tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 16, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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"makes nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from los angeles. tonight's lead, the greatest no show on earth. for months, months, far right extremists have been promising a giant rally in washington. their goal -- kick president obama out of office. here's what organizers expect. >> we're intending to field about 10 million to 20 million people in washington, d.c. and with we're going to close it down. >> wait a minute, that's why we have elections. >> we're going to go out into maryland and virginia. >> you're predicting 10 million people will be doing this? >> absolutely. >> 10 million people. really? and what, pray tell, are those 10 million people going to be protesting?
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>> when barack obama became the white house occupant we saw the constitution being destroyed and ignored at nearly the speed of light. at the rate that obama is taking us, we're going to be down into a associatist, fascist, communist, marxist, some kind of a dick dictatorial, tyrannical system by the end of his administration if we don't do something right now to turn this around. >> oh, right, just your average massive protest against a socialist fascist communist marxist president. but that prediction of 10 million marchers, they came up just a little bit short. about 200 people showed up today to rally against the president. that's right. instead of 10 million. a marcher told the washington
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sometimes, quote, it's a very dismal turnout. this is a very poor turnout. it ain't no millions. millions or not, the talk was just as extreme as you would expect. >> actually, our constitution has been destroyed, being destroyed over many decades. over the last six years it's taken on exponential speed and we're going down the tube. we're going into the abyss under barack obama. we know we're under a dictator. >> he's a dictator! >> come on, everybody. say it loud, say it proud! impeach obama! impeach obama! impeach obama! >> calling the president a dictator, saying he's destroying the constitution, even calling for impeachment. where have we heard this before?
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>> he has rewritten the constitution for himself as a part of his effort to fundamentally transform the united states of america. >> one of the most disturbing aspects of the obama presidency is the willingness of the president to disregard the law, ignore the will you. a president you should the constitutional system doesn't have the ability to pick and choose which laws to follow, and that's the same pattern you see in dictatorial society. >> if we were to impeach the president tomorrow, you could probably get the house in the house of representatives to do it. >> these are elected officials, swearing the president by accusing -- swearing and smearing him really by accusing him of being a dictator. of ignoring the constitution, and talking about impeachment. only a few hundred far right extremists showed up at that rally today, but their ugly rhetoric about the president,
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that's already spread to the halls of congress. joining me now, congressman alan grayson, democrat of louisiana and angela ride. thank you both for being here. >> thank you, rev. >> congressman, you've been fighting these guys for a while. but even by their standards, this was embarrassing. >> oh, i agree, listen, they hate the president. it's that simple. what also will never change is the utter detachment from the mood of the public. the public wants us to concentrate on jobs, on benefits on pensions, on education, op health care, on housing. they want to concentrate on fast and furious and they want to concentrate on benghazi and any other nonscandal that they can try to rv up. they're completely, totally out of touch and it ultimate li the voters and the public will punish them for it. >> pg angela, you know, some of these attacks on the president
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are so personal. i mean, listen to what they said at that rally today. >> get rid of that tyrant in the white house! >> i'm out here to help tried to get rid of obama. obama is not eligible to be president. he's not a natural born citizen. >> people saying the president is not a citizen. i mean, what kind of impact does it have on people when we keep hearing that, even from some of mainstream republicans or so-called mainstream. and even elected officials? >> well, i think the general american electorate at large, rev, is tired of hearing that kient kind of vitriolic speech. it's not true. he jokes about it at the correspondent dinner, perhaps they think that means it's real. it's not true. there are so many people that went out in large parts to elect
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a coming that would be this divisive and practice protest politics in a way that it would become the most unproductive in history. to representative grayson's point, they're also focus on the irs scandal. there's this new special-elect committee that's supposed to be like a trial. at least with most american trials, and you talk about them on the show, you're innocent until proven guilty. we know this has been a trial in the public eye for several months, and they've y et to take responsibility for their part in what's happening with benghazi or any other thing for that matter. so if this really was a associatist or fascist or marxist president -- you know what, what's funny is all the protesters today would be in jail. so there's that. >> congressman, you and angela brought up benghazi. and benghazi was certainly something that was brought up a lot today at this rally. listen. >> do you think it was just incompeten incompetence? or do you think we had criminal
