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tv   Taking the Hill  MSNBC  April 27, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool making the world a little more progressive. i'm patrick murphy. thank you for joining us. we have a lot of ground to make today on developing stories. a tough week for the military. shocking allegations that 40 veterans died at the medical system as they were put on a phantom waiting list. just this thursday in afghanistan, three american civilians were killed trying to help the afghan people. is america's longest war coming to an end? we'll have the compelling story of wounded, the battle back
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home. today's installment follows two best friends and battle buddies who found each other in the darkest days of their recoveries. but first, the story of one of my personal heroes who was killed in afghanistan ten years ago this past week. >> to his teammates, he was number 40. to his brothers he was a champion. and months after 9/11 when pat tillman walked away from a $3.6 million nfl contract to serve as an army ranger earning $16,000 a year to america, and the military, he was a legend. ten years ago on april 22nd, 2000 had, tillman was on patrol in a remote canyon in eastern afghanistan. what happened next is still disputed. the initial story told to tillman's family is he came under what the military called devastating enemy fire and was killed by the taliban as he defended his ranger brothers. at a memorial in his hometown
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crowds gathered and politicians eulogized him as an american hero. >> service to his country was to remind us all what courage really looks like. >> reporter: his younger brother richard remembered him as his personal hero. >> he's a champion and always will be. >> reporter: tillman was awarded the silver star for, quote, gallantry against the enemy of the united states. it was not the enemy that killed him. more than a month after pat tillman's death, his family learned he was actually killed accidently by members of his own platoon platoon, and his fellow soldiers were told to cover it up. >> i was ordered not to tell them what happened. he basically just said sir, that do not let kevin know he's probably in a bad place knowing his brother is dead. >> reporter: his family and some lawmakers believe that the bush administration and pentagon wanted to draw attention away from the war in iraq and the abu
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ghraib prison scandal. >> it's a disservice to the nation. the nation needs to realize, this is an ugly war and we shouldn't be allowed to have smoke screens thrown in our face. >> what happened that day in eastern afghanistan? a 2007 report from the pentagon inspector general found tillman's own platoon mistook his team for the enemy and fired on them from a canyon below. no enemy shellcasings were found in the area. >> we have a duty to all families for our fellow soldiers. we failed in that. his army and his comrades in arms are deeply sorry. >> in the end, retired three-star general was censured for his part. but the bush administration denies that it played any role. >> it was badly handled, and errors were made. but in no instance has any evidence of a cover-up to use the phrase you used been presented or put forward. >> for the tillman family though, that has never been
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enough. >> pat's death at the hands of his comrades is a terrible tragedy. but the fact that the army in what appears to be others appeared to hijack his virtue and his legacy is simply horrific. >> over 20 years ago, when i joined the united states army accountability of yourself accountability of your weapon and accountability for your team. general patton talked about accountability. not just accountability from the bottom up, but also from the top down. you are responsible for your soldiers. ten years ago when pat tillman was killed i was back in my second employment at fort bragg, north carolina, when we heard of his death. it broke our hearts. to hear the bush administration in defense donald rumsfeld give his account, made me sick. there's only one side of the
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coin. pat tillman's legacy survives. courageous americans like his wife marie, give us hope that his life was not in vain. i had the honor to sit down with her this week. so, who was pat tillman? >> you know i think that the great thing about pat is that his life and his memory sort of means different things to different people. but he was definitely someone who lived with passion and purpose. he was one of those people where what you see is what you get. and i think one of the great things about him that even as he started to get attention for playing football and was sort of out there in the public eye, he was always the same guy. i think that's something that people were attracted to. >> you were with him when 9/11 happened. >> mm-hmm. >> how did 9/11 affect him? >> you know i think like a lot of americans, it was a time for him, and for all of us to sort of take a step back and
