tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 25, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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that is all for now! i love you, houston! thank you, texas southern. i'll see you back in new york city at 4:00 p.m. eastern on monday. "the ed show" is coming at you next. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. i'm ready to go! let's get to work. >> let me tell you something about what i've seen with the negro community. i feel like what i said i said from my heart. and i often wonder, are they better off as slaves? the question is are they slaves
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the way they are? i'm wondering. i'm wondering whether they're that much better off. i don't think this would have happened with the government subsidy. i want to tell you one more thing i know. you know, i have worked with black people. f if i say negro or black boy or slave -- i think maybe they misunderstood me a little bit -- if those people cannot take those kinds of words and not be offensive, then martin luther king hasn't got his job done yet. i'm still wondering. >> good to have you with us, folks. that's for watching. well, we have a reversal. it wasn't the threat of firearms or the sightings of it. it wasn't the federal regulations. oh, no. . it was this racist guy.
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we have aer reversal. all the sudden conservatives are rung from the desert. they can't gate away from this guy fast enough. don't you wonder how many cliven bundies are out there across america listening to right wing radio? we'll get to that a little bit later. you have to admit things are getting worse if r the free loading rancher racist cliven bundy. gosh, he's getting a lot of attention. i'm not going to interview him. this will hopefully be the last story we do on this guy. you see, these racist remarks, he's gone from hero to zero in the conservative camp. gosh, we found out that conservatives can change their mind. if it's nasty enough. conservatives were calling him a hero. that's right. oh, what was the other word? patriot. yeah. until we found out what he was really all about. >> i want to tell you one more thing i know about the negro. i've often wondered, are they better off as slaving picking
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cotton and having family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy. >> you know, it's that picking cotton thing that really gets me. cliven bundy is a registered republican. those comments have bundy supporters scattering all over that nevada desert right now. bundy has been banned from fogs news. wow. how about that for a mop up? but don't worry, bundy and cnn, well, they have found each other. he's already logged two interviews in 12 hours on cnn. last night bundy stood by his racist remarks. >> i feel like what i said, i said from my heart. i didn't say it from a racial thing. i felt like there's a group of people who are talking about the black community. you know, my question was, i'm wondering, i'm wondering whether
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they're that much better off in the situation where in now with the government overreach and these, you know, i can see these people suffering, and my heart goes out to them, not against them. >> interesting vernacular. i'm wondering. i'm wondering. i'm just asking the question. let's see, what right wing talker uses that vern acular. earlier he turned the tables and tried to present himself as a victim for not being able to say what he really wants to say. >> we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and our feelings, but we're not freedom to say we don't have freedom to say what we want. if i call -- if i say negro or black boy or slave, i'm not --
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if those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive, then martin luther king hasn't got his job done yet. i should be able to say those things and they shouldn't offend anybody. i didn't mean to offend them. >> well, there's nothing more disturbing than cliven bundy being a racist, i think. that's not the whole story. ft that's only part of the story. it all goes back to bundy hating the federal government. let's go back to the basics here. republicans thought he was a hero because he took on the bureau of land management with the guns. republicans supported him because his story was just a great example of government overreach. >> out in nevada today, federal agents are pointing rifles at american citizens in an escalation of a standoff over a man who for 20 years has grazed
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his cattle on some land that the state owns. >> we're a rule of law country, and private property is at the base of it. and unless the government respects that, then i will suggest they are the ones incity dating the opportunity for the misfortune that i have have. >> we've seen our liberty under assault from the federal government. that seems hell bent on expanding the authority over every aspect of their life. >> it's government overreach, government gone amuck with the endangered species act. >> i tell you what, huckabee, rick perry, ted cruz, you guys got to go to nebraska. i got to stay for you. republicans are flat out wrong. they held this guy up as a patriot and example of government overreach, collecting
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grazing fees that have been around for 80 years is not government overreach. so bundy, what is he doing? well, he's out having a sympathy tour. . earlier today bundy held up a dead calf. how is that for a prop? held up a dead calf on tv and tried to blame the federal government. >> this dead calf died this morning. he's been without his mother two weeks. and we found him -- actually the fish and wildlife people down in overton, nevada, found this calf and called us. we picked him up last night and tried to save his life. he had been too long without a mother. he's been badly abused. >> you're leaving out something, mr. bundy. if you had paid your fees, your calf would still be alive. this is not an issue of government overreach. this is not an issue of imminent
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domain. this is a guy free loading on the american system. he's a free loading lawbreaker. cnn got him to admit that he's a welfare queen. >> you're grazing your cows on public land. for free. so how are you not sort of a welfare queen in a cowboy hat? >> well, you know, i might be a welfare queen, but i'll tell you, i'm producing something for america, and using the resource that nobody else can use, would use or could use. i am putting red meat on your table. bundy also had no problem waving around his pocket constitution.
