tv Morning Joe MSNBC May 13, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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a new album is being released today nearly five years after his death. the record features eight previously unreleased songs. the songs selected were written between 1983 and 2001. we're going the have to check that out. that's it for a tuesday "way too early." "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ michael sam's war on traditional gridiron values started as soon as he got the phone call. >> this is the moment where michael sam got the news that he was going to be a member of the st. louis rams. there you see the raw emotion.
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>> holding. unnecessary tenderness. >> good morning. it is tuesday, may 13th. beautiful sunrise over washington this morning. with us on set in new york, msnbc contributor mike barnicle, former communications director for president george w. bush, nicole wallace, mark halperin, donny deutsch with important information. and in washington, columnist and associate editor of "the washington post," msnbc political analyst and a man who has important news mr. eugene robinson. good to see you in d.c. >> good to see you. >> joe and mika have the morning off. there's things to be talked about this morning. the post has a story that can't not be talked about. most importantly there's donny
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deutsch. we have a realtime correction here. >> i've had my publishers up all night over this. these are the kind of things, they seem small, these details. next thing you know, they're writing about me kissing mike barnicle. >> look in the camera and ask for a correction. >> i would like a correction because i was there four hours earlier. >> this is why republicans don't trust the lame stream media. you can tour with sarah palin and, like, seriously have -- >> you know, i know you've been through this before. >> what an ordeal. >> i'm reported to be in central park at times when i'm nowhere near central park. not by a newspaper, but the police department. >>. >> fine, good food. been there many times. >> but not this past sunday. >> not this past sunday. i think we need edward snowden
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on this. >> you have to draw the line at time, date, and place. the next thing you know, you will be on a date with sarah palin. you will be hunting moose. you will be making your own moose sausage. and it's all going to be all over. >> speaking of which, you know, mr. scarborough has a whole new -- notice his wardrobe he has. very pricey stuff. looks good. but yet i still take the heat. >> that's another trick for republicans. that's the media's double standard. men can spend as much as they want on their clothes but if women buy a fancy skirt -- >> it's like you've been through this before. we'll let you work through your ordeal. take as much time as you need. let's get to some of the news this morning. donald sterling has spoken on the record with cameras rolling fully aware of his remarks this time going public. but that did not stop the disgraced los angeles clippers owner from sounding off again. in an interview with cnn
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sterling says it was jealousy, not racism that fueled his conversation with his former mistress. but that wasn't all. sterling only made things worse with what appeared to be a disillusioned view of the controversy around him. >> i think you have more of an plantation mentality than i do. i think you're more of a racist than i am? >> how so? >> i'm not a racist. i've never been a racist. i'll never be a racist. the players don't hate me. the sponsors don't hate me. the fans don't hate me. the media hates. it's all the media pushing it. >> honestly you believe it's just the media? >> i believe that 100%. i believe it, people call me by the thousands and give me support. >> you believe the players of the los angeles clippers -- >> absolutely. they know i'm not a racist. and i'm not a racist. >> anderson cooper well known for his plantation mentality. meanwhile, former lakers guard
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magic johnson was also the subject of sterling's ire. you're not going to believe this one. listen. >> what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he done? >> well, he's a business person. >> he's got aids. did he do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a.? >> i think he has hiv. he doesn't actually have full-blown aids. >> what kind of guy goes to have sex with every girl and catches hiv? is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people? doesn't do anything. you call up and say -- >> he's opened a lot of businesses in inner city neighborhoods. >> the jewish people have a company and it's for people who want to borrow money with no interest. they want to give them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if they don't have money, we'll loan it to you.
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one day you'll pay us back. i'm just telling you. he does nothing. it's all talk. >> so you're saying that african-americans don't contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people? >> there's no -- never mind. i'm sorry. you know, i -- they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me. >> this is the damage control interview. in response to those remarks about magic johnson, nba commissioner adam silver issued this statement, quote, i feel compelled on behalf of the nba family to apologize to magic johnson that he continues to be degraded by such a malicious and personal attack. the board of governors is continuing with its process to remove mr. sterling as expeditiously as possible. gene robinson, it's hard to know where to begin when you listen to comments like that. >> i'm just -- oh, my god.
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>> you could spend an entire show telling what magic johnson has done for african-american communities. >> he's donated tens of millions of dollars in low income communities around the country. he could have picked any random person and said they, you know, they might not have done something for the african-american community, but not magic johnson. tus just -- this guy is on mars or something. but he's not a racist. right? i'm not a racist. but let me tell you about every african-american. it's just -- get him out of here. >> i'll tell you one way that video helped, he's clearly out of his mind. beyond being a racist. you could just see in the way he responds and as he drifts off, he's just mentally just not there. >> apparently soon-to-be ex-wife
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has indicated she feels strongly he's in the early stages of dementia. and he has proven it. >> you watch him and then he talks, he's not a well man. >> just to accentuate the positive for a moment, anderson was awesome. just let him talk. took a lot of restraint to not step in. i thought that was good. stepped in just enough. >> that's one where you get out of the way and let the guy do it. sterling's argument says what was on tape was out of context and this woman pulled this out of him. and then he does this interview that's supposed to clean up the mess and the true donald sterling comes out. he's not fit to own an nba team anymore. >> what is surprising, the guy is worth a couple billion dollars. he must have handlers around -- >> not very good one. >> i don't know who's advising around him, but -- >> someone with a great sense of irony. >> yeah. >> someone who loves him just
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like the players love him. >> we're going to leave donald sterling now. let's move on to other news. want to get you in on this, nicole. karl rove isn't just analyzing political races now. he's talking about the medical condition of one potential presidential candidate. according to the new york post, karl rove speculated last week that hillary clinton may have brain damage. the former adviser to president bush repeated his theory several times to the audience. he cited the health care in 2012, remember she fell and suffered a blood clot. on thursday rove said, quote, 30 days in the hospital? and when she reappears she's wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? we need to know what's up for that. it caused her to postpone her testimony on benghazi. supporters note he was hospitalized for 3 days, not 30. her spokesperson says please
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assure mr. rove she is 100%. >> i was asking for glasses for brain damage. and they were all out. >> what do you make of this? >> karl did not raise this issue by accident. i worked with karl far long time. this was a deliberate strategy on his part to raise her health as an issue and i think in his view a legitimate line of questioning ahead of the next campaign. what's interesting to me and doesn't seem to be in line with karl is that he had some of the facts wrong. she wasn't in the hospital for 30 days. listen, this sounded pretty off the wall to me, but i worked for john mccain. his health was a question and issue every day. dick cheney i think ended up writing a book about his health. she will answer questions about her health. if he voters and her opponents have questions about them. but this attack seemed out of place, out of time, and some of the basic facts seemed to be wrong. >> in the absence of a strong
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front runner, leading republicans right now are more focused, less focused on finding a candidate, more focused on trying to define her. this is one of a thousand things that has happened the last month of republicans trying to see what will undermine her and maybe intimidate her out of the race. there are people around her who don't want her to go through this stuff. >> she did suffer an injury. she had a blood clot between her skull and her brain in 2012. what do you make of this approach from karl rove? >> you know, i think that the assessment that -- mark's assessment this is an attempt to define her and raise an issue which as nicole says will be an issue if he decides to run. any major presidential candidate's issue in health or weight or whatever physical condition is a legitimate issue. but dr. rove really should -- he
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didn't do very well in medical school, i gather. because he doesn't have any of his facts right. i, too, have been shopping for those special traumatic brain injury shades because i think they look cool. but i can't find them. >> i think, gene, it proves that karl rove probably didn't do that well in medical school. but he's doing very well in the school of demographics. he knows looking at his field, the republican field of hillary clinton takes each one of those potential candidates and beats them. and so this is as mark indicated, this is just another measure that they're taking to try and knock down the presumed front runner if she does run for the democratic nomination. >> another reality of this, this is a private event. i don't know who put out what he said, but at these private eastbound traffics sometimes, people like karl want to perform for the paid audience and say stuff they wouldn't necessarily say in public. when it makes its way to the public and it's harder to explain. >> who thinks there are private events anymore, though, mark? what is a private event these
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days in a time when cell phones are everywhere. >> mitt romney was at a private event. don sterling. >> karl is smarter than that. i don't think that's the issue. karl's been getting videotaped on cell phones for the better part of the last two decades. this, i think, is a strategy. he may have been trying it out on behalf of the party and nominee. while his comments may have been off, her health regardless of why she was in the hospital or whether she was in the hospital, questions about a candidate's health are not only legitimate, they are always part of a presidential campaign. >> particularly someone as old as she is. >> we take it to extremes suggesting brain damage. >> the substance of what he said -- listen. voters are smart enough to cancel out anything that's either wrong or over the line. so if you overreach with questions about health, the voters make a correction for that. the notion she isn't going to have to answer questions even in
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a democratic primary about what she went through is ludicrous. of course she will. >> and wrap benghazi into this as well. benghazi and her health into one statement. another issue that's likely to come up during the presidential campaign coming up, the chamber of commerce is issued the party an ultimate tum when it comes to that race. tom donahue is pass comprehensive immigration reform or else. >> if the republicans don't do it, they shouldn't bother to run a candidate in 2016. >> wow. >> i mean, think about that. think about who the voters are. and i just did that to get everybody's attention, but -- we are a nation with people without jobs and jobs without people. we need all these people that we're training in the universities. the best universities in the world and we tell them to go home? when you do that, you send the work to where the people are.
