tv News Nation MSNBC May 15, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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[ applause ] >> good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall. we were just listening to the musicians of the new york philharmonic performing "fanfare for the common man." for the past hour we watched the unveiling of the 9/11 museum on hand, president obama, president bill and hillary clinton and rudy giuliani along with former mayor michael bloomberg and governs andrew cuomo as well as chris christie. during his address the president paid tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims lost that day. >> here at this memorial, this museum, we come together. we stand in the footprints of two mighty towers graced by the rush of eternal waters.
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we look into the faces of nearly 3,000 innocent souls, men, women and children of every race, every creed, from every corner of the world. we can touch their names and hear their voices, and glimpse the small items that speak to the beauty of their lives. >> the beauty of their lives. and former mayor giuliani also paid tribute to the first responders who we all know rushed into the towers that day. >> we will never understand why one person escaped and another didn't, how random it all seems and how powerless it makes us all feel, but what this museum does is allow us to see is that we absolutely can affect each other's lives by what we do at a time of of crisis, how we are
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were strengthened by what was done that day. >> among the audience, hundreds of first responders, family members of victims lost that day and recovery workers of people who worked inside that tower. florence jones described rushing out of the building, holding her shoes that are now on display in the museum. >> when i heard that the museum was looking for artifacts i thought about my shoes. i had put them in a plastic container, and when i took them out they still had the smell on them from that awful day, and i knew i would never wear them again. so i decided to donate them here. i wanted my nieces and my nephew and every person that asked what happened to see them and maybe understand a little bit better what it felt like to be us on that day.
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>> as for the museum itself it is located seven stories below street level on the site where the towers once stood and includes thousands of photos, personal items and art tacts as you heard there. nbc's ron allen joins me now from the lower manhattan area. we know they're setting aside a special few days for the families and the first responders so that they can absorb what's inside this museum before it is open to the general public. >> reporter: yes, tamron, indeed. i think the most moving part of what we saw that hour and perhaps in the museum itself is the area called the memorial hall where each of the victims of that day, each person who was lost is memorialized. there is a photo. there is information and testimonials about that individual. there are mementos about individuals, faces as president obama called them, the souls and you saw there as the family was touring there was a young girl
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named roberta hope chin looking at a picture of her uncle robert and this was a girl born post 9/11, since 9/11 and she was named after her uncle as a family's new sign of hope and that was gut-wrenching to watch that and it speaks to what these families are still dealing with these days so many years later and the emotion that this site and this event still conjures up in so many of us. i think the only thing the museum will be difficult for a lot of the families and it's going to also be a time where they will try to find inspiration and so much of that ceremony and so much of that event was about hope, it was about inspiration and the recovery workers, the rescue workers and the heroes of that day and while it's certainly a horrific event that happened, i think what they were trying to do today, what they were trying to say today is hope that we can all focus on the positive things that came out of that. how so many people came to the rescue and came to help their fellow human being, not knowing
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who they were or where there were, but how so many people stepped forward to help. >> some of the items that are on display, 10,000 photos, personal items and the artifacts. we saw the shoes there and also, ron, so many people talking about the survivors' staircase there. >> reporter: yes. it's a staircase that hundreds of people were able to get out of, an outdoor staircase that was the route of escape for so many people and it was left there on the pile in the area of ground zero as the area was being cleared as a reminder, as an artifact and it is there in the museum as you go in, you go down a flight of stairs and down ramps to get to the museum level seven-stories tall and the survivor steps are right there. there are so many huge artifacts inside the museum. there are huge pieces of steel that were part of the north tower. it's called impact steel where
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you can see where it was bent where the plane actually struck. there were pieces of the planes that struck the towers there. so there are artifacts, huge and tiny watches of the security badge. we were there with a woman who found the security badge of her sister and she saw her picture and it was just devastating emotionally for her, and it was uplifting because her sister was remembered there. just, when you go through the museum, items big and small, aspects of people's individual lives and just so many stories, so many stories about what happened that day that are just so moving. it's just an incredible place. >> absolutely powerful. thank you very much, ron, for the live report from the national memorial museum and 9/11 national memorial museum. >> developing right now, va secretary eric shinseki is testifying in front of the veterans affairs committee. shinseki using strong language to say he is personally angered
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and saddened by stories of veterans dying while waiting for medical care and that vets were put on a secret wait list at a facility to cover up long wait times. shinseki promise toed take action if the allegations are true. >> any allegation, any adverse incident like this makes me -- makes me mad as hell, i can use stronger language, mr. chairman, but in deference to the committee, i won't. i'm committed to taking all actions necessary to identify exactly what the issues are. to strengthen the veterans' trust in va health care. >> joining me is barry mccaffrey, and former gulf war commander and dana priest who authored a washington post article that exposed the army medical center in 2007. thank you both for joining us.
