tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC May 15, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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of people with very fringe views who can be very aggressive. we've seen this play out time and time again in gun clash after another in which you're not just getting arguments about policy. you're getting rank, pure intimidation. thank you both. that's all for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts now. >> good evening. happy thursday night. not too long ago the united states government was overthrown by truckers. do you remember that? it was the truckers' ride for constitution. they were going to ring the entire d.c. belt way with a corridor of rolling steel as they lined up thousands of trucks bumper to bumper and slowly circling the nation's capitol and bringing the u.s. government to its knees. having the government on its knees would be a convenient position from which the truckers would just plain start arresting the whole government, starting with all of congress. they name checked nancy pelosi and senator dianne feinstein as people they were specifically planning to arrest. but they said while we're there
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we're going to arrest the entire congress. they said, in fact, they were going to arrest not just the entire congress but anyone in government who they decided had violated their oath of office, including, of course, president obama. they said they were going to arrest president obama and if anybody tried to stop them, well, they had a plan for that as well. quote, if cops decide to give us a hard time, we're going to lock the brakes up, we're going to stop right there. we're going to be a three-lane road block. foolproof plan, and that last october is how conservative truckers took over america and arrested all of congress and the rest of the government and the president. at least that was the plan. >> terry lee is live in woodbridge, virginia with a closer look now. have you been many truckers for the cause this morning? >> we have not seen a whole lot of those truckers coming
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through. we understand that they are now right up around the belt way area, but given the numbers they may actually be very easy to miss if you're out there. no impact on traffic so far. >> yeah, the truckers ride for the constitution did not end up shutting down washington and arresting all of congress. they didn't even impact traffic that day. if you go to their facebook page now, they insist they are still around and posted this picture at the top of their facebook feed, quote, sometimes you have to regroup. they now call themselves truckers to shut down america. they say they're just getting started, but the truckers to shut down america, they are regrouping after what happened last time when their big plan failed. maybe the truckers will be back in the future but they're not the only right wing group thinking this way. there have been more than a handful of these acted item fantasies of destroying the government by force and
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intimidation over the past few years. you may remember that after the health reform bill was passed in 2010 there was vandalism at a bunch of democratic party offices across the country. this is the day that president obama signed health reform into law. this was the top of our show that day. >> some time on friday a brick was thrown through a window at democrat congress woman louise slaughter's office in new york. late on friday another brick was thrown through a window at the democratic party office in wichita, kansas. that brick was reported to have anti-obama and anti-health reform messages on it. a day later, on saturday or early sunday, another brick shattered glass doors in rochester, new york. shortly after the health reform vote on sunday, a fist-sized rock was reportedly thrown through the front window of the hamilton democratic party in pleasant ridge, ohio. at 2:40 a.m. on monday morning, a few hours after the healthcare
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vote, the front door and glass panel were smashed out at democratic congresswoman's office in arizona. niagara falls, new york, pleasant ridge, ohio, five separate attacks in the span of four days. >> that was the day that the health reform law was signed by president obama. it turned out it was clear quickly those were not spontaneous busts of window breaking. the round of window breaking at democratic offices had been called for by an alabama militia guy march 2010. in april the same guy headlined an open carry rally at a national park not far from washington d.c. he said we were coming to a fundamental break as a nation
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where people were going to start dying. >> they put themselves into a state of war with the people who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience. we are done backing up! done! not one more inch. this is a quintessentially southern thing, oh, hell no. where i come from, you know somebody is going to get beat, stabbed or shot. the guy who takes the beaten, the knife blade or the bullet undoubtedly deserves it. oh, hell no. for you can push americans only
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so far. >> that's the break your windows guy. the break your windows guy did succeed in getting people to throw bricks through the windows at democrat party offices when obamacare passed. he did succeed at that. try as he might with his armed open carry rally at that virginia park, he did not set off an armed war against the u.s. government those few weeks after health reform was passed. the same guy did later get repeatedly booked on the fox news channel as an expert on the fast and furious scandal. excellent booking job, fox news, did you ever google the guy? we have the truckers destroying the american government with their convoy/road block in which they were going to arrest the congress and the president. we had the guys with gun in the virginia park led by the tubby break your windows guy in the
