tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 28, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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sell for a good price. and isn't it ironic that magic johnson has offered to buy the team. just ask him to sell, that would be the first step. game five, golden state at l.a. clippers. this will be another big story tomorrow. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's league, the full court press is on against an nba team owner. today, pressure is building on the nba to take strong, swift action against the los angeles clpers at the racist comments emerged over the weekend. the nba commissioner will speak tomorrow. but today, many team sponsors are already speaking loud and clear. a growing list has said they won't subsidize bigotry.
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carmax called the comments completely unacceptable. kia called them completely r reprehensib reprehensible. state farm called them offensive and virgin america said it's ending its sponsorship. this comes after tmz sports posted a recording of sterling talking to his then alleged girlfriend. according to tmz, sterling was upset about this photo with magic johnson that she posted on her instagram account. . >> why are you taking pictures with minorities, why? >> people call you and say that i have black people on my instagram and it bothers you. >> yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're associating with black people. why publicize it on the instra game and why bring it to my
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team? how about your whole life, every day, you could do whatever you want. you could sleep with them, you could bring them in, do whatever you want. the little i ask you is to not promote it and not to bring them to my games. >> calls to take action are coming from some of the biggest names in the game. michael jordan, perhaps the greatest player in nba history and the league's only african-american owner called it sickening and offensive. and he's not alone. >> he shouldn't even a team anymore, and he should stand up and say i don't want to own a team. >> if somebody wants to be a rais i racist, that's all right, that's their thing, but if you're in a position of power and you can take jobs and economic opportunity from people, that crosses the line. >> we found a way to make this the gra etest game in the world, and for comments like that, it taints our game and can't have
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that. can't have it from a player, an owner, a fan, so on and so on. we can't have that a part of our game. >> this is a defining moment for the nba. so what can happen. the nba league's constitution isn't public. but today the sports blog dead spin reported on what it says is article 35 of their document, and it could be relevant. it governs player misconduct. it has the right to suspend an owner o ee ee ee eer -- a playe prejudicial conduct. sterling's son-in-law says, quote, i find the statements and representations made by the clippers team owner to be
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deplorable and disgusting. there is no room in sports or society in general for racism. this is his son-in-law talking. tomorrow, the nba says it will make an announcement and they have to make it clear that they won't excuse or validate this kind of behavior. anything sort of that is unacceptable. i've been very clear in my commentary and involvement all weekend. they cannot give any signal that this behavior is acceptable or excusable in the american mainstream sports life. on trial now is not sterling. in my judgment, it's basketball or the nba sports.
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joining me now joan walsh and former nba player charles smith, who played for donald sterling's clippers. he's now president and ceo of the pro basketball alumni association. also with me is angela wright. charles, you know donald sterling. what's your reaction to this? >> well, you know, i was surprised, as many. but not really shocked about it. you know, mr. sterling is a gentleman that dances to his own beat. his own drum. he has no one to stand to. he can do his own things. and he's done that. he's been the type of individual that has said a lot of comments to individuals. >> racist comments? >> not racist comments, just not respectful kind of way. did you know about his settlements for discrimination in housing?
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because he has quite a background. he settled almost $3 million being sued for racial discrimination in some of his real estate dealings were you aware of this. >> no, these things are written and he does have a history and he can't get around that. >> here are more comments by sterling. >> don't bring back people. don't come. >> you know you have a whole team that's black that plays for you. >> do i no know? i've supported them and given them food and clothes and cars and houses. who gives it to them? does someone else give it to them? >> you wrote about this today, joan. >> you know, there's an echo of what cliven bundy said last week about african-americans being better off under slavery because they had chickens and gardens
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and families around them. this notion that i give them to food, i give them housing, i give them clothes, like they're dependents. his african-american players are giving him food and clothes and houses and riches and women. and all the rest. yeah, he's got a real estate empire, but he's made a lot of money off basketball. but the paternalism and the contender sengs and just the clear sense that these black players are other and lesser is just -- it's shocking from anybody. it's shocking from a cliven bundy. >> but cliven bundy doesn't own an nba team. >> exactly. a. >> exactly. i don't want to blow it up to the level of what we're talking about here.