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they're good at that. he claims the federal government has no business in nevada. f. >> this is the united states of america. i live in a sovereign state in the state of nevada. and i abide by all of the state laws. and i'll be damned if this is a property of the united states. they have no business here. they have no business harassing my cattle. abusing this calf to the point he's dead. they left this calf for two weeks without a mother. >> wrong. wrong and more wrong. if bundy read the constitution he would know that he's breaking the law, both the nevada and federal constitutions recognize the federal government's authority to own land. bundy and his republican supporters are wrong. cliven bundy does not own this land at all. he's a free loader. he's refusing to pay his fees like every other rancher in nevada. but wait a minute, they pay up. he doesn't and republicans haven't been shy about calling bundy and his supporters
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patriots. >> the idea that you have the senate majority leader calling law-abiding american citizens patriots a domestic terrorist for protesting against the government is beyond the pail. >> it shows you the resistance of patriotic americans. >> what he calls domestic terrorists i call patriots. >> senator heller, you call these folks patriots? you call this guy a patriot? i thought he would be a taker under paul ryan's definition. let's see. senator heller, you want to give this guy slack. what do you call people looking for unemployment extension? what do you call them, senator? do you have room for them. . bundy is not a patriot. he's a free loader. i have traveled across the country in recent months. i have spoken to people with real imminent domain issues relating to the keystone excel pipeline. i can't find conservatives out
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there. i talk to farmers in nebraska who don't want a foreign corporation coming in and taking over their land. never saw rick perry worried about that or rand paul. nor did i hear anything about ted cruz on that. he's only good for pheasant hunting in iowa. he doesn't give a damn about their land. i talked to native americans many south dakota who don't want the treaties cast aside like toilet paper. these are being violated. they're very concerned about that. . i didn't see any republicans fighting for him. unlike bundy. unlike bundy these people actually own the land. they're not free loaders. they are producers and they're fighting to continue to produce. there's another major difference between bundy and the keystone opponents. you don't see a scene like this at the keystone protest.
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look at that. no one is aiming sniper rifles at federal agents at the national mall. they're there being americans. they're doing it by the rules. keystone protesters, they are the patriots. they are the one who are exercising free speech properly. cliven bundy is not. these people own their land. cliven bundy, he doesn't own his land. these people protest peacefully, cliven bundy threatens federal officials. this weekend keystone protesters will again show their patriotism. f keystone opponents are holding a big rally on the national mall to draw attention and get information out about the issue that they really believe in. i will be there in washington to cover it tomorrow and to cover they're march. and hopefully bundy will be off the news when we come back on monday. maybe the weekend will give us a reprieve and we'll be onto something else collectivelied i
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the media. right now they're doing a disservice to america by giving the guy a platform. i have nothing to interview him about because he has nothing to offer society at all. he's a wacko. and people like this follow him. i can't get this picture out of my head. i ask for the third night, what would motivate someone to take up a position like that? use your imagination tonight. let's just say you're in this crowd and someone comes up to you and say, i know you can't see it very well but right up on that bridge over there is a guy who has your head in the cross hairs. what do you think about that sfl now, i'm going to go to washington tomorrow to cover the march, and i want you to use your imagination a little bit more. what if this was a native
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american, a sioux indian in the national mall with a federal agent in the crosshairs? what would fox news be saying? no one on fox news has condemned this. that's a problem! we are losing our good judgment in the media with stories like this. by propping up a nut job like cliven bundy who thinks he has all the social engineering answers for america when it comes to those damn cotton pickers that are free loaders. i want somebody on fox news, maybe you can do it, chris wallace, maybe you're the journalist over there. i don't know. you support that? your network does. and did for days until we heard the term racist. and then you figured it out. hey, this is bad territory. ch just tell me, what if this was a sioux indian in washington with a federal agent in the
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crosshairs? think that would make the news and you think it's not about race? it's all about race. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. is cliven bundy a patriot or is is he a free loader. text or go to our blog at we'll bring you results later in the show. for more, let me bring in gary from the tribe in in nebraska. farm owner megan hammon. ft i know if the pipeline is approved it's going to be going over your land, but the media has given cliven bundy way more attention than what you folks are doing in washington. . he doesn't even own his land, and you do. your reaction to all of this? >> oh my. we pay our property taxes. and it is very interesting that
