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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  April 28, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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alert. right now four states are under a tornado watch as a one-two punch barrels through the heartla heartland. it is one of 31 reported tornados to touch down yesterday, and more on the way at any moment. tornados are reported for 18 deaths across three states. 16 in arkansas, one in oklahoma, and one in iowa. the damage is unthinkable. check it out. this used to be a neighborhood, and now homes are just fl flattened. 19,000 people in arkansas don't have power. and this inkrcredible video tha you have to see it, and this is what the storm chaser sauce yesterday in mayflower, arkansas, and let's go the mike bet tus in baxter springs, arkansas, where at least 25 people were hurt there, and mike, what is the damg on the ground? we can see nothing but debris behind you. >> yes, it is extensive, betty. looking behind me, betty, this is what used to be a roller rink, and if you can look back over here, you can see the
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roller skates still on the shelves there, but the entire structure has collapsed around it. the good news that we had no fatalities, and when you look at, this you think that instantly somebody died, but nobody die d in the town, and that is amazing. you see the folks surveying the damage? that is the national weather service team surveying the damage and going by foot through the town, and they will will give the official verification of how wide it was, how long it was on the ground, and wind speed speeds, and also up in the plane to do a survey from there as well. this roller rink was coming rite down the main drag here on military avenue, and we have damage on both sides of the street, and the power is knocked out to 3/4, and the homes flipped over and the trees that have been snapped and what we have been at the roller rink, and this is a bowling alley here, and the damage to the
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roof, and the facade, and the cinderblock and the brak billing, and the roller skates on the rack there, and a lot of the folks out there pooling out what they can, and the good news is that the bowling alley was not open on sunday, and nobody was it in or injured. and next to it, a custom motorcycle shop, and the owners were not there, and they were closed yesterday. if you look inside of there, there is a dozen or so custom harley-davidsons buried in the debris as the building collapsed on top of it. and power crews are trying to restore the power, and we have 80 to 90 businesses and homes here damaged. and the governor has declared a state of emergency here in the town, and the weather is nicer, but they have a long way to go here in baxter after this torp doe swept through here last evening. >> indeed, the calm after the storm. and as we look at it, did the
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residents get enough warning, and i grew up in tornado alley in texas, and we knew that when you hear those warnings, you have to heed it. did they get enough of the warnings? >> well, the folks said that they did hear the warning, and one woman said that she heard the siren go off for 20 seconds, and grabbed her son and the next thing, the roof was lifted a off of the roof, and betty, the storms were move sog quiing so and 50 miles per hour ground speed, so if they had warning, you had a small amount of time to get to the shelter. that is how fast they were racing around the ground. >> mike bettes on the ground, and number of people looking for their belongings. thankfully, they are alive to do that and joining me is kathy wright from the office of emergency management, and we
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know that you have your hands full, but what can you tell us about the situation where you are? >> well, thank you, thank you very much. we are here at the state emer emergency operation center, and we are fully staffed here, and we are working with the responders and the local and the state agencies here and the national guard and teams out in the field at this point to assessing the damages as it became more daylight, they could assess and search and rescue is still on scene as well. >> that is what i wanted to ask you, is this search and rescue operation, because we know that 16 people have died in the area because of the storms, but are more people possibly trapped? >> i don't want to speculate, and of course, we hope that is not the case, and i would not want to speculate as to whether there are, but i however, i do want to actually correct the
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number. the number of fatalities that we have confirmed through state emergency operations center is 14. >> okay. wi we have 16, but we will correct that. thank you, kathy from the office of emergency management there. i want to bring in brett adair who is live from the storms media out chasing the storm in mayflower, arkansas, and most of the casualties took place in arkansas, and we are hearing between 14 and 16 deaths, and tell us the experience as the twisters hit. >> these storms popped up later in the evening, and early day convection that prompted some cool rain air, and then the storms started to fire west of little rock, and a whole lot of
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damage as it traversed across the state. >> and we are looking at the video right now of you, but it looked like a monster storm? >> yes, it crossed the intertate, and between 1/8 to 3/4 mile wide. it picked up cars and toss ed them toys across the interstate, and swept several mobile homes off of the foundation, and we saw a number of leveled homes, and not sure about the brick homes, but it did a lot of damage with what it had to do damage. >> we know that the storm is not done yet, and give us an idea where you are going? >> we are departing arkansas and head headed to northern mississippi and go to memphis, and try to get down to northwestern mississippi as the next storm system should fire out this
