tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 1, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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he won't go through with it either at the end of the day. >> all right, larry cohen, good to have you with us tonight. great fight on the tpp. this isn't over it yet, but the momentum hasn't swung for the workers, no doubt. i'm ed shultz. "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the right wing scandal machine revving into high gear, diving deep into the political muck. today, it was full-out mud throwing assault. a desperate effort to distract from gop's failures in this do-nothing republican congress. today, conservatives attacked the white house by going back to benghazi, distorting a memo written by a white house staffer, ben rhodes. darr darr darrell issa threw around wild
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accusation against the obama administration. >> it is disturbing and perhaps criminal in violation of any reasonable transparency or historic precedent, at least since richard millhouse nixon. >> criminal? just like nixon? it's a level of the distortion and hysteria that can't survive scrutiny. and the right wing knows it. watch what happened when the ranking democrat started to speak. >> thank you. recognize the ranking member. >> thank you very much. more than three years ago, a wave of political change -- >> all right, we have senator john mccain with us and we only know he's here for a couple more minutes. >> they cut away. they didn't have time for what the democrat was saying. but they did find time to repeat republicans' most extreme charges. >> you know, as you mentioned,
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the nixon administration and your service in it, it strikes me that there are some parallels here. >> we now know that the white house had a conspiracy. >> that's a felony. >> a felony? all day today, the scandal machine cranked out vile attacks and outlandish accusations. and some of the worst came from elected republicans. >> ben rhodes who we now see is -- used to be the spokesperson for the nsc, obviously was the political hack. >> the irs targeting to affect the outcome of an election is criminal. this is just sickening. >> these scumbags are the people in the white house who lied about this. >> this vulgar language has no place in the halls of congress. and yet, republicans have nothing to say. unless they're talking about fake scandals. the skam house committee that held today's hearing on benghazi
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has held 16 hearings on the irs, and overall, house republicans have held 55 votes targeting the new health care law. but in the same period, they passes passed zero bills on the minimum wage, voting rights or fair pay. instead, it's all scandal, all the time. fast and furious, a.c.o.r.n., the irs, benghazi. no proof, no facts, no problem. republicans know they don't have a positive agenda to build up america, so they're obsessed with trying to tear down president obama. joining me now is democratic congresswoman eleanor holmes norton. she's on the oversight committee and was in today's hearing. and washington post's dana bi millbank. thank you both for being here. congresswoman, a lot of ugly attacks from the right today.
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is this just an effort to avoid talking about their lack of any real agenda? >> yeah, reverend, you've got to fill the space with something. and i have to tell you, again baz zi has filled the face way beyond its life. benghazi is a corpse. they tried to arouse it today, and it fell right back down. this time we saw something really interesting. we've seep the visions in the republican party before, but we have never seen one chairman go after another chairman. apparently these witnesses, certainly the military witness who appeared before us, was jointly -- they were jointly investigated. and then chairman issa pulled back and decided to go on his own. understand whose jurisdiction this is. it's bud mckeon's jurisdiction. he issues a statement today saying that general lavell offered nothing new and added nothing to what the committee
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already knew, which was that the state department had done the best it could under the circumstances. how's that for a new benghazi story? >> dana, a memo. i mean, i don't get it. what is the significance that they're trying to use this memo and even use language like criminal and bring back richard nixon. i mean, connect the dots for me. i don't get it. 'it's being satd this is the smoking gun. they collected more smoking guns than a troupe of civil war reenactors. but they haven't produced anything significant. are they looking at what could have been done to prevent that attack to save those americans in benghazi? are they looking at what could be done to prevent such a thing from ever happening again? no. they're looking at what contributed to what susan rice said on the sunday talk shows,
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which my definition happened after the people in benghazi had already been killed. now, the white house by not pout putting out all the documents earlier gave them this opening to do this today, but ultimately, even if they prove that the white house had some involvement in drafting these talking points to try to dissuade people from thinking it was a terror attack, that's a pretty lame kind of a cover-up. because this administration said within days of the attack it was a terrorist attack. so were they having a cover-up so they could hide it from the public for three days? >> and congresswoman, it was bizarre, even over at fox. they talked about benghazi. it was open season over there, and listen to the attacks on hillary clinton. >> how hillary clinton could stand there and watch these caskets be brought in and fake this emotional response while lying to their faces. >> so there's a political direction these attacks are going, congresswoman.
