tv Up W Steve Kornacki MSNBC May 4, 2014 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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there's not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. the morning after washington's biggest night. >> good morning from washington with where the cleanup has begun in more than a few locals are waking up to hangovers after the white house correspondents dinner and the parties that followed. there were plenty of laughs. no subject seemed taboo. some of the jokes pushed the edge in a way that made the crowd uncomfortable at times. president obama began the annual speech with a self-deprecating ak knowledgement ha the last year has been rough for him politically. >> at one point things got so
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bad the 47% called mitt romney to apologize. in 2008 my slogan was yes, we can. in 2013 my slogan was control-alt-delete. >> the dinner was the president's chance to turn the tables on washington to get in jabs at the press. some of his political opponents, too. >> washington seems more dysfunctional than ever. gridlock has gotten so bad in this town you have to wonder, what did we do to piss off chris christie so bad? >> of course it's an election year. the midterms are on everyone's mind including the president who wondered what role he'll play as the campaign unfolds. >> of course now that it's 2014, washington is obsessed on the midterms. folks are are saying with my sagging poll numbers my fellow
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democrats don't really want me campaigning with them. kwo think that's true although i did notice the other day sasha needed a speaker at career day and she invited bill clinton. >> obama's biggest laugh of the night came when he turn theed attention to the biggest thorns in his side, speaker john boehner. >> i'm feeling sorry for the speaker of the house as well. these days the house of republicans actually gives john boehner a harderer tile than they give me. which means orange really is the new black. >> the night is about washington society mixing with big stars from hollywood. some of whom portrayed d.c. figures and get to partake in a prespeech video. >> we can write any headline we want? >> knock yourself out. go to it.
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>> the headline i'd like to write is "selena myers sworn in as president" but all in good time. yes. we can all look directly into the camcamera, kevin . the point is, you're not supposed to. >> then there is the comedian, the headline entertainer whose job is to roast pretty much everyone in attendance. this year it was joel mchale from "community," host of "the soup" on e! he wasted no time hitting the president where it hurts. >> it's amazing you can still bring it with fresh hilarious material. my favorite bit was when you said you'd close the detention facility at guantanamo bay. that was a classic. that was hilarious. >> last night was a big an sersry for the white house correspondents association. it was the 100th anniversary. a milestone. president obama didn't overlook it. >> thauz this is the 100th
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anniversary of the association i recorded an additional brief video thanking all of you for your hard work. can we run the video? >> con -- >> what's going on? i was told this would work. does anybody know how to fix this? oh, thank you. you got it? >> i got this. i see it all the time. >> there. >> that's kathleen sebelius making a cameo. here to talk about the speech, what worked, what didn't we have montana governor brian shh wietser an nbc contributor. april ryan, white house correspondent and washington bureau chief with the american urban radio network and
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secretary of the white house correspondents association. she was up there on stage with the first lady and joel mchale. we'll ask about that. also michael steele, formerer chairman of the rnc. welcome. i don't know how late everybody was out? >> too late. >> you seem in good spirits. >> i'm watching on tv. i keep seeing shots of you up there. you were presenting awards with the first lady. what was the president talking with you about before going up there? >> we talked about a lot of things. kids, so many different things. he did the tell me that chris christie was going to get it. it was interesting to hear the
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room. especially when you heard the crowd go ooh and he said the roller coaster situation. last night washington showed up at the anniversary dinner. in washington we are politically correct. out in the world, twitter was abuzz with joel mchale's quotes, comments, his speech. everyone in the room said, oh, he went there. you didn't want to laugh. i was on stage and i are really didn't -- there were things i cringed on. sometimes we have a right to be. but at the same time there are people outside of washington. the young people liked his skit. >> we were talking about it on the show yesterday. the channel for a comedian. you don't know exactly where the line is. it exists.
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he had a squoek about the kardashians. i gasp ed when i heard it. otherses seemed -- >> it was very blue. >> did you like that? >> there were a couple of jokes like that. the president's line about, you know, i want to tell you about negroes. it was perfect. it linked together what we as a country have been talking about. it brought in cliven bundq. it was a nice bow. i didn't mind him going there. people are are uptight. they need to loosen the corset. it was fun to relax in the moment and enjoy. >> that's supposed to be whether the president is republicans or democrats, it's the night when
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the opposition party cannot take everything literally. i saw conservative websites immediately jumping on some of the obama stuff, joel mchale stuff. do you think most will? >> do you know what was an interesting transition for me to watch last night having had the fortune of going to a couple of dinners? fox wasn't the dominant target. >> right. >> the conservative thing was not the dominant piece of what the president had to go after. what squojoel had to go after. it goes to the point that cnn was in the bull's eye last night with pretty stinging comments. >> c-span. [ speaking smul t ining at the ] >> you cannot make it all about me in that moment. it's not your part p of a narrative that the comedian or
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the president is going to talk about. just roll with it. i have been in the room when the president goes, hey, is michael steele here? yeah, what's up? you're like, okay. >>s it was equal opportunity. how about the line about if hillary is the next president she'll work for 30% less. >> that was from joel mchale. this clip, speaking of hillary, and the president's routine, let's play this one. >> it's a long time between now and 2016. anything can happen. you may have heard the other day hillary had to dodge a flying shoe at a press conference. [ laughter ] >> i don't want to read too much into it. we played the joke with obama
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saying sasha asked to take bill clinton to school. i feel like if there is any sub text joe biden might be miffed after last night. the point of the jokes is like, all right, the obama administration will come to an end. hillary is next. forget about the vice president. >> there is truth in jokes. hillary clinton was able to shine a little bit this there. also joe biden. we saw a sexy joe biden. >>did we? >> i think so. >> the video? >> yeah. joe are biden wasn't at the dinner. he doesn't come. he doesn't like taking his weekends to come to the dinner which he should. we are pushing for him to come next year, i guess. we saw a joe biden that was confident, cocky, kind of obama-clintonesque. getting a tattoo, driving a fast car with the with aviator glasses. in the middle of the dinner we were talking about joe biden and
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aviators. i said i can't get around a sexy joe biden. that's the first perception. the look of a candidate. how does he appeal to you? that's the first thing. hillary clinton with the shoe. you know, it's a friendly adversarial relationship right now. when they get in the trenches it will be real. >> the first time the term "sexy" joe biden has been on the show. the elite in washington, d.c. attack joe biden and the more popular he is across the country. he's the regular guy. that's the kind of people that people vote for. >> if people saw the video last night, biden came off well in that, i thought. >> absolutely. i was very impressed. the whole thing with the two veeps was just great with the yellow sports car and the glasses, the whole thing.
