tv The Ed Show MSNBC April 30, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show", live from new york. i'm ready. let's get to work!\ work! either you're in favor of raising wages for hard-working americans or you're not. >> the request is magically changed to $10.10. >> tell them it's time for $10.10. >> this is completely tone deaf. >> senate republicans as expected, blocked a vote on the minimum wage increase. >> republicans in congress don't get the last word on this issue or any issue, you do the american people, who vote. >> what is the price, we ask the other side? >> i think the american people are tired of empty political showboats. >> i would not eat green eggs and ham. >> votes for the minimum wage is voting to tell up to 1 million americans, your jobs don't matter to me. >> the american people know what this is about. >> republicans in congress have found the time to vote more than
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50 times to up minor repeal health care bill for working families. earlier this month, they voted for a budget that would give the wealthiest americans a massive tax cut while forcing deep cuts to investments that help middle class families, but they won't raise wages for millions of working families? >> the people who are struggling, the working class, young people, hispanics, african-americans, single moms, they are the one paying the price. >> what is the price that you want from these working men and women? when does the greed stop, we ask the other side? >> good to have you with us tonight, folks, thanks for watching. what we have in this country is a group of wealthy people who have really good job security, health care, pension, all that stuff. they have decided collectively that the downtrodden, the poor, the economic challenged in this country just have got it too good. they can't do anything about it.
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how many times have we shown this chart on "the ed show"? if you had to take a five-second snapshot of america's economy, here it is. eaffectionately call it the vulture chart. down here is where americans are. 99% of them. you see, the top 1% obviously has had it really good, so you would think we would have people in washington that would think, you know, that line's been flat for a long, long time. can't we have an element of fairness in all of this? look, we can do something about it, but not until the midterms, but it's important for us to always point out exactly what's happening to us. there are people that stand up in the chamber of the senate and make the case that the minimum wage in this country should stay exactly where it is. that's what they're saying you. they are not arguing about 10.10. they are staying belongs right
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where it is right now because we are all about business and jobs of it makes absolutely no sense. now, i think that there is a racial connection. i do. the past week, we have seen these guys, they have brought the issue of race front and center in america with the way they think and the way they talk. cliven bundy and donald sterling have proven that racism is alive and well in america. i believe that there is an economic connection to all of this. on tuesday, maryland congressman elijah cummings, the democrat, spoke about the racial wealth gap in america, which is very real. during the event, he addressed sterling's comments. >> i do think they were reprehensible. and i think that appropriate action will be taken, but let me be clear. i guess i've seen enough and been around enough. i can't change sterling.
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but i can change the lives of the people who are the subject of this report. i want to concentrate on the affordable care act for people in my district who cannot get well because they don't have health care or the people that failed to sign up. i want to sconcentrate on tryin to close this money gap so the kids in my district can go to college. >> okay, so, where is ed going with this? i will tell you exactly where i'm going. there's all kind of forms of racism and there are many forms and twice display it. we are seeing the united states congress display their disdain for people of color. look at the numbers. congressman elijah cummings is exactly right. you can't change sterling, but you can change the lives of african-americans, people of color for the better, if you vote to help them out. the report couplings is talking about is very disturbing. the report from the center for global policy solutions shows that there is a massive wealth
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gap in this country between white americans and black americans. white americans have a median net worth of $100,000, black americans have a median net worth of just $7,000. on average. it's a fact. white people own 15 times more than black people in america. how did that ever happen? well, let me tell you something, you're not going to address this gap unless you change the minimum wage, the numbers are what they are. and it's going to be awfully hard to turn this around overnight. but it's about opportunity to get involved in the economy with some level of sensibility and fairness. the first step is fixing and raising you the minimum wage. earlier today, the united states senate, they had a chance to give 28 million americans a raise. unfortunately, the vote failed. republicans in the senate, oh, they are very empathetic when it
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comes to people of color, aren't they? just tell the way -- just watch the way they vote much the senate voted down a minimum wage increase by a vote of 54-42. gosh, we just need a few more folks, don't we? immediately after the vote, senate majority leader harry reid had no problem calling out republicans. >> today, we saw a clear distinction between what we are fighting for, we democrats, and the republicans, what they are fighting for. they are fighting for the billionaires. we are fighting for people who are struggling to make a living. so far, six republicans have rushed to defend dave and charlie, the koch brothers. we can't get them though to raise the minimum wage or even have a debate on the minimum wage. republicans are defending very publicly, six of them at least, the koch brothers, while they come to the floor and oppose raising the minimum wage.