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reevaluate what we were doing with our lives. and for him in particular it was -- you know a time where he felt like he wanted to refocus his life and his work. >> and so he has a contract with the nfl. he has an offer to stay for three years. and he gives that up eight months after 9/11 to enlist. >> it was something that he put a lot of thought, and, you know did some research and was really thoughtful about his decision. and actually it was a time where he was not under contract. and he was sort of in between coming off a contract with the cardinals, and so i think for him, things just sort of aligned. >> when you came back from your honeymoon, he announced to his team that he was going to enlist. how did they take it? >> there was certainly the element of shock. but for most people who knew him, i really don't think that they were that surprised. it was something that was very
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much in line with who he was. >> and how did that decision affect you, and your young marriage? >> you know, it was a big change for us. we were living in phoenix at the time. and after he enlisted we moved up to washington state. he was stationed in ft. lewis. and it was a big change as far as location you know. i had to find a new job. we didn't know anybody up there. but i think that at the time we really saw it as sort of an adventure. >> when you look at the afghanistan war, the longest war in american history, yet less than 1% of americans have served in the war. >> yeah i definitely felt the disconnect. we were stationed in ft. lewis and lived right off of base. but i worked downtown seattle, which is you know not a military town by any stretch of the imagination. so, you know i definitely felt that disconnect between what we were going through at the time particularly when pat was
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deployed, and the people that i encountered on a daily basis. i think there has been effort to try and sort of bridge that gap. but i do think it still exists. for me at that time i was young, too. you know so a lot of my -- the people that i worked with and my friends at work you know in their late 20s. and just very different -- very different lives. which was just so obvious to me particularly when pat was overseas. >> what would you say that the pat tillman foundation what is its mission? >> it's really pat's living legacy. it's for all of our scholars around the country that his spirit lives on. it's been fulfilling to be able to work to help these individuals, and see that really -- the ripple effect. we're moving into our sixth selection of scholars this year. we've averaged around 60 per year that we've chosen. and starting a variety of things.
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so there are higher education, everything from bachelor's degrees up to you know ph.d. candidates. it's a really great group of people. i think that each of them has their own amazing story. and the thing that sort of joins them though is this continued desire to serve. so you know they're transitioning home. they're no longer in uniform, but there is this sincere desire to get back and make an impact in whatever area it is they're going into. >> you look at there's been a little over 2.5 million veterans from the iraq and afghanistan war. half a million suffer from injuries from the wars one of which is ptsd. have you seen that in your work with your foundation that's a challenge in the veterans community? >> i definitely see it as a challenge in the veteran's community. we do see a large portion of our
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scholars that are focused on mental health specifically within that space. for us it's a smaller organization. our hope is that by supporting our individual scholars who many of them are focused in those very areas, we have a lot focused on giving back to the veteran community, that we can help empower those individuals to have a large impact in some of those areas. one of the amazing things about the work with the foundation is that people do reach out, and tell us about how pat has served as an inspiration somehow in their life. and so through that he's able to really live on in so many ways. i hope that continues. >> my thanks to marie tillman and the pat tillman foundation. coming up a story hard to imagine. allegations against a va hospital that have lawmakers demanding answers. make sure you join the conversation using the #taking the hill.
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welcome back to taking the hill. i'm patrick murphy. first, we had three americans killed in afghanistan this week. and then an investigation by the "arizona republic" that alleged as many as 40 veterans died while waiting for treatment at the phoenix va health care system. it reports patients were deliberately kept off waiting lists for appointments, so the va could appear to be providing care quicker than it actually was. the department of vedfof veterans affairs issued a statement saying partially in quote, we take employee misconduct very seriously, which is why the department is completing a comprehensive review.
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it's absolutely unacceptable. if the investigation substantiates these claims the va will take swift and appropriate action. joining me is congress christian from arizona, and assistant secretary at the va. both of you, thank you so much for joining me. dr. sources, let me turn quick on afghanistan. three americans were killed this week. why didn't we hear more about it? >> patrick, one of the main focuses, i'm glad that you focused on pat and marie tillman, true americans, that are emblematic of sacrifice. if you look at dr. humanis, these are sacrifices to be truly understood. when i speak with my former cadets and colleagues serving in afghanistan, they say, it's still a, quote, messy stalemate.