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he was just joe cool. >> exactly. >> it was something everyone could relate to. to your point about the twitter field, it did light up. people like to see that side joe. he was laughing, having fun a little bit. peel like that. what does it mean in the broader scheme of washington with politics? probably not much. as a narrative about the man. >> exactly. >> it's good. >> they are trying to change him. he's a man who we perceive as a man who will put his foot in his mouth. now you want to ride in the car, go to the tattoo parlor -- i'm not advocating tattoos. >> you were up this there on stage and did you get a sense afterwards either from the president or from joel mchale how they felt they had done? could you pick up a sense of
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that? >> with joel i said, you are did a great job. the post-mortem is now set in. we'll see what everyone says. we started getting it afterwards. with we found out about the blow ups on twitter. a lot of of the room wasn't necessarily clapping, applauding, gut wrenching laughter. it's about what you are say tonight will make or break your career. he made a point to the twitter world and people watching. so it was a win for joel mchale. >> he was tentative to begin with. he was 80-20 reading his notes. he finished strong. it was only 20% looking at the notes. while we are talking about game, the republicans said barack obama is a cold fish and he can deliver a good speech with a teleprompter. his timing was great. the jokes were good. his facial expression killed it. he was pretty dang good. >> there might have been a
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teleprompter malfunction with the slide show. he carried on right through it smoothly. >> i think that was a set-up. >> maybe for the end. i have to squeeze in a break. we talked about joel mchale. we haven't talked about the barbs directed at chris christie. >> yeah. >> i will be the first to say some of it wasn't fair. >> we'll sow you his reaction to it when we come back. alright, that should just about do it. excuse me, what are you doing? uh, well we are fine tuning these small cells that improve coverage, capacity and quality of the network. it means you'll be able t post from the breakroom. great! did it hurt? when you fell from heaven (awkward laugh) ...a little.. (laughs) im sorry, i have to go. at&t is building you a better network.
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i didn't know i was going to tell it. but i take full responsibility for it. whoever wrote it will be fired. but the buck stops here. i will be a pan and oman and ow just as soon as i get to the bottom of how it happened. i was unaware it happened until just now. i have a blue ribbon commission of me to investigate the joke i told. if i find wrongdoing on my part i assure you, i will be dealt with. i just looked into it. it turns out i'm not responsible for it. justice has been served. [ applause ] >> there is a taste of joel mchale. he said he's going after chris christie. he definitely did. that was an extended riff there. tafs mostly about bridge investigate. otherwise all the jokes were
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about his weight. i'm curious if that's still fun question. chris christie responded after the dinner what do you think of this? this is from the washington post. he said, listen, beerks it's better to be relevant than i ignored. that was christie's response. what did you make of of the jokes joel mchale directed at christie? >> the size jokes were over the to top. what you wear, what you said, what your policy is, maybe hit it one time. he hit it too many times. a lot of america is going to say, well, to whatever extent america watches, he went over the top on his weight. >> at this point we have been hearing the jokes for five years. when did d'oh they stop? it's like the bush dumb jokes. >> they're still funny, by the way. >> is christie right? i guess this is what you've got
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to say. is it better to be the butt of the joke at something like this than not to be mentioned at all? >> yeah. absolutely it is. from the standpoint of, you know, as long as you get my name spelled right, the mindset and publications that talk about youmeyo you. the same is true. you are at the this dinner, being talked about. you're part of the conversation. even though it's stinging and hurts a little bit maybe. to your point, i still think for chris christie, yeah, he was laughing. he was nodding along. he got the joke. >> so did donald trump. look what happened when donald trump -- >> he seemed so upset when it was happening. >> he did. he was sitting there like mm-hmm, okay, i got you. a couple weeks later he left the the supposed potential --
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>> the fake presidential campaign. >> it was a punch line. he was never a serious candidate. he never will be. >> obama knocked him out of the park with that. chris christie who is already having trouble with bridgegate out of the park. to see him laughing, he had to say that. but for someone to say, you're a glutt glutton -- for punishment. that pregnant pause told it all. i'm glad he was able to laugh for the cameras. who knows how he felt inside and how everyone else in this community of ours -- >> there was the line of strap yourself in, chris christie. oh, you need an extend-a-belt. >> april talked about how there is an air of political correctness. you were saying you know as an audience member, a prominent
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figure, the cam are are a pans the audience. i was watching and i saw you two or three times. you as an audience member think do i want to be caught laughing at this joke. >> we were talking about the break about the kardashians beg republican because they do something with black people. i couldn't laugh at that one. michael laughed. >> i didn't. >> it was insensitive, i thought. i was stoic on that one. you have to be careful. sometimes it's not what you say. people perceive that you think something is funny that's really offensive. >> do you the censor yourself as an audience member? >> it's a tricky situation. it's like what the supreme court said about pornography. you know it when you see it in the sense that i'm offended when i'm offended. something you may find hilarious
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i'm offended by and vice versa. that's what the might is about. to april's original point there is an air of properness that's officially washington. we are all gathered here. underneath that is this grinding kind of drive you either tap into it or you don't. guys like me tap into it. yeah. the kardashian joke, i found it humorous. >> april, you hit it when we talked earlier and you said, darryl issa didn't look happy. he didn't get mentioned. >> he was sitting there like -- i found it interesting. he didn't find it fun question at all. some of the republicans were laughing like chris christie. politicians were laughing. he was stoic. >> when you're the politician being made fun of and you're many the room you have no
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choice. >> he was planning the next investigation. >> he's busy. >> april, i want to ask you there was the white house correspondents dinner a serious part of the dinner, too. not everybody saw it who was watching. s it was a land park event in terms oh of diversity. can we talk about that for a few minutes? >> 100 years, you look at the past, the present and the future. there was a situation 70 years ago when the first african-american to walk into the white house was told he couldn't cover the press conference. he couldn't come to the dinner. his name was harry mcalvin. he was the first african-american to come to the white house to cover. he was never allowed into the membership of the whca. he never made a dinner. last night his son was there. we gave him a cord post humsly.
