tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 7, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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we could really get it done on that one, you know? hey, great job. you are a great american for what you're doing for workers. brian parker, thanks so much. all the best to moo cluck moo. we'll follow the story. and that is "the ed show." "politicsnation" with rev sharpton starts right now. good evening, al. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, extreme goes mainstream. that's what we're seeing today in north carolina, where house speaker thom tillis has won the gop senate primary. he beat greg brannon, the tea party candidate champion by rand paul, and tillis's win is being considered a victory for the establishment wing of the gop. saying tillis is a moderate is like saying rush limbaugh is a moderate. just listen to mr. moderate in 2011. >> what we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the
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people who are on assistance. we have to show respect for that woman who has cerebral palsy and had no choice in her condition, that needs help, and that we should help. and we need to get those folks to look down at these people, who choose to get into a condition that makes them dependent on the government and say at some point, you're on your own. we may end up taking care of those babies, but we're not going to take care of you. and we've got to start having that serious discussion. >> divide and conquer those on public assistance. this is who the establishment backed because others were too extreme, and while he served as the house speaker, he helped transform north carolina into one of the most radical legislatures in the nation. tillis voted for the voter suppression law that many
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consider the worst in the country. it includes a strict voter i.d. requirement, cut down early voting days, and ended same-day voter registration. he voted to refuse the medicaid expansion, denying coverage to more than 300,000 people. he pushed to cut unemployment benefits, denying aid to 170,000 workers. he was key in pushing north carolina's tax reform plan, which included big tax cuts for the rich, and actually ended up raising taxes on the poor. yes, this is winning for the so-called establishment. and on social issues, he's backed a number of antiabortion measures, including a 24-hour waiting period and mandatory ultrasound. any push for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. over the last year, thousands of
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north carolinians have taken part in the moral monday protests, demonstrating against the laws passed while thom tillis served as speaker of the house. this is how far the tea party has dragged the republican party, but maybe, just maybe, he woke up this morning ready to change. maybe. >> where are you on the minimum wage? >> i believe that minimum wage decisions need to be made by the state. >> well, do you think it should be raised in north carolina? >> i think that's a decision that the legislature needs to make. >> you're the speaker. right, you're the speaker. would you make that decision? >> instead of focusing on this sort of defeatist mentality where we have to up the minimum wage, why don't we focus on making better paying jobs? >> raising the minimum wage is a defeatist mentality? this is the so-called establishment candidate? thom tillis might have beaten a tea party candidate in the north
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carolina primary, but the tea party has already won. joining me now, a former governor ed rendell and jess mcintosh, thank you both for being here. >> our pleasure. >> thanks for having me. >> governor, if thom tillis was moderate, who would be an extremist? >> it's hard to figure out, rev. the interesting thing is, it's true we democrats would have been better off if some of the tea party candidates had won. if brannon had won, kay hagan would have definitely been re-elected, but you're making a very good point here, and, of course, tillis makes it himself on that tape. these so-called establishment moderates are not moderate at all. they are very extreme. they are extreme in essentially what they want to do, but their campaigns against the tea party forces them to be more extreme. there was a debate with the tea party candidate and tillis was asked if he believed that there was any factual basis to climate change. and he said no.
