tv News Nation MSNBC May 7, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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>> we have been in touch from day one, and our embassy has been engaged, and we have been engaged, but the government had its own set of strategies, if you will n the beginning. >> and in an interview with nbc's al roker, president obama made his first on camera comments since nigeria accepted the u.s. assistance the. . >> i can only imagine what the parents are going through, so we have offered and accepted help from the military and the law enforcement officials. >> and nbc news white house correspondent kristen welker is going to join us live. kristen, give us more details on what this assistance means. our colleague chuck todd was on earlier, and saying that it is not a situation where the navy s.e.a.l.s will swoop in and try to regs cue the girls, and if that is not the case, what are we waiting to see happen here?
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>> and secretary of state john kerry saying it is going to be coming and you can expect days and not weeks. this is some of the specifics, it will include military intelligence, and fbi forensics investigators and hostage negotiators and satellite imagining, and electronic eavesdropping and the drone bases could be a part of this as well. the question surrounding this assistance of the united states is offering is how well will they work with the nigerian officials once they arrive and how smoothly is that process and the that transition going to take place? tamron, this is all happening as the international outrage is mounting for something to be done. there have been protests for the past several days both abroad here in the united states as well as one yesterday that took place outside of what is now the shuttered nigerian embassy. there is and online campaign that has been raging everyone from the former secretary of state hillary clinton to mew lal la use sef who is the pakistani
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girl who was shot joining in on the protest online, and all of the 20 u.s. fell mail senators signed a letter to president obama condemning the kidnappings, and condemning boko haram, who is the terrorist group who sanctioned the kidnappings, and all of this while the leader of boko haram threat eped to sell the girls into slavery, and adding to the urgency to bring these girls back to their families, and for a broader context of what is happening inside of nigeria, tamron, there is an islamic extremist uprising for the past five year, and the united states has sent assistance to nigeria every year in the form of several million years to try to combat terrorism, but i have been speaking with one local official who says that really the situation is just getting worse and not better, and that these kidnappings are proof of
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that. t tamr tamron. >> and with that, kristen, some are asking if the united states could have worked harder to exert the influence if the nigerian government is moving at this slow pace? >> and the administration says that they did offer assistance, and they were repeatedly offering assistance, but nigeria's president was very clear that they wanted to try to bring the girls back. that they had and you heard secretary of john kerry say that they had their own strategies for doing so, but as the weeks now have worn on, and it is clear that the strategy is not working, and in the final, you is this result. >> thank you, kristen. and there are new reports of the deadly attacks in northern nigeria, and it is blamed on boko haram, and 300 people were killed in this latest attack, and we will bring in a chief koord coordinator of the associated press in lagos, ni jeeria, agen
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also michelle who leads a nonprofit for nigeria, and so since this kidnapping, we have had two attacks from boko haram, and the exact opposite reaction we thought that we would see, and now they seem more emboldened. >> the leader abubakar he iskau says he does not fear president obama or anybody else. and this is inkreescreasing fea because many of the girls who are abducted are muslims. >> and michelle, you have spoken to one of the girls, the 16-year-old girl who escaped on the night of the kidnappings, april 15th, and what did she say
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happened that night? >> she says that they heard the shooting, and explosions, grenades we think from the town. but when armed men came into the dormitory where they were sleeping, they were not frightened, because these men said that we are soldiers and we are here to rescue you, and take you to a safe place, and nothing is going to happen to you, and she said it was not until they had immediately sat down out sooside on the earth and the men started to setting fire to the school and shouting "allah --" and it means that allah is great that they realized they were extremists. >> and what about this $300,000 reward offered for information a about the negotiating behind the scenes with the boko haram, and i find that perplexing, because
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so many have said that the leader is unreasonable person, and how do you reason with somebody who is so clear with the ideology and what would motivate him to return those girls? >> well, haram has released hostages in the past for ransoms, and that is one of the many ways in which they are funded. what would suggest or lead him to free the girls, money, i should imagine would be the only motivating factor here, and you know that he is saying that he will sell them into slavery, and just monday night, they abducted another 11 girls even younger than the other, and these girls are ages 12-15 and he has said that there is a market for this, and i will sell them. >> and nicole, let me bring you into conversation, because you have written that in your words
