tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC May 8, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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a colbert line. the health care reality must have an obamacare bias. numbers bear that out. i think you are right when you think how many times the republicans have sought to get aca conversation in the back door. here they have a nominee. they are not doing that. an interesting point. john cohen. you get the last word tonight. >> thank you. thank you for having me on. >> you got it, man. a tale of dark sposs. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. let's start with the right wing efforts to scare off people with benghazi and scare off minorities who might vote democrat without outright voter suppression.
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this is aimed at the elections this november, obviously. one, drive up the suspicious right, including the second amendment people by saying the ghovt is lying to them about the death of u.s. diplomats, about the irs, about fast and furious to catch cross border drug dealers. two, change and restrict voter laws to discourage and confuse democratic voters. bottom line, a big republican victory this november. a veritable thumping of the democrats, set setting the stage of two years of administration frustration and obama hatred that seeds right up until the 2016 election. let's start with the conspiracy mongering here in washington to betray those serving the country overseas. who in the words of john baldwin, leaving americans to
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die at the hands of terrorists. to cheat conservative groups out of their tax dollars, and in some underhanded way, be in cahoots of the international drug trade. the goal, ramrod the republican base to the polls. michael steele was chairman of the republican party. joan walsh is editor at large of "salon." house speaker john baner who green lighted the benghazi select committee laid out the gop strategy yesterday. it's about stoking conspiracies to get the truth. >> when is the administration going to tell the american people the truth? they have not told them the truth about benghazi. they' not told the truth about the irs. they have not told the truth about fast and furious. now, only one would have to guess if they're not willing to tell the american truth, it must not be very pretty. >> democrats are criticizing the republican effort to score political points by stoking these conspiracy theorys. let's listen to congressman
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elijah cummings on the house vote to hold former irs official lois lerner in contempt of congress. >> this is unprecedented even in the mccarthy era. even in that era, it failed. i wonder where we're going here. >> let's hear hillary clinton on the house selection committee of benghazi. >> benghazi, the new investigation. are you satisfied with the answers? and are you content with what you know what happened? >> absolutely. i mean, of course there are a lot of reasons why despite all of the hearings, all of the information that's been provided some choose not to be satisfied and choose to continue to move forward, that's their choice. and i do not believe there is any reason for it to continue in this way, but they get to call the shots in the congress.
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>> let me go to michael steele, former republican national chairman. it seems to me the message here just to get it straight is a broad conspiracy that all the democrats do on all the issues that seem to matter is to hide stuff. it's all about hiding stuff. hiding ben gas zi, hiding irs, hiding on this fast and furious campaign with a particular goal of going to the hardest right, the gun people. it seems to me to be playing to the fringe. this is people who will vote prawn if they do vote. this is to get them out to vote and angry. >> you're driving your base. just as we've seen democrats do in the past. and event to meant the left to drive home that base on a particular issue.
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i don't see the hyper sensitive to what republicans are doing in that instance. it all plays itself out ultimately in the end. you've got to get through a primary process an you' got to figure out how once you lay down these markers you either deliver the goods or you're going to get the rath of the voters who reject your political play. it's a political risk, but that's where the politics are. i think it's completely risky but i think you do, too. ultimately. >> what do you think of this whole strategy of basically alerting, igniting, turning on, exciting, scaring up, whatever, the right wing, the far right who are very suspicious of government, period, no matter who's running it, who are willing to believe the irs is
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evil. they're concerned about louing their guns to anybody. john bald sin is saying we killed out in the field. it's vicious stuff and i think boehner is being coached in how to sell it. >> he obviously is. for john boehner to be bringing up fast and furious at this point really smacks of desperation at this point. the whole conspiracy has eric holder in ka hoots with the gun control people to set this up to eventually have a big takeaway of guns. that's at the bottom of what they're upset about fast and furious. holy concocted on the fringe of the right and nurtured by fox news. john boehner shouldn't be talking about fast and furious. he shouldn't be talking about any of this, but that in particular. i just have to say one thing to my friend michael. yes, we want to get out our base. but when harry reid talks about the koch brothers they are
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oligarcs pouring millions of dollars into our political process in large measure to line their own pockets. >> they're not lining -- >> deeply right-wing agenda. that's not a lie. the rest of this is based on lies. are we now calling robert gates a lion? leon panetta a liar? the benghazi stuff is really, really dirty. >> the koch brother is doing what everybody is doing on the left. and they're doing it through their wallets, through political action commit feeps they're doing it in very legal ways. you can buy it or not buy it. that's your prerogative. the same in terms of what the parties are talking about more broadly. i get on one level there may be concerned about how we do some of the stuff or do we push that envelope as far as we should. but there are 12i8 still substantive questions on all the issues that should be discussed. >> what are they? >> you have the floor, michael. i want to ask you this.