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activity gong on. >> well, it could be that, too. >> criminal negligence at the very least? >> exactly. >> well, they've got to pay. but until we wake these people up in this building, we're not going to do it. that's what we're all here for today. we got to get these people woke up. >> this is going to get shoved down their throat, whether they like it or not. >> your reaction to this, congressman? >> they live fact-free lives. these are people who have lost whatever narrow tether they had to reality a long time ago. what really upsets me is not so much they ignore the truth and trample over what's right, what really upsets me is they think they can dictate to the american people what the political process is all about. they think if they woke up one morning and they wanted to talk about nothing but left-handed, left-wing liberian lesbians then we would all have to talk about left-handed left-wing liberian
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lesbians. there are problems that need to be solved. unemployment, low wages. >> here's my problem, congressman. republicans seem that they are going, no matter what, after a scandal like benghazi, new committee. the democrats seem split on how to respond. this new select committee on benghazi, some democrats are saying boycott. others are saying we should go in. there's even a petition to make you the soul democrat on that committee. would you be their worst nightmare if you were the only republican? >> i would be their worst and last nightmare. >> would you do it? >> absolutely. somebody's got to tell the truth. somebody's got to tell the truth. >> where do you weigh in? should democrats go in or should they send grayson in as one against the republican crowd that really some of them are as
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bent in terms of their despising the president as some of those that we've heard from in that crowd today. or that small crowd, i might say. >> i think representative grayson could definitely take them on and give them a run for his money. there's another in his florida delegation, though, that could also help him. a real champion of the rules committee and that is al c. hastings. i think they both could make sure the american people know the real facts about benghazi. and the fact is that the united states government in large part due to the house of representatives controlling party, the gop should have funded embassy security. >> now, congressman, i want to show you some other republicans that made the news this week. and that is some long-shot candidates in the idaho primary debate for governor. now, let's listen to some of their greatest hits. these are republican candidates
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for governor in idaho. >> i don't like political correctness. can i say this? it sucks. it's bondage. and i'm about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in a punch polbowl. >> what would they do if they want to come get your kids? i would shoot them. i killed it when it was still an undangered species. >> get this lunatic out of my cellar! >> as it says in my motorcycle club, hey diddle diddle right up the middle. that's my style. >> so congressman, i mean, not to be extreme here, but does the republican party with their image leave these kind of guys running for the republican nomination in idaho? i mean, the party really, really, really has a little image problem, i think. >> listen, the only way to win a republican primary these days is to try to out crazy all the
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other candidates. and i think a lot of americans at this point wish they would all get off their tv screens and get the hell out of their lives. americans want somebody who's actually going to take a stab at solving their problems. the republicans are always getting in the way and saying something crazy in the process. >> well, it beats angela, the rent is too high guy in new york. that's for sure. thank both of you, congressman alan grayson and angela, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> coming up, donald sterling refusing to pay his $2 million fine. what can the nba do? now's the time to go on offense. also what should happen to the teacher who lifted a 6-year-old boy up by the neck. it niece tonight's "justice file." plus, this adorable little girl grew up to be one of the most famous women in the world.
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>> tomorrow marks the anniversary of brown versus the board of education. it ended state-sponsored school segregation. the court unanimously agreed that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. today the attorney general rejected on that historic ruling. >> my generation was the first to grow up in a world in which separate but equal was no longer the law of the land. even as a child growing new new york city, i understood as i learned about the decision that its impact was truly ground breaking, bringing the law in line with the fundamental truth of the equality of our humanity. today, the first lady will mark the anniversary by returning to the city where the case was
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born, topeka, kansas. as "the new york times" reports today, it was a decision that helped shape michelle obama, because he herself was born into the segregated chicago of the 1960s. there she is in the third row, in the blue sweater. but while we've seen so much progress, we can't ignore the fact that in this country 60 years later, segregation is still alive and well in many parts of america. the number of black student in overwhelmingly minority schools has actually gone up. it was 43% in 1968. today that number is 51%. and that means while we can celebrate what was achieved 60 years ago tomorrow, we must remember the struggle is far from over.
