tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 2, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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>> seattle is the city to watch right now to see how this all unfolds. congressman, have a great weekend. jim mcdermott from seattle. that's "the ed show" "politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> right now, right now, good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, president obama is creating jobs and republicans can't handle it. the new jobs report today shows the unemployment rate has now dropped to 6.3%. that's the lowest since september 2008. for the third straight month, the economy added over 200,000 jobs. we've still got a long way to go.
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for years, the right wing called president obama a socialist, a communist, a marxist. they've been trotting out the exact similar talking point over and over and over again. >> where are the jobs? >> where are the jobs? where are the jobs? where are the jobs? where are the jobs? the american people are continuing to ask the question, where are the jobs? >> where are the jobs? it's ridiculous. here are the jobs. before president obama came into office, the city was bleeding private sector jobs. the private sector has now added jobs for 50 straight months. today president obama says he's going to keep fighting. >> there's plenty more that congress should be doing from raising the minimum wage to creating good construction jobs to rebuilding america.
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and i want to work with them wherever i can. i must make sure every american who works hard has a chance to get ahead. >> but americans are still not ready to face reality. here's what the head of the republican party said today. >> the regime claims that 280,000 jobs were created in april. now, nobody would suggest that the regime is cooking the books in the run-up to the midterm election. they would never do that. except that we know they did do that before the 2012 elections. >> what rush limbaugh knows could fit in a thimble. here's the truth. the economy is getting better and president obama is creating jobs. republicans should get onboard or get out of the way. joining me now are melissa
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harris prairie and jarrod bernstein. thank you both for being here. melissa, how do republicans explain all these jobs being created by our socialist president? >> look, the -- what we have seen in this republican party, they are impervious to data. they simply don't need to update their talking point in any way based on the reality of evidence. so we see this also in how they behave about obama care, right? consistently calling it a failure, even though the affordable care act has extended coverage now to more than 8 million people. so similarly around -- >> and counting. >> right. as a starting point, right? so it is similar on the jobs front where they can simply keep asking the question, where are the jobs, despite the fact that there is a clear answer. it's as though they've become deaf when that answer is provided. >> you know, jared, eric cantor responded to today's jobs
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report, we can't just sit back and cross our fingers every month. what's he talking about? 50 straight months we saw jobs created. what's he talking about sitting back and cross our fingers? >> well, in fact they've kind of sat back and done everything they can to actually slow the rate of job growth. the president back years ago aftered numerous ideas to accelerate the rate of job growth. one clip you showed earlier is extremely important, which is to invest in our public infrastructure. you and melissa are absolutely right. they're impervious to data. you heard rush limbaugh trying to cast aspersions on the bureau of labor statistics cooking the books and saying that they did. i want every viewer to know that's absolutely,
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unconditionalunconditiona unconditionally, totally fall. and how he can say that with a straight face -- well, i don't know. i can't even put myself in that position. it's one thing to be impervious to data, and then you go and attack the actual folks who collect the data. it's just silly. >> it's clear what's what they do. when you look at the facts, melissa. you look at the state and local public sector jobs since right before the bush recession. it shows a loss of over 600,000 jobs since august of 2008. in recent months, these jobs have slowly started to come back. but republicans are still obsessed with cutting public sector budgets. >> yep. and this goes really to that moment when they attack the information gathering space. it's a danger about understanding how our economy works and where our jobs exist.
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clear, strong powerful growth during the entire obama administration. but at the same time, you see the decline in local and state jobs. those are largely in states governed by republican governors in addition to the u.s. congress. the republican house then take ace way the republican sector jobs and you don't get a sense of the robust economic recovery. >> let's compare jared, the obama and bush presidencies when it comes to private sector jobs. president obama has created 5.6 million jobs so far. president bush lost 646,000 jobs. the bush trickled down tax cutses for the rich agenda didn't work. so why are republicans still pushing it?