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do you believe leon panetta, a credible moderate democrat, do you think he went out there to kill chris stevens? me let him lie in the field? >> of course not. >> do you believe that lois lerner who is a bureaucrat was sitting there talking to the obama people about how to screw the right wing? do you believe she's in cahoots with the -- >> that we're still investigating, chris. we don't know. she hasn't told us. >> she is a federal employee probably for life and you're saying she's -- >> can i just say something about -- >> don't use that word with me. that says something that you're not a stoner. don't start talking like one. go ahead, joan. >> here's theling about lois lerner. she exercised her fifth amendment right, we all have them. eli january cummings talked about this. her lawyer made a proffer to darrell issa's committee and the committee that congressman cummings sits on. he was willing to give a vague
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outline of what she knows to talk about some kind of possible, you know, protection from prosecution. they wouldn't even go there with her. they were much more interested in a witch hunt and a trial. >> you don't get to say to the congress of the united states on something like this, oh, we'll just tell you vaguely what we were doing. >> not vaguely. >> you just used that determine. >> the cavalry has arrived on the democratic side which it rarely does. we've caught him. the american people have caught the republicans making money on this. and this is something that's not up for debate, right? the national republican campaign committee is out there raising money on the house select committee hear on benghazi with an e-mail that reads, quote, stand with congressman trey gowdy, the benghazi select committee as we fight for the truth about what happened with the benghazi attack. help fight liberals by donating today.
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using benghazi, including one from super hog john bolton. here's how politico describes it. a john bolten e-mail accused obama, clinton and leon panetta of refusing to admit leaving americans to die at the house of terrorists. and elijah cummings called on speaker boehner to end republican fundraising off the benghazi probe. >> they have been using the deaths of these four americans for political campaign fundraising. >> i call the speaker of the house to end that process right now. with all due respect, if the republicans want to fix the problems with their partisan investigation, they need more than just a new chairman.
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i have tremendous respect for mr. gowdy, and i'm glad that he said the fundraising should not be done on the deaths of these four people. and i hope that the republican conference will finally agree with that. we are better than that! >> here's the question, are they or aren't they? house speaker boehner was questioned rather well by luke russert of nbc about whether it was appropriate to raise money over the deaths of americans overseas. by the way, one of these fundraisers asked for $500 for the four dead americans. it was ruthless. here's luke res sert going after boehner asking if he thinks it's appropriate. >> speaker boehner, should the nrcc fundraise off your earths with the select committee? >> our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. period.
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>> but should the nrcc, they're fundraising off of it right now? is that the right thing to do? >> our focus is getting the truth of these four families of the american people. >> the campaign committee, which you are very involved in is fundraising off of this. why is that happening? >> our focus is getting the truth for the american people and four families. >> no controlling legal authority. why didn't he answer the question? >> let's put it out here. he should back up his chairman of the select committee, congressman gowdy is absolutely right. there should be no fundraising on this issue. it is disrespectful to the deceased. it is disrespectful to their families. and it is disrespectful to the process that the republican leadership wants to pursue. so if you're serious about the impact of benghazi, then show it by pulling back off fundraising. you're going to raise your money. you don't have to -- >> the chairman of the republican national committee
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says it's wrong to raise money off of benghazi. >> yes. i support chairman gowdy 100% on this. he's absolutely right. and the leadership need to back him up. >> this is a stunning abdication of leadership by john boehner, seriously. but it goes back to when he once said it wasn't his business to tell the american people or the members what to think whether the president was born in this country. for him not to back up trey gowdy to say of course we're not going to fundraise on this and i want to stop, it's stunning he wouldn't do that. >> you're one of these reporters who keeps your file cabinet in your head the whole time. you remember, you're so good at remembering it, you're right. and by the way, i'm sure chairman reince preibus everything you say on this. it's horrible, it's ridiculous. morally, it's absurd.
