tv The Ed Show MSNBC May 1, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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stacks of jobs bills that we've sent over to the united states senate. >> is it fair that working men and women are being stripped of the american dream? >> we're out of touch with regular american families, their version of the american dream. >> refuse to pay a more livable wage. >> goes against free market principles. >> the american dream is within reach but you have to have fairness. >> if you do your work well and learn the skills and you become dependable, you will work your way up. >> i don't believe you ought to interfere in the market. >> let me get this straight, folks, president obama was elected and re-elected, and the republicans are in the minority in the senate. good to have you with us tonight. thanks for watching. every campaign stop just about every commercial, every time the president got in front of a crowd, the last election was all about the working folk of
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america. bringing up the middle class, helping the working poor, and that's what we're talking about here, we're talking about the working poor in america. you know, the good old vulture chart. republicans, they have drawn the line. they have decided that 28 million minimum wage workers in this country, they got it it too good. they make too much money. that's the decision the senate made. on wednesday the republicans voted down an increase by a vote of 54-42. they just couldn't get six more votes to say, you know what? america deserves a raise. what is it about these folks that they don't get about what the american people want? now, republicans, what are they doing? they're playing this up as a huge win for them. this is an ideological win for them. a lot of americans, a lot of republicans, are against the federal minimum wage. americans want it, 75%, republicans don't. and altogether you look at a
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country that is ready to move forward economically, not with republican earlier today tom coburn said a minimum wage, here we go, would kill jobs. >> look at omb studies and the good economic models, it is the benefit is small, the cost of lost jobs is great. it goes against the free market principles. >> that is an outrageous statement. the free market principles, fairness isn't in the free market? come on, senator, that's not what the american people want right now. they want a raise. the federal minimum wage has been raised 11 times since 1978. there is no evidence, republicans, that raising the minimum wage hurts the economy or kills jobs. republicans love to throw the job killing argument around. economists, you're going to fine them on both sides of the aisle.
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they're split on the issue. some say increase will kill jobs, others say no, it's not going to happen. one thing is very clear, if you pass the price on to the consumer, a minimum wage increase will not kill jobs. >> walmart would have to raise their wage to above $13. 63 an hour. doing this for all employeers would cost the company $4 prnt.8 billion a year. they have to raise their price business 1.4%. box of great value mac and cheese would jump from 68 cents to 69 cents. >> senator coburn, how do you like that for a free market principle? you know, an extra few cents on products across america whatever they might be is well worth a living wage for hard-working americans who would turn that money right back into the economy. what is it that they don't get about this? senator coburn went on to say, he doesn't even believe in a
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federal minimum wage. >> i don't believe you ought to interfere in the market. if there's a minimum wage, my theory is, if oklahomans want a minimum wage, we ought to have it. i don't believe there ought to be a national minimum wage. that's my position. i'm the only member of the republican party that still here that voted no on the last one. i believe that markets work better than bureaucrats. >> gosh, senator, you're only a few states away from the bundy guy who doesn't believe the federal government should be, well, not even existing. senator coburn is concerned about one thing and that is the top 1%. he could care less if hard-working americans live below the poverty line. a minimum wage worker makes roughly 15,000 a year. if there were a wage increase, it's not going to affect the lifestyle of the rich and famous. the poverty line, for a single person, is $11,000 a year. it is morally wrong thing to
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think that someone who works full time to live below the poverty line is okay in the land of the free. it's not just coburn who is against the minimum wage. republicans are very clear on where they stand on this issue, texas governor rick perry, who has a terrible labor record in texas, said the government shouldn't worry about the minimum wage. >> i don't think it's government's business to be setting the minimum wage out there, even the cbo said, if you want to get rid of a 500,000 jobs between now and 2016, raise the minimum wage. here's the issue, pat, i think you've got believe this, at a time when jobs are at a premium in this country, the last thing you want to be doing is putting policies into place that would kill jobs. >> florida senator rubio is clear where he stands. the republican's savior says, minimum wage laws, well they don't work. >> i support people making more than $9. i want people to make as much as
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they can. i don't think the minimum wage law works. we all support, i certainly do having more taxpayers, meaning more people employed -- and buy want people to make more than $9. $9 is not enough. the problem is that you can't do that by mandating it in the minimum wage laws. minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of helping the middle class obtain more prosperity. >> good wordsmithing. but the numbers don't add up, the vulture chart will disprove everything you just said. then senator rand paul, he's admitted that he's just not too sure where he stands on the minimum wage. >> do you believe in the minimum wage? >> well i think that when you look at raising it, all of the studies show if you raise it, you get more unemployment. so really the marketplace does a better job at determining what -- >> so there shouldn't be any federal minimum wage? >> i'm not sure i'm saying that. i'm not sure i have an answer as whether there's a right or wrong. >> you thought whether or not there should be -- >> not necessarily.