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if the name number of republicans voted with us, we would have minimum wage. >> that's how close it is. senate democrats made it clear, the fight for minimum wage increase is far from over. >> this is not the only time that you will see the senate vote on the minimum wage bill this year. we will be back again and again and we will keep trying until we get this to the president's desk. i'm confident that if we don't raise the minimum wage in congress before the election, the american people are going to speak about this at the ballot box this november. >> and later in the day, president obama also spoke out about the minimum wage increase. >> either you're in favor of raising the wages for hard-working americans, or you're not much republicans in congress have found the time to vote more than 50 times to undermine or repeal the health care bill for millions of working families. earlier this month, they voted for a budget that would give the wealthiest americans a massive
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tax cut while forcing deep cuts to investments that help middle class families but they won't raise wages for millions of working families, when three-quarters of americans support it? that makes no sense. if there's any good news here, it's that republicans in congress don't get the last word on this issue or any issue. you do. the american people, the voters. well, a lot of us liberals have waited a long time for the president to come out and say you're either with us or against us. and that's really where it is with american workers right now, you're he either with us or against us, you're either for working families who are struggling or you're not. let's call it what it is, minimum wage is a racial issue, look at the numbers. i think not raising the minimum wage is a racist policy. standing up, making the case that people of color in this country do not deserve a living wage is a racist policy. there's a lot of different twice prove racism in america, not providing a livable wage for
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americans hurts african-americans. the numbers are very clear. 17.7% of minimum wage workers are african-american, a minimum wage increase to 10.10 an hour, which would happen only in a three-year period from now, would lift 3.5 million people of color out of poverty in this country. a study from the center for american progress shows minimum wage increase would, combined with wages of people of color, it will total $16.1 billion, combined increase in wages for people of color. race is an element when it comes to income and opportunity in this country. you cannot deny that. and not raising the wage, the minimum wage, is every bit as racist as comments made by cliven boundy and donald sterling, it's just displayed in a different way. it's not just the minimum wage, republican policies, look at what they do. they hurt all people of color with their policies, from food
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stamp cuts to repealing obamacare over 50 times, to the effort to privatize social security and even get rid of it. and to medicare and medicaid cuts. wow, it's the ryan budget. i thought we would have never gotten to that. we have. not raising you the minimum wage is just the latest in a long line of republican policies that hurt minorities across the board in this country. and you know what, now that they have got citizens united behind them and they can outspend any challenger that shows up, they feel more emboldened to vote like this than ever before. i find it terribly ironic that on the very day that the senate rejects the minimum wage, the chairman of the house budget committee, paul ryan, goes over and meets with the congressional black caucus to talk about poverty and his budget and how ruthless it is and what he
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really meant when he said that there is a culture within our inner cities that they don't even understand what work is all about. and he said men. how do we fix this? how do we keep this guy out of power? it's a constant conversation about who they are and what the country would be like if they really had power. look how they are obstructing and hurting people of color in this country with their policies. they don't even have absolute power yet. what do you think the country would look like if they did? get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question, do you think the vote on the minimum wage is a racial issue? text a for yes, b for no to 67622, always go to our blog and leave a comment, encourage to you do that bring you results of the poll later in the show. let me bring in jim clyburn of
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south carolina. congressman, great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you so much for having me back. >> your reaction to the senate republicans, and it is the senate republicans blocking the minimum wage bill. >> well, i think that once again, we have seen that the senate republicans are following suit with their house republicans, they are just absolutely against doing anything that would benefit working men and women. they are on a sort of rush to put these big tax cuts for the wealthy people in the house budget, deny minimum wage increase on the senate for working men and women. they are doing a sort of tag team here today and today, as you just mentioned, we met with the chair of the budget committee, the congressional black caucus did and we still --
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we were very civil but of no substance. we are sick and tired of having these pleasantries bandied about when people are going hungry, when young people can't get the wherewithal to stay in college. we have some historical black colleges and universities that have lost 10% of their student bodies in the last year all because of the policies that are being perpetrated by the republicans in the haunt. >> congress m -- in the house of representatives. >> congressman, do you think the minimum wage issue is a racial issue? >> it has a very -- it has an adverse racial impact and one of the things i have learned in those almost 18 years i spent running the state agency in south carolina, that we have to look at the policy and we not worry about what your intent may