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michael, you caught them on it better than i could. new republican restrictions were going to make it harder for people to vote. in north carolina, we talked about scaring up votes. they're scaring it away. wee got signs now as of the primaries this week in north carolina, a state i've come to love, they're screwing people out of voting and it's already working. plus, a school assignment, believe this or not in 2014, asking eighth graders out in california to write whether the holocaust was real. was it just an ignorant assignment or evidence that holocaust denyability is gaining ground in schools? finally, let me finish to night with how nasty campaigns can come back to bite you.
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ask your doctor about experiencing cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. it comes two days after establishment republicans fend off tea party challengers. but the story behind the headline is not good for progressives. despite its cent setback, the tea party has pushed the republican party so far to the right that the party's establishment candidates are in turn becoming more palatable to its hard right. so the right is getting together. we'll be right back.
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the republicans have launched a nationwide assault to suppress the votes of blacks and other groups likely to vote democrats. there's a frightening new look at the early fruits of those efforts. the state's new laws which "the new york times" has called the country's most sweeping restrictions on voting in the country were in effect for the first time this tuesday and the results were not pretty. while most of the severe parts of the law don't kick in for a couple of years, not until 2016, election watchdogs on the ground in north carolina are already noticing some disturbing trends. new realities. i according to a summary of monitoring work, quote, the law's disqualifications of votes cast in the wrong precinct caused major confusion. the state's campaign to inform voters about the upcoming id requirement was carried out in a wildly inconsistent manner. when the law kicks into full gear, this is me talking, it will likely only get worse.
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of course that's the point. republicans in the state have passed the law last year. eliminates same-day voter registration, kills a popular programs to preregister high school students and slashes early voting. a and there are voter id laws. if republicans have the way, what's happening in north carolina will be coming to a city near you. eugene robinson is a political analyst and pulitzer prize winning columnist with "the washington post." and brian pearlmudder is with the voter defender project. brian, i want to start with you on the ground. what was your reaction? how do you assess the results of the voter laws as they're affecting the finds of voters and -- minds of voters and the good people trying to vote? >> we had over 300 people on the ground in 36 counties in north carolina. what we noticed was that people
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were confused when they came to vote, especially in places like boone and in halifax county. voters who were showing up to vote at precincts and the state, you know, in specific counties have been changing and moving precinct locations. that the out of precinct voting regulations that wuld not allow people who are voting out of precinct for their votes to count. folks showing up at the wrong precinct were shuffled around and very confused about where they needed to vote. >> used to be if you showed up at the wrong precinct, because you went to what you thought was the closest place, they would still count your vote. now what happens? >> yeah. now your vote doesn't count. you have to be at the right precinct. and so where i was in boone, north carolina, there were students who were showing up on the campus, it's split into two. so students who were showing up with their roommate to go vote at a polling location would be inevitably at the wrong -- they would pick the wrong precinct and have to walk a little over a mile to get to the other precinct.
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just regulations like this make it harder for students to vote, republicans to vote. >> and this is all purposeful. look at this. a republican in north carolina actually went on the record during an interview with "the daily show" to gloat about how this would hurt democrats. >> it's going to kick the democrats in the butt. if it hurts lazy blacks, so be it. >> and it just so happens a lot of those people vote democrat? >> gee. >> well, you know, it's amazing when you have the eye of the tiger here. anyway, yellen was forced to resign. you're not supposed to say it out loud. >> what you're supposed to say out loud is this is to protect the integrity of the voting process. we can't have voter fraud.
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this is all ostensibly to solve a problem that doesn't exist. >> no, they have a problem, though. it's a different problem. democrats are voting democrats. >> it solves a different problem. >> aren't you amazed? you grew up in south carolina. you saw it all. were you surprised this guy was willing to come out and say this is to keep blacks from voting. >> i was surprised, actually. even back then they would keep up a pretext. >> they would say they were looking for truly literate voters. >> they wouldn't say lazy blacks. >> he talks like mr. poll tax, mr. literacy law. he doesn't seem to have any problem saying that. when you go around there, are you surprised that people are so openly -- or are they so openly flagrant about the goal to keep blacks from voting? >> yeah, i think that there is this intense reactionary wave of people in north carolina, but
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there's also a group of folks, you know, in this grassroots earth that is mobilizing people in north carolina to fight back nens against these immoral laws. people are tired in north carolina and they want, you know, the voting process to be meaningful. so we've been mobilizing people on the ground and all over the place to really fight back against this legislation. >> by november, is there going to be a fair vote in north carolina or is it going to be tilted? the table tilted against kay hagan from getting reelectriced. the laws, the way people are being reinforced, is this going to tilt the table against kay hagan? >> i think what we're seeing right now, and hopefully, everyone is able to vote in north carolina. but what we saw in the primary, and this is a primary election, where there's a very small turnout. people were already confused about what was happening with this law. when it was being implemented, if they needed an id. some people were asking folks and telling them they needed an id for 2016.