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a lot of this has to do with president bush leaving office amidst a deep recession. and president obama many, many nights over is presiding over an expansion that is very clearly showing up in job growth. and again, as i've said, and the president says, we could and we should be doing better, but for policies that i think have pushed the other way. and i can think of no better example of exactly the wrong kinds of policies in a situation like this, than this trickle down idea. the idea that you cut taxes at the very top in order to enrich folks who, by the way, are the ones doing the best anyway, and somehow their economic activity will trickle down to everyone else. in fact, what we've seen is that much of the growth in income, we've been talking about jobs, much of the growth in income really has done an end-run
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around the middle class. and this trickle down stuff has been shown to be a failure many times over. >> that's part of why the president is pushing this increase in the minimum wage which you've been talking about. the very idea that because so many of these jobs were not created with the kinds of jobs we remember from the '40s and '50s and '60s, those jobs that come from government often, part of what the president and the democratic party is now doing is saying we've got to raise that floor in order to make that wage -- >> that's my point. because we see an increase for 50 straight months in the private sector jobs. not in the public sector, because they keep blocking infrastructure, jobs bill, anything that the public would want -- the public sector would be able to link into or weigh into to see job development. they're the ones that have stopped that.. >> absolutely. >> and we should remember many
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of those jobs in the public sector are quite good public sector jobs. i'm not disparaging jobs in the low wage sector. we're talking about teachers, we're talking about folks who are in blue collar maintenance -- >> first responders. >> exactly. these are decent jobs for middle class folks. >> and i think we've got to be very clear that despite them handcuffing the public sector, any proposal, infrastructure, as i said, jobs, building, all of that. the president was able to get it in the mooift sector. that 6.3% of unemployment would be much lower. >> that's right. and people would feel it more, right? there would be more of a sense of that robustness. again, when they keep saying that the economy is bad, that there aren't jobs, part of what that does is, you know, decrease consumer confidence. that decreases spending. it mare what is we say about this.
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>> and they know it. thank you both for your time. have a great weekend. and make sure you catch melissa harris perry weekends at 10:00 a.m. eastern, right here on msnbc. coming up, remember when the health care law was going to be a jobs killer? we'll look at how the gop's favorite talking point is going the way of death panels. plus, republicans jump the shark with their ridiculous scandal mania. you've got to hear what they're trying to do now, t to secretarf state john kerry. and just in time for tomorrow cease white house correspondent dinner, we'll look at how president obama uses humor to take his critics down a bit. >> no one is prouder to put thf berth certificate matter to have rest than the donald. and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like did
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>> republicans have spent four years saying anything to attack president obama's health care law. but remember their favorite line. they called it a job killer. >> in my opinion, obama care is the biggest job killer we have in america today. >> it's also a job kill per. >> putting a chilling effect on job creation. >> it's become such a job killer in our economy. >> obama care is the biggest job killner this country. >> obama care is crushing our economy. it's killing jobs. >> the number one job killer in the united states, do you know what tos? obama care. >> so now that the affordable care act is in full swing, it must be killing jobs, left and right. except that's not what we're seeing.
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the economy gachbed 288,000 last month, putting it at the lowest level since october 2008. 50 months of private sector job growth. 50 months. and guess what? when that trand started? guess when? march of 2010, the month the affordable care act passed. so if the law is such a job killer, why did we see such a turnaround, beginning the month it passed? and why are there more jobs in the health care industry? we saw more than 1,000 new health care jobs last month. with nearly 64,000 more this year. the health care law is working and more americans are working now, too, because of it. joining me now is e.j. dionne and governor ed rendell. so e.j., health care as a job killer, are you sad to say goodbye to that talking point?
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>> i think the only people whose jobs being killed by obama care are those who write anti-obamacare talking points. they've got to go back and figure out something else. i guess that's why they're talking so much about benghazi. there are els omt this law, a lot of us talk about the medicaid expansion because it's going to get more americans health insurance, and that's a good thing. getting those folks health insurance is actually very good for local hospitals, particularly community hospitals, particularly hospitals that serve low become people. so there are a lot of net pluses in obama care. and in any event, it was never going to bring down the economy the way they said. but i'm not sure that's going to stop them from their investment in the job killer world.