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afternoon. >> okay. thank you, and appreciate your time. >> as always, bill karins is tra tracking the storms, and what is happening today, because people are not out of the danger zone. >> right. you ask a storm chaser where they are going, and you don't want them to say they are headed to your area, because it is not a good thing. mississippi and south central tennessee specifically and southern alabama, you have to have a action plan with the family all set today in case one of the big ones heads your way. and you can see the sunset here, and this is the arkansas river, and you could see the wedge right before it hit mayflower. and that was a half mile wide to 3/4 mile wide and that storm, and we don't know whether it was one tornado or lift ed in the regenerated itself. it was on the ground for 2 1/2
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hours, and easily ef-3, and looking at some the pictures it is ef-4 or ef-5, and those are ek extremely rare, because not one in arkansas since the 1920s , and that is how rarified air we are looking at. today, 20 million people are at risk of severe weather from nashville to jackson, mississippi s the area of greatest threat of tornadoes and strong tornadoes. this is zoomed in. i am timing 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. is the greatest risk of this area. so from jackson to memphis, and tupelo, and jackson, tennessee to the northwestern sections of birmingham. if you are not in the red, it does not mean that you won't get a tornado, but it means the greatest chance of a strong
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tornado as we go through the day. we are still tracking storms, and betly, tornado watches, but not once since a weak one touched down in louisiana. so it with was a weak one, and we will get a break here from 4:00, and then they are all going to fire up once again. >> okay. we will stay on top of it, bill. appreciate it. >> next hour, we will find out what charges new york congressman michael grimm will face when he is arraigned later. the u.s. attorney will reveal the charges at an 11:00 news conference, and grimm did turn himself into the fbi agents this morning who arrested him. he is wanted in relationship to the restaurant that he owned before he was a congressman and you can recall this dust-up when a reporter asked him about the allegations that he faced. >> back to you. >> let me be clear to you --
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[ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> remember that? well, grimm call s the forthcoming charges a politically-driven vendetta, and he says that he will be vindicated. and coming up, the mom tongs right side of the screen trying to take on the n, ra, but you see that right side of the screen? that is inside of the convention, and is the gun fight too tough to tackle? and then the discussion of race today and how to move forward after a nba owner's c controversial shocking comments. every day of the week.
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come as early as tomorrow on the billionaire owner of the los angeles clippers and he has sparked full-court outrage a after controversial comments were caught on tape. and the clippers' players staged a silent protest dumping the warmup uniforms on center court, and wearing the jerseys inside out, and concealing the logo, and this is what they claim is a clipping of the conversation between donald sterling and his girlfriend v stif yviano, and w have not verified it, but according to tmz, sterling was upset that stiviano posted a photo of herself with imamagic johnson on her instagram account. >> people call you and tell you that i have black people on the instagram, and that i have black people on my instagram. >> yes, it bothers me a lot that you want to broad kras cast that
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you are associating with black people, and you can do whatever you want, and bring them in, and sleep with them, and what the little i ask you is not to promote it on that, and not to bring it to my games. >> and so players and coaches condemned those comments, and so did president obama on his trip to asia. >> when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't have to do anything, but let them talk. that is what happened here. >> it is a defining moment in the history of the league, and i i'm confident that the commissioner is going to act in the best interest of the players and the owners and the league, and the only thing to do that is to instill the most severe sanction, and i expect that to happen in short order. >> and in response that to that,
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dona donald sterling says that we have heard the tape on tmz, and we do not know if it is legitimate or not, but it has been altered, but we do know that the woman who is on the tape brought a lawsuit alleging that she embedled more than $1.8 million, and she sterling that she would get even. this outrage is universal, and kevin johnson, and former nba player spoke out about it, and now mayor, and what do you believe that the nba should respond to this? >> well, one thing, when i first saw it happened i looked at how major league baseball responded to the marge schott situation in
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baseball and they suspended h her in terms of the n-word and the anti-inflammatory words that she used about the jews and hitler and so forth. and what people are pushing for is that there is no place for him in the league, as lebron james, and michael jordan said. the only thing that the nba can do is to find a way for him not to be the controlling partner for the clippers next year. >> it is going to be how they maneuver through it. james, i want to bring you in, because the website deadspin released more alleged content of the purported conversation of donald sterling his -- and his girlfriend. >> do you know that you have a whole team that's black. >> you just -- do i know? i support them. and give them food, and clothes and cars. and houses.