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were that we need to take ownership as if this happened in chicago or if this happened in washington, d.c. and we need to make shure that our own government is helping, and in any way that we can, and is that a fair comparison in that nigeria has a government in place, and it has the president, and the military, and albeit recent reports account that the military is demoralized and they feel that boko haram are more armed than they are, and not to say that people should not be protesting and demanding some justice and e help, but is it a fair comparison to say if this happen happened in chicago or washington, d.c.? >> well, here's the thing, the truth of the matter is that the people of nigeria, parents of nigeria, and mothers and fathers care about as much of their children as we do. and frankly, the nigerians have suffered the regular ordinary people of nigeria have been suffering from boko haram before
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these kidnappings, and there have been terrorist threats and bombings that have been taking place in the nigerian cities, and it took the world weeks to realize that 300 women had been k kidnapped. it is a fair comparison, because these women are as important as any other country or city -- >> well, i am not saying they are not important, but not the outrage and the outcry, and we are have been covering this story extensively. >> sure. >> and not to say that at all, and we know that all life is important, and valuable no matter the color or the location, and i am asking about the u.s. response and what our country can do? >> well, the u.s. response has been a result of the u.s. of americans getting together and saying, this is important for us. i am very proud frankly, and welcome are president obama and s secretary kerry's announcement, and also, we need to use the strong diplomacy to make sure that the nigerian government sticks to the promise of
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investigating and find iing the girls. certainly our response, the u.s. response has been a wonderful welcomed thing. it has been three week, and i wish it had come sooner. >> absolute ly. let me ask you though, regarding the reaction of ther aftrican nations, and you have the world financial forum coming up, and also any ongoing crisis such a as the one in ukraine, people are looking to the united states, but are other african nations doing enough to help? >> well, certainly south africa has reached out, and other nations have reached out to say they are willing to search for the girls, and boko haram is a terrorist organization not just impacting nigeria, but the neighbors like cameroon, and so they are concerned about it. but what is so amazing to the response of the hashtag bring back our girls, but it is not just countries in africa, but people all over the world te demanding a change and not just a momentary promise for change,
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but the ark schactually, these be rescue and returned to their family and the people of nigeria can live in prosperity and security. >> and let me bring you back in, michelle, that in the past, the government has given ransom money to the boko haram, but does it only embolden them if they get the money and release the girls, and to nicole's point that this this terrorist group has plagued many parts of africa and remain a threat to the world, because there is no border to keep the terrorism just in nigeria or the neighboring nations, and if you pay them, they don't go away. >> tamron, it is not the nigerian government who paid the hostages, and i must make clear. and i think that one of the issues involved here, you will get the nail on the head when you showed senator kerry talking about it, but nigerian government's here has not been
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accepting help that has been offered, and i think that president jonathan gave us a hint of why that was at a media chat sunday where he complained that in a conversation that he had with president obama, his request for help was met with complaints about alleged abuses, and these are very serious allegations of abuses by the nigerian military, and we just got a statement today from something called the northern elders forum, and they are saying that they want to bring president jonathan as the chief of the forces in nigeria before the icc, the international criminal court for the abuses that have been committed by his troops including extrajudicial killings and detention deaths of thousands of people in the northeast of nigeria. >> well, michelle, thank you for the excellent reporting on the ground, and nicole, thank you so much for all of the information that you have included an
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educating people on the situation as we wait yet another day without these girls brought back to their families. thank you, both. >> yes, thank you. and developing news that we are watching minutes from now sh, the president is expected to board a plane at joint base andrews to go to arkansas to view the area that was ravaged by tornadoes when 15 people were killed in the april 27th outbreak near little rock that destroyed hundreds of homes. while there, the president plans to meet with the families of the disaster along with the first responders. and now, monica lewinski is speaking out for the first time in ten years about her affair with president clinton, and with le speak to a clinton family friend, and this -- >> think about how excited we are all going to be when we see those results in november. >> well, the north carolina gop establishment candidate meets the tea party in a primary for one of the top senate races in the country, but our first read
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team say ises that the controversial comments about people on public assistance have resurfaced and raising new questions about the republican nominee, and shaquille o'neal's mom, lucille is going to join us live with her search for america's most inspirational mom. just ahead of mother's day, of course, and join us on the conversation on twitter, and you can find it on tamron hall and team on "newsnation."