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general, this hearing is just starting at this point, but you heard secretary shinseki say he is mad using more descriptive language of that, but in the end, the people who are the maddest, of course, are those nearly 40 who may have lost loved ones as a result of the long wait times. what do you want to hear today? >> well, presumably, at the end of the day the i.g. of the veterans administration will sort out what actually happened. the atmosphere in washington is so poisonous right now it's astonishing to me that anybody wants to serve in the administration. va has the highest patient surveys of any in the country. 33,000 people, 1700 sites. it's an excellent institution, but i think they're underresourced. the problem is gulf war veterans, vietnam veterans in huge numbers now want to see
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primary care docs. there aren't enough primary care docs and it's a resource problem as well as what may be an integrity problem at several of these v.a. sites. >> we know the v.a. has placed three phoenix executives on administrative leave as they review what happened there. there have also been requests as you well know, dana, for information and the length of time it took for the secretary shinseki to at least want detailed, electronic paperwork, in essence, the fingerprint of what was going on there. the reasonable length of time for these vets was supposed to be 14 to 30 days and it is clear, at least if these allegations are correct, that that did not happen. >> well, there are several things. first of all, general shinseki has gotten high marks from the veterans groups in general. >> yes. >> he did come in at a time. it was after the walter reed
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scandal and at the veterans administration and rightly so, it's a rather large system as general mccaffrey said. you have to break it down into individual hospitals because they are run in different ways. they all have the same rules, but different administrators so it shouldn't be at all difficult to get to the bottom of what happened in phoenix and then what is happening elsewhere. the long waits for medical care are partly as a result as general mccaffrey said again, wanting certain types of care, but also because it's such a big system there are administrative bunglings all of the time. so there has to be a way to judge each hospital on its own and to make sure that you are not broad burushing the whole system to put in part very carefully what is in each hospital. >> the american customer satisfaction index show vet, some 8 million of them gave the v.a. health system high marx,
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but in your reporting that really shook up the country regarding what was happening at walter reed, the moldy facility, and i vividly, in fact, dana, remember the first day i read your article that you co-author there and you referred to at the time many thought that the walter reed army medical center was the crown jewel. this was the creme de la creme of what we were willing to offer the returning vets and it was in deplorable conditions and this was not just to the point of phoenix, it is now reminding us of what your report indicated in 2007. >> and there have been a lot of changes and more resources added to it, but again, this is a huge system and you have to break it down to individual hospitals and individual administrators and hold them each separately accountable for their wait times, their processing of paperwork and all these things that definitely can still be a problem and is still a problem in many, many places. the wait line for disability
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ratings in the system is gigantic and so the people coming into it is huge, and you know, that is creating a snowball of problems. >> before i go back to general mccaffrey i do want to follow up with you, they want to question shinseki over bonuses overseeing some of the troubled health facilities, pittsburgh and atlanta, just two that have been noted here. >> well, i think it's fair to look at what sort of bonuses people get. it's fair that they have bonuses, too, because if you do a good job in a system like this where the stakes are so high, you know, you should receive a bon bonus, but why not look at individual cases? of course, politics is going to enter into it. shinseki has been very good, i think, at deflating the political rhetoric on both sides because people respect him. >> tamron, let me add something, by the way. part of the pressure on the v.a.