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>> you've been saying a lot of things this week. >> big daddy sterling over here, the only thing he's really going to understand is for this to hit him economically is the swift action to which the clippers looked. you know, folks have to hit him economically. when nba commissioner silver sees that this is going to have an economic impact, not just on the clippers but on basketball writ large, that's the only thing they'll understand. the thing that power and influence can really get you, it gets you swift action. mab these policies aren't racist intentionally, but the discriminatory effect of policies being passed in the house of representatives or state legislators throughout this country, that there's this type of response.
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so i hope that one thing african-americans can do, their $1.1 trillion buying power is put your money where your mouth is and hold your dollars. know where you're spending and be very careful about who you choose to support. >> can the commissioner force out donald steriling? they say, quote, the nba constitution which is confidential reportedly contains language permitting owners to authorize the league to sell a team without owner's concept. it continues saying the language only covers very limited circumstances, and these circumstances concern team finances. which could be questionable now with a lot of the sponsors going. what do you hope you see form from the commissioner? >> you've seen a history where
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players have been fiechbed, banned and suspended for various things. the nba spent a lot of money over the years to train players not to get into situations like this, and this is the first time you have an owner in it. you would hope the treatment is fair. you would hope it's a result that satisfies player, the fans, sponsors, everybody at large. but the key theer, this is the owners decision. it's something they're going to have to deal with very quickly. >> the amount of people other than civil rights activists that have gotten involved from lebron
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to michael jordan. 6:00 this morning a marketing magnate called me and said i want to get the people who advertise through me out of this. ordinary people are really outraged by this, joan. and i don't know how the nba cannot hear all of our voices when you' got so many people that are saying this can't be -- the man's son-in-law just came out. >> well, the son-in-law, he runs day to day operation for the team. >> right. that's an important turning point, rev. it's such a human thing to hear those words and to know he's talking about some of hez players. he's talking about his players' families and friends. that these are the people that are not welcome at his games and they're not welcome with his girlfriend. she can associate with other people but not black people. >> they're viewed as the enemy, he said at one point. >> right. >> and angela, i mentioned a
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short time ago, it's not the first time the clippers had been accused of bigotry. in 2003, sterling was sued by 19 tenants of a building he owned, called the ardmore apartments in sworn testimony obtained by espn, a former property manager alleges that when sterling first bought the ardmore, he remarked on its odor, quote, that's because of all the blacks in this building. they smell. they're not clean, he said. at one point an elderly black tenant complained about water damage in her apartment. sterling asked if she's one of those black people that stink. just evict the expletive. he later settled the case for an undisclosed amount. angela, how should this pattern play into the nba's decision tomorrow? >> we know the former nba
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commissioner was silent on all of these issues. and i know you mentioned earlier, he had to insert into a settlement agreement with the department of justice for housing discrimination again, $2.73 million. this man is no newbie to racism and discrimination again. to that point, there has to be -- >> he never admitted wrongdoing, but he paid that fine. >> and that speaks loudly. money talks, right, rev? >> at the end of the day, the fact that this gentleman continues to discriminate against people of color, whether they play for the clippers or not, they have to hold him accountable at this point. there's no more room for him in society to treat ten nabt tena that, to treat human beings that way and he certainly doesn't have the right to treat his players this way anymore. there are a number of things the nba can do. all types of proactive steps they've had to take to ensure
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that people of color have a place and a say. i think it's time for the nba to look at pro-active steps they can take because then't addressed this in the past. this guy has continued to do this because he's been able to plead the affluenza defense even when he's not in a court of law. >> those in the sports world have to deal with this. you as an athlete, former active athlete, but always an athlete. you know how hard it is for those players. they're facing a dream of their life, the playoffs. but they got to get caught up in this. isn't it fair to the players to make sure these elements are not in the position of ownership? give me a sense of what you think is going through some of those kids' minds that's go tot play tomorrow night that's got to stand up for what they believe but at the same time try to win their dreams. >> when i played for the clepers
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during the race riots in l.a., we had to move and play from the arena in l.a. to go to miami. the racial issues were very high in los angeles. and we felt it. but it is nothing like what they feel, because this hits home. this is where they work. this is their owner. it's a very tough emotional situation for them. now athletes are built to deal with distractions and put things aside when you get on the court and go and play. but this is a little different. this is the owner of the ball club that made direct accusations to them as employ employees. that's a little tough. if there's any person that can handle this situation, it's doc rivers. i played with doc on three different nba franchises. doc understands racism, doc understands players, he understands the business aspect of it. and he has the ability to deal with the players and admit as he can on the emotional side to get these guys focussed to play.
