tv Politics Nation MSNBC April 29, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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they made it final, it's time for him to sign it. he should pull out his pen and sign that. it's time to build it. >> there's so much to talk about. we only had a few minutes. congressman, come back and we'll do it again. i appreciate you being on the program. thank you so much. that's "the ed show." politics nation starts right now. >> breaking news. a majority of nba players have now gone on the record supporting the league's tough stand against l.a. clippers owner donald sterling. the report mab fast and furious. >> effective immediately, i am banning mr. sterling for life
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from any association with the clippers organization or the nba. mr. sterling may not attend any nba games or practices. he may not be present at any clippers facility, and he may not participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. he will also be barred from attending nba board of governors meetings or participating in any other league activity. i am also fining $2.5 million, the maximum amount allowed under the nba constitution. as for mr. sterling's ownership in the clipper, i will urge the board of governors to exercise its authority to force a sale of the team and will do everything in my power to ensure that that happens.
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>> a ma skrorty of the teams have come out in support of these tough demands. >> the views expressed by mr. sterling are deeply offensive and harmful. i am personally distraught that the view expressed by mr. sterling came from within an institution that has historically taken such a leadership role in manners of race relations. coaches, fans and partners of the nba to question their very association with the league. to them and pieners of the game.
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like earl lloyd, chuck cooper, sweet water clipton, and the great walter russell and magic johnson, i apologize. >> reaction continues to pour in from all corners of the league. the los angeles clippers own website had this headline, we are one. nba great magic johnson tweeted, commissioner silver showed great leadership in banning l.a. clippers owner donald sterling for life. and kareem abdul-jabbar said this -- >> i'm just thrilled with what commissioner silver did. he got on the case immediately, and his actions and focus were so on the mark, it was unbelievable. you should have heard us in there when we were listening to the press conference. we all started clapping because he handled it the right way.
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>> to force steriling to sell his team, the commissioner has to get the support of three-quarters of the owners. that's 23 teams. and our tally indicates that he appears to have already met that threshold with 25 time teams voicing support for his move today. the owner of the heat says great job, adam. you have my full support. the laker president said, the commissioner, quote, showed great leadership in his condemnation of the horrible and offensive comments. the owner of the chicago bulls said, we will support his recommendations to press for mr. steriling to relength kwiinquis ownership. and what about donald sterling
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himself? there's been no official response from him yet. but we do know he won't be watching his clippers home playoff game tonight. his seat at the staples center will be empty. joining me now are eddie johnson, a former nba player, now announcer for the phoenix suns, paula madison, former ceo of the wnba's los angeles sparks, and dave zyran, sports editor for "the nation" and host of sirius xm "edge of sports." thanks for being here tonight. paula mad soison by the commissioner. what's your reaction? >> well, i'm really happy to see that's what adam who i know by my role as a former member of the wnba board of governors, i'm really glad to see that adam did take decisive action. he went as far as the nba constitution allows him to go.
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i'm sure there are conversations between all the owners who by the way don't spend a lot of times conversing with each other except around league business. so to hear that 25 of the 30 of them have already indicated that they are going to vote in the way that adam is suggesting, i think is a really great day for the nba and especially for the african-american male players and the other players who supported them. >> were you surprised? >> no, i wasn't surprised.
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how could he own a basketball team? the sponsors had been competing on a consistent basis. the players had it be known. and the nba had to be react. he stepped to the microphone and handled his business. that was as swift as you could do it. it didn't leave any openings for anyone to think anything else other than the fact that mr. sterile willing not be an owner for the l.a. clippers going forward. you've been pushing hard on this. i've been at this since saturday. >> no, we should not stop pushing until all questions are
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answered. why wasn't he shown the door when he had too pay out the largest discrimination suit in the justice department and the fair housing act. why wasn't that the time when he was pushed out. and why was he coddled for so long. adam silver largely deflected those questions today. the second issue is who gets the team when they rested it from donald sderling? it was sbintimated that it coul stay in the sterling family. she was up to her neck in the same racist practices that donald sterling operated. i was disappointed in kevin johnson's press conference today. kevin johnson, who is is both a mayor and the union leader in this context said over the weekend that he would be pushing hard to find out why he had been so sheltered.