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the blue dress. i deeply regret what happened between me and president clinton and let me say it again, i deeply regret what happened. she makes it clear that the sexual relationship with the president was consensual, and she says, yes, he did abuse me, but let me make sure that i want to be clear on this point, it was a abuse that came after i was made a scapegoat in order to protect his powerful position. and hillary clinton said that being inundated with press requests, i put off announcing several media projects in 2012. and until after the election. and robert, thanks for your time. since you help ed about the remarks of her, and you said that she is a recluse and
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basically no media and waiting for the end of that jgeneral election, and what do you make of that and the timing of the interview now? >> well, i think they the timing of the interview is particularly important. look, certainly, i'm a proud support of the clintons like millions of americans, but this issue is no longer about the clintons, and the question is of course, why is monica lewinski after already doing an hbo story about her story, and writing a book about her story, and barbara walters interview, and time cover and why reprising it? i think that not because i'm a cynical person, but tamron if i were, you have to look at the political developments at the time. presidential speculation is heating up, and mrs. clinton's book is coming out, and sad and maybe politically motivated for the right wing to grab attention, and exploiting the climate today. >> you think political motivations? >> certainly her friends on the right wing have to be cheering this on, and this is their fantasy to try to bring back the story, but tamron, it is going
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to illustrate why the republican party has failed to win the vote in five of six presidential elections, because they have a pavlovian dog response when a scandal is brought up. of course, rather than focus canning on the future, and the plans of the future for the country, you saw rand paul recently trying to bring up the monica lewinski scandal to look like a champion for women, and then looking at the opposition against women and the pay equity against women as well. >> well, robert, people would say, fair game and you bring up s senator rand's comments on "meet the press" and elsewhere where he referred to president clinton as sex yule predator and implied that the legacy and the imactions may have an impact on hillary clinton, but however, is it fair them to say that there could be a conspiracy of some sort on the right with lewinski or with her people somehow to have the story come out now, is that reasonable assumption? >> well, you know something, you
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have to wonder about the timing of the article, and i, by the way, i respect her desire to combat bullying which is an issue that is dear and personally to me, and i think that she could do it more better of putting time in the center rather than lounging on a couch on the cover of "vanity fair." >> and while she is "lounge ingn the couch" as you say, the president is walking in great applause, and there is praise of him and shaming of her. >> well shgs, i never participan the shaming of monica lewinski, and president clinton sought forgiveness, and the nation forgave him, and he has gone on to do wonderful things in the presidency and the post presidency, and monica lewinski is well educated and she could live an accomplished life and why she wants to go back to engage in this sad chapter in h
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history is no ultimate guess. >> well, so it is not a guess, because in the interview, she says that she was motivated after seeing a young man jump to his death, a rutgers' student who was being bully and videotaped in his room in a private encounter that shouldn't have ever been made public, and that is what she says is the mo motivation, and we will put that to the side, but what she also says that she cannot secure a job. she says that because of what the potential employers will tactfully refer to as my history, i was never right for the situation. in some cases i was right for the wrong reasons in that your job would require you the at the end our events, and of course, this is when the press would be in at a ten dance, and look, i tried to get a job, and i have a master's degree, and i cannot pursue regular life. >> i don't know what happened on the jobs interviews, and she has had many jobs and a reality show on fox about dating and certainly an author, and she has been a spokesperson for a diet company and many jobs, and i can't speak to her employment
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career or what is happening on that front, but ultimately, i hope she does in fact do make a commitment to deal with combat bully wig sing which is importad move on to her life, but i don't know how she does that to bring back the issue and ultimately playing to the right wing, because this is a like a rush limbaugh special. >> and robert zimmerman, thank you for the time. thank you. >> thank you. and right now, texas officials are responding to the outrage of a judge's decision to sentence a confessed rapist to the probation. and the judge even said that the 14-year-old, her background was a part of the decision. her sexual background. the latest fallout is next. and this. >> i went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you are really the mvp. >> the real mvp kevin durant's emotional and moving tribute to his mom after winning his first