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i have thought about raising the minimum wage causes more unemployment when we have 20 million people out of work, i think it's a bad idea to raise it. >> it does not cause more unemployment, senator. if you want to be the president of the united states, you got to get spot-on on jobs, you got to get spot-on where the american people are. are you willing to say 75% of the american people have their heads stuck in the sand when it comes to wages in the country? get with the program, dude. bottom line here is, that's wrong, senator. not all of the studies show that raising the minimum wage is going to hurt the economy. but they just throw it out there. oh, now we've got iowa congressman steve king, he thinks we should just let the minimum wage, just let this thing drift away. >> wherever you raise the minimum wage, you necessarily cost jobs because some employers will decide, i can't afford that any longer. we watched that change, the economic climate. you can't drive into a gas station any longer and get
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someone that will wash your windshield, check your oil, fill your tang. the minimum wage is a government interfering between the relationship between the employer and the employee, and in the end -- >> you think there should be no minimum wage? >> i think that what we should have done is left the minimum wage alone and just let it drift away and let the economy degree the way that it shall. >> yeah, just let workers drift away, ship them overseas. a wage hike would impact 28 million americans. 28 million americans. that's what we're talking about. 4.6 million americans would be lifted out of poverty. corporate profits through the roof. the graph tells the story time and time again. now at a time when the top 1% is doing better than ever, rich people can afford to give america a raise. but it's not rich people. it's the corporations that are having the record profits, the majority of people on minimum wage in this country work for major corporations.
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walmart, listening? on wednesday, president obama called out republicans and their backwards priorities. >> republicans in congress have found time to vote more than 50 times to undermine a repeal of the health care bill for millions of working families. earlier this month they voted for a budget that would give the wealthiest americans a massive tax cut while forcing deep cuts to investments that help middle class families but they won't raise wages for millions of working families when 3/4 of americans support it? that makes no sense. >> wow, that's -- that's -- that's a hurricane worth of common sense that i don't think is ever going to register with the republicans because they're all about the top 1%. the free market that they can't defend when you throw the numbers at them. republicans are only concerned with helping the rich. they want trade deals that are only going to help the big town boys. they want deregulation which is going to help wall street even more and get us in more trouble. they want tax cuts for the job
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creators. we can hurt them. you know we allowed the bush tax cuts to expire and we have had every month private sector job growth. now they are saying that the poor people make too much money. some republicans are out making the case that the minimum wage is too high in this country, so let's just get rid of it across the board. have you thought, my friends, what it would be like if these people had power? what they say, what they put in a budget, and how they vote, if that doesn't scare you enough, give this crowd power and you know what? you won't have minimum wage in this country. you will have a greater number of people under republican rule, and that's what it would be, it would be no negotiation, republican rule, it would have more people living in poverty in this country. that's a fact. get your cell phone outs. tonight's question, if republicans win in november, will they repeal the minimum
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wage? text a for yes, b for no. 67622. go to our blog. leave a comment there. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. the bottom lean in all of this, what we have seen transpire in the last 24 hours is the real republican play book. we've seen ryan say things about men who go for generations for not even thinking about working. we have seen his budget passed, a radical budget we've never seen before that goes after 69% of the people in the country who are low income. we've seen a vote in the senate, all of this talk about the house is so radical, really? tell me, how radical is the senate? they're just as radical. they don't want to give the working man a shot. let me bring in bernie sanders, senator from vermont, independent caucus with the democrat. good to have you with us. reaction to the republicans
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killing themen bill yesterday because, senator, is this a big benchmark? this is their final line in the sand, we're not going anywhere on this issue. >> i think the remarks that you play from coburn and others says it all. these guys not only do not want to raise the minimum wage to all of $10.10 an hour, giving 28 million americans an increase in wages, they want to abolish the concept of the minimum wage. this is the koch brothers' vision of america. ed, if you are a worker in a high unemployment area, and if i say to you, i'm prepared to hire you but i'm going to pay you $3 an hour and you say i can't live on that sigh a there are ten other workers prepared to take it, that's their definition of freedom. it's the onlymen. they're talking about social secured, medicare, medicaid. if you're old and sick, you don't want the government