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have been, but if the impact, the result has an adverse racial impact, then we see that as being discriminatory. and that's not me saying that, that is what the united states supreme court is saying. that's what congress has said, that we look at the results of your action and determine whether or not they have a disparate impact on people of color. >> i think that there are many ways to express racism. i think in a policy is one way. expressing yourself on a policy is a way. and what cliven bundy and donald sterling did is a different way. but the bottom line here is that the policies that you're talking about are holding people of color down in this country. they are concentrating the wealth. their policies clearly are doing that and then they are hiding behind the two-word culture, the free market. this is not what the american
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people want. all of you in congress know that. but the vote isn't there. the congressional black caucus, as you said, met with paul ryan, who has brought in a very radical budget, 69% of ryan's budget cuts come from low-income people. that's racist budget, as i see it. now, that's my opinion. i'm not trying to get you to say that. that's my opinion. look at -- you know what the priorities are the people when you look at the budget, he wants to hurt the downtrodden and the working folk of america and give tax cuts to the wealthiest americans and hurt those on food stamps. what kind of dialogue do you have with somebody that has a budget like that? >> well, today, at the top of our meeting, the chair of our caucus, congresswoman fudge, asked me to present to mr. ryan the congressional black caucus's approach to target and resources into communities of need.
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and i laid out for the fact mr. ryan the fact that there are 488 countries in the united states where 20% or more of the population have been stuck beneath the poverty level for the last 30 or more years. and i ask him, will you joins us with in the congressional black caucus and target resources throughout the discretionary budget into those communities so that at least 10% of that money will go to these communities. >> yeah. >> and i reminded him that this is not partisan here. two-thirds, fully 68% of those counties are represented by republicans. so, we aren't asking to do anything for democrats. we are talking about doing it for poor people. >> yeah. that's exactly what it is. congressman, great to have you with us tonight. james clyburn from south carolina here on "the ed show." thank you, sir. i appreciate it i want to bring in state senator nina turner of ohio, middle of the country,
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buckeye state, currently running for the ohio secretary of state position. nina, do the people in the middle of the country, does this play in ohio? when you go out, do you hear this? do you hear people who are being -- who are economically challenged talk about this issue? >> i do, ed, from dark county, which is in the southern part of the state, to cuyahoga county to the north, citizens in this state are outraged. you know, what has happened in the senate today is just pure heartless, ed that is the only way you can describe it, that republicans would not -- would hold up a vote on the minimum wage increase. it is heartless. and american people are tired. ohioans are tired of having republicans whisper sweet nothings in their ear. they absolutely deliver nothing. it is heartless. so, if people want better laws, ed, we need better lawmakers. if we want better policies, we need better policymakers. and the republicans just don't -- don't have it. they don't care about people. you know, as one minister said
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here in cleveland, he said the affordable care act was meant to save lives. voting is made to protect lives. and this is about voting. if we want a different result, we got to get out there in these midterm elections and vote. >> well, do you think that there is a racial element involved in someone being for or against minimum wage based on the research and the numbers that are out there right now and the number of people of come they're it anext is the. >> well there's no doubt about that, ed that there is a disproportionate impact to people of color. you know, as it is as president clinton said it is arithmetic. but what the republicans are doing is not just race-based it is class-based. it is gender-based. their policies are flat-out against working class and middle class people in -- not only in ohio but in this country. and so again, the voters need to stand up. i applaud the president, big ups to him for standing up to them. big ups to the senate, to the democrats in the senate. and i tell you something, ed,
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they need to introduce this every single day every single day, continue to -- >> i agree. >> -- push back on what the republicans are doing. americans stand up for equality and justice for all. guess what raising the minimum wage, ed, is not only a moral issue, it's an economic issue as well. the more money people have, the more they will spend in the economy and the more they spend, the more jobs we create. so who is on the side of the citizens of the great -- not only the great state of ohio but of this country? we need to take it to them, ed, every chance we get. >> state senator nina turner of who who great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. coming up, rick scott's hunt for obamacare horror stories. well, he finds nothing but love. but first, donald sterling's truthers, the truthers of donald sterling emerge. no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running...
