tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC May 7, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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and swaddlers blanket-like softness, that you've loved since day one, is available through size 5, for many more firsts to come. wishing you love, sleep & play. pampers. tea party trample, and what will a weak tea mean for the gop come the midterms? and back to benghazi and new battle lines over the committee who will investigate and why. house speaker john boehner could sound off on both of the issues when he steps to the microphone any moment now. and plus, bern the beret, because monica lewinski is back and just in time for a hillary clinton decision in 2016. and we will be looking at the super charged revisit of a
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scandal. i'm chris jansing. a new hope this morning in the desperate search to find hundreds of schoolgirls in nigerian. and right now, personnel and fbi forensics investigators and hostage negotiators are on the way to ni jeeria, and satellite imagining and electronic eaves dropping and drones could be tapped as well. and no word yet on where the girls are. and we have this interview with al roker and the president about the u.s. sassistance. >> well, we will do everything that we can to help the international community and the nigerian government as a team to do everything that we can to recover these young ladies. >> and for the first time, we are hearing firsthand from one of the girls who escaped from the abductors and she said that at first she felt that the men dressed as nigerian military had
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come to protect them, and she escaped when the bus broke down. the uncle of another girl talked about his niece's dramatic escape. >> while they were being driven away, she managed to clutch the branch of the tree and hang the there. >> well, right now in washington, there are two congresswomen ready to hold a news conference and they are going to talk about what is happening in nigeria as the outrage continues to grow on capitol hill and around the world. and joining me now is the director of the nigerian leadership council and also the founder of burn bright international ozioma egwuonwa. and so, samuel, can you tell us about this? >> well, so far, it is what they need is a jolt of caffeine into the whole process, and the whole
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issue of terror schism that terror i terrorism is the global problem that brings everybody together. because, if you do not intervene in the way that the whole world is about to intervene and the united states particularly happy to take the lead, then the whole concept of that terrorism in nigeria will be spreading all over africa. if they can take it down to west africa. they will have it. >> and in fact, secretary of state john kerry did call ni jeeria, and when asked why it took so long for the u.s. to get involved, this is what he said. >> the government had its own set of strategies, if you will, in the beginning, and you know, you can offer and talk, but, you can't do if a government has its own sense of how it is proceeding. i think that now, the k
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complications that have ar risen have convinced everybody that there needs to be a greater effort. >> samuel, you well know that there have been some difficult relationships between the u.s. and the nigerian governments, but do you think that now that help is on the wayk that nigeria will use it to the fullest? >> i think they will now, because the level of desperation is pretty high, even though within the country, nigerians have always had this problem with coming together as one unit. because, you know, the folks sort of according to the religions and the ethnic regions, but with the u.s. coming in now with the friend of the nigerian government would converge in their interest to come together including the opposition parties and including the group from the north who are not speaking out strongly enough from the north, and we hope that it is time for everybody to converge to solve this problem, because it is a huge problem for
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the country. >> and we have 'n seen the protests in the u.s. and around the world and social media has taken off, and we have a map to show you the hot spots and the activity that has popped up all over the world, and how important is this as the situation moves forward? >> well, i believe that the social media is vital and it is vital to get us to where we are today with the movement, and increasingly vital as we move forward. we know there is a positive amount of information that is being shared and that and other hashtags that have risen up have informed the public and given people a way to share and express their own feelings and build the empathy. at the end of the day, the movement movements are given more power due to empathy, and the more we can highlight how the people are feeling and what is really happening is going to help to support this. >> and so much that it pushed the governments to do what they are doing. >> absolutely. and i think that when you talk about the mass of numbers, you
