tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC April 19, 2014 9:00am-11:01am PDT
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new complications in that south korean disaster. why divers can't seem to reach the sunken ferry, as relatives of the missing demand more answers. tragedy near the highest point on earth. why rescuers are going back to where the incident happened. and will others keep climbing everest today? delaying a decision. final word on the keystone xl pipeline will be left for another day. does this latest move give us a hint what the white house might do in the end? in office politics, tam ring hall tackles a big question about president obama and other u.s. leaders, plus, she talks about a tattoo. hey there, everyone. high noon in the east, 9:00 a.m. in the west. the situation grows more desperate in south korea at the hour. bad weather and choppy waters complicate the latest search for any hint of survivors on board that sunken ferry off the coast. the number of those confirmed
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dead has now risen to 32, nearly 270 are still missing. the ferry's captain, who managed to deboard that boat safely, is now under arrest on suspicion of negligence and abandoning people in need. two crew members were taken into custody. nbc's bill neely joins me from jindu, south korea. >> reporter: another day of anger and frustration and fading hope. they were able to watch the captain paraded before the cameras apologizing to then and explaining for the first time what went wrong. but i've just come from a gym where a lot of those relatives are, and there are really terrible scenes there. at one point an official got on the stage and announced two more bodies have been found. the bodies of two girls with long dark hair. and as soon as he said that, there were screams and wales from the floor of the gym. the relatives have also been watching a videotape, taken by an under water camera, showing the hull of the ship, and also
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showing how murky the waters are and how difficult the visibility is for the divers. some of those relatives have also, now, given dna, in order that the bodies of the children might be identified more easily. the rescue operation, at least the search operation, continues. divers apparently seeing three more bodies but unable to retrieve them. giant cranes have arrived to lift the ship, but that won't happen until the relatives agree. and right now, they are not agreeing to the lifting of the ship, fearing that that might endanger any children who are still alive. as one man told me, we're not giving up hope. how could we. >> okay, bill neely, thank you. i'll be talking with a marine expert to get more information about what's happening in south korea. the search for those missing in friday's deadly avalanche on mt. everest has been suspended for the day. search teamed pulled another body from the snow. the mountain remains closed to
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climbers until further notice. nbc's duncan is joining me. what's latest? >> three guides remain missing. searchers have spent much of the day looking for them. it is now nighttime. they've been working on dangerous and unstable ground that has already claimed so many lives. this morning, a helicopter carries the latest body recovered from mt. everest. climbers came out to pay their respects as it was slowly lowered to the ground. the mountain is closed for four days. climbers are now deciding whether to continue with their expedition. some say they will. others have decided not to. the dead, all sherpas, nepalese mountain guides, caught here in one of everett's most dangerous passes where huge chunks of ice can break free without warning. >> as the sun hits these big pieces of ice hanging on the mountain, they start moving a little bit. if you're in the wrong place at
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the wrong time, we have tragic accidents. >> reporter: the sherpas were carrying equipment and clearing a path for foreign climbers when the avalanche of ice swept down on them. >> there's a huge amount of guilt here among the western climbers that these sherpas were carrying equipment for us and preparing the route for us. >> reporter: at a holy site in kathmandu, the families of the dead are mourn. this girl's father is among them. she says the accident has caused her family immense sorrow. back at everest base camp, flags are still flying. the sherpas put them up two days before this accident. they were supposed to bless their journey. those sad pictures of the rescue effort were actually filmed by an nbc news crew that happened to be on everest filling a documentary for the discovery channel. sources say there are safe and well. we know their thoughts are with the sherpas who lost their lives and those injured. alex. >> duncan, do you know when
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they'll be able to do more work trying to rescue them? given the shifting of the snow, the reasons for which this avalanche happened in the first place, they have to be so careful doing that. >> yeah, exactly. as far as we know, they will try again in the morning when they get light because they want to take advantage of the weather. it's a very small weather window, if you like, when climbing season happens. so we understand they will try tomorrow. but speaking to people in the camp today, there is pessimism about what they're looking for. it's more of a recovery effort than a rescue effort. that tells you pretty much what you need to know. >> you're absolutely right, certainly is a recovery. thank you very much. turninging now to the hunt for malaysia airlines flight 370, officials say the robotics combing the ocean floor should finish within a week. the bluefin's first six missions have come up empty. i spoke with the investigator for the ntsb about what this
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means for the future of this search. >> there is some part of a sad reality here that they've covered a lot of territory. unfortunately, they're looking at another week of trying to scour that particular area, alex. whether or not that's going to actually produce anything, that's the $64 million question, if you will. and i think that that's why the malaysians are now in perth, to try to re-evaluate exactly what they're going to do as far as distribution of assets to try and find something related to this airplane. >> why do malaysian officials say the next two days are critical? what's it about these two days? >> i think really is -- it may be even more than that. it could have been a figure of speech. it could have been that they were just really focused on the fact that they are going to be in perth, they want to see what's going on first hand, and they really need to see some sort of progress, because that's how they're going to gauge where they're going from here. there's a reevaluation process
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that needs to take place. we've got a lot of assets on station. and, you know, really depending on how much effort they're going to put to the surface search versus the underwater search. >> greg, if bluefin-21 finds nothing, then what? >> that's a good question, alex. you know, they're going to have to re-evaluate. do they go back to where they were about a month ago and search that area? do they expand the current search area? i think a lot of it is going to have to do with what they see on the bottom of the ocean. if there is any kind of telltale sign from bluefin-21 that that is the area they need to stay in and they just need to expand the area. that's the decision that they're really going to have to make. >> the current search area is going to focus on a six-mile zone as the search enters its sixth week. back to washington and politics now. with a new wrinkle in the plans for the keystone xl pipeline, the obama administration is delaying its decision, giving federal agencies to review the
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project. which means a decision might not come until after november's midterm elections. meantime, senior obama administration officials are encouraging people with accounts on the obamacare website to change their passwords. it's in response to that internetwide heartbleed security flaw. administration officials say there's no evidence the website has been compromised. here's what we've been asking all of you today. the key stone xl pipeline project, should it move forward or should it be stoppeded? peter says, continue with keystone xl pipeline, no serious and significant pipelines with alaska pipeline so why doom and gloom with keystone? harry says, it should be built, there are safe pipelines all across the country. controversial, he tweets, i'm fearful oil spill accidents that could contaminant water this pipeline would cross. the jobs it would create, they aren't worth it.
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keep talking to me everyone. my handle is @alexwitt. it is finally feeling like spring, but how is the rest of the country shaping up? here's jen carfagno from the weather channel. >> we have a wet saturday through the southeast. then we take it into portions of the high plains, right into the west and the southwest. isolated showers and storms in an area that really desperately needs rain. there's also the isolated risk of severe weather there. then we look at the northeast northeast. finally temperatures returning to more spring like levels. a little bit of an uplift in some cooler weather coming in. temperatures get knocked down about five degrees. by easter monday, heading right down into the 70s. easter sunday, the south looks quite nice. these showers will be out here by the afternoon. a little rain by the way of morning rain. then we take a look at the west.