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it's touching as someone who covered the white house for years in a white male dominated town it's p not easy. nancy pelosi said for women it's like chipping the marble. not the glass. you can shatter glass. the marble is hard. imagine being a minority in this town. at that time. because of the history and we want to talk about the health care, we created a one-year award -- harry s. mcalpin apart for a student from philadelphia, pennsylvania. we want to correct the wrongs. a hundred years ago it was white men. now we are men, women, minorities, asians, latinos, african-americans. we have foreign press. we've got sexually oriented press.
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we are the first line that questions the president. it's not just about what a white male thinks. i'm not singling you out. >> it was emotional watching this young man come up to receive the award the in honor of this reporter. he's embraced by the african-american first family. it was an emotional moment. we always think of thises as fun and games but it was a serious moment. it was touching. >> it was a white dude, fdr, who invited him in much to the chagrin of all of the white guys who didn't allow him in the club. >> it took the higher thinking of the president of the united states. >> i think the president invited him in and regretted it because he asked tough questions. my thanks to april. >> raise the roof. i know. i didn't know what you were doing. behind me, i thought -- i'd like
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so we came to washington for the correspondents dinner but the real reason was to sit down with nancy pelosi for an interview. news was just breaking about john boehner's announcement that house republicans would establish a committee to investigate benghazi. >> i haven't been informed of his plans to establish such a -- commission, is it? benghazi is a railroad very sad event. more than an event. a tragedy. ambassador stevens, sean smith, glen dougherty, tyrone woods. we carry their names in our hearts and pray for their
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families. for the exploitation of it to be just neverending by the republicans is hard to understand. >> that was just the beginning of what nancy pelosi and i talked about. the rest of what she told us is ahead. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ]
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i think a woman will probably come your way. female announcer: sleep train's interest free ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort; even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event, ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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since leaving the white house, president george bush kept a low profile. he wasn't the most sought after republican spokesman. in a surreal moment during the 2012 campaign bush announced his endorsement to a reporter as the doors of the elevator he was in were closing. this time around the former president is weighing in more publically and earlier. i hope jeb runs he told cnn. i think he would be a great president. later that day the times reported that republican establishment donors who chris christie with was banking on to
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finance h his campaign are playing footsie with jeb. quote, i could easily wind up in the jeb column. lawrence bathgate told the times. still close to two years before voices make their voices heard in the next presidential race. the decisions that the key money men and women are making now will have a lot to say about which canada datas end up running and which ones have a chance of winning the nomination when they run. with big dollar donors jeb bushes has at least one thing going for him -- his name. a lot of the same people who bankrolled his brother's campaign are looking at jeb. a new poll showed how his last name can hurt him. americans don't like political dynasties. 69% of people in the nbc news
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wall street journal poll agree with barbara bush when she said more than two or three families should run for high office in america. what people tell pollsters and how they vote is different. 86 years ago presidents have won with either a member of the bush family or nixon on the ticket. 54% of americans have a favorable view of the bush tam compared to 66% from are the clintons. bush may be able to find support among the lkt rat. what about primary voters? the same poll shows squeb tied for third with paul ryan among registered voters trailing rand are paul and hike huckabee. bush drops to 7th when you limit it to very conservative voters who have attacked him for his stance on immigration and common
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core. common core education standards. amy walt withers wiets, at a time when many of those in the establishment feel under assault from the tea party wing of of the party, jeb bush represent it is political equivalent of a comfy old sweater. however what the money types want and what the gop base wants are clearly quite different. with chris christie's support collapsing after bridgegate there is a huge opportunity for bush to step up but he seems to be struggling with the base. rand paul is out in front in the early polls for 2016. another indication that 2016 may be the year republicans handle a nomination differently than they have in the past. maybe this year they don't turn to the establishment candidate for 2016. back with us at the table is msnbc contributor and former governor ryan schwei the tzer and eleanor cliff from the daily beast. michael steele is still with us and joining us senior editor at
5:38 am beth fuey. i know you have a strong take on what i call the bush phenomenon. you say there is not much to it. there is an opening for the establishment candidate on the republican side. i thought the new york times story was interesting. it showed that candidate, if it's jeb bush could have a lot of financial support. that was how george bush built the unstoppable machine in 2000. you say the key ingredient is a different republican base and jeb can't put together what george w. put together. >> the party is different now than when his brother ran in 2000. the this phenomenon of the donors loving jeb isn't a connection to the party whatsoever. on the issue of dynasties let's talk about clinton and bush. gov for bush is hurt by the association with his brother.