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>> nicole, i see you nodding your head over there. >> he's absolutely right. i wish he hadn't walked it back and said i'm only saying that for effect. he's absolutely right. that wasn't a private event. that was a public event and he was in front of the association of manufacturers. employers. people who know a little bit about how we educate workers and then basically waste them by not having a comprehensive immigration policy. >> so when does the republican party do that? >> is that on track to happen in the lame duck? early next year perhaps. but people in the chamber need to go to republicans and say this has to happen. because it's not on track to happen. he conflated two issues. talking about people who are highly educated people trained in this country who are then forced to go home. he's going to have to -- if he wants this to happen, he has to take on citizenship for the 10 million here that are here
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illegally. the business community if they want this to happen, they have to make republican dos it. >> isn't the path to citizenship a third rail at this point in a republican primary? what candidate is able to step out, make that claim, say that's the way we should go and still get through the primaries? >> jeb bush if he runs. but the party is so far and away from dealing with this. there's two tracks. there's everything else you can do to improve your standing with hispanic voters on which they've done virtually nothing since the election. and then comprehensive immigration reform on which they're still standing in the way. the party's committing suicide. people in the chamber want this to happen, they must act now and they're not. they're giving, you know, remarks like that. but that's not how it changes. >> it's amazing, donny, in the world of big business and small business, the amount of intellectual property that's leaving after being educated here. the waste right in front of our
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eyes as people come and go to premier schools. and universities around the country. and then are forced to leave and go back to their country. >> how about revenues leaving this country like pfizer buying companies not to pay taxes here. the money's going, the people's going. that's no good. quickly before we go, every time i hear jeb bush i i think think the same thing. how long has jeb bush been out of office? >> he's been out of the governorship for a couple of terms. >> eight years, ten years. i know having been out of advertising for ten years now, i'm out of it. >> jeb bush isn't out of it. >> i don't know. that's a long time to not be in the business you're in. that's a long time in any business. >> he's in the business. >> no, he's not. what has he been for eight years? >> participating in the debates. >> i participate in debates every day. i'm just saying in any business,
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any in industry when you're gone for a decade as far as really hands in it, that's a big deal. >> well, hillary clinton has a similar challenge because she's been in the state department engaging in diplomacy which is a far cry from presidential politics. >> there's a big difference. that's one of the highest a offices in the country. >> go to iowa and see how many people ask about foreign aid. >> one of the biggest issues you've raised, the difference is that a lot of people i suspect republicans are clamoring for jeb bush to get in. nobody is clamoring for you to get back in your business. >> as a result of page six. you're right. >> libel and slander and everything else. still ahead on "morning joe," he'll be trading the capitol floor for a booth. and then the united states of secrets, documentary film maker michael kirk is here with
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headlines gripping new project. and scott brown said earlier this month he probably doesn't have the best credentials to run for senate in new hampshire. our casey hundredkasie hunt givr crack at that answer. also the list of high profile people who have canceled commencement addresses this year because of protests keeps growing. we'll tell you who the newest person is to join that list. but first bill kairns has a look at the forecast. >> good morning to you. yesterday was the hottest day we've seen this early summer season. we were 90 for the first time in hartford, connecticut, yesterday. that warmth was from boston all the way down to d.c. today things change. we got cool air coming in off the atlantic. also it's pouring rain this morning with thunderstorms in western new york. there is a little bit of flooding out there on the roads. be careful driving there south of buffalo. so the forecast for your tuesday, look at boston. went from mid-80s yesterday to 53 today. that's because of the cold water
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just off shore and the breeze coming in. even new york city about 20 degrees cooler. but you're still going to be very hot from philadelphia southwards. southeast you look great today. all the troublesome weather is in the middle of the country. especially in texas. we've got a lot of heavy rain there. that's going to be the case for flash flooding today during the day. so from dallas to houston, san antonio, all the way back up in there towards little rock, a chance for flash flooding. already had had about five inches of rain in areas east of texas. chicago you had bad storms yesterday. chance for more storms today. how about the west coast? l.a. today, 96 degrees. as we go towards tomorrow, we should be just as warm out there. they're still dealing with a horrible drought. when you see san francisco at 90 degrees, that's impressive stuff. that's a very cool city right by the bay. more "morning joe" when we come back. ♪
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start building your confident retirement today. all right. we've already told you about the new york post. let's look at other morning papers from our parade of papers. "the washington post," a stunning twist in the congressional election involving former "american idol" star clay aiken. his primary opponent keith crisco died after falling in his home yesterday afternoon. aiken turned his website black with only a statement displayed. he's now temporarily suspending that campaign. the race is still too close to call. keith crisco was 71 years old. >> daily mail, a female diver in hawaii was attacked last week while 50 feet under water and it was all caught on tape. in the video a diver quickly
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swimmed towards her and rips out her oxygen line. the daughter comes back and tries to rip it out again but fails and swims away. she was disconnected from her oxygen for almost 30 seconds. no charges filed. >> what's up with that? >> "boston globe," investigators trying to figure out what caused a house to explode in new hampshire yesterday. they believe it all began with a domestic disturbance where a police officer was allegedly shot by the homeowner when he entered the home. reports say the alleged shooter also fired at another officer. his condition has not yet been released. additional police arrived on the scene to find the home on fire. wow. it later explodes as you can see right there. police believed the shooter did die in that fire. oh, my gosh. >> mike's favorite paper the tampa bay times, at&t reportedly in talks to buy directv for $50 billion. it would give at&t control over the country's largest satellite
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tv provider. talks accelerated. >> "the new york times," new research shows glaciers in antarct antarctica are melting too fast. pouring ice into the sea at an accelerated pace. they are on the verge of collapsing. scientists say this will likely rise in the global sea level of about four feet or more within a couple of centuries. >> usa today, john conyers election may be in trouble. only turned in 592 of 1,000 signatures needed. >> the los angeles times, this is a strange story, a judge in california is ordering an investigation into the whereabouts of radio personality casey kasem.
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he suffered from advanced parkinson's disease and can no longer speak. an attorney for kasem's wife who is custody of the deejay says he was taken out of the country and they don't know where he is. kasem is 82 years old. >> the boston herald. the international monetary fund is backing out of smith college commencement following protests from the students. they were called an oppressed system. lagarde would not attend to, quote, preserve the spirit of commencement. it's the latest in a group of people who have backed out due to protests. these college students have got to lighten up. college is all about free speech and progressiveness. this is ridiculous. >> i don't agree with you on this one issue so you must not appear. >> oliver stone was my speaker
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and that's why i'm a republican. let's look inside the politico playbook. john harris, good morning. >> good morning, willie. >> there's a new piece in politico magazine breaking down some of the potential scenarios for the midterm elections coming up in november. whether it will be a ripple, perhaps tsunami, tell us about the calm seas scenario first. >> sure. larry in our pages west virginia university scholar writes about this. calm sea scenario likely isn't going to happen for democrats. that is obama sets much more popular. then a republican wave doesn't happen and just a switch ofr one or two seats and democrats keep control of the senate chamber. >> believes that unlikely. let's go to the next which is the gael force white cap scenario. >> that is certainly a plausible scenario. it's not one i happen to think
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is likely. but that is republicans win and win pretty comfortably on the strength of seventh states, i believe it is, that romney won and where democrats are at competitive races and therefore they take over the senate chamber or come very close. >> what do you think is most likely? >> i think that democrats are -- and there's polling that suggests this -- that democrats we've been looking at as in a lot of trouble are running more vigorous races than we expected. mark pryor in arkansas is the premiere example of this. if he ran as mark pryor, democrat, he'd be in big trouble given how unpopular obamacare and obama is in arkansas. but he's running as mark pryor, you know me. you've known me for a listening time. you can watch me fight for this seat and earn your vote. it's suggesting that's working well. there's a vulnerable seat that pryor's got a decent chance of
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holding. >> john, you mentioned obamacare. is it possible the numbers in obamacare are being misread by some republicans? >> there was a debate about this. no question it's unpopular. the question is whether the electorate in these competitive states wants a backward looking debate, litigate obamacare. it's been law of the land for four years and promise to repeal it. or they say let's move on to something different. if that's all you have to say, that's not enough for you to earn my vote. in other words, give me a forward-looking argument. >> the third scenario is the republican tidal wave, outcome of the gop picking up 11 seats or more. what do you think about this one? >> it's just not going to happen. larry himself doesn't put a lot of stock in that. still a competitive nation. we'll see that in the senate results this year. even though the map tends to favor republicans just as come 2016 it's going to be more
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favorable democratic map for the senate. >> we're still six months or so out from election. >> what i call an eternity in politics. >> thank you very much. which you don't have to put it in terms of gael force white caps. but what's the pickup in the house and does the senate swing? >> today republicans would pick up in the house. if obamacare gets less popular, they could lose substantial seats in the house. i think the key for the democrats is they've got to make these individual senate races as john said. people like pryor can really fight themselves into contention if they run strong races independent of the national tie. the problem is they still are facing a national tide that will be strong enough to topple for republicans to get a majority. it's tough math for them still, but they are not giving up. they are not overwhelmed. and they're not taking it for granted. they know they can be wiped out and they're fighting. >> and do republicans take the
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senate? >> today they do and i still think something has to change for them not to. >> politico's john harris with a look inside the playbook. thanks, john. coming up with the nets looking to even with the heat, lebron james performs with a career high. highlights next in sports. ♪ vo: once upon a time there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours
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♪ time for some sports in the nba playoffs. we'll start in portland. the spurs looking to take out the broom against the blazers and sweep them. damian lillard had other ideas. portland survives, lives to fight another day. spurs though still up 3-1 in that series. let's go to brooklyn. nets looking to even that series with the heat in game four. they had to win this one, but lebron went off matching his career playoff high with 49 points. it was a tight game, though. tied with a minute to play, great ball movement. chris bosh with a three from the corner. how do you stop that team? the heat take the lead and they don't look back. they win 102-96. they push the nets to the brink now with the 3-1 series lead going back to miami. tonight the pacers against the wizards. and the clippers visit the
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thunder. that series tied 2-2. lebron actually had a free throw with about five seconds left that would have given him 50. even though he scored 49 and he won, you could see how upset he was he didn't get 50. now to the ice for round two of the stanley cup playoffs. >> gets the puck. scores! for the second time from the cross. one timer. loose puck. and scores! >> the steal. gets by. to the front. there he is. he scores! and for the first time in the series, the home team has lost. >> all right. so the ducks take the series edge now after beating the kings 4-3. they're up three games to two. and the canadiens shutout the bruins to stay alive. tonight the rangers/penguins play a decisive game.
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and the black hahawks looking t finish off the wild. some interesting tv during half-time of the spurs/blazers game last night. an acrobatic tandem performance. so inspiring that shaquille o'neal decided to try it himself. back in the studio. who's the other guy? a stage manager maybe. >> pretty good. >> that's a 7'1," 350 pound man. >> i thought that was good. >> that's how we get loose for the show. >> i think at 8:00, donny should try that. >> why wait until 8:00? >> how great is that show? >> they're great. >> incredible. coming up next, what new hampshire voters really think of scott brown? >> use one word to describe scott brown. >> carpet bagger. >> wow. massachusetts.
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with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. ♪ use one word to describe scott brown. >> carpet bagger. >> i love him. >> i'm a fan. >> wow. massachusetts. >> massachusetts. >> a gentleman. >> handsome. >> very handsome. >> in the '80s. scott brown. >> halfback for the pats in the '80s. how do you like that? running for senate once again. he's trying to steal what's supposed to be a safe seat for the democrats not in massachusetts but new hampshire.
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kasie hunt traveled for the latest states of play. ♪ >> one of my favorite support es. >> scott brown wants his job back. he lost his seat in massachusetts two years ago. so he moved into his vacation home, but namps plates on his pickup truck and started down the trail again. this is the kind of retail campaigning you did in massachusetts. is that your approach here and do you think it's working for you so far? >> we'll see. doing what is right and fun. >> reporter: he shot to prominence when he won ted kennedy's old senate seat in massachusetts. a college basketball star turned cosmo model turned politician, brown ran on his every man persona. now brown is starting to get to know his new home turf where voters are informed.