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we do have some showers and storms painted in on our forecast maps. they're pretty few and far between. not a complete wash out out there. from amarillo into the midwest, some showers are possible. new york city, a great looking easter weekend ahead. temperatures in the 70s. l.a. as well, temperatures that are going to be in the 70s as well with sunshine. chicago looking great with temperatures in the 60s. new york city, sunshine and warm temperatures all weekend long. that's a look at your easter weekend weather. has the battle over obamacare come to an end, and if so, who won? is the u.s. power grid vulnerable to attack by anyone? we're going to tell you what a hearing in congress discovered. [ yodeling plays ] worst morning ever.
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the point is, the repealed debate is and should be over. i know people don't want to spend the next 2 1/2 years refighting the political battles the last five years. >> president obama earlier this week highlighting the 8 million people who have now signed up for health insurance through state and federal exchanges under the affordable care act. let me bring in msnbc contributor perry bacon jr. and msnbc political analyst jonathan alter here in studio it jo. jonathan, the president saying the debate about repealing obamacare is over, is it? >> these debates are never over, alex. after social security was passed in 1935, 50 years later, ronald reagan and republicans were trying and failing to gut it.
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we've seen paul ryan and other republicans who are trying to destroy medicare, which was passed in 1965. that's a long time ago. so the debate over obamacare is going to go on for the rest of our lives, i'm sorry to tell you. i think what the president indicated is right, which is the period where the democratic party and the president in particular are a punching bag on this issue, that period is now over. and so the republicans, they can try to do that. they can try to dive their base to the polls by going after obamacare, and they can have some success on that, but they have to watch it, because democrats are going to now go on the offensive on this issue. they're going to stop being patsies. and that could spell some trouble for some, not all, but some republican candidates in the fall. >> what's interesting, you talk about this period being over. it actually reflects a lot of what perry wrote about in his latest article on the degrgrio.
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do you envision a scenario where the obamacare issue flips to just being an asset to democrats everywhere? >> no, i don't. i think if you look at -- ultimately a lot of people view obamacare through the lens of obama. the president actually talked about that when the president was on the other day. you look at the map where the senate races are this year, arkansas, kentucky, north carolina, montana, places like that, obamacare is going to be unpopular as long as it remains connected with president obama, who's broadly unpopular in those places. i do now thing overall nationally obamacare in october was considered this kind of laughingstock. republicans were talking about how this law would collapse. now, when you look at broad public opinion, you're seeing signs that more people are confident about this and now with 8 million people enrolling, so sort of more than expected, the onus is on the republicans to prove why this is not working because the data suggest it is
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working. >> right. part of the reason it was a laughingstock or a punching bag if you will was because the obamacare rollout was just so horrific in that first month. but, jonathan, how about obamacare overall? do you see it becoming part of the fabric of this country, kind of like the third rail of politics, like social security, and if that were to happen, how long would that take? >> that would take a few years. the actual numbers now, if you add those who have been included through medicaid expansion and the 8 million, you're up over 12 million people. in the next couple of years, it will hit 20, 25 million people. at that point, a critical mass will be created and it will be absolutely impossible to repeal. it will need to be fixed and this is something that happened with social security and medicare. and the democrats understand this. and i think we will get to a debate over patching obamacare, but on the core, you know, question of ending the era when
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you had to lose your house or go bankrupt if your child got sick, that's now in the past it the fact it's in the past is a good political issue for democrats going forward, if not this year, than in the elections to come. >> how about, perry, for republicans? is there a point at which republicans are going to say, okay, we're done stopping the efforts to repeal obamacare? they've had 50-some-odd votes already. are they going to get to 60 or is there in end to that? >> i think right now, like jonathan said, in the short term, i would say the obamacare issue, particularly for republicans or conservative states, is something they should focus on. i think you are hearing some signs the republicans concede the issue a bit. some of the legislators there in the kentucky legislature was talking about rather than repeal, can we talk about, can we pare back obamacare? like medicaid right now is covering a lot of people in kentucky through obamacare. they were talking about ways to
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reduce that. that's a change in the argument though. a lot of the republican states are going away from we're not going to repeal the whole thing. instead, they want to change parts of it. i think that's the next move for republicans in 2015, 2016 and forward. the whole notion you're going to take away all the parts of this very large law is probably not true. what is to watch for example is 24 states like texas and louisiana, republican controlled states have not agreed to exsband medicare under the law. that is part of a real fight i think you'll see continue over the next few years. >> the vulnerable democrats who previously distanced themselves from obamacare, do you see them embracing it for the midterms? >> yes. >> you do? >> alaska for instance where mark beg begich is involved in a tough race, he has ads up. saying essentially his opponent is against trying to help people who are sick.
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that can be a potent political message. you're going to see more real americans, regular americans, come forward and say, you know, my life was saved by the affordable care act, because i had insurance, i went and got early detection of my cancer, and therefore my life was safed. when they say that in television ads and saying that the republican has voted essentially against a program that saved that poor woman's life, then you'll see the shoe possibly on the other foot. in some other states where things are a little closer and there might be some political advantage strangely after all these years, real political advantage to supporting the affordable care act. >> okay. guys, let's switch gears and talk keystone. the obama administration delaying the decision on the controversial pipeline, meaning we may not get an answer until after the midterm elections.
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what do you see as being the calculation here perry? >> basically, democrats are divided. you have democrats like mary landrieu who want this pipeline to start, who think it's a job creator. then you have a lot of powerful environmentalists. then you have people who are opposed to this, feel like it's an environmental danger. it makes sense, rather than in the election cycle, to annoy one part of his base, to punt this issue until after the elections. i understand the political calculation. >> you mentioned mark begich earlier, he's somebody criticizing the president on this. here's what he's issuing. i'm frankly appalled at the continued foot dragging by the administration on the keystone pipeline. we'll miss another construction season and another opportunity to create thousands jobs across the country. what kind of an impact do you see it being on democrats?
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>> you saw mary landrieu make the same kind of statement. they'll distance themselves from the president on this issue. there is a fig leaf for this. or might be a more legitimate reason why they had to delay this. there's litigation in nebraska. the clearances for this pipeline are not all in place. and so there are some substantive reasons to delay this. what it does indicate to me, though, is that the chances of this being approved long term have gone down significantly. i would expect -- i don't have any inside information on this. it's clearly a decision that hasn't been made. i think the odds of the president approving the pipeline after the election have just gone down. >> okay. perry bacon jr., jonathan alter, always good to talk to you. in office politics, what you didn't know about tamryn hall and something that pays tribute
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in today's tech watch, facebook users can find out which friends are near them. the social network announced what it calls nearby friends. they can see what city or neighborhood a friend is in and how long ago they were there. in today's number ones, the best and worst j-o-b. but first, it's a rust belt town that's lost its popular. even sew, forbes magazine ranks youngstown ohio as the fifth best city for raising a family. reasons include affordable, short commutes and solid schools. omaha nebraska and grand rapids michigan are the runners up. the top story, raleigh, north carolina, because of lots of high-paying jobs, good schools and low crime.