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can not deny that. and when you show how people are feeling, and source their solutions through the social media, we have a wealth of intelligence that can be mined to support the strategies that the united states as well as the nigerian government and all of the other governments who will get involved in the situation will employ. >> and are we in some ways learning how to harness the energy and turning it into positive action? >> yes, we are learning how to do it more effectively. >> and in this case in particular, it might work? >> well, in this case how it might work is that you are starting to see the people doing things like signing the petition which is huge. we are almost at 300,000 petition signers with si a huge number, and you are seeing ways in which the people of the ground level are communicating with the people over here in the states and the uk and people are triangulating information to know what they can do about not only to krcreate action and traction for this moment. but we also have to be aware that this issue of boko haram
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and the way in which women and girls is treated is a long-standing global issue. so it is not just momentary challenges, but we are talking about how to create a sustainable transformation that will actually impact india and other countries that face a similar issue in terms of the way in which women and girls are treat treated. >> yes, how do we sustain the outrage that is obvious in a case like this, and samuel when al roker talked to president obama, the president said that they have always identified boko haram as one of the worst terrorist groups out there. and tell us about this group and the leader in particular. >> yes, chris. in september of last year, the nigerian american council had an international conference on boko haram right here in washington, and put together some government agencies both from the american and the nigerian side, and it was lukewarm response there, but the leader of the boko haram has
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flo -- has grown more bolden and confident, and showing that the government had take n him for granted, and also, being that nigerian is polarized along the religion lines and also ethnic li lines where the people of the northern part of nigeria did not originally start out seeing boko haram as a huge problem, but right now, they have faced the brunt of the boko haram attacks, and a lot of the damages in the country, and right now, it is time for the south and the north and the massive youth movement in nigeria to come together to press the government to do more, because the government of nigeria has frankly not done such a great job. and not just the federal government of nigeria, but at the state level. the nigerian council, and we
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talk t talked to the state governors in the northeast not long ago with initiatives i with was not followed up on, and as well as the federal government. so this -- >> well, can i ask you this, because i need to ask both of you quickly, what are the chances, samuel, that the girls are found, and brought back safely? >> well, it is going to be a combination of issues that can make that happen. the negotiation has to be a strong part of it, because the girls are now in harm's way. and so the government and the assistance of the international community, es pepecially camero chard and france who has a lot of influence in that area, they have to bear down on all of the countries that provide the indirect refuge to boko haram, and try to negotiate the safety of the girls. >> and how about you, are you optimistic in this situation? >> well, i'm optimistic insofar as if we take the bold and the strategic measures, we have to remember that bow kko haram has
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been around since 2009 and the leader issued a warning saying that he would use women and girls in the strategies, and we should have take n it seriously then. what is happening now is that boko haram has been ter the errorizing nigeria for so many years, and the chickens have come home to roost and we have to use it as a serious issue, and use bold strategic measures that involve negotiation, but applied pressure where it hits them the both. >> and we thank you both for talking to us about this important issue which we will continue to follow closely. >> thank you, chris. >> thank you. and thom tillis beat back a opposition to avoid a runoff with the help of jeb bush and mitt romney, and he is going to take on kay hagin who rode the president obama wave to win victory. and john boehner defeated two of
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his votes, but it is the first real contested race since 1992. and could "american idol" run r runner-up clay aiken be the democrat's candidate for congress? well, right now it is too close to call, and some believe he has it, but the opponent has not conceded. the winner will take on congresswoman renee ellers in november. we will talk about the primary, and what is happening in ukraine with senator ron johnson coming up. and calling it a ruse for their own hanging, they say that the investigation into benghazi is a setup. so what is the next move? and monica lewinski is talking about the politics behind a old political scandal coming up. he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop.