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right now is shinseki opened the system to more claims. and -- but, generally speak, they've been able to reduce that backlog by 50%. so, again, i think you have the older vietnam-age population increasingly seek care. >> right. >> now we have almost 3 million iraq, afghanistan vets and many of them not just with serious combat injuries, but also ptsd or tbi so it's a huge burden on this system. >> right. >> at some point the congress needs to either resource it or allow them access to civilian medical care. give them a credit card. let them go to the local providers of medical services. i think this system is a world war ii system that's now having trouble putting up with the demand on it. >> general, thank you. >> dana, thank you, as well and we'll continue to monitor this hearing and bring you developments from it today. thank you both. >> coming up, bill clinton takes
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on karl rove's suggestion that former secretary of state hillary clinton may have suffered brain damage. >> first they said she faked her concussion, and now they say she's auditioning for a part on "the walking dead". >> beyond the laughter, the former president got serious predicting this type of attack is just the beginning. we'll talk with nbc senior political editor mark murray and we'll play you more of bill clinton's comments with karl rove. firefighters are just now getting an upper hand on the wildfires burning in southern california, but they remain cautious with dangerous temperatures and dry conditions in the forecast. thousands of people have been evacuate from this location and we'll have the very latest from the scene. they find casey kasem after a three-day search. where was he? it is one of the stories we're following around the "news nation." tell us your thoughts about the national museum opening today in
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honor of those 9/11 victims and survivors. let us know what you think @tamronhall a and @newsnation. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock.
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to prepare our kids to compete main today's economy?way woman: a well-rounded education that focuses on science, math, and career training for students who don't choose college. man: and that's exactly what superintendent of public education tom torlakson has been working on. woman: because every student needs the real world skills for the jobs of tomorrow. man: torlakson's career readiness initiative is helping schools expand job and technical training across the state because it makes a difference. woman: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for the career and technical training our students need.
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developing news in southern california, firefighters are getting their first real chance at controlling a massive wildfire threatening homes, a military place and a nuclear power plant. that fire has forced thousands of people from their homes and this morning from the air flames can be seen jumping through woodland, but now that high winds have died officials are a bit more optimistic. nbc's jennifer bjorklund is in carlsbad tracking some of the damage. we see some of the damage right behind you, jennifer. >> i want to show you up close what this fire did. this fire was burning yesterday morning. this is near the ignition point
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of the fire in carlsbad near poinsettia where it broke out. this fire being called the poinsettia fire. two boats and what we believe was a classic corvette and the house, and this homeowner was here on the site and has agreed to show what happened to his home here when the fire swept through. he said he watched it burn and there was nothing he could do. this being the carlsbad fire which is now 60% contained. that's the good news. the other good news is like you said, the winds are calm, but the heat is coming up again and we are expecting very, very low humidity throughout the day today. so those are more concerns for firefighters. there is another fire that broke out later on in the afternoon, the san marcos fire. they issued 21,000 evacuation orders for that fire. they cleared out legoland and a california state university with 10,000 students on campus. most of those evacuation orders are being looked at this morning and lifted. a lot of people are going back
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into their homes, but the storm fire has not passed. they are still looking to many, many more days of hard work to get these fires contained and finally controlled. back to you. >> jennifer, thank you very much. these are live pictures from chicago where fast food workers are joining thousands of others around the world striking for higher wages and better working conditions. we'll get the latest on these continued strikes and if they are having a real impact. plus, it is today's news nation gut check. an ohio man described as a deadbeat dad is ordered not to have any more kids until he pays back child support. it's our gut check and here's a look at what's happening today. thursday, may 15th. right now joe biden is attending the national police week memorial service. it is a tribute to law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. >> and hurricane season begins today in the eastern pacific ocean impacting, california,
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mexico and hawaii and meteorologists predict a more active season than usual. we asked people a question, how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. thit's not the "limit yoursh hard earned cash back" card . it's not the "confused by rotating categories" card. it's the no-category-gaming, no-look-passing, clear-the-lane-i'm- going-up-strong, backboard-breaking, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, every single day.