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now to the best jobs. considering pay, working conditions and stress to come up with its list. mathematician ranks first, followed by tenured college professor, statistician, actuary and audiologist. >> you are acting like a baby. >> i'm not a baby. i'm a man. i am an anchor man. >> don't tell ron burgundy but broadcaster is the fifth worst job. what's up with that? it's better than taxi driver. enlisted military personnel, news reporter and the very worst, lumberjack. funny either time. mrs. doubtfire really had it rough as the nanny in the 1993 hit movie. now the hollywood reporter says a mrs. doubt fire sequel is in development with robin williams possibly reprising that lead role. a poll ranks "the empire strikes
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how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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welcome back to "weekends with alex witt." the captain of the ferry that capsized has been arrested. the 68-year-old was taken into custody along with one of the ship's helmsman and the 25-year-old third mate. officials say she was the one steering the vessel when the accident happened. i want to bring in the professor of marine navigation. we've got 270 or so still missing. a transportation accident like this, how do you begin to even piece together who's at fault for what happened? >> one of the things we have to look at is exactly what they're doing right now who was at the bridge and who was at the wheel at the time that the accident took place. we're still trying to figure out what the nature of the accident
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was. what caused the ship to keel other. we believe at this point from the information that's presented to us so far that it must have been some kind of cargo ship. that the ship keeled over suddenly and the cargo has -- the big trucks and whatnot that are down below on the decks broke loose from their moorings, went over to their side and caused the ship to go other. what caused the vessel to take a sudden turn to make that happen, thabs the part of the investigation they're going to be looking at. what was the third mate doing at the wheel at the time of the accident. >> okay, but i just want to ask you about the reports that relative to the messengers on board, most of them being high school students, they were told, hey, stay put, stay right where you are, as that ferry was capsizing. what would the protocol be for something like this? i mean, really, something's capsizing, you're like, oh, stay put? >> that's unbelievable to me. at the maritime college where i teach, these are exactly the same things we are teaching.
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what you do in emergency procedures. what's the procedure when something like this takes place, when you have a problem. the first thing that is supposed to happen is that the alarm is sounded. and every person on board that vessel has a very specific responsibility. from the cook to the captain to every passenger on board. there's some place you can go and there's a job you have when an enermergency takes place. at the very least, they should have been taken to their mustard stations. so they're at one particular spot on board the vessel. the crew should have been getting the lifeboats ready. while the captain is on the vessel, trying to figure out what's the nature of the incident and so on. >> can i ask, in terms of timing, how much time do you think it was? what kind of a time frame are we looking at between it being upright and being capsized? >> from the time frames i was
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looking at, it looks like it took an immediate list. so whatever happened, the ship keeled over immediately. slowly from that point, over the course of maybe a half an hour, i'm not exactly sure what the time frame was, but the vessel continued to keel over and keel over more. that half hour was critical, while the people were still able to get to evacuation points on the vessel. >> do you remember last year when rescuers found that 29-year-old fisherman, he was alive inside an air pocket, he'd been trapped in a capsized boat off the coast of nigeria, he was trapped for like two days. >> oh, absolutely. >> any chance we could see something similar here? >> there is a chance but i'm not sure how probable that is going to be. it depends on where in the vessel that you are. you have to remember, some parts of a vessel like this are constructed out of steel. so an air pocket can easily form. and you can be in there and be
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in that air pocket, as happened with that gentleman on board that tug boat that overturned. on this vessel, it might not necessarily be the case. those bulk heads and subdivisions aren't necessarily steel bulk heads. it may have collapsedd over the course of the vessel rolling over so i'm not very confident that's a possibility. it is possible. >> what about the giant cranes on the site, how long should authorities wait to raise the vessel out of the water? if they're doing that, does that put potential survivors if there are any, on board at risk? >> that is the big question about what they're going to do, how long they're going to wait before they decide to right the vessel. because unequivocally, once you start that procedure of righting your vessel, you are going to dislodge and dislocate everything that's on board that vessel as the vessel now returns to the upright position. you know, if it was dangerous when the vessel was going over the first time, it's going to be
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even more dangerous bringing that vessel back to the vertical. >> okay, peter, what about the reports that the captain was among some of the first off that ship, is there anything to the captain goes down with the ship? >> isn't it amazing how many times we've heard in these instances about how the captains are the first one off the vessel? it goes against everything that you learn about how an emergency operation takes place. the captain doesn't necessarily have to be the person physically putting somebody in the lifeboats. there are personnel and people directed and, you know, whose responsibility that is. but the captain's responsibility is to direct that operation. you know, to dictate when the lifeboats should be released, to dictate when the life rafts should be launched. >> okay, peter from sunni maritime college here in new york, thank you. it's time for headlines at 36 past the hour. police are searching for the
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motive after making an arrest in random shootings on a kansas city highway. he is being held on $1 million bail. police say he randomly opened fire on their cars. tens of thousands of runners, as the first running of the boston marathon since that deadly bombing takes place on monday. a somber moment as family and friends gathered to remember slain officer sean collier, killed while trying to track down the alleged bombers. thousands of worshipers witness ted the holy fire ceremy in jerusalem. the event takes place every year and is believed by orthodox christians to be a miracle. a drone strike in southern yemen earlier today killed nine suspected al qaeda militants and three civilians. this comes just days after a new al qaeda video surfaced showing a large gathering of militants. this video is believed to have been shot in yemen in late february or early march and amob those seen in the video, the new al qaeda number two, who says they must keep trying to bring down america. joining me here in studio, nbc
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news terrorism analyst evan coleman, a senior partner at flash point global partners. so this new video features this new deputy of al qaeda. talk to me about what he said that was important on this videotape. >> he says kind of the usual trope, we don't like the infi l infidels, we gather together and everyone cheers. it's unusual footage of a very senior leader of al qaeda. >> right, he's on it, just all over it. >> that's true, but he's been on videos like this before. we don't see that much footage of him, but there's nothing in this video that particularly says, well, they're about to do something or they're planning new operations or there's a new leader. abu al washishi is who he is. you see this large group out in
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the open like yemen. i think the question a lot of people are asking is how could they do that? with drones in the sky, how could you organize a grouping of this many operatives in one place and not attract attention. >> this number two al qaeda leader, isn't he also simultaneously the number one of aqap, al qaeda in the arraiabia peninsula, and is that unique? >> it's important to clarify something. abu wahishi is officially the leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. al qaeda leadership has made the decision to make him the deputy commander of al qaeda generally. however, if that is true, it has not been announced publicly by al qaeda. it has not been acknowledged publicly by al qaeda. the only way we know this is through senior u.s. officials. that may be accurate. but for some reason, al qaeda has seen fit not to advertise that fact, if it's true. >> why wouldn't they? >> it's a very good question. maybe it's because they don't want to make him even a larger target than he is.