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interfering with the free market. what do you want? you want to get rid of medicare as we know it, cut medicaid, leave people out there to what? to die, to starve. that is their radical vision of the future of america. >> so that vulture chart, which i am trying to make famous, i think if every voter in this country sees this chart and thinks by this chart and realizes that these are absolute, these are hard numbers, senator, it's going to get worse, isn't it, if the republicans have their way? >> are you kidding? look, this is what their agenda is about. it is more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires and large corporations. it is undoing virtually every piece of legislation passed in 80 years to protect the middle class and working families. when you talk about the minimum wage, ed, understand you've got companies like walmart, owned by the wealthiest family in america, the walton family alone owns more wealth than the bottom 40% of the american people, they
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pay starvation wages. their workers have to go on food stamps, they have to go on medicaid. we subsidize walmart and maybe if we raised the minimum wage that wouldn't be the case. no, these guys, the koch brothers and other folks, they're at war against the middle class of country. we've got to stand together and defeat them. >> we've got 42 members in the united states senate that are just as radical as the tea partiers over in the house. how else do you read that vote? all of this talk about the house being so radical, wait a second, there's a bunch of em in the senate, too. this is their ideological push. so what can the progressives, the democrats, those 54 who voted for what's their course of action, senator? >> their course of action is to educate and organize the american people. ed, the projection is that in the next election, november 2014, 60% of the american people
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aren't going to vote. what the republicans hope and pray is that voter turnout is low. what our job is to expose the republicans for what they are, that they work for the koch brothers, they work for the wealthy and the powerful, they're at war against working families and our job's got to be to educate, get these folks out to the polls. if we go from 40% to 50% in voter turnout, the democrats can recapture the house and certainly the republican will not win the senate. >> finally, one point that i want you to make, senator, for our audience, we keep hearing republicans say that a minimum wage hike would kill jobs. what does senator sanders from vermont, what is your response to that. >> many states from this country, including my state of vermont, i think our minimum wage is around $8.70 an hour. ed, we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the united states of america.
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it's not true. there have been studies that have shown that states which have high minimum wage not only do not lose jobs but they gain jobs because people at the bottom have more expendable -- more income to spend, and in turn they create jobs. >> yeah. senator sanders, good to have you with us tonight. keep up the fight. thanks so much. appreciate your time. answer tonight's question at bottom of the screen. share your thoughts on twitter "the ed show" and facebook. we want to know what you think. a challenge for republican governors opposing obamacare. how ard dean and brian schweitzr join me. action to get dart money out of politics. trenders is next. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪
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>> time for "trenders." check us out at twitter, "the ed show." sirius xm 127, monday through friday, noon through 3:00 p.m. we'll be talking about this on the radio show. we are reporting here's what's hot. today's top trenders voted on by you. >> crack is whack. >> the number three trender, cracking. >> new problems for embattled mayor rob ford. >> i goofed up, eh? >> ford headed to rehab. >> toronto's mayor takes a leave after damaging video surfaces. >> from the globe and mail, allege it shows ford smoking crack. >> don't think it's just the pictures you've been caught on tape using lewd, inappropriate language. >> the toronto sun post an audio recording. >> for the good of the city, i
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call on mayor ford to resign. >> mayor ford says i need professional help and i'm 100% committed to getting myself right. >> actions speak louder than words. number two, lost boys. >> according to the new report, as the economy continues to shift away from brawn and towards brains, men have struggled with the transition. >> you have to excuse my friend. he's a little slow. >> fox hosts think feminism is to blame for the education glap. >> when it comes to the educational system they feel like they have to treat all boys and girls equally. >> that's like the rules of feminism. >> a lot of feminism is to blame for this, right. >> shed some light on the current situation. >> so now boys are being forgotten and this, i think, is a problem. >> today's top trender, united front. >> u.s. senators will be taking a stand on the latest campaign finance reforms. >> when one, a small group of people have so much more power to influence the political