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i think they're just addicted to it. >> you know, governor, we learned this week, enrollment in health care exchanges was even higher than expected in seven states with competitive senate races. you know, and some democrats are using the numbers to go on the offensi offensive. louisiana's mary landrieu said i will not allow private health coverage to be taken away from those 102,000 heart working louisianians. we are not going back to a time when many of them were one health emergency away from financial ruin. a red state democrat touting health care encontrolment. have we turned a corner here? >> we have. and to e.j.'s point, if the governor accepted a medicaid expansion, that alone would bring $1.2 billion new dollars to pennsylvania and bring $110
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million to pennsylvania hospitals, but to your point, rev, there's no question that this is turning around. in north carolina, for example, where kay haguen is under attack for obamacare. 328,000 north carolinians signed fuper t up for the affordable care act. that's an awesome amount, almost 200% more than the original projections by the administrati administration. that that's covering their families as well. particularly the other side of the coin, they keep saying they want to repeal and replace.
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>> isn't that a tough spot to take away health care from tens of thousands of people? >> oh, it is. we said all along, just as it was, it's impossible to repeal medicare. and it's impossible to repeal social security. i think to governor rendell's point on this turnaround, in all of these states, all of these seven state, you are running ahead of projections on the number of people who are going to get health care. the reason the republicans can't come up with an alternative is because every time they try to do all the popular things that obama care does, they want to be able to say we're not going to take that away from you. they end up with a bill that looks an awful lot like obama care. they have to start all over again.
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>> you mentioned they have no plan. a new article out today about the health care alternative show that they really still have no plan. one congressman says they need to get behind a comprehensive bill. kathy mcmorris rogers says they're still working on it. and the article will va it's easier if the legislation is treat eed as a broad agenda. so even if they come up with a plan, they might not even try to vote on this this year. doesn't that show you that this really is not serious? >> e.j. said they don't want to get rid of the popular things. prescription drugs for seniors. you can't be disqualified for health care for pre-existing
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illnesses. getting rid of the yearly and lifetime caps on the amount of money an insurance company has to pay off if you get sick. and the problem for them a en's an insurmountable problem, that's their biggest point. without the mandate, we can't get enough young, healthy people into the mix to cover the costs of eliminating the insurance company's ability to disqualify you for a pre-existing illness. to pay for the prescription drug for the seniors. you need the mandate. there is no feasible plan where they can keep the good stuff and get rid of the mandate. it just doesn't add up, as president clinton did. >> thank you both for your time tonight. have a great weekend. >> you, too, rev.
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who needs facts when you have darrell issa. he's taking the gop scandal machine to a new low. plus, we'll look at president obama's secret weapon. humor. it's how he knocks down the laughable attacks from his critics. >> some folks still don't think i spend enough time of congress. why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell.
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the united statesar for years. >> tonight, i can report to the american people and to the world the united states has killed bin laden, the leader of al qaeda. >> osama bin laden was dead in a daring raid ordered by the commanding chief. republicans couldn't handle the news. they tried to down play it, they tried to give credit to president bush, but the news destroyed the republicans' perceived advantage on national security issues. and that's why the right wing has been so eager to exploit the tranl diin benghazi. they're desperate to attack the president on national kurt. and that desperation has sunk to a new low. that's next. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer.
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[ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ hey there can i help you? (whispering) sorry. (whispering) hi, uh we need a new family plan. (whispering) how about 10 gigs of data to share and unlimited talk and text. (whispering) oh ten gigs sounds pretty good. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes! (whispering) we'll take it.