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what's hot, what's not? time for the tenders are. join the ed team, will ya? social media is where it is at for us, show, tweet us at show and on the radio, sirius xm 127, progress channel, noon to 3 p.m. monday through friday, get my radio webcast at ed show social media nation has decided we are reporting these are the top stories of today. these are trending, voted on by you. >> it's so good to see you fully functional again. >> the none three trender, lucky seven. >> big news for "star wars" fans all across the galaxy. yahoo!. >> this photo showing the cast of the franchise seventh film assembling at a london script reading. >> might not look like much but where it counts. >> jedi rebels return as the "star wars" saga continues. >> markham mill, carrie fisher and harrison ford all confirmed, titled episode 7. >> together again, huh?
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>> wouldn't miss it. >> the countdown to december 2015 is officially on. >>. >> the number two trender, voter victory. >> wisconsin's controversial voter i.d. law is dealt a big blow. >> a federal judge calling you the state's voter i.d. law a burden on the poor and minorities. >> a federal court judge strikes down wisconsin's voter i.d. law. >> act 23 will prevent more legitimate votes from being cast than fraudulent ones. >> i want people who are legitimate voters to have the right to vote without unnecessary impediments. >> this is not a political process that is equally open to participation by blacks and latinos. voter i.d. won't be law in the state unless its legislature acts to redo it or an appeal is successful. >> and today's top trender, magic act. >> i'm just happy that commissioner adam silver came down hard. >> i am banning mr. sterling for life. >> he can't let people get away with this, even if you're an
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owner. >> conservatives jump on a clippers conspiracy theory. headline, exit strategy for nba donald sterling, sell clippers to imagine inc., johnson. >> the nba hall of famer down played rumors that say he is interested in buying the clippers. >> an intricate web being woven here. >> there have been no talks of that >> the dodgers apparently aren't enough. magic wants the clippers. >> we hope the clippers get a great owner. >> joining me tonight, national sports columnist and commentator, terrence moore. mr. moore, glad to have you with us tonight. this is a curve ball, limbaugh out there throwing the theory this is some kind of a not by magic johnson to buy the clippers. i think it's a roundabout way to support mr. sterling, sungting that maybe the nba did the wrong thing. what's your take on this? >> well, i will tell you what, ed, i do believe there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll, a whole different conspiracy theory than what we
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are talking about here, these conspiracy theories put -- they are putting out there are basically mind games and let's start with this, sports is a microcosm of society. let's just look at the last 40 years, 'cause there's been a lot of situations similar to this donald sterling thing. bang in the mid-1980s, you had a guy named al campain nas, an executive for the donors, who came out on national television and said the reason there weren't any black executives in baseball at the time, or other sports is because they "lacked the necessities." so an excuse was, he is just an old white guy from a different time. then a few years after that you had jimmy the greek coming out, telling reporters that the reason you had so many african-american athletes was because it goes back to slavery, when they had these big-boned great, great-grandmothers who were picking cotton and so on and so forth. the excuse, everybody knows he drinks a little bit, he is drunk. the late 1990s, we have fuzzy zoeller, tiger woods wins the
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masters for the first time and fuzzy comes out and says, next year at the champions dinner, make sure you tell tiger not to serve fried chicken or collard greens or whatever the heck -- >> your point here is that this has been going on for a long time, but now nowhere near as acceptable or tolerated at any stretch of imagination. >> there's that, ed, and also that they are always trying to make it seem like it isn't what it is and what it is pure racism, whether they try to get around it or not. >> why did it take so long for the nba to deal with sterling? if they knew who he was, my answer to that is it was never basketball related. it was other things that -- and think the owner also to be pushed financially to a point where they would make a move on this? >> ed, you're close to the truth there. the dirty little secret here is nobody is mentioning this, adam silver is getting too much credit much adam silver just did exactly what toad do he had no
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choice, because you had the potential boycott, all these sponsorships getting ready to flee out the door. here is the bigger thing here. the nba, the nfl, major league baseball, is very much similar to, say, a gang or a country club. you only let people in that are like you. and remember now, this guy, donald sterling, has been getting away with this for 30 years. adam silver, the current commissioner, was the assistant under david stern, the previous commissioner, under much of that time, they look the other way. you only have to think that they had no problem with what he was saying. why did they do this now? this is very similar to once the heat gets on, you throw somebody over the edge so it takes the pressure off everybody else or some other people who are like-minded here. >> sterling isn't going to go easy. he says he is not going to be selling the team. but of course, the league, i believe, can force him to do that with a three-quarter vote of the owners. this is going to be a huge battle for another year, isn't it? >> well, i don't think some i