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who gives it to them? does someone else give it to them? do i know that i have who makes the game? do i make the game? >> and now, there is an outrageous track record of speaking out? >> well, it is not surprising what he has done, but if you look at the housing case that he settled, and other i incidents in the past with race and gender, you can see that he is a bad actor, but i agree with ja lani that the nba has a league here has to step up, and apply the pressure to remove him as a owner, and there is no other way around, and it is not within the bylaws of the nba -- >> well, how do you do that?
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how do you get a guy who a owner to step aside. >> well, we disavow this, and if this is true, they will dissociate themselves with him, and speak to the advertise spons or the to ostracize him. >> i don't think that the players off of the hook. i love chris paul, and he is outstanding player, but mr. paul needs to ask himself one question of leader the ses -- question of what the leaders would do such as martin luther king or jim brown or muhammad ali and if this tape is true, wouldn't they step out to apply pressure to his pocketbook. and i don't want to place the blame on the players b t, but t
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is a role for them to play in terms of making the situation go away that are constructive for the nba and the community of players watching the players. >> and speaking of the community, is there a responsibilities here because there is the cliven bundy denounced for the racist statements also this week, but president obama was taking the brighter side of it. >> the reason that these statements are happening is that there is a shift in how we view ourselves, and like malaysia, we constantly have to be on guard against racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing the diversity as a strength. >> and so jalani i want to bring
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you in, because can we take the encouragement in this, because there is so much public outrage or outcry, and quickly following this. >> yes, and no. and one, because it is the easiest kind of racism to denounce, and all of us being the equivalent of the kids in third grade raising their hands saying, ooh, i know this one, ooh, i know this one, and the things that they should be concerned about are the disparate infant mortality rate s, and other items that are not indispu indispute. and you have to move from bug tri and say that we don't want to acknowledge this, but in the private conversation to his girlfriend, we need more tangible items. >> thank you both for your insight. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. and president obama trying to rein in russia with more
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sanctions as accusations fly. we will come back and talk to a representative from ukraine can about how to handle this situation. and the heels are off, and the glove s as are on, and tryio get back into the political ring in aiowa, but does the former veep candidate pack a punch? >>. it is time for the "your business entrepreneur of the week." this man left his business to start a business to create spectacular art. his creations can be seen from las vegas to a mall in dubai. for more "your business" join us 7:30 sunday mornings. new business owner, it would be one thing i've learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner.
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captain: when i'm looking for a hotel with a wet pool, i go to you can get up to 50% off with their private sales. that man's privates are no longer private. so just in the last hour, the white house announced brand new sanctions against russian in response to the crisis in ukraine and targets several individu individuals closest to vladimir putin including freezing assets and banning u.s. visas for seven russian officials and 17 companies. lois fran kkel was part of a delegation to ukraine, and congresswoman is with us now. and president obama has imposed sanctions before, but is this more of the same or is putin getting the message? >> first off, thank you for
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having me today, it was an honor to travel with the bipartisan delegation. you have to remember that it is a situation that was not borne overnight, and not solved overnight. our president is taking a cautious approach warranted, because the european allies are the trade partners with russia, and they depend upon russia's energy, and so we have to be care canful, because the ainge shun -- sanctions against russia have the good probability of hurting our allies. >> good point. you were in ukraine, and how are you going to gauge the situation there on the ground? >> well, we were both in kiev, and the western part of ukraine. we were also in the eastern part of ukraine, and quite frankly, it was kquiet, and mostly kwi yelt with what we saw on the ground.