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>> oh, my goodness. and why do you bring uphillry clinton again for? she's been vindicated by the committee that did an independent investigation that shows none of this came to her -- >> to say she was faking her response? faking a sympathy for the deceased? i mean, that's vulgar. >> it's vulgar and everybody can see it and that's why it has no credibility in the public. it does show you that they really are at the dregs now. there's nothing else to say, but they're going to keep on saying it anyway. >> you know, dana, a funny thing happened today when one gop congressman was talking about benghazi and the truth just popped out. listen to this. >> i think that we know exactly what happened. it's getting the proof to prove what happened that has been the
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biggest undertaking. >> so he knows exactly what happened. he just need the proof to prove it. doesn't that reveal what's behind all this scandal mongering, dana? >> that's almost exactly what chairman darrel issa said about the irs. we know there's a scandal and we're getting around to proving it. it's almost alice in wonderland here that you have the sentence before the verdict. >> we have the answer, let's go find the facts. >> congresswoman, the real thing that really, really troubles me is the important work that's not being done. since the gop took the house, we've seen a steep decline in congressional productivity. this chart dates back to 1947. so far the 113th congress has passed just 98 bills, the fewest
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ever 37 i mean, are republicans more interested in creating scandals than creating laws, congresswoman? >> they're on their way to breaking another of their own records. last year they set the record for the lowest productivity. they're trying to beat that record this time. the country is crying for policy. another of my committees is the transportation and infrastructure. due to come up with a service transportation bill. when you go out there, everybody -- that's the kind of all-american kind of bill. not sure if we're going to get anywhere close to it, we're running out of money in august. unemployment insurance, as the numbers rise, no interest, and that one is going to get them in trouble in november. >> dean that, give me the politics of this. i mean, they're playing to their base, but they're not really expanding beyond that, it appears to me. what is the politics here? >> well, as the congresswoman was saying, basically the whole idea of legislating this year
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has been cancelled. i think the house is going to be in for another 60 day ps. the entirety for the rest of the year. but very simply, november is going to be a base election, which means you fire up your base to get out as many of your own most loyal supporters as you can. so you do that by making them believe that the president is some sort of criminal and some sort of illegitimate character, and to boost the conservative republican turnout. it's an old tactic, but it's one that's going to be particularly tiresome since we're so early in the year and we've already abandoned any pretext that they're here to get some work done. >> but it certainly is a challenge to us. barack obama is not on the ballot. can we get our people to understand that the 2014 elections is almost as important as the 2012. >> no doubt about it. >> if they don't come out, the rest of the president's term may well be a loss. >>ening you're right. thank you so much to both of
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you. i've got to hold it there. let's also remind the people that in 2009, right after congress -- well, senator, then president barack obama was inauguratinged, that night they met and was plotting to undermine anything he did. and scandal after scandal after scandal in my judgment is part of that plan. and they will undermeine everything he does if they're able to take the senate. people need to know what's at stake this year. thank you for your time tonight. coming up, they just can't stand the president's health care law. but it has a name. it's called the affordable care act. yes, that hypocrisy ahead. plus, dick cheney is blasting president obama on foreign policy, but here's what i want to know. who thinks he's credible on this?