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>> i voted already three times to get rid of it. >> reporter: he got off to a rocky start. in march he told the associated press, quote, do i have the best credentia credentials? probably not because, you know, whatever. when you were asked about your credentia credentials, you responded whatever. >> that's not accurate at all. i started listening and learning. i'll put my credentials up against anybody's. i'm looking forward to convey that. >> reporter: brown could run into trouble in his primary. he supported gun control and abortion rights. but national republicans believe he'll win the primary easily. they pushed hard to get brown to run against shaheen who otherwise seemed unbeatable. >> you were a great governor. you're a fantastic senator. >> reporter: what is the central difference between you and scott brown? >> that i'm from new hampshire, that's why i'm doing this. we don't know why scott brown's
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doing this. >> reporter: shaheen stands by her support of the health care law which she says has helped thousands in the state. >> over 40,000 people enrolled and 80% of those were people who didn't have health insurance before. we need to fix what's not working about the law, but repealing it is not the answer. because they have no plan to replace it. >> reporter: still, polls show a close race. the president is unpopular. and this is shaping up as a good year for the gop. that's what scott brown is counting on. >> can i count on your vote? thank you very much. thank you. >> and kasie hunt is back from new hampshire, joins us here in new york. how uphill is the climb for him in terms of anecdotally talking to people in new hampshire saying he's not one of us. >> he has a bit of a ways to go. it's not necessarily about where he was born or where he's from, but this idea that he's sort of job hunting. that's what we heard from voters that we talked to up there. which is okay he lost in massachusetts. just go looking for ood senate
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seat. and that's going to be one of his hurdles just from the perspective of the position he took as a republican in massachusetts. you have to sort of adhere to a certain line that it doesn't necessarily play well with republicans in new hampshire. he at one point supported an assault weapons ban. those issues are flaring in his primary. don't think his primary is going to be an issue at the end of the day. he's having to walk a careful line as he faces that. that's not until september. he's going to be contending with those issues until then before he can focus on jean shaheen. >> and shaheen raised one of the critical questions he's going to have to answer over and over again in the piece you just did when she says, you know, we don't know why scott brown is running. you know, why is he running? he's going to have to answer that over and over again. new hampshire is a very unusual state as mark can attest to.
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go go sit in alex's shoe store on saturday morning and get a good feel for the state. and jean shaheen is incredibly familiar in that state. >> she's not taking anything for granted. his problem is he's just too inconsistent. his announcement speech, he talked about obamacare was quite good. it was one of the best republican messages i've heard about obamacare. but in general he just makes mistakes. he's a little bit too careless. the voters are sophisticated there. and they don't want a senator -- they don't want to replace jean shaheen unless they can prove it's a better quality product. it's going to be hard for him to focus the way he needs to consistently. >> if you look at him this year in a vacuum and take away the massachusetts thing, is he a good fit for new hampshire as a candidate but also the positions he's taken? >> well, i think mark is talking about things that make it difficult for him. the things that make it different for jean shaheen is
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her hardy embrace of obamacare. so he may have style challenges, she has substantive structural challenges. i'd take his challenges over hers. >> one of the big news is new hampshire is expanding medicare under the affordable care act. jean shaheen wanted to talk about scott brown's record on it. scott brown i guess did not. let's take a look. >> it was my understanding when he was first talking about running that he said he didn't support medicaid expansion and now he's, again, trying to have it both ways. i think it's very important and i applaud the governor. agreed to a compromise to expand medicaid. >> the state of new hampshire just expanded medicaid. >> listen, we spoke last night. >> do you support it or not? >> i'm already on record. i'll have my office give you the information on that matter. i've talked about it quite a few times.
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>> you were talking about obamacare. this is such a tricky issue for him. he's now backing away from this idea he could oppose medicaid because it was unpopular in the legislature. and we -- i followed up with his campaign and said what did you say on the record about medicaid and it was from march. and it's not as clear as what he said there. >> where is he today from what you can tell? >> it's not 100% clear whether or not he supports expanding it. his campaign will say it's a state issue that is not something he has to weigh in. >> these reports are really fun. appreciate you doing it. >> we're going to georgia next. >> all right. what are we talking about in georgia? >> we'll talk to michelle nunn who democrats see her to take back a state in the south. and also establishment versus tea party dynamics. >> kasie hunt on the road. snatch up that suitcase again, slap another bumper sticker on
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it. >> going to fall apart there. >> vintage. thanks. coming up next, he's got 99 problems and his sister-in-law is officially one of them. the violent video of jay z and solange knowles, that's beyonce's sister, that has the entertainment world talking this morning. news you can't use is next ♪ when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta!
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all right, gang. it's news you can't use time. this is the water cooler story that you're going to be talking about for a couple of days until we actually get an explanation on this. tmz reporting that this surveillance video from an elevator in the standard hotel right here in new york city and the people in the -- ooh. the people in this elevator is solange knowles, jay z, and beyonce there in the corner of your left of the screen. and that's a bodyguard. solange gets in the elevator at this party after the met gala. they had an afterparty there at the standard and goes off on jay z. you see the bodyguard there, he's pausing the elevator to let this play out. goes on for roughly three minutes. now, solange connects. right? she connects and gets in there with her purse, her feet, and a couple other things. anyway. this is very interesting as you see it all play out.
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because no one understands exactly what set solange off. then they all had to exit that elevator to a chorus of waiting cameras that were outside of the hotel snapping away pictures. >> there's only one reason is sister does that to her sister's husband. i have sisters. >> what is it? >> i think people can figure it out. if you have a sister, you can figure it out. >> jay z is one of the nicest guys around and she was attacking him. >> we don't know all the information. i think sisters are -- >> now, the carters were at the nets game yesterday. beyonce and jay z at the nets game. we see beyonce in this video and she is letting her sister get out the frustrations necessary. >> you have more questions than answers though. be honest. >> a lot more. also who at the standard is going to be in trouble for releasing that video to tmz. you'd think their privacy would be protected. >> good question. >> someone who made a little extra money, i would guess. >> say what you want about tmz, they are in the thick of things,
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boy. you may like them or not like them, but they certainly have -- >> are they this ones that put out that thing on page six about you? >> it's serious about you. >> they had me in a restaurant, but they were off by four hours. these are the kind of things that can derail careers. >> get the security video. >> we're going to look at this. >> don't let it go, donny. this is where the mainstream media starts. you'll be republican by the end of the day. >> somebody's got to step up. page six is powerful and i love the people there, but you have to stand up. >> don't pander. >> can you hand me page six now? i need to read this. okay. we got to go. coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to tell you what karl rove is saying about hillary clinton's potential run for the white house in 2016. the serious questions he's raising ahead. plus -- >> i had understood from conversations with you that we would have enough information about how the stress test is
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composed that reasonable people could sit down, build in other assumptions, and see how the stress test would come out with these major banks. and, in fact, we don't have the risk model, and we don't have the data inputs to make necessary to repeat them. >> i'd be happy to spend as much time going through this. >> i'll take yes for an answer. >> i need to slightly change the way you framed it. >> elizabeth warren's grilling of timothy geithner became youtube moments. what he said about the senator in his new book. and we'll get into eugene's column that says everyone that wants to investigate the benghazi attack should be required to do. keep it locked on "morning joe." we're back in a moment. ♪ vo: once upon a time
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♪ the only one that i know that i talk to is magic johnson. he's a good person, and he -- what am i going to say? has he done everything he can do to help minorities? i don't think so. >> i love that moment where sterling is clearly thinking, should i say something awful again? you know what? why not? what the hell? [ bleep ] magic johnson!
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>> look at this beautiful shot of the white house. a tuesday morning in washington, d.c. we welcome you back to the set of "morning joe." we've got donny deutsch, eugene robinson, nicole. joining us now political director and host of "the daily rundown," chuck todd. but donny, let me ask you about this sterling interview. this was supposed to be his apology. now it seems he has to make another apology about this because the commissioner of the nba has already said this is a malicious attack against magic johnson. >> sterling, step away from the motorcycle ro phone. the only thing this does in his bizarre favor, you can see what he says is repugnant i don't comprehension, he's not well. his wife has suggested early stages of dementia. you can watch as he talks, his his mind -- this man doesn't seem to be in control of his
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faculties. and we talked earlier, anderson did a great job of just letting it roll. and the irony and gene pointed this out, there is probably nobody that has done more for the african-american community than magic johnson. so this guy has just -- >> at the time johnson went public with having hiv, it was a huge deal. he's done a world of good for everybody. and so i think that to have negative things to say about somebody like that who is a role model in every way is ridiculous. but i have to say, i'm curious to see -- i think anderson did a great job. but this becomes scandal porn. if someone wants the next sterling interview and the next one and the next one, then shame on all of us for watching that. >> i think also -- once again, what he does is despicable. this is a vile human being. but you have to consider age at
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some point. not to say to give anybody leeway. >> no, listen -- >> this is a guy who is just -- the wheels have come off. you can see it. i don't want to see it anymore. >> in this industry we are all in, we know something about vanity and narcissism, let's just be honest. you watch that interview and the narcissism, i, i, i, me. how many times did he say that in this interview? he's self-obsessed. . >> magic johnson has now become a center piece in all of this. >> magic's a great guy. >> a guy that shouldn't be a part of this. but listen to this. >> what has he done? can you tell me? big magic johnson. what has he done? >> well, he's a business person. >> he's got aids. did he do any business? did he help anybody in south l.a.? >> well, i think he has hiv. he doesn't have full-blown aids. >> well what kind of a guy goes to every city and has sex with every girl. then he catches hiv.
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is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people? doesn't do anything. you call up and think -- >> he's opened a lot of businesses in inner city neighborhoods. >> the jewish people have a company and it's for people who want to borrow money and no interest. they want to give them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if you don't have money, we'll loan it to you. one day you'll pay us back. i'm just telling you. he does nothing. it's all talk. >> so you're saying that african-americans don't contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people do? >> there's no african-american -- never mind. i'm sorry. you know, i -- they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me.