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conservatives will stand up for someone who tries to use the second amendment, but they won't come to our rescue when a foreign corporation is shoving a pipeline down our throat. >> is that what is happening? is there a foreign corporation doing that to you and your family? >> yeah, definitely. it's been going on for five and a half years. on the first route, didn't have any options. we took the word that they had every permit they needed and we signed. we are again on the second route, and yeah, that's what they're doing. they're trying to force a pipeline on us. >> do you think you have an imminent domain issue? do you wonder what the conversation is in nevada about property rights when you are in nebraska getting no support from the same people supporting what cliven is doing? >> yeah, he's abusing our government, and lobbyists are getting away with imminent
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domain for private gain. it's very -- it's pretty hard to swallow. >> gary, republicans say this is government overreach in the bundy case. but p but they support keystone pipeline. your reaction to that? >> well, you know, i can't speak for them. i can only speak for the fact that we are here to protect the resources of the seven generations to come behind us. i'm really not concerned request transcanada's economic woes. i'm concerned about the resources for our children. >> meghan, if you could tell one thing to president obama, what would it be? >> reject the keystone excel pipeline. >> and why? >> imminent domain for private gain is wrong. and it's not what america is about. >> gary, will the government be
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in violation of the treaties if the pipeline is abused. we also have the water rights. all of those for supposedly a national interest. something doesn't add up there. >> none of it adds up. it's who you are, where you are and what kind of backing you can get from the media. that's what this is about. # i don't think your side of the story has been told enough. great to have you with us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow in washington. coming up, right wing talkers watch ratings slip as america grows wary of the backwards race baiting. rapid response panel weighs in. but first, john boehner gets silly as he mocks his flock over
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avo: all of great britain, all in one place book on expedia before april 30th and save up to thirty percent. mplsz. join the ed team. you would like it. find us on, twitter or you check me out on the radio siriusxm monday through friday. ed show social media nation shows today's top trenders voted on by you. >> the number three trender, mock debate. >> i don't know if you're going to get to it this year or not. >> boehner got dramatic when asked about immigration reform.
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>> republicans on what could divide the party more. f. >> the weepy speaker makes fun of his whiny opponents. >> oh, don't make me do this. >> get ahold of yourself. >> oh, this is too hard. >> stop wining. >> the number two trender, on the job. >> the surprise from a 10-year-old girl at an event hosted by the first lady. >> this day is so special for us because you guys are pretty special people. >> the first lady hosted the event for children of administration staffers. >> a young girl hopes the the first lady can help her dad get back to work. >> president obaher father work president obama campaign. the moment strikes a cord with a lot of people around the country who are obviously looking for jobs. >> in today's top trender,
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tripped up. >> this will enable both of our countries to expand our cooperation in the future. >> that's against unfair trade now for close to 45 years. we will closely coordinate with each other regarding korea's participation in tpp. >> tpp talks stall as the president travels through asia. >> now is the time for both steps. >> the two sides failed to reach an agreement on her transpacific partn partnership for the two sides. >> i continue to believe we can get this done. >> the ttp is going to be another nail in our economic coffin. >> congressman, good to have you with us tonight. you've been adamant spokesman against the ttp. in that sense, do you think this has been somewhat of a successful trip? did the japanese save american workers because they couldn't come to a deal? the president was ready to do
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the deal. how do you view this? >> i'm very concerned with how that trade deal is being negotiated. as a matter of fact, i was on the phone with the white house earlier today trying to set up a meeting next week when i head back to d.c. to find out exactly where the administration has been going with the tpp and their recent trip to asia. and it's a huge concern that i have. i came from the manufacturing sector and worked in the paper mill for over 25 years. i'm concerned how the trade deals are being negotiated. >> well, they're being negotiated in secret. the president doesn't look like he's coming home in the 11th hour with the deal. that's got to be a good step for his own party is not in favor of this. >> yep. that's true. >> not only democrats. republicans, as you know, were able to get 230 members of congress, a bipartisan group members of congress sent a letter to the president asking the president to deal tw the