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who is inviting h him to capitol hill? and nba owners hold the first meeting to discuss the next step for removing donald sterling as owner. as the excitement builds for oprah winfrey to step in and buy the team, kareem abdul-jabbar, one of the greatest nba players of all time is here to talk about all of this. stay with us. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at
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>> lately, republicans want to have it both ways. repeal the law, but magically keep all of its popular provisions. the gop anti-health care message doesn't always come through on its members websites. take ohio's pat teaprairie. here's what he says about the law. >> this is not a common sense bill that became law. let's repeal the bill and replace it. >> but his website says nobody
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should be denied coverage because of a pre-existing position. too bad, he's against a law that covers them. and check out new york's tom reed. he's all about repeal. >> when the votes are cast tomorrow, i think ultimately the record will be clear. where each and every one of us stands and i stand and i hope all my colleagues stand with me to repeal this legislation. >> yep. he's standing strong. but on reed's website, he writes, i support coverage for young adults up to age 26 under their parents' policies. if you repeal the affordable health care act, guess what? it goes away. rodney davis can't put out a campaign ad without mentioning repeal. >> failed policies from washington are devastating small businesses and obama care is the
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worse of them all. i'll fight to repeal and replace obama care. >> and davis' website manages to squeeze repeal and pre-existing conditions into the same conditions. by repealing this law, we can begin to build on some of the good provisions in the law like covering pre-existing conditions and alouing young adults to stay on their parents' insurance by the age 26. no, by repealing the law you would lose those provisions. these guys are really struggling, so i'll help them out. there's a health care plan that includes people with pre-existing conditions, and lets young adults stay on with their parents plans. it's called the affordable care act. so here's my diagnosis. the party is suffering from a severe case of hypocrisy. joining me now is karen finney. they hate the health care law
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but somehow they want to cover young adults, people with pre-existing conditions. think they support sunshine and kittens, too? >> probably they do. and puppies and rainbows, of course. it's a very interesting strategy, rev. i think it's part of what we started to see last week as we saw when republican members were home in their districts having to try to explain to their constituents why they don't deserve health care under the affordable health care act. and as you know, many of the provisions are very popular. while they continue to demonize obama care, they're trying to cherry pick the things they know people like and say well, of course i'm for those things. >> house republicans aren't the only ones trying to pull this. listen to scott brown who first ran for office, railing against the health care law. >> i always felt that people should get some type of health care options or pay for it with a nice competitive feed. that's all great.
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i believe it in my heart. in terms of pre-existing conditions, catastrophic coverage, covering kids, whatever we want to do, we can do it. as a matter of fact, in new hampshire, i would encourage everybody to do a new hampshire plan that works for new hampshire, that deals with individual freedoms. it doesn't have mandates put on by bureaucrats in washington. a plan that is good for new hampshire, which can include the medicaid expansion for people who need that coverage. >> what scott brown is laying out there is basically the affordable health care act. does he hope people won't notice? >> it's the rose by any other name here, reverend .i mean, as they describe it, it's just so easy to bring about all these great reforms that everybody likes, but just do away with the parts that they've been railing against, like the individual mandate or whatever. but if you get rid of the individual mandate and the parts they like to complain about, you don't have a system that works for the other things.
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and this is why they were really worried about it comes into effect. because once people get all of these things that are popular, if you then go, well, we're going to take those away from you, it's not going to be such a pretty picture. >> you know, they did this in 2009 with the sfim lus bill. they fought about it, they argued, they did everything they could to castigate it, and then they went home and took credit for it. >> absolutely. remember, we saw the press releases they would send out to local media in home states or home districts saying very different things than what we heard them saying here in washington. you know, though, rev, this is a real important moment for democrats in this election season. the tide is really turning as more people are covered by the affordable care act or know someone who's covered by obama care. you know, it becomes less and less of a bad thing -- something to run away from and really something that people should be running towards and feeling, as
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the president has said, very good about having accomplished this. and really, i think pushing back on the republican, particularly those who voted for the ryan budget, because remember, the ryan budget would cut all of this. you can't possibly say that you're for these things if you then voted for a budget that would cut those things. >> you know, michelle, one of the right's favorite talking points was that only older sicker people would sign up. they called it the death spiral. remember that? listen to this. >> changes don't work 37 you wind up going into what they call the insurance death spiral. >> death spiral? scary. >> obama care is going towards a death spiral. >> this is that death spiral. >> death spiral. >> death spiral. >> what's called the insurance death spiral. >> you get into what they call that death spiral. >> we got updated enrollment numbers, michelle. more than 8 million people enrolled in exchanges, including 2.2 million between the ages of 18 and 34.