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mvp for the nba, and it has gone virnl, a viral, and we will tell you more about his incredible story, and it is something that we are following around the "newsnation." and those who are in favor of the minimum wage say they have a major announcement, and we will hear more about it because they say they will plan a massive strike next week. and tonight, in university of pennsylvania, rick santorum will speak, and take questions from the institute of politics, and this week, the republican called on his own party to support an increase in minimum wage. and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members
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having sexual contact with a girl, but the judge gave him 45 days in jail, and probation. she told the "dallas morning news" that in quote in part that the girl was not a virgin and not the victim she claims to be, and then the victim says it would have been better if she never came forward. and now analyst, lisa green, hearing that victim say that is exact exactly what the advocates who want to bring attention to sexual assault on the college campuseses or any neighborhood is what they fear, why did i come forward, because i am being punished. >> well, so many things to talk about in this case, and most especiallily that this happens when there is no dispute about whether a sexual assault occurred. the victim claimed it, and the defendant admitted it, and often the cases rise and fall on the issue of consent, and we never had that battle here, and the judge knows bet ter than to raie the issue of this victim's past behavior if it is even true, but
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it is not allowed in court. >> and the judge said in the comment and the reasoning of the decision, the girl had texted young asking him to spend time with her, and the girl had agreed to have sex with him, but just didn't want it at school, and the medical records show that the girl had three sexual partners and given birth to the baby, and this is the judge's reasoning here, and the girl's mother denies all of that, and the judge recused from the case to speak about the decision, and the people want to the know how a judge can act this way? >> well, fortunately tomorrow, the judge will look at the same information, and the judge cannot impose a harsh sentence on the defendant, and looking at see if the probation terms can be strengthensed, but again, it is in a way illuminating to hear a judge's reasoning in this case, and then ask can ourselves, how far have we progress ed progressed in the prosecution of sx ex assault cases when this typef of information comes out, and we weren't in court and we did not see the whole evidence,
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but there is a sense of blaming the victim that i thought that we were past in the judicial system. >> and there are rain cases that deserve life, and some that deserve 20 years, and every now and then, there are one of those that deserves probation, and this is one of those, and she is saying that every now and then, there is a rain case that deserves probation. >> well, she was appropriately looking at the defendant's background and maybe she saw elements of his life, which is lying ahead of him that would vouch for a more lenient sentence, but it is bringing up stories about the victim that is so troubling so many many who want to see the sexual assault cases properly prosecuted and you know the overwhelming majority of the cases are not brought to court or to au th authority's attention for exactly this reason. >> and lisa, to your point, the victim and young both testified that the girl had said "stop" and "no" multiple times, and he testified to that as well. the judge says that 45 days, and he has to register as a sex offender, and must stay away from the girl on the anniversary of the rain, october 4th, he
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spends a day in jail for the next five years. so one day a year, he goes the to the jail on the anniversary to spend the night in jail. >> i mean, we can't call this a slap on the wrist based on the facts available to us, but it is almost a near miss to the slap on the wrist, and that is what it seems to us looking at the case from afar, and what is so striking if you read the statement signed by the defendant in this case. it was absolutely sexual assa t assault. there was blood, and you know, you read those facts, and you wonder how a judge can send a message to others that says think twice, because it is a serious crime and a felony and you will be punished if you do it. one of the jobs of the criminal justice system is to deter people, but i am not sure it can be achieved in a case like this. >> and the judge is running for a third term as a democrat, and people are outrage and we have seen these things before, but the oversight of the judges, and the rulings from the kid who had
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the affluenza case to this, and both happened to be in texas. >> and another case in montana where a second court had to look at a light sentence in a rain case, and thankfully, there is an opportunity for another judge to hear this case tomorrow, and when we see if we learn of a stiffer set of punishments for this defendant. he plead guilty. >> lisa, thank you for joining us, and we appreciate your insight. >> and right now, the polls are opened in the first election of the born free jgeneration, and those born after apartheid ended. it is also the first election since the death of nelson man dell l.a. and we are live in south africa on this historic day. >> and this is the very first look at the teenaged stowaway after he stumbles away from the airplane when he survives the ride inside of the wheel well, and many people thought it was humanly impossible of that child being in that position, but there is the video.
