tv The Reid Report MSNBC May 14, 2014 11:00am-12:01pm PDT
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had said those things. >> big magic johnson, what does he got? he's got aids. >> the problem is, he's living in the stone ages. >> i'm not a racist and i've never been a racist, i'll never be a racist. >> i can't let anybody attack our people and not respond. >> lebron and i talked about it. he ain't playing if sterling is still an owner. >> not only is magic johnson responding, there's now talk of a potential boycott by nba players. plus, clarifying or backtracking? rand paul seems to step away from what he said earlier in the week that republicans should stop pushing voter i.d. laws. but we start with the l.a. clippers and donald sterling and april possible league-wide player boycott of the next nba season. that's the threat coming from players and their union if donald sterling isn't quickly removed as the owner of the clippers. one of the top representatives of the nba's players association is expected to say as much tonight on show thyme.
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roger mason junior is the first vice president. however, in a preview of his comments tonight, mason said the idea is not so much his, rather, he says that his former miami heat teammate and nba icon, lebron james. >> i was just in the locker room three, four days ago, lebron and i talked about it. he ain't playing if sterling is still an owner. >> the possibility of a shutdown comes as another nba legend, magic johnson, spoke out about donald sterling's comments during an interview monday in which sterling demeaned magic, his charitable work, black people and also referred to the lakers legend having "those aids." magic was the on the infamous taped -- a pic of him with v. stiviano. the lakers legend said it's not just lebron but practically all nba players demanding sterling's ouster. and that despite what sterling might think, his billions won't save him this time.
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>> he clearly believes there's a route for him to remain as owner of the l.a. clippers. >> can't buy his way out of this one. he bought his way out of the other situations. can't do it this time. >> the assistant managing editor for sports illustrated. why is it taking so long to rid themselves of him? >> it's moving pretty quickly. they're talking about boycotting nba season. we're in the middle of the nba playoffs. owners have their teams to think about. they want to do this right as right as they can. there's a process here. i think the owners have made it cleared they're going to get rid of donald sterling and do whatever they can within the nba constitution. but at the same time, you want to have time to get together, talk about it, hear the other side for what it's worth and make your move. i think it's going to happen, and quickly, not in this network of games right now. >> a lot of people wonder, you say they need to meet and talk.
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they've had a couple of weeks to meet and talk and they haven't do t roger may john, jr., was the rational guy during that rah rah press series of press conferences after the fines and after the banning was announced. he was the one guy that said, wait a minute, we need a process to know when he's going to be gone. this is what roger mason jr. is going to say tonight on show time. no sterling deserves to be an owner of that franchise. i've gone down the line to lebron and other guys and they feel the same. there's no place for that family in the nba. to your knowledge, is this an attempt to ban -- remove the team from him. has this also been discussed about his wife and son also being removed from ownership? >> certainly the nba believes that ousting donald sterling will oust the entire ownership team and the sterlings. shelly sterling will fight that under california law. but i don't think that will come of anything. again, they have had a couple of
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weeks. but this is a big move to get rid of an owner. it's the right move. they should do it. i do think it means, as roger mason initially said, a little bit of due process to make sure it happens right. you don't want any kickback or get anything wrong legally or anything like that. >> sure. there is the question of how -- what does expeditiously actually mean? when you say do it quickly, what does that mean. yahoo! sports -- i'm going to pronounce it wrong. woej rou ski on tuesday had this to say. basically speaking from the point of view of adam silver. they keep using that word expeditiously. there will be nothing swiftly about removing him and his wife. with tens of millions of billable hours and round upon round of interviews centered on donald sterling, magic johnson and the untrustworthiness of sterling and his girlfriend, i guess that's the sticking point for a lot of fans, you have the backward jersey protest.