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maybe it's because of the fact they're planning some big coming out ceremony where they're going to have some big announcement and they're going to make a big show of it and they don't want to spoil the surprise. there's a lot of reasons that al qaeda can do stuff like this. there's also a lot of things going on in the background here. let's not forget there's a big dispute right now within al qaeda's leadership that is pitting the leadership of al qaeda in iraq and parts of syria against al qaeda senior leadership back in pakistan and afghanistan and literally they are murdering each other, they're killing each other, and, you know, this also might have something to do with it. we have to see what happens in the next few weeks. right now, literally, behind the scenes, these guys are murdering each other with suicide bombings and whatnot in syria. it has an effect not just on what's going on in syria but the relationship between al qaeda factions all over the world. it's remarkable. >> when you look at this group assembled in the tape, what do you think their capability is, if any, to hit the u.s.? >> well, look, a lot of people look at what they've done and they say, you know, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, they seem
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to be focused in yemen. a lot of the attacks we've seen recently, the shootings, the assassinations, they've all been directed at targets in yemen. it's important to remember this same group is responsible for arguably the most sophisticated attacks or would-be attacks to target the u.s. in recent memory. the underwear bomb plot. the cargo bomb plot. these guys know what they're doing. they continually are making efforts in this regard. the drone strikes that are taking place in these regions of yemen, they're not just killing yemenis, they're not just killing saudis, they're killing westerners, australians, new zealanders, russians, americans. that's what we have to be worried about. >> anything to the release of this tape, the timing? because oftentimes, there is a correlation to action. >> you know, we can't be sure. i think we have to be cashful here because of the fact that al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, their media apparatus is second to none. these are the same guys that put
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out "inspire" magazine, that purportedly the boston bombers used to educate themselves on how to build bombs. they really know how to twist propaganda. just because they release this now, it could be for public relation, value. it doesn't necessarily mean there's something big coming down the horizon. >> evan coleman, thank you. they can't help but watch the slow motion disaster that's making crowds turn out to watch somebody else's misfortune. scott: appears buster's been busy. man: yeah, scott. i was just about to use the uh... scott: that's a bunch of ground-up paper, lad! scotts ez seed uses the finest seed, fertilizer, and natural mulch that holds water so you can grow grass anywhere. looking good, lad! man: thanks, scott. ez seed really works! scott: get scotts ez seed. it's guaranteed. seed your lawn. seed it! anncr: visit for the chance to win a $25,000 backyard makeover.
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happen. broadway could get shut down. you never know. it's a big landslide. >> there definitely is an entertainment value to it. it's hard to not be entertained by watching what's going to happen next and, you know, what if we miss it because we're not here standing here watching it. >> the town has set up a live video stream using a camera placed across the street. in today's office politics, "today" show co-host tamryn hall. she shares a little known fact which proves she's very proud of her texas routes and she'll explain why she thinks texas may go from being a red state to purple. i asked if she thinks president obama has made the expectations of his supporters. >> i think you have people on social media when we do a segment that says his approval number's down who get very upset, like they ask, who are you surveying, who are you asking?
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and i look at the great expectation. i just think it would be impossible. it's impossible. so i don't know if the word is disappointment but i believe that the real aality of the situation becomes more clear, meaning who could live up to that expectation. it's i possible i think. but i believe that there are great many people of all colors who believe in this president and who want the best for this country. no matter who the leader is. >> we mentioned texas. that's your home state. >> yes. >> talk about growing up there. what do you love most about being a texas girl? >> i tell people this story and i'm not sure if i ever said it on air or anything. i remember being at our mother of mercy catholic school. and the nun who was my teacher pulled down the map of the united states and there's the map and above it is a cross with jesus and she said, look at it.
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nothing like it. there's nothing. the state of texas. this is a nun. she's like, look how god created its shape. nothing matches it. nothing looks like it. this is texas. and there you have it. >> you remember that. >> i remember it and i just -- i believe it and i believe god picked our shape, he picked the boundaries. yeah, i have the state texas tattooed on my body, that's how much i love it. >> really? >> i do indeed. >> the fact texas has been called a red state for such a long time -- >> called, it is. >> okay, so how does that manifest itself? how do you see empld of that? >> we see it in politics who's elected in the state. there's a huge conversation of whether or not it will become purple because of the demographics. latino voters in the state. with the immigration debate, people forget, george bush
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wanted to see comprehensive immigration reform. even if you are a republican, many see the immigration debate very differently. i mean, rickbooed basically when he said you don't have a heart if you don't want these kids to have an education. i do think you see a different reaction to immigration from republicans within texas then you would perhaps in other parts of the country. but i think from all of the statistics that we read and all of the information that is out there, there is a likelihood that texas will become a purple state. and that's very possible. smu a school you're very familiar with, southern methodist university, you have a lot of young people who were excited about barack obama. they were republicans by birth, as they say, but they saw an excitement in the election. austin, liberal. i tell people all the time, just when you think you know texas and your whole j.r. ewing thing
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in your head, you go to austin, texas that will shake your core. >> and then there's wendy davis who has a real shot. >> absolutely. >> i see you walking into your production area every day when you come into work because we're right next to each other. this morning, i said, i want some of what she has. and people think i have a lot of energy. so what gives? >> people say that a lot. i don't see myself as having a lot of energy. >> you light it up. >> i love smiling, you know, and i said the other day, listen, if some -- silly or stop giggling or something. if smiling or laughing makes you mad, honey, i can't help you. i tell people, problems will find you. sadness will find you. you don't have to look for it. in the meantime, you should smile. >> yeah. i'm sorry. >> i can't stand you, alex witt. this doesn't happen on "life class with oprah." >> tomorrow at this time, she talks about the person who's
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inspired her the most in her life and we're going to do a little preaching for you on easter sunday. you are going to hear my conversation with a man who summited mt. everest. i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪
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the nation's power grid is coming under the spotlight of the u.s. senate. the committee on energy and natural resources called leaders to washington for a hearing on preventing cyber and physical attacks on the grid, as well as blackouts and power outages. joining me now, the technology reporter for the national journey. welcome. >> thank you, good to be here. >> i'm glad you're here. you remember last year we saw that attack on a substation in silicon valley. gunshots fired, they damaged equipment. how safe is the grid overall from physical attacks and from cyberattack? >> that's a good question. as you mentioned, there are two basic types of vulnerabilities for our nation's energy grid. there are cyberattacks and physical attacks. for a long time, we've been doing a lot to beef up security
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in the cyber realm. what hasn't really got enough attention is the physical attacks. this is just run of the mill attacks on nation's transformers, the things that give us our energy, that heat our hopes and give us electricity. last april, it was a year ago last week actually, there was a really sophisticated coordinated attack on a substation outside silicon valley. it's still kind of unclear who exactly was behind this. the fbi and the police authorities arer in found anybody associated with it. but a lot of evidence suggests that it was very carefully planned out, involved multiple people, and the concern now is that might have been, as one official has called it, dress rehearsal for something more serious down the line. >> what's interesting down the hearing, as you well know, senator mary landrieu said, the response must fit the size and nature of the threat. one size does not fit all. we're living in a time where the
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future cyberattack on the grid is a very possibility. what is this solution for congress. are we looking at more legislation that would concern the power companies? >> well, that's really a good question. as with most things in washington, it's a lot easier to identify a problem than it is to proscribe a solution. it's really kind of unclear where this is going from here. the important thing is people are talking about it. after two pretty explosive articles in "the wall street journal" came out in february and march, this is now somewhat of a priority. but it is an election year. it's hard to see where this is going to go legislatively. i think a lot of people don't think legislation is the solution but really there needs to be more pressure applied to the regulators to look at the vulnerabilities they have, to identify them and be transparent with them. they were, last month, given 90 days to kind of look at what problems they have and where there are critical risks and provide those to all of us, and so we're still waiting to see what that report says.