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it is one tof the stories we ar following. and rob ford is speaking out from rehab about the questions of whereabouts. he was supposed to go to rehab in chicago, and never showed up, and what he is saying happened. it is one of the things that we thought that you should know. b. it has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. for gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works! mmm mmm live the regular life. we've always been] at the forefrontumman, of advanced electronics. providing technology to get more detail... ♪ detect hidden threats... ♪ see the whole picture... ♪ process critical information, and put it in the hands of our defenders. reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta.
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a republican win in north carolina is sending the shivers down the tea party leadership today and getting the attention of some democrats as well. the mainstream republican thom tillis won the senate primary race with 46% of the vote avoiding a july runoff with tea par ti activist greg brannon, and now it is considered one of the best barometers of the country of how the gop is headed and how the midterms will play out, and joining me is senior political editor mark murray to talk about the win for tillis and also the aftershocks of the ad now up with comments that he made in 2011. >> well, that is right, tamron, and of course, it was big news for the republican establishment, because they
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wanted him to escape a runoff that would have taken time and resources away, and that would have been in july and that is not good news for the republicans who wanted to be solely focused on the incumbent kay hagan, and you have mentioned the video that surfaced in the last 48 hours or so, and it shows thom tillis in 2011 making an argument that you should end up having disabled americans pitting gaiagainst th needing americans, and that one is deserving of the public assistance and the other group isn't. and that drew a lot of scorn, and lot of comparisons to mitt romney's 47% comments from the 2012 presidential election. >> and it is a ad to youtube clip that has been circulating from 2011, and this is what thom tillis said. >> what we have to do is to find a way to divide and conquer the people who are on assistance. >> that is a portion of it, but mark, again, to the aftershocks
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of this, till lis on the high of the victory last night, this video of cooling that a little bit, and are we going to hear the response from him? >> well, we have. chuck todd interviewed him at 9:00 this morning, tamron, and tillis said that he regretted using the terms "divide and conquer" but he said that he stood by the comments that there are americans who are living on the government dole who aren't deserving of it. aun one thing that thom tillis and others leave out is the welfare reform law where people have to get a job to get government p assistance in the 1980s and certainly the 1990s when ronald reagan made it a big deal about people getting welfare checks and doing nothing at all, and this is going to emphasize in some ways the empathy gap that the republicans have to wade through, and they are set up very well in the 2014 midterms bs, but in 2016, to cl
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the empathy gap with the democrats, and that adds to the fodder. >> and also, clay aiken with 40% of the vote there. those are the numbers i have in front of me in north carolina. >> yes, he is leading by 400 votes or so, and he has not been declared the overall winner, but okay shape right now, but we have to see who emerges from that runoff, but even if clay aiken emerges victorious, he has a steep challenge, because this is a republican-leaning district, but if he wins, we will hear a lot more about him over the next six months. >> thank you, mark. >> thank you. in long lines today in africa for the first jgeneral election since nelson mandela, the elections are the first for what is called the born-free generation, and those born after apartheid ended. but only one-third of the 18 and the 19-year-olds have registered to vote. president jakob zuma who is
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expected to be re-elected said that he hopes that the elections remain peaceful. >> i hope that all voters will cast their vote free without any problem, because this is a right that we fought for. >> and nbc raheim is joining us from pretoria, south a africa, and we see that the born frees, and not even half of them are registered? >> ell wshwell, you are absolut right, tamron, the first elections coming almost 20 years to the day of the all free elections here in south africa, and this is a country where