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what he's trying to do is to say let's fight back by getting to the championship. if there's a coach that can get them to that area, it's doc. >> i tahought about all all weekend. a lot of it is going to be where the advertiser, the money goes. and the other owners go. watch the money. this is my first rule to you all, watch the money. joan walsh, charlotte smith and angela wright. thank you all three for your time tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> still ahead, breaking news out of mississippi. leaves one tornado touching down. the situation is still very dangerous. we have a live report. also big news about the gop congressman caught on tape threatening to break a reporter in half. he's now turned himself in to the feds. and is facing a criminal indictment. also, muhammad ali's moment of courage, a decision on this day
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>> republicans are finally realizing their all repeal, just won't cut it. take washington congresswoman kathy mcmorris roger, the number four republican in the house. she told a local baerp it's unlikely the affordable care act will be repealed and, quote, we need to look at reforming the exchanges. and a new memo on the house gop's string agenda includes zero mention of repeal. zero. none. nada. repeals are dead issue. but they haven't figured out what they want instead. just ask ohio's senator rob abortman. >> repeal and replace. what part of law was acceptable. what would you like to keep?
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>> there's some stuff in the law that has to do with preventive and wellness. i don't think it's effective. but i think republicans are interested in that. i know i'm very interested in this idea of zelt health savings account. there's very little i can point to in there that is actually positive. the point is, we have better ideas. >> so the republicans have better ideas. real really? why couldn't he actually think of any. luckily, his former colleague scott brown, who's now running for senator in new hampshire laid out his priorities. >> i believe in my heart in terms of pre-existing conditions, catastrophic coverages, covering kids, whatever we want to do, we can do it. in new hampshire hm, i would encourage everyone to do a new jersey plan that doesn't have
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mandates put on by bureaucrats. the plan which can include medicame medicaid expansion, folks who need that care and coverage. >> wow. so scott brown wants health care. he wants a plan that covers people with pre-existing conditions. he's interested in covering kids. maybe like letting young adults stay on their parents' plans. medicaid expax could be a good part of that. pre-existing conditions, covering kids and expanding medicaid. that sounds an awful like the affordable care act. congratulations, senator brown, i've really got to hand it to you. sounds like a good plan to me. well done. joining me now is senator bernie sanders of vermont whosed health care reform for years. senator, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> republicans want to keep the
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most popular parts of the health care law. doesn't this show the fight is all over, really? >> look. we know what republicans in their hearts believe about health care. when bush was president for eight years, tell me what did he do when we had over 40 million people who had no health insurance? the answer is nothing. what are over 20 republican governors in this country doing right now when they have the opportunity for zero state funds to provide medicate for all of their people? what they're doing is rejecting that. what is the ryan budget in the republican house doing? they are ending medicare as they know it. transferring it to a voucher program, making massive cuts in medicaid. that's what these guys believe. and their nightmare is oh, my goodness, the affordable care act is working. millions of people now have affordable health enshurns. what a terrible thing that is.