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currency manipulation issue, which is a big issue. with 60 senators signed a similar letter over in the senate, concerned with currency manipulation. and you look at the studies that's been done out there, currency manipulation actually could lower -- if we address the issue, could lower our trade deficit by $200 billion over a three-year time frame according to some groups. >> it takes two to tango. the honest brokers are not on the other side of the pond. how can the president reel that in? there has to be a level of honesty. . the calculation of goods changes and american workers get shortchanged. and you have seen that in your backyard with the shoe manufacturer new balance. what is happening there? >> well, actually, good news today. actually as it relates to the department of defense, i had a call from the assistant secretary department of defense
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christine fox, and she informed me today that the department of defense is actually going to move forward to make sure that the athletic food footwear that our soldiers wear will be compliant. it's an initial step. it's good news. f doesn't mean new balance whether get the contract, but i'm very optimistic that new balance or another company could provide the very compliant athletic footwear from men and women who are wearing the uniform in the united states. that is good news. i want to thank the president for that. i know the president was aware of the department of defense directive today. i've talked to the president five times about the very compliant new balance in the military. >> well, if he's paying attention to that, i hope he pays attention when he goes to south korea later today. what's happening in the steel
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industry is a tragedy. we've seen it in ohio. they're making it to attack our market chblt your thoughts on that. >> that's a big concern. i did not vote for the south korea trade deal. and my big concern and and still is today is the fact they will be able to undercut us here in america. and these trade deals have not be fair. in maine we lost 40% of the manufacturing base alone since nafta went into effect. ive seen it with my fellow workers in the mill. that's why i'm interested in making sure whatever trade deal is done, that it's fair for american workers back in the united states. >> mike, congressman from maine, good to have you with us. >> great to this be with you, ed. >> how right wing radio hosts are poisoning race dialogue in america. and later, florida's beer war? yeah, there is. how big business donors are
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pitting small business breweries against corporate giants. is that fair? up next i'm taking your questions. ask ed live. some things you have to squeeze to make sure they're soft. other things, you don't. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger.
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better off under government subsi subsidy. >> glenn beck had statements on his tv thing. my daughter read it to me. and i said, that's right. his statement was right. but everybody was taking their own. >> wow, where do they ever get the courage to come up and say those things? those are the thoughts of cliven bundy. his comments are deeply rooted in the words of glenn beck. 600 right wing radio hosts were just like cliven bundy all over america. radio hosts who came out in defense of bundy's remarks. >> so no, cliven bundy, my nevada rancher, my patriot, you're not a racist for saying what you said. don't back down for asking the question you asked. what is racist is what democrats and liberals have done to black america today, forcing them to be dependent upon government.
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>> yeah, i know. we want them to be able to vote. no surprise joe walsh would get behind a free loader like cliven bundy. you may not hear right wing king rush limbaugh say they were better off as slaves exactly, but his statements would make cliven bundy nod his head in agreement. >> in a country this large, a certain percentage of people are going to gain the system. it's going to be a fraudulent based things. but by no means is it a significant number of people. the angry white man, quote/unquote, has been intimidated da into thinking it's not okay to be angry about that. you're not supposed to get mad about the fraud. you're supposed to accept it about what are they going to do? they can't get a job. ft they have to find a way to live somehow. if you get angry, you're just an angry white man. >> right wing conservative stations spent countless hours
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poisoning americans with racist ideas and rants. hours of this garbage have created tens of thousands of cliven bundies, i believe, all across america. joining me tonight in our rapid response panel, holland cook, talk radio consultant and michael eric dyson, msnbc political analyst. dr. dyson, you first. there are right wing talkers who are tout there defending cliven bundy. and they're all over the country. that was just one example. does that empower these people to act the way they are acting in their opinion. >> of course. >> we shouldn't scapegoat cliven bundy as he's an exception to the rule. he's a symptom of the deeper disease. he's a symptom of the profound preoccupation with blaming black people and other minorities for the failures of the dominant culture to come to grips with its own sense of privilege. who is a bigger welfare person than clive opinion bundy?