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the good thing is people after these reports are talking about it, even though it has been more than a year now since this attack happened outside silicon valley. >> pretty important information, appreciate it. the most interesting nuggets in some just released documents from the clinton white house years. u are feeling satisfied without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive. you are feeling powerful with a 4-cylinder engine. [ male announcer ] open your eyes... to the 6-cylinder, 8-speed lexus gs. with more standard horsepower than any of its german competitors. this is a wake-up call. ♪ to get your client's attention. from brochures to business cards to banners. everything... except your client's attention. thousands of products added every day to, even bullhorns. how much? [ male announcer ] staples. make more happen.
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good day. welcome. 1:00 here on the east coast. now here's what's happening. the desperate search for survivors on board that sunken south korean ferry was hampered today by bad weather and volatile currents. the number of those con firmed dead has now risen to 32. 270 are still missing. the captain is under arrest on suspicion of abandoning people in need. two other crew members were also taken into custody. nbc's bill neely is joining me from jindo south korea. >> reporter: an apology and first explanation of what went wrong. here, for the relatives of the missing children, another day of frustration, anger and fading hope. under arrest and under fire for abandoned ship, charged with criminal negligence.
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the captain said he had deliberately delayed any evacuation. >> translator: i was afraid the passengers would drift away in the water. he admitted he'd been in bed when the accident happened. >> reporter: the 26-year-old woman officer who had been steering and the helmman who said he made a mistake but he blamed the steering gear. this was the captain awrriving n shore with the first group survivors. he'd left behind nearly 300 people trapped. his life rafts unused. today, divers tried again to retrieve those missing from the ship. they reportedly saw bodies, but the currents, like an underwater typhoon, said one, stopped them from pulling bodies out. for the parents waiting on shore, it is torture. "i'm frustrated. divers have been there for four days but we don't know whether our children are starved or
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not." "we're dying here on shore," says this parent. while our children are in the water." the scohool friends of those missing are suffering too. at the high school, they comfort each other. more than 300 teenagers left here for a vacation. few have made it home. some of the survivors remain in the hospital, being treated for injuries and shock. back at their school, a vigil for the missing. and for the vice principal who survived but then killed himself because he said, it's too much being alive while my students are missing. while the vice principal's just heartbreaking, please put all the blame on me, i organized this trip, perhaps i can be the teacher to the missing children in the next world. as he requested, his ashes have now been scattered next to the sunken ship. >> anothers an expect of that tragedy. thank you very much.
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the search for those missing in friday's deadly avalanche on mt. everest has been suspended for the day. at least 13 people killed when pilings ice and snow came crushing down on the group. three of them are still missing. the incident is is being called the deadliest day in the history of the world's tallest peak. nbc's duncan golostani has the latest from london. >> reporter: a helicopter carries the latest body recovered. at base camp, climbers cape out to pay their respect as it was slowly lowered to the ground. the mountain is closed for four days. climbers are now deciding whether to continue with their expedition. some say they will. others have decided not to. the dead, all sherpas, nepalese mountain guides, caught here in one of everest's most dangerous passages where huge boulders of ice can break free without warning. >> as the sun hits these big pieces of ice hanging on the mountain, they start moving a little bit. if you're in the wrong place at
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the wrong time, we have tragic accidents. >> reporter: the sherpas were carrying equipment and clearing a path for foreign climbers when the avalanche of ice swept down on them. >> there's a huge amount of guilt here among the western climbers that these sherpas were carrying equipment for us and preparing the route for us. >> reporter: at a holy site in kathmandu, the families of the dead are mourning. this girl's father is among them. she says the accident has caused her family immense sorrow. back at everest base camp, buddhist flags are still flying. the sherpas put them up two days before this accident. they were supposed to bless their journey. many of those sad pictures that you see there were filmed by an nbc news crew that happened at the at mt. everest filming a documentary for the discovery channel. thankfully, all nbc news employees are safe and well but we know their thoughts are with the sherpas who have been
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injured and lost their lives. now the search will need to go home. it will hopefully continue in the morning, but they are working on incredibly dangerous ground that has already claimed so many lives. back to you. >> you know, duncan, this is the start of the climbing season in may. these sherpas were going up to fix the ropes. so those expeditions that are trying to acclaim tiz right now and get used to the altitude, are some of them just turning back? >> that's interesting you ask. there seeps to be a bit of a split. some are saying we're going to respect a four-day hold switch. they're actually halfway through. another two days without climbing. they say they are consulting with their guides and they will continue. but others have been saying that no, that actually this has been a reality check for them, that they are not going to continue and that they will return back down. so it seems like there is a bit
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of a split. they have to decide because the window for climbing is narrow. they don't have much longer, perhaps until the end of may, alex. >> right. okay. thank you, duncan. a bit earlier today, i spoke with the expert mountaineer and author of "the mountain, my time on everest," and here's what he said about the notoriously dangerous area. >> it's between base camp and camp one and it's an area of the khumbu glacier as its sliding down the mountain at about three feet per day. it's starting to break up and cause a jumble giant towering pieces of ice. and it's slowly moving conveyer belt of ice blocks. and you have to travel through here. and it takes anywhere from 3 to 6 hours depending on how fast you're moving. it's kind of one of those areas that you know, you know, something can happen, there's risk involved, and you've got to move through there as quickly as possible. but as we saw in this incident,
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if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time when one of these ice blocked decides to tumble over, you have tragedy and people die. >> ed, these avalanches, i mean, is there anything that man does, the fact that we're on this glacier, are we doing anything to make things less stable there? >> no, i mean, we're, you know, if you look at the khumbu ice fall and you see people climbing in the ice fall, they're minuscule compared to this gigantic mass of ice. and you can be there in the day tie, you can be there at nighttime, the ice is going to do what it's doing whenever it wants to do. the whole plan is just to move there very quickly and hope nothing happens. >> this is a plan these sherpas should know very well. these are the people who know the mountains better than anyone. and they've gotten through this area many times. i mean, they were certainly aware of the dangers, weren't they? >> yeah, everybody that goes to
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everest and climbs this particular route understands that this section of the mountain is one of the most dangerous parts of the mountain. and you basically accept that. and if you don't accept it, then obviously you're not going to be there. but it's one of those uncontrolled risks that you have to accept. >> part of my conversation there. more than 4,000 climbers have summited everest since 1953. again, he has seven times himself. malaysian officials say the next two days in the search for the missing jetliner will be critical. an aquatic submarine is expected to finish scanning the zone within about a week. it's focusing on an area with a radius a little more than six miles wide. now, the very latest from perth, australia. >> reporter: bluefin-21 is on its seventh dive, completed six
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others. nothing of note has come up on those scans. but search leaders say they are still confident they're in the right area. still, they may scale back or end entirely the underwater search in five to seven days. that's because the area they're focusing on now, the area they will be focusing on for the next week is the area that has the best leads. the ones that they've been able to further refine every single day from those four acoustic signals that "ocean shield" picked up last week. if they don't find anything in the next week, they say they'll have to go back to the drawing board and figure out a new plan. they might continue in a broader area or they might move on to some other options they haven't yet announced. best hopes lie for the next week. all fingers are crossed. they're waiting and hoping they find this plane. alex. new reaction is pouring into the obama administration's move to delay a long-awaited review of the keystone xl pipeline. it would carry oil from canada