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>> i think that's a great question. when we talk about him banned for life from the nba, here's what that means. he can't b attend any nba games. he's barred from the eveners meetings and all league activities. all those are very true and momentous. however, if he's banned and forced to sell, this is a man
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who spent under $120 for the team and if the team is sold today, the purchase price that i've read ranges anywhere from $500 million to almost $1 billion. >> he'll make a huge sum of money. >> he'll make a huge sum of money. he's 08 years old, or 81 years old. this is the first i heard there's a consideration it might remain in his family. if that's the case, i absolutely agree, you should read the transcript of that housing discrimination suit. if the league would consider turning it over to her, it's very likely it seems to me that the same concerns and the same complaints remain. ed >> adam silver says he has the
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owners support even though he didn't talk to them. listen. >> if you don't get the three-quarters you need, could he be still profit from the team? >> i suspect i'll get the support i need from the other owners to remove him. >> now, on the sdrecreen, you c see a running tally. within four hours of today's announcement, 25 nba team expressed their support for the commissioner's ruling. so eddie, do you feel that he is appeal and make sure it's not returning to the same family. >> i would be totally surprised if it stayed within the family. the players union is still very strong.
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that's because of a bargaining agreement. i don't think that would fly and i don't think the nba would go that route. i think they feel like they have to separate themselves from the sterling foam sterling family as a whole and bring in new ownership. who would that owner be, we heard names bandied around, especially magic johnson, who i think would be a tremendous owner in that situation. i think they're going to go totally away from the sterling family. it won't fly. it won't fly with you, the media, it won't fly with the players. i think the nba is not going to
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let that happen. >> from a civil rights point of view, i must say, i was involved at the forefront of marge schott that the swiftness of this and the unequivocal nature of him saying we're going to sell is a whole lot different than before. >> it's like the title of michelle alexanderalexander's b new jim crow in a color blind society. there still is racism on our society from top to bottom. but the greatest crime you can commit is being impolite with your racism. with expressing it. and that's what this is really about. i'll talk about housing till the cows come home, but this is about him being caught on audio tape being racist. that's what makes this so different than previous instances. >> i think that's true, paula. but i also any that the reaction
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is different. we did not see players, when i stepped, i did not feel weed a haul of that. that's always that was added to this, but again, you can't go to sleep on it. you must follow it every step of the way. we saw what the clippers did. 24er7 supported by the miami heat. it's very likely that you would have seen these kinds of protests, i think, spread to the other teams. that would ultimate ly have mad for all the owners a real sticky
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situation. and reverend, you absolutely do remember when don pimus said wht he said about the rutgers basketball team in 2007. what people understood was social media played a role, journalists played a role, the media played a role. but also behind the scenes what a lot of people don't know is advertisers were bring iing gle pressure to bear. >> i've been to this rodeo before. maybe we know how to raid the horse. thank you for your time tonight. coming up, how do you make sure this kind of ugliness never happens again? what the nba and other pro sports need to do to stop bigotry in its tracks. also, how lebron james and some of the league's biggest stars are responding to the news.
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and what the nba's bold statement today says about race in america and our progress towards justice. big show tonight. in the nation, we reward safe driving. add vanishing deductible from nationwide insurance and get $100 off for every year of safe driving. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪
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>> today, some of the biggest stars reacted on twitter to donald sterling's lifetime ban. lebron james tweeted commissioner silver, thank you for protecting our beautiful and powerful league. great leader. jason collins wrote, commissioner of the nba just showed us how he dropped the hammer on ignorance. and stephen curry said, standing ovation for commissioner silver. big time decision. standing up for the league and his players. now got to see it through. he's right. next, we'll discuss how to make sure this never happens again. md and i'm his mom at the dog park.