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so al, i think these guys are going to be scratching their heads. they really don't know what to do right now. >> well, you know, they've got some political problems with this because a new pole of battle ground b congressional districts find 52% want to implement and fix the health care law while 42% want to repeal it. now, these are competitive districts, senator. doesn't this show republicans need to do more than just strash the law? >> of course it it does. i was in south carolina and north carolina, supposedly conservative states. and you know what the people there are saying? they say, as i think most americans say, that health care must be a right of all people. between you and me, i think we
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should go further, a medicare single payer program that the rest of the industrialized world does. but right now, the republicans are in a real kwan dri. millions of people are getting affordable health care. do you think politically they're going to yank that health care and that insurance away from people? i don't. >> no, athat's senator, what yo and i agree on. a lot of progressives, a lot of us didn't want a single payer plan and were confused by why people were so upset with this having not gone as far as people wanted. "the new york times" spoke to health care workers in west virginia who said politics kept many people from signs up. one said, quote, literally people thought there would be chips embedded in their bodies if they were signed up obama care.
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chip implants and death panels as she sought to enroll them. if there hadn't been so much misinformation, you talk about the millions that did sign. >> we have to stop being offensive. we have to be offensive and tell people that they're doing a terrible, terrible thing. we've got to start turning the tables on them. >> thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you. >>. co-ing up, remember congressman michael graham, the congressman who threatened a reporter's life? today he was arrested and indicted on 20 counts. more of those counts ahead. and president obama gets very personal, talking about his biggest regret in life. that's next.
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what's your policy? >> we're back with breaking news. at least one tornado has touched down near the town of talupalo in mississippi. the governor has declared a state of emergency all across mississippi. the severe weather is continuing and remains very dangerous. with the system now heading into alabama, here's what people watching nbc's wblt station in mississippi saw on their local news just a short time ago. >> we may have a tornado on the ground here. going to go ahead and get out of the picture here. we may have a tornado on the ground. that cloud is all the way to the ground there.
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we're going to look at power flashes. this is a dangerous storm now. if you're in russellville, you need to seek shelter immediately. >> these fot photos from twitter showed the extent of the damage. emergency crews are on the ground trying to help the victims as we speak. joining me now on the phone is storm chaser brett adair who is near brooksville, mississippi, good evening, brett. >> good evening. >> what can you tell us? >> we can basically confirm that the town of louisville, mississippi, just to our west was hit by a tornado just a short time ago. now we are -- we filmed a pretty large tornado just west of brooksville. >> we do know there's been
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pretty substantial challenge. >> now, where you right now? >> we're still in position a few miles west of brooksville, mississippi, waiting to see if this tornado pops back out of the rain. >> and what have you been seeing since you've been where you are right now? >> we arrived on location about ten minutes ago. we had a nearly direction. and the tornado is wrapped in rain and we can't tell if it's on the ground any longer or not. >> we thank you and be safe and be careful out there. stay safe tonight. >> still ahead, remember the jop lawmaker who threatened to break a reporter in half? today he was pleading not guilty in federal court. we'll tell you all about it. also muhammad ali, and the
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>> grimm later apologized for his threat, but this morning the congressman surrendereds to fbi agents over another investigation. he's now facing a 20-count federal indictment. the charges range from mail and tax fraud to perjury and obstruction. it all stems from grimm allegedly hiding more than $1 million in sales and wages from his new york health food restaurant. >> he could run his business legitimately and honestly or succumb to the lure of easy money and try to cheat his way to success. and michael grimm made the choice to go from upholding the law to breaking it. and in so doing, he turned his back on every oath he had ever taken. >> today, congressman grimm pled not guilty and vowed to stay in office. joining me now is former u.s.
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attorney kimball coffey and dana millbank. thank you both for being here. >> hi, reverend. >> thanks, reverend. >> an amazing turn in the story for mr. grimm. what's your reaction? >> i think it's fin any his company was called healthalicious. because he's left his party feeling really ill now. he had difficulty going into this. now he's basically stuck on the ballot. there's no practical way to get rid of him in november. so that's going to -- makes it likely the republicans lose that seat in new york. and also -- >> it is a swing district. because they can't replace him on the ballot and it's not a solid red district. >> exactly. he was vulnerable to losing anyway. he was sort of swept in with the tide in 2010 as a lot of people were.