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being drawn over the formation of a special house committee to investigate the 2012 benghazi tragedy. today we learned that it will have seven republicans and five democrats, but in a letter to john boehner, nancy pelosi says that the imbalance is not only unfair, but unwise. and james clyburn says he is suggesting a boycott of the committee saying that i am not bringing a noose to the hanging. and this morning, benghazi trey goudy, a former presidential inv investigator defended the prosecution. >> i needed the evidence and the documents unredacted and i need access to the witnesses, and then you can draw whatever conclusions you want and intent to cover-up, negligence, a benign mistake, and you can draw whatever conclusion you want, but you can't draw any conclusions if you don't have the evidence. >> and let's bring in the huffing post senior political reporter, and managing editor amanda terkel, and also "washington post" reporter david
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nakamura. >> and so, trey gowdy is insisting this is not a witch hunt. what do you think? >> well, they are going too far, and they are looking for a contempt vote for former irs official, and $156 billion tax break that is not really, and has no chance of going anywhere and the white house said that it will veto it, so right now, what they are doing is to try to gin up some excitement in front of the base in front of the 2014 elections and maybe get out ahead of a possible hillary clinton run since she was secretary of state in the benghazi incident, and get out in front of the 2016 election, and so maybe it is political and not what the american people want to be focused on. >> and david, the sense at the white house and the democrats that you ruck talking about, it is about energizing the base or concern beyond that? >> no, that is the argument that
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the white house is making, and the one that certainly jay carney has been making in the white house briefing when asked about it, but this is twofold, because every time they have to be forced to talk about it, it is going to take them off of what they want to talk about immigration reform, and minimum wage, and other agendas on the president's list. and it looks like they have not released a ll of the relevant documents, and that is the case that the republicans are making and that trey gowdy says, how did this e-mail be discovered by outside group when the white house says that it is exhaustive and thorough, and that it was not turned up this e-mail, and whether it is politically motivated or not, and that is the question, and the white house has to look at themselves about this, and they should have gotten out with this information sooner, and as long as things are found, it helps republicans make the case they have not gotten to the bottom of it.
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>> let's bring in the senator who is charge of the budget committee, and here is the other part of it, senator ron johnson, 25,000 documents released and 50 briefings on benghazi, and so how do you make sure that this panel doesn't cross what even the republican strategist steve schmidt said this morning, a thin line of a serious investigation and kangaroo court. >> well, you can throw out the nu number of pages of documents, but we need the relevant documents which is what is reveal revealed with ben rhodes' e-mail, why wasn't that provided initi initially? maybe because of a cover-up? haven't the politicians understood that it is the cover-up that gets you in trouble, and that is what we are seeing with this administration, and it is about getting to the truth. i have had a father of a young marine come up to me after benghazi, and put a finger in my chest to say, we have to know
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the truth, and is my son under the command of the tenet that is age-old of leave no man behind, and so the american people need to know. >> you don't think that there is any political motivation of energizing the base for 2016 or getting to hillary clinton of 2016? >> well, it is to get to the truth that the american people are demanding. we hear it all of the time the, and maybe it is coming from the base, but the people i talk to in wisconsin, benghazi is a big issue, because they have been lied to. the american people don't like to be lied to the, particularly by their president, and by the secretary of the state, and by members of the administration, and that is ha has happened. >> well, the secretary of state said yesterday he is not afraid of the truth, and in fact, it is in his best interest to have the truth out there, and let me play for you what john kerry said. >> we will respond, because we have nothing to hide whatsoever, and i will look at complying for whatever responsibilities we v. i think that everybody needs to take a hard look and sort of
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measure what has already been put out there versus where this effort is going, and you will see a very partisan response on the hill. >> and so he will comply where the house subpoena, but as one of the spokesmen pointed out yesterday, look, nobody ever asked can him. nobody has reached out to him, and said, will you come and speak to the committee, and instead, issued a subpoena. was that the respectful way to go a about this? >> first of all, chris, i was not referring to the current secretary of state, but the former secretary of state hillary clinton, and chris, i want to ask you a question, and if you had been secretary of state at andrews air force base, welcoming or honoring the remains of those four dead americans, and really being give en the task of offering american america's condolences to the survivors and would you have done that with genuine human compassion, and offered the condolences or have done what secretary hillary clinton did which is to cover-up the
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dereliction of the duty when she said to tyrone's father, we will arrest that video producer. i want you to put yourself in the position of secretary of state hillary clinton and gravely turned that moment of what is sincere human emotions, and turn it into a political cover-up is outrageous. >> and let me switch to you, because this morning, ukraine said it is going to take the most positive approach for peace resolution, and he is calling for a referendum on tuesday, and i know that you attended a cl classified briefings last night about these concerns and the upcoming may 25th election, and what can you tell us? >> well, first of all, it is spinning out of control. and also what is obvious is that the administration is denying the reality that vladimir putin is not going to respond to words or threats of serious consequences. he is only respond iing to acti.