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process, our democracy is at risk. >> democrats are taking a stand against citizens united. >> it's now crystal clear, an amendment to the constitution is necessary. >> mccutchen carried to its logical extreme, will allow money to totally, totally envelop our system. >> senators will vote on whether or not to reverse supreme court rulings that allow for unlimited campaign spending. >> first amendment protection of free speech is part of what makes america great. so is the concept of one person, one vote. >> joining me tonight, the feel director for the ft. bend county democratic party in the great state of texas. the reason we have sarah on tonight we want somebody who is boots on the ground, organizing in a red state, may be turning purple but this is where the story is on this. what are the folks on the ground and the middle of the country and in the south saying about
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the possibility of a constitutional amendment? sarah, good to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. it's doubtful that a constitutional amendment will make it out of the senate this year. but does this send a message to big money donors? your thoughts on this? what are you hearing on the ground about it. >> hi, ed. thanks for having me back. what i've heard on the ground is what i've heard on the ground for the past four years since citizens united was passed by the judges on the supreme court. people organizing through move to amend, to push politicians like mark udall to where he is do today was hit constitutional amendment. all we can do is keep fighting because we don't have the money like the koch brothers. the koch brothers' fortune doubled from $50 billion to $100 billion in the past three years. working class people can't come up with that. i think we understand now that like you said in the clip before, one vote equals one vote. all we have is our voice at this point. we certainly don't have the
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cash. >> well, does this put republicans in a tough spot of sorts, having to decide between their constituents, right to a fair election, and the big money that keeps them in office? i mean,s there's a choice for them as well? because it seems to me, more and more people know what the heck is going on with our government in this country. >> absolutely. you know, i think that the republicans have done a great job over the past 40 years of getting their base to vote against their own interests. they're successful at that today. you talked about, you know, choosing between them and their base. if you look at pacs like crossroads and karl cove's pac from the last election, they had 6% influence but accounted for more than half of the spending. i think the results of all of the money need to be made clearer to that base and our base. it's amplifying of one voice. >> what do you think this
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minimum wage vote, yesterday in the senate, i mean is that something that inspires people to go get involved in the process, knowing that the republicans are against 75% of the american people? actually think that people in poverty have it too good? >> you know, i'd love to see people like senator mark rubio and dr. coburn, i'd love to see them live on $7.a25 an hour for a year, live without public transportation, people in texas and oklahoma do without, and florida. they don't have means to live on $7.25. they couldn't hack it a week. when you see the senate do a decision like they did, 42 people voting against getting a fair hearing for the minimum wage increase, it's no surprise. at least 65 senators are millionaires and that's why we have to keep pushing for the reforming of campaign finance. we have to get clean elections and more than 14 states. we have to have the small matching public financing for the small donors.
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people like myself i can't give more than $35 a month as a recurring donation. how do we get these millionaire senators who don't have our backs out when their advertisements and pacs control? we have to keep showing up and beating down the door and saying, no, you will listen to me, my vote is equal to a rich man's vote. >> sarah, you give a lot 0 americans hope with your passion and knowledge of the issues. i appreciate it. we'll have you back. keep up the fight. thank you for joining us. that's just an american out there fighting away for the progressives. still ahead -- what republican governors could learn from senior citizens. let's do it again, folks. rapid response panel weighs in on that. today the obama administration tried to sell a bad trade deal on capitol hill, oh, have we got it for them. larry cohen, joins me with the latest on the trans-pacific partnership. next, questions.
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ask ed live coming up after this. ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪
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show." ask ed live segment, first question from peter, sports fan. in light of the nba banishing donald sterling, do you think that the nfl will make the washington redskins change their name? here's the thing about the redskins, there has never been a sponsor issue with their name. there's a sponsor issue with the l.a. clippers. i mean when you have millions of dollars on the line and you've got people dropping off because something's not socially acceptable, so far, the redskin logo, nickname, has been socially acceptable to the people around the national football league. there hasn't been a big enough social push for the redskins to change their name. that's the key.