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hillary clinton is connected to the clinton dynasty which remains popular because bill clinton is probably the most popular political figure in america. there is no comparison between the two. back to issues, jeb is a supporter of immigration reform. called illegal immigration an act of love. he sports the common core education standards which aren't popular with the base. i don't see how he climbs out of the problem. the double barrel problem of his association with his brother and the fact that he's too moderate for the republican base won't change between now and 2016. >> common core, we talked about it last week. there are certainly objections to it on the left. on the right this is becoming a litmus test issue. there is jeb on the wrong side. i wonder how you think of dynasty and politics. 7 of 10 americans say open it up to more people. we don't like dynasties but we are getting bush and clinton on
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the ballot. >> i don't like dynasties either. on the other hand, i will argue for probably both hillary clinton and jeb bush as credible canada datas. beth may be right in everything she says. you can argue it from the other side. the republican party george w. bush ran against wanted to eliminate the department of edge indication. he challenged the base. you have jeb now challenging the base on immigration reform. but maybe they are going to get immigration reform before the '16 race. that will be erased as an issue. >> or will it make the base angrier. >> they lost but it's a fight that's over. there is a slot for an establishment moderate conservative. if chris christie isn't able to fill the slot it's jeb bush. whoever fill it is slot has a good chance of winning.
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it's that person against a field shock full of conservatives. >> michael, take us inside the republican party. this divide that existed maybe between the money elites in the party, the ones ready to fund chris christie. maybe jeb bush versus the grassroots energy. i always think back to the trois campaign. it was supposed to be wide open on the republican side. george bush shattered records with fund raidersing. all the money people got behind him. one of the people raising money for him was chris are christine. that's how he got his appointment. if all the money people line up with jeb -- >> they are all dispersed. i don't need the kind in of network then governor and former president bush had to create the momentum i need. we saw the beginnings of that the in 2012 when shelden edelson said i will focus $25 million on this this candidate.
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between the koch brothers and others, they have a new network that's being created in which they can give directly to the candidate of their choice to support the candidate for however long they want to port the candidate regardless of what the broader establishment network is doing or trying to get done. they now feel empowered financially to put their money in specific places. they don't have to funnel it through a machine blessed by the republican establishment. that will be a ale dynamic change in the elections. the other tinge to keep in mind and i said the this repeat lid in 20126789 people looked at me like i was kay city. 2012 wasn't a money election. if it were, guess whatment mitt romney probably would have won the presidency given how much money he raised. the fact is the to the point you raised, those issues, the sub
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text issues that battle is still under way. it's not been resolveded. whether it's jeb bush or scott walker who can take the tight ends and tie the bow during this sick cycle and the person doing it most effectively -- rand paul. >> there is a quote here. i think it is damning when it comes to jeb bush's chances in 2016. it sums up if jeb bush runs and loses or decides not to run the quote explains why. ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat.
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iraq? >> joel mchale talking about the bush dynasty and what could be an issue that could follow jeb as he tries to get to the white house. i think this sums up the biggest problem that jeb tass. this would be with the general election audience and the republicans. ken langone said i can imagine hillary running against jeb. what a field day the media guys would have. ready for another bush, another afghanistan, another iraq are, ready for another collapse of the banking system. that's a lot of baggage. we always talk about in prima primaries how the voters balance the electable person with tear instincts that this is pure. there is an lec electability argument against jeb.
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the republican and democratic primaries, i wish we could have at the end of the day the big money, the smart money. that's likely to be bush and clinton. >> in terms of of the democratic side, beth you were talking about it saying there was a difference between what happened under george bush. to the extent there is resistance to the requested of a dynasty, when you look at the polls on the democratic side we
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say hillary clinton was a front runner like we had never seen. >> our nbc news wall street journal poll says hillary has no problem with the base. despite the flurry around elizabeth warren you hear from time to time that hillary clinton could get a it you don't get a sense there is a hankering for it. you have a dull primary where everybody is waiting to see if she'll screw up. then the focus will be on the republican side and the battles that will play out in the debates and across the primaries. the democrat aric problem will be how to keep the excitement around her. for the amount of time the campaign will go on. >> rand paul tried to bring up the clinton personal baggage. i think it seemed to be a flop.
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when hillary clinton's book comes out benghazi has to be in there. issues will be found. jeb bush has to come across as the son of bush as opposed to brother of. there is a renaissance going on around george h.w. bush's presidency. he's now getting the medal from are the kennedy library. the famous friendship he has with clinton. everybody loves george h.w. bush now. >> the irony is the reassessment of george h.w. bush is because of the failures of george bush. george h.w. bush didn't go to talk. >> so jeb bush runs as the god brother, the good son. >> create a realistic separation. i get the idea of linking all three of the bushes and particularly jeb to his brother, jeb is his own man. he was a very successful governor of a very important
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state. he's done a good job redefining the party or trying to redefine the party for the 21st century whether it's common core, bringing a human face to the story of immigration in this country. despite the types of people who reject that. you're not being realistic. jeb bush will be his own person. >> it's one of my favorites -- >> you can't lock him up with iraq. when asked what type of president he would be -- >> i have told the story on this show before. it's an accident of history. jeb was the one who was groomed to be the heir. election night 1994, jeb loses the race he was supposed to win, george w. win it is one he was supposed to lose. we have to squeeze in a break. there was an interesting story involving the clintons overnight and dynasty politics. we'll pick it up after this. er?
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talking about the relationship with her in-laws the clintons. the story asks where they are with the primary coming up. the paper said, i said on the day i announced i didn't run on bill clinton's coat tails when i first an for congress. i didn't intend to in this campaign. that's as true today as it was then. the story is if you don't know she's since gotten divorced. she's the clintons in-law. as a freshman congresswoman she cast the decides vote in the house to pass bill clinton's first budget that had the tax hikes that the republicans ran against. it probably cost her her seat. this is a redemption campaign and the story says bill clinton did a fundraiser for her .