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now you have the congressman who's out because he bought cocaine here in washington. you've got the kizing congressman. you have this, now it begins to make some trouble for the republican colleagues. >> kendall today, the congressman denied any wrongdoing. and claimed he was being targeted in a witch hunt. watch this. >> since day one, the press has been giving all kinds of innuendos to support a political witch hunt. this was designed to do a couple of things. but first and foremost, i a assassinate my character and remove me from office. i know i'm a moral man, a man of integrity. >> now, kendall, he's facing, if convicted, he could face some pretty serious times. up to 20 years for each mail and wire charge. up to five years for conspiring
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to defraud the united states, up to three years for fraudulent tax returns and for obstructing and impeding the irs. up to six months for employing unauthorized aliens. this looks serious. how serious is this? >> it's incredibly serious. it suggests when he was physically threatening this reporter. he recalled it was stress relating to hurricane sandy. it wasn't hurricane sandy, it was healthalicious. with everything they have in the indictment, you almost have to take out your calculator to figure out the prison exposure. they're talking about major amounts of cash he did not report, cash payments he then made to employees. and in some instances, employees that did not have a legal status. it's a long list of charges, very serious ones.
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he's coming out firing, claiming he's going to fight it tooth and nail, he's going to be vindicated. his attorneys are accusing the governor of abuse of power. some of that is predictable. but if he's in for a long fight, h eneeds to know they've got plenty, plenty of evidence. for all the tough talk today i'm going to be surprised at some point they don't come hat in hand to the prosecutors and utter those immortal words, let's make a deal if we can. >> you think the congressman and the lawyers are try to make a deal because of the seriousness of these charges? >> the potential prison expose sure, and under the fwied lines it will be much less, but tee rhettically, it's between 240 and 260 years. a lot of counts, they seem to have lined up a lot of witnesses, and i think this seems to be the smoking gun. they've got a spread sheet, an electronic spread sheet of a second set of payroll records. how is he going to explain that?
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and it's the payroll records that weren't given to the irs, that weren't given to new york taxing authorities or to the worker compensation. sense, lots of charges, plenty of trouble explaining all of this. >> dana let me go back to something you referred to. some on the right are questioning the timing of the indictment. just after the april 10 deadline for filing in the fall federal elections. they're saying because the deadline had passed, nay knew that they couldn't replace him as a republican candidate and therefore charlie cook's political report has switched a's rating on grimm's district from lean republican to lean democratic 37 what is the political fallout of these charges? >> we don't know what's going on behind closed doors. that's a serious allegation to say an indictment was politically motivated. you have to remember, he's a former fbi official an and a marine. so it's basically suggesting the
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fbi is going after one of its own for a politically motivated thing. so that's a little bit questionable. >> is it not, though, even though when you refer to him and others that republicans in the house that are not republicans or that have problems. you still have a long way to go to regain the democratic majority in the house, though? >> right. that's basically not on the table just because of gerrymandering the way the districts are structured. but this may blunt some of the momentum that the republicans then had. now, if you think about that, a lot of this -- this is all bassically proceeds him being elected to the house. but it's talking about hiring of undocumented aliens, and it's talking about evading taxes. so this is the sort of question other republican candidates are going to be asked. do they support michael grimm and the sorts of things he's accused of doing. that's an echo effect far beyond new york.