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no sponsors have left the redskins because that's their flame. when that happens, dan schneider, that's when you'll get his attention. next question from don, will the republicans ever shut up about benghazi. give me a big capital n, no, ain't going to happen. all of this talk of smoking gun e-mails. you mean to tell me nobody in the bush white house ever counselled any of their people going on talk shows on what to say? i doubt it. yeah, right. stick around, rapid response panel is next. i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. modest declines for stocks. dow falls 21. s&p is off a fraction. nasdaq finishes with a 12-point gain. consumer spending jumped by most in five years in march. april auto sales rose 8% over last year. and filings for first-time
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jobless claims rose 14,000 to their highest level since february. the data comes one day before the government's jobs report which is expected to show payrolls rising by 210,000. that's if from cnbc, first in business worldwide. ♪ no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running... seamlessly. so you can get back to what you love. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. and we're here in detroit ent michigan helping folks refinance their homes and save money. does it make sense to refinance right now? a lot of times we can lower the monthly payment, we can consolidate debt. we just want to make sure that you know your options, and we're here for you.
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i think obamacare's a disaster for the country. >> texas wasn't going to be a part of expanding socializing of our medicine. so we're not going to participate in an exchange, we're not going to expand medicaid. we're not going to be a part of, again, socializing health care. >> when it came to obamacare, we didn't just say no, we said never. >> they made a promise that nobody could deliver on, not just in terms of a website but overall terms of obamacare which
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is a business failure. >> when it time to schedule your grandma's surgery, what's going to happen then? >> collection of sound has been the republican narrative against obamacare, last night we carried a story about florida governor rick scott. scott tried to manufacture a negative story that fits those sound bites that we just played for you. scott went to a senior center in boca raton, florida, expecting to hear all of these obamacare horror stories. instead, he found a group of satisfied customers. you see he got the truth. it no surprise, the affordable care act has huge benefits for seniors. it's working to close the coverage gap known as the doughnut hole. by 2020. affordable care act, numbers, folks, so far affordable care act has already saved almost 8 million senior citizens across
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this country nearly $10 billion on prescription drugs. think that's good? it's real good. and it's not just florida. it's everywhere. the affordable care act contains an investment to prevent medicare fraud, which ironically governor scott ought to know something about, this of course will bring down costs. the cbo projects that the medicare and medicaid costs by 2020 will be $180 billion below its 2010 estimates. here's the got bottom line, seniors play a big part of obamacare. but don't you think that this opens up a huge opportunity for all of these radical governors across the country who say, obamacare is a boondoggle and won't work? i'd like to see bobby jindal in louisiana go into the senior centers in his backyard and see if he can gin up the story. maybe scott walker can go into a
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senior center in wisconsin and come up with some real bad obamacare horror stories for seniors. how about rick snider in michigan orr john kasich in ohio, how about chris christie in new jersey, go to the senior center, find these seniors in these facilities and ask them about obamacare and you know what you're going to get? you're going to get the rick scott treatment. you're going to get the truth. joining me tonight on our rapid response panel, msnbc contributor and former montana governor, brian schweitzer, also with us howard dean, founder of democracy for america. well, no one would know better than these two gentlemen. governor dean, let's visit with you first. what would happen if you were go into a senior center in state of vermont and ask seniors, how's obamacare working for you? good to have you with us, governor. >> first of all, let's -- i did laugh at rick perry, he's either
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really stupid or else grossly willfully ignorant because we have socialized medicine in the country, it's called the veterans administration. we also have medicare, which people like, that's called a single payer. we have these things they work. tremendous number of americans are in them. these guys bet the farm on trashing the affordable care act and they are about to lose big time because it turns out that the affordable care act not only works for people under 65, but as you pointed out, it works quite well for reducing drug costs for people over 65 and these doctors are -- these governors are already in allot of trouble. hospitals are closing in georgia and texas because these selfish governors for their own political reasons would not take medicaid money. >> yeah. governor shwits, what wuld hear in montana, anything different in your neck of the woods. >> i think all three of us and democrats would have liked to
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have had a single payer. >> no doubt. >> rick scott, you mentioned that i think his company was fined more by medicare than anybody in the history of the country, $1.7 billion. if he goes to a senior center where they're all on medicare and know he took more from medicare than anybody that ever robbed them, if you hired a plumber to come to your house and after he finished the work took all of your silverware, you wouldn't invite him back. i bet the people of florida aren't going to invite him back. >> i think -- you know -- >> go ahead. >> well, i think that governor dean made a very good point. these governors, and governors before them, have been collecting medicaid dollars and transportation dollars from the federal government, those are the biggest parts of their budgets remember how it was, howard, 20%, 40% of your budget in vermont and montana was for medicaid and two-thirds came from the federal government. that was fine.