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think this is very similar to marge schott, the racist owner of the cincinnati reds in the 1980s and 1990s. she was as defiant as this guy. both are similar to george wallace in 1963 standing in front of the school door saying we are not going to integrate. but they finally gave in. marge schott finally gave in from pressure from the fellow owners, where sort of like this water torture thing h >> you think that will happen here? >> that's gonna happen. and i don't think there's any concern. he is gone. he may talk big and bad, but he is gone. >> terrence moore, good to have you with us on "the ed show," appreciate your time and your work so much. thank you, sir. still ahead, rick scott gets schooled by seniors supporting obamacare, but he didn't think that is the way it was going to go. and later, more on paul ryan's meeting with the congressional black caucus. congressman keith ellison will weigh in on that. next i'm taking your questions,
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welcome back to "the ed show", we loft questions coming from you wonderful viewers. thanks so much. our first question comes from tom hospital. is going to hold scott wake, the governor of wisconsin, accountable for his 250,000-job promise? promise, he didn't say he was going to try to get 250. he said he would deliver on 250,000 jobs. i don't know, voters, i guess. nobody legislatively is going to hold him accountable them got the power in wisconsin, republicans. so does a number and does a promise mean anything to voters in we will find out. our next question is from kathleen. what's with all the fishing questions? all right. that's good. okay. what was the biggest fish you have ever caught and where did you catch it? well, last year in florida, i got an 85-pound sail fish. that wasn't the most exciting. the most he can siting was a 42-pound sam man on the alagnak river in alaska. my favorite fish to catch, the
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welcome back to "the ed show." i have told, it's not florida, politically hot. florida governor rick scott came from the private sector. does he really have a pulse of the people? he was the ceo of columbia hca when the hospital company was fined $1.7 billion for medicare fraud. now, scott wants his constituents in florida to believe obamacare is the enemy. rick scott's success relies on fear mongering over facts that's the way it's playing out. the reality is scott could not be more out of touch when it comes to health care in his state. on tuesday, the governor got an embarrassing reality check, courtesy of a group of outspoken senior citizens. according to the "sun-sentinel" out of fort lauderdale, scott, the governor, went to a -- to the senior center in boca raton, florida, with the intention of collecting obamacare horror stories. well, instead, the governor found a group of satisfied customers. i'm completely satisfied, a
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92-year-old west boca resident told scott. another man said that he was very happy. a woman said that she and her husband are very pleased. and another man reported, no problems. in a scramble to save face, scott did his best to spin the story. >> were you surprised that you didn't get complaints from this crowd today? >> you know, as i travel the state, what i hear from people is they are having a hard time getting a physician. one lady here talked about the number of orthopedic surgeons that are now -- she can't get a surgeon to help her. i hear about, you know -- >> that was one person out of 20 though. >> yeah. you don't -- what my concern is what's going to happen as these premiums continue to go down, as medicare continues to be raided to pay for obamacare. >> excuse me, the doughnut hole is very popular because it's been closed? folks, that right there, what you just saw is a man who
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doesn't have a leg to stand on. rick scott is so desperate, he is actually trying to scare seniors into vote willing for him, but according to the latest quinnipiac poll, floridians aren't buying what they are selling. scott trails challenger charlie crist by a.woulding 10 percentage points. joining me tonight in a rapid response panel, anthony mann, political reporter for the sun sentle and midseason chairman of the democratic party. great to have you with us., i appreciate you being with us tonight. what happened here? i'm not lacking for your opinion. >> he described e e ed it. he went to this senior center in boca raton and went to a conference table where the center staff pulled together, at the governor's request, about 20 seniors from mostly from the southern part of palm beach county and he -- you know, he said he wanted to tell them what he had been hearing, which is that there are problems with