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it's very clear that players do not want this guy around. you say the process is sort of unfolding in the right way. but is it reasonable to think that they have the -- the 29 other owners have not sat down and said let's get this process going? >> i think there's a lot of talk among the owners. all the owners don't necessarily know one another and spend a lot of time together except for at meetings. i think there's a lots of talknd i think there's consensus about what they're going to do. i can't emphasize enough. to make somebody give up his team on the basis of speech, which it's the right thing to do and everybody is agreed, but there are safeguards in place to make sure that it can't just be done. you can't just do it overnight. that's what we're going through. i think the start of next season, which is what roger mason, jr., referenced, that seems to me a reasonable time frame. it doesn't seem reasonable in the nba playoffs when honestly, we'd like all the attention on the court, the nba would. to expect it in a matter of a
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few days. >> i think that's the crux of the point. you have the playoffs going on in which the clippers are involved. >> it's very distracting to still have donald sterling out there giving interviews, being a distraction. not just for the clippers but really for the whole league. isn't that the essence of what's in the by-laws, the nba constitution? the heat is a -- waiting until next season allowing him to continue to be a distraction, in a way, doesn't that sort of exacerbate the problem? >> i suppose so. there's no way they can stop him from speaking to the media whether they got rid of him yesterday or a year from now. he's going to make the noise he wants to make. it is a detriment to the league. there's no question. that's why this is going to happen. it's been a tough time for clippers fans, nba fans to deal with. you can't put a muzzle on somebody in america. he's going to get out there and say what he wants to say even after this. >> can't stop him from using the phone. one of the fascinating aspects of this is he's still on the phone and claims that magic john
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shonn called him. magic johnson on cnn refuted that. >> let's take a listen to magic interpreting what donald sterling said to him. >> he asked me to go on the barbara walters show with him. i told him i wouldn't do it. i said the number one thing you need to do which you haven't done is apologize to everybody and myself. i'll get to that. i'll get to that. >> he wanted you to go on with barbara walters sitting next to him? >> sitting next to him. >> to give him cover? >> exactly. >> i guess what's fascinating, looking into the psychological makeup of this guy. he actually -- the person he insulted on the phone call is who he wanted to inoculate him in public. >> the whole thing is bizarre and gets more bizarre as it goes along. during that interview, magic at certain points expressed a little bit of sympathy for donald sterling. i think that in some way you feel like he's so off the rails and he just can't -- he is who
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he is. it's crazy to say and sad to see in a way. if he had somehow come out, right, at the very beginning and said, it was a terrible thing that i said, i was completely misguided, i don't mean those things, i take full ownership, i need to get help, that kind of stuff, it wouldn't have erased what he said, wouldn't have gone away. but it would have been -- it would have opened the discussion in a different way. now he's a punching bag and he brings it upon himself. i understand why magic would find it incredulous. >> talk about lebron as the leader of the players. he's really sort of emerged as the voice of the players in addition to roger mason, jr. >> lebron has always had a strong sense of who he is and in the league and in terms of the sport. he came out right away, the day after some courtside saying he expected swift action. he's kind of stayed at the forefront. it's important. if you want your best player,
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most marketable, player. the star of the league, today's michael jordan, to be aught the forefront. to his credit, he is. >> it would be catastrophic, no underestimating how bad it would be if he refused to suit up next season. you've got to imagine, they're going to fix this. >> they are going to fix this. >> thank you kosta kennedy. in so ma, rescuers are pulling bodies out of the rubble after a violent underground explosion that collapsed a coal mine. 450 miners have been rescued. hundreds more remain missing. an exact number has not been established. the prime minister visited the mine today and announced three days of national mourning. coming up, as the search continues for the kidnapped nigerian girls, i'll talk with a woman who has a personal take on what's going on in her home country. first, tea party groups are declaring victory today after a big primary win yesterday.