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>> eugene robinson, i think people can see as donny brought up here, obviously age might be a factor in terms of him being able to string together coherent thoughts in this interview, but the thoughts he's putting out there and the fact that he's trying to make some type of apology here with all these justifications and then throw magic johnson into all of this, it seems so completely bizarre. the nba commissioner has come out to apologize on behalf of him and to magic johnson. it'll be interesting to see how magic johnson responds to all of this. >> and why does magic have to say anything? clearly inside sterling's head it's pretty ugly in there. and the sensor is off. right? he doesn't have the sensor anymore that keeps him from spewing this stuff. for the record i don't want to play golf with him. i wouldn't mind an interest-free
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loan of half a billion dollars or so. where is he coming out with this stuff? donny raises a good point about is this the beginning of dementia? but how long has this been going on? there's all sorts of racist stuff that's been on the record for some time about donald sterling. and one wonders if this is -- if he's been like this for awhile. >> yeah. i mean, history shows he has been this way, gene. i guess as an african-american i can ask you this question. you hear about these things and read about these things and we are all outraged. then you see this almost pathetic man and you just want to look away at this point and just -- this is not even somebody worthy of our attention here. >> except that he's a pathetic man in a very powerful position. so pathetic or not, this is a guy with a couple of billion dollars and owner of a team. very powerful in the league. and so, you know, you can't cut
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that much slack. >> it seems if the nba is going to neutralize him. the potential of another camera of getting in front of him for more apology porn. so we'll see how that goes. he's probably not done speaking. let's shift gears as the special committee preps to talk benghazi, critics say it's old talk. that harshly criticized the state department and near eastern affairs. clarke saying in that review unlike the current one in congress was not intended to score political points. take a look. >> in the past, that could have been enough. two nonpartisan career people each of whom had served over 40 years. one in the foreign service, one in the military. they say this is the truth. that's usually the end of the story. it's not on this because people want to make partisan hay out of
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a national security issue in which americans died. >> and eugene robinson writing this in "the washington post." we want to read that part about what he says about asking a question at the cummings show trial. every should be able on an map. my guess some of the house republicans would be hard pressed to find libya much less pinpoint the city where four americans were killed. it's impossible to take seriously a house committee investigation not to unearth new facts. but to achieve political goals. rousing the gop political base and soiling hillary clinton's record in case she runs for president. it is disgusting that the september 11th, 2012, attack would be used in this matter. i don't think it's an exaggeration to call this a new low. it will probably backfire on republicans. chuck todd, is this political everything that's going on as
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eugene writes? >> it looks more partisan than looks like a serious inquiry. because to go to richard clark's point, they've done a ton of these inquiries already. there's been a senate intelligence investigation. forget just the state department, the outside board. i think that you could argue that congress should have done what it did. which is go through some of these committees. but as for the need for the select committee, they're just -- you know, i'll hear from republicans that say, but there are unanswered questions. well, no, all the questions have been answered. there's just some people that don't like the answers. that wishes the answers were somehow more conspiratorial, i guess. have a conversation about the policy. have a debate and investigation into whether the policy is working. to whether the response in the arab spring whether we did the
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right thing with the light footprint in libya. but to sit here and investigate talking points seems to be totally missing the larger point here. it's like investigating who cut down a tree, one tree in a forest that's been burned down. >> you know, nicole, your party, the republican party, and right now feeling pretty good about themselves if they look to midterm elections are still stupid. here we have a party focusing on what will be pfive years out by the time the election come along, something people don't care about, they don't care about it now. now you have karl rove suggesting hillary clinton maybe has brain damage as a result of a fall she took. this is still the party of no. this is still the party of backwards. this is still the party that has no answers going forward. this is a still a party taking shots at obamacare where every statistic shows this thing is working. when are you guys going to figure it out? it's ridiculous. >> let me try to say this as
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calmly as i can to you and to chuck. >> don't lump me with chuck. >> well, you are now in my chuck category which is not a good place to be. >> that is not a good place to be. >> you're about to be ground chuck. >> i can't make you care, but you should care about the white house talking points. and so should you. this is not about getting to the bottom of what happened. i think the republicans feel, the defense department in explaining and detailing what happened on that night has been extremely cooperative. i think republicans feel as far as investigating on what happened that night, there's a whole lot of information and testimony. what came out last week, what enraged john carl, the correspondent from abc news who is a lot angrier than republicans even in the moment, was that the white house did not release all the information about why susan rice went out and blamed the attacks on a video. that should interest everybody. not just republicans. you should care. chuck should care. everyone should care about why the white house said what they said. but they shouldn't just be about polls. >> i'm talking about going to a vote.
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>> this is not about -- listen. this is everything that's wrong with our politics. this shouldn't be because the polls show -- >> not polls. i say when i go to vote, what i care about is can i afford my sugar frosted flakes. what i care about is mortgage. people voting don't care about this. >> and you're certain you'd feel the same way if this was done by the bush administration? >> at the end of the day, they care about how things affect them and their pocketbook and their family and their homes. not what we talk about. >> i completely disagree. my parents are conservative. my father brings this up all the time to me and asks why the media doesn't care more. >> i wish i'm running a campaign where my adversary is running on benghazi. i would win. >> i'm going to push back on you and you. >> i'm not defending it, i'm just giving reality. >> can we stop saying the republican party. as someone who grew up in a conservative household, i don't recognize the republican party of even my youth. i don't like what i see. i don't like the far right. i don't like the extremism.
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they've pushed me away. as someone pretty much not religious, pro-same-sex marriage, pro-legalization of marijuana. what party is this? what party am i supposed to be in? when i'm a fiscal conservative who believes that small government can often be better. there are times for larger government. so we keep saying the republican party. i love you guys and this show, but i don't know who the republican party is anymore. i don't know if the republican party knows who the republican party -- because it's not a party unfortunately republicans that i can get on board with because i don't like the small minded attitude a lot of the far right wing stuff that comes out. i should go home now. >> well, come on down. >> wow. give this man -- >> give this man a decaf. >> he's come out as an independent. >> as my final appearance on "morning joe," i'd like to say -- >> bring some here. >> chuck, as nicole points out
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about how the media should be caring about this story, it's not they don't care about the story. obviously we're still talking about this right now. we want to give it the time it deserves. but at what point do both sides decide this has properly been vetted and this isn't just a calendar game? and that the republican party is looking at the calendar of how to make this relevant as we get to the midterms, how to sully hillary clinton if she should run. is this just a calendar game or truly about finding answers? >> well, i think they have to -- it is -- the burden is now on this select committee to make the case that they're trying to -- look. i think they've made a bunch of political mistakes in the last week. number one, nancy pelosi went out there and said what about making it even. republicans should have said, great idea. and taken the credibility. would have gotten, would have been able to basically allow nancy pelosi to give this select committee credibility. they didn't take that offer. i understand looking in the past they say it's never been done
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before. but if you are serious about having the investigation be taken seriously considering how there is -- you know, sully me for being skeptical of political motivations here. and by the way, the idea that the white house did talking points on this, i don't think anybody is shocked there was talking points for somebody going on a sunday show. what i don't understand the focus on this talking points is two days later the video was no longer even a part of the conversation. so to focus just solely on what's going on in the 72-hour period, when two days later we were talking -- again, i go back to the policy. i think there's a serious debate about having about this light footprint of the u.s. and this leading from behind. is the policy working? you can argue it's not working. the response to the arab spring hasn't worked. have that policy discussion. have that investigation. i think it would be a lot more relevant.
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>> wasn't the poison pill for what the democrats were asking for not equal balance? wasn't the poison the subpoenas isn't that what the democrats knew full well republicans couldn't give in on? >> it's possible that's what some republicans believed. but if what i'm saying is take nancy pelosi up on the even split. you want to do even split? you want subpoena power? fine. but we have the same subpoena power. the point is they had an opportunity here, i think, to basically make nancy pelosi give them credibility. the democrats looked foolish the last week about this whole debate they were having. nancy pelosi offered even split, then others said boycott. you know. and the republicans never took any of it -- any of those deals which they could have taken and made this committee look more credibility. >> and voters don't care, period. they just don't. >> only congressional on one
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side if the voters care? >> this is -- let the republicans go down that path. >> we're going to check in with brian sullivan. we need to make sure he's all right. >> we've medicated him. we've sedated him. >> i'm trying to get you on the ballot. what's your home state? >> i don't know. >> we need angry independents. >> we found one. >> america needs them. >> we booked you specifically for this, brian sullivan. >> that's not true. you booked me to talk about tim geithner. >> this is what i'm trying to get to. this is my segue, angry independent. >> i'm a liberal. we agree. that's the amazing thing. the republicans and democrats, the world is purple. >> listen to this. it's been over a year since he left his post, but tim geithner already defending his post as treasury secretary. "the new york times" is calling his new book "stress test: a memoir from the eye of the financial storm" and in it geithner stands by his actions following the economic collapse
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in 2008 including the decision to let lehman brothers fail. geithner also has tough words for elizabeth warren who was then in charge of congressional oversight on the government bailouts. he characterizes their relationship as complicated writing, quote, her bailout oversight hearings often felt more like made for youtube in i inkwi -- inquisitions. then identifying any feasible. also had criticism for republicans taking aim at a party that he says was driven by, quote, extremists during the 2011 debt ceiling debacle. he writes of the gop leadership about many of them truly seeming to believe default would cleanse. tim geithner is going to be live here on set of "morning joe" tomorrow. >> i'm a day early. >> so you're a day early. >> not only an angry independent but an independent who doesn't
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know the day of the week. >> there's nothing wrong with being punctual. >> brian, there's something behind all this. anything happening at home? everything okay? >> everything's fine. [ laughter ] everything's fine. everything's fine. i have not talked about it on the air, but i will say this. surprise, my wife is pregnant. i'm 42, almost 43. so it was a bit of a whoops. you met my beautiful daughter, she's ten. so it's a little -- but, listen. i don't want to down play the, quote, rant. i've been meaning to say stuff like that for awhile. >> any financial challenges when he reacts to the third pregnancy? >> what's that? >> paul rudd in this is 40. >> yeah. so, yes. this is not water is my point. no. listen, guys. i've been meaning to say it for awhile. i'm sorry to get frustrated. i don't understand where the republican party is going. i don't understand what they're gaining to your point donny from