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nothing to see here people. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. >> we are following developing news. these are live pictures in chicago where fast food workers are taking part in a one-day strike despite the crumby weather there and similar strikes and protests are being held today in 150 cities in more than 30 countries and six continents. among the fast food chains being targeted today, mcdonald's, burger king, domino's they're demanding a $15 an hour, at a time when the the minimum wage is $8.50 an hour. they want the right to unionize. connie, a mcdonald's employee in atlanta and jack temple policy for the national law employment
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project on the jobs created during the economic recovery. connie, let me start with you. this has started in one or two cities and now extended to six continents. do you and other workers feel you are gaining something even though that check, that dollar figure has not changed yet? >> i do think we are gaining something. i think we're gaining momentum. i think that the more people that know about our cause, the bigger our voice is and possibly the -- the more of a push we can give to the corporations to see that this is something that we all really need. >> as you well know, the industry so far has rejected these demands. last month mcissued a statement and this is a result that takes into account the highly competitive nature of the industry and the employee and minimum wage workers as well as consumers and they're saying you have to look at the landscape here. i think some people would enter pretty that to say there is not
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enough money there, not enough profit to give an increase to give to minimum wage workers. what's your response when you hear that? >> i totally disagree. i think there's more than enough money. if a ceo can make 1200 times what i make i believe he can take some sort of cut so that i can be able to make a livable wage, you know, and live my life just as he lives his, just not on a higher scale. >> for people who don't get what your life is like working for what you are paid, tell them about how difficult it is for you. >> well, most months i have to decide which bill to pay in full or catch up on, and then the other months i have to decide which bill to pay or catch up on so one is just like the other. the money that i make is not enough to cover everybody every month. >> mcdonald's recently reported a profit first quarter $1.2
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billion. the ceo don thompson compensation, $4.8 million. wendy's first-quarter profit, 87 million and their ceo compensation, $7.6 million for one year and domino's first quarter earnings $40 million, patrick doyle's compensation $9.5 million. are they moving the meter? >> america is facing a wage crisis. they're the largest industries. more and more workers are relying on low-wage jobs to make ends meet. this crisis isn't going away until companies pay higher wages, plain and simple. >> so the lines have been set in the sand and we've been covering the protests since the very beginning and we're looking at it as it has grown, but the food industry and the fast food
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industry clearly is resistant and may not budge. >> the fast food industry has essentially rested its case on a myth. they're a $200 billion industry and these are the most profitable companies in the country today and they argue that low wages are in the opportunity and what stories like connie's make clear and what the data show are that low wages are one of the biggest obstacles to what the economy faces today. >> what needs to happen when again, over these many weeks and months and the expansion of these protests, the fast food industry to your point has made their case whether someone believes it's a myth or not. it is the case that they're making and it's supported by even some lawmakers. >> the first step of this is simple. they have to sit down at the table with their workers. this is a proud american tradition. we used to have companies and workers that would sit down at the same table and bargain over wages and benefits and that's how you transition into industries that pay a living
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wage and support the middle class. >> are you and the workers, are you prepared to stick through this until there is a break? >> yes, we are. we are definitely willing. >> thank you so much. we greatly appreciate it and we'll continue to follow the protests again around the world for the first time. thank you in one day. up next, the nigerian president responds to demands to the terror group that kidnapped girls. i'll talk with the u.s. ambassador to nigeria. plus hear more of bill clinton's remarks about hillary clinton's health, and whether he did the clintons a big favor. new fallout between beyonce's sister and jay-z. it is one of the stories we are following around the "news nation." i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous.