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the elections went better than expected -- >> they just had the elections this past april. >> that's right. they had better turnouts low levels of violence. the afghan army really performed. but an old military maxim, professionals talk logistics. one of my green beret buddies said everything will hinge on the institutional capabilities that hold the force together. that's what the focus is on now in afghanistan. it may not be news but it's critically important. >> especially since we still have over 20,000 troops still there. this phantom list at the phoenix va, congresswoman, you demanded answers this week. >> thanks patrick. earlier this week when i heard about the news the allegations of the phoenix veterans affairs hospital i sent a letter requesting a thorough investigation by the va oig, the
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inspector general. next week when we return back to congress, i've asked for a complete hearing in the house veterans affairs committee and the participation to parts pate. if these allegations are true if any part of them are true the circumstances are incredibly immoral, unconscionable, and frankly, unamerican. patrick, i got a call on thursday morning from the parents of daniel summers. he's a veteran who committed suicide in my district last summer. his parents think he might be one of the 40 that were mentioned in the report by dr. foote last week. this is critically important we get to the bottom of this. and hold those accountable for their misconduct. >> thanks congresswoman. dr. sours, share with us the process moving forward with these allegations, and what would happen within the system. >> first off, as a veteran and veteran that uses the va i'm outraged by these reports and
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allegations. and there can, should and will be both an internal investigation and external investigation. the veterans that use the va and the dedicated employees of the va who care for veterans they want accountability here. they want to make sure that if there was wrongdoing that they're held accountable. but more than that just like we did in the military, to make sure that lessons are learned. they're spread across the entire va. the troubling part about these reports is i watched some of the reports and they implied systematic issue with the va. that is just patently false. the va is not just a good system of care it's a great system of care. but the issue that comes into play is either the veterans don't know about the va or just hear these reports and don't come in to earn the benefits that they're entitled to because of their service. >> yeah. congresswoman, i know you're demanding to brief the whole arizona delegation. what do you want to hear from the va when you go back to
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washington this week? >> patrick, i quite simply want the truth. these allegations have been continuing for several months. although we haven't learned about them until recently. it appears there may be some physical evidence that there was a pattern and a procedure to lie. and hide the amount of time that veterans are waiting to get appointments. i co-sponsored legislation to require the va to set a standard of 30 days that every vet who seeks care gets their first appointment within 30 details. the reality is that many vets are waiting longer than that. i have to tell you, if a vet is waiting more than two weeks, they should call my office because we're going to fight to fix this. what i want to hear from the veterans affairs office from secretary shinceci all the way down is swift action to rectify the problem, and most importantly, swift action to hold those who have engaged in misconduct accountable for their actions, to make sure no more veterans in arizona are facing
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these unacceptable wait times that have potentially led to death. >> congresswoman, the report shows the phantom list may be up to 1,400 veterans on this list not in the system. if this is true and again, this is an allegation, if this investigation is true do you think this is criminal negligence? >> absolutely. i mean this -- to treat the individuals who have sacrificed so much and who have defended this flag and our freedoms overseas, and in this country, to treat them with this level of disrespect and dishonesty is absolutely unconscionable. individuals must be held accountable. the accountability must run through the entire level of those who engaged in misconduct. i'm actively seeking answers to these questions. and patrick, it's unfortunate it's taken this level of allegation to get answers. but we have to get those answers and we have to get changes at the phoenix va. >> i could not agree more with you.
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dr. sours, let me step back here and overview of the system. what effect do you think this will have on veterans nationwide? >> well patrick, one thing we know is less than half of veterans out there utilize the va. and even in maricopa county in arizona, only 43% of veterans use the va. they'll see this report. and many veterans will think that that is emblematic of the entire system of care. the va is rated externally for customer satisfaction, for outcomes, it is a very very good system of care. these allegations, though are serious. they can, should and will be investigated. and those that are accountable should be held accountable. >> especially when you look at nationwide 22 veterans commit suicide every day. we need to be encouraging veterans to use the va system. >> absolutely. that number itself is a tragedy.
