe ha almost inevitably driving people -- >> i was not pragmatic at all in 2010. i came out full support of full rights for lgbt citizens because it's the right thing to do. increasingly you are seeing a few republican mainstream republican politicians like kasich come out in support of gay marriage and seeing for the first time, two openly gay republican candidates for congress, which is a new and exciting development. i do think that the change overall in the party is going to take a long time just a cause worth fighting for but change takes time in part because those who believe that marriage should only be between a man and woman, they think they are in the majority. so they don't understand that
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the country is changing. they think that a minority liberal position is being imposed on the country and polling bears this out. they think the anti-gay rights position is actually the popular majority position in the country. when you have that denial of reality in the changing dynamics it becomes hard to push that party to change. >> there's actually a different understanding of the pragmatic stakes with the hard liners. we learned the lawyer who defended california's prop 8 at the supreme court has been planning his daughter's wedding to a woman, charles cooper, that lawyer said my views evolve on this issue the same way as other people's do and this is how i view down the road may not be -- the way i view this down the road may not be the way i view it now or how i viewed it ten years ago. >> how much of the shift do you think is driven by these personal revelations as we just talked about and what do you
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think this signals for the california debate specifically? >> i think it's a huge part of the shift. i think in my own life. i remember growing up and knew a lot of people not comfortable with gay people or anything related to the lgbt community. over time as you get to know -- start having gay friends and gay siblings and cousins and so on and so forth, a lot of people come around now it's not an issue anymore. in places like california and elsewhere, i think the more that you see people having friends who are gay, people having co-workers who are gay and realizing hey when they get narried, the world doesn't fall, the sort of argument from the collapse of civilization just kind of falls by the way side and people get less animated by opposing gay rights then later on actually moving towards support for the freedom to marry. >> thank you for that.
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we'll be watching that movement closely. first, i do want to while we have the rest of the panel change gears and talk about the showdown in nevada. it seems like a pure piece of wild west, senate majority leader harry reid making the latest news with his comments about the armed backers of the nevada ranchers battling the u.s. government over grazing right, self-described militia members faced off with agents on saturday. the federal agents decided to back down. here's what senator reid said yesterday about all of it. >> these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they are nothing more than domestic terrorists. and i think that we are a country that people should follow the law. >> domestic terrorists, too strong or do you think that's a fair assessment? >> i think it's a fair assessment. you have militia members pointing guns at law enforcement and threatening an armed insur
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recollection. if that's not domestic terrorism, i'm not sure what is, i say kudos to harry reid for having the courage to say this. it is unbelievable there are those on the right that paint these folks, law breakers, these armed militia men taking up arms against their own government as patriots. it's unreal. >> and it's interesting that even today though, i think she's absolutely right but there are a lot of people in the country who feel very strongly about these issues and we see them played out very dramatically in places like nevada. but it was amazing that what harry reid said, really taking a stand. >> quite a culture clash. stay around, our panel is going to weigh in on today's heroes and zeros, two big cities confronting two important issues, uniting one and kind of grossing out the other. find out why next. transit fares!
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we are back with our panel extraordinary air. richard and msnbc's crystal ball, and they'll be weighing in on today's heros and zeros. first up, a fight coming to a head in new york city. . that is to close public schools on the two days of ede, the muslim holiday. the mayor says he intends to keep that pledge, but he hasn't taken any action yet. with the coalition just brought together hundreds of muslims from all national backgrounds hoping yub itd front will force change. city schools close fox yom kippur. this would send a strong message to those trying to fit in. being muslim in a post-9/11 new york, comes with some obvious hurdles. accepting muslim holidays would be an easy way to send a message to more than just school students. for this, we think members of
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the coalition for muslim school holidays and new york politicians coming toornd their cause are our heroes today. >> after a teenager peed in an open reservoir at a portland park. cameras that monitor the rez everybody war captured a teen relieving himself through an iron fence. sometimes you got to go. sample from that reservoir were tested approximate came back completely clean and. this is an open air reservoir. birds fly overhead. need i say more? why flush nearly 40 million gallons of drinkable water? the water bureau for administration says there is a minimal public health risk our bottom line is the commitment to serve water that is clean, cold, and constant doesn't include pee. not from people at least. we get that the mental image of a guy urine ating into your water supply isn't a spring ad, but dumping almost $40 million
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gallons of good tested drinking water, while some parts of the water are experiencing droughts seems just like a knee jerk reaction and for that we're going to say portland water bureau officials are our zeros today. >> just don't think about it too much. i was thinking about it, and i read a while back. chocolate bars are considered safe as long as there are fewer than 60 insect pieces per 100 grams. so we are eating a lot of things that we may not really want to be eating. it's just better to not think about it and move on as long as it's safe. >> there's the old wifz tale about how many spiders we consume in a lifetime, which i have yet to do the research on whether it's true because i'm terrified. >> that is an amazing fact. >> she came with the research. >> i will say i think it's a great idea that the muslim community in new york is uniting around this holiday. i think you know it's actually very dwil for parents when new holidays are declared, but if
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there was ever a good argument for it, this would be it. >> you have been an advocate for minorities that are excluded and i assume you are thinking in this case -- >> i think it couldn't be better. >> all right. well, thank you to both of you. crystal ball and richard. >> thanks, roenan. >> really appreciate it. you can watch crystal ball weekdays at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. right here on msnbc. that wraps things up for today's edition of ronan farrow daily. you can look next week. we are kicking it off with erin brockovich on monday. right now it's that wonderful time of the day, the reid report with my colleague joy reid. joy, you woke up that way. >> oh, i love that. thank you very much. erin brockovich, that is also flawless. love it. >> all right. >> have a great weekend. all right, next on the reid report, harry reid wrapped up in another fight with the right. reid is calling the guys behind that bundy rant standoff xhesic terrorist, and the square thing
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is there might be more like them out there. then 60 years after brown versus board of ed the fight for school desegregation continues. believe it or not, the segregationists are gaining ground. the reid report starts minutes from now. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all...
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today. our top story? the kansas highway shootings. >> i'm just thinking, wow, there's the guy that shot at me kind of putting a face, putting something to that person versus random highway shooter. i would almost prefer it to be an act of crazy randomness. >> here's what we know right now. a suspect is in custody and there are questions over motive. we're waiting for the police department to update us and we'll take you there live when we do. first, you are looking at live pictures from the white house rose garden where president obama is presenting the commander in chief trophy to the u.s. naval academy football team. navy won this year's title with a 34-7 victory over army in december. this is navy's ninth time receiving the trophy in the last 12 years. the president is walking up, and he will present the trophy to davie sari, army bands in the army-navy game. here comes the president of the united states. this actually is a big annual
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event, and the president always does present this award. football fans everywhere, as well as the army or navy side. had a great conversation on this with colonel jab jacobs later today, and he is rooting for army. the president hand begun. >> does this get old? >> never. >> no. okay. >> it's good to see the coach again. i want to recognize vice admiral mike miller for service to the academy and to our country. this is the second time these seniors have come here to claim the commander in chief's trophy. i am pretty sure you would agree that this was
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