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right now vladimir putin is in the driver's seat, because he can do whatever he wants and actions and provocations with impuni impunity, because he is not paying a price for it. the stock market, and the kushlts si is increasing since -- currency is increasing since the sanctions have been imposed and my point to the administration is that we have to act, and make vladimir putin pay a price, and change the calculus, and nothing that the administration is proposing or doing is changing vladimir putin's calculus, and that is unfortunate. i wish it was workingk but it is not, and we have to recognize the reality. >> and last night, big wins for the republican establishment, and is this going to give the death knell of the tea party or at least the weakening. >> look i'm running in wisconsin, and i nknow that i a running to save the country, and quite honestly i think that the media is making too much of the establishment and the tea party,
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and we have patriots in this country concerned about the path that america is on, and we are realizing that we have to win elections, and actually what we are fighting is a unification of the conservative movement, the republican party, because we recognize that only the way to turn the situation around and put america on a sustainable path is if we win the elections and take a majority in the senate and retire harry reid and his one-man dictatorship here, and it is a practical d and the conservative conservatives are becoming practical to elect people who can win the final election. >> senator ron johnson, thank you for coming on the program. >> have a great day. >> amanda and david back with me, and we have heard from john boehner and we have been waiting for him to come to the microphone, and this is what he had to say about benghazi. >> the line was crossed last week, and crossed in two places. one, when it became clear that the white house played a more significant role in the developments of how they were doing the describe this, and certainly more than anything that had been disclosed thus far.
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and then secondly, when it became clear that documents were turned over to a private organization that frankly, they have been block ed in terms of giving them to us. it was time for us to bring this together into one place, and to focus our efforts. this is all about getting to the truth. >> that is clearly, a amanda, the man thtra that we are heari from the republicans, and you heard it in a specific way from ron johnson and speaker boehner, and where is this going? >> well, the problem is that i don't know what truth they are trying to get at. if the truth is that the white house tried to shape the talking points for susan rice, that is not a scandal, and every republican politician talking about benghazi has talking points, and every politician who goes on tv does and you try to shape the facts in the most favorable way, and susan rice's facts were wrong that day, but
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the intelligence committee said they were based on what they had at that time, so i am not sure whether they are going with this if they knew that the obama administration knew that the attack was going to happen, and i don't know where they are going. and again, the fact that senator johnson was talking about hillary clinton so much, they are trying to use it as a political issue to energize the base. >> and to steve schmidt's point, then, david, how fine of a line that the republicans are walking, and not that they are piling on something that is already litigated, but the impression of other important things out there that the voters want to hear about. >> well, there are other important things on the policy issues and benghazi, and the republicans might be better off focusing on the failures around security, and what led directly to the consulate being overrun, and the deaths of the four american, and the american public would acknowledge it is an important issue, and the talking points still matter at this point or not exhaustively gone through is another matter,
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and the republicans are going to try to make it look like another political stunt as seen by the democrats, and then whether the republicans or the democrats participate in the committee or answer to the subpoenas, i think that they are going to be judging closely about how the electorate cares and if they are judged they won't, you won't see a whole lot of cooperation. >> thank you, amanda, and dave. >> thank you, chris. and the deadly heat sweeping through the plains from oklahoma through minneapolis. and plus, where you dine and what it says about the politics. that food for thought is straight away. (whispering) yeah really good (whispering) yeah and for a family of 4 it's a $160 a month. what! get outta here! (whispering) i'm sorry are we still doing the whisper thing? or? (whispering) o! sorry! yes yes! (whispering) we'll take it.