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a positive agenda in the country so they're going negative on benghazi. a subpoena was issued for john kerry to testify about benghazi. one democrat called the subpoena shockingly disrespectful. they didn't invite kerry. they didn't give him the courtesy of the heads-up. they didn't even check his schedule to see if he could attend the hearing they're planning, which he can't since he'll be in mexico that day. but it's all for the right wing base. >> it is following a track, i think, very similar to watergate. you do anything you can to pry this stall hinist administration open. it's orwellian. >> do not miss brett baier's special tonight about benghazi. >> the obama administration was derelict in the benghazi attack and was dishonest in the aftermath. and the national press doesn't give a damn? >> to me, the equivalent of what was discovered with the nixon tapes.
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>> it's watergate, it's orwellian? they can't give enough of this fake scandal. we've seen this phony scandal machine before. a.c.o.r.n., fast and furious, the irs, republicans don't have a real agenda, so they're desperate to gin up a scandal, any scandal. because they don't have a positive agenda. joining me now are jo madison and bill press. thank you for being here. >> hi, reverend al. >> do republicans really think the american people don't know what's going on here? >> that's what they think, but they think incorrectly. an to add to the -- what you said, this congress led by republicans, particularly in the house of representatives supported the senate if i'm not mistaken, they have passed fewer legislative bills. then in other words, make law than any congress since world
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war ii. or the beginning of world war ii. >> today, big news, the president held after joint press conference with the chancellor of germany. big news, big news for everyone except fox. they cut away from it. watch. >> all right, we were waiting for others to ask questions. we know that the next question coming up is from a german reporter. we are not anticipating that would be about the situation with benghazi, which is breaking news since the president has been talking really. so really, if in fact, somebody throws him a question on this topic, we'll go back to that joint news conference. >> gee wiz. amazing. >> there's literally only one thing to talk about, benghazi. >> first of all, i was at that
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news conference today, reverend al. there was some very important stuff that came out of there about ukraine, about the possibility of new sanctions. and i thought very, very important angela merkel herself raised the issue of nsa and how they've got some real differences with the united states in how we protect the rights of individual citizens while fighting terrorism. very important stuff. but fox news was upset because president obama did not adopt the fox news agenda and no reporter asked a question about benghazi. and i'll tell you what, because any reporter with any real sense knows that benghazi is a phony scandal and it has been from the very beginning. september 11, 2012, before we even knew the ambassador was killed, while the attack was going on, mitt romney blamed it
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on president obama and the republicans have been using it as a political football ever since. >> you know, congressman darrell issa threw around wild accusation against the obama administration yesterday. listen to this. >> it is disturbing and perhaps criminal in violation of any precedent at least since richard millhouse nixon. >> he said this was the most corrupt president, then he took it back. but i mean, they have gone really wild with a lot of their statements. >> and one of the the things that fox news did, and i found this out, too, is the next speaker is, of course, the ranking member, elijah cummings. well, guess what, they didn't cover what elijah cummings had to say, which was counter, of course, to what the share had to
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say. they did the same thing at the conscious mall hearing that they did at the news conference. and so we see that the game here that is being made. i ask what is the sdpliem the only crime we've seen is one e-mail that has talking points in it for an administration for t going on the talk shows. >> what are they accusing someone of doing based on this e-mail? and bill, what duke of this notion of subpoenaing john kerry, who is not even the secretary of state at the time. he was in the senate with them.
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>> darrell isa is totally irresponsible. you're right, the first thing you do is you invite someone to testify. if they refuse over and over and over again, you might use the subpoena power. they never even -- they never called secretary kerry's office. i would also like to ask darrell issa, does he remember who was secretary of state when benghazi happen? it wasn't john kerry. and you know, the other thing, how many hearings? i tried to find out today, how many hearings darrell issa has meld on benghazi. they can't even tell you. they lost count. >> they want to do this because of the bin laden anniversary, reminding you of that, and because of the failed iraq war that ended up being on flawed to
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false is premises. they're desperate to make something that's just not there. >> i ghaurn tee you john kerry is going to clean issa's clock. i guarantee you that. they have picked on the wrong guy. enos how that senate works. he's going to clean their clock. they're priming the pump. >> have a great weekend. >> coming up, you won't believe what republicans are up to this weekend in the land of scott walker. and if you think some of these gop attacks are laughable, you're in good company. so does the president. how he uses humor to take down his critics. these don't look clean.