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other precincts, they wouldn't ask and tell people about these regulations. it's creating this confusion and this hysteria in north carolina. and when you have millions and millions of dollars coming into the state, the last thing we need is more confusion and more layers on top of that. we're going to be on the ground making sure everyone can get to the polls. it is definitely a concern that we have. >> so you have boehner in the white shirt doing the white shirt job. his job is to get out the crazy right wingers, scaring them about benghazi and irs and fast and furious. even though these are words he would normally not speak. at the same time, you scare up the vote on the right, you have to scare up the liberal vote. it's pretty much two-pronged. >> tilts the playing field. >> why are they doing this when they're already ahead? this is what nixon did and ruined his career. this is what he did in '72 when
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they were going to kill mcgovern. but they had to go break into offices and cover it up. why are they going so crazy here. they're going to win anyway. >> they may not be sure they're that far ahead. >> you look at the polls. >> north carolina is a state that's been changing. they got a huge hispanic vote now. you know, it's a changing state. it's changing week by week. >> it's not as secure as you think. >> when you roll up the score in any game, you pay later for it. i think they're trying to roll it up in a nasty way. thank you, gene robinson. they're skeptical, but i think they would be in good shape now if they weren't so dir about it. up next, a new washington project michele bachmann was for before she was against this project. this is "hardball" a place for politics. [ heart beating, monitor beeping ]
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back to "hardball" it's no secret that senator ted cruz professes his admiration for winston churchill every chance he gets, but he didn't have much to say about the british columbia -- british prime minister when he met a pig that happened to share the name of a pig with the name of his hero. >> first time ted cruz had his picture with churchill. >> yes, senator cruz with a photo op with a pig named churchill. the house voted overwhelmingly to consider allowing a privately funded national women's museum or women's history museum to be built in washington there on the mall.
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it's just an initial step for plans to show case the contributions of women to the american culture. it turns out the most vocal opponent of the bill is u.s. congresswoman michele bachmann. she says the museum dedicated to american women would only serve to embolden what she calls the radical feminist movement. listen to this point of view here. >> i rise today in opposition to this bill because i believe ultimately this museum that will be built on the national mall on federal land will enshrine the radical feminist movement that stands against the pro life movement, the pro family movement, and the pro traditional marriage movement. >> this was the same michele bachmann who expressed gratitude when she was posted in one of their exhibits. the posted this on mother's day.
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quote, the national women's history mu sooe y um is featuring a special online exhibit dedicated to moms. i'm humbled to be included in this exhibit as a foster mom of 23. but all moms have a special role in their children's lives on this mother's day weekend, special thanks to all moms for their courage, sas fies and love. talk about being for it before you were against it. >> take a look at a clip from the new ad and see if you notice anything familiar. >> growing up, my taught taught me the value of hard work. his wisdom inspired me to work my way through school while helping my mom and little brother. in the senate, i'll keep working hard. i'm john f. kennedy, and i ask for your vote. >> that's right. his name is john f. kennedy. but it's for flander, not fitzgerald. nevertheless, he's taken to using his middle initial his campaign ads and website.
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not only that, but his logo bears a striking resemblance to the campaign butt dons you might have seen 50 years ago. look at it a kennedy for president button. similar, don't you think? i always say be the man with the plan but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling,
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steven noted survivors of other unimaginable crimes. every day that you have lived, every child and grandchild that your families have brought into this world has served as the ultimate rebuke to evil and the ultimate expression of love and hope and you are an inspiration to every single one of us. on behalf of all of us, thank you for the example of your lives and sharing your stories with us in the world. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was president obama last night speaking at steven spielberg's shoa foundation, which documents the stories of holocaust survivors. there's a reminder as to why it's so important that survivors share their stories with the world. because believe it or not.
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there are teachers in america who are actually encouraging debate about whether the holocaust ever took place. the rialto unified school district gave its eighth grade students perhaps the most disturbing, ignorant essay assignment imaginable this spring. when tragic events occur in history, there's a debate about their actual existence. for example, some people claim the holocaust is not an actual historical event but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political purpose and monetary gain. based upon your research in this issue, write an argumentative essay in which you can explain whether or not you believe the holocaust was an actual event in history or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth. after the district was criticized for that assignment, school board fishes who first defended that assignment, but the board later apologized.