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♪ mattress discounters how desperate are the outside conservative groups once thought to have the republican party establishment on the irretrievable breakdown reassert their relevance inside the fractured gop? desperate enough to save $3 million into the nonswing state of nebraska. the investment paid off big for ben sass. an oxford and yale man and a former bush administration official who dispatched dins daily and osborn to win the nomination last night. the money flowed from all directions. including the tea parties, americans for prosperity, the club for growth and the senate conservatives fund all poured money into the race. to may for dozens of ads that
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pulverize sasse's opponents. here's a look at a few of them. >> sid dins dale for u.s. senate? do you know his record? he said obamacare has good aspects? that's really liberal. >> i would always vote to raise the debt limit. >> a vote to raise the debt limit is a vote to always fund obamacare. >> what's happened to shane osborn? the former republican chairman calls the false attacks on ben sasse bad for the party and not the nebraska way. >> sasse isn't just walking away with the norm nation. he's favored to win the entire race. nebraska isn't exactly a state hospitable to democrats. with few other potential victories on the horizon, they'll take a w wherever they can get one. from politico, the only real opportunity for the big outside groups to defeat a sitting senator this year is not until
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june 3rd in mississippi when senator cochran faces a stiff challenge from chris mcdaniel. this made getting a win in nebraska so key without which fundraising could start to dry up. so when it comes to taking on the establishment, a win in nebraska might be as good as it gets. >> a cullum nis for the "washington post." i'm struck by the way tea party success has begun to be measured by the success of their fratricide. not in defeating democrats, but republicans. >> how many scalps they can put up on the wall. it doesn't matter whose scalp it is. one of the tea party groups, the outside groups, freedom works, switched horses during the race because they looked like maybe this guy is going to win. there wasn't a lot of ideological difference in this race and arguably the main opponent who lost to sass coming
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at him from the right on issues such as immigration. really what i think we've seen is the establishment and the tea party have sort of merged. the establishment politicians have learned to fight back by co-opting the tea party in sounding like them. >> that's an interesting point that you make. sasse isn't strictly -- i don't think he's strictly a tea party candidate. as you said, osborne was to the right of him. he was a bush administration official. i want to read you something from the daily caller of all places. matt lewis had a quote and he's talking about ben sasse and said this. as the gop civil war recedes, it's only natural conservatives have to work out the rough edges and determine what are the acceptable cleavages between good rhetoric and good governance. it's increasingly hard to distinguish between someone poised to be the next rubio and poised to be the next shar sharonening he will. >> he came to washington and
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became the establishment. there is no cleavage, you can pretend to be a tea partier and come to try to do immigration and then completely flop. >> lewis is a conservative writer. he called it a phony game that's being played here. you can say, tell the tea party the things they want to hear. what you actually do here is something somewhat different. the differences have been papered over to an extent now because the establishment and the tea party are unified in being opposed to anything president obama does. just united in hostility. it masks the differences. if you look at things that made the tea party exist in the first place, such as long-term government budget, deficit, spending, they've made a few dents in it. but they haven't really changed the trajectory that we're on. i think the establishment has just gotten smart by essentially fooling a lot of the tea party folks into saying we're one of you. >> i mean, if the cloak for growth is characterized as a tea party group, the dye is cast.
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>> so grassroots. it's interesting just when you get down past the state level, if you see somebody who is a stalwart and conservative as mike pence poised to accept the medicaid money, you see in ohio somebody like governor kasich probably in good shape for reelection, also took the medicaid money. the sense that people who claim to be tea party actually do better when they walk back from the most conservative policies. is that resonating inside of the republican party? do they get that that's happening? >> they get it, but of course, running for office and governing are entirely different things. in congress, it's just a free shot. why not keep trying to repeal obamacare and do nothing else? when you're actually mike pence or john kasich and governor safety, you have to be more reasonable. that's why some of niece governors are the republican's best prospects in 2016. but it may also be why they don't pass the purity test that we've come to have in
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washington. that they have to be exactly where the tea party is on all issues. >> i got to get you on hot button things. rand paul sounded like he was kind of veering into normalland and talking about how the republican party needs to stop harping on voter i.d. now he's kind of walking that back. what do you make of rand paul's walkback yesterday. >> it's been a long back and forth on this issue. and paul is right in the sense of the need to broaden the base of the republican party to appeal to minorities. i saw him give a speech at howard university. but he's constantly stepping on his own meshs by getting clumsy. he's got an instinct to push the party in one direction but he keeps getting pulled back by the people he needs to keep him a viable candidate in 2016. the one thing they can still do is muzzle rand paul. lastly, i know you're writing about this. the infamous karl rove allegations that hillary clinton
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has brain damage. listen to bill clinton and then i'd love to get your reaction. >> first they said she faked her concussion. and now they say she's auditioning for a part on the walking dead. >> i was there. i think it was a great way to handle it. just to ridicule it. he said, get used to it. it's going to keep coming. he said he's still waiting for them to admit they came up with nothing in whitewater. hillary has a long way. >> i'm disappointed you didn't dough that in your bill clinton impression. you have failed me today. i appreciate your comments. >> i'll do it next time. thanks, joy. we'll look forward to it, next time. thank you. >> we have breaking news from san diego county, california where they're evacuating part of camp pendleton because a fire is too close for comfort. it's not clear how far it spread. we'll bring you updates as we get them. up next, beyonce, bieber and
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coming up, read between the lines why it's taken the nba so long to see donald sterile for who he really is. first, it's time for we the between will. one of the biggest stories is the oldest of old school media. letters. more than two dozen letters from jackie kennedy to a priest in ireland decades ago have just been discovered and you can't stop talking about it. joseph leonard and -- it continued until the priest passed away in 1964. father leonard was 73 when their friendship began and jackie was 21. the intimate letters reveal a closeness that transcended age and an ocean. in them, jackie shares innermost thoughts about life in camelot, that fabled period of the kennedy white house.