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he doesn't believe that there's climate change. he doesn't believe that we're challenged and that we've got to do something about carbon and what's happening to the world. now, i don't know if he really believes that or if he said it just to protect his right flank, so what's happening is even when the tea party loses, they are dragging the so-called main line candidates far to the right, so kay hagan's going to have a field day. it's going to be a tough race, but she's got a lot of fodder here in just the stuff you just outlined. >> jess, let me let you respond to the same question. if a guy like tillis is the mainstream candidate, the establishment candidate, who are the extreme? >> the extremists are the establishment. the establishment republicans couldn't beat the tea party, so they became the tea party. thom tillis won on a platform that is as extreme as any tea party candidate running. the governor outlined a bunch of it, you outlined a bunch of it. this is a guy that's okay with
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defunding the department of education, doesn't believe in raising the minimum wage, thinks states ought to be able to ban birth control, and he wants to divide and conquer people on public assistance. i'm sorry, what? >> that's incredible. yeah. >> and divide and conquer is a strategy that has absolutely nothing to do with helping north carolina. that has everything to do with scoring political wins for thom tillis. >> absolutely. >> and voters are going to see that. >> absolutely. and you know what we see is republicans like tillis, politicians that are way out of the mainstream, governor. in reality, 74% of americans support the medicaid expansion. 69% think we should raise the minimum wage, and 52% want to extend jobless benefits, so when you talk about kay hagan having a field day, one of the reasons she has an opportunity here in a difficult race is because the majority of americans just
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disagree with these moderate tea party candidates are really going to run on. >> there's no question. you gave the two important statistics. there are 382,000 north carolinians who would benefit by taking the medicaid expansion. tillis opposed that. there are another 180,000 north carolinians who would benefit by extending unemployment compensation. that's 560,000 people. if they all vote, good lord, you know, that's all kay hagan would need to win, but there's something even worse and more insidious about it. if you listen to what tillis said on the tape, not only the divide and conquer strategy, but the absolutely outrageous assumption that he made that there are people who choose to be poor so that they can get food stamps and welfare. that people actually make a decision to be in that condition. they say to themselves, well, i don't want to get a job that
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pays good money. i'd rather get a little pittance on welfare and food stamps. that's a ridiculous statement to make about any human beings. people want to work. they want the dignity of work, they want to earn decent money to take care of their family. no one says, aha, i'm going to be poor so i can get food stamps and be on welfare. it's an idiotic suggestion. >> very idiotic, but let me pick up on that, jess, because we heard tillis on the tape talking about divide and conquer, as you pointed out, but it seems like this has seeped into the this kind of rhetoric is seeped into the ground water. listen to that. >> supplemental nutritional assistance program, the buy beer program with a government credit card. >> studies show that people who are on welfare are higher users of drugs than people not on welfare. >> lottery winners of multimillion dollar lottery
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winners are getting food stamps. >> a lot of people are lazy and a lot of people are becoming lazier. >> why has attacking people that need help become so popular with the far right and acceptable to them? >> because it works so well for president mitt romney and the 47%. i don't actually know. america doesn't respond to this argument, because they know that it's not just offensive, it's entirely untrue, but i think that it exposes the kind of person that thom tillis is. he did the same thing with minimum wage. it's not defeatist to raise the minimum wage. everybody would like a job that pays higher than the minimum wage, but we need to deal with people's day-to-day realities, and that is what republicans are simply uncapable of doing. but that is what voters want. voters want to vote for somebody who understands what they go through and are legislating based on their reality, and that is going to be the contrast. we see north carolinia turn out every monday of thom tillis's really unpopular state
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legislature to reject this divisive offensive agenda, and i think even though it's a midterm, we're going to see voters turn out in november, too. kay hagan has a fantastic record of fighting for women and families. >> you know, governor, former florida governor charlie crist, he talked yesterday about why he left the republican party. i want you to listen to this. >> they are perceived now as being antiwomen, anti-immigrant, antiminority, antigay, antieducation, antienvironment. i couldn't be consistent with myself and my core beliefs and stay with a party that was so unfriendly towards the african-american president. i'll just go there. you know, because i was a republican and i saw the activists and what they were doing, it was intolerable to me. as i told you before, my mother and father taught my three sisters and me to treat everybody well. we're all children of god, and i saw how the party, some of them, were treating the
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african-american president, and i couldn't take it anymore. >> what do you make of that, governor? >> i think charlie's being very sincere, and it is true. i mean, it's unbelievable when you think about some of the attitudes, not all republicans, but on immigration reform, for example. immigration reform, we should have immigration reform a year ago. the house should have taken it up. if they want to make changes, made them, but we should have had it. the attitudes of so many of the people in the party, not all again, but so many, drive any reasonable person to conclude this is a party that represents america anymore, and i think charlie crist came to that sincere belief. that's why he decided to run as an independent when he was running for the senate. that's why he became a democrat. there's no question about it. i think he's very sincere. i think he's right on target. again, these are not all republicans. there are still some who have, you know, basic decency and want
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to treat all people well, but the reigning movement it seems in the party is towards that type of attitude. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. former governor ed rendell and jess mcintosh, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thanks, rev. coming up, this is how low they are going in their benghazi attacks. republicans are now fundraising off of it, and you won't believe what eric cantor just said about it. or didn't say about it. plus, republicans in congress, right-wing pundits, and crazy uncles across the country are mourning the loss of another gop talking point on the affordable care act. we look back on its life tonight. and monica lewinsky breaks her silence and it sends the right wing into clinton conspiracy theory overload. there's a big show ahead. please, stay with us.