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is the board of little minds. first they said she faked her concussion and now they say she's auditioning for a part on "the walking dead". >> that, of course, former president bill clinton to karl rove's recent comments that hillary clinton may have suffered brain damage from her concussion in 2012. despite the fact that karl rove said he was taken out of context. clinton was defending hfs wife while speaking at a fiscal summit in washington. he dismissed the speculation that her health could impact her chances should the secretary of state decide to run in 2016. >> do you think there is their way of inserting her age or her physical capabilities into the 2016 debate. >> i don't know, but if it is you can't be too upset about it. it's just the beginning. they'll get better and better at it. i mean, you know and it's -- i'm still waiting for them to admit there was nothing to whitewater.
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i mean -- >> president clinton also defended his wife's handling of the attack in benghazi. nbc news senior political editor, for the record again, karl rove somewhat walked back his comments saying he did not say hillary clinton had brain damage, but the post quotes him saying this at an event in los angeles, nevertheless, the aftereffect is bill clinton some say at his best in that kind of environment, the folksy handling of this and all while landing some solid punches. >> that's right. we saw bill clinton play this role for barack obama in the 2012 presidential election during that convention speech where he almost played defense attorney for president obama and here again we were all kind of waiting for some sound from hillary clinton to respond to karl rove's comments who ended up doing it? it was bill clinton in a humorous way with "the walking dead" mention, tamron.
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what wasn't provided in those video clips saying hillary clinton is in much better shape than he is in. bill clinton is adored by his poll numbers couldn't be higher. everyone thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread and he said my wife is in better shape than i am. >> karl rove, when he talked about these remarks on fox news said that others will bring this up and that it's going to be a point of contention, 2016, her serious health episode as he referred to it on fox news, but you heard at the end of what we played bill clinton saying i'm still waiting for them to say there was nothing to whitewater. you've got the clinton supporters who i think got a little bit of a boost when they heard him say, listen, they first say she faked it. now it's this. which is it? >> that's right. and that's really the biggest defense that you've seen from backers of hillary clinton, including you heard from her husband. tamron, there are two schools of thought. on the one hand, karl rove
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introducing this. this is a smart, brilliant move. tamron hall and mike murray and this is how you inject it into the bud flow and making it a 2016 issue if she decides to run. on the other hand, the other argument is karl rove is the perfect vessel for this. he is such a politicized version being george w. bush's political brain and playing a big role inside republican politics. so when he brings it up it looks so political and not necessarily a legitimate inquiry. it is something that's a very legitimate subject and those were medical records for presidential candidates. >> we know anyone engaged in this that the medical history of any candidate and even the president is a major concern and something that the public wanted details about, but i am curious, that the assertion that this somehow moves the meter in any way that the media is discussing it because by all accounts outside of maybe, a more conservative outlet, you have
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people mocking karl rove. when you have jon stewart saying this is braingazigate now i don't know if it moves the meter that are independent voters who are concerned about any president's health when you hear him say something like this. >> i'm not sure it necessarily moves the needle. that was the argument from republicans saying here is a way that you can inject this into the conversation. here is the biggest take away from all of this. we were having this discussion an entire year before the 2016 race even starts and that would be in the early to mid 2015. hillary clinton is not a presidential candidate and we're talking about her medical records. this is a way how expedited our political process is that we're all getting over our skis right now. >> good point there, mark. thank you very much. we are following breaking news. authorities in massachusetts will announce another indictment against former new england patriots star aaron hernandez this time involving a double
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homicide in the summer of 2012. officials say the victims were shot to death in a drive-by attack. hernandez is currently awaiting trial for the shooting death of former associate odom lloyd last year and pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and gun charges in that case. new developments today involving the nearly 300 nigerian school girls kidnapped a month ago by islamic extremist group boko haram. goodluck jonathan told him, quote, there will be no negotiation boko haram that involves a swap for ar ducted school girls as the leader proposed earlier this week. a senate subcommittee just ended a hearing addressing the threat from boko haram which is blamed for killing 4,000 people in the past five years. a top state department official also described some of the assistance the u.s. is providing to help find the girls. >> by monday may 12th, we have deployed an 18-member inner agency team to advise the