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joining me now is congresswoman eleanor holmes-norton, democrat from washington, d.c. she joined the president just a short time ago as he met with some of the relatives of the plaintiffs from the brown case. thanks for coming on the show tonight. >> this is an historic day, but isn't there still a lot of work yet to be done, congresswoman? >> there certainly is. today we celebrate at the same time we ought to plan what we're going to do to make brown live 60 years later. i was a student across town when the principal rang the bell to let us know the announcement. and he said the school where is we now sat had been declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of the united states because they were segregated. well, rernd al, they're no
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longer segregated by law, but they are separated and isolated and in many cases poorer than they were 60 years ago in some parts of the country. >> i have never known a time when we didn't deal with inequality. i was born and raised in the north. in fact, here's one reason why increasing segregation matters. schools end up spending $340 more on each white student than each student of color. that's today, congresswoman. >> now, when the brown case came, that was my law in south carolina the average white child had one teacher for every 27 students and the average black child had one for every 47 students.
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today the reason for the distearties is how we fund schools. we fund them on property tacks and our children live where the property taxes do not live enough to give them the education they need to succeed in this country, and therefore we have to find a way to supplement the property tax. since we're not going to change that. they think where they spend more money in schools is where they want their children to go. >> the brown decision said segregation led to education being inherently unequal. if it is still unequal based on funding, then it really violates the spirit of the brown decision. >> that's an important point you made. it doesn't violate the letter. nobody makes those schools black only or white-only schools, but it certainly violates the spirit
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of brown that says separate is not equal. that's what we got thank you, at least as much separation as we had before. they integrated the schools immediately, but they were almost immediately resegregated because of white flight. there's not a lot we can do about that. people trietd to do that with bussing and some further action in the supreme court. it's gong to be up to those in the congress and those in the cities and states to try to bring brown alive 60 years later. >> maybe we ought to start by demo demd democratizing the resources and investment where it's inherently equal. >> that's what needs to happen. >> thank you so much for your time this evening. >> my pleasure. coming up, disgraced clippers owner donald sterling
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is vowing to fight the nba. but the pressure on him is about to get is a lot bigger and a lot louder. plus, a new hampshire police commissioner caught calling president obama the n-word and refuses to apologize or resign. town residents are demanding action. and caught on tape, a teacher grabs and manhandles a 6-year-old boy. is a ten-day suspension enough? you be the judge tonight on "the justice files."
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only problem is it doesn't work. the latest proof comes from kansas governor sam brownbeck. he signed over $1 billion in tax cuts since 2012, aimed mostly at the rich. he claimed these cuts would be great for the economy. >> in january, i challenged the kansas legislature to take on an agenda for prosperity and growth for the people. today's legislation will create tens of thousands of new jobs and help to make kansas the best place in america to start and gro uh a small business. >> tax cuts lead to prosperity? real really? how sit working out? last month tax revenues was done 45% from just one year ago. the state's credit rating has been downgraded. there have been major cuts in public services like education, and the poverty has gone up each
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year governor brownback has been in office. doesn't sound like prosperity to me. so who is the governor blaming for his own economic troubles? that's right, president obama. quote, the failed economic policies of the obama administration are affecting states throughout the nation. what's the matter with kansas? the answer is easy. republicans. did governor brownbeck think we wouldn't notice his trickle-down economics are going belly-up? nice try, but we gotcha. want toy the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition...
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$2.5 million fine imposed on him after his now infamous racist remarks were caught on tape. and he's prepared to fight the looming forced sale of his team. his attorneys set a scathing letter to the nba, threatening to sue. quote, this will be adjudicated. "sports illustrated" reports, quote, the letter claims that sterling has done nothing wrong. nothing wrong? it's a defiant brazen attitude. and one that contradicts sterling's own comments from earlier this week. >> i'm not a racist. i made a terrible, terrible mistake. and i'm here with you today to apologize and to ask for forgiveness. those words came out of my mouth, i guess. and i'm so sorry, and i'm so apologetic. >> that was just days ago. his lawyer says he's done nothing wrong?
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sterile canning say or do whatever he wants. the pressure is only getting started. the league wants him out. the players want him out, the country wants him out. and we're only about to get louder. joining me now is award-winning sports columnist terrance moore who is now the ceo of moore sports, and here in l.a. is reverend k.w. tulis, president of the national action network, my civil rights organization. he led a major protest rally against donald sterling outside the staples center in los angeles. thanks to both of you for joining me. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev. >> reverend, you're a leader this in fight against sterling here in los angeles. all the ministers you led to a major march. today we hear i he's going to fight. what's your response today and the response of the people of l.a., the clippers hometown?