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but the real tragedy is 17 of those 22 we estimate have never sought va health care. they haven't come to the 1,700 sites of care. they haven't called the veterans crisis line. all the resources that are out there. we've got to be doing better outreach. and we need to make sure the veterans get what they earned through their service. >> yep. dr. sowers thank you very much. congresswoman, i'll tell you whoever known or should have known about if this is true we'll make sure we're on this like a bulldog on a bone. >> that's right. >> and we'll keep highlighting your efforts. >> thank you so much both of you for joining us. >> thank you patrick. >> thank you patrick. the latest installment of wounded, the battle back home. we introduce you to the 2013 tillman military scholar, in the new segment "we salute you" next on "taking the hill." with so much noise about health care,
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welcome back to "taking the hill." on the new segment "we salute you," blake schrader the 2013 nfl tillman military scholar, sergeant first class schrader served tours of duty in iraq and afghanistan, and is now earning his doctorate in psychologist, with a goal to help his fellow veterans. especially those suffering from ptsd. his firsthand experience on the battlefield is an asset to others. >> coming from a unit that was young, you know the average age of our unit was 21 22 and a lot of those individuals had been exposed to war trauma. so i saw firsthand the impact of what ptsd can look like. now, as developing as a clinician, you know i have the opportunity to not only look internally and how i experienced it and others around me experienced it but through the lens of a clinician, which i think is going to be helpful as
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i move forward with this career. >> the tillman scholar is all about leadership and being part of the community that continues to give back. blake, we salute you, and all the tillman scholars. coming up next this month's installment of "wounded:"overcoming fear. use #takingthehill.ning a b iness. century link provides reliable it services like multi-layered security solution to keep your information safe & secure. century link. your link with what's next. [ female announcer ] skin looking tired? wake it up with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skin's surface. because energized skin is younger looking skin. ♪ ♪
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>> we talk about the civilian population, trying to overcome a lot of these barriers to exercise and physical activity. and then you multiply that by infinity for our wounded warrior population. then i think you can understand a little bit about some of the things these guys and girls are trying to overcome. we started to adjust our programs, and also our programs for that approach and that helps the veteran. a lot of times they're not paying attention to maybe the symptoms they have from post-traumatic stress or combat stress because they're paying attention to the discipline and the sport and it takes their mind away from that. >> hi guys. what's up girlfriend? >> not much. i haven't seen you in a long time. how is married life? >> different. >> you guys all army? >> yeah. >> navy. >> i had the toe clips and
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everything. i don't have control of my left foot. >> have you ever like, fly? >> yeah. you just go down the hill. >> the only thing i learned in the service is get your -- back up and survive and keep going. >> that's right. >> i was so pumped up to get with the wounded warriors and do my first event. but i think you hit the nail on the head with the fear. i'm going to go out and be tired and make it back home so it's the fear you talked about. at least you didn't give in. you came out. >> when i was in the air force, i didn't even think about it. i just did my job. the hardest thing for me with
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everything that i've gone through, getting hurt now i get scared. if i hit my head it could do more damage. i could have more strokes, or whatever. fear is a natural emotion that everybody has. the ability to push past it helps move you on. >> so are you ready to go skiing on wednesday? >> yeah. >> yeah? how is yours coming along? >> good. >> yeah? >> what color am i going to do for the snippers? >> what's your plan? >> i have lots of plans. >> you have lots of plans?
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i'm afraid i'm going to drop this thing. i'm shaking. i'm about to take my shot. i forgot again. so i've got to get it done. for me trying to recall things my memory is like a slide show. it's not quite in order, and it moves at i don't know different speeds i guess. where i'll just get a glimpse of something that i don't remember, or recognize. i forget 70%, maybe 80% of my day. and i don't remember a lot of the family stuff. like i know i got married in hawaii. do i remember a lot of it? no. i think that's one of my biggest frustrations is when i try to remember something, and i know it's in there, i just can't get
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to it. >> what's your favorite thing about painting? >> painting? it helps keep me calm. it relaxes me. >> what's your favorite thing about skiing? >> that i get to do it with you and mommy. because it scares me. the slight show in my brain, along with what my friends have told me or what i've read in my medical file, kind of puts it together. i went in the army for ten years, was a police officer in fayetteville, north carolina. and then was a deputy for the king county sheriff's office. after 9/11 happened, i went in the air force reserves. i deployed in august 2010 to afghanistan. the mission was a buy-back from
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the taliban, getting the explosives off the playing field. i remember a soviet explosive. it felt like someone hit me in the back with a baseball bat. i don't know what it was, but one of the guys there came over checked me out. the only thing i remember him saying to me was, no blood, no foul. went back to work. and then my -- i remember my hand was numb. and i remember touching my face and not being able to feel it. they say that i had four big strokes, and then 18 or so little mini strokes. they showed me a picture of my brain. a bunch of little dead spots. but it is what it is. hey, andy! can you come give me a hand a minute? >> keith is a very type "a" personality. fiercely independent.
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there's been a lot of times where he says i'm fine. i've got it. i'll take care of it. and i know that it's very hard for him at times. >> it takes a lot for me to just do normal stuff during the day. because mentally i have to concentrate so hard. i have no feeling on the left side of my body. and it's not going to change. >> i know he slipped before and he has a problem walking. but i know he got shot in the back, in afghanistan. it was not good. >> in the beginning, i was just static and couldn't do anything. i put on a lot of weight. i was a burden and i did not like it. >> i think he struggled with depression a lot. he wondered what value he could bring to someone else's life. he talked about being broken.