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suspenders. they believed they were starting an armed rebellion on the government. there was the second american revolution from reclaim america now. remember they said it was going to be millions of people, millions to occupy washington d.c. we will camp out until we get results. millions of americans will come. they said millions of americans, quote, who have been appalled and disgusting by president obama's criminality, gay and lesbian agenda, we will ascend on mass and demand that president obama leave from office if he doesn't want to face prison time. that was in november. millions of americans, they said, were going to descend on washington and force president obama out of office and if he didn't leave office and flee washington d.c. they were going to put him in prison. logistically never made all that much sense to me. maybe they were going to bring the prison with them like an r.v. maybe. i don't know how it was going to work of putting the president in
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jail part of their plan. but they said there would be millions of americans at their event in november and this is how it worked out on the ground. this is actually from their own video of their own demonstration that they posted on their website and i like it in particular because of the way it starts. there are two ladies sort of chatting about where they're from. >> originally from iowa and just moved down there about a year and a half ago. love it, love it. >> welcome to the reclaim america now mass demonstration. people throughout the country are following what we're doing. >> you know, this was supposed to be millions and millions of people. they did not get millions of people. they didn't even get dozens of people. i don't know if they brought a
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jail for president obama, but they did not end up arresting or jailing president obama. it must have been a disappointment. now it is happening again. we got another one of these coming up. this one, they say, is going to be bigger than all the ones before. they say it's not going to be a generic number of millions of people. this time they say it's going to be 10 million people converging on d.c. or more maybe. at least 10 million, maybe 30 million people. for context here there are only like 320 million people in this country and that includes babies and the infirmed. they say they're expecting 10 to 30 million people. that's their plan for tomorrow in washington d.c. if they are expecting that many people, statistically speaking, you're probably going. they're calling it operation american spring. get it, like arab spring but it's american spring. in interviews promoting operation american spring in washington tomorrow the organizers promise, quote,
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people massing, gigantic magnatudes of we the people. it worked in egypt by bringing down the government twice. mass works in military operations. it can work in america. thus the ideas of a massive, gigantic swell of we the people in a nonviolent, unarmed, peaceful descending -- their noun -- on washington d.c. massive numbers is the key. anything short of massive gigantic response will give the destroyers of america a signal that we have surrendered. they say, quote, not me, not ever. >> we've heard this about different spring, arab spring and so forth going on. that struck a bell with me because -- >> yes, yes. i'm sorry, go ahead. >> it was the people of egypt that finally said like we're saying, enough is enough. they rose up over there twice. now we're saying that we're
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going to model those people. finally, we just settled and said, you know what, we need to go up there with about 10 or 15 million people and just say there until we get barack obama, joe biden, harry reid, mitch mcconnell, john boehner, nancy pelosi and eric holder out. >> praise god and hallelujah. go ahead. >> we have no representation. >> so that's the plan. prepare yourself. they say 10 to 30 million people are coming to washington tomorrow. they say they will stay as long as it takes to overthrow the federal government by sheer force of their massive numbers. they will thus depose the tyrant obama and joe biden and all the leadership of congress and attorney general eric holder. they're going to depose them because there will be tens of millions of people and that will be enough to make it happen. it may take a while.
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you may want to bring snacks. the group warnings they don't think it will end well for everyone. they are expecting a confrontation that will be violent. some people may die because the government will not be nonviolent. some of us will end up in a cell. some may be injured. if that's what it takes to save our nation, do we have any choice in freedom-loving americans will say there is no choice. we must begin the second american revolution. that starts tomorrow. in addition to their 10 to 30 million people who will definitely be taking over washington d.c. tomorrow, they're also holding a simultaneous rally with more people in bunkerville, nevada at cliven bundy's house. for both rallies they're already warning that they fully expect and indeed have intelligence telling them that the obama administration plans to attack these massive, multi-million person rallies with drones. if roughly one in ten americans
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are going to be there, that will probably be big news when that happens tomorrow. when the obama era is over, it will be remembered for what he actually did for this country. if the history of this political era is told honestly and with an eye to the bigger picture in our country, the obama era should go down in history for the amazing repeated violent fantasy lives of the nut balls who most opposed him while he was president. i say this on the eve of what is due to be another big nut ball day in washington and in bunkerville. a big day tomorrow. maybe not as big as they think it's going to be. joining us from nevada is reporter john rollston. it's great to see you. thanks for being here.