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i mean, doesn't that debunk that whole death spiral? >> you know, it does. and it's run of the reasons that the administration worked so hard in the final days of the run-up to when this went into effect to do things like get sports teams to pitch the sign-up plans, get celebrities to pitch it. they were in places where young people pay attention. social media. they knew that if they didn't hit those young number, that you would be hearing even more about the death spiral. so in that way, they were prepared. and they did a good job. and, you know, that doesn't mean we're not going to hear about it anymore, because it's not really a political attack grounded in the reality right now, but it makes a good talking point. but i think that the numbers are really going to help out the administration. >> give me the politics of this. the affordable care act is still not popular on the campaign trail, but the provisions are.
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what's the politics of this? >> welsh the politics are, again, people have got to stand by supporting the affordable care act and talk about the things that people like in it. i mean, because we know that's -- in every poll that we've seen, people like a lot of what's in it, even if they have been sold this bill of goods by, you know, conservatives and others to reject the label obamacare. so i think the politics are that democrats should really be running towards this and standing up for this. there's the example this weekend of rick scott couldn't even find people who don't like the affordable care act. he was trying so desperately. that should give people a lot of confidence that this plan is actually working. and people are actually getting the health care that they need and they should stand by it. >> even the republican running for the senate in west virginia is a little more moderate on this. >> well, it's one of those things if you're in a state that's kind of tricky or a swing
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state, you're not in a state where basically you were elected based on your hatred of obama care and your pledge to repeal it, you're going to have to toe a very careful line here, especially in states where a lot of people are going to benefit from this plan. these are people that are going to have affordable health care for the first time. you can't just say hey, i'm going to take that away from you. >> thank you both for your time tonight. and watch "disrupt" with karen finney at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. still ahead, a republican senator's stunning admission about the minimum wage. are they really willing to roll back 70 years of progress? but first, who gets tonight's gotc gotcha? dick cheney for attacking the president's foreign policy or the republicans who listen to him? find out next. [ dennis ] it's always the same dilemma --
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of. >> i would say he's back. but the truth is, he never really does go away. dick cheney was the invited guests for the republican sfud dicommittee's meeting this week. in an interview, after he told the hill, quote, the obama administration is taking a lot of steps to diminish our influence and ability to effect the course of affairs. excuse me? if anyone should talking about diminishing america, it's dick cheney. the man who lied to us -- lied us into a war in iraq on false pretenses, has no place, none, giving advice on foreign affairs. someone else has something to say about that recently, too.
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>> for some reason, many people who were proponents of what i considered to be a disastrous decision to go into iraq haven't really learned the lesson of the last deck wade. -- decade. and they keep on playing the same note over and over again. >> mr. cheney is playing the same note over and over again. but what about the house republicans who begged him to come to political in the first place. one republican said cheney has, quote, a lot of credibility when it comes to talking about foreign affairs. is that some kind of bad joke. do those house republicans think we wouldn't notice they're the ones losing credibility? nice try. but you're now invited to this "politics nation" club because we gotcha.
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yesterday the republican party blocked a vote to raise the federal minimum wage. and today a top republican senator says we should get rid of it all together. >> i don't believe you ought to interfere in the market. if there's to be a minimum wage, my theory is, if oklahomans want a minimum wage, we ought to have it. i don't believe there ought to be a national minimum wage. >> get rid of a livable wage all together? leave it up to the states? he thinks if his constituents want to raise it, let them vote on it themselves. except they can't. literally. just last month, coburn's home state of oklahoma banned an increase in the minimum wage. oklahomans couldn't raise the minimum wage if they wanted to. currently an average minimum wage worker earns just over $15,000 a year.