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>> the fall youl from donald sterile es's remarks have been swift and decisive. but even though he's been banneded for life, kevin johnson says the controversy shows we still have a long way to go as a country. >> this is a very stark reminder that we still have a lot of work to do. yes, we have an african-american president. yes, justice happened in a swift
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manner and forceful. yes, that occurred today. but these events remind all of us that hatred and bigotry are far from over. i hope that every bigot in this country sees what happened to mr. sterling and recognizes that if he can fall, so can you. >> i hope that every bigot sees this response, too. this is a new america. and this kind of intolerance and hate has 23406 place in our public life. joining me now is congressman emanuel cleaver, democrat from missouri and a member of the congressional black caucus. thank you for come on the show tonight, congressman. >> thank you for having me, reverend. first, let me get your reaction to the nba commissioner silver's decision today. >> i was elated. we were in a hearing and the
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staff members brought in their telephones and iphones and ipads showing us the moment it became public. i was thrilled for a number of reasons. not only because of what mr. silver did but because of the owners moving swiftly to support him. but as you probably know, over the past decade or so, many of the people around the country believe that the african-american athletes had abandoned the cause for elevation of the race, unlike in the days gone by when jim brown and jabbar and curtis mcclinton and others formed the black economic yup i don't know and did all kinds of things in terms of social activism, but stha all stood up. and that sent chills through me because it means they understand they have a responsibility, they're going to assume it. it's been a good news day so far. >> now, it was. now, you know tonight, the chair of the congressional black caucus is leading with the head of the urban league myself and
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others. and i've already talked to commissioner silver about meeting. what would you like to see put in place because for this man to have done this for 30 years and it took an audio tape and all of our unity to get him out. how do we make sure this doesn't happen again? >> well, let me first of all say, you know, the snake that caught a ride across a raging river with an eagle and the promised the he would bite the eagle and on the other side, he bit him. and the eagle said you said you wouldn't bite me. yeah, but you knew i was a snake. there are people, including probably in the nba that probably practice not as openly as mr. sterling a level of bigotry. i think it's absolutely asinine to think that that does not exist. i think, you know, he's a microcosm of the country. it's a dwindling group of
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people, but they're still there. and i think it ought to the nba ought to be on alert for this. the nba and the nfl ought to do the same. reverend, you've been practicing on the air a long time and off the air before that, the election of barack obama was a wonderful thing. it meant a great deal to a lot of people, black and white and brown and red all over the country and, in fact, all over the world. but i heard somebody on one of the sunday talk shows say we thought we were beyond this. and i wanted to say we? that's not true. african-americans never thought that. >> my column was what happened to post racial? if you look at the past week, congressman, we started the week with the supreme court saying that it was fine for a state in this case michigan to vote race
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was not a factor in affirmative action. then we heard a rancher down in nevada talking about black kids had nothing to do because we didn't teach them out to pick cotton. now we end up with an nba owner and the ugliness he said on tape, all in one week. so as much as i'm happy to see the player s and everybody stan up with those of us talking about things like this for a while, i'm reminded in one week what attorney general holder said, we have been cowards about dealing with race because as long as the underlying issues are there, we are going to keep coming back to these incidents. >> yes. they are there. we need to deal with it. it's absolutely foolish to believe that in the michigan decision that they're throwing affirmative action out. there are not people like steriling in colleges and
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universities onwho on the basisf skin color are not allowing people admission to college and university? it's crazy to believe those people are not in personnel offices and human resource positions? stopping african-americans and latinos from getting jobs? they are there. and we need to deal with it. this is the united states of america, and i believe a majority of us want a nation where people can come together from all kinds of backgrounds and races and create the greatest nation on earth. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. congressman emanuel cleaver, thanks for your time this evening. a key vote will really tell the story. also john boehner is back to blaming president obama for his own failure. and that puts him right in tonight's gotcha.