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>> well, rev, our response is simply this. donald sterling has a history of these antics. we recognize that he likes to fight and he linebackers to tie things up. we see it from the things that he's done on the community, we see it on how he's treated his players and the coaches, and the end of the day, we in los angeles, we're prepared to stand against sterling. >> when you say stand against, we saw the marches you did out here with a lot of groups involved. the protest, you threatened boycotts, what are you prepared to do? >> we're prepared to stand with the nba and the players association. we want donald sterling out. at the end of the day, donald sterling is saying that he thinks he has a fight with the nba. but he has a bigger fight with the sixth man, that's the community. terrance, donald sterling's attorney reportedly wrote tot nba, quote, no punishment is war
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randed we reject your man for payment and the case, quote, will be adjudicated. what do you think? >> i think donald sterling enjoyed "12 years a slave" for all the wrong reasons. this is all going to take care of itself. the nba is going to win. it's going to win big. donald sterling knows it, his handlers know it. two things here, first of all, he's refusing to pay this $2.5 million fine. good. because the contract he signed back in 1981 when he first bought the clippers said that any owner that does not pay a fine that after 30 days, he will lose his team. case closed. second of all, this is very much analogous to the frank mccourt out in l.a. he owned the dodgers. they had a nasty divorce where the wife wanted half of the team, very similar to what's going on here with the sterlings. that got settled, magic johnson group bought the ball club and
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the difference is, unlike with this case, there was no moral clause enacted by major league baseball, the nba has this moral clause that donald sterling also signed that said if you do anything that adversely affects the nba, you lose the ball club. and i think a plantation owner look-alike from the 19th century adversely hurts the nba. >> so you feel the legal precedent is there when you look at the nba's own rules, when you look at what's happened with the dodgers. you say, reverend, the community would rise up. do you think that the citizens of los angeles, do you think the citizens here would attend clippers games if the sterling, mister or missesz were the owners? >> we received calls from season ticketers owns. before you say the word clipper, you have to say the word los
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angeles. it's the most diverse city in the nation. we're prepared to take a stand. >> some of the players said they would not play. >> that's correct. we're standing with the players and the nba. we're excited about the new management that is in town. and at the end of the day, rev, we're prepared to stand against donald sterling. no steriling. >> let me go to you on this one. donald sterling's wife, she says she's going to fight this. here's what her lawyer said about a lawsuit. quote, i want to know a lot of deferent things about the records of the nba, what information they have had about the conduct or misconduct of other owners that was not acted upon. the nba is as much at risk as mr. sterling to have this whole thing aired publicly. it's in everybody's best interest to avoid armageddon. he's threatening here to expose
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things that were not handed in on other owners. >> she's got a point here. history repeats itself, okay? and that's a quick history lesson. 1896, separate but equal, okay? that's when it became the law of the land. nearly 60 years later, you have something you've been talking an awful lot about. tomorrow is the 60th anniversary of brown versus the board of education. here we are 60 years later and essentially we have donald sterling and others trying to take us back 120 years. i say others, because there is no way possible for donald sterling to be an nba owner for 33 years without his other owners knowing who he is and what he's all about. if you listen to him in these interviews, these racist words roll off his tongue too easily. and you've got to know that he says the same thick in cocktail parties with his fellow owners. same thing in private. so essentially this is the rest of the owners throwing him under
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the bus to try to get the scent awe of of some of them. this is a mice kro koz. of our society. we see the blatant guy out there but it' hiding all these other guys behind the scenes. but we would welcome knowing the other guys. i don't think we would want to see that in any way not come out. clearly, this is not personal. we're talking about bias and racism here. >> we agree. this racism happens all across the country. it's way beyond mr. sterling. at the end of the day, mr. sterile canning expose those who continue to act in this manner. and at the end of the day, we're going to continue to hold them accountable. if nba owners talk like that, we want to know about that. >> thank you your time tonight. i think clearly donald sterling or his wife, who had not even
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filed for divorce when he was voted out, so she has no claim of a separate state. if they want to expose racism and bias, we welcome that. it doesn't have a place anywhere in america. we may all say and do things growing up, but once you assume responsibilities, if you behave in any way inflict some kind of embarrassment or bad light on those responsibilities, you should lose them. >> should 24r be criminal charge
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against a teacher caught grabs a student by the throat? and a town rises up against a police official who's refusing to apologize for calling president obama the n-word. and the stars come out to agoodbye to the legendary barbara walters. stay with us. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. oh, no, i'll get it! let me get it. uh-uh-uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-905-6500 now. here we go! hold on man. is that a leak up there? that's a drip. whoo. okay. aah. now that's a leak. that is a leak! and if you don't have allstate renters insurance... game over. [ female announcer ] protect your valuables
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files." joining me now, criminal defense attorney eric guster and former prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst faith jenkins. thank to both of you for being here. >> thank you. >> we start out tonight in ohio where a disturbing video has emerged of a teacher forcefully grabbing a 6-year-old student. here's the shocking moment caught on tape of the teacher, barb williams grabbing the student. you can see how disturbing this incident is. here's what happened. 6-year-old ian nelson was walking down the hall way alone to the bathroom. when he walks out, the teacher grabs him forcibly, picks him up and pushes him against the wall. one point ian's head even appears to snap back. there's an investigation under way and the teacher received a ten-day suspension without pay. but ian's parents want more.