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coburn must think that's too much. and he's not alone. >> do you thi >> are you for abolishing the minimum wage? soo. >> we need to look at all the factors that goes into job creation and that's something congress would have to take a look at. >> i don't think a minimum wage law works. >> you don't not believe in the concept of a minimum wage? >> that's correct. >> you would abolish the minimum wage? >> correct. >> here's what's ironic about the whole issue, the gop doesn't like raising the minimum wage, but they also hate people using the social safety net. >> we need to make sure our government programs encourage work, not dependence. >> self-reliance means if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. >> teach a man how to fish, he can feed himself for a life. don't simply feed fish. >> don't feed fish. well, how about giving poor americans a fishing pole? if we raise the minimum wage to
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$10.10 an hour, we would reduce food stamp spending by $46 billion over the next 10 years. gop isn't just heartless on this issue, they're hypocrites. they're hypocrites, too. joining me now are susan milligan and goldie taylor. thank you both for come on the show tonight. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. >> susan, the gop is so opposed to the safety net, why won't they help lift people out of it by raising the minimum wage. >> well, it's an interesting question. there's a strong conservative argue to be made for raising the minimum wage. there's a study out of the university of illinois in the fast food industry alone it costs $7 billion a year in medicaid, in food stamps and the earned income tax credit because they're making so little money they can't possibly support their families on it. and in addition to which, there's an impact in the economy as a whole. our economy, of course, is
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overwhelmingly consumer driven. so when you have people making that little money and it's all they can do to try to put food on the table and pay rent, they're not out buying things. that's not helping other businesses in the economy. aside from just a moral question of creating this permanent underclass of people, you know, there's a broader economic question about how it affects all of the rest of us. >> goldie, senator coburn almost seemed like he was mocking the idea of raising the minimum wage. take a listen. >> the benefit is small, the cost of lost jobs is great. it goes against the free market principles. we don't know what the minimum wage should be. how did they pick $10.10. why not $100? >> i mean why not $22? why not $100. if they can't get $10.10, that might not be why they're going for $22. he acts as though it's just sot numbers out there.
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not considering one that that it's viable, and two, what is passable. we can't get $10.10 past the republicans in the house. >> you're certainly right about that, but what he doesn't say is if you rip away the minimum wage standard -- and by the way, the minimum wage standard and a number of the employment laws in this country are a part of our american values. that's to say we want to depress wages in a way we never have before. would he be all right if someone were earning $3 an hour? $4 an hour? is he okay that a full-time worker at today's minimum wage makes about $15,000? but that our poverty level in this country is about $11,600. is he okay with that? he ought to be okay with paying an extra bit for his hamburger so that person can feed a family. that person can go home at night
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and sleep well knowing they won't have to work a second job and take more time away from their family life or whatever work-life balance thing they want to invest themselves in. what we really ought to do is tie our minimum wage to, you know, the cost of living in this country. cost of living in this country has risen sharply while the minimum wage has remained stagnant over the last 15 to 20 years. we need to do something about that and do it quickly. >> let me go back to you, susan. the senate republicans blocked the vote on raising the minimum wage. but back when george with bush was president, 17 of the same gop senators voted for an increase in the minimum wage. same senators? >> well, yeah. this is -- i mean, the senate and the house especially are much more partisan than they used to be. you see less of, you know, this trend of people going across the party line. i think the republicans are under a lot of pressure from people in the business community
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not to raise the minimum wage because they're worried they would have to cut jobs and that would actually probably be the case. i'm not sure that -- you know, you have to weigh it against what kind of jobs are being cut. i think this is a pretty powerful issue for the democrats in the fall. they have a tough road this fall, just because of the the waif the numbers and the state where is incumbents have retired and so forth, but this and the extension of the the unemployment insurance are two of the most powerful tools the democrats have in the fall. >> what, goldie, do you think are the politics of this? susan thinks it's a strong thing for the democrats. how do they translate that into turnout and votes? tell me, for example, in georgia where you are. >> i do believe it's a strong thing for democrats. here in georgia, jason carter is running ahead of nathan deal who has been a strong republican in this state. and part of that is because this governor failed to expand medica medicaid.