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a time that was far from totally golden for mrs. kennedy. that world can be very glamorous from the outside, jackie said in one missive. if you're in it and lonely, it could be a hell. her letters are expected to sell for $1.6 million at auction next month. now to a 21st century celebrity family. we're reeling over the video of jay z being attacked in an elevator by beyonce's sister. you might have missed the skit about the fictitious covert group that takes people down if they don't love beyonce. she acknowledged the skit on her instagram about a week ago. she just posted these pictures with her sister today. they're smiling, hugging and having a grand old time. they look cute and more importantly, calm. >> i'm guessing you'll be con -- >> according to reports, justin bieber might be in trouble again. he's trending big time today for
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more alleged bad boy behavior. you can't stop talking about the canadian pop star who stands accused of stealing a cell phone. the lapd is investigating the incident which took place at a family entertainment center. he was arrested for dui, assault and vandalism in recent months. he allegedly interfered with an airplane crew mid flight. some of you are questioning whether bieber is receiving special treatment by walking free for acts that would land most of us behind bars. you think? you can deep keep that debate going. keep telling us what's important to you. now this news. a federal judge struck down ohio's identify -- idaho's same-sex marriage ban. friday morning i'll be at the courthouse requesting a license and then we'll file for stepparent adopt. >> it's time. >> it is. it's been time.
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i'm glad it's finally really time. >> yeah. >> it's a fight that needs to be fought. it needs to be taken all the way to the end. until everybody has the same rights. until it truly is marriage equality for everybody. more than your wife... more than your kids... more than your own mother... but does the game... love you? who cares? you get to stay at this golf resort! booking.yeah! [ ship horn blows ] no, no, no! stop! humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay -- you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car and we give you the money
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um... well, it's true. at ally there are no hidden fees. not one. that's nice. no hidden fees, no worries. ally bank. your money needs an ally. it's been exactly one month today since 300 nigerian girls were kidnapped. stolen from their school in the middle of night and ripped away from their families. supporters gathered today to pray and lay a flower for each of the 276 girls outside the nigerian embassy in washington, d.c. on tuesday, families of some of the students who escaped the terrorists that night on april 14th watch for the first time the video released by boko haram this week. so far the identities of at least 77 girls in that video have been confirmed. however, what has not been confirmed is what nigeria's government plans to do about the
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kidnapping. since abu ba car appeared on camera demanding a prisoner swap this week, nigeria flipflopped whether it would negotiate. reporters were told, the government of nigeria has no intention to pay ransom, calling the kidnap and sale of human beings a crime against humanity. the next day, another government official said something different. that nigeria has always been willing to dialog with the insurgents, including the kidnap -- regarding the girls kidnap. and yet on the same day, the president of nigeria's senate said the federal government would never negotiate with terrorists under whatever circumstances. that confusion, the search for the girls continues despite it. with the u.s. adding a global hawk unmanned drone to the surveillance mission. while information about the girls remains frustratingly scarce, their plight and unimaginable struggles of their
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families has hit home for a number of people around the world. through social media, rallies in the street or the sharing of personal stories. people everywhere have been moved by this unimaginable and outrageous circumstance. among those who have been moved to share their story is journalist. >> thank you so much for having me. >> you actually spent time in a girls' school in nigeria, not far from the area and you've written about sort of your kinship emotionally with these girls. tell us about that. >> exactly. my sophomore year in high school, i spent not far from northern nigeria. i went to an all girls boarding school. the girls came from all over the country. it was a real mix of ethnicities. there's three major ethnic groups but hundreds of more smaller groups. all i could think is, i mean, it could have been me. that could have been me. the horror that the girls are facing is just -- it's just