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the overwhelming majority of most american people support raising the minimum wage. one poll found 93% of democrats want to raise the minimum wage above $7.25. 69% of independents are for it. and even 52% of republicans. no way this vote can fail, right? wrong. republicans are expected to try to filibuster the bill. why? because groups like americans for prosperity want them to. that group which is backed by the billionaire koch brothers has sent out an alert urging senators to vote no on the minimum wage increase.
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the bottom line is that this legislation would do more harm than good to the very people it's trying to help. no, the bottom line is this legislation will make sure people working full time aren't living in poverty. and think about this -- the average yearly salary for minimum wage worker is just over $15,000 a year. the koch brothers have a net worth of $80 billion. and the group they bank roll is against giving american people a raise? people like this? >> i wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck just to keep the bills away. i would be able to pay them. >> reporter: daniel berry pays minimum wage and he says he barely has enough money to survive. he says working seven hours won't even fill his gas tank. >> $7.25 minimum wage is that enough? >> heck no. >> my husband and i struggled to
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get by on my salary. there were days i missed work simply because i would not afford the gas to get there. >> these americans are working full time but can't afford groceries or rent or gas for their cars. and republicans won't give them a raise because of their far right ideology. that's rich. joining me now is senator sherrod brown, democrat of ohio who knows a lot about fighting the big money interests. thank you for being here, senator. >> of course, reverend sharpton. thank you for having me. >> how can your gop colleagues justify voting against an increase in the minimum wage? >> well, they do a lot of dancing when they justify. i think a couple of things go on here. one is there are a number of my colleagues who have voted for pay increases for themselves, but just can't see fit to increase pay for people making $7.25 an hour. and john boehner every morning
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wakes up. he has to decide is he going to be speaker of the tea party or speaker of the u.s. house. if he's speaker of the u.s. house of representatives, he brings this bill to the floor. democrats and republicans join together to pass it in the house, a lot of pressure on republican colleagues, especially those who voted to increase their own pay. and in the senate, we need that same kind of pressure on people on my colleagues in the senate to do the right thing here. and democrats are going to vote overwhelmingly for it. i'm hopeful we get another republicans who want to do the right thing. >> senator, i want to play for you senator mitch mcconnell. he was on the senate floor today talking about the minimum wage vote. and i want you to listen to what he said. >> legislation this week that would actually cost, not create, but actually cost up to a million american jobs. this is completely tone deaf.
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washington democrats hurt the very people they claim to be fighting for. >> i mean who is tone deaf here, senator? >> well, he knows better than that. he knows a couple of things. he knows that there are more than 100,000 people in his state. that would get a significant raise. thousands would be lifted oit of poverty. he knows what several hundred economists have said, including more than half a dozen nobel prize winning economists. that the job loss is minimal. and there would be job increases. the people who get a minimum wage increase that live in toledo and cincinnati and dayton. they're not putting that increase in a swiss bank account. they're spending it in a hardware store. they're getting their car fixed. maybe occasionally go to a restaurant. go to a grocery store. that money goes back into the economy, generating economic activity actually growing jobs. that's what history shows.