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>> the pain that you get when you have body function comes back comes from being a tiny pinprick feeling to feeling like somebody's stabbing you in the arm constantly. like body throbbing, going through, and it just gets worse and worst more feeling you get back. i was 18 when i joined the air force. i was on my way to visit my mother in new york city september 11th. i was supposed to have breakfast with my family in the windows of the world at the top of the towers. and we watched both towers drop into the harbor. my first phone call after calling my mother and father was to my recruiter. i wanted to represent the red, white and blue against the person who did this. >> when he told me that he was
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going into the air force, you say how proud you are. it's a neat thing. something i always wanted to do and i couldn't do because i couldn't read or write. >> the position i actually wanted was to be an aircraft mechanic. my job provided transportation for ground troops. october of 2008 i was told to take a mandatory flu shot. i worked 38 days straight without a day off, between 14 to 16 hours. i contracted a virus. i woke up in the morning, and when i put my legs on the floor, i stood up. the moment i tried to stand up, i collapsed. within 72 hours of being admitted, i was paralyzed from the neck down. couldn't feel nothing. 33 days went by. i remember waking up from what felt like was a long sleep, and i was told i would never walk
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talk breathe, eat on my own again. if i had the ability to do it i probably would have committed suicide. i'm trying to yell at myself to move my arms. pick your stupid arm up. pick your stupid arm up. that's all i'm telling myself, and nothing's happening. >> i prayed every day. your son's sitting in a bed, and the doctor said to me he might not be alive tomorrow. and that was the hardest thing in the world. i thought, he's going to die before me. i didn't want that to happen. you never want that to happen. >> my dad's motivation and drive is music. on february 12th, 2009 i picked my left arm up off the bed a quarter of an inch. at that point, i knew i wasn't going to be who this doctor said i was going to be.
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>> it seems funny at first, but, you know they all graduated from the same school. having a brother or sister that's been there, with a shared experience, the shared bond whether they're missing a limb or they're blind, they have head wounds, ptsd traumatic brain injury, that's about allowing them to be there for each other. >> it was a camp. and it was an introduction to adaptive sports. that was the first time i met chris. >> bring it here! >> there was that instant bond that is very powerful. you would have thought they had been best friends for life. >> being around somebody that just understood what you were trying to do and how hard it was, it just clicked.
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>> they have service dogs from canine care of montana. not only am i getting a dog, you're getting a dog from the same litter. >> it's awesome, because they grew up together. >> we're family, they're family. you know it's not a makeshift friend, somebody you're trying to be a friend with you have a deep connection with that person. and you can be with that person when they need you the most or they need you the most. >> you find out who your real friends are when you're hurt. and, you know they -- they're there. and no matter what, they're there. >> after the break, how sports helped keith and chris heal both physically and mentally. make sure you join the conversation by using the #takingthehill. it's about people.
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friends can do anything, which is powerful. >> right behind you. >> nice one. catching my six. >> since my new life has begun after an injury chris has been there since the beginning. it wasn't until that first adaptive sports camp to learn how to do stuff again, that's when i truly started to accept the new me. >> we did a 50-mile ride. we were going to do a bike ride that i never thought i would be able to do. >> we have to get these warriors that exercise is a resource.
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and if we can do the physical side, the mental side will change. but there's a lot of barriers there for the warriors. a lot of times with the new injuries there's way they have to adapt those exercises in order to stay active. that's where we step in. >> we're looking for somebody to help us move forward and help us break a barrier. i would rather have somebody give me crap over something than give me sympathy. because we're not looking for sympathy. >> i don't need somebody to feel sorry for me. i'm not sorry. now i play two, two and a half hours of seated volleyball a week. i do archery. i started using the weights. >> what are you competing in? what fields? >> just the compound open. >> compound open? >> the warrior games has been the olympics for the military. it allows us to compete on a level above no others. >> we can go out and hang out with other vets that are going through some of the same
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challenges that we are. and everybody's in a different stage of their recovery. it helps. i don't think i'd be as good as i am if i didn't have chris pushing me a little bit. and it works both ways. >> it's a long road but nothing's going to stop me. that's kind of his attitude. >> i remember doctors saying you're not going to be able to do anything. and there's nothing you can do to change it. i had a follow-up appointment with this doctor i actually walked into his office flipped him off and walked out. like i proved you wrong. >> i bet you could do that no problem. >> oh, i think i've got it. no problem at all. i've surpassed what i could
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dream. my life is different. i'm challenged. and the challenges i have in following my kids i struggled all my life. but you go on and do what you have to do and you try harder. and i've seen all my kids trying harder. a father's proud when your kids outlive you. >> was it fun to work on those? >> yeah. >> some times are dausting, and other times, i don't look back and say, i wish i'd done something different. i'm closer to my father knowing everything he went through. he knows deep down inside that i'm at where i am because of him. >> good boy. good boy. yeah, good boy. >> i still have the bad days. but having a family and friends right there to push me helps. >> i want to do it. >> exotic fruit time.