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>> hi, rachel. >> can you tell anything from your proximity to bunkerville and the bundy ranch militia thing, can you tell anything that we cannot tell from our proximity? >> it seems there's a great parallel in what's going on. in that history that you went through, the language is always similar, isn't it? we the people take back america. we're the revolutionaries. they don't seem to understand what the constitution says. the violence that's in bunkerville and will probably be there tomorrow -- although i don't think they'll meet their goals. you gave them the great idea of bringing the portable prisons. thanks for that. it's the same kind of thing, cliven bundy thinks he's some kind of patrick henry of the modern day when all he is is a welfare cowboy, a guy who won't pay his bills. they won't come up with specifics.
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>> you can tell from probably the way that i talk about them that i find these guys hilarious. but the armed standoff by you in nevada was real guns, loaded weapons pointed at federal law enforcement. federal law enforcement not able to do their work because of it. where do you rate the ongoing thing in nevada in terms of scary versus funny? where is the line? >> it's interesting that you mention that. i was the same way. i see some of these people and some of the things that they say and they're so easily mocked. on the other hand, what happened about a month ago here, came this close to being a real blood bath if you talk to people who were there and talk to law enforcement. you know this, this is a sleepy little town and now you have guys coming in, these militia folks from the ranch to get supplies, carrying weapons, walking into barber shops or to get grocery stores or drug stores and it's very unsettling.
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one person told me it's really creepy being there now. i still think there's a lot of fear up there. i don't think there are as many people there. the problem that the congressman has and the sheriff in clark county has, up can't just go and arrest these folks. there are no real check points in town although on the day of that roundup they were actually trying to stop people from going about their business. that doesn't exist anymore, but there are still a lot of these folks up there who live in bunkerville, they're scared. >> and tomorrow they are going to be celebrated in washington by apparently what's due to be 10 to 30 million people. i hope everybody in washington is making sure they have their parking spots reserved. john rollston, thanks for being here. i appreciate it. >> thanks, rachel. >> 10 to 30 million people
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tomorrow. seriously, make your plans. and you may want to get your go bag and some gold bars for once the government collapses. major drama on capitol hill that no one seemed to notice was part two of another drama that happened before. also evidence that democrats may have stumbled on the one size fits most solution to some of the election worries this year. we've got both of those stories ahead. stay with us.
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>> for my birthday this year my friends gave me this. can you see that? vintage campaign pin. i don't know if it's from when nixon ran in 1968 or 1972 but it is the real thing, nixons for vets. it's a nice reminder for me that every president wants to look like they're doing right by veterans. for example, you don't think of the white house is doing photo ops in 1924 but that's a photo op of president coolidge greeting civil war veterans. president george w. bush has kept a fairly low public profile since leaving office in 2009. he has done some speeches for money but when president george w. bush does events it's more often than not having to do with veterans who were wounded. he did not attend the 9/11 memorial today in manhattan. it's always interesting see
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presidents together but it was striking that president obama and president clinton, that skips a presidency, namely the one who was president when 9/11 happened. he did not go to the opening. he instead sent a statement. president obama today was there and he gave a speech. he gave a very emotional speech about the attacks of september 11th and about heros who helped people that day and veterans who have fought in the wars that were launched at least nominally with some relation to 9/11. >> here we tell their story so that generations yet unborn will never forget. of co-workers who led others to safety, passengers who stormed a cockpit, our men and women in uniform who rushed into an inferno, first responders who charged up those stairs. a generation of service members, our 9/11 generation who have served with honor in more than a decade of war. >> our 9/11 generation. presidents of every party and in
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every generation have not only wanted to be seen as doing right by our nation's veterans, it's hard to believe they're not sincere. you can be cynical or suspicious but the problem at least in modern politics does not seem to be that presidents and their administrations don't want veterans to get good care. it's that they fail to ensure that that happens despite everybody wanting to. the will is there. it's carrying it out where
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it's 11 pages long and basically the idea was that the v.a. had new goals that veterans would get their appointments at the v.a. within 14 days, primary care, specialist care, mental healthcare, no longer than an 11-day wait. and instructions on how the v.a. was supposed to use an electronic wait list system and specific scheduling instructions in order to bring the wait times down. the idea was this new system would not only help veterans get their appointments faster but do so in a way that would also provide data in real time. so the v.a. and the performance of v.a. centers across the country could be tracked easily in terms of how they were performing on this metric. they could find out where there were trouble spots around the country and direct resources to those places so they could figure out what was wrong and vets could get in within 14 days. that was the goal and the directive that went out in summer of 2010. by 2011 and 2012, oh, my gosh, the numbers were very, very good.