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mitch mcconnell can say what he wants. but the fact is this is the right moral issue, the right moral decision to raise the minimum wage. it's good for those families and it's good for the economy and those communities. >> how much of an impact does the koch brothers and the groups that they're financing, how much of an impact do they have on your republican colleagues? >> well, they spent $40 million against me in 2012. more than any senate race in history up to that time. they are -- you know, i think republicans are a little bit afraid -- more than a little afraid of them in a primary, that if they go against what the koch brothers say, they may attract a primary next time. or they may get some negative ads hitting them. far too many people in this place i work operate on fear. as president lincoln said, they need to get out and get their
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public opinion path. it's not just democratic voters that are overwhelmingly for this. it's independents homingly for it. and even a majority of republicans in my state and most states think raising the minimum wage is the moral thing to do and the best economics. >> started in sherrod brown, thank you for your time tonight. it's always good to have you on the show. >> thank you. >> now i want to bring in maria theresa kumar. in this election year, how important are these economic issues like minimum age wage and economic inequality? >> it is the driving force. the idea that they're going to lose a million jobs. let's actually have a frank conversation. who are the folks who are actually choosing those million jobs? it's individuals now being forced to continue working instead of going into retirement and enjoying their golden years. so for the very first time by raising the minimum wage, these individuals can opt out of
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working till their 72 or 75. they have the luxury of saying i don't want to continue working myself to death until my old age. i can now opt out. >> vice president biden went after the ryan budget yesterday. listen to this. >> show me your budget. i will tell you what you value, my dad would say. what they clearly value, this new republican party, is more tax cuts for the wealthy. at the expenses of the lower class. the middle class has been through enough. it's time to give them a fair shot. the republican budget does. i believe ours does. >> now, virtually every house republican, every one of them voted for the ryan budget. are they vulnerable on this in a midterm election? >> they're very vulnerable. they voted against equal pay for women is basically screaming
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they don't understand the american people. they don't understand that women are increasingly the heads of household and they're outvoting men when it comes to the polls. you better believe the american people are going to go out in droves, especially the independents, especially the women. they have a real rebranding problem. not because they came out with a nice fancy dom of how they were going to capture women and minorities. they have a rebranding problem because they don't address the basic issues that americans need. >> looking at the racial wealth gap. the center for global policies solutions found for every dollar of wealth white families have, african-american families have only 6 cents. 6 cents to a dollar. and latino families have only 7 cents to a dollar. >> african-americans nor latinos didn't fair in pi better. the majority of our equity are built into our mortgages. so when you couple predatory
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lending, no one got in trouble for that. they lost their homes. they don't have the money to put extra money into the piggy bank, there is a serious concern. it's an increasing concern. this is the rising demographic of the american public. if we don't find ways and solutions for wealth creation, which it meanings individuals shouldn't have to be working two or three jobs in order to survive, it's not just the african-american and latino community, it's the whole american economy that's going to be hurt. >> no doubt about it. thank you, maria terrae is aher being with us tonight. still ahead, police brutality caught on tape. what should happen to the officers in the video. plus why did a judge let this widow lose her house over $6 in in unpaid taxes? it's all in tonight's kwlt justice file." ♪
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>> republicans blocked immigration reform at every turn, but today speaker boehner explained why, straight from a line out of the tea party playbook. >> we all know we have an broken immigration system. we're going to work with our members and have discussions to see if there's a way forward. but the president has to take action himself. he's got the show the american people and show the congress that he can be trusted to implement the law the way it may be passed. >> the president can't be trutsed, mr. speaker? that's odd. just last week you were singing a different tune. >> boehner got a little dramatic when he was asked about immigration reform. he says he thinks congress should take action this year, and mocked his colleagues for what he calls a lack of an appetite to tackle the issue. >> here's the attitude. oh, don't make me do this.
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>> it was the whine heard around the world. what does he have to say about that? >> do you regret mocking your own members last week? and as we stan here -- >> it was no mocking. you all know me. you know, you tease the ones yo love. all right? but some people misunderstood what i have to say. >> there was no mocking? could have fooled me. but the speaker insists he was just misunderstood. >> i want to make sure the members understood that the biggest impediment we have in moving immigration reform is that the american people don't trust the president to enforce or implement the law that we may or may not pass. >> oh, so you were just reminding your republican colleagues that president obama can't be trustful.
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take the next step. talk to your doctor. this is humira at work. >> you and i must decide what part we're going to play, not in the struggles thattive been fought and won, but in today's struggle, the fight to stop those efforts to suppress voting rights. the dealing with economic and income equality. let's not act like the civil rights movement was something back then. there's still a civil rights movement needed now. and you and i must help lead it. it. >> it's time for "the justice files." joining me now, to. er prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst faith jenkins and carmen st. george, a criminal defense attorney. thank you both for being here. >> thank you.