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my day is built around helping them. >> he does things that are special for me and mom. i really like it. when i'm with him. >> i just want to be there. i want to be there and be able to help. >> please be careful. >> this is dull. >> something simple for an average person can be very challenging for him. i have to let him work through it on his own. that's how he's progressing. >> i heard a crack! giddy up. >> whoo hoo! coconut meat for everyone! >> i know for a fact and thei was probably going insane when i was trying to crack that coconut, but she let me. >> they're coming.
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watch. >> daddy! >> i know keith loves me and olivia with all his heart. >> dad. >> what's up? >> let's go. >> hang on. you've got to wait. >> hurry up chris. >> yeah chris. you're slowing us up. >> keith wouldn't be skiing if it wasn't for us. he chooses to push himself because he knowses we enjoy it. >> being alone is more scar ary. it's more hard. but being with friends, it's not that scary. you can do it. >> you've got this bro. >> that's it. full speed ahead. stay out of my way. >> beat you to the bottom.
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>> whatever. >> i'm catching you. i'm going to get you. >> i liked that run. >> this way. this way. >> hello, christopher! >> definitely i have learned to like to go skiing. it's a feeling of overcoming. i'm out the there doing it. >> i know i'm getting better. i'm getting better daily with everything i do re has been wise distancewise. >> with adaptation i can do anything anybody else can do. >> to heal and be able to move beyond the state of being broken, he's not broken. he they ever was and he never are will be. >> you're still part of a family. you have not lost ta family that
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you thought you did when you got releaseded from the military. looking back at where we were and being able to see where we are now and the only way we got there was with each other's strength. we got there together. >> sports has helped keith and chris heal physically and emotionally. up next, a run to remember. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] f provokes
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lust. ♪ ♪ it elicits pride... incites envy... ♪ ♪ ...and unleashes wrath. ♪ ♪ temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms. but only one letter. "f". the performance marque from lexus.
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a tradition honoring an american hero reached a milestone. the 10th anniversary of pat's run in arizona attracted 30,000 runners yesterday. they raised money in the name of pat tillman. in addition to the run in arizona, dozens of oh other shadow runs took place throughout the country including the one i an in philadelphia with team red, white, & blue. i was proud to run but not my
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time of 33 minutes. that wraps up this hour of "taking the hill". . join us at this time on may 25th. up next, "meet the press." male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications but it can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath. that's why there's biotene. available as an oral rinse, toothpaste, spray or gel biotene can provide soothing relief, and it helps keep your mouth healthy, too. remember, while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene -- for people who suffer from dry mouth. as part of your service, we did a 27-point inspection on your chevy you got new tires and our price match guarantee. who's this little guy? that's birney. oh, i bet that cone gives him supersonic hearing. watch what you say around him. i've been talking a lot about his procedure... (whispering) what?
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get our everyday price match guarantee plus a $100 rebate on 4 select tires from your tire experts. chevy certified service. predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done. dad, why are you getting that? is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. [ male announcer ] inside every box of cheerios are those great-tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. is it a superhero? kinda. ♪ ♪
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on "meet the press" this morning, a developing story. president obama has reacted strongly to another racial flash point in this country. >> when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything. you just let them talk. >> the president talking this morning about those racist comments allegedly made by the owner of the los angeles clippers basketball team. this morning i'll speak with the reverend al sharpton, lorraine miller interim president of the naacp, and sports journalist and host of hbo's "real sports," bryant gumbel. plus, are we
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