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the numbers were spectacular. look at the results they turned up with their new system. new primary care appointments, 90% of veterans trying to make new primary care appointments, they're getting them within 14 days. you need a specialist, again, 90% of veterans who need to see a specialist get that appointment within 14 days. look at the mental health numbers. they put out this serious looking performance and accountability report for fiscal year 2011. they said in terms of people getting in, 95% of veterans were getting in within the goal of 14 days. whoo hoo. that was not at all true it turns out. the numbers looked great on paper but they were complete but. this is the v.a. inspector general which does independent investigations. their report on the mental health numbers specifically. the performance data is not accurate or reliable. the measurement of a first time
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patient's access to a mental health evaluation is not a meaningful measure of waiting time. they set these goals and told the medical centers to meet the goals and created incentives for them to meet the goals, so they found a way to meet the goals on paper, to make it look like they were meeting the goals and put together the paper and the statistics and the data that made it look like they were meeting the goals even though that was not at all what was happening in the real life. from the a.g. report, the v.a. did not provide veterans with timely evaluations. it does not depict the true picture of a patient's waiting time. so yeah, the numbers looked good. but when you actually looked at what they were supposed to be representing, it wasn't 95% of vets getting in. the real numbers, according to the ig, closer to maybe something like 64%. they were padding it by 30%. the books were cooked.
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the numbers were a lie. the system had a great goal but it was a screwed up system. people were not getting in fast enough and the paperwork numbers were basically made up. you could do the paperwork in a way that made the agency look better than it was. it was just a policy disaster. that was 2011 and 2012, and they realized what was wrong and so they stopped measuring their performance and the way they had been. the fancy accountability report that you put out last year, notes in small print, we're counting in a totally different way now.
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i could use stronger language, mr. chairman, but in deference to the committee, i won't. >> the v.a. secretary has been head of the v.a. throughout the time that president obama has been in office. today in the senate he faced respectful but persistent and challenging questions from the senate veterans affairs committee about this problem with the wait times and again the fake records. this is being treated as a new scandal because the new way in
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which it is failing is new news, but in fact, this problem has been going on for years. in part, this problem seems to have been caused by the per verse incentives created by the v.a.'s efforts to manage and try to fix the other long-standing problems. they squeezed this because they thought it was a problem and they created a problem somewhere else. in terms of what happens next, some of the members of the committee pleaded for patience today because of that independent inspector general. the v.a. is looking into what's going on specifically with phoenix but also with other centers. the v.a. is reportedly doing individual audits face to face with the scheduling departments at all medical centers across the country. the secretary today said he
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expects the preliminary results of those audits in about three weeks. the results of their formal investigation should not be ready before august which is a long time from now. in the meantime, there was surprising news out of the white house today, that president obama is sending his deputy chief of staff to go to the v.a. to work on this problem. dennis mcdonough, his white house chief of staff, rob neighbors is the guy on the right here, the deputy chief of staff.
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vets in this country. this is being treated as a scandal. you can call it a scandal. but if you look at the context of this, this is not so much a news scandal as much as it is a big problem that still needs to be fixed, that we have known about for years. this is an actual test of governance. this is the real deal. unlimited cash back.