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>> thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. >> thanks reverend. >> one other quick note from gop congressman advance mcalist congressman vance mcalister announced he will not seek re-election next fall. this announcement came after a video surfaced. today he confirmed he will serve out the remainder of his term, but again will not seek re-election. coming up, tensions are running high in detroit. tonight, following a hit and run. that story ahead. also, my thoughts on the remarks from the clippers owner david sterling, donald steriling. what needs to happen next? plus, on this day in 1967, muhammad ali makes one of the most courageous stands in sports history. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me,
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pickup truck on april 2. harris stepped into oncoming traffic as shown in this surveillance video from the scene. utash got out of his car to help the boy who suffered a broken leg. but a crowd gathered and within moments, up to a dozen people were attacking him, beating him unconscious. a retired nurse ended the beating, holding the angry mob back with her .38 caliber pistol. utash was in a coma for nearly two weeks. tonight, he remains in critical condition. police have arrested four suspects in the beating who appeared in court today. they will all be tried on attempted murder charges this august. a fifth suspect, a 16-year-old has been charged with ethnic intimidation. a hate crime for his part in the beating. community leaders held a prayer vigil to call for the community
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to come together and turn away from the violence. >> no longer will we stand by and allow evil and violence and disrespect and dishonor to control and to define who we are. >> we are here to thank god that in the midst of evil we still have good samaritans. >> steve, utash's family has started a fundraising page to help pay for his medical expenses. at police are still asking anyone with any information on this horrific crime to contact them at 1-800-speak-up. black or white, we must respect one another and come together so end this senseless violence. from all we've seen, utash did
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what was right, to step out and help a young boy that he had found himself hitting when he stepped into traffic. the woman that held the mob off did the right thing by stopping the violence. it was deplorable, unjustified by any stretch. i pray for the full recovery of mr. utash and i pray that this community shows that it is not about black or white, it's about right or wrong in all of these situations. our prayers are with mr. utash and his family. gas plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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>> anything that's against my religious beliefs, i would rather face machine gun fire before deviate from the teachings of almighty god and the religion of islam. i will die. >> that was the greatest muhammad ali. just before he made an historic decision that would help change america forever. on this day april 28, 1966. he refused to be inducted into the draft to fight in the war in vietnam. he said his religious belief and his conscious would not permit him to fight an unjust war. ali was immediate lly stripped his title, losing more than three years of boxing in the prime of his career.
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>> my intention is to box, so win a clean fight. but the intention is to kill, kill, kill, kill and continue killing innocent people. right now, my people are being clobbered and stoned. then they turn around and send kids to war. for what? it's said i have two alternatives, to go to jail or the army. i would like to say there is another alternative. and that alternative is justice. >> ali explicitly connected the injustices in vietnam to the
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injustices here in america. he said it was time for a change. >> my conscious won't let me go shoot my mother, some darker people, some full hungry people in the mud and shoot them for what? they never lynch me, put dogs on me, they didn't rob me. how can i shoot them poor people? just tack me to jail. >> for taking a stand against the war, ali was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison. many condemned his decision and vilified his faith. but he stood his ground. he appealed the sentence, and america caught up with him, millions of americans were soon in the streets protesting the war. and athletes and other sports were inspired by ali's example. raising their fists against injustice. in 1971, the u.s. supreme court unanimously overturned his
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conviction for evading the draft. and a few years later, ali regained his title by shocking the world at the rumble in the judgel jung jungle. he's the greatest in and out of the ring. and that's just one of the many reasons why. in an accomodation... where you get to do... whatever it is that you love to do! booking.yeah! i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping.
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♪ i wanna see you be brave >> tomorrow, the nba will address the donald sterling controversy during an afternoon press conference. i hope they stand up and make it clear that racism and bigotry has no place in not only basketball, but n american sports and american life. i remember 2009, attorney general eric holder said we were cowards when it comes to dealing with race. after a week of ranchers faulking about blacks not knowing how to pick cotton and a supreme court vote upholding michigan's stand on affirmative action and taking race out as a
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factor, and ending the week of the owner of an nba team saying some of the most racist things on tape. we need to stop being cowards and deal with the underlying problems, rather than just reacting when we have flames on top. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. >> b ball free fall. let's play "hardball." a. >> good evening. i'm chris matthews up in new york and back from china. let me start with the explosive words being attributed to the owner of the l.a. clip percent .he didn't want his girl friend to be publicly associating with african-americans, even while he made his living with a team filled with african-americans.
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