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they are working with the biography of their lives and you don't do seriously participant observer. you look at them and make conclusions based on what you see, and yet you are the biggest welfare recipient for 20 years. wesley snipes is? jail. at least he gave us tremendous years of acting. and because he failed to pay his taxes and what you give us is a poor sub "b" acting job here. cliven bundy aukt to be ashamed of himself. the people who support him ought to be ashamed of themselves. what they don't want to come to grips with is the fact that the great english professor said today on the huffington post that many white people don't want to grapple with the fact that affirmative action has been white usually. they have been the beneficiaries of that affirmative action. . when somebody asks them to be equal or fair about the distribution mechanism and to be open and honest, then they go
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haywire and get very reventful. that's what cliven bundy is a symptom of. >> holland, rusch lim baa's conservative stations across the country are taking a hit in the ratings like they have never seen before, and they're getting shoved off to smaller signals. down and i have talked about this in the past. it's not connected to any one region. it is by this graphic, you can see, all over the country. hean then you get somebody like cliven bundy who quotes a radical like glenn beck. says i'm just wondering, what's the connection here? >> it's a great big echo chamber. this was not a great week for talk radio because first we reinforce the cliche. any chance to make uncle sam the bad guy without doing their homework and finding out what is in this guy's heart. you read my mind last night. i was watching you play back bundy's statement. you said allowed exactly what i was thinking.
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when is the last time you heard somebody use the word "negro"? so this was not a great week for talk radio. as dan rather would say, pull back and take the wide angle shot. people today have taken control of their media. and the ed show is an example. you tweet me and say dvr alert. if i press it once i get the ed show. if i press it twice, i get every ed show. and i can watch them whenever i want on that thing in my pocket we used to call the phone, which has a bunch of other apps. we now live in a pick and choose media culture. >> are people coming after this content the way they used to? >> well, that's the point, we've got 80 or 90 million millinials about to take the reigns of the
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u.s. economy, and talk radio, ironically is the lesser of the interactive media. how quaint and irrelevant must it seem to the millenials that day after day this crazy uncle says the sky is falling. >> the proproblem is, of course, i agree with you in one sense, on the other hand they're poisoning the atmosphere. . there's still a lot out there. there are a lot of people stuck in his own ways. cliven bundy is a racist in his own era. now we have the reproduction of his bigotry by means of technology, but it's the same that prevailed before. think the rusch lim bh limbaugh world are reenforcing it. it's a little more than than the same old mess we had 40, 50, 60 years ago. >> but they are not ads far as audience impact.
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all you have to do is listen to cliven bundy. the numbers, ratings and signal are different today. where is this going to be in five years? >> exactly. and it is as michael said old. and demographically tile is not on the side of this despicable narrative. young kids are growing up with different values. and to them, this is a caricature. >> and finally dr. dyson, all of the sudden hannity and these guys on the right are trying to disstance themselves from cliven bundy. what do you make of it? >> well, first of all we ought to congratulate for having enough sense. if they had not done so, we would have been critical. let's get them an a-plus for effort. let's make them skrut niz their own practices. a lot of stuff they say and do, this is why it's a continuum. when politicians are speaking
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about those people who are urban, who are ill behaved, black people, brown people, so that there are code words out here to talk about an analogy there. and the digital age is picking it up and reproducing it. many of the younger kids have been inherited the same mind frame and perspective that doesn't challenge at base what's going on here. and that's racial democracy, racial fairness, and questioning one's own privilege. . >> all right, gentlemen. great to have yo with us. michael eric dyson, thank you so much. coming up. the bogus reason on why new hampshire lawmaker claims men deserve higher pay. l humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement
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representative will infintine stepped up to explain why men should make more money. >> they nights and weekends. they don't mind working overtime more often. [ booing ] >> this is not me. this is the united states bureau of labor statistics. i don't make this stuff up. >> so women just don't work the hard jobs. he doesn't seem to understand the debate over equal pay is based on wage discrimination. women receiving unequal pay for doing the same jobs as their male counterparts. despite objections from his colleagues, well, he didn't stop there. >> when it comes to men and women -- hold on. this again, this is the united states labor bureau of