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the associate dean recently spoke at a rialto school board meeting. and with me is a special guest tonight, martin goldsmith, a journey of remembrance. he traces the root members of his own family took as they tried to flee the holocaust and were subsequently taken to auschwitz. his grandfather and uncle beth perrished there at that death camp. i want to start with the bad news then a get to this excellent book by martin goldsmith. rabbi, tell me about this -- what was your reaction when you heard about the fact that school kids were given an open question arnt parentally, was there a holocaust. >> well, actually, chris, first offal all, amen to what the president said last night about survivors and the unique role they play with young people in terms of giving hope and guidance for the future. the actual reality was a lot worse. it wasn't just one teacher. there were five teachers who
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collaborated on this project. there was someone within the district curriculum who reviewed it. we still don't know if this was just the ultimate stupidity or something worse. but 2,200 eighth graders in rialto were given 18 pages to look at, told to quote reliable documentation, which was quote, unquote, provided. anne frank was a hoax. stuff down loaded from hate sites. maybe it was supposed to be designed for critical thinking, but what it did was elevated hate with historic fact. and maybe one of the good news i reported to you, there was another call that was down there last night. thankfully, we still have a few holocaust survivors and they'll be there to give a human face, the human touch to these unbelievable statistics.
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to humanize what happened after the holocaust is important. >> this will allow a person to come to their own conclusion, current events are part of the basis for measuring iq. the middle east, israel, palestine and the holocaust are on newscasts discussing current events, teaching how to come to your own conclusion based on the facts to test your position, be able to articulate that position then depend your belief with a lucid argument is essential to good citizenship. martin, i've watched for years when people who are jewish go on c-span even and you get this reaction from crazy people. anybody who reads these follow-up comments online. the anti-semitism is out there.
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but here teachers saying that's one point of view. >> exactly. it's astounding. and my grandfather and uncle were two of the 6 million, two of the 1.1 to 1.5 million people murdered 234 auschwitz. i was outraged when i heard about this. you went back and just for your own human need went back and retraced how people who were in your family on the st. louis that was sent back from america, sent back from cuba, ending up in three-quarters of the cases going to the death camp. >> exactly right. my grandfather alex goldschmidt, helmut goldschmidt, more than 200 refugees turned away first from cuba then the united states, then canada. the ship sailed back to europe. my grandfather and uncle got off the boat in france, spent the next three years in various french concentration camps before being shipped to their deaths in auschwitz in 1942.
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three years ago, my wife and i retraced their steps beginning in the small lore saxony village where my grandfather was born in 1879, going to all the places in france they were held and hitting in the polish city where auschwitz is. >> that's important to go back, tell the human story of a guy like this who i've been listening to on radio, classical music. somebody you know says look, my family, i went back and traced it. it happened in human terms. we know they have all the names in israel of people who were killed. but these people keep -- >> from 5.5 million visitors to the museum of tolerance. young people want to know the truth. they will identify with the message. sometimes they have more common sense than the adults in the room. but when you have teemp, five of them, and an assignment on core things of teaching about critical thinking down loading hate material, you know, what's next?
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we monitor websites that say harken back to the great old days of slavery and say blacks were better off then or the martin luther king website that's put up by white supremists that denigrate. we should be using the hate materials to teach critical thinking, not legitimatizing the hate message to young minds. it really was a disastrous dpigs on the ground. and we'll take care of the young people that went through this, but i sure hope the rialto school district will take a hard look in the mirror. something is very broken there. >> some holocaust deniers say give me a chance i'll finish the job.
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and then tler other biogots who say i don't want to deal with what happened. those people are in some way more dangerous. >> the great irony is i think the government of germany has, as a country, i was just over in berlin with my wife, you see the way they've recognized it with berlin with that encredible memorial to the horror. and at least they're doing that over there now. anyway, thank you. rabbi and my new friend albert goldschmidt. it's a great human story. it really is a great story about going back and -- it's a road picture, if you will, of a man tracing a tragedy. it's a great book to read.