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to the refineries on the east coast. good saturday to you, my friend. what is behind this move? >> reporter: good saturday to you, alex. it's interesting, obviously, this has been very much a contentious issue, should the keystone pipeline being constructed, the agencies ultimately responsible for making this decision, are going to delay it again, because they say there's 2.5 million public comments. they want to be able to go through all them. you also have a result in nebraska, there's a lawsuit by a group of land owners. that pipeline will come from canada, through nebraska, down to louisiana. there's a group of land owners that challenge whether or not the state's governor had the ability to issue eminent domain to the company. that state court said they did not so there's a process. overall, this is a thing that
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has pitted senate democrats against republicans for quite some time. say, quote, this delay is shameful with american jobs on the line and our allies in europe look for energy leadership from america. it's clear this administration isn't willing to sacrifice for politics. interestingly enough, alex, while there is a big liberal cause supporting the keystone pipeline not being constructed, you also have a lot of red state democrats in favor of the keystone pipeline, who did not appose it. by delaying this, it allows those red state democrats to rail against the administration and create a little bit of delay light, which would be beneficial for them to get away from right now is unpopular president. i speak of landrieu in louisiana, she does a lot of stuff with energy. she's says she's the one
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fighting to bring the pipeline through louisiana. i'm going against president obama. so there is a little bit of politics there without a doubt. >> mark begich another one bus he says, look, we need the jobs. we're going to miss the construction season if we don't get this approved. basically pitting job growth concepts versus environmentalists, is that really it in a nutshell if you're looking at the two extremes? >> oh, absolutely. i think it's one of these issues where there are a bunch of environmental studies and there are a lot people who think that it could be catastrophic if you had a leak in one of the pipes, one of these water areas. you have others who say, look, this energy needs to come either way. if you bring it on the trains, that's more dangerous and causes more consumption of greenhouse gases. it's hard to see how some variation of this does not get approved considering how long the fight has gone on, how much money is at stake. at what point do they do it, at what point is it politically expedient. >> good to see you on a
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saturday, my friend. thank you so much. a new article suggests russian diplomats are outmaneuvering u.s. diplomats in the ukraine standoff. is that true? former u.n. ambassador bill richardson joins me next with his reaction. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna... this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close.
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all the latest episodes. all included with your service. it's like hi-fiving your eyeballs. xfinity...the future of awesome. to ukraine now where pro-russian separatists are refusing to stand down. this week's talks promised them immunity if they lay down their weapon, something they're refusing to do until the government in kiev dissolves. "the washington post" reports the pentagon is preparing to deploy ground forces to poland to support nato troops. but in an interview today, president obama putin said there is nothing to prevent the normalization of relations between moscow and the west. joining me now, former new mexico governor bill richardson who served as u.s. ambassador to
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the united nations as well as secretary of energy. it's great to see you. so do you think these talks are going to amount to anything? >> well, i do, because it's only been two days. i know this is show. we have to get the russian separatists to evacuate these buildings. russia has some important choices to make. there's huge potential for 28 european countries and the united states to put sanctions on russia. for instance, let me give you some statistics. russia, 40% of europe's natural gas comes from russia. 25% of its coal. 300,000 jobs in germany are depending on russia. so, you know, the interaction of the european and russian economies with u.s. sanctions, i
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think there's leverage there. i think putin -- he's a very smart guy. you know, he's crafty. he's wily. unscrupulous. et cetera. but i think he'll see the recognition that he doesn't want a russian government that, right now, investment is flying out, there's a potential recession, there's a lot of trade in commerce with the west, especially the european union. i am a little more optimistic than most that this agreement -- it's not going to be perfect, but it is going to lead to a deescalati deescalation. >> a lot of this depends on those separatists standing down. does russia have the influence over them to get them to do it? >> oh, yeah, they do. they do. i bet you a lot of those weapons they have are russian weapons. yeah, i think if russian is serious. it may take a little time. they have the leverage. they have the economic juice and
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political juice to say, look, we'll try to get you something in return. maybe some protection for your minority status. maybe some kind of electoral change, some technical things they can get. they're going to have to get something, those separatists. russia clearly has the cloud to make a move. >> i want to throw up a graphic. it reflects what you were talking about in terms of those staist isistaist ittics. you've got finland, 100% of its gas from russia. so there certainly is a level of affection tation in terms of levera leverage. can russia itself afford to get involved in an outright conflict in ukraine? >> well, that's -- no, i don't think so, because i think the economic stakes for russia are much too high. by the way, another statistic is hungary, it's 85%.
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now, look, european union doesn't want these sanctions because they don't want russia to retaliation. what russia is effect infective at doing, is they retaliate. if they get mad. for instance, with ukraine, they doubled the price of gas with ukraine. they do that with all the surrounding countries. i do think russia is door dependent on the international economy. and they care about their relationship with the united states at least economically. a lot of joint investments in technology, energy, banking and finance. they don't want all those assets russia has frozen in the united states. so i do think that putin -- look, he's got 80% popularity. he got this crimea thing. i'm not saying he's going to stop. he constantly baffles what we all predict. but i think he's also realistic.
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the russian economy is hurting. it's hurting from this crimean effort. investment is flying out. many other statistics. >> you may have caught this interesting column in politico, written by a former u.s. officer, in which he argues u.s. diplomats are outmatched by their russian counterparts. he's noting that russia's ambassadors to nato nations have 960 years of combined experience, while america's ambassadors have only 331. so a lot our ambassadors, as you well know, they're political apointments. does that put the u.s. at a disadvantage if they're not career diplomats? >> i think if you're going to have a political appointee, you want somebody with a little substance. both parties are sent ambassadors that are not qualified. i for instance served with lavrov, the current foreign
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minister, was the u.n. ambassador for russia when i was there, and that guy is awfully good. you had to watch him like a hawk because he can outmaneuver you. what russia does is most of their diplomats, almost 90%, are from their career foreign service, which is a very good one, but, look, alex, putin calls the shots. this is not like these ambassadors on their own doing their thing. three got to -- they've got a scout master that at the tells what to do and putin plays this chess game very well. we have good diplomats too. i think secretary kerry is a good example. he was the son of a diplomat. he's now secretary of state. foreign relations committee. i think if you want a political appointee, you know, maybe drift a little away from the fund-raising and get people with some political strength. we had a very good ambassador who just passed away, robert
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strauss, who -- a democrat who reagan appointed, and we've had two good ambassadors, john burly, mike mcfall. one is career, burly. mcfall was political. but they're both very knowledgeable about russia. that's what you want, people with substance and political smarts. >> so in other words, the u.s. diplomats are not getting handed their lunch. >> no, but the russians are pretty good. you've got to watch them. >> we're always glad to watch you on the show. thank you so much for joining us. bres appreciate it, bill richardson. marijuana and whoopi goldberg? what they have in common next. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people.