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join us at and thrive. first lady michelle obama is doing her part to raise awareness about those hundreds of nigerian schoolgirls abducted by terrorists. today she tweeted, "our prayers are with the missing nigerian girls and their families." and she tweeted a photo of herself holding up a sign that reads "bring back our girls." our prayers are with them tonight. tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement?
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the gop scandal circus has officially come to town. the big stunt tonight, house republicans are voting on contempt charges for former irs official, and that's just the opening act. speaker boehner's main event is an upcoming vote to form a special committee on benghazi. >> this is all about getting to the truth. there's not going to be a side show. there's not going to be a circus. this is a serious investigation. >> not a circus? he's the ring master of this whole clown show. here's what he said next. >> when is the administration going to tell the american people the truth? they've not told them the truth about benghazi. they've not told the truth about the irs. they've not told the truth about fast and furious. >> it's the three-ring circus of the gop, benghazi, irs, fast and
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furious. and yet they claim it's not political. on "morning joe" today, the head of the new benghazi committee swore this had nothing to do with politics. >> would you suggest your fellow republicans while this investigation's going on they not use benghazi for fundraising purposes? >> yes, and i will cite myself as an example. i have never sought to raise a single penny on the backs of four murdered americans. >> of course, nobody should raise money off this tragedy, except the gop is doing exactly that. today the national republican congressional committee sent an e-mail to supporters saying, "you can become a benghazi watchdog right now. help fight liberals by donating today." donate money and become a benghazi watchdog. republicans are trying to pull
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off a big trick and claim this isn't political. it's time to send out the clowns. joining me now is former democratic congressman patrick murphy, the first iraq war vet elected to congress. thanks for being here. >> thanks, rev, thanks for having me on. >> congressman, the rnc also has a benghazi fundraising website that reads, "hillary clinton and obama lied about the benghazi attacks to protect their political future. join our fight to stop the liberalized. donate to the gop right now." are you offended the republicans are raising money using their benghazi obsession? >> rev, they have no shame whatsoever. they are exploiting the death of four americans, and my heart goes out to those four americans and those families, but to see
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them time and time again exploit this for political purposes is so callous, so insensitive, i hope this backfires and the american people wake up and see what's really going on. >> you know, today majority leader eric cantor was asked about the gop fundraising off benghazi. listen to this. >> mr. gowdy has said that the party should not be raising money off the issue of benghazi. do you agree? and if so, will you urge the nrcc to stop? >> look, there's a lot of discussion about the creation of the select committee and around the politics of it versus the policy of it, and i know that, you know, there's much being hurled about right now, and i think it's best for all of us in these halls to focus on what the reason is for the creation of the committee. >> he just sidestepped, congressman, the whole issue. i mean, what kind of leadership
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is that? >> it's a leadership that cares more about politics than getting to the truth, and the truth of the matter is this, rev, is that there's been two official investigations. one, by the state department, another one by the senate intelligence committee. both have shown that this was an attack, there was a failure of intelligence, but there was nothing -- no coverup, and there was no military response that could have been launched in time to save those four americans. there's also darrell issa, as you know, who has had the oversight committee, which, by the way, congressman trey gowdy serves on. they've had 13 hearings, 50 briefings, 25,000 pages of documents, and yet that's not enough. they don't want to pass the jobs bill, don't want to pass the infrastructure bill, don't want to pass immigration. they want to play politics with the murder of four americans. it's a disgrace. >> it is a disgrace.