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all of this. listen, i'm not down playing the importance of benghazi to some people. i have no idea what people in texas think or arizona think. i do know this. on vacation in wisconsin, people there feel differently than the people in this area and sometimes us about this region. >> when it comes to what geithner is saying about the republican party about default will cleanse the sins of the economy which is insane, what's your reaction to him putting this down on paper. and is this a logical reflection? >> secretary geithner is much more connected than i was. i'm sure there were some that felt that way. but there were other republicans that did not. i went down to d.c. when lehman brothers collapsed. i had no clothes, spent five days unexpectedly down there, spoke with a number of people on capitol hill. and that's sort of where we saw the split. >> you had no extra clothes. i wanted to save you. >> come on the show, we talk about underwear. >> there is nobody that thinks
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back and thinks lehman brothers was the right call. >> i'll tell you what was scary though. i was in capital hill walking around one day off when the bill was being written, and i had a fairly prominent number of them ask me what it was. >> this was a great block. we're going to take a break and cool you down. chuck todd, we'll watch "the daily rundown" coming up president and brian sullivan, deciding in the break whether you can stay. >> everything's fine. >> i vote we keep him on "morning joe." we keep him. still ahead on "morning joe," edward snowden may have blown the whistle on government spying. but history of intelligence gathering goes much deeper. front line's compelling new documentary. then the answer to how china transformed from a struggling nation into a rising super power. up next, the chairman of the
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house intelligence committee, congressman mike rogers is going to be joining the table. keep it locked in right here. you are watching "morning joe" and we are back right after this. ♪ customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price --
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joining us now republican congressman mike rogers of michigan. first of all, we apologize for our friend brian sullivan. he's being sedated off set now. >> cranky this morning. >> it could be the chair. be careful. >> we've been talking about benghazi, if you were to score it right now as far as how the republicans have been handling it to date? >> first of all, there are all the committees that have been doing their investigations. so i have been conducting an investigation on the intelligence portion. and i think what frustrated people is i did the intelligence investigation, somebody else did the armed services investigation, somebody else did the state department investigation. i think what sent the speaker
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over the top was two things. to date one of the big things we've found is there has been no accountability and no justice. that we know where those folks are, no plan to get them. people who were involved in the security decisions around the temporary mission facility, some of them have been promoted. there is evidence that clearly is not the right decision. i think when the speaker found out, hey, you know what? you told us you gave us everything and you didn't and it certainly implies there was something more going on. i think he said that's it. i'm going to have all of these committees, all of their work. i'm in the process now of batching my work and handing it over to the committee. >> can you explain to donny for me why it matters -- >> slowly. and don't use big words. >> i'm serious. >> good news is i don't know big words. >> susan rice went on five sunday shows. you know every word matters. she was instructed as far as the talking points now by the white house. as a result of what she said, she was denied an opportunity to
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serve as this country's secretary of state. i think it matters very much. but donny doesn't see it that way. can you explain why it matters where the talking points come from. >> before you even answer. it does matter. it doesn't matter to voters. that's what i'm saying. >> i disagree. i think there are a lot of people who this really matters. let me tell you why. when you have four dead americans, the first ambassador killed since the '70s, this is serious business. what we don't want to do and i believe in expeditionary diplomacy meaning you've got to go to hard and dangerous places. we want to make sure we get it right and we don't abandon the folks we've asked to go there. there were decisions made clearly and through my investigation and others where they decided even though the security threat was as bad as it was, that they weren't going to help provide more security. this was a very powerful statement in the investigation one of the cia agency security
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officers went to this compound -- by the way, they weren't responsible for securing this compound. these guys are great patriots. in the middle of a huge fight they went down to save these people. but a week before they went to this facility and looked around at their security posture and said hey, man, if you don't change your posture here, you're going to die here. that is a powerful thing. his response he received was we've been asking and asking and they didn't get it. reason this is a problem, if we whitewash this thing today, we have other places around the world that are very dangerous. and me fear is if you don't hold somebody accountable, somebody else is going to die. >> chairman of the house intelligence committee, was there anything in the intel that you saw that would lead you to believe that they knew of that coming attack? that they knew the attack was about to take place. and "b," was there anything in the intelligence you saw that would lead you to believe there
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was a deliberate effort not to defend once under attack? >> well, i can't speak to the armed services part, but i went back and reviewed some 4,000 classified cables as part of our investigation from the agency leading up to that event. and it was very clear that the security situation was deteriorating rapidly. including, by the way, in august when they wanted to merge the facility where is the cia officers were and the temporary mission facility. they went down and said this place is not defendable. we're not going to do it. i'm an old fbi guy. that is what we would call a clue of problems brewing. did they know this was going to happen on that day at that time? i don't believe there was information. >> did the consulate know of the location and the existence of the cia safe house? >> the individuals at the -- yes. i'll tell you why.
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because the agency security officers coordinated with folks. this was not by protocol. everyone thinks their job was to protect the embassy. they did it because they didn't want their americans to die on the battlefield. that's why those guys are heroes. i know they got some grief early on. i have to tell you if you look back, they are heroes. they jumped in those vehicles when they got a call for help. they had no idea if it was five people attacking or 200 and they drove there. >> since we only have a few moments left, we're not going to solve benghazi. you're about to embark as a radio host and commentator. what makes a good radio host? >> i think we're going to find out next year. this is one of those things that when somebody approached me -- i love what i'm doing on the intelligence committee. we forged a bipartisan working relationship which just doesn't happen in congress. i think too often enough on something as serious as national security, we've changed i think fundamentally the committee.
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we work very well together. i know this is you're not allowed to say this, but we've developed a friendship over the last four years. i know. shocking. but he's a great american and great patriot. we formed a good relationship. we disagree and fight like cats and dogs. somebody thinks we're holding hands skipping into the spaces, but that doesn't happen. but we work through our differences. and somebody came and said would you -- we don't need another radio talk show host out there, we have plenty of good ones. we'd like to take your experience and put it on the radio. i thought that was interesting and compelling and allows me to talk a lot more people every day on things i think is important. we'll see if it makes a good radio talk show host. i think there is an audience for it. i'm going to have people i disagree with on the radio. i'm going to have people my listeners disagree with on the radio. i think at the oend -- end of the day, it's growing. >> we will be listening. really appreciate your time.
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still ahead, the definitive story of the u.s. surveillance program. >> created after 9/11. >> extraordinary means are required to deal with a threat. then he said don't ask anymore questions. >> collecting data on american citizens. >> anything you hand to a private company is potentially government's. you're looking for unknown conspirators. the way they devised to do that was look at everybody. >> michael kirk joins us with a look at frontline's new documentary. up next, a stunning turn of events in clay aiken's bid for congressional seat. also kelly o'donnell joins us live with the story. do not go anywhere because you are watching "morning joe." ♪ vo: once upon a time
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♪ welcome back, everybody. this really is some sad have been shocking news that's coming out of north carolina as clay aiken's primary opponent keith crisco passed away after falling in his home. joining us from north carolina, correspondent kelly o'donnell. this really is shocking and so sad for the crisco family. >> reporter: absolutely, thomas. i had already been down here in this district covering the race.
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i had met keith crisco and had seen he and clay aiken and a third candidate tony morris competing for this. no one could have imagined. the race got attention because of the celebrity factor with clay aiken being in the race. and then of course a razor thin margin last week that was still unresolved until today. but this sad turn of events, the accidental death of keith crisco on monday afternoon. sharing the campaign stage in north carolina. >> i've lived my life in the district. >> reporter: wealthy textile executive, 71-year-old keith crisco. >> we need a leader with the experience. >> reporter: the former north carolina commerce secretary had fought hard against "american idol" alum and first-time candidate clay aiken. >> i think people who get into public service should be doing it to help people. and that's why i'm doing it. >> reporter: their battle was so intense and so close, it lasted a week after ballots were cast. aiken was ahead by just 369
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votes out of 29,000. in the democratic primary for north carolina's second congressional district. crisco had not conceded deciding to wait for a final count including absentee and military ballots expected later today. but then a shocking end. >> so tragic, untimely. the last thing any of us expected. >> reporter: monday afternoon crisco was found dead at his home of an apparent fall. brad chrome was a friend of 30 years. >> he was a great candidate. i felt like he ran a great campaign and he'll be missed greatly. >> reporter: aiken expressed his shock in a written statement. i am suspending all campaign activities as we pray for his family and friends. aiken's campaign website now posts only this tribute to his former rival. he was a gentleman, a good and honorable man, and extraordinary public servant.
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unrelated to crisco's death, state officials had set today for a final vote tally from all of the counties. his passing does not automatically make clay aiken the winner of this primary. what happens is they certify the results and a friend of crisco's told us he expected to concede the race because he did not believe there were enough of those outstanding ballots that could be counted that would have changed the outcome. had crisco won this race, the democratic party would then choose the candidate. but it is expected that given the way the vote appears at this point, aiken will be named the democratic primary winner. he would then go on to challenge a republican incumbent in what is a conservative district. she also put out a statement offering her condolences to the family of keith crisco, his wife, widow, grandchildren, and family. what an unusual turn and a sad one. i'd had chance to meet him. he was a lovely man. >> nbc's kelly o'donnell.
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appreciate that. really is a sad story. we'll continue to follow it and see how this turns out as the primary turns into the race. coming up tomorrow on "morning joe," want to give a preview of our guests. former treasury secretary timothy geithner. longtime great yankee randolph. coming up next, what does the government know about you? and is there anything you can do about it? we have a look at frontline's newest project. that's coming up next on "morning joe." ♪
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march right up to it. >> two other nsa lawyers would also sign off on the program. >> we came to the conclusion independently. but consistently that there was no doubt in our mind it was a legitimate use of the president's authority. >> general hayden had heard what he needed. article 2. >> that you were just watching a clip from "united states of secret." joining us is michael kirk who directed part one this is a well woven look at what it means for our government in the spying game. i guess the big revelation here is we know we're a country in the business of spying on other countries. the real revelation is we're now, everyday americans are also the target.