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>> we start in buffalo, new york, where the case of alleged police brutality was caught on cell phone video. on april 19, 23-year-old john will lard was arrested during a traffic stop. . wi willard said he raised his hands and willfully submitted to police when he said they kneed and punched him. the video shows an officer hitting and kicking willard who was lying on the ground in happen handcuffs. five other officers were on the scene. >> i got hit again. i caught multiple knees to the face. willard was charged with drug
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possession and resisting arrest. six officers have been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of a police investigation. faith, how do you see this one? >> i just think it's inexcusable when you watch the video. police officers have to abide by the same laws they enforce. they have a duty to protect the constitutional rights of those detained by them. when it comes to police officer use of force, we talked about this before. there is a spectrum of force and they can only use force when it is necessary to arrest someone or to defend themselves or others. in this case i don't see it's necessary to use that type of force against someone who's already detained and in handfuls. >> carmen, does the videotape make the difference here? we hear about alleged police brutality and nothing is done. these officers have been placed on paid but administrative duty.
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is the video what's different here? >> no, no, empreverend. we've had rodney king where we've had acquittals of police officers in a similar situation. just in january of this year, we had another situation in california where two other officers were acquitted in a police brutality case where we did have a video. the video is going to be important in this case so we can see the circumstances. but you're still going to have to assess whether or not that particular person who was being arrested was aggressive, had been under the influence of drugs, was erratic. that video is a little confusing. it's dark, and the defense attorneys will pick that apart to show their defense. >> now, faith, the fact of the matter is you hear over and over again people saying that police are human and sometimes they react. but also you have to deal with the fact that the police have a code of conduct that they're supposed to abide by. and we also at the same time want to see crime not only no
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occur, but we want to see it where it is not endangering policemen lives. so you have a battle going between two emotions that sometimes conflict. >> well, the fact is that there is a code of conduct and yes, police officers are human. however, they are professionally individuals. they are trained with how to deal with individual they are placing under arrest with how much force they can and should be using and when to enforce their authority. and use force. so when you look at videos like this, when you have a person who is on the ground, who is apparently not resisting by the video from what i can tell, who's already placed in handfuls, and you have an officer slapping him stopping he they're administering street justice. >> carmen, let many go to pennsylvania where a woman is losing her home over a $6 tax bill.
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a pennsylvania widow named eileen bautisti is fighting back after her house was sold at auction three years ago over unpaid interest. she paid school district taxes back in may 2009, but because the payment was six days late, an additional $6.30 in interest was added to her tax bill. she appealed the sale, but now a judge is ruling batisti was properly notified and the sale is final. carmen, the law is the law and everyone should pay their taxes on time, but should the government really be able to take a person's home over $6? >> no. absolutely we should pay our taxes but good grief. this is so over the top. the government came in in pennsylvania and just went way above and beyond what they should have. they could have assessed
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penalties, they could have found her to be delinquent. they could have put any other kind of enforcement, the lender could have paid the $6. anyway, she paid in six days. this is completely egregious that they should go this -- >> let me go to faith. i'm running out of time. >> i think the judge should have inferred here after this woman did pay taxes that she owed, surely she wasn't notified about an additional $6 or that she would lose her home if she didn't pay that $6 or else she would have paid. that should have been the common sense ruling in this case. >> thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up, a huge setback for scott walker and the republicans attempt to suppress the vote. and then my parting thoughts on today's lifetime ban for donald steriling. stay with us. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is.
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>> today after i hung up the phone after speaking with nba commissioner adam silver, i thought about having to fight battles that in 2014 we shouldn't have to fight. but then i was so encouraged when i thought about how we heard from everyone at the league who made millions of dollars, oprah winfrey, people who are in the hall of fame, even the president of the united states, almost a unanimous outkra, showing that it's different you. you can not get away with it.
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and you can not just worry about the fact that very successful people won't call you out. i'm very proud that those young athletes, with their mull pi in it will dollar athletes stood up. i used to do a sermon, some of those young men and young ladies stood up on this showed their soul wouldn't be compromised for a contract. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball starts right now. hi ho silver. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. i'm chris matthews up in new york.
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