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you mention congressman darrell issa, he's already gone on to the next scandal. today, issa threatened an epa official if he failed to produce certain documents. listen to this. >> it is my intention to bring to this committee a contempt if that is not done. it is clear that the president you work for and the administration you work for has a delay and deny capability and plan and has since the beginning. we've recently seen white house documents as to the false and misleading statements after benghazi. >> i mean, would they hold the whole obama administration in contempt if they could, congressman? >> they could -- they would if they could, rev, but, you know, they are just grasping at straws, and darrell issa specifically has struck out on benghazi, so he's moving on to the irs, he's moving on. they keep playing politics, instead of doing their jobs,
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rev, instead of doing the right thing, they continue to do the wrong thing in politics, and that's just -- that's why they have such a low approval rating, frankly, and why americans are disgusted. >> record low. former congressman patrick murphy, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. still ahead, the new conspiracy theory about the monica lewinsky article, and it's a doozy. but first, there's nothing republicans love more than a good health care talking point, even when it's not true. tonight, another talking point is dead. i promise you want to see this next.
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affordable care act. it was a good talking point, one that was strung around without regard for a little something known as facts. we're here tonight to celebrate the life of the people are paying not their premiums talking point. in a speech just last week, when house republicans claimed only 67% of enrollees had paid premiums, but tonight, it's dead. and this great talking point joins so many others that have perished before our eyes. like this one. >> in my opinion, obamacare is the biggest job killer we have in america today. >> why not delay all of the mandates in obamacare, which has become such a job killer in our economy? >> obamacare is the number one job killer in america. >> the number one job killer in the united states. do you know what it is? obamacare.
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>> sorry, congresswoman, but the job killer talking point turned to dust, as millions of jobs have been created since the law passed. we also remember this talking point tonight. >> the exchanges don't work, and you wind up going into what they call sort of the insurance death spiral. >> what did you call it, death spiral? scary. >> obamacare is going towards a death spiral. >> this is that death spiral. >> death spiral. >> death spiral. >> what's called an insurance death spiral. >> you get into what they call that death spiral. >> but that death spiral only happens if not enough young people sign up. 28% of enrollees are young and healthy. and tonight wouldn't be right unless we paid tribute to the original bogus talking point. >> of course there are death panels. >> it will be very unpleasant if the death panels go into effect. >> death panels, this is how
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they're going to manifest themselves. >> these so-called obamacare death panels are, in fact, alive and well. >> actually, it's not alive and well. the death panels talking point met its own death. but tonight, let us all remember what we're here for as we take a look back at the life of the not paying premiums talking point. >> one-third of obamacare enrollees have not paid. >> i talk to insurance companies, you're looking anywhere from 20% to 50% of those folks who haven't made a premium payment yet, many are uninsured and probably won't make premium payments. >> there are a lot of deadbeats and free loaders who have signed up but haven't paid premiums yet. >> you can sign up all you want, you don't pay, you're not a part of it. according to one state exchange, in maryland, 46% of enrollees have turned into obamacare deadbeats. they haven't paid. >> today, this talking point met
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its demise. a new report shows most who signed up under health law have paid. 80% to 90% of enrollees paid their bills on time. the not paying premiums talking point is survived by right wing radio hosts, fox news anchors, and millions of conservative uncles at dinner tables across the country. may it rest in peace, because we got you. huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more
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on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows? samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband... or would you rather have a new caaaaaar!!!! say hello to the season's hottest convertible... ohhh....and say goodbye to samantha. [ male announcer ] geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" the right wing has a new obsession. it's the conspiracy theory they just can't get enough of. you see, they are just positive that the driving force behind monica lewinsky's essay in "vanity fair" is none other than
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the clintons. here's lynn cheney, wife of former president dick cheney. >> i really wonder if this isn't an effort on the clinton's part to get that story out of the way. would "vanity fair" publish anything about monica lewinsky that hillary clinton didn't want in "vanity fair"? >> that's very interesting. i love this theory. >> i love this theory. well, apparently so does everyone else at fox news. the morning team asks political timing better to get lewinsky's story out of the way. and they weren't the only ones. >> what's curious, as well, is why is "vanity fair" publishing this right now? the timing is curious, don't you think? we haven't heard of monica lewinsky out of the blue until now. >> the timing of this is certainly coming under question. >> why now? there's a lot of conspiracy theories floating out on the timing of this article.