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for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! this is what it looks like when you are losing. the week that senator mark pryor got a republican challenger for his senate seat in arkansas, the challenger started off ahead two points in the poles, ahead of the incumbent senator. democrat mark pryor was widely considered the most vulnerable in the country in an election year that everybody thinks is going to be tough for democrats overall. if things are going to be bad for democrats everywhere the common wisdom said that mark pryor really would not stand a chance at all in bright red arkansas. his challenger, republican congressman tom cotton, is conservative and young and had lots of money and was polling ahead right out of the gate. they started running tv ads against mark pryor not this spring but last spring, a year and a half before the election. outside groups running millions of dollars worth of ads all supporting the republican challenger, tom cotton and
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attacking senator mark pryor. basically it looked completely hopeless for him in arkansas. you can see mark pryor trying to find his feet and figure out house to respond to this early enslaughter against him. when senator pryor was first able to start running his own ads in the fall, he ran kind of a mix of ads on a bunch of subjects. there was some one about the government shutdown. this one where he sat in an easy chair and thumbed through the bible and talked about being religious. in october, november, december, right into february, mark pryor was basically just losing. poll after poll showed tom cotton four points up, five points up and mark pryor down month after month. then mark pryor's campaign regrouped and he tried again with a specific idea this time. he came out with a new series of ads going after tom cotton on
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policy. >> hi, i'm linda. i've been married to the same wonderful man for 37 years and we have two great kids. retirement is just around the corner for us. that's why i was so concerned when i read congressman cotton voted to change made care into a voucher system. cotton's plan would allow insurance companies to increase rates, cut benefits, and cost seniors thousands more each year. >> tom cotton voted to turn medicare into a voucher system. what they mean in that ad is that tom cotton voted for the paul ryan budget which would privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher system and raise the age at which you could qualify to get medicare. in february mark pryor rolled out two ads making the point
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that his opponent voted to cut medicare and even for a more conservative budget. the republican study committee, a budget that dismantled medicare faster and raised the age when you qualified even higher. mark pryor decided to go with that in his ads, pretty much exclusively starting at the end of the winter and beginning of the spring. look what happened to his polling. his numbers went north. starting in april the polls started showing mark pryor up ten, up ten, mark pryor up three, mark pryor up 11. mark pryor had been losing but he was not losing anymore. he was winning. this is what it looks like when you are winning. now, mark pryor has some new ads and you can't counter factual
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these things. we may never know what exactly put him in the lead but you can kind of tell from the ads why the pryor campaign thinks they're doing so well now. >> hi, it's linda again. i'm not getting younger and i worry about our retirement. that's why i was so troubled by tom cotton's plan to change medicare into a voucher system run by the insurance industry. now i find out cotton wants to change the age of eligibility for medicare to 70. that's right. cotton would raise medicare and social security to 70. look it up. he's a real threat to your retirement. >> mark pryor making the point that tom cotton not only voted for the paul ryan kill medicare budget but also tom cotton voted for the republican study committee thing which would have raised the retirement age to 70.
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with ads like these mark pryor has gone from being the most vulnerable senator in america, kiss seat that good-bye, democrats, to instead being the arkansas miracle, running in what is supposed to be a republican year in what is supposed to be a republican state and he's polling ten points ahead. they charted this today at mark pryor, arkansas miracle. there's no reason why this is an arkansas specific thing. every republican member of the house who is running for senate this year voted for some version of these policies that are now sinking tom cotton in arkansas, every one, they all did it. hey bill cassidy in louisiana you voted to raise the medicare age to 70. same deal in colorado. republican congressman corrie gardener voted to get rid of medicare, turn it into a voucher instead, raise the medicare age to 70. in oklahoma, maybe oklahoma is really tough but james linkford on the ballot voted to voucherize medicare and raise the age to 70. hello 69-year-old oklahoma
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voters. james lankford voted that someone in your shoes shouldn't get medicare and you shouldn't have had it the last four years either. in west virginia shelly moore voted to raise the age to 67 like steve danes did in montana. he voted to raise the medicare age budget. in georgia three of the five republican hopefuls are house members and voted right along with tom cotton. give grandma a voucher and raise the age to 70. medicare is over. the ads right themselves, right? everybody can copy mark pryor's ads. everyone who is running for senate, every one of them voted to end medicare as we know it and make old people have to wait longer to get it. meanwhile, mark pryor has with stood buckets of money from outside his state and a ceaseless red tide within it and he's still winning and that's maybe because he's hitting his opponent on those votes in
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congress which every democrat for senate can do if they are facing one of these members of congress as their opponent in november. joining us is our friend ezra kline. it's great to see you. congratulations on your site and your newfound fame. >> thank you. good to see you. >> do you expect to see this becoming a template in terms of the if paul ryan budget living into 2014 in a way that would help the democrats? >> oh, yeah. when you see a 15-point swing in the poles, campaign managers take notice of that. i think it's worth thinking about the 2010 election for a second. one of the big talking points is we're going to see a replay of 2010 and we might. something i think people forget about 2010 was that one of the by far most popular republican lines of attack on democrats was not obamacare but medicare. obama is cutting hundreds of millions from medicare and that was the primary line of attack against obamacare. that worked because it kind of united republicans.