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everybody knows the value of the votes, so it is a significant election in one sense, because it is the first since the death of nelson mandela last september, and significant because of the first born free generation, and those people who were born after the birth of democracy in 1994, and they are now 20 years old and voting age, too, and yet 1 in 3 of those born frees who could have register registered to vote have bothered to do so. that might be a reflection on the general disenchant mement w the political system here. inequality after 20 years of democracy is still huge here. racially, economically as well, and the questions about the corruption in the government. jakob zuma who you heard from there who was booed at nelson mande mandela's memorial service in december is embroiled in a
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political scandal of being accused to spend money of grading his own private home and $20 million from the south african taxpayer, and so there are huge questions for the african national congress, the party of nelson mandela who is accused of drifting away from his ideals under the leadership of the current president jakob zuma, and yet, because of the role in south africa's liberation, it is expected to the win these elections, and it might do so however, tamron, with the reduced majority. >> all right. thank you so much. well, the social media footprints have been used to decide if someone will be a good student to be accepted at the university or a good employee, but one of the questions floating out today, should trial attorneys look over your digital life to determine if you will be a good juror? that is the news nation gut check, a and right now, lucille
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o'neal, shaquille o'neal's mom is search fing for the most inspirational mom, and as a single unwed mother of four returned to college in her 40s will be up next. revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores.
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new surveillance video of the stowaway who flew inside of the wheel well of the airplane tops the story of the "newsnation" today. the 15-year-old survived freezing temperatures and low oxygen hidden on the hawaiian air flight from california to maui, and this is surveillance video showing him dropping out underneath the jet stumbling on the tarmac where a worker confront confronted him, but after being checked out at the hospital, the boy is back into the state of california and in the custody of department of the family and children services. his father wants to be reunited with his son soon. and the los angeles clipper son andy rosen is taking an
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indefinite leave of absence and the shake-up of the team of whose donald sterile's racist remarks which led him to a leave, and the departure will give the new ceo a chance to start with a clean slate. and now an apartment roof starts on fire in harris county, texas, when part of the frame collapsed and firefighters came to his aid, and he, according to the authoritieauthorities, was injured. and kevin durant is getting much attention after he accepted an mvp acceptance speech. he thanked his coaches and teammates, and saved the best for last. >> and last, my mom. i don't think that you know what you did. you made us believe, and you kept us off of the street, put
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clothe clothes on hur backs and food on the table, and when you didn't eat, you made sure that we ate, and you went to sleep hungry, and you sacrificed for us, and you are the real mvp. >> durant's mom wanda was a single mom at the age of 21 with two children which she has done a great job and so proud and speaking of the moms who have gone to great lengths for their children, this sunday, the special day when we celebrate the moms across the nation, and this year the boys and girls club of america is recognizing three women who made crucial sacrifice sacrifices to ensure their children's success. it is part of the most inspirational mom search, and the women chosen for inspiring not just the families, but the communities are being awarded with a full tuition scholarship, and joining me is one of the award presenters and woman who s is an inspiration in her own right, and knows about the great lengths in her family, and lucille o'neal, mother of the nba great shaquille o'neal.