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>> this is the time, just as hillary's about to run for president. now the theory i'm hearing, this could be completely off base, to provide sympathy for hillary. >> you're saying the clintons would ask her to go out and do this interview right now? >> oh, they are behind everything. >> hear that? they are behind everything, the clintons are behind everything, and now the party boss is onboard with this theory. >> no, it's not a cat fight monica versus hillary. hillary is running monica. that's lynn cheney's point. this is in "vanity fair," not incidental or insignificant that it's in "vanity fair." that is a very highly approved publication for the elite left. it's designed to inoculate mrs. clinton. >> that's a stretch, even for you, rush. the right's imagination is running wild with one wild
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conspiracy theory. joining me now, joy reid and victoria defrancesco soto. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. let me start with you, "vanity fair" just acknowledged the theory that the clintons are behind the lewinsky piece. their only response was, "seriously?" so why is the right so convinced that this is a vast conspiracy? >> obviously, because the clintons have mind control. they have mind control over "vanity fair," a publication in which they have no actual control. they have mind control over monica lewinsky, and i would submit that if, in fact, the clintons are that powerful, that they can use just the power of their minds to make "vanity fair" get monica lewinsky to write a piece that they happen to publish just at the time when hillary's about to, wait a minute, we don't know that hillary clinton is about to announce for president or when or if she's going to do it. if the clintons are that all powerful, the republicans shouldn't even run anyone against them, because if they've got that kind of psychological
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power, no one can beat hillary clinton. >> well, they had to power it from president obama, who also has that power, according to them. the right also, victoria, has tried to make the lewinsky story about something else, the democrats' war on women. take a listen to this. >> hypocrisy from the people who claim they have all the tolerance and love and compassion and it's us, the conservatives, waging this war on women. >> war on women? you bet. in the 1990s, the clintons pioneered it. >> i mean, war on women, the democrats are not the one blocking legislation for women to have the right to choose, or for that matter, equal pay, victoria. >> absolutely, but at the end of the day, reverend, anything having to do with the clintons is red meat for the base. they'll say war on women, then ignore it and go to the meat of the issue of attacking the democratic party and attacking the clintons, and what i find so interesting and rather ironic
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about all this is that the right is victimizing monica lewinsky and saying she deserves sympathy, which she does, but then why do they keep bringing her up and rubbing salt in the wound? this woman wants to tell her story, get it out there for her own sake and not keep having to relive it, but we see rush limbaugh, fox news, rand paul recently wanting to keep this an open wound for her. >> you know, joy, senator rand paul, who's a leading candidate for gop nomination in 2016, he was arguing this same point months ago. listen to this. >> the democrats, one of their big issues, is they have concocted and says republicans are committing a war on women. i think really the media seems to have given president clinton a pass on this. he took advantage of a girl that was 20 years old and an intern in his office. for all these people who stand up for bill clinton and say he's the greatest thing since sliced
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bread, he was a serial philanderer. >> what do you think that has to do if hillary clinton runs for president? >> you know, i'm not so sure. like i said, it's hard to separate them. it's not her fault. >> i'm so glad you played that clip, rev, because that is the point. the person who unprompted brought up monica lewinsky for no reason apparently other than to -- >> they were discussing that -- >> he did a complete non sequitur, going from the potential of hillary clinton running for president or maybe hillary clinton and benghazi, he does this total non sequitur, brings up the affair between president clinton and monica lewinsky and in this month's long time lag she does an interview in "vanity fair." maybe it's his fault she's getting these interviews. >> i like that conspiracy theory. you know, veronica, grover norquist is very clearly urging republicans not to overreach on lewinsky. he tells buzz feed, "this is the
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same trick the clintons pulled on us back in '98. we were distracted by this bright shiny object that handed out, which was monica lewinsky. it's a constant challenge, but it's like in baseball, if they throw out a bad pitch and you swing at it, then you're an idiot." so, either way he has a roundabout way, but still the clintons setting the whole thing up. >> it is, but i do agree with the fact that the republicans should not focus on this, reverend. in the 1990s, the american public got over it. yes, this was a mistake on the part of two individuals, two adults, but you know what, we have bigger fish to fry. we have unemployment that is still high. we have communities that are suffering. why are we focusing on a story that's 20 years old, and again, this is a woman who's trying to get past it. hillary clinton is not bill clinton either, so i think this is what is so problematic.