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nigerian government as it works to bring back the young women, specifically by advising on how to safely recover and assist these girls, offering specialized expertise on military and law enforcement best practices, hostage negotiation, intelligence gathering, strategic communications and how to mitigate the risk of future kidnappings. >> joining me now by phone from lagos, nigeria, former u.s. ambassador to nigeria, robin renee sanders who served in that role from 2007 to 2010. ambassador, thank you for joining us. what is the latest you're hearing regarding the next move here? >> well, i think the next move is the nigerians have to get off the defense. i'm really delighted all of the assistance coming from around the world, particularly from the u.s. were very good at negotiation and kidnapping specialists, we have t-3 surveillance planes that can help them on their border, but i
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think the most that we need to do is to better help them on communication. it's rough terrain up there. i've been up in that region four times all by road to one of the toughest areas in the world i've ever been in and communicating up there is very difficult. the military definitely needs support and they definitely feel demoralized with everything going on. i think they need the equipment. they need better communication equipment between checkpoints and they certainly need better material in order to fight boko haram. >> we are hearing from president goodluck jonathan is visiting the village where the girls were kidnapped more than a month ago. what kind of criticism is he getting within nigeria? >> there is a lot of criticism that can go around. certainly, there were a lot of mistakes made at the very onset. we are now in the fourth week, almost the fifth week that the girls are missing. we don't know if it is current
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video or if it was taken a month ago. we don't know if they are grouped together or that they've been dispersed and there are rumors that they've gone across the border. so there are a lot of missing parts. the international community has been late to come to the issue here because prior to even these girls being abducted boko haram had gone into a dormitory and set the dormitory on fire with girls on there that had passed away. they had kidnapped a whole other group of girls and split them up and one group of girls that showed maturity and they slit their throats and the others they released them. we've been late to the discussion and the entire international community has been late to the issues going on in nigeria, including its own government. >> the people would say the president of nigeria late to go into the village with the outcry and the women who have been marching and their families in the streets demands that the girls be returned, but quickly,
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there is a report that at least in one village just overnight or yesterday the people there fought back against members of boko haram who attempted to go inside their village and actually killed some of the members of boko haram. do you know anything about those reports of villagers now fighting back? >> that is definitely what happened yesterday about 200 boko haram attackers were killed by vigilante group in villages. it's not the first time and it's probably the first time the international media is hearing about it, but it's not the first time its happened. in terms of the president getting there, it's not easy to get there in that regard. it's tough terrain to even get up there, but the vigilante groups have been pushing boko haram to different villages and this is the biggest number of biggest number of boko haram attackers that they've been able to fend off and kill. >> we appreciate the latest
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we continue to follow developing news, va secretary eric shinseki is testifying on capitol hill about allegations of veterans dying while waiting for medical care. republican senator dean heller just asked shinseki about resigning upon. >> i came here to make things better for veterans. that was my appointment by the president. every day i start out with the intent, in fact, to provide as much care and benefits for the
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people i went to war with. this is not a job. i am here to accomplish a mission that i think they critically deserve and need. >> shinseki opened with remarks saying that he was mad as hell about what had happened over the allegations. a massive oil spill on the streets of los angeles tops our look at stories around the news nation today. the los angeles fire department says about 10,000 gallons spilled early this morning after a pipe burst. it happened just after midnight local time in an industrial area. the spill was about a half-mile wide and knee-deep in some areas. crews vacuumed up most of the oil and are using diapers to contain the rest. casey kasem's children say they found their father and are going to bring him home. he was found in washington, after filing a missing persons report. police say deputies found him and his wife at a private home and he was receiving appropriate keir. his children claim his wife
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jeanne had been keeping them from seeing their father for months. it has fired the person who leak the infamous video showing solange knowles. the person breached security policies by leaking the video to tmz. there's been no comment from jay-z or beyonce regarding the incident. >> new nfl player michael sam is getting his own reality show. the oprah winfrey network is showing his life as the first openly gay player, sam who was drafted by the rams says his focus is on playing football and he's grateful for the opportunity to share his story. speak of sharing stories beautiful images of iranian women free of their head coverings and in some cases smiling boldly into the camera are being posted by the thousands. the women are taking enormous risk in breaking the law to post on the break called stealthy freed ochl iranian women.