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we were there to observe and share ideas, and it is important to convey to the leaders and we met with most of the high-ranking leaders in ukraine, and the candidates for the new government is that they have to take responsibility. there has been a tremendous amount of corruption in that government for so many years which has disenchanted the citizens, and which really has undermined the 5b89 ability to up to rush sharks and how they can go forward to have free and fair elections, and we see that russia is going to try to interfere with the election process. >> and as we see the geopolitical game play out, many are saying, we have seen the diplomatic route with john kerry meeting with the russian counterpart sergey lavrov, and
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so can you put this in perspective of do you see that there is going to be a new agreement in light of the sanctions? >> and people are asking why we are trying, and why is this important, and keep in mind that 20 years ago ukraine gave up one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world in exchange for the united states, great britain and russia to give assurance that they would not interfere with ukraine's sovereignty, and we have seen russia ignoring that, and it is important to live up to the agreement especially in light of the fact that there are other countries that we are having discussions about disarming. with that said as i mentioned befo before, we can not be the world's police emen, and what we do affects our allies, and so
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this gradual putting on the sanctions is the appropriate approach. we can see already in russia their currency is going down, and the stock market is going down, and we have to recognize that, and it is important that we stop the russian aggression, but the president is taking the right steps here. >> all right. congresswoman lois frankel, thank you. and coming up, we go to the site of mayflower, arkansas, where the governor is set to speak any minute. and we will listen to one mom who took her gun fight straight to the nra. well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows? samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband... or would you rather have a new caaaaaar!!!!
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this is what he is going to find, a community destroyed. nbc's janet shamlian is live there. how bad is the damage there, janet? >> well, it is devastating. the debris is always the same from the tornadoes, but you see belongings, and somebody laundry hamper over to the car tees to, the what you are seeing behind me is only a sliver of what i can 360. we are 100 yards off of interstate 40, and just in every direction and with the trees snapped off, and you will see the raw bark and the twisted metal and cars on top of each other. it is awful. there is going to be a news conference starting in an hour from here in mayflower and we expect to get the update at this time, but this is a community of a 500 families, 25 minutes north
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of little rock, and it is not overstating to say it is decimated. >> thank you, janet, for that report as we are looking at the damage behind you. it is devastating. >> and now no the nra annual meeting which drew 75,000 people to the conference this weekend,
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but not everyone was there to show support for the gun lobby. moms demand action for gun sense in america is part of mayor bloomberg's anti-drug effort, every town for gun seif ti. they held a protest, but the turnout can only be described a fraction of the group that attended the annual nra meeting. >> and shannon watts is going to join us now, and she is one of t the people who are fighting the
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gun legislation. >> we had nearly 350 moms show up. so we had what we considered to be a great turn out. it was a beautiful day, and we were there to send the message not to the members of the nra who overwhelmingly support thing likes background checks, but the leadership of the nra who had decided to oppose a 90-second background check that does not infringe on anybody's second-amendment act, but does help with the gun violence. >> and we want to look at a ad campaign. >> michael bloomberg says that
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he has $50 million to attack my gun rights, but i have $25 to protect them. >> well, i have $25. >> and me, too. >> and me, too. >> i'm a mom, and i do, too. >> me, too. >> me, too. >> for my two daughters, i do, too. >> i guess in looking at this ad, it shows that your group is already having an impact on this debate? >> absolutely. for the first time ever nra leadership came out with a bumper sticker this time that said, i'm an nra mom and the irony is that nra moms support background checks. we want them to join us, and it
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is a nonpartisan issue, and clearly having an impact, and this ad shows it. it is paid by gun manufacturers who sit on the road of the nra, and the investment of mayor bloomberg is about designed to save lives and not profit like
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the nra. >> and erica lamb said that some of your group had armed security, and what motivated that decision, and did you feel threatened? >> well, i have been receiving threats on a daily basis and have for the past 16 months, but we have that we support background checks, and that is the point of the effort here, is that 40% of the gun buyers do not receive a background check. that is more than 6 million americans every year. >> all right. shannon, thank you for coming on
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to share your views. >> thank you. and now, new this morning, the connecticut teammate who is charged with stabbing his classmate to death. police are investigating the possibility that he stabbed a girl after she turned down his invitation to the prom. tonight, there is a memorial to remember marian sanchez, and he is not going to be there, because he is in a hospital undergoing psychiatric attention. and we have video showing the exact moment that the captain fled on to tto a boat i sweater and underwear on to a life raft. there are still 144 still missing. ey
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sarah palin has endorsed more than a dozen candidates and this weekend, she went into the iowa senate race, and gloves in, and gloves off, she endorsed joni ernst in a crowded field to replace tom harkin. >> are you ready to send your reinforcement? and that is joni ernst for the united states senate.