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they spoke to the "today show" this morning. >> i was crying. it broke my heart to see my child get harmed by a complete stranger. i was just in complete utter shock. they should have just fired her when they found out about the whole situation and that she put his hands on him. >> and ian himself even talked about what happened. >> she did this to me hard. what? what? >> it's okay. >> what, mommy? >> nbc reached out to barb
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williams for her side of the story but did not get a response. faith, is a ten-day suspension enough here? >> no, not at all. when i look at that video, i see a teacher assaulting a student. if this were the other way around, rev. if a student did that to a teachner that school, the police would have been called. they would have responded. that student probably would have been excelled and we would have a criminal case. but here we're looking at a totally different situation where there's a ten-day suspension. the teacher is going back to the school. i understand that student has been removed from the classroom, but it's simply not enough. if you don't know how to handle and deal with students in the proper manner, then don't teach, don't be in a school. >> eric, you're a defense attorney. how would you defend ms. williams? >> first of all, ms. williams did not punch the student, did not kick the student, did not slap the student. she did rough handle him. and that does not rise to the level of any criminal charges being filed. or any other expended suspension or even a firing . >> that's an assault.
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>> she should not have grabbed the student like that. however, it does not rise to a criminal offense. >> i'm not saying this teacher should be sent to ruckers island, however, that's assault. she should go through the process. she should be areed and charged with attempted assault at a minimum. they can put her through the process, she won't have a criminal record. they'll probably plea her down, but let her do the community service. put her through the process. because that behavior can't be tolerated. >> eric's got a good point, faith. she didn't punch him, she didn't knock him down. there was no blood. the grabbed him, yanked him off his feet, snapped his neck, that's all. >> there doesn't have to be blood to have an assault. you can't put your hands on him like that. >> she may have grabbed him too
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forcefully, however, it does not rise to an assault. >> should it be more than a suspension, eric? >> no. it should not be more than a suspension. a suspension should be enough in this case. >> let me move to the next one. now to florida, the controversial stand your ground law is in the national spotlight. 33-year-old mother of three ma r rissa alexander was back in court asking the judge for a new stand your ground hearing when she is retried in july. she was convicted in 2012 and given 20 years in jail. after a judge ruled she could not use the stand your grand self-defense law. she now faces 60 years in prison at the retrial. she was convicted in 2012 after firing what she says was a warning shot near her now ex-husband and nobody got hurt. in november, a judge released marissa because of improper jury instructions. today, attorneys produced new
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evidence including information that key witnesses have recanted their testimony. an alleged pattern of abuse on the part of alexander's ex-husband that wasn't previously introduced, and expert testimony that they say the first legal team failed to present. prosecutors argued nothing has changed since the first trial. the judge would not make a ruling today. faith, 30 seconds, should she get a new stand your ground hearing? >> yes, she should. the prosecutors made a reason for saying she shouldn't get this hearing. she left the house, went to the gara garage, got a gun, went back in. the very essence of stand your ground, whether you agree with it or not, the very essence is you don't have a duty to retreat. and that's it. she should be able to get a new hearing? >> should she get a new hearing? >> i believe she should get a new hearing based upon the new evidence. however, one of the problems i have with this case and it's not
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a very popular stance is she went to the garage and she retreated. she left standing her ground and went to the garage where -- she could have left the house. she could have called the police and she did not. >> she kept the gun in the garage because she didn't want it in the house where the kids were. >> she left to get a gun and then went back to the fight. you can't leave to go get a weapon and then say i'm going to stand my ground now. >> she can go anywhere in the house that she want to protect herself. >> she retreated to get a weapon, faith. >> i have to leave it there while you lawyers fight it out. thank you both for your time. and have a great weekend. >> you, too. thank you. >> coming up, barbara walters signs off for the last time. we look back on her ground-breaking career. and a new hampshire town is demanding its top police officer resign after calling president