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strokes, blood clots or dementia, so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogen should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. and go to this is worth talking about. next hour, president obama will board air force one bound for arkansas to talk to the families impacted by last week's tornadoes, and the visit comes a day after a new report and coordinated white house push around the topic of climate change. today, extreme heat and the possibility of severe weather remain in the forecast for
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millions, and in fact, in seven cities, heat records are expected to be set or tied today. and bill karins is here with the latest. what is going on, bill? >> well, look at this, and summer pop ped up in the centra plains, and the temperatures are too hot, too soon, and usually in the time of the year, you will get one or two, but not three or four or a week in a row, but oklahoma city to wichita all week long, you have been near 100 degree, and this is where the draught is growing in the hurry in and the farmers lost the winter wheat crop because of the drought condition, and with the storms on the way, and up to 40-mile-an-hour gusts, and this is what makes the firefighters nervous. don't do any controlled burns or be any extra burns, because if any wind starts, they are going to be wind whipped and that is going to become dangerous and that is how relost a life in
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fir first-person update for "vanity fair" called "shame and survival" and it is time to burn the beret and the dress. and she talks about the years in the life after the scandal, and she writes, sure, my boss took advantage of me, but i will remain firm on this point, it was a consensual relationship, and any abuse came in the aftermath when i was made a scapegoat to protect his powerful position. and let me bring in a pollster for president clinton, and also, a republican strategist from the "sun sentinel." welcome both of you. >> hello. >> hey. >> and monica lewinski is aware that she could be used a as pawn, especially after rand paul called bill clinton a sexual predator, but i want to write to you what lewinski says about the word consensual. >> some of the piece defuses paul's line of attack, and before any clinton presidential
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announcement, and if and when it comes, lewinski is going to be old news. is ruth marcos right? >> i believe she is forever right, and i have maintained for 15 years since working for bill clinton exactly what was said in this piece, it was a private affair between two consulting adults that did not breach the public trust, and in fact, every time the republicans have tried to politicize it, it has failed. looking back in 1998 in the first time since the civil war that a president's party gained seats in the second midterm election and did not come up in 2008, and not in 2016. >> and when you read the quotes, it is important that she is not viewed as a pawn, but she clearly says that she was never paid to say silent, but it is not stopping the negative speculation, because lynn ce cheney wonders if this was not circulat circulated. >> i wonder if this is not in part a place to get this out of the way. would "vanity fair" publish
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anything about monica lewinski that hillary clinton did not want in there. >> and would they discredit her saying that she is a pawn in the clinton game? >> well, the timing of this is extremely unusual, and i know that she says she is doing this on behalf of the story that came out with the young man who committed suicide and how she felt, but we are forgetting the real victim here, and that is hillary clinton and not monica lewinski, and she and bill clinton had a scandalous and not even a affair, but a series of scandalous hookups, and you will see that this thing is going to be playing out, and absolutely nothing, and it has actually nothing to do and no relevance, and hillary clinton's run for a possible 2016 run for president. >> do you agree with that, bernard? the article brings up a reminder that recently, a friend of hillary clinton said that
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hillary gave her husband props for trying to control a quote referring to monica narcissistic loony tune, and lewinski says from the article, hillary clinton the wanted it on the record that she was lashing out at her husband's mistress and may have faulted her husband, but her impulse to blame the woman and not her husband troubling s. there any thought that this is going to be traction? >> no, she was a victim in this, and i have to disagree with my good friend know elle no ellell lunch with her at some point after, and i felt that if america could have a few minutes with her, they would have a different impression than the caricature created and we have to give her a great deal of credit for coming forward to stepping forward to give a voice to the hurt, and the inappropriateness and the real tragedy that results nowadays in online bullying. this has to stop.