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heart-wrenching. >> the piece you wrote was impactful. i recommend everyone read it. this is one of two pieces you wrote. this is not the nigeria i know. a majority of people are concerned about the same things we worry about in my suburb or anywhere in the u.s. or the world. i hope the international community continues to condemn the acts to rescue the girls and disband the people involved. whose name i won't put ink on my pages. you won't even name them? >> no. >> you have a data dump on nigeria, the size of the country. and people have gotten somewhat of a misimpression of the country based on this. do you think that's true? >> i think it's absolutely true. it's really on a continuum. there's no context for the story. if you're not familiar with nigeria, which tends to come up in the news when something terrible has happened and something related to oil, since it is the fifth largest producer
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of oil in the world. so those stories don't give you a distorted view and they don't represent the entirety of the community of nigeria. 175 million people. at the core, it doesn't matter if you're muslim or christian family values. what's been particularly atrocious, simply atrocious about the government response has been the violation of that sacred trust despite the ongoing and very real tensions among ethnic groups. there's a long history since independence of violence and disagreement and terrible inability to get along. >> and corruption too. i mean, you have a government here whose military is not covered in glory. the united states has to get fully on board -- because of the corruption and overreach and violence of the military there. but at the same time, i think just as a mother, i think watching this happen and the place where your kids are supposed to be the safest, which is at school, where these girls
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are going to further their education, you know, bothering no one, i think that is what has made this story so poignant. is that true for you? >> that was one of the lines that i felt so strongly about in the article i wrote. i put my 5 1/2-year-old on the bus every morning to go to school in a suburb outside of new york city. i fully expect that she's going to return at the end of the day. that's really not different than what my life was like. i went to a boarding school but i was a day student. i would go in the morning and fully expect, as did my parents, that i was going to return and i did. this idea that it is -- i'm not sure how to -- the best way to say it. this idea that somehow it's so removed from any one of our realities, it's not true. >> i think for americans it's unimaginable. we do put our children on the bus and they go. there is this sense that it took a long time for the world to catch up with this story. my father -- my mother is caribbean. you have an international sense that you see countries as
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similar to our own. there was a frustration among a lots of nigerian americans. it took the world a long time to see this as just as horrific and just as real as in detroit or manhattan. 300 girls have been grabbed. it would have been an international instant global crisis. >> you started off the piece by talking about the chaos and the response of nigerian government. that's part and parcel. it's a very isolated area. so information trickles out quickly. you just don't have the same communication system and up don't have the third-party basis of information who would immediately had hounded the world with this story. it's been so confusing. at some point there was a report that somebody claiming it didn't happen. >> yeah. >> the idea that it trickled out slowly is not surprising. what has been more surprising is the dee valuation, not surprising, i take that back. not surprising at all. but this devaluation as if it didn't matter that these girls
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had been taken. i believe there was one report that said the president was in the north in the last two weeks at a celebration and there was no commenting on what was happening nearby, supposed to be happening and that was the search for these girls and their inability to accept help is just incomprehensible. >> talk about, you had a second piece where you talk about the strength of the nigerian women who have stood up and led the protests. a woman started the bring back our girls. it was a president, vice president who started -- talk about the strength of nigerian women here. >> there's such a history of that. i'm not trying to look at the ethnic tensions with rose colored glasses. we're aware they exist. behind that, and underneath that is a very strong legacy of women being engaged in civic action and being very integral parts of the community. so i just wasn't surprised that it was the mothers who sent representatives in some of the early protests.
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so that their voices would be heard. while they stayed at home waiting, hoping that their daughters would come home. it's like that duality of action and hope at the same time. we can look at nigerian history, even back into the 'o 20s when 10,000 women, the war of 10,000 women took on british colonists over policies, particularly a tax policy that they said was hurting -- there was a history of being strongly involved and clearly it worked. it was effective as heartbreaking as it is to watch these pictures. it was effective. >> it galvanized the world. journalist, a nigerian as well and spent time in this region. >> and irish i should add. >> give the irish as well. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. >> i really appreciate you being here. >> thanks for having me. >> coming up. paul ryan takes on poverty. >> getting people a hand up not a handout. teach a man how to fish, he can feed himself for life.