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today show," abc world news, "20/20" and "the view" is retiring. more than 50 years in television. her ground breaking career began right here at the nbc of 1962 on "the today show." and in 1974, she became the first female co-anchor of any network's evening news. but she's best known for landing the big interview. if you were anyone making news, you talked to barbara. she interviewed world leaders, hollywood stars and athletes and every president since nixon. >> radio, television, motion pictures. no dissent or opposition is allowed in the public media. >> some truth about it. >> your english is good. your english is better than your interpreter.
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>> what kind of tree if you think you're a tree. >> i hope i'm not an elm with dutch elm disease, because then i'm withering. >> the respect and love that you feel deepens. >> then there's a lot of laughter. >> are you funnier? >> yeah, everybody thinks she's pretty funny. i'm funnier than people think. >> you are. >> what will you tell your children? >> mommy made a big mistake. >> and that is the understatement of the year. >> and if you talk to barbara, you better bring tissues. >> it was so destructive. it was so destructive. >> i made it after my father died. my passion -- i was going to
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make that man proud of me befun i died. >> shoot, i wasn't going to cry here. it's making me cry because i'm thinking about how much i never told her that. tissue, please. i now nies tissue. >> barbara needed a tissue herself today when "the view" honored her legacy, bringing on women broadcasters to thank her for breaking the glass ceiling and paving the way for them. and she said goodbye and reflected on her career. >> what an honor to have questioned every u.s. president and first lady from richard and pat to barack and michelle. how proud when i see all the young women who are making and reporting the news. if i did anything to help that happen, that's my legacy. >> and what an incredible legacy it is. congratulations, barbara. in the nation, it's not always pretty.
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residents of a small new hampshire town are demanding that their police commissioner be fired after he was caught using the n-word while referring to president obama. the police commissioner robert copeland is refusing to apologize for making the comment in march. a town resident overheard him at a local restaurant refer to a president as an exploetive n-word. >> it was not like i was eavesdrop on a table next to me or a table across the word. he was very loud. >> copeland admitted to using the slur in a letter to his fellow commissioners, writing, quote, i believe i did use the n-record in reference to the current occupant of the white house. for this, i do not apologize. he meets and exceeds my criteria for such. last night, more than 100 residents showed up at a meeting to insist copeland be dismissed.
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>> this is a public office, and i just want to simply say that there's no room for this anywhere in the public office. >> it is my understanding that every citizen of this country is worthy of respect. especially from an elected official. >> you, sir, should resign. because what you have done now, would you have put that in your campaign? would you have proudly stood by that prior to the vote? i don't believe you would have. >> you so clearly broadcasted, showing blatantly disrespect towards the office of the presidency, the african-american countrymen and towards the members of this community that you so ill represented. it's time that you take a semi respectable bow from public life and resign your position. >> this last story is why i believe in growing hope. yes, we still have the donald
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sterlings of the world and the sheriff copelands, but in a little town in new hampshire, all white, whites came out to demand that this commissioner resign because he used the n-word. all kind of nba players and other owners voted to get rid of mr. sterling. yes, we still have segregation in schools, but people are standing up fighting it. yes, we still have big gots in this country, but there are those that have increased the numbers that are fighting bigotry. we just have to keep proving there's more of us than there are of them. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. have a great weekend. "hardball" starts right now. the return of team clinton. let's play "hardball." let's play "hardball." the r. let's play "hardball." the r. let's play "hardball." the r. let's play "hardball." the r. let's play "hardball." the
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