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and she grew up castrating hogs and she will know just how to make the big spending piggies there squeal. she is not one who will be told to sit down, and shut up, and sit in the corner and let the good old boys do what they have been doing in the recent years. >> let's go to casey who was there in the haul when this endorsement happened. and so go behind the scenes and tell us how the crowd reacted to the former vice presidential candidate. >> well sh, i have spent time w palin and seen her there for half a dozen years and this is one of the stronger crowds, and the people there, they were excited to see her, and people stopped to say, hey, we want autographs, but on the whole, it was not the level of excitement that we are used to seeing with sarah palin in iowa, but she came to endorse senator joni
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ernst who is moving to the top of the pack of a crowded primary, and palin said she sees her as a kindred spirit who is charging ahead, around ernst ha been calling herself the pistol-packing joni and the pigs to squeal is also going back to castrating the hogs on a farm, and she said she would bring that experience to washington to cut pork. >> all righty then. i want to take a look at part of the conversation with you and sarah palin. >> do you think that jeb bush is a conservative and what did you think of the act of love comm t comment? is. >> well, think they anybody who breaks a law in america as their first action putting their first on our homeland illegally, may be an act of love from the heart, but it is illegal, and it
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is called illegal immigrants for a reason. >> is that a preview some of the conservative versus the gop establishment tension that we can expect to see in 2016? >> well, you can also see that schism emerging of course, and sarah palin is someone who has been close to the ted cruz and the mike lee part of the party, and she campaigned with them for a nebraska senate candidate before she came to iowa for joni ernst, and that is her taking a little bit of a dig at jeb bush who is coming under fire from the right. but bush is dinged a little bit by the establishment figuring saying that is not the right way to woo the gop base, and in iowa in particular that is a place that wooing the evangelical right, and the social conservatives and the voters who elect say for example steve king to office, and what jeb bush said about immigration may not be so welcomed. >> kasie hunt, thank you.