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they felt they were running ads against obamacare where as voters felt they were running ads protecting medicare. you've had republicans voting to do all kinds of things to medicare that democrats don't like. now republicans want to for various reasons cut or move to private insurers. you're going to i think see one big policy difference between 2010 and 2014 which is that democrats can attack republicans on medicare again. that was a weapon they don't have in 2010. it was weirdly, a weapon that republicans got and it might end up mattering quite a bit. >> in terms of party politics, that 15-point swing that's exciting to democratic campaign managers, that can be seen by republicans. the pryor example is so clear because his campaign started focusing on that and it does seem to be correlated. so that raises the question of whether or not republicans start to see those votes as a liability, whether there's a way that they can look ahead to general election and say we got
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to stop voting for things like the ryan budget and the republican study committee budget because they're going to be used against us. is any of that dynamic at work? >> it might be but they can't erase the votes they already took. the republican study committee budget is fascinating because it's for people who think the ryan budget is way too liberal. a lot of -- it was a budget so aggressive that republicans had to keep it from passing in the house. democrats played a trick on them. they all went present so the republicans had to kill the things. a lot of republicans voted for it and they can't undo those votes at this point. once they're on the record they're on the record. there's a lot in that budget that's dangerous. this is a problem for the republican party in this election and the next election. what they need to do to be members of the tea party in good
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standing, what they need to be to be popular is really an athema. generally the way they try to bridge the gap is not say what they're for. they have attacks on obamacare but not really a replacement and an effort to focus on democrats. when it becomes about their policies, they don't poll well. in fact, they're very, very far from what most voters are actually comfortable with. >> which any smart democrat will exploit to the hit and right up to november. i think that pryor is probably writing the template for them. ezra kline, editor in chief at thank you for being here. >> great to see you. >> strange problems in los angeles overnight. turns out. calls for extra strange solutions. we have both of those ahead. stay with us. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals,
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equivalent of the logo for sherwin williams paint company, cover the earth. brand x diapers are the ungreen consumer purchase. today turn that frown upside down. you, angry diaper company pr people, who are writing me all capital e-mail letters how unfair this perception is of your product. today may be the day when the long-suffering disposable diaper finally gets held up as an environmental hero. and not just at your house. because today, that diaper was the solution to a pressing environmental crisis in one of america's largest cities. a crisis from which we have remarkable tape and the solution was a diaper and the story is coming up. with diapers, seriously. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate.
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which would be good except that what is raining on l.a. here is oil. this was the scene at atwater village, a neighborhood in the middle of the huge american city after a 40-foot oil geyser erupted from an above ground pipeline valve blasting an estimated 10,000 gallons of oil into the l.a. air. the force of the oil spray coat aid nearby business, a gentleman's establishment as the it happens. the oil there reportedly rained down on to the patrons from the ceiling of the strip club, they had to close it down. two people got sick from the fumes and had to go off to the hospital. the oil pooled up outside knee-deep in some places in the neighborhood. right in the middle of l.a. how are they going to clean this stuff up. when oil spills in water. we get all sad. oil companies try to move oil around with sad boom, that never seems to work. the l.a. spill was not in water that wouldn't make sense. exxon the most profitable enterprise in the history of
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enterprise, used a fancy grade of paper towels, yes to clean up that mess. seriously. this is one of the great bewilderments of our age. richest industry on earth. drilling basically in deep space. able to extract oil by the most high-tech, gadget means imaginable. when something goes wrong, they have paper towels and boon they had from the '70s. today in l.a., who we have something disgusting that needs something to sop up. they went with diapers, decided to use diapers to sop up the oil. the most profitable industry on earth. toxic, bursts from pipelines. in a pinch the big idea for cleaning up a toxic mess like this in america's second largest city is to use the thing that babies pee in. i were for us all that diapers are also oil clean-up. it does feel like we should expect something a little less available at the grocery store by now from this industry. know what i mean? now time for "the last word."
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thank you for being with us tonight. hey, karl, we see what you are trying to do here. >> this now open partisan battle between the clintons and republicans. >> i think it is 50/50 she runs. i'm not as convinced. >> just the beginning. >> you can't be too upset. just the beginning. >> just the beginning. >> no, no, no, no, no. wait a minute. no, no. >> i am very suspicious of this statement. ♪ >> they're clearly teeing up for something very big. >> she is going to face a lot of questions whether it is benghazi or health. >> do i think she has brain damage. no, a traumatic brain episode. >> she works out every week. >> she is a very energetic lady. >> think this over carefully. because the it is going to be rough out there. >> given the existing field. take jeb bush. >> it is an act of love.
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