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we have to show that it is not appropriate, and it has no place in american society. so i give her credit for coming forward and raising this issue. >> and you know, gal lap reminds us that bill clinton's approval was 58%, and he left the presidency, with a 57% approval rating, and i just wonder the rand lynne cheney's of the world, do they go at where they are going at their own peril or the peril of the republican party? >> no, they don't need to keep going down this path and i don't believe they will, but the one thing that rings true with bill and him ri clinton that no matter what they have, is they have a teflon brand and nothing sticks. and bill clinton said that i hope the best for her, and she goes on the thrive and becomes a wonderful young woman and does what she can do and i hope she does not take this 15 minutes of fame and try to bank on that for
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the rest of her life, and now look at what she has done a 40-year-old woman has come back and she has now brought it to light. hmm, i have to frown upon it. >> and she has not gained any money off of it. >> and why didn't she go on, and she went to london and studied at a great school, and why didn't she pick something like accounting or something to where she could excel and without coming back into the public, and resurrecting this for herself? >> well, people will read this a article, and see that her explanation is quite simply she has had trouble getting a job, and people don't want to be associated and that she is still tainted about this, a btd a lot of people talk about it, thank you both for coming on the program. >> thank you. >> is and let's check the newsfeed, and two of the three women who escaped from the decade-long nightmare were h honored. amanda berry, and gina dejesus were given a standing ovation for the missing & exploited children's hope award dinner.
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>> i want to thank the center for everything that they did not just for us, but for all of the missing kids and their families, and if i could say only one thing, it would be this, never give up hope, because this never would have happened. >> and last year marked a year that the two escaped with michelle knight, and hours before the awards dinner, they had lunch at the white house, and met vice president biden and president obama. >> and investigators are trying to figure out why a driver followed sasha and malia's motorcade right on to the white house lawn. the man was pulled over, but the whole thing triggered a lockdown while the officers swept the car for explosives, and he is a u.s. treasury employee, but he does not have clearance to go past the checkpoint, and he is now charged with unlawful entry. right now, wall street is closely watching washington where janet yellin is testifying about the economy, and investors
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are looking at the future of interest rates, and we are watching as her testimony is under way, and the dow is up almost 25 points right now. >> and get ready for alibaba, and mandy drury is hee, and this is if chinese ecommerce firm and it could be one of the biggest ipos we have seen. >> and we need to pay attention here in the united states, and not only because it is the biggest player in the chinese ecommerce market, but it is the biggest firm to ever list here in new york. it is like amazon plus paypal and plus groupon and plus ebay all rolled in one company, and when you think of 600 million chinese consumers on the web, and that is like nearly double the u.s. population, but it has happen of the internet penetration of the united states, and there is a huge amount of room for growth not only at home in china, but also internationally, and that is what this filing is all about, right? to try to expand internationally, and what are
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the risks? well, for starters an 80% market share in the home market. now, obviously, if any company here in the united states had 80% of the competition, you would have the anti-regulators on your heels. and china does participate differently and especially there if they are state sponsored, but that could be a risk and it could be valued on the first day of trading some have heard say more than $200 billion, and we have to watch out for the valuation as well. >> and talk about the movies coming and going, but "frozen" is a cultural juggernaut. >> yes, and everywhere i go, i hear the kids singing "frozen" and a huge boost for disney and so the operating income rose massively at the film unit, and quadrupled thanks to "frozen." i have a few of the stats. grossed $1.2 billion worldwide, and the soundtrack is the best selling soundtrack here in the
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united states. 9 of 10 best selling items at disney last quarter were, you know, the princess dresses, and everybody loves them. i have heard of the lines outside of the disney stores first thing in the morning to get up with of the dresses before they sell out. it is big. >> mandy drury, thank you so much for being here. and when you think of the states popular for retirees you think arizona and florida, and ak cording to cording to, they don't even rate. it is based on cost and crime. and first is wyoming and then north dakota and utah and colorado and number one is south dakota. by the way, if you want to see where your state ranks go to