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>> that's what's so crazy to me, if hillary clinton is a victim if anything in this. what does this have to do with her? but everything's a conspiracy with this crowd, joy. they thought that chelsea clinton planned her pregnancy to help her mom and that hillary had a shoe thrown at her on purpose. i mean, listen to this. >> when i say staged, i mean, i have to believe she's pregnant if she says she's pregnant. i don't mean they are making up she's pregnant, okay, but what -- what great timing! i mean, purely accidental, purely an act of nature, purely just left up to god. >> i don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at hillary unless maybe it's an attempt to make the benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos. >> you couldn't make this up. >> you couldn't. i think what's interesting about
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it, one thing that has not changed in more than 20 years is the utter paranoia that the clintons elicit in the right, that sees a web of conspiracy behind anything that they do or say is still just as durable then as it is now, and then there's the irony, the projection of essentially the right is like a chain e-mail. they all have the same talking points, whether it's on radio, television, their members of congress, they all speak from a common playbook, so they assume the democrats are, too, that the "vanity fair" wouldn't do anything the clintons wouldn't tell them to do, that partly through the person you showed, grover norquist, who pioneered this wednesday meeting, i think they assume everybody operates that way because the right operates that way. well, in fact, the clintons happen to be their own people, they happen not to have magical powers. they are just two people who are in politics, and i think the fear and almost paranoia about them is going to ultimately harm the republicans. it will force them not to do strong strategy against them,
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but to go back to the '90s sort of madness. >> joy reid, victoria de fran ches kuo soto, thank you both for your time this evening. be sure to catch joy on "the reid report" here on msnbc. coming up, how can the nra be against a smart gun that could save lives? chris hayes went to maryland to find out. and you need to hear his report. he joins us ahead. and the emotional mvp speech from nba superstar kevin durant. it was a touching tribute to his single mother. my warning, you'll need the kleenex. stay with us.
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we're back with the fight to sell safer and smarter guns in this country. guns the nra doesn't want you to own. they are called smart guns, and they use a new technology that ensures it can only be fired by its owner. chris hayes went to exploit the controversy and show how these guns work. >> my code is entered. it says it's good, i hit enter. now i pick up the handgun and it's green. green means i'm the authorized
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user, now i'm ready to fire. >> if the watch and gun are separated by more than ten inches after, say, a suspect wrestles it away from a police officer, the gun stops working. >> putting the ammunition in. i can fire. i take the wristwatch away, it is more than ten inches, the grip tells me i cannot fire, i pull the trigger, i get nothing. i return it here within ten inches, pull the trigger. >> this technology could make it harder for people to accidently fire a gun, making them safer for law enforcement and gun owners alike. but there's been a fierce pushback from the right. here's more of chris hayes's reporting. >> smart guns are dumb guns. the technology is far from reliable, and anybody that's going to put their life on the line with a piece of unreliable technology is making a big
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mistake. >> larry pratt is the ceo of gun owners of america, and his organization, along with the national rifle association, have been pushing hard to stop smart guns from reaching the market. they were successful with the first store that tried to sell the smart gun, the oak tree gun club outside los angeles. >> we were delighted as gun owners of america by the backlash. >> things looked promising for the smart gun at first. told the washington post he would sell the gun, but soon the shop's facebook page filled with messages like this one. you guys still in business? not for long. might have been a smart gun, but it was a darn dumb business decision to try to pawn that crap off on american gun owners. so oak tree gun club reversed course, denying it had ever planned to sell the smart gun, despite showing the guns for sale at the store. it was a testament to the power of the gun rights establishment,
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which argued that once a smart gun reaches the market, the government is going to make smart guns mandatory and prevent people from buying traditional firearms. >> this gun could save lives, but the opposition is powerful and they are doing everything they can to keep this safer gun out of american homes. joining me now is the host of "all in," chris hayes. what surprised you the most over the course of your reporting, chris? >> it was the intensity and the venom and intimidation of the backlash. it's one thing to say i don't like this law or this policy. that's not what happened here. you've got someone in the private market, a business owner, who says i want to sell this thing and they are absolutely inundated and deluged with the ugliest kind of bullying and threats and intimidation. we talked to one guy who was going to sell it in maryland, he
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was so under siege with death threat phone calls, he slept in his store with his dog because he was scared someone was going to burn the store down. word got out, it happened outside los angeles, oak tree, after the backlash, the gun owner said, fine, i'm not going to sell it. another guy said i'll sell it in maryland. it was approved by the regulation board there. he said i believe in this on principle. people should be able to buy whatever gun they want. phone calls, death threats, slept in his floor until he made a recording, okay, fine, i won't sell it. what you have is, it's more nefarious and ugly than the nra lobbying on capitol hill. it's darker and deeper than that. you have a campaign of intimidation outside the normal means of politics to get people to stop them from selling an item. >> why? what is the reason the right would even fight having a safer gun that will save lives?