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>> no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth receive tiff cat mess than the donald. that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter, like did we fake the moon landing? what really happened in roszwell and where is biggie and tupac. obviously we know about your breath of experience. for example, just recently, in an episode of "celebrity apprentice" at the steak house, the men's cooking team did not impress the judges from omaha steaks. and there was a lot of blame to go around. but you, mr. trump, recognized that the real problem was a lack of leadership.
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and so ultimately you didn't blame lil john or meatloaf. you fired gary busey. and these are the kinds of decisions that would keep me up at night. >> somehow, i don't think the donald thought that was too funny. t the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service.
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torgt night is the annual white house correspondent dinner. it's become a night for hollywood and d.c. elite to mings and mingle. but the tradition has evolved into something else, too. an opportunity for president obama to show off his comedic chops. and as "the daily beast points out, this night has given him an opportunity to poke fun at his critics and their laughable attack, like the birther crowd. >> tonight for the first time, i am releasing my official birth video. now, i warn you no one has seen this footage in 50 years. not even me.
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but let's take a look. [ lion king playing ] ♪ the circle of life [ applause ] >> that was a good one. but how about this one about the gop's failed outreach effort? >> i know republicans are still sorting out what happened in 2012, but one thing that they all agree on is they need to do a better job reaching oit to minorities.
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and look, call me self-centered, i can think of one minority they can start with. hello. >> each year, the president has been able to expose those on the other side of the aisle for their obstructionism, their failed economic policies even their conspiracy theorys. >> michelle bachmann is here, i understand, and she's thinking about running for president, which is weird because i hear she was born in canada. yes, michelle, this is how it starts. of course, the deficit is a serious issue. that's why paul ryan couldn't be here tonight. his budget has no room for laughter.
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some folks still don't think i spend enough time for congress. why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell. >> if the last couple of years were just a warm-up act, i can't wait to see what he has in store for the gop tomorrow night. joining us now, chuck you're a comedian. is laughter the best way to take down some of these critics? >> oh, absolutely. when you speak around the trooet instead of directly to it, you allow the truth to speak for itself. and that's what president obama does with the white house correspondent dinner. he speaks around the truth and he takes the ridiculousness of the other side's views and lets it be dwsh they become the joke.
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so he's making the joke and making them a joke at the same time. which has a delicious irony to it. >> andrea, you've been to a lot of these events, and you've been around washington. what is the effect of using humor, what's the effect on opponents and what's the effect on the public watching? >> sieng the public gets to see, the only b thing that's really changed is the tone. this is on their airwaves every day and they say it with a straight face. so when they hear it from the president, they think oh, this is kind of ridiculous. these are their facts, these are things they put it every single day and it's just unreal. i think the greatest thing about it is is you get to watch folks laughing, and maybe some folks like the donald don't think it's funny at all and there's other that's grimacing because there's that wonderful painkiller smile to sober them. >> the president has been able to expose just how absurd some
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of the conspiracy theories of the right wing are. >> i have to admit, i'm not the strapping young muslim socialist i used to be. you remember a few months ago, my administration put out a photograph of me going skeet shooting at camp david. do you remember that? quite a number of people insisted that this has been photoshopped. but tonight, i have something to confess you were right. can we see show them the actual photo? i'm also hard at work on plans for the obama library. and some have suggested that we put nit my birthplace, but i would rather keep it in the united states. >> i mean, he's just -- and his timing -- >> timing. as a comedian, if he repeats this performance this year, he will be the best that ever did it.