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[ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ] a number with a different meaning for marijuana fans, it's their unofficial holiday. a comedy icon shares her view
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about marijuana. nbc's joe fryer finds out the impact that whoopi goldberg is having on the national marijuana debate. >> reporter: whoopi goldberg's resume knows no boundaries. >> molly, you in danger, girl. >> reporter: from oscar-winning actress to co-host of "the view." >> i have smoked weed, i'm sorry, i have. yeah. >> reporter: now, a new role. columnist for a marijuana-themed website based in denver. in her first post, goldberg shares a love story between her and a vaporizer pen which she named sippy. she uses it to battle glaucoma-induced headaches. writing, with each sip comes relief from pressure pain and discourt. >> i'm thrill eeded me des nall marijuana works for her but she is one voice. there's lots other people for whom it works and lots who it
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haven't. >> reporter: their popularity is growing, especially in colorado, the first state to legalize recreational pot. this week bendweekend, can busis are particularly high. >> they can buy marijuana for the first time and not have this shadow of prosecution over their back. >> reporter: at a business called me sin man, customers are coming from across the country. >> this weekend, literally, we have the biggest tour we'ven done. >> reporter: the jury is still out on whether weed is harmless. but opinion opinion seems to shift. >> in a way that helps to destigmatize it. >> reporter: the national debate continues to grow. joe fryer, nbc news los angeles. the biggest release of documents from the clinton administration has just been released, but what new insight do they reveal about hillary clinton? o are we?
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welcome back to "weekends with alex witt." the national archives released documents revealing new details about the clinton white house including files on the role of then first lady hillary clinton. nbc's kristin welker has more. >> reporter: just a day after chelsea clinton claimed the spotlight with a bit baby news -- >> mark and i are very excited that we have our first child awrying later this year. >> reporter: the latest batch of clinton era documents reveal some political irony. back in 1993, the clintons courted chelsea's countermourre mother-in-law as they tried to win support for their health care law. her name listed as an important vote. >> the clinton white house was really going after congresswoman marjorie more goalless. 20 years later, she would become a member of the family. her son mark married chelsea
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clinton. >> reporter: the documents also show hillary clinton a possible 2016 contender often participated in high-level political meetings, a sharp contrast with the current first lady. >> the documents show how much she worked in tandem with her husband and it's a real contrast to what we see today. michelle obama does not appear to play that much of a role at least publicly in her husband's politics. >> reporter: the files shed new light on clinton's efforts to regain his political footing in the wake of the monica lewinsky scandal. as he prepared to deliver the state of the union address, adviser sid bloomingle that warned the skandel is an unavoidable subject. advising the president to deal with the issue only once and by calling for an end to the political division, advice the president apparently followed. >> yet perhaps in the daily press of events, in the clash of controversy, we don't see our own time for what it truly is, a
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new dawn for america. >> and that was nbc's kristin welke welker. edward snowden is on the defensive. he has a new column in the guardian defending himself this week in a televised q & a with russian president vladimir putin. critics say he appears to be a pawn of the kremlin. >> russia's own involvement in surveillance. so i'd like to ask you, does russia intercept store or analyze in any way the communications of millions of individuals? >> translator: dear mr. snowden, you are a former agent. used to be a part of the secret service myself. [ applause ] i will speak in a professional manner. there is no such widespread surveillance. there's no uncontrolled surveillance. we do not allow ourselves to do that. i hope we never do it.
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we do not have the technical means or the money to do that like the u.s. most importantly, our secret services, thank god, are under strict control of the government and the people, and their activities are regulated by the law. >> joining me now is "washington post" intelligence reporter greg miller who covered this story. welcome. >> thank you. >> before i get some of the details, how surprised were you seeing that interaction? snowden on this large tv screen in this conference and putin talking directly to him. kind of had to make you go, okay. >> that was surprising at first. after, you think, this was probably an opportunity that putin just couldn't pass up, you know. >> yeah, okay. well, from what you know, is president putin telling the truth? is there no widespread surveillance in russia? >> no, that's not true. i mean, that's been documented over and over again for years
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and years, well after the dissolution of the soviet union, the surveillance and extent of surveillance in russia continues to be quite extreme. so, i mean, he -- his answers were a bit evasive and i think most experts would be -- would say almost wholly untruthful. >> okay. in that guardian column, snowden argued he has no sworn allegiance to russia. the quote being, i regret my question could be misinterpreted. in order to speculate about my motives for asking it. then he also wrote he want to t the, wanted to catch president putin in a lie. >> maybe it was a naive question. maybe it was naive for him to think this would work. but if we take him at his word, he is basically -- he's
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basically said he was trying to do to putin what senator widen had done to america's intelligence chief james clapper before all of the snowden documents came out. clapper was asked during a congressional hearing does the united states gather data on millions americans and clapper said no it the snowden documents proved that was not true. so snowden's question ran parallel to widen's. but putin's answer wasn't anything like clapper's. >> i ask you your reaction to this snowden question. how about the u.s. intelligence communities reaction? what do you know about that? >> i actually know a bit about it firsthand because i've been getting e-mails from people would read the story we had in the post. they're very angry with snowden. they believe this was a case where he was -- he was a stooge or a patsy for putin and maybe even asked a question that the russian leader scripted himself. i think that's unlikely, but he did certainly sort of play into
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put putin's hands in this case. >> what do we know about snowden's life right now? >> we know remarkably little. hevisitors. my colleague visited with him last year. they met in a hotel. i think he still lives in secret. and that arrangement is shrouded in secrecy itself. and he is undoubtedly under significant surveillance and guard, but we don't know -- we know very little about the details of his living situation. >> well, do we have any educated guess then as to ways nehat's nr snowden, where he goes from here? >> i think one of the questions about this appearance is, boy, this seeps ri s this seeps rieems risky on his . he's dependent on russia now for asylum. he's there as a refugee from the u.s. government and u.s. law
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enforcement. and so it was, you know, some thought this was pretty risky for him to even think he could take on the russian president in this way. where would he go if russia decided you're no longer welcome here? >> are there any conceivable circumstances under which he'll be back in the united states? >> i think there are conceivable circumstances but they're unlikely. we've heard senior officials in the u.s. government say there were some would think that would be a good idea, to bring him back under some sort of immunity or some sort of agreement, just to get a handle on what he took, how he did it, and what his experience afterward was. i don't think that's likely ever to happen. i think he's going to have to be looking over his shoulder for a long time in his life. if he leaves moscow, leaves russia, there's always going to be a question of whether he will be apprehended. >> okay, "the washington post," greg miller, good to see you, thanks, greg. is president obama now winning the battle over obamacare? and are protests against condoleezza rice over the line? .
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say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ] nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. at your ford dealer think? they think about tires. and what they've been through lately. polar vortexes, road construction, and gaping potholes. so with all that behind you, you might want to make sure you're safe and in control. ford technicians are ready to find the right tires for your vehicle. get up to $120 in mail-in rebates on four select tires when you use the ford service credit card at the big tire event. see what the ford experts think about your tires. at your ford dealer.