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happy mother's day. >> thank you, tamron. >> and we were looking at that kevin durant clip, and i know when shaq refired he made you one of the most famous moms of any sports team and when you saw that film, did it bring back memories? >> yes, and wanda is so proud of her son. and we do it not because we have to, but because of the love of our own children, and put our own lives on hold just for them to have and to see that moment, i am proud of kevin, and wanda, too. >> and you talk about putting your life on hold, and you did that, and these other inspirational moms will talk about how you put your educational future on hold because your children need you. >> yes, and your children need you and you have to give them so much about you and in spite of what is going on around them, they have to know that you are there under any circumstance. and we put the dreams and the aspirations on hold, and say we
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will catch up with that later. >> and for you, you had a chance? >> yes, 30 years later. >> and you went to college. >> i went back to school, and my children were the guiding force and they said that you get to do that, because when you are older, you say, you are too old to go, but my children said, you go. you are going to make it. and my oldest son, bless his heart, and he said, as long as you go, and keep your grades up, i will pay the tuition, and so i was very, very happy about that. >> and that is what you told him and the roles are reversed. >> yes. >> and some of the mom, and one of them is megan marshall, and 27 years old, and from utah and 1-year-old daughter, and 7-year-old stepson and her life dream was to start her own business and shannon wade, a 36-year-old mother of 8-year-old daughter chloe lost her husband five years ago and she hopes to get a degree in psychology, and help others and counsel widows and widowers who have lost a spouse, and then linda from houston, texas, a mother of 14-year-old destiny who she adopted and 11-year-old kristin
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and 10-year-old boy blake and she is a survivor of domestic abuse and rain, and she has a 10-year-old son who has autism, and really was. they started with over 100. and narrowed it down to 15 finalists. out of the 15, these three were chosen because of what they've gone through, the obstacles, the challenges, the sacrifices. i'm so happy they're going to get a full tuition paid scholarship to go to school, with the university of phoenix. i tell moms, and women, that it's never too late for a new beginning. >> this is life-changing for them, to have this opportunity. you know, i think about like the type of mom to give advice, your heart seems so open. when you think about the moms who struggle, what is the one thing you want them to know, from your life and even from these three other women who are inspirations? >> i want them to know to never give up. because we go through many things on a daily basis. but if you continue to strive, you have to have the determination, and everything
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begins with you. everything you need is within you. if you want to do, you can do. so i encourage them to take one step, just one step, and just continue to look forward. the future is bright, real bright. >> can i talk to you every morning before i start my day? >> yes. >> my goodness, you are amazing. >> thank you, tamron. >> and to the women who will now have an opportunity to pursue their dreams, and their education. congratulations, ladies. we'll be right back. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said.
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captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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there's a lot going on this morning. here are things we thought you should know. after much speculation about where mayor ford went after rehab, it appears he's surfaced. he is in a kind of working rehab, which is, he says, amazing. the mayor said he wishes he had gone sooner. he's determined to come back strong and clean up his messily life. he would not reveal where he's being treated.
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you already know universities are online. another institution got the green light to, dare i say, rummage through your social media postings. attorneys screening potential jurors can fish around on facebook and on the web to learn about their subjects. the american bar association in most states just issued an opinion that says as long as attorneys don't reach out and communicate with potential jurors, online research is fair game. the ruling states unless limited by law or court order, a lawyer may review a potential juror's internet presence, which may included postings in advance of or during a trial. but the lawyer may not communicate directly with a potential juror. no messaging anyone who could be picked up for the jury. but attorneys can sift through public postings to dig for attitudes on anything from the death penalty to opinions on specific cases.
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so, what does your gut tell you? should lawyers be allowed to consider the social media activity of potential jurors in the selection process? go to news to cast your vote. we won't sift through your facebook pages if you vote. i'm tamron hall. i'll see you tomorrow. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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of their sons and daughters to some far-off place in the world. >> what can be done to save those girls from these terrorists. we'll ask former uk gordon brown. what can be done to protect girls whose only crime is wanteding an education. it's primetime. let the midterm election season begin. control of the senate hanging in the balance. it's the beginning of our primary mission. which has been the mission all along. that is to make harry reid irrelevant. good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. there are reports of more girls that have been kided
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