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statistics. make your own decision. women make half of what men do because of ability to work, men have more motivation by money than women are. i'm not making this stuff up. this is the bureau of labor statistics. >> he's not making it up. i think the crowd's reaction really says it all. the house voted to give preliminary approval to the paycheck equity act. if will enfintine says his sexest stereotypes can be passed off as statistics, he can keep on pretending. s underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪
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my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ i ♪ and i got the tools ira ♪ to do it my way ♪ i got a lock on equities ♪ that's why i'm type e ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ i can do it all from my mobile phone ♪ ♪ that's why i'm tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ if i need some help i'm not alone ♪ ♪ we're all tyyyyype eeeee, ♪ ♪ we've got a place that we call home ♪ ♪ we're all type e ♪
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>> welcome back. this is a story for the folks who take a shower after work. but wait a minute, it's friday. i'm not ready to take a shower yet. it's friday, i think i'll have a couple of cool one, what do you think? nothing like that after work. absolutely. this is a local beer from tampa, absolutely. so tonight, instead of heading to the showers, we're going to head off and have a couple of cool ones here on "the ed show" what do you think about that? underbusiness is under attack in florida at the hand of what else? big money donors. kraft breweries are facing a crippling republican-backed state senate bill which would undermine small business retail operations and crush the craft
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industry. >> sb-1714 would cap craft brew sales at 2,000 kegs per year. in short, sb-1714 would force a brew house like funky beau due d.a. would force them to sell the beer to a distributor, then buy it back for a mark-up then sell it to a customer. >> if you want a bud light, don't come here. if you want a few beer, they're made in the communities, they're getting job, why would you try to get rid of that? >> 2,000 kegs a year. they better not be packer cans. that's far too low for brew houses to make a profit before facing an enormous mark-up. starting a new business would become nearly impossible in this industry. the florida beer wholesalers association, well, they backed the constricting bill. they're all for it. you see the organization partners with millers, coors, and sam adams, who have thrown
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huge campaign contributions to the senators who voted and who have voted on senate bill 1714. now, the florida senate has voted to drown out the competition. no surprise here. governor rick scott backs the measure as well and of course, the senate bill directly pits small craft breweries against massive national companies, big business has pumped money into the national elections, school board, local school board elections. think about that. and now they're after your cool ones. joining me now is joe redner. joey redner, the founder and ceo of cigar city brewing of tampa, florida. good to have you with us tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me on. >> they're after everything, the big boys. they want to restrict the little guy from being an entrepreneur. isn't that what this is? >> i think it's definitely an
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effort to curtail the growth of craft beer. it's still very small, and it seems like they almost specifically targeted that sweet spot of growth that breweries need to hit. you don't really become profitable as a packaging brewery until you start to get up into what the 5,000 barrel-plus range. and i think that was the reason they set the number so low is pretty much just to curtail it ever getting to that point. >> the competition knows exactly what you're doing. they know the numbers. they know it's going to make it tough for you. i think this is pretty much anti-republican, isn't it? this is a government -- this is government intervention. this is what the republicans believe in all the time. they want the entrepreneur to go ahead and succeed, yet they're backing people that are going to squash guys like you into the hardship. >> yeah. ostensibly, it would be something that would be you know, republicans would be diametrically opposed to. it's picking winners and losers. it's taking profits from one company and moving them into the
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bank accounts of another company. without that company adding any value into the system. so yeah, i'm as confused by it as most people are. and i don't understand how you can get that far from what you say and what you do. >> they don't want you around. we've seen this dance before. tell us about your company. tell us about your company. >> we started in 2009. myself and my brew master were the only employees for about a year and a half, two years. we built it out during the reception when everyone else was pulling in, we decided we were going to expand and launch a business anyway. >> well, you must be successful
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because they're coming after you with legislation trying to limit what you do. you've got to have a great product. i'm enjoying it on a friday. and now it's time for the shower. appreciate your time. all the best to you. when you've got the big boys after you, you know you've got a good product. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, new offensive comments from to the lawless hero on the right has politicians and pundits running for the hills. and damage control mode. more on that in a moment. but this morning, he also went back to his radical anti-government rhett ricket, the same talk that made him a star on the right.
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