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now, i know there will be detractors that say the reason he's so good is he's just distracting us from benghazi. the truth of the matter is nobody is better at -- he's got the swag. he's got the timing. he knows how to wait to let the joke unfurl. and that's what makes him so much funnier than any other president that's done this. >> i've seen a few. i've got to say obama is probably the top of the list that i've seen. but bill clinton was good. watch this. >> i wish i could be here more, but i really think bill has everything under control. >> wait, wait, wait! >> the president's schedule just as busy as ever. he's just doing different things.
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>> this is when the first lady was running for the u.s. senate and he had nothing to do, he was on his way out. of the white house. it was pretty funny. but president obama has a biting kind of pointed humor with great timing. >> absolutely. and, you know, the great thing about obama is that last year, if you remember, from the start, he walked out to a rap song fresh off of an electoral victory that was pretty convincing, and the song was all i do is win, win, win no matter what. and you know there was a certain section of his detractors going wait a minute, this muslim kenyan socialist actually listens so rap music, too? i'm sorry, that's the straw that broke the camel's i want my country back. >> is there a wrong way to tell a joke at one of these. i'll never forget when george bush -- well, let me play for
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you when he did as a joke that really fell flat, even caused some hushes in the room. >> ladies and gentlemen, i present a white house election year album. those weapons of mass destruction got to be somewhere. nope, no weapons over there. >> i mean, that for some of the people in the room was like, are we really joking about this? >> right, there are clearly jokes that border or just squarery fall into tacky. and unfortunately, we lost a lot of lives and spent a lot of this country's money on a war based on weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. so he had the material there just like the president has the material, but the difference is, this is him creating a debacle, not the president falling victim to something because they think he's going to talk out to all i do is win because he does have jay-z on his ipod that's totally
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different. i think the president has a great way of exercising judgment, whether it's for serious matters or for funny matters. he's going to do a great job whether it's making fun of himself and the selfie he took earlier this year ortizing them about irs or benghazi scandals not because lives were lost or the way he went about it. we lost obamacare now it's time to get back to the real scandals. we'll do a lot of that tomorrow. >> how do you tell a difference of what is working, what is not, what is appropriate, what is not. >> we're very social crow churs and the room takes on a collective consciousness. and you feel that ripple like, you know, when bush said that, the problem is that we -- that was really serious. and we didn't find weapons of mass destruction and we started a war over it. you know? when obama says why don't you have a drink with mitch mcconnell, what comes to your
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mind is the awesome good time it would be to have a drink with mic mitch mcconnell. >> or not. >> that was special. thank you for your time. have a great weekend to both of you. some republicans in wisconsin have weekend plans that are a joke. but not funny at all. i'll explan. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years.
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. >> it. >>'s big spring weekend coming up and there's lots going on all over the country. as we talked about tomorrow night, the who's who of hollywood and washington will gather at the white house correspondent dinner. and tomorrow also the 140th running of the kentucky derby. in the nba playoffs, the l.a. clippers will try to end their rough week by winning their series against the warriors. it's a big weekend in wisconsin, too. the state's gop convention kicks
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off tomorrow and the top item on the agenda, a vote on secession. that's right, the state gop will vote on whether they endorse wisconsin's right under extreme circumstances to secede from the union. extreme circumstances. the whole idea is extreme. but its supporters don't seem to think it's a big deal. one wisconsin republican wrote on his plog, quoblog, secession american as apple pie. as american as apple pie? secession is what southerners used to try to preserve slavery with. it's what started the civil war. only a small fraction of the wisconsin gop is actually supporting this absurd proposal. but the fact that it's even up for discussion is outrageous and silly. what gets me is the people that always come up with this sigh
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they're the real patriots. they really love the country that they're trying to provide and split. some very good news. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. the jobless rate down to 6.3%. the number of new jobs created, catch this, 288,000, way more than a quarter million. this is just in the one month of frill. the stock market this week hit its highest level in american history, more than doubling since president obama's
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