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it shows you how valuable a home surveillance camera can be. this video shows a home intruder approaching a sleeping infant. he left the child undisturbed along with others sleeping in the house. he did, however, steal what he want and left, but thanks to this video, the 18-year-old was caught and is facing charges and police think he's their man in at least two other home burglaries. it is time for the big three in today's topic, woz winhose w. and best week/worst week. goldie taylor's column featured on the grio every monday. as well as political strategist and principal of impact strategies angela wry. sorry we couldn't get the picture hookup but we're glad you're on the phone with us. first, whose winning. we'll listen to president obama
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talking about the 8 million people who signed up for health insurance under obamacare. >> the repealed debate is and should be over. i know the american people don't want us spending the next 2 1/2 years refighting the settled political battles of the last five years. >> do you agree? is this battle over repealing obamacare over? >> the battle may not be over but i think the white house makes a tactical error to keep reminding americans why they're upset. all you've got to do is look at the polling numbers and see there's still a large number of americans very unhappy about the affordable care act. the fact that 8 million people have signed up doesn't mean that 8 million of them are happy. they're signing up because it's the law. they have to sign up to comply, to not incur a penalty. so it's a blessing if you didn't have health insurance and now you have it because of the affordable care act. and now have to take part in
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this obamacare policy and likewise pay more money a month for less coverage, those people are not happy and they're going to go to the polls and they're going to show it in these congressional midterm elections in november. >> okay, goldie, i'll let you respond. what the "los angeles times" says, which is a quote, the president took repeated jabs at his critics who continue to pledge to roll back the law, showing a new willingness to go on the political offensive on this subject. do you see this as a boost for president obama? if so, how much? what are the implications for the midterms? >> i do think it is a boost. when you poll the american people on the word obamacare, certainly they do not agree and don't like the word itself. when you poll them about the specific tenets of obamacare, being 26 years old and being able to remain on your parent's health care policy, those people who were able to enroll, able to buy health insurance at an affordable price. those of the 8 million who
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received this through the federal government to help them afford care, those people are happy with obama carry. think that's the thing we really need to focus on today. republicans -- while the law itself may be settled, the politics of this isn't over. republicans are going to continue to play at those pieces of the polling where they may not agree. that's only if democrats don't get out and tell the story. >> something interesting here, angela, 8 million have signed up. that's certainly a turnaround from the website's botched rollout. do you think this allows the vulnerable democrats would distanced themselves from obamacare to now embrace it ahead of the midterms? >> there are folks would have begun doing that. i think it's important we talk facts here on your show. i want to correct the record for joe. i don't know what time of talking points republican leadership is sending out. but you're not paying more money for less coverage. that is factually inaccurate.
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if pinocchio was present, there would be seven or eight of them. >> i know i'd pay more money now. >> you'd pay more money but not for less coverage, honey. >> less coverage than i've got before -- >> you're paying more money and you have less coverage? >> yes, i get less coverage. i have a higher deductible. it's a shame. i liked what i had. now i'm paying more money, i get less. well, it's less coverage because i have a higher deductible. this is the case for lots of americans -- >> wait -- i'm sorry, that isn't a line. you can't say you have less coverage -- sorry, go ahead, goldie. >> he may have a higher out of pocket expense through a higher co-payment or higher deductible but to say that he has a smaller coverage population of health care services is simply not true. it cannot be. >> okay, so joe -- >> let me -- go ahead. >> is that the way it is, you're paying more out of pocket
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because your deductible but what you get for your insurance coverage is the same? >> no, i actually get a little bit less coverage than i was getting before. i pay more money more month for that less coverage. and then i have a higher deductible. i have higher out of pocket costs. and this is not political. it's not -- i don't have any inbred desire to make sure this doesn't work. i think for lots of americans who are not political, they aren't hard democrats or hard republicans, they're just not happy because of this very true reality. they're paying more money. they get less. they like what they used to have. if they could get what they used to have, they'll be fine. if i could have kept what i used to have, i would be perfectly happy. >> you have a longer period of time to keep the old plan. we can't go on here saying, joe, we have a responsibility to the american public, is to start saying things we just heard in talking points. you don't have less coverage. i would be happy to sit down with you for hours and compare your last plan to your current
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plan. you may be spending more. i'm spending more. i now have maternity coverage on my plan i don't need right now but i'm happy to have it and i do pay $100 more. but that's so some child parentn for longer. i'm fine with that. but i'm not going to lie to the people. i'm just not going to do it. >> you two can make an appointment and go over joe's coverage. then let it be known. we'll be happy to hear. so let's move on to why the backlash. dozens of people, including some students and faculty, all gathered at the university of minnesota on thursday. they were protesting a speech by our former secretary of state condoleezza rice on human rights. another group earlier unsuccessfully banned her from delivering a commencement address. what do you think is behind all of these protest, and is it fair? >> i do think it's fair on the one hand. on the other hand, i don't. secretary rice certainly has lived the american story.
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her family personally participated in the civil rights movement. the '50s and '60s there in birmingham, alabama. but she also has a history as one of the top administrators in the bush administration. her work at the time, the iraq war, in terms of sending us into wars that should not have been waged, in terms of what happened around so-called enhanced interrogation. all of those things are also a part of her american story. so while she may be collecting $150 per speech to go out and make civil rights speeches, she'll also have hundreds of people on the street protesting those speeches. while she has the right to speech, she also has the right to criticism. >> also, there was a huge backlash online after the cloud storage company appointed rice to its board of directors. we're talking about someone who's a very accomplished woman. the backlash seems to stem from her defending the nsa's warrantless surveillance
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program. >> yeah, i wanted to briefly go back to what goldie said too. on this particular speech, i know drop box is important, but i want to say this. we are at the 50th anniversary of the signing of the civil rights act this year. it's so important for people to understand this w.e.b. dubois notice of what is the meaning of progress. we go down different paths but all have the same story. for her to have a father or grandfather who was the child of a sharecropper, all of these things that make her story different and part of the american dream is so important. i hate the fact there are protesters, but there is freedom of speech. as for the drop box thing, this was the first african-american woman nsa adviser. she was the first african-american woman secretary of state. she has a story to tell. although we don't agree with her politic, some of us, she has the right to be a part of the civil rights story. >> joe, i'm sorry, but we've
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crowded you out of answering this question. we have to go to a break. >> that's okay. >> sorry. >> on the other side, new party members and a tv scandal making the best and worst of the week, next. the conversation about her mortgage didn't start here. it began on her vacation in europe on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name. but she's not worried. checking her credit report and score at
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it is time now for the best and worst of the week. since goldie is gracing us with her presence now on camera, you're up next. >> my best of the week are the 8 million people who have been enrolled in aca and the millions of others who are allowed to stay on their parents' health care plans and those who have been impacted by medicaid expansion. my worst happening to be sean hannity, who has been stoking, sort of adding fuel to the fire out at bundy ranch. already sensitive situation that may turn out to be not so great if people keep stoking those fires. >> joe, quickly to you. >> yes, best story, of course, would be the fact that 11 african-americans in alabama are running as republicans for office. that's a good thing. always good when good people are
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involved on both sides of the aisle. worst story would be what happened in ukraine with the passing out of those antisee met ek leaflets and the killing of the little boy and his grandfather. >> awful, awful. angela? >> my best is shonda for a wonderful ending to "scandal." my worst is congressman ross in florida with his disastrous response to why we can't have a fair wage in this country. >> all right. thank you so much. aisle alex witt. see you back here at noon tomorrow. up next, craig melvin. sorry we're late. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people.
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we are volvo of sweden. say "hi" rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i'd do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that's why i'm so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i'm not the only one. it's a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing. ok, here you go. have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth? the twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. they taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. nothing says you care like a milk-bone brushing chew. [ barks ]
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