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a ton sillectomy may increase your weight. a resent study shows that children who are small for their age may gain weight after tonsils were removed, but however, the weight gain did not increase the risk of obesity. and the boy who captured the iconic landmark of the beverly hills hotel recently called on the owner the sultan of brunei to sell it or denounce the newly imposed islamic law, and that calls for death by stoning for adultery and political protests. it has caused protests on the
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streets for celeb rities who hae been supporters for years. >> what year is this? come on, people, it is 2014. >> maybe they were not aware of what is going on, but you make people aware. >> i want to bring in candy spiller, the chairman of the "ms.", and so your organization cancelled an event there, but what is the end game here with over $1.5 million cancellations? >> well, the end game is for the sultan of brunei to end these laws that he wants in his country. these laws could lead to the stoning to death of gay men and lesbians and the public flogging of women who have had abortions, and real lives are at stake, and
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this is not a way to deal with his hoe e tells, but it is a message that the people of goodwill all over the world, and we wanted the united nations, and the united states to speak out against the taliban-like laws and he must rescind these laws. >> the hotel is owned and managed by the dorchester corporation which is owned by the brunei agency which is an arm of the government, and the ceo of dorchester said that my response is that you are singling out the beverly hills hotel, and have you thought about your actions, and are you going to single out every other company that has had an association with a country with laws that you don't agree with? what is your response? >> well, companies should pay attention to the regimes they are in business with, and this is the beginning of a more vigorous movement that began in the late 1990s when the taliban came to power in afghanistan and people all over the world spoke
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o out, and the united nations refused to recognize the taliban as did the united states government because of protests, because of the people speaking out. look at what is happening in nigeria, and you know, under the guise of religion what is happening is that the extremist regimes are implementing the taliban-like laws which are not religious and not cultural, and these are human rights violations, and these are crimes gai against humanity, and the human rights are by virtue of being born human, they are universal and not taken away by govern governorments or dictators, because it is universal protests. >> thank you for getting up early to talk about it. >> and thank you for covering this critical issue. and we will talk about the guilty 34rez sures in politics next. but i learned to live with my blindness a long time ago.
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y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization.
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nickname nicknames. >> i have given rupert and rand paul their own fun nickname, ru paul. . hillary clinton talking about her guilty pleasures at an event yesterday, and almost, tmi. >> oh, let's see. >> are there that many? >> well, i'm trying to think of the g-rated ones. no, let me think. >> well, could new york state's guilty pleasure be yogurt? state senators voted 52-8 in favor of making yogurt the official state snack. and the bill goes to the state assembly next. and what does your political affiliation say about what you like to eat. well, experion said that the food chain with the most conservative customers is o'charley's followed by cracker barrel and the most liberal is california pizza chicken followed by macaroni grill, and
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the marketing company asked thousands of people who patronized the restaurants what their prejudices are, and there is a clear rej nool bias. >> i like eye titalian and it s nothing about the politics, but that i like the car canbes. that is going to wlap it up for me on chris jansing & company. we will see you back here tomorrow.
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which is why at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement tomorrow. and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall, and there are new developments out of nigeria, there is a reward offered for the rescue of the nearly 300 girls abducted from their school nearly a month ago. and now the u.s. is sending help to nigeria, and secretary of state john kerry called nigeria's president after saying that last week that country had not requested assistance from the united states. >> why has it taken so long to mobilize an american effort?
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>> we have been in touch from day one, and our embassy has been engaged, and we have been engaged, but the government had its own set of strategies, if you will n the beginning. >> and in an interview with nbc's al roker, president obama made his first on camera comments since nigeria accepted the u.s. assistance the. . >> i can only imagine what the parents are going through, so we have offered and accepted help from the military and the law enforcement officials. >> and nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker is going to join us live. kristen, give us more details on what this assistance means. our colleague chuck todd was on earlier, and saying that it is not a situation where the navy s.e.a.l.s will swoop in and try to regs cue the girls, and if that is not the case, what are we waiting to see happen
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