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here's what these cats are up to. these cats are trying to make this health care bill fail, and this is how. trying to get uninsured people to go to the emergency rooms and get uncompensate health care, then emergency rooms have to transfer that cost to everybody who has insurance driving up the cost of health care for everybody. that's what we've been doing in this country for the last 25 years. listen, you think they've got problems going to senior centers. send them to a hospital administrator, send them to people in the health care business in each and every one of states, people hurting because they have not expanded medicaid. >> i -- that's a great point. in georgia, four rural hospitals have closed. rural georgia's conservative. they know that governor diehl is responsible for those closing those hospitals because he would not accept this medicaid money from the federal government for basically for free. and so, georgians are paying taxes to help people in montana
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and vermont that would take medicaid. so, what's happened, nathan diehl is behind jason carter by four points running for governor in georgia. these republicans think the american people are stupid and they can't figure out what these republicans are doing. what they're in favor of is big corporations and not the little guy and that's going to haunt them big time in this election in 2014. >> all right. the final point i want both of you to follow up on, was the backlash against rick scott a preview of what's to come for the rest of the republican governors? i think that this is a real political opening for the democrats to tell the story. the doughnut hole is -- the doughnut hole is not a big conversation piece on any of talk radio or any of talk television across the america. but rick scott has opened a real can of worms for the republicans, oops, we better not talk to seniors because they've got pretty good under obamacare,
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this billions of dollars saving thing, we're not going to find negative stories. governor dean? >> i think it's true. i wouldn't be surprised if wendy davis win in texas, and nobody thinks that can happen. i think it can happen because i think texans are fed up with the kind of government that they've had for the last 12 years. >> governor schweitzer, your thoughts? an opening for the democrats to tell the story about what's happening? >> well, i don't know how it would have worked in vermont but while i was governor of montana if i would have unilaterally turned back hundreds of millions of dollars to washington, d.c., so they could give the money to wyoming or north dakota, why they would have thrown a rope around me and drug me through sagebrush. word has to get out these dollars were destined for your state and these governors have said we'll give it to some other states. health care is the number one industry in every single one of these states. it's bigger than manufacturing. bigger than agriculture.
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bigger than energy. it's the number one industry. when they send that money back, they're sending it to another state that's going to be more competitive than their state. it's a bad idea. >> the reason they're doing it is pure politics, that's what's disgusting about it. doing for their own political benefit not for the people that elected them. >> great to have both of you with us tonight. appreciate your time here on "the ed show." thanks so much. coming up -- philosophical about obamacare, pretenders is next. i'm their mom at the playground and i'm his mom at the dog park. the kids get trail mix, and here's what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. mm hmm delicious milo's kitchen chicken meatballs. they look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, i'll call her. aww, ladies' man. milo's kitchen. made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. the best treats come from the kitchen.
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lair fip even a guy like louie gohmert realizes the affordable care act is too strong to collapse. gohmert isn't interested in care. the congressman wants to scare. >> some of our friends say, we don't have to worry about obamacare, it will fall on its own weight. no, it doesn't. socialism and communism followed its own weight, thatcher said you run out of other people's money. socialized medicine never falls on its own weight becauses you put people on lists they die waiting on care so they don't go broke. >> you're not doing anything in congress. we'll get back to that later. gohmert's dead wrong. because of obamacare, wait's over. people can receive care because they can afford it. the tea party is dishing out sarah palin's cold leftovers. five years and 50 repeal attempts later, louie gohmert is using the disproven death
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panel's argument. louie gohmert can run his mouth about death panels but if he believe his can revive the death of a talking point, he can keep on pretending. some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. crest 3d white whitestrips vs. a whitening pen. i feel like my lips are going to, like, wash it off. these fit nicely. [ female announcer ] crest 3d white whitestrips keep the whitening ingredient in place, guaranteeing professional level results. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten.