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now a family member. >> maybe there is more to it than we think. the e-mail quote you read, she seems to want to establish herself as her own candidate. bill clinton has been out of office for a long time. she needs to establish herself as not tied to that vote 20 years ago. it's a strategic decision. she'd like his help as a fundraiser but nots necessarily as a surrogate. >> i can't imagine a democrat with a chance. >> it's a swing district. she's got to distance herself tr clinton. just like bill clinton said there were a lot of people who didn't want him to come campaign. for the clintons to come in and look like they are tying to take the district for her would backfire. >> in every election you tonight
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want to relitigate the past. you want to be the candidate of the future. that's the problem the bushes andclintons have. some candidates will say, i'm talking about your future. >> there is an ad run in the race where the 10-year-old kid of a candidate watches a clip of bill clinton from the '90s. seems like a nice guy, i don't remember him. i'm thinking about the future. thank you to eleanor clift and beth fouhy. nancy pelosi revealed a rougher side of herself last night. take a look. >> oh! >> hey, selena. hi, joe. >>er what are you getting here? >> getting my tattoo done? do you know the difference between a tattoo and the koch brothers? >> no. >> they are both painful but you can get rid of a tattoo. >> nancy revealed a more personal side of herself in addition to discussing the
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you have probably noticed by the backdrop that we are down in washington this weekend. on friday we trekked up to capitol hill to talk with house democratic leader nancy pelosi. earlier we played her comments about the latest benghazi investigation. as promised we'll bring you the rest of the interview. our conversation went just about everywhere. we talked immigration, talked about health care, talked about her personal relationship with house speaker john boehner and we asked what it's like personally, what it feels like to be under such constant personal attack. take a look. >> this stat jumped out at me this week. i guess the nrcc has sent out 44 different mailers in different districts targeting democratic candidates in linking each of the democratic candidates to you. >> mm-hmm.
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system >> it strikes me looking back it's been a consistent theme with them has been attaching you to democrats using john boehner necessarily. what makes they will pick on you is this. >> because i'm effective. we got the job done when we had the majority even under president obama. further under president obama, we have work on hiv/aids, helping children, passing the tarp the. the rest of that. our democrats working together to build consensus to govern. people want to know about ideas on job creation. they have none. the environment, investing in the future, passing the immigration bill and the rest
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they have to make personal attacks. most people want to know what you have to offer. they have spent tens of millions here. roebl over a hundred million. we haven't spent that money against john boehner and his numbers are low just on the face of it. the experience of oh having yourself linked in such a negative way -- >> most of the reports show it really had no impact on the outcome of the election. >> personally -- >> it means nothing to me. i consider the source. i consider them to be stuck in a poverty of ideas. they have none. that's where they have to go. we leapfrog over that.
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we are about what we have to offer to the american people. nothing demonstrates the distinction more. that's what they want oh to divert attention for. it makes college more affordable. takes 170,000 kids off of head start. over 7 million kids in poor areas of our country economically disadvantaged kids losing the support they should have. the list goes on and on. while they give tax breaks to people making a million dollars a year. give them a tax break of oh over $200,000 a year making the middle class pay for it. hurting our investments in the future. versus the democratic agenda
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which is about the future, investments into the future, reduces the deficit. strengthens the middle class. educates our children. has investments in search and science, medical research and the rest will take us to make progress for the country. these two budgets are very different are from each other. they don't want the public to see that contrast. what do they talk about? benghazi, pelosi? it's diversionary. totally unimportant. i couldn't care less personally about them. >> i want to return to your agenda versus theirs. i want to stay on that point for another minute. when you are in the spotlight and turned into a caricature i imagine people watching you have misconceptions. what do you think the biggest misconception about nancy pelosi
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is? >> i don't care what it is. it is a misconception. what i care about is err time they attack me, i raise more money. i have an ardent and broad base of support in our country that cares about what we are doing here. if they want to help me az money, do it. i am in the arena. i'm here to fight. my whole motivation is the one in five children in america who lis in poverty. that drives my engine in the morning. that's what i pray for at night that the children in the greatest can i that existed are deprived of the opportunity they need because of actions taken by the republicans. and the inability of oh us as a country to overcome that poverty. that income disparity and the rest. that's the fight. it isn't a value that we share with they will. you know, i'm not here to talk about them. i'm here to talk about what we can do in a positive vein for the american people.
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i don't have are the slightest concern. you get in the arena. you're effective. they throw a punch, you throw a punch. and you don't complain. >> so i wonder, looking ahead to the midterms this year, the minority leaderment you have been the speaker. you would like to be the speaker again. you need to pick up 17 seats. >> that's right. >> you know the math and the history. do you think you guys will take back the majority or is this about getting in position to do it in 2016? >> we have a good chance to take it back. when we won in 2006 we had a plan. we had a goal to win. our timetable to get the job done. our milestones to measure success. in 2006 all the pundits said most you could win was 5 to 7 seats. 8 to 10 six months before the election. six months later we won 30
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seats. no one can tell you are six months in advance how an election will go. that's what campaigns are are about. we have great candidates, we are led by a wonderful chairman, steve israel who is so policy driven, politically astute, so understanding of the district. it's a marginal district because he represents one. again the candidates are great. we think the contrast in terms of our priorities versus theirs is one that we'll be able to make the distinction. however the election turns out, the american people will know what the voice koiss are. >> i want to ask you about the new nbc news poll asking about the midterms. it found the highest interest, republicans have a 15-point lead then they look at the drop-off
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voters who voted in 2012 and don't appear interested this the midterms. it's a heavily female, younger, twice as likely to identify democrats as republican. their approval rating for president obama is ten points higher. you get your voters out in presidential years. a totally different electorate turns out if the pid terms. you get a republican congress. this seems like a problem. the turn out. >> it's about turn out. it's not a problemment it's a channel. it is true the new american electorate is many more women, young people and minorities. that electorate is by and large younger people in lower numbers. we have to get them out. the intensity. we have to increase the
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intensity. you don't say six hos in advance. this is the measure of it. let the pundits decide what the election is. there is too much at stake. we understand what the challenge is. we have, again, we have to win 17 seats. that's all. as i said eight years ago at this time they said we'd win five or seven or eight or ten and we won 30. >> up next what people privately tell than si pelosi when no one is around to listen. cramps but not phillips. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips.