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don't simply feed fish. >> we will hear about the african-american man who is advising ryan on poverty issues next. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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paul ryan has an impressive resume. budget committee, former vice presidential nominee and author of a 204-page report on how the government has so totally failed at fixing poverty. after all, ryan did pitch in at a soup kitchen back in 2012. he's obviously got his finger on the pulse of america's under class. with that incredible expertise to get in touch with the nation's poor, congressman ryan spent the past several months touring the country. however, monday, he took a break from hanging out with poor people to hit up the tuxedo sect at a fundraiser. he informed the crowd that the best way to turn from a vicious cycle of despair and turn it
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into hope and flourishing is by embracing the friendship, accountability and love. that is how i fight poveryou fi he said. the way not to fight poverty is to spend money on the poor. through 92 federal programs that cost the federal government $800 million in 2012. to make the case and broaden his appeal to the gop rank and file, what's expected to be the lead-up to a potential 2016 presidential run, ryan tapped this guy. bob woodson, the black conservative founder of the center for neighborhood enterprise. he's seen here testifying at a budget committee hearing on poverty two weeks ago. but here's the question. besides woodson, who else does paul ryan have to help him sell what an article in today's huffington post calls an approach to poverty that's straight out of the 19th century? delaney is a reporter with the huffington post and author of the piece i mentioned and
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michael denzel smith is a contributor at the nation. i'll start with you, arthur. your piece talks about paul ryan sort of approach to poverty and takes it back to the english poor law and the undeserving birth of the deserving poor. talk about that. >> right. throughout this country's history and even before that, there has been suspicion that poverty is caused solely by economic conditions. a lot of people believe there's also got to be a moral component to that. in other words, that people's individual failings are the reason they can't get ahead. in the 1870s there had been a worldwide depression and a tramp crisis. people were worried about them soaking um private charity. this is before there was government, welfare at the federal level. and people started a backlash against this. a charity reform movement that lamented the evil of indiscriminate -- we're giving these tramps too much soup.
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it's making everything worse. instead of soup, we need to give niece people friendship and love and i found that that's remarkably similar to what paul ryan is saying about poverty and when you look into conservative historians, there's a book by marvin alas ki that allows the charity reform efforts of the gilded age of the late 1800s that was popular with newt gingrich when they did welfare reform and that was when paul ryan was a congressional stafferer and that's been his model. >> it's interesting michael, you talk about paul ryan, often we think of the touchstone for where his philosophy comes from. this is a side take. that it comes from this gilded age movement where the idea was private charity would kick in. the iron piece -- it's not even interesting because the poor are a drain on society. it's a slightly different take.
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>> essentially paul ryan's ideology is that the poor don't work or they don't work hard enough to get themselves out of poverty. and then that government has somehow failed them in -- by giving them handouts. i think we have to give paul ryan some credit. it's right that the government has failed the poor. he's placing the responsibility on the wrong programs. we have seen an amassing of wealth and a distribution of wealth to the top 1% and the top .1% in this country over the course of our history and no real program that addresses poverty or that -- aims to alleviate poverty in any real way. >> i mean, when you talk about $800 billion worth of anti-poverty programs, arthur, the biggest one, of course, is the anti-poverty program targeted at the elderly, meaning social security and medicare. those are the biggest bulk of the anti-poverty spending. paul ryan has been aggressive about wanting to do privatization there.
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have the free market get into that. is bob woodson, the cover for that part of his philosophy. what is he bringing to the table as far as the agenda that paul ryan is putting forth? >> bob woodson is not a cover. i think paul ryan has genuinely and earnestly wanted to find out what he can learn from somebody who has more of a ground level perspective on nongovernmental efforts to help poor people help themselves. that's what bob woodson has done all his life. he's not simply a conservative and much less a flaming right winger. he's somebody who thinks a lot of what the government does and has done has been good for poor people, retirement programs and also food stamps, eliminating hunger. so i don't know -- we don't know yet what additional proposals paul ryan is working on. there are some things coming out this summer and it just remains to be seen exactly what he's after. bob woodson himself does not know. >> michael, when you talk to,
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particularly african-american conservative, this is the argument they make. we have to have the outside government programs to reduce dependency. that's the culture of dependency argument that is made. paul ryan puts it, what the left is offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul. it sucks the initiative and drive. what kind of credence do you give that. >> none. >> in a word. >> there's no credence at all to that. these people are working incredibly hard. that's part of the problem. they're working so hard and not being compensated for it. like the problem with poverty like poor people are poor because they don't have money. that's what it boils down to. it if you want to argue that the government is inefficient in alleviating poverty and these -- it's inefficient way to do so, let's give poor people money. let's make a universal basic income so that everyone benefits and there is no poverty. let's alleviate it in that way. >> paul ryan won't go for that.