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>> there's two reasons. one, there's a new jersey law from 2002 on the books that was passed as a way of incentivizing smart gun research that says once a gun is sold anywhere in the country, it's mandated as any gun to be sold in new jersey. they said this is the slippery slope towards government mandates and government control. deeper than that, i think gun manufacturers and the gun world don't want anything to change. they don't want anyone to start mucking with the technology. there is this total paranoia and fear about any change in that world, any prying open to the possibility of development. and it's very similar, actually, someone said this on my show last night, if you go back to the auto industry in the '50s, how they felt about seat belts, antilock brakes and air bags, they fought it tooth and nail. >> is there any kind of momentum or traction in support of this? >> i think there has been. i think you've seen a backlash to the backlash. after we've done our stories, you've seen the facebook page of
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this gun owner in maryland saying, hey, you were going to do the right thing and i'll buy a gun from you and would be interested in buying this gun. i think they cannot play whack-a-mole for long. eventually what's going to happen is there's going to be somebody able to successfully find this gun and there's going to be developments of what the gun, how it works and what this technology is, and i think once that cat's out of the bag, everything starts to change. >> chris hayes, thank you for being here tonight. and for your reporting on this important issue. you be sure to watch "all in with chris hayes" at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. still ahead, the emotional speech that everyone is talking about today. if you have a mom, you'll want to hear this. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans
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mother's day is just four days away, and it doesn't matter how many flowers you buy for her, it probably won't get anywhere close to kevin durant's amazing tribute to his mom. get ready to cry next. tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e*
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superstar kevin durant gave a powerful speech accepting his mvp award last night, saying his success is all about giving back to others. >> basketball is just a platform in order for me to inspire people, and i realize that. my dream was to become a rec league coach. that's what i wanted to do. i wanted to stay home and help the kids out and be a coach. >> durant knows he's a role model, and he acts like it. but the most emotional part of his speech came when he talked about his role model. his mom. >> single parent with two boys by the time you were 21 years old. everybody told you we weren't supposed to be here, we moved from apartment to apartment by ourselves. one of the best memories i had is when we moved into our first
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apartment, no bed, no furniture, and we just all sat in the living room and just hugged each other, because that's -- we thought we made it. >> a single mom raising two boys. durant said she made his success possible. >> we weren't supposed to be here. you made us believe, you kept us off the street, put clothes on our backs, food on the table, when you didn't eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry, you sacrificed for us. you're the real mvp. >> you're the real mvp. we've seen single moms blamed for many problems in our society, but they are not villains, and they are not scapegoats, they are heros. i know, a single mom raised me, and as i listen to durant, i
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thought about how this will be my third mother's day since my mother passed, but i don't need mother's day once a year to remember what a single mother did for me and what single mothers have done for others like kevin durant. for us, every day is mother's day, because we live the dreams that they believed we would achieve. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. monica talks. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in philadelphia. let me start with monica lewinsky's new tell all about her time with bill clinton. i've read the story. it's really about her, not so much the clintons. it's about what happened to her in the years since the world learned of her sexual involvement with
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