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just 13% say it's had a positive impact on their families while 28% say it's had a negative impact. republicans say this is the issue they will kwus to fight off democrats this fall. i asked nancy pelosi what democrats will do about that. >> my question to you is it's been four years since you passed it. are you surprised that four years later the politics on this really haven't changed when you look at the bottom line questions? >> let me first say some of the people are opposed to the affordable care act don't think it goes far enough. they would have liked to see sing single-payer or a public option. factor that into the figures. it's about even. >> where it's been. >> it should be better. but the fact is while it should be better there are about $15 million people in our country who now have better access to affordable quality health care than had it before. what we are about were those results. not about political popularity.
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but those results. we are very, very proud. that number will continue to grow in spite of the opposition from governors not to be willing to expand medicaid or just the confusion of the roll out which was an em barlt. the policy to get it right that the technology wouldn't be there. coming from northern california it's only the technology that can be improved, changed. i'm a believer in that. but the fact is you have a pre-existing medical condition you can't be discriminated against. no longer is being a woman a pre-existing medical condition. children up to 26 can stay on their parents' policy.
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no lifetime limit or annual limits. no caps on the care you receive. i'm inundated by people who come up to me with a whisper to say, i have a pre-existing condition, my sister does, this or that, thank you. we are very proud of that. when you look back and the party suffered what president obama called a shellacking, historic losses and you have been in the minority. do you look back and say if we had done x differently is there a way to pass that? >> no, no. >> you were going to lose the house? >> no. first of all i don't subscribe to the notion we lost the election because of the affordable care act. we lost the election because in february, earlier in the year
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the supreme court sent down the decision of citizens united. that meant unlimited unidentified special interest money could flood the elections. and by june, another month or so if now the senate wasn't able to get 60 votes for the disclose act. when the act failed by one vote this the senate then the special interests knew they could flood the campaigns with endless unidentified secret money. that's what made the difference in the election. they could use whatever issue today wanted. around the this time, at that time, people didn't think we lost. we could afford to lose 40 seats. we knew we would lose some. to lose as p as we did was more impacted by the role of big money. >> you didn't think when you watched at the start of the year before that supreme court alling or maybe right at the same time you. watched a republican win a senate race in massachusetts
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just as the health care law is making it through congress. >> many reasons. i don't think so. i think massachusetts is a special case because massachusetts has been the in the lead under romneycare. >> they send a senate -- >> yes. it wasn't about health care or not health care there. they didn't like some aspects in the senate bill which we corrected many the amendment process. but that was about -- not about the affordable care act. that was about what's going on in massachusetts. it wasn't about the affordable care act. it was harm ful that it was the 60th vote we could have used to pass the disclose act which we no longer had. that was unfortunate. it had ramifications. i think you read too much into
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it if i may beg to differ in that. this is about the role of big money. coming after us because we passed the affordable care act. wes passed wall street reform. we passed the bill in the history of our country. we had big money coming after us. undisclosed the from god knows into the elections. we had car check, all the money coming in against collective bargaining. they had a perfect storm. if they had shareholders to employees to the public in general that they were spending all the money on this it would be a different story. some are brazen, the koch brothers and others that brag about their money. but that's different from seeing
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disclosure on an ad that was paid for by this person. we have important work to do in our country to free us. unfortunately we have to raise money to win the election to pass the laws to give our democracy back to the people. our founders sacrificed their lives, their liberty, their sacred honor -- in their words -- for a democracy, the government of the many, not the government of the money. you cannot separate the breadbox from the ballot box. what happens has implications in policy that atekt people. >> passing comprehensive immigration reform. nancy pelosi talks about that next. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn.
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to share a secret. immigration reform will pass the house and be signed into law this summer. do you share that optimism? >> i hope so. i hope speaker boehner has a good heart on this matter. he knows it's the right thing to do i believe. this is not about republicans. president george w. bush was excellent -- tops -- on immigration reform. he couldn't persuade his party. but this breed of cat tied the hands of speaker. they are asking people to sign oaths. we only need 20 votes. we say to the speaker, just give us a vote. we know we have the votes. 11 million people need to be legalized with a path to citizenship. one person can make it happen.
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>> i have heard you say it. i hear a lot of democrats get to make the case. have you ever talked to him about it? >> yeah. >> what does he tell you? >> he's trying. he said at one point i had my princeipals and we'll go forwar. he sent it up the the flagpole. we salute it. his members chopped down the flagpole. now we are saying just give us a vote. there have been mobilizations, bus tours throughout the country. over 10,000 miles, hunger strikes on the mall over and over again. people of faith based organizations. the general public support this. the brk bb, the badges, law enforcement, the bible, the business community. the only people who don't support the immigration bill are some of the republicans and the
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congress holding up the ability for a bill to come to the floor. as i say, president bush has even spoken out saying as we discussed this let's do it in a way that's respectful of the people affected by it. there is bipartisan support historically. >> it seems the challenge for him is you talk about the oaths that the republican members are being asked to sign to vote no. you mentioned the experience of president bush in 2006-2007. and do you think if squon boehner were asking to put this up for a society and you get a couple dozen republicans that society for it, does he lose the speaker ship given the the realities of the republican party? >> i'm not a person to ask about the inner workings. what is important? i lost my speakership for a variety of other reasons.
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it's transformational for our country than passing this immigration bill. same thing i would have said about health care. if you're here to have the courage to make the difference, make the change in the face of serious on oh sigs what's one person's speakership. incidental. 199 republicans voted to default on the full faith. 28 of them voted aye. the democrats surprised the rest of the votes to uphold the full faith and credit of the united states of america. 28 republicans, 27 plus the speaker. we don't need 28. we just need 20.
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i'm saying to the republicans, give us a chance to vote on this just the way you did even though nearly 200 republicans voted against the full faith and credit of the united states of america. 200 of them can vote against immigration. i hope that's not the case. we only need 20 republicans. we have 200 democrats. it will be a year since the senate passed bipartisan reform. bipartisan house and united states senate. democrats and republicans. in june it will be a long way down. many people would have had their primaries. the filing would have taken place. however scared they were, how frightened they were. in june we have to get some word. either we have scheduled a hearing, a vote. otherwise i don't think it will a.