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medicare because of owe bam what care-required spending cuts and he wanted to find out what their problems were, what these people were going through and how co-help them and pretty much, one by one, as he went around the table, he didn't get any problems. a couple of people mentioned a minor complaint or two, but not really related to obamacare or any cuts in medicare that supposedly are coming from obamacare. >> how do you report this? does this say medical story gone bad? is this a big political snafu by the governor's staff? >> well, you really do wonder what kind of advance work was done because southern palm beach county, that's about as democratic a place as you can get and a lot of these people, you know, were just not ready to go along with criticism of obamacare. in fact, a couple people said and this wasn't just people talking to reporters afterwards, they directly said to the governor that they think that obamacare is a good thing and
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even if it hurt medicare, which they weren't willing to concede, but they might be okay with that because they think that obamacare is a good thing because it ought to get -- it will help other people get coverage. that's what they were telling the governor directly to his face. >> mitt caesar what do you make of this? is this an attempt? i think it is an attempt to go into a facility to manufacture a negative on obamacare and this is a photo on gone bad. what do you think? >> well w, you're absolutely right, ed this will be nominated and win the worst photo on of the year in florida, no question. what's interesting is i think the equation was in 2014, turnout is a little bit lower across the country and seniors become even more important. so, he thought woe go in there and try to ingratiate himself with the senior vote and at the same time, try bamboozle them. what he doesn't realize is that florida seniors are a pretty smart group and just because there's a little gray on top of the head doesn't mean there is not a fire engine working in the
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mind. and they called him on t >> well, mitch, he comes from the private sector. he has never been in public service. he bought this job. spent $100 million of his own money. so can we come to the conclusion that maybe he just doesn't have the political moxie or not savvy enough? a good politician doesn't take the vote until you no he what the vote is going to be, the other thing is you don't walk into a room unless you know exactly what the heck you're going to hear. so this is really shows his political inexperience when he is not really being heavy handed with somebody, doesn't it? >> well, this is part of the national political man tracks the bigger picture, and that is that they are really in a -- a philosophical cul-de-sac. they just keep going around and around, they don't get anywhere. nothing changes. they think that obama care is the issue to use and frankly, you are right. he has no experience. he doesn't connect well people. he is trying his best with all these photo ones all over the --
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all over the state. >> you know what he did shall you know what he did, mitch, he believed all the right-wing garbage that's out there, the negativity about obama care around he bought into it he thought woe go into this facility and be able to manufacture a commercial and get a bunch of negative comments. that's what this was. what else could it be? he comes out and starts talking about people where he goes around the state and one person -- i mean this is a political embarrassment. now, the polls. anthony man, if the election is held today, is rick scott in trouble? >> oh, clearly he is in trouble if the eye election were held today. the polling is pretty consistently shown former governor charlie crist, who is now the democrat, running ahead of scott and the latest polling shows that continues. i mean, it's a ten-point gap in the latest quinnipiac poll. in south florida, where mitch and i are, it is a much, much
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larger gap that same quinnipiac poll shows a 37-point gap between crist and scott. so definitely, not very -- not looking very good for scott as we speak today. >> so, mitch, does this show up in a charlie crist commercial about how out-of-touch the go o governor is? >> i think this shows a gay, despite what he says about his background, one of the 1%. this is a gay worth, you know, well in excess of hundred he was millions of dollars and doesn't know what the average person has to go through. guess what florida seniors told him what real life is b he didn't like the answer answered just keeps repeating the same lie, so to speak and believes if you say it often enough, people will buy it. this guy has a big problem. south florida's going to make the difference, with all due respect to the rest of florida, south florida is going to unelect him come november. >> good to have both of you with him. glenn beck's pathetic jokes
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remission is possible. and the pretenders tonight,. the right wing talker slammed hillary clinton's evolution on marriage equality, while clinton had affirmed her support for doma in the past. she formally announced her support for same-sex marriage last year. everybody knows it. beck says it's all just a scheme to grab the white house and thinks clinton is just as desperate to stay relevant as he is. >> the arc of history had come along for her to say that she's for gay marriage, she is came out last year. >> hillary came out last year? because i didn't think that had been officially -- >> the arc of history. the arc of history. >> i'm telling you, i'm telling you, hillary clinton will be having sex with a woman on the white house desk if it becomes