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arthur, i'm wondering if there's a sense that you had from doing this research on the story that bob woodson is actually taking paul ryan to see what michael is talking about. how hard people work or is it a peripheral journey into the wold of the poor that only allows ryan to reinforce what he believes. is he taking him places to see the back breaking work that poor people are actually doing? >> it's not just about what are these programs outside of government that help the poor. i do think bob woodson wanted to actually show poor people to paul ryan. but an important thing to remember is that the types of programs he's taking him to, city of hope in d.c. and maryland. we're dealing with reforming people who had been coping with drug addiction and homelessness. these are actual specific problems that are different from the broader economic issue. when you talk to bob about economic statistics reflecting
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more unemployed people than jobs available, he thinks that's sort of a bs story. he knows from his work, that's something some unemployed person could use as an excuse. that part of woodson's message is appealing to ryan. >> there are so many people who want jobs. but there are unfortunately not enough jobs for them to have. that's a statistic you can't -- i do appreciate your reporting. fascinating piece that everyone should read in the huffington post. and michael denzel smith. thank you both for being here. and we'll be right back. to home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®.
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lawsuit, one of the own employees testified that the billionaire had one question upon learning that the apartment where the blind partially paralyzed tenant resided was in desperate need of ee repairs. "is she one of those black people that stink" the new owner is asking. just evict the b. the daily beast details candace jones struggles over her apartment, not working toilet and ankle deep water. the owner, l.a. clippers owner donald sterling and his wife shelly. ms. jones, a person with a disability suffered a stroke caused by the stress -- caused by the defendant's housing practices. court papers a alleged. on july 21, 2003, ms. jones passed away as a result of that stroke. sterling denied the allegations and the suit was ultimately settled confidentially. there's no public record that sterling was found responsible for jones death.
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but fast forward to today and sterling's desperate attempts to save himself from the consequences of an embarrassing and inflammatory taped phone call with his then companion by attacking nba great magic johnson. his latest comments have struck some as pathetic. others as blatantly racist. for people living with hiv and known friends and loved ones who succumb to aids, simply outrageous. you have to wonder why it's taken this level of obviously outrageous verbal behavior for the nba to realize that donald sterling is a problem. the lawsuits, the allegations by credible people like nba great elgin baylor and the death of a tenant named jones, sterling disparaged her because of her race, those are not enough. there's nothing in the nba owner constitution to deal with that. even now, two weeks after tmz posted that infamous phone call, donald sterling still owns the l.a. clippers. all the happy talk by the commissioner and players about the league dropping the hammer hasn't changed that.
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now, some players like lebron james are wondering what's taking so long. by the way, what is taking so long? that wraps things up for the reid report. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 2:00 eastern. visit us online at the reid the cycle is next. >> we're waiting for the president to speak. he's here in new york by the tappan zee bridge. he's going to talk about an initiative to get infrastructure projects under way all over the country. we'll preview summer movies and talking about magic johnson and don sterling and how sterling's retrograde views on hiv are not as uncommon as you hoped they'd be. >> unfortunately. i can't wait to find out about the summer movies. i have some on my list to see this summer. the cycle comes up next. push fush you, my friend are a master of diversification.
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12:00 pm
the president is live in new york and so are we. >> msnbc is your place for politics. we're scratching our heads today about this so-called republican establishment. i'm crystal ball and blurred lines is not just a pop hit. it's increasingly what we're seeing between republicans and the tea party. we'll dig deeper. >> i see what you did there. in the spin, it's magic's moment to respond to the scandal he never wanted to be involved in. just like when he was in the nba, magic last night drove to the hole and dip at this dooed past sterling. >> outside of control. the summer movies, the hits, the misses an the sleepers. hero in a half shell. turtle power. a new york bridge over the hudson river, street closures and traffic
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