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>> once upon a time, the nsa got their hand slapped for spying on americans in the nixon administration. it became against the law as a result of that to ever spy on americans. one or two hours after 9/11, the process begins starting with the vice president and his lawyer to turn those eyes and ears on us. partly as a result of the thing we all worried about which were sleeper cells but also because they just didn't know what they didn't know. and what's amazing in my experience of making the film, is the extent to which will meeting great patriotic americans out at the nsa suddenly cross the bright line and went the other away and cumulated what they accumulated on all of us. >> michael, in making these films, it's not like two or three-day enterprise. it's months and months and months of working. what surprised you the most in this? >> i think the extent to which
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it was really big and the american people didn't seem to know it or understand it. i think people like me when i started the project, i thought well i know snowden and i know little bits and pieces about it. but i had no idea -- i had no way to understand it, what actually happened. and now after six months talking to everybody on all sides of this and trying to lay it out in a coherent way so that you understand it, i finally understand it. and i hope americans will too. once they really understand the magnitude of what happened. >> michael, let me ask you a question. make me feel better or worse. >> i'll do my best. >> to make our country safe, obviously the line can get blurry. and my belief has been even if they're collecting data on me, i'm part of a huge sweep. and unless live been yemen ten times in the last six months, nobody's looking at nicole wallace, donny deutsch, maybe
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mike barnicle. but is that able to think. unless there are major red flags with somebody, they don't care where i went to dinner last night. >> they have everything about you and everything about everybody and your brother-in-law who wants to quit his job and doesn't want anybody to know. or something you think is isn't important but turns out to be important. but what about after the next attack or the attack after that? that's what peopletell iing me. it has trillions of phone records and other things. the numbers are astonishing. what happens when we have an attack, we don't know who they are. there's another attack. it's a different government and they can get what they get. we don't know what they'll do with it, but that's the frightening prospect. that a lot of people both sides
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right and left are concerned about how big and how far does big government go if it can access what it can access. believe me, i've come to understand how they did it, how they built it. these are not evil people necessarily. they did what they thought they could. >> what did they do with donny's information? >> it's in a giant reservoir out in bluffdale which has a tremendous number of servers. it's as big as you can imagine like out in the desert out there. somebody could go out with a fishing pole some time when there's a phone call you accidentally get or get from a safe house in yemen and they run and they'll just drop the line down in and pull up barnicle. what are they going to do with it? who knows. >> isn't that -- my understanding of this program, how it would work operationally is if they seize a computer in yemen and they want to check all
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the phone numbers, they can. they wouldn't necessarily look at mike's brother-in-law unless there's concerned about a government that for good reasons stepped up and said we need -- in order to find some suspect, we're going to go get everybody. >> is this a bigger question about our desensitize -- being desensitized -- i can't talk. >> desensitized. >> desensitized to the fact that our right of privacy that we're willing to give it up with tweets, with facebook postings. to donny's point, who cares where i had dinner, go through my phone if you want to, i haven't done anything wrong but it's a right of privacy that we're born with. not the fact that we have nothing to hide. >> here's my challenge to you and the people watching this program. watch this film tonight. spend two hours of your life, it may be worth it, to watch it and come away and say i feel
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comfortable, they're doing the right thing. but if you know how it got started, what it was designed to do, how much it has and how few people can check on it. and if you know somebody like 29-year-old edward snowden can get a job, go into a bunker somewhere and pull down what the government says is 1.7 million pages of documents and that you read those documents and think, my god, my government is everywhere and they're all over me, how do i feel about that? am i okay with it? maybe you are. that's the point of the film tonight is to try to get you up to speed so that you finally understand. >> michael kirk, great to have you here, sir. thanks so much. part one of "united states of secrets" airing tonight on pbs. still ahead, the story of a young woman who went to start the largest online dating site. what her tale is telling all of us about china's future on the world stage. keep it locked into "morning joe." we're back after this.
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st. louis rams. there you see the raw emotion. [ whistle ] >> holding. unnecessary tenderness. >> get used to it. all right, coming up at the top of the hour, donald sterling is at it again, and this time he knew he was being recorded. he agreed to it. his shock and awe apology interview that scorches the earth between him and magic john z johnson and dr. karl rove giving his diagnosis on hillary clinton's 2016 chances. a new reason that he thinks she shouldn't run for the white house. plus a front row seat to the ten and a half hour meeting that
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auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? good morning. it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, 5:00 as you wake up out west. that's a live look at new york city. with us on set, mike barnicle,
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nicolle wallace, mark halperin, donny deutsch and in washington, eugene robinson. there's a lot to talk about this morning but there's something that can't wait. this morning's page six of "the new york post" there's a story, yeah there's angelina jolie, brad pitt, but most importantly donny deutsch. >> our very own. >> i believe we have a realtime correction here. >> i had my publishers up all night over this. you know, they have me at a restaurant on sunday, mother's day, where i actually was there saturday. these are the kind of things that they seem small, these details. next thing you know, i'll be kissing mike barnicle. >> look in the camera and ask for a correction. >> mr. murdoch, i would like a correction because i was actually there four hours earlier. >> this is why republicans don't trust the lame stream media. you can tour with sarah palin and like seriously have -- >> it's just -- mike, i know you've been through this before. >> what an ordeal. >> yeah, i'm reported to be in
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central park at times where i'm nowhere near central park. not by a newspaper, by the new york city police department. >> upper east side eatery. >> oh, yeah. >> you've been there. >> many times, many times. >> but not this past sunday. >> not this past sunday. and i think there needs -- you know, i think we needed ward snowden on this. >> you have to draw the line at time, date and place because the next thing you know, you will be on a date with sarah palin. you will be hunting moose. you will be making your own moose sausage and you'll be spending more money on your clothes than you actually do, which might be hard to imagine. >> mr. scarborough has a whole new -- notice his wardrobe? nobody makes fun of him. very pricey stuff, looks good, yet i still take the heat. >> that's another thing for republicans, that's the media's double standard. men can spend as much as they want on their clothes but if women buy a fancy skirt. >> nicole, it's almost like
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you've been through this before. all right, donny, we'll let you work through your ordeal and then we'll get to you. let's get to some of the news this morning. donald sterling has spoken on the record with cameras rolling fully aware his remarks would go public. that did not stop the disgraced los angeles clippers owner from sounding off again. in an interview with cnn, sterling said it was jealousy, not racism that fueled his former conversation with his mistress. sterling only made things worse with what appeared to be a disillusioned view of the controversy surrounding him. >> i think you have more of a plantation mentality than i do. i think you're more of a racist than i am. >> how so? >> because i'm not a racist and i've never been a racist and i'll never be a racist. the players don't hate me, the sponsors don't hate me, the fans don't hate me, the media hates. it's all the media pushing. >> honestly, you really believe that it's just the media? >> i believe it 100%.
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i believe it 100%. people call me by the thousands and give me support. >> you believe the pleasure of the los angeles clippers -- >> absolutely. they know i'm not a racist, and i'm not a racist. >> anderson cooper, well known for his plantation mentality donald sterling points out. meanwhile, former lakers guard magic johnson was also the subject of sterling's ire. you're not going to believe this one. listen. >> what has he done, can you tell me? big magic johnson, what has he done? >> well, he's a businessperson -- >> he's got aids. did he do any business? i'd like -- did he help anybody in south l.a.? >> i think hiv isn't full-grown aids. >> what kind of guy goes to every city, has sex with every girl and catches hiv. is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? i think he should be ashamed of himself. i think he should go into the background. but what does he do for the black people?
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he can't do anything. you call up and -- >> he's opened a lot of businesses in neighborhoods. >> the jewish people have a company and it's for people who want to borrow money and no interest. they want to get them a fishing pole. we want to help people. if they don't have the money, we'll loan it to you. you don't have interest, one day you'll pay us back. i'm just telling you, he does nothing. it's all talk. >> so you're saying that african-americans don't contribute to african-american communities as much as jewish people? >> there's no african-american -- never mind. i'm sorry. you know, i -- they all want to play golf with me. everybody wants to be with me. >> and this is the damage control interview. in those to those remarks about magic johnson, nba commissioner adam silver issued this statement. i feel compelled on behalf of the nba familiar tally to
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apologize to magic johnson that he continues to be dragged into this swagts and be degraded by such a malicious and personal attack. the nba board of governors is continuing with its process to remove mr. sterling as expeditiously as possible. gene robinson, it's hard to know where to begin when you hear comments like that. >> oh, my god. >> you could spend an entire show telling what magic johnson has done for african-american communities. >> he's spent hundreds of millions of dollars in low income communities around the country. pick any random person and said they -- you know, they might not have done something for the african-american community, but not magic johnson. it's just -- this guy is on mars, on like bizarro mars or something, but he's not a racist, right? i'm not a racist. but let me tell you about every african-american.
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get him out of here. get him out of here. >> i tell you one way that video helped, he's clearly out of his mind. beyond being a racist and repugnant human being, you could just see in the way he responds and as he drifts off, he's just mentally just not there. >> well, his apparently soon-to-be ex-wife has indicated that she feels strongly that he's in the early stages of dementia and he is proving it. >> you watch him and you see he starts to talk and he forgets. he's not a well man. >> just to accentuate the positive for a moment, anderson was awesome. just let him talk. it took a lot of restraint not to step in. stepped in just enough. >> it's one where you get out of the way and just let the guy do it. donald sterling's argument was what we heard on those tapes was an aberration. this woman had it out for him and pulled this out of him. then he comes to do this interview and the true donald sterling comes out. one thing that he made clear is he's not fit to own an nba team
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any more. i think that's over right there. >> the guy is worth probably a couple billion dollars. he probably has handlers around him. to let this guy go in front of the cameras, i don't know who's advising him -- >> someone with a great sense of irony. >> someone who loves him just like the players love him, i think was advising him. >> we'll leave donald sterling now. i want to get you in on this one, nicole, karl rove isn't just analyzing political races now, he's talking about the medical condition of one potential presidential candidate. according to "the new york post" karl rove speculated at a los angeles conference last week that hillary clinton may have brain damage. the former adviser to president bush repeated his theory to the audience several times. he cited the former secretary of state's health care in 2012. remember, she fell and suffered a wloblood clot. on thursday rove said 30 days in the hospital and when she reappeared she's wearing glasses
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for people that only have traumatic brain injury. we need to know what's up with that. the incident forced clinton to temporarily postpone her testimony on the deadly attack on benghazi. clinton supporters note she was hospitalized for three days, not 30. her spokesman said, quote, please assure dr. rove she is 100%. >> you know, i was at lens crafters the other day asking for these special glasses for brain damage, and they were all out. >> what do you make of this? >> look, karl did not raise this issue by accident. i worked with karl for a long time. this was a deliberate strategy on his part to raise her health as an issue and i think in his view a legitimate line of questioning ahead of the next campaign. what's interesting to me and doesn't seem to be in line with karl is that he had some of the facts wrong. she wasn't in the hospital for 30 days. now, listen, this sounded pretty off the wall to me, but i worked for john mccain.
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his health was a question and issue every day of the campaign. dick cheney ended up writing a book about his health. so she will answer questions about her health. if the voters and her opponents have questions about them. but this attack seemed out of place, out of time and some of the basic facts seemed to be wrong. >> in the absence of a strong front runner, leading republicans right now are more focused -- less focused on finding a candidate, more focused on trying to define her. this is one of a thousand things that have happened in the last month of republicans trying to figure out how to undermine, what will stick with voters, what will undermine her and maybe what will intimidate her out of the race. one thing that's a reality is there are people around her who don't want her to have to go through this stuff. >> gene, she did suffer an injury. she had a blood clot between her skull and her brain in 2012. what do you make of this approach from karl rove? >> well, i think the assessment -- mark's assessment that this is an attempt to define her and to raise an
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issue, which as niccole says, will be an issue if she decides to run because any major presidential candidate's health or weight or whatever, physical condition, is a legitimate issue. but dr. rove really should -- he didn't do very well in medical school, i gather, because he doesn't have any of his facts right. and i too have been shopping for those special traumatic brain injury shades because i think they look cool but can't find them. >> i think that gene proves that karl rove didn't do that well in medical school but he's doing very well in the school of demographics. he knows looking at his field, the republican field, that hillary clinton takes each one of those potential candidates and beats them. >> yeah, yeah. >> so this is -- as mark indicated, this is just another measure that they're taking to try and knock down the presumed front runner, if she does run for the democratic nomination,
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hillary clinton. >> that's right. >> this is a private event. i don't know who put out what he said, but at these private events, people like karl want to perform for the paid audience and say stuff that they wouldn't necessarily say in public. then when it finds its way into the public, harder to explain. >> who thinks there are private events anymore, mark? what's a private event at a time when any cell phone is a tape recorder. >> mitt romney was at a private event. >> karl is smarter than that. i don't think -- karl has been getting videotaped on cell phones for the better part of the last two decades. this, i think, is a strategy. he may have been trying it out on behalf of the party, on behalf of the eventual nominee. while his comments may have been off, her health, regardless of why she was in the hospital or whether she was in the hospital, questions about a candidate's health are not only legitimate, they are always part of a presidential campaign. >> particularly someone as old as she is.