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this governor is not in favor of raising the minimum wage. and so jason carter has shown himself to be someone on the side of the american worker in this day. i think governors and people running for governor across this country can take a cue from that. the fact of the matter is an overwhelming vast majority of americans want an increase in the minimum wage because they know how much it helps working families and how much heat it will take off of us as taxpayers as we supply the social safety net. no one wants to subsidize walmart or subsidize national multibillion dollar business like mcdonalds. i think they ought to be paying their own way. if workers are going to work their own way, these companies ought to pay their own way. >> you know, you mentioned how things have gotten more partisan, sue span you've also got billionaires pouring a lot of money into this. americans for prosperity, the conservative group backed by the koch brothers urged senators to vote no on the minimum wage hike yesterday. here's what the disgraceful --
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what's disgraceful about that fact. that we are seeing the koch brothers are worth a combined $80 and they're opposed to a full-time minimum wage worker earning just i should $21,000 a year. i mean this is really disgraceful to me. >> yeah .i mean, they're certainly getting a lo of the pressure there. i think the recession went on for so long and was so painful that there's this sense among some people that they can, you know, get workers into a mindset where they'll take any job no matter how badly it pays, and no matter what the benefits are and that they won't have any expectation of really being able to live decently. the problem is you'll eventually eliminate the middle class if you do that. keep in mind, when the minimum wage goes up, it has a ripple effect on other wages as well. just as when a lay boor union fights for a 40-hour work week or the weekend, that spills over
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into the private sector and place where is they don't have unions. that becomes the standard. one of the reasons they don't want to raise the minimum wage is they know that would have an impact just beyond these fast food workers and walmart workers. >> susan milligan and goldie taylor. i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you so much for your time this evening. >> thank you, rerverend. nba owners discussed the plan to remove donald steriling from nba ownership. so who would potentially buy the team? and who snould bhould buy the t? oprah winfrey's interest is guesting a loft of i a tension today. hey there can i help you? (whispering) sorry. (whispering) hi, uh we need a new family plan. (whispering) how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month.
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nba team owners took their first step towards removing donald sterling as the owner of the l.a. clippers today. the nba's advisory finance committee comprised of owners of ten teams met for the first time via conference call to discus their next steps and the nba has just released a statement. the committee unanimously agreed to move forward as expeditiously as possible and will reconvene next week. the number of celebrity sue mors
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lining up to bid for team ownership is growing rapidly. the biggest name in the mix, oprah winfrey, confirming she's interested in becoming part owner of the team. so what happens next? joining me now is kareem abdul-jabbar. he's worked as a special cyst coach for sterling at the clippers in 2000. and in this week, he wrote an article about the sterling scandal and the biggest issue of racism in this country. the one and only kareem abdul-jabbar. it's an honor to have you with us tonight. >> thank you very much, reverend. good to see you. >> what would you have said about moving forward with steriling? >> geez, i don't think there was probably a lot of discussion in if the meeting. inthere's pretty much a
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consensus of what mr. sterling exhibited was reprehensible and has no place in the nba family. and i think they probably got through with that meeting rather quickly. >> yeah, i was -- you know, a hall-of-famer called me saturday telling me about the tape and asking us to look at it and get involved. and i was very happy to see how it moved so quickly. because clearly those of us would have been ready to dig in. but it seems as though silver and the owners understood the gravity of what was on the tape. what happen do you think, though, will happen as we move forward from now and get into the fact that you've got to deal with the votes, the constitution says the commissioner has to present written charges to sterling within three days. sterling has fife days to respond. if he doesn't, it's considered an admission to the charges. the board of governors will hold a special hearing. no more than ten days after the
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reply and a vote on whether to force steriling to sell three fourths of the board must vote to sustain the charges. so we've go to go through the constitution now, but looming is, assuming all that goes well, who gets the team or who are the leading candidates? do you have a view on that, kareem? >> well, you know, i really don't think it's going to be a -- make much difference who gets the team. it's just the fact that we've been able to get mr. sterling away from the franchise and whatever happens with the franchise will happen. but the clipper fans are really happy about that. the players are happy about that. people can support the team now because there's a clear demar cake between the team and the owner of the team. and that's really the best thing that commissioner silver aechooefed. you know, he laid down the law and he has made it possible for people to see this in a different light. and maybe for some healing.