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swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about experiencing cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. >> if you just stayed with these simple boards, you wouldn't have those problems. this is the answer. get it right. >> we now know who the democratic nominee is going to be. and nobody is going to dispute it, keith. you know, sometimes in campaigns, the candidate is the last to recognize the best timing. >> wow. do you remember that when he counted the ballots. he counted the delegates in 2008 and it looked like barack obama was winning and he nailed the fact that he was winning and the fact that he had won the nomination fight. anyway, the next month will mark six year since the death of tim russert. he was known for his sharp political mind and tough questions which drew answers that in some cases changed political history.
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his son luke russert has written the preface of the 10th anniversary paperback of tim's book about his dad. luke says i know why i love my dad. he was my best friend, but years after his death, i often wonder why the man who threw around the baseball with me watched game, made me laugh and forced me to memorize vocabulary cards still resonates so vividly. perhaps his best quality was he always got people. my dad could relate to anyone. luke russert is nbc's congressional correspondent and joins me right now. it's great. >> the book was great. tim russert had not been a start of our medium, of news gathering, news analysis, this book still would have been great. what's great about it, you've come far because you've done all this in your youth. your dad came from a regular family, a working class family. his dad with a garbage man. what i love, in fact, we were just talking today, we were very
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careful with our garbage. we always make sure personally because of this book never to leave sharp objects in the h hefty bags. >> the garbage guys. >> the moment that got to me in this book. you have to read this book, the emotional moment when tim is riding around in a garbage truck with his dad, and even though that's not the most celebrated job in the world, the pride he had in being with his dad. >> it's something that resonate sod vividly with him. and i remember my father often talking about how he was able to interview popes and the presidents, but some of his proudest memories were, in fact, on that garbage truck with my grandfather. and one of the things in the book is he really learned the value of hard work on the back of that garbage truck and he knew there was no way he could have lasted dozens and dozens of years my grandfather did it. my father decided he was not
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going to go on to college and graduate and succeed, the last day in the garbage truck, he takes off his entire uniform and throws it in the back and the guy he was riding with said you'll be back soon enough. he said no, i'm not coming back. my grandfather was very supportive of that but wanted him to know the meaning of hard work or what would happen if he flunked out. >> whenever i'm complaining about a writing assignment late at night, i think about how hard my dad worked. he was an irish cop, almost sipowicz in the interrogation room. finding out the answer, he would come in with that vanilla folder. and then sometime during the interview, he would open up the folder, which was the real question, david duke, why did you hate america so much that you joined the nazi party. and there was no answer. or you say the three biggest job producers are the issue.
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and he had no idea who they were. >> what his method was, he learned in law school. it was prosecutorial. his idea was nobody was going to outresearch him. he would read constantly. he would read at work, at home. he would just have mounds and mounds and mounds of research. almost tons of legal briefing, if you will. he would read them all and anticipate ten steps ahead from whatever answer his guest would give. often times you see now, you come forward of a host, and i'm guilty of doing this sometimes, too. you have three or four thoughtout questions and you don't listen closely enough to the response the guest is giving. he never had that problem. he always was a very aggressive listener and would often times throw away his preprepared question. excuse me, what you said is spin. the reason i know is because i read all these doms. -- documents. >> the best question comes out of the last answer, which is true. we could be here all day. i'm here to sell the book here. i think it's a great personal story about america.
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11:58 pm
now, that's progressive. trwith secure wifie for your business. it also comes with public wifi for your customers. not so with internet from the phone company. i would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. but that would require wifi. switch to comcast business internet and get two wifi networks included. comcast business built for business. ever wonder which company is the most republican leaning?
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i've watched how exactly this kind of stuff blows up in your face. it did with richard nixon in 1950 when he called his senator opponent pink right down to her underwear and when he took a sure win for re-election and turned it into watergate. the trouble with nasty politics like the kind we're getting from the house leadership is it makes you look nasty. it makes it look like you're moneygrubbing on the debts of those four american diplomats, like you're ready to kill a little more faith in government to get a few more votes. it's a rotten deal, and the people who play it will pay for it.
12:00 am
maybe not this year but in the years to come. you can't build a brand by painting a bathtub ring around your rivals. why? people are watching when you do it. so is the media. nobody wants somebody in the white house who got there through scare tactics and keeping people from voting. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. today was set to be an absolute dogfight on capitol hill. a very highly anticipated, hotly contested, rock them, sock them partisan brawl over obamacare. after all these years with hearing after hearing and 50-plus repeal votes, a after attempts to defund it right up to and including the government shutdown, republicans today were going to get their chance to stick it to president barack obama in the confirmation hearing of the woman to succeed kathleen sebelius, omb director sylvia matthews burwell.
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