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they can be punished with imprisonment or lashings if they're caught disobeying sharia law. it it chronicles some of these women and joining me is the author of the piece associate editor of "the huffington post" yazmeen. >> thank you for having me. >> looking at these pictures it looked like something in a beautiful photo spread upon. they're beautifully shot behind the gloss of it is the reality of what these women are fighting. >> absolutely. and actually, one of the beauties of this facebook page is the diversity of the photos. it's not just young women unveiling. their grandmothers, their mothers, people driving and people show casing daily life and the way that they can highlight their freedoms despite the oppressiveness of these laws which mandates the hijab. >> one woman wrote on her facebook page. i want the right to choose. maybe i would have chosen to wart scarf if i had options to
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choose from. healthy freedom becomes sweeter when your father decides to take a picture of your stealthy freedom on the seaside with his own camera. of the persian gulf with his own camera. how did this start? >> this started with the journalist currently living in exile in london. she wrote critical articles about the iranian government. this is the power of social media. she posted one picture of herself driving in the northern part of iran without a head scarf and said, this is me being myself. how many of you feel that way too? and the response has been unbelievable. i really love the fact you picked out the first quote. the important thing is the choice. it's all about the choice. >> absolutely, you make that point in other parts of the world there are women who are fighting to have the choice to wear it. >> it's fascinating because it's all about empowerment and the women fighting for their right to wear it are just as empowered as the ones fighting for their
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right not to wear it. it is all about that choice. exactly, just as this woman said, she wants to be able to choose whether she wants to wear it or not. and there's a quote in the koran that says there's no compulsion in religion. >> this is on facebook, what kind of risks are they taking? >> they are taking a huge risk and copycat pages have sprung you have, my selfie freedom and the danger there, if they are submitting photos to the pages they are not guaranteed anonymity. it's wonderful to see the women rising up, but she was clear to say she's not necessarily encouraging women to throw off the ha jabs and face censorship but provide a platform for iranian women to share their choice. >> the far news agency denounced the page and accused the woman behind it of working with
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enemies to promote promiscuous behavior. >> it's interesting because in some ways it is a cultural issue. before the revolution it was pretty uncommon for them to be wearing this. there are so many layers here. >> great reporting there and the images are stirring. thank you so much. up next, our "news nation" gut check, a father of four forbidden from having any more children until he pays back child support. what does your get tell you about this one? edicting the futa pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done.
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time for the "news nation" gut check. a surprising order has just upheld. taylor was ordered to stop having children or go to jail. nearly $100,000 behind on xhild support payments for four children and judge has no more babies while on probation. the order would be lifted if taylor pays up but in the
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meantime his attorney is arguing it's a violation of his client's right to produce. do you agree with the decision to ban a father from having kids until he pays up or child support? go to to vote. a variety of topics certainly covered this hour. thank you so much for joining us. kristen welker is in for andrea mitchell. we'll see you tomorrow. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker.
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encouragement here to do something different and senator, i will. >> and america remembers, presidents and new york city leaders past and present join victims families to pay trib bud and dedicate a new 9 9/11 memorial museum in manhattan. >> we stands in the footprints of two mighty towers graced by the rush of eternal waters. here we tell their story so that generations yet unborn will never forget. good day to you, i'm kristen welker in washington in for andrea mitchell, eric shinseki is facing tough questions by a senate panel today onhe
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