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i'm as optimistic as chuck schumer. we have to believe it's possible and we have to keep trying to extend the hand of friendship in a bipartisan way as the president always has on the subject of immigration and as the republicans and the person of president bush and other republicans supported this effort. i'm telling you the angelical community, the southern baptist -- really, from every aspect of the religious community is supportive of this. there is plenty of cover for republicans who may be afraid of tea party people who will use this against them in a campaign. >> whether your party wins the majority this november or stays in the majority do you plan to be back next year? >> i always consider winning the
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election. that's the path we are on. what's your next question? >> do you think win or lose do you think if boehner -- speaker boehner plans to stay on past this congress. >> i had no idea what the plans are ft. whether his plans or my plans, that's the least important issue are at hand. what's important is the issue of concern to the american people prevail. job creation, opportunity. that's what's really important. hopefully a sense of governance that can pass jobs bills, that can pass an immigration bill. that can pass a voting rights bill. >> the reason are i ask is because what you seem to be saying when talking about immigration struck pe that you saw it in terms of what he's trying to do on the issue.
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>> that's something -- >> also one of the few that voted in terms of default. >> yes. one of 28. >> one of the few there. i do think boehner -- it could be worse in your eyes if john boehner isn't the speaker? >> it's up to the republicans and the democrats to decide who their leadership is following the elections. it's the least important part of fig we have to talk about. again we can win or lose the election personally. from a policy standpoint you have to make the debate so there is awareness of a subject and with people stand on governance and making things happen. honoring our responsibilities. we can all have an impact on that. the biggest deterrent is big, unidentified special interest money suffocating the air waves.
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that's something we do have to fight in the duty to the democracy. it isn't important what my future is or john boehner. as we go into the future to keep america number one. >> appreciate the time. >> thanks to nancy pelosi for sitting down with us this week. we are back at the table next to discuss one of the most hotly debated topics of the week and always in politics.
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our friend rachel madmaddow pointed out the this week execution is the one form of capital punishment that can't be stopped once the government begins trying to kill a prisoner it is all but impossible to take back. you can try to halt the proceedings as oklahoma did when its execution of clayton lockett
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went wrong but once you start you can't stop. 32 states in the country and the federal government now allow capital punishment as the ultimate stand of oh punishment. there is little doubt. he was sentenced to killing a woman in 1999 after she and a friend interrupted a home burglary. they were beaten, araped. then shot stephanie before watching her buried alive. it was hard to find sympathy by the fact he was killed by the government for his crimes, but the method of execution is raising new questions. whether his suffering should be inflicted upon anyone no matter how heinous the crime. >> i have also said that in the application of the death penalty in this country we have seen
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significant problems, racial bias, uneven application of the death penalty. situations in this there were individuals on death row who later on were discovered to be innocent. >> on wednesday the press secretary jay carney said he believes the execution fell short of humane standards the u.s. has. cruel and unusual punishment is the clause that mandates we treat prisoners better than they treated us even as they are put to death. lethal injection is the preferred method. the one believed to meet the standard. when done correctly the process should take only four or five minutes. lockett died 43 minutes after his execution began. when he died it was of an apparent heart attack. the prison director said 21
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minuteses into the kpe cushion they realized the the vein had collapsed. they had inserted the needle into his groin. by the time they noticed the drugs were absorbed into into tissue, leaked out or both. gover nor mary fallon and the state put a hold on executions. tuesday, oklahoma tried a new drug combination. european and other drug manufacturers banned them making it impossible for the u.s. to use the three drug cocktails it was using. it is now using unregulated compounding pharmacies in the u.s. to manufacture different drugs. they are basically experimenting on prisoners to see what works. we don't know where oklahoma is getting the drugses because it won't say. it is buying drugs in petty cash to headache sure there is no paper trail. with executions scheduled for texas and missouri this month and secret combinations of unteed drugs manufactured we
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don't know where -- where we don't know and by whom we don't know. what is the way forward for the death penalty in this country? the country that prides itself on doing things humanely. to talk about that i want to bring back nbc contributor and former montana governor brian sc hweitzer, brian weiss and michael steele who is still here. this is a tough topic. i feel particularly conflicted thinking about it. when you read about the way he died this is as bad as it gets. it's dragged out for 45 minutes. you go back and a woman was buried alive. her friends were asked does this
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change your view on the punishment he received. what he got he deserves. who cares if he feels pain? he got away easier than how stephanie did. there is that end, too. governor, i will start with you. governor of montana. i believe an execution was carried out under your watch. how do you feel about capital punishment with a story like this? >> i'm conflicted. 80/20 people support capital punishment. when you know the chief executive signs a death warrant for a particular day to kill this person and that's why they start the execution at midnight so they have 24 hours to get it right. wow. there is a lot of things we could do differently. i don't know that our justice system is prepared to say in every single case we know this
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person is guilty and they deserve to die. where do you draw the line? are there half a dozen countries that have the death penalty? it's iran, saudi arabia, north korea and china. we are part of that club? i have been for the death penalty. i signed a death warrant. but i'm not convinced. >> tell us more. you signed a death warrant as governor. tell us about the case and what you were feeling. a guy kidnapped a rural school teacher, tortured and murdered her. no question about his guilt. this person committed suicide by the state of montana. you will die in prison in montana of old age before you will be executed if you use your appeal rights. this guy said, i'm done. i fired my lawyers. i want to go to the gall lows. i want to be put to death.
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the governor doesn't have the ability to commute the sentence under those circumstances. that's okay. this fellow used the state of montana to commit suicide. did he commit a heinous crime? yes. would most people say you deserve to die? probably 8 of 10 would. but had this person just used his appeals rights he would have died of old age in the montana prison. that's true of almost all people in on death row in this country, certainly in montana. brian, you are a supporter. i wonder how you think about it in the wake of this. 45 minutes, mised the vein, heart attack. all the mystery about what they are using to kill the prisoners. when you look at the question one argument is deterrent. i never bought into that.