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welcome back to the ed show. this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. congressman paul ryan in wisconsin is trying to clear the air after making remarks about the culture of poverty. earlier today, the congressman visited with members of the congressional black caucus. >> i think what we're trying to accomplish here is improving the tone of debate so that more people are invited to this debate so that we can do a better job of actually getting a control of our problems with poverty. >> the congressman from wisconsin is trying to frame himself as a republican expert on solving poverty. back in march he made this comment. >> we have got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities in particular of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work, and so there's
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a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with. >> ryan comes off as offensive and inappropriately categorized black men struggling to overcome generations of discrimination. the congressman claimed that his comments had nothing to do with race. minnesota congressman keith ellison, member of the congressional black caucus in that meeting today. with us tonight here on "the ed show." congressman, let's see, generations of men not even thinking about working. there's a culture that is developed. did he address that in this meeting tonight, keith? >> no. i didn't hear him address it, but the fact is, he offered the same perspective that he continues to offer, which is lower taxes for big business, cut the social safety net, and say that high national debt is the biggest problem. that is what he repeated. he said he'd been on a tour and talked to people in areas where the poverty was high, and he has
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a lot to learn, and i think he's right about that, but that's essentially what he shared with us. >> i mean, was the caucus expecting an apology or a thorough explanation of just what the heck he is talking about? because basically his budget goes after the very people that he is categorizing as a culture of not even looking for work. >> well, the point that his budget basically goes after the poor, cuts taxes for the wealthy at the expense of the middle and working classes, that point was very well made in the meeting, and also the point was made that, look, the black caucus has viable ideas about how to really reduce poverty. it was also brought out that about 61% of the poorest counties in america are actually represented by republicans, and so, you know, it actually is republican business to help address poverty. and that poverty is not necessarily racialized. we know that disproportionate
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number of people of color face poverty, but a lot of white people are in poverty, too, and this point was made. there were no commitments that mr. ryan made, just sort of a exchange of views with no real plans to go forward in a cooperative way, because as he did say, look, we are ideologically highly divided, but we'll look for ways we could agree where we can. >> was he looking for ways? was he really looking for ways on how to help people in poverty? >> what i was looking for is for him to say, look, i don't want to do a lot of talking, i want to do a lot of listening. what do you all think we need to do to address poverty. >> he didn't ask that? >> no, that never came up. what i got is, you know, my ideas, not speaking -- him speaking, was we should cut taxes and we should cut the social safety net, because we have to cut the debt. and that's pretty much where he was coming from. a number of people talked about
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his budget and the devastation it would make on the very communities he claims to want to help, but in terms of him accounting for his inaccurate, afactual claim that generations of urban men don't want to work, no, he never did touch that and certainly didn't apologize for it. >> i want to point out a major study conducted by columbia university shows that the u.s. poverty rate decreased over the past half century, thanks to safety net programs, programs that ryan thinks that people who want to protect, you know, he wants to cut from the budget, the safety net. and he says that those people are wrong. quickly, he just -- you're in two totally different camps with no common ground on this. is that correct? >> that's the way it appears to me. in fact, he wants to cut what he called marginal tax on poor people to make them more incentivized to work. >> yeah. >> as if -- americans want to
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work, all americans, all colors want to work. that's something he needs to learn. >> congressman keith ellison of minnesota, good to have you with us tonight, thanks very much. that's "the ed show," i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, disgraced clippers owner donald sterling appears defiant a day after the nba commissioner said he wants to force sterling to sell the team. sterling is indicating he's ready for a legal fight, saying today, "the team is not for sale, and i'm not selling the team." so, what happens next? there's really no precedent for this. but today the league constitution, a set of nba laws, were made public. it had been secret, and there's a major focus on article 13, the
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