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frohman says the tpp, which we are against, will raise the standards for doing business internationally, but he failed to make the taste case today that the transpacific partnership will create american jobs. >> through tpp and i would say this is lou of labor, true of environment, true of iocs. with we're trying to take what is the status quo and raise standards, improve the standards. and try to create new standards that can help strengthen the overall system internationally. the tpp has been negotiated in secret. the only people involved in the process have been investors, consultants, corporations with their hand and grip on the whole thing. no amendments allowed or even discussion for that matter. congressional leaders opposing
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fast track will be holding a rally on this next week. we'll, of course, cover it on "the ed show." larry cohen, communication workers of america president joins us tonight. good to have you with us. you have met michael froman. you met him a few weeks ago. what did he tell you about the tpp? >> his bottom line is that it's better than nothing. and what we say is that we can do a lot better than that. that, as you said, jobs, our standard of living, our environment, public safety, consumer rights. and that is still not there in tpp. and certainly not there in the fast track that he supported earlier this year. >> he did not say that this is
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going to be good for american workers. i didn't hear that. did you? >> no, i think he falls back on better than nothing. i think what's key that's changing is senate democrats and house democrats are saying if you can't get support among your own party in the house caucus and senate caucus, we expect this president not to go forward. and we're not doing fast track until you have that support for a finished tpp. that's a shift, that's thanks to all of us organizing and we need to keep organizing. as we'll be doing in the next week, as you mentioned. >> gurg the hearing today, senator ron wyden of oregon asked froman about the public knowing what's in tpp before it's approved. here it is. >> we completely agree there needs to be a robust engagement strategy to involve the public in trade policy and that's why we work so closely with congress, why every one of our
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proposals is previewed by this committee among other, why we work with the congressionally mandated advisory committee system, and the broadening the member thipship to be more representative. >> mr. cohen, what is he talking about? the only people that have been involved in this are the corporations or the consultants representing the corporations. labor hasn't been involved in the tpp. the american people haven't been involved in the tpp. and congressional opinion has not been rendered on the tpp with any kind of testimony. what's he talking about. >> i think now that they're in sort of the last mile of their marath marathon, they're trying to provide more access even though the product is what really need our focus no uh is not changing at all. the future profits of multinationals will ahead of everything else. and we need to reverse that and we need to make it clear, particularly democrats in the caucuses that they won't accept that. and they're not giving them fast
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track authority until they support the underlying tpp. so i think we have a reversal here that's good for american working families. >> we got a reversal. do you think that congress was curious enough and demanding enough about this today at that hearing? >> i think sherrod brown was super. i think we have a new chairman. a big improvement from senator baucus who's now the ambassador to china. but i think frankly a lot of the battle is going to be in the house. and leader pelosi is critical. and i think we have to all say, progressives across the country, not labor, but all of us, greens, consumers, all of us together, that if that caucus doesn't support tpp, there's no fast track, and there's no tpp. that's the rallying cry for our big rallying and lobbying day next week. >> they throw out this export growth to countries with no northern trade agreements as
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being 30% faster than countries with agreements over the past decade. froman claims that trade packs have led the united states to trade surpluses. why won't he admit that he's wrong on this? >> because then the whole deal is done. they'll talk about more auto tales to korea, without measuring the more exports from kia to the u.s. when the exports is under 10,000 cars for the whole year and a half they're talking about, every auto worker knows it's a joke. the rest of us need to know it's a cruel joke as well. >> it is a cruel joke on american workers. and this puts the president in a tough spot. he was over in asia, he was selling it hard. apparently there's still a rift between japan and the united states. >> i think the president realizes, his own base doesn't support this. and we're hopeful.
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he won't go through with it either at the end of the day. >> all right, larry cohen, good to have you with us tonight. great fight on the tpp. this isn't over it yet, but the momentum hasn't swung for the workers, no doubt. i'm ed shultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the right wing scandal machine revving into high gear, diving deep into the political muck. today, it was full-out mud throwing assault. a desperate effort to distract from gop's failures in this do-nothing republican congress. today, conservatives attacked the white house by going back to benghazi, distorting a memo written by a white house staffer, ben rhodes. darr darr dal
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