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saying some people deserve to die isn't a deterrent. is it worth it to have are the death penalty when you could have life in prison? >> steve, let me make it clear we are talking about an a-list group of criminals. one or two percent who find themselveses strapped to the gurneyy. make no mistake. none of us should have a conversation where the words "botched and execution" appear in the same sentence. what we saw in oklahoma this week can only be described as a rookie mistake. if you are going to be in the business of executing the ultimate punishment in the words of vince lombardi, you better act like you have been there before. what happened in oklahoma was a travesty. >> can those things occur at once? it's obviously an irrevocable penalty once it is carried out. all these cases is come to life. sometimes people have been freed before leal that will injection.
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other people have been put to death and i think there is a lot of doubt out there. is it possible to reserve it for people who you are sure deserve it and did it and you get it right. there are a lot of absolutes for something you can't take back. >> you're right. if we're going to have the ultimate punishment we have to make sure we have an a list group of lawyers, anybody in a criminal courtroom almost anywhere in free world recognize it is defense as a two touchdown under dog when they walk in. we can't have are that in capital cases. if we are seeking the ultimate punishment we have to front load the system with absolute competence so we don't is reare similar wall doubt. we have a governor in texas who isn't convinced we have executed an innocent man. we know he's never wrong but he's beweak on being right.
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people may have been guilty but maybe didn't deserve the ultimate punishment. in oklahoma, to hook somebody up it's 200 points on the s.a.t. for get geting your name right. there is no justification for a rookie mistake. it cheapens the integrity of one of the most solemn acts that the criminal justice system can engage in. >> i want to bring in michael steele. you know him as a republican, former rnc chairman. he has an interesting position. i want to hear from him. we'll do it when we come back. due to menopausal changes. the problem isn't likely to go away... ...on its own. so it's time we do something about it. and there's help. premarin vaginal cream. a prescription that does what no over-the-counter product was designed to do. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable.
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this is no time for lollygaggin', lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin' mad havoc! now's the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! in the state of texas, if you come into our state and uh you kill one of our children, you kill a police officer, you are involved with another crime and you kill one of our citizens, you will face the ultimate justice in the state of oh texas. and that is you will be
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executed. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's texas governor rick perry asked about the death penalty as a candidate for president in fall of 2011. the subject was just raised before he could answer the question and the crowd started cheering. michael steele, also something interesting i wanted to point out is the polling on this. by think of the death penalty at, you know, the popular issue with the public. >> right. >> it still is 55% support. it's changing. it peaked. the correlation i see there is in the mid 90s when it was so wide. that's when crime was a top issue. the crime rate, the violent crime rate has come down. support for capital punishment is down. still at 55% though. michael, as -- you know, as a republican, you know in the party death penalty i though among republicans is particularly popular. you have a different position on it. >> i do. i don't support it largely
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because of my particular faith tradition, roman catholic. i am pro life. i'm pro life in the womb. >> you're consistent. >> i try to be consistent in comes the to that issue. when you look at the poll like that, it also reflects not just people's concern about crime, but it also speaks to how we've gotten smarter about the death penalty. how technology has advanced the technology in the case as i would argue. for limited use of the death penalty. because it is -- when you're looking at the older cases from the '60s and '70s and early '80s when you didn't have sophisticated dna. when you didn't have the technology to back up and reinforce, now coming back in the cases and going oh, gee, you're not fa dna match at all and you've been sitting on death row for 23 years or more.
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you really begin to take a step back and say we need to look holisticly at the system. this is what oklahoma pinpoints. this was not just about as you said, the botched, you know, education kus of the execution. but it also goes to what's happening now as you led into this discussion, with the drug companies. because where they used to go to get the drugs, they can no longer go there. it's like going in the back alley and finding a chemist to make up this concoction and try it. do we really want to be there i think you'll see the numbers tighten. at the end of the day, we want to be humane about it. we don't want to be perceived as barbaric. >> it gets to the question of what are we really getting out of the death penalty. it's an eye for an eye. it's certain types of murders and the risk of somebody
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going -- i certainly get the instinct to say this is the worst murder i've ever read about. this person deserves it but at the same time, it gets tougher and tougher. i wish we had more time for this. what should we know for the week ahead? our answers are after this. some things you have to squeeze to make sure they're soft. other things, you don't. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is so soft you can actually see the softness with our comfort cushions. plus you can use up to four times less. enjoy the go with charmin ultra soft.
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all right. time now to find out what our guests think we should know for the week ahead. we'll start with you. >> in this congressional election, there's one thing democrats and republicans agree on, that the affordable care act is not perfect. the republicans won't come up with a plan to change it because the plan was one they proposed in response to hillary care. we have the market based solution that the heritage foundation wrote, so they can't really criticize it because it was their bill. they want to talk about the 8 million people that didn't sign up. we didn't believe insurance
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companies had a role here. i want to give that money to a doctor, nurse, health care provider. >> what did we learn? i think we learned in this words of jenny murphy, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is adam silver. you deterthem the same way as dope dealers and thieves. that's one at a time. big props for putting the hurt. >> and the new clippers with donald sterling and the expension, won their game seven, advanced to the second round. so it may be the farthest they've ever advanced in the playoffs. michael steele? >> on the heel ls of that, i'm not convince hd that donald sterling will go quietly into that. i think there will be much more to be heard from him on this in his defense of himself. and i think we're in a long fight with the nba and sterling.
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the clippers will be some time coming. >> all right. look out for california chrome. the winner of the kentucky derby. the fields get so low, i really think this could be the year of the triple crown. thank you at home for joining us. i had a great time this week. coming up next is melissa harris-perry as the the good news on affordable care keeps coming. will the republicans lose their most valuable weapon? we'll see you next week. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [male announcer] glucerna... we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all...
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