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we want to bring in political consultant, and msnbc consultant jason stanford and also bush 41 aide joe watkins. thank you both for joining us. is sarah palin still a threat in her ability to fire up the base, and raise money, jason? >> no. she is not an informant of policy, and her smug remarks are not putting her at the top of the polling, and in fact, her endorsements are not winning, a bd no better place to see the winning influence than in her home state of alaska where she would lose a hypothetical senate race against mark begich. >> and jason, she raised some eyebrows when she defended
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waterboarding and double-downed on it when she spoke with our kasie hunt. take a listen. >> well, if i were in charge, they would know that waterboarding is how we baptize terrorists. >> would i make it again? >> would i make it again? absolutely. te errorists want to annihilate innocent american and children, and whatever it takes to stop them if i were in charge, i'd be stopping them. >> joe? is she doing more damage here? >> well, remember that sarah palin not running for office, and she won't be an officeholder any time soon. >> and to the republican brand though? >> no, in terms of the republican brand, republicans are going to be looking to the folks who may be, around certainly running in 2014 where we look to build on the lead in
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the house, and likewise, win back the senate. and then we are looking to the hear from people who want to be president in 2016, and i think that those are the people who help us to really shape the brand which in part will reach out to not only core republicans, but women, and latinos, and african-americans and other minority groups, and young people. >> and jison n the article of the washington post, there was this article that says that as sarah palin has slipped from her gop block, dems are working to keep her there. >> well, she put torture to baptism, and cast our terms of war about terrorism, and not a religious war. what she did could put the armed services, and the troops in danger, and civilians in dang, and make it harder for us to
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find friends in the muslim world. >> and joe, you are smiling, but do you agree that the political star of sarah palin has faded, and if so, who is taking her place? >> well, she has a political action committee that is raising moneyt ta same clas in several last years, and certainly some of the underfunded candidates have been helped by the money she has poured in, but at the end of the day, sarah palin is going to be something of a force, and something that can draw people to some degree at the fubd raisers and the like but we are looking to the leadership for the guidance going forward. and thank you both. >> thank you, so much. deep thoughts with hillary clinton. what if a photo were more than a memory?
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with we know they have scrapped to give him an award, and we will get details at 1:00. stay tuped for that. and now for politics now, an early mother's day reminder for president obama who made a rare show of emotion over the weekend talking about his own mother, and he says that as an adult, he wish he had called more often to ask about her. >> and you know, as you grow up, you become independent, but for those of you -- for those of you who have not called their parents lately, i would just say that is something that i actually regret. >> remember to always call mom. well, hillary clinton is getting serious about the religion over the weekend, and she said that her faith helped to shape her politically. >> so, like the disciples of jesus, we cannot look away, and
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we cannot let those in need fend for themselves, and live with ourselv ourselves. you feed them he said, feed them, rescue them, heal them, love them. >> and so could talking about religion be another sign that she is going to run? a lot of people are wondering. and what about another run for mitt romney? a source close to romney tells cbs's bob schieffer that romney might run a third time if jeb bush doesn't. hmm, who knows? maybe a third time is a charm. and former senator and centerfold scott brown said he waited for valentine's dinner with his wife to seal the deal on entering the new hampshire senate race. that is one way to do it. and we leave you with another presidential selfie, and
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of course, there is another one out there, and the malaysian prime minister this time tweeted out this picture of the two of them over the weekend and not a bad one. and the white house ban on selfies has not gone into effect yet, because it is a good picture. and that wraps up this hour of "jansing & company." i'm betty nguyen in for chris jansing. and coming up with tamron hall, we will hear from the naacp who is saying that donald steriles will not get a lifetime achievement after all. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's!
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we are awaiting a news conference from mayflower at any moment where we are expecting to hear from the governor of the state mike beebe, and this is the scene as people woke up in mayflower. this morning, massive destruction as far as the eye could see, and the tornado carved a path about 80 miles long, and based on the reports with half a mile wide and on the ground as long as two hours. another hard-hit town vilonia is called a mass casualty situation. >> i came up to get my wife, and she was looking out the front door saying it is sucking that way, and i said, it sounds like a freight train, baby, come on, and when we got down into the basement, it went crazy, and we started praying. >> it is gone, everything. >> i was not expecting this. >> right here is where i was going to go to work. was going to be my first day. it is destroyed.
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>> i went to the tornado shelter myself, and the my family which was a couple of miles away from where we were, and a lot of the people from the community was the there. it did work, and if you can see the destruction that is here, even though we have lost some lives, there are many lives saved because of the storm warnings. >> the governor is tour ing tin storm warnings, and president obama is sending condolences from his trip in asia. >> i want everybody known affected by the tragedy knows that fema and the federal government is on the ground, and your country will be there to help you recover and rebuild as long as it takes. >> and now joining us is charles key who is in mayflower, a arkansas and, charles, you are driving around and tell us more about the damage that you are seeing there. >> and perhaps the