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>> take it to extremes suggesting brain damage. >> no, no, and i'm saying the substance of what he said -- listen, voters are smart enough to cancel out anything that's either wrong or over the line. so if you overreach with questions about health, the voters actually i think make a correction for that. but the notion that she isn't going to have to answer questions even in a democratic primary about what she went through is ludicrous. of course she will. >> and wrap benghazi into this as well. you've got benghazi and her health into one statement. another issue likely to come up in this presidential campaign, one of the biggest backers of republican candidates, the chamber of commerce, is issuing the party an ultimatum when it comes to the race. the message from chamber president tom donahue is pass comprehensive immigration reform or else. >> if the republicans don't do it, they shouldn't bother to run a candidate in 2016. i mean think about that. >> yeah. >> think about who the voters
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are. i just did that to get everybody's attention. but we are a nation with people without jobs, and jobs without people. we need all these people that we're training in the universities. the best universities in the world and we tell them to go home? when you do that, you send the work to where the people are. >> nicolle, i see you nodding your head over there. >> he's absolutely right. i wish he hadn't walked it back. he's absolutely right. that wasn't a private event, that was a public event and he was in front of the association of manufacturers, employers, people who know a little bit about how we educate workers an then basically waste them by not having a comprehensive immigration policy in this country. >> so when does the republican party get to it? >> it's not on track to happen now, before the midterms in the lame duck. it could happen early next year is the best chance. but people like the chamber need to go to republicans and say this has to happen. because it's not on track to happen.
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now, look, he had two issues. highly educated people who were trained here and forced to go home. that has a lot of support. if he wants this to happen he has to take on a path to citizenship for the ten million here illegally who are not in too many cases high-skilled workers. the business community, the faith community, if they want this to happen, they have to make republicans do it and they haven't so far. >> isn't the path to citizenship a third rail at this point? what candidate is able to step out, make that claim, say that's the way we should go and still get through the primary season? >> jeb bush. jeb bush if he runs. but the party is so far and away from dealing with this. look, there's two tracks. there's everything else you can do to improve your standing with hispanic voters on which they have done virtually nothing since the election when they realized they had to do it and then there's comprehensive immigration reform on which they're still standing in the way. the party is committing suicide. like i said, if people like the
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chamber and faith community want this to happen, they must act now and they're not. they're giving remarks like that, but that's not how it changes. >> it's amazing, donny, in the world of big business and small business the amount of intellectual property that is leaving this property after being educated here. the waste right in front of our eyes as people come and go to premiere schools, universities around the country, and then leave -- forced to leave, to go back to their own country. >> what about revenues like pfizer buying foreign companies to not pay taxes here. so the money is going, the people is going and that's no good. very quickly before we go, every time i hear jeb bush i think the same thing. nicolle, i want to ask you this. how long has jeb bush been out of politics or out of office. >> he's been out of the governorship for a couple of terms. >> eight years, ten terms. i know having been out of advertising for ten years now, i'm out of it. >> jeb bush isn't out of it. >> i don't know.
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>> jeb bush isn't out of it. >> i don't know, that's a long time to not be in the business you're in. >> he's in the business, and i think he'll be -- >> no, he's not. what has he been doing the last eight years? >> participating in the debates and doing so with courage is what puts him at the top of the pack. >> look, he's at the top of the pack. i'm just saying in any business, in any industry when you're gone for a decade as far as really hands in it, that's a big deal. >> hillary clinton has a similar challenge because she's been in the state department engaging in diploma diplomacy. >> there's a big difference between -- that's the third or fourth highest office of the country theoretically versus a guy who's been out of the game. >> go to iowa and see how many ask you wiabout foreign aid. >> one of the differences is a lot of people i suspect, republicans, are clamoring for jeb bush to get in. nobody is clamoring for you to get back into your business. >> as a result of page six. coming up on "morning joe,"
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a stunning turn of events in clay aiken's bid for a north carolina congressional seat when his primary opponent dies suddenly after falling in his home. also a house in new hampshire explodes just as police arrive on the scene. why they were called there in the first place. first, bill karins has a look at the forecast. hey, bill. >> good morning, willie. if it's not one thing, it's another. we've been dealing with a lot of tornado action and now we're going into a flood threat as we go throughout the day today and right through the end of the week. this morning, all eyes on the houston area. they picked up a little over 3 inches of rain in a short period of time. a lot of houston is low-lying and they see a lot of this. it does clear up pretty quickly but you don't want to be driving through that stuff. you'll stall your car out and be stuck waiting for a tow truck for a long time. houston, it's still raining. we picked up a little over 3 1/3 inches over the houston airport. nacogdoches, 5 1/2 inches of rain. that's a lot of rain overnight. as far as from here on, we'll
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watch the rain spreading into arkansas, louisiana, and over the next two to three days, this is a slow-moving storm. it gets all the way to areas like virginia. even d.c., new york, by the time we get to thursday and friday the heavy rain will be on the eastern seaboard. the other story out there today, how about our friends in the west. they didn't have much rainfall this winter and now the spring is unusually hot. today is going to be 86 in san francisco, which is very warm for them, and 96 in l.a. l.a. today is going to be warmer than even vegas, phoenix and tucson. as we go throughout the next couple of days, the heat wave will continue at least into thursday. how's that for three days in a row in l.a. this is the second heat wave you've already had this spring. of course the fire danger is very high. relative humidity low. they're under red flag warnings in case any fires do form. unfortunately they would spread rapidly. we leave you with a shot of more flooding in houston. the rain slowly will ending and your morning commute will get better, it's just going to take a while for that water to go
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we've already told you about "the new york post" let's look at some of the other papers. "the washington post" a stunning twist in the congressional election involving clay aiken. his primary opponent, keith crisco, died after falling in his home yesterday afternoon. ache tiriken turned his website with only a statement displayed. he's temporarily suspending the campaign. the race is too close to call. keith crisco was spun years old.
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"the boston globe" investigators trying to figure out what caused a house to explode in new hampshire. they think it began with a domestic disturbance where a police officer was shot by the homeowner. the alleged shooter also fired at another officer. his condition has not yet been released. additional police arrived on the scene to find the home on fire. wow! it later exploded, as you can see right there. police believe the shooter did die in that fire. oh, my gosh. >> mike's favorite paper, "the tampa bay times" at&t is in talks to buy directv for $50 billion or $100 a share. the deal would give at&t control over the country's largest satellite tv provider. sources say talks accelerated following the announcement of comcast's plan to purchase time warner cable. the deal is expected to be announced in the next few weeks. glaciers are melting past the point of no return. scientists have identified two separate areas in antarctica where glaciers are pouring ice
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into the sea at an accelerated pace. they are on the verge of collapsing. scientists say this will result in the rise of the global sea level of four feet or more within a couple of centuries. "usa today" john conyers re-election may be -- the clerk is expected to make a final decision today give him three days to appeal to the michigan secretary of state. "the los angeles times," a judge in california is ordering an investigation into the whereabouts of radio personality kasey kasem. he suffers from parkinson's disease and can no longer speak. he was taken out of the country and they don't know where he is. he is 82 years old. >> that is a bizarre story. "the boston herald" head of the international monetary fund is backing out of the commencement
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address at smith university following protests from faculty and students. critics accuse the imf of being part of a, quote, corrupt system that fuels the oppression and abuse of women worldwide. she said she would not attend to preserve the spirit of commencement. it's the latest in a growing list of people who have backed out of speeches because of protests, including connedy rice. these college students have to lighten up. college is all about free speech, progressiveness, this is ridiculous. >> and i don't agree with you on this one issue. >> oliver stone was my commencement speaker and i think it's why i'm a republican. >> it was a watershed day for you. >> totally. let's take a look inside the politico playbook. the editor in chief is john harris. >> good morning, willie. >> there's a new piece in "politico" magazine breaking down some of the potential scenarios for the midterm elections coming up in november. whether it will be a republican ripple, perhaps a tsunami. tell us about the calm seas
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scenario, first. >> sure. larry sabato, the respected university of virginia scholar writes about. this the calm sea scenario will probably not happen for democrats. that is obamacare gets enough more popular between now and election day that what we have all expected which is a republican wave doesn't happen and maybe it's just a switch of one or two seats and democrats keep control of the senate chairman. >> so as you say, larry sabado believes that's unlikely. then the gale force when i had cap scenario that you guys are calling it. >> that is like certainly a plausible scenario. it's not one i happen to think is likely, but that is republicans win and win pretty comfortably on the strength of seven states, i believe it is, that romney won and where democrats are in competitive races and effectively they take those all and, therefore, take over the senate chamber or at
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the minimum come very close. >> what do you think is most likely? >> i think that democrats are -- there's polling that suggests this, that democrats that we've been looking at in a lot of trouble are running more vigorous races than expected. mark pryor is the premiere example of this. if he ran as mark pryor, t democrat, he would be in big trouble but he's not running that way. he's running as mark pryor. you know me. you've known me for a long time. you can trust my values and you can watch me fight for the seat and earn your vote. it's suggesting that's working well so there's a very vulnerable seat that pryor has a pretty decent chance of holding. >> john, you mentioned obamacare. is it possible that the numbers in obamacare are being misread by some republicans? >> i mean there's a debate about this. no question it's unpopular. the question is whether the electorate in these competitive states wants a backward-looking debate.
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let's litigate obamacare. or they say let's move on to something different. if that's all you have to say, that's not enough for you to earn my vote. in other words, give me a forward-looking argument. >> the third scenario is a republican tidal wave. the gop picking up 11 seats or more. what do you think about this one? >> it's not going to happen and larry himself doesn't put a lot of stock in that. it's still a very competitive nation, very divided electorate. we'll see that in the senate results even though the map tends to favor republicans, just as come 2016, it's going to be a more favorable democrat map for the senate. >> mark, we're still six months or so out from election day -- >> what i call an eternity in politics. >> thank you very much. you don't have to put it in force of gale force white caps but what's the most likely outcome here? what's the pickup in the house and does the senate swing? >> today republicans would pick
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up seats in the house, even some democratic strategists say if obamacare gets less popular, they could lose substantial seats in the house. i think the keep for the democrats is they have got to make these individual senate races, as john said. people like pryor can really fight themselves into contention if they run strong races independent of the national tide. the problem is they still are facing a national tide that will be strong enough to topple enough for republicans to get a majority. at least nine democratic held seats in play, as many as 13. it's tough math for them still, but they are not giving up. they are not overwhelmed and they're not taking it for granted. they know they could be wiped out and are fighting state by state. >> and do republicans take the senate? >> today they do and i think something has to change for them not to take the senate. >> john harris, thanks so much. up next, the 48 hours that ended the cold war. that story when we come right back.