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so i think a very good job was done. and i commend everybody involved. >> and he seemed firm about it after i spoke to him after the press conference. he seemed very firm about it. but let me ask you this, when you see people like lebron -- let me play what lebron said yesterday. >> okay. >> the next step is for the owners to vote and get him to sell the franchise. and obviously it's not going to be as night and day. you know, it's not going to be like that. and we just wake up tomorrow and the team is in someone else's hand. but, you know, we need to get the next step going. it can't be something that we drag on.
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>> the whole idea that everybody got behind it, management, players, fans, everybody saw that it was the way it was handled made sense and we will move forward. that's what we need. we need progress here and the progress is happening and the activism of all the people that decided to stand up and speak is admirable. just a great thing to see. nice to see everybody coming together in this way. >> it really is. and moving so quickly. >> three or four days, we were able to get the league to take the initiative. or the association. your "time" magazine op-ed has got an lot of i a tension. you're critical of a lot of people, not just sterling. but your basic point is let's
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use this tawdry incident to remind ourselves of the old say, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. instead of being content to punish sterling and go back to sleep. we need to be inspired to seek out, expose and eliminate racism at its first signs. >> we don't have any other choice. you know? and it's for everyone. it's everyone's problem. it's not just the problem of the nba or basketball players or sports openers or anything like that. it's every american's problem to make sure it's a problem for every american and we all need to work together to the make sure that it doesn't get worse. >> well, kareem, i'm going to have to leave it there. i know you and i have worked together on a football -- i mean on a basketball film that's coming out and i'm looking forward to it. >> oh, yeah. the greatest, rev. talks all about these issues about integrating the game so
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early on back in the 1940s. >> well, i enjoyed doing it with you and i three-point a lot of success, a lot of people watch it. kareem abdul-jabbar, thank you very much for joining us to night. >> great talking with you. coming up, a u.s. senator goes to the floor of the senate and makes some really awful comments. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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>> developing news tonight in the chris christie george washington bridge mystery. according to a source in the "bergen record" the pace of the federal investigation appears to be picking up. federal prosecutors have summoned or expressed interest in talking to nearly half a dozen port authority officials, including phillip kwan, the port authority deputy general counsel who is also a christie appointee. tonight, we learn mr. kwan has been subpoenaed. and this is very significant. because "the wall street journal" reported kwan spent parts of four to five days he helping to prepare bill baroni, the authority's deputy executive director for testimony in front of the new jersey legislature. it was that testimony where baroni said the lane closings were part of a traffic study. the traffic study claim is just not true.
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you can see mr. kwan sitting in the room. we will continue to watch this story. peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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one senator went to the floor yesterday aechb made some really awful comments. listen. >> oklahomans regularly ask me and i don't think it's unique to oklahoma. it can be almost any state, but how they regularly ask me why we have an administration that suppresses our judeo-christian values while praising islam. >> suppressing judeo-christian values while praising islam? we know what the senator is doing here, this is a blatant divisive, ugly tactic. it is playing on the fears of some while outright lying on the values of this administration when it comes to what is stood
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for across all religious lines, but particularly a president that says he is personally committed as a christian. why do we have anything, anything close to trying to play religious divisiveness and trying to castigate people's basic beliefs. win on the merits, not by playing these kinds of games. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. we're back to benghazi. let's play "hardball." good evening i'm chris matthews in philadelphia. let me start tonight with this -- a newly disclosed e-mail from deputy national security adviser ben rhodes has reignited the benghazi firestorm on the hard right. senator lindsay graham has
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