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here with us now, form erp arms control director for president ronald reagan, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and former assistant to the defense secretary, ken adelman. i know you. he is the author of the new book "reagan at reykjavik, 48 hours to ended the cold war." >> we figured something out here. kissinger, ken burns, buckly,
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isaacson, crystal, mccain. who's missing? >> mitchell. >> joe scarborough. >> no, meacham is the only guy in the club. >> can i call you ken? >> you may. >> that feels weird. i can't do it. >> how did you know her? >> when she was little. >> you played tennis. >> i was over at her house for brunch and everything else. >> is it true she's a big cheat in tennis? >> i wouldn't say that, but the line calls are close. >> they're so close. >> you are not the first to say that. >> always a diplomat. >> all right. this was a remarkable time. it was remarkable summit. i remember when reagan was leaving, hearing all three broadcast networks declaring it an utter failure. and pat buchanan was with reagan. he said they went to an army
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base dejected, and when reagan walked through the door, the entire base exploded and jumped on its feet like he had won a war. set it up for our viewers that may not have been alive. >> it was a summit in 1986 at the height of the cold war when people thought that there was a chance of nuclear annihilation on this and the two of them discussed for ten and a half hours back and forth the main issues of the day. and it's just remarkable that they did it without staff advice, without memos, without talking points. and so what you do is you look through the keyhole of the little conference room and you see ronald reagan's mind at work. you see his character in play. you see the back and forth and they're raw. they're more like themselves than any time before. >> you know, the big deal at this conference was reagan sort of surprised everybody by
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pushing the notion of just eliminating nuclear weapons. you were there. did that surprise even the advisers. >> it shocked us, because we know that ronald reagan is a hard liner. we know that he was tough. but the idea that he was that anti-nuclear was a big surprise. the second big surprise, walter, was the fact that he just stood firm with them. >> that was on missile defense. >> sdi, the unkindly called star wars on that and gorbachev said i'll offer you all these nuclear reductions if you give up star wars. and without hesitating ronald reagan just said no. >> why? >> so he was willing to sit down with the russians and the soviets. he was willing also to stand up to the russians. >> why did he say no to a program whose capabilities were not known at the time? >> what happened was he thought that there was a good chance that this program would work,
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technologically, and i think he's right on that, and the fact is it would protect the united states from incoming ballistic missiles. what it ended up doing is protecting the united states from the soviet aggressiveness because three years later, the soviet union fell and the point of the book is that that was not a coincidence. that everything started at reykjavik that led to the end of the cold war. >> john meacham, i remember my professor at the university of alabama, dr. chonner who was taught by your father, telling us in 1981 that the bureau was far more worried about the xerox machine than missiles and that fear of technology i think at the end backed go eed gorbachev against the wall. that's what they were the most afraid of. >> in retrospect, i think it's safe to say reagan was right to hold on to it. one question i have, ken, going
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all the way back to fdr and stalin and churchill, there are possibilities at summits and there are perils. and i think there was a lot of the professional diplomatic core that thought this was a perilous moment. >> oh, absolutely. the summit the year before at geneva was nicely laid out. it was nicely choreographed and nicely done, according to the state department bureaucrats because nothing much happened. >> and that was their goal. >> this was a come as you are summit. this showed the two leaders raw. they were flying by themselves. and so in essence from a historical point of view, it shows them as they really are. they must have felt more like themselves than at any time in office because they were unfettered by the usual kind of talking points, the usual kind of advice staff hovering around them. they were by themselves. and both of them, gorbachev did
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a fine job, reagan did a sensational job. >> what is your take on the standoff with putin today? >> well, the fact is that there is no kind of -- today you don't see the kind of strategy that reagan laid out, a long-term strategy. it's remarkable that during the research for this book i recount a conversation i didn't know about that on the plane on the way to 1980 receive the republican nomination, stu spencer, an adviser to reagan, says, ron, why do you want to do this? why do you want to be president? and reagan says, to end the cold war. okay. he knew how it was going to end. he said in the '70s even before that time we win and they lose. and that was his consistent -- >> but the question was asked of reagan what was your strategy? >> we win and they lose. and his strategy laid out was an sdi delegitimatization of the soviet union, real reductions in
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arms control and nuclear weapons and a buildup of the forces. and he had those four principles were clear. mika, the fact is that kind of strategy laid out clearly and then pursued over eight years is lacking today. >> remarkable story, a remarkable book. if you don't believe it, just look at the people. every great mind of our time other than john meacham, who was at the men's grill at the time, all talking about what a great book. "reagan at reykjavik." ken aldelman, great to have you here. >> thank you so much. >> we'll be right back. [ brian ] in a race,
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welcome back, everybody. joining us now is staff writer for "the new yorker" evan osnos: his new book is entitled "age of ambition, chasing fortune, truth and faith in new china." so talk about this when we talk about the parallel universe when you are an american in competition with the chinese. what is the new china? >> this is the thing that's such a difficult and fascinating moment that we're living in. on the one hand china looks sometimes like it's a partner in what we're doing. after all we're bringing in $400 billion worth of goods from china every year and it seems like a competitor. their students do so well on the international tests so how do we reconcile these two facts. the truth is it has enormous strength but also enormous
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weakness. we talk about the new china and being honest about both things. it's got an economic dynamism. >> what's amazing is china and really what it is, is the people. as this country has emerged from, you know, kind of a communist cloud to this capitalistic juggernaut, these stories, these individual stories, and we should go through them. a woman from a tiny farming town who created the largest dating site in china. these rags to insane riches stories is incredible. >> that was a woman named gong haiyan and she had a single focus on her mind. she was trying to get married. she had a problem in her mind which is she had a ph.d.. she thought that made her essentially hard to find somebody. >> don't i know it. >> i know this hits close to home. so in her case her solution was she started essentially china's
5:47 am by the time i left the country, she had taken the public public, she had $77 million and her husband no longer had to write. >> you also write about a gambler and you make a comparison to las vegas. i never think of china has having a las vegas and gangsters of their own. >> it makes vegas look like a small town. >> that was one of the things that happened while i was there. china was trailing las vegas and now mocow has five times as much as las vegas. for me it was always this metaphor for the whole spirit of the place, which is everybody is going out in china and take these enormous risks. that actually feels very familiar to us as americans. >> but macow is so emblematic of what i view as the biggest problem with china. we talk about income inequality here erchgs. i was in hong kong. hong kong makes manhattan look impoverished in certain ways. the conspicuous consumption,
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fraury, lamb jeannorghinilambor. you've got glittering million dollar apartment towers and most people can't afford them. >> and it is ruled by the chinese communist party so every day people get up and are stare at a hypocrisy. the country is this thriving capitalist society, but the political system is still, after all, run by a one-party state. so this is their problem is they're trying to figure out how do you still have, for instance, 40% of the skyscrapers are in china but the gap between rich and poor is new york and ghana. that's their biggest political risk is how do you diffuse that. >> where does faith get into all this? >> faith is a big part of people's lives. we think of china as not being a country that is religious. but in his own way he is a religious figure. what he said was i am the salvation and will lead you to
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the promised land. then they said we're turning towards the free market. everybody has gone out and looked for their own kind of religion. china has more christians than it does have members of the communist party. >> what is the average, in one fell swoop, average chinese person perception of the average american. >> in many ways they admire us for things that we may not think they would. like our education system. they're dazzled by it. chinese party leaders send their kids to school in the united states. not just college, but high school. the president of china, his daughter is studying at harvard under a pseudonym, for instance. but they look and say i wonder whether it's going to be the american century or the chinese century. they said we were the leading civilization in the world and we've had a bad millennium, but we're coming back. >> this book is called "age of ambition," evan osnos, thanks for being here. the book is out today. congratulations. coming up next, the feature twitter just added that was long
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overdue. brian sullivan has it on a different app. >> come on now. >> keep it locked into "morning joe." we're back after this. mine was earned in korea in 1953. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former milary members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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i want to give you a quick check of business before the bell. brian, you can talk about this. we're seeing this rebound on the dow. we closed out last week poorly. yesterday we're doing really well. >> it's weird. i mean the market just keeps going up. you've got ukraine, you've got russia, concerns about a chinese slowdown. it doesn't matter. stocks just continue to go up. by the way, good news, even if people at home are like i don't own stocks, i don't care. you might have a retirement plan or pension fund. it came out yesterday the new york pension fund is at a record high. so the market gain is helping, you know, school teachers and the people that have their money invested in pensions. >> what about cal pers. >> that's the california public retirement system, so that helps. >> the crazy money that's now being thrown at new startups, it usually feels it's time. >> i hesitate to opine but i will say this.
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i think that you could be right out west. we talk about income inequality. go to silicon valley. they should replace the bear on the california state flag with a bmw 5 series. >> twitter unveiled this new feature about the mute button. how do you think that's going to enhance their service? >> it's going to enhance my feed muting you, thomas. >> that's harsh. >> that's for the underwear comment with my kid. >> you can thank shea for that comment. >> i muted her long ago. so you can mute -- instead of blocking somebody, you can now mute them so they don't know you've blocked them, but you don't get their stuff in the feed. >> how do you do that? >> so i have muted the words rant, gop and crazy person this morning. so i don't have anything in my feed. >> now you can put underwear. because his daughter admitted on this show that he walks around the house in his underwear. his daughter says he walks around in his underwear. >> boxers. >> up next, what did we learn today, if anything? [ female announcer ] who are we?
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not that we need to know. >> nothing. >> that's good. that's very honest. >> i learned don't ride in an el cater with solange if she's pissed at you and be leery of giving brian sullivan an open mike. >> nicole, what did you learn? >> the angry middle has a new spokesman. >> what's up next, nicolle? >> chuck todd. >> good job. >> i passed. the midterm mayhem rolls on. today it's a fight on the right in nebraska. we're going to talk live to all three republicans that are duking it out for a seat in the u.s. senate as voters head to the polls. plus, a surprising and sad development in a north carolina house primary that was and still is too close to call. the democrat -- one of the democrats, keith crisco, died suddenly from a fall at his home. state officials are still counting ballots, though. his opponent, clay aiken, has temporarily
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