tv The Ed Show MSNBC May 21, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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>> the decisions were made by people on wall street. >> detroit is the poster child by h for the deindustrialation of america. >> not only the road towards privatization, but it's the working class of this country. >> does indict become an example of other cities on the brink? the. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. pay close attention to what happens when conservatives, not just republicans but conservatives when they get power. let's take a close look at detroit tonight. you know, the city that arguably, saved this country in world war ii, the industrial age was grown and flourished out of detroit. you know the old stories about henry ford. he wanted to pay his people enough so they could buy the product. well, we start tonight with detroit. and the city that is going to produce a little bit bad news and ruf support.
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the americans for prosperity, the coke brothers, they're not happy with is this detroit bankruptcy deal. they think public workers are getting too much money in pensions. think about that. americans for prosperity. they want to take away pensions from workers who spent careers one decades, working for the city, who they're making too much money. let's shaft the workers one more time. let me be straight about this, folks. republicans caused this mess. they got their hands all over it. and now, trying to make it worse. republican policies of free trade, along with outsourcing and attacking yankee yons and workers really was the recipe for disaster in detroit. we got to throw in the tax breaks that crushed the city's treasury and let's not forget deregulation on wall street. and certainly with that hurt the pensions. detroit lost roughly with 300,000 jobs over the past 30 years. there's no city in america that's going to be able to survive when it loses 90% of its
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manufacturing base. that, of course, is what detroit has been known for. manufacturing. something that we really don't take serious in america, it seems like. the tax base, what happened? it eroded. along. public services, and compromise safety. what did the people do? they left! it was the classic example of out migration because of lousy policies and lack of investment. so detroit looks like this because of republicans. now, you can say that the democrats had local control but wait a minute. the federal money never showed up. and also, the state money never showed up. and the tax breaks were just too sweet. i've said this from the start. this bankruptcy is bad news. it circumvents democracy and takes away people's vooiss and city assets will now be sold off to v private buyers. public workers lose money on pensions. does this sound like america? and the elected officials of
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detroit? they don't have any power at all so they won an election. big deal. they're being sir couple vepted by this emergency city manager deal that the legislature went along with. we were on this story last summer but now it's starting to percolate again. rick snider both he and the city manager reached a grand bargain with bankruptcy opponents. snider, to his credit, agreed to restore 195 million into the pensions of these hard workers. and loss pension by the city workers in this whole deal. he also agreed not to sell the detroit institute of arts, the collection, of course, to raise money. legislative approval is still needed for the bargained past. the deal isn't perfect but it's better than nothing. americans for prosperities the bad deal is too good! abc fill yathaffiliate in wxyz
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not one dollar of taxpayer money should bail out the city of detroit. >> are we talking all money? not one dime? 1234r50 not state taxpayer dollars. >> they say detroit dug its over hole and does not deserve help today. when about the 23,500 retirees who worked they're career here and first steep health care and deep pension cuts? this group says look no further than the detroit institute of arts. >> whais more important? a painting on the wall to look at or that the pensions have food on the table. >> they want to rally against this brand bargain and they have threatened to run afrds against anyone that votes against this in the state legislative session. the john walsh had no problem, listen to this, calling afp's
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position "irresponsible." >> it's an irresponsibility statement, it doesn't reflect testify rooelt. it's prt art of our state in di condition and if we had the opportunity to settle and keep as many whole as possible and provide control for the long hall i think that's a good deal. >> that's a rare piece of tape. when was the last time you heard a republican make any sense when it comes to helping folks out? politico reports americans for prosperity plan to spend $125 million to elect republicans in the mid terms, one of their main targets congressman gary peters running for the senate in the state of michigan. americans for prosperity will be using dark money they refuse to disclose. >> david coke and his brother charles work behind the scenes and bring deep pockets. watch when you ask how much here in michigan. >> i don't get any money from the cokes. >> does your organization? >> i don't know what they give
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at the national level. but we have over 90,000 donors nationwide. >> but you're not answering. >> we don't disclose who our donors are. >> well, there you have it. americans for prosperity wants to keep their dark money in the dark. meanwhile, ft jp morgan chase says they want to invest in detroit. the red flag goes up. ceo jamie diamond says his company wants to put $100 million into detroit. >> as this headline breaks across the country and people hear jamie diamond is investing 100 million on the city of detroit he maeb crazy like a fox. do you think at least money to be made here? >> i hope so. we're doing it to grow investments and the city and kre yooisht a healthy and vibrant city. if it happention it's good for us, too. i look at it like an american patriot. this is one of the few cities that hadn't had a renaissance. most of the cities have. if it's done right they can have one here, too. >> he considers himself an
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american patriot. a wall streeter. a paper shuffler playing with other people's money. it's completely fair to call jp morgan chase an unethical bank and they're currently under atag by the public for selling faulty backed securities. in october they agreed the pay a $13 billion fine to the federal government, the largest fine in the history of the banking industry. the government is still still leaving the door opened. here come the privatizers. government is terrible. jp morgan chase and americans for prosperity need to leave detroit alone. eleskted officials should make the decision not private companies and super pacs. it's the new america. this is what it is. this is how they would run every city if they could. americans for prosperity responded with this statement.
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detroit sits on billions in assets from its water department to its airport to its artwork. the city ought to leverage those assets for the benefit of all of its creditors including it's pencers instead of seek a bailout from taxpayers. sitting on these assets while asking the taxpayer for more money is unfair and irresponsible. so what we have here, folks, is the we89iest of the wealthy who decide to jump into the political process think that they can do a better job of running american cities than the people who are elected and the people really don't count because, hell, they don't have any money to run the city! it's the golden rule! the one with all the gold rules. guess what? that's not the america i grew up in. and it shouldn't be the america we have hand to the next generation. what's unfolding is republican policies that overdecades, have starved the city of detroit. destroyed its manufacturing
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base. refused to invest in people. you see i guess my philosophy is arrest kchaic archaic. i thinkpeople make the difference. democrats, progressives, liberal people make the difference. people make cities vibrant. not just a couple of device that want -- not just a couple of guys that want to squeeze every dollar they can out of the city and say, hey, this is great for america. that's why you should vote coming up in november. i think these folks are dangerous to this country. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- do you trust the coke brothertion and jp morgan chase to save detroit? the or go to our blog and we'll kbring you the results later on in the show. for more, let me bring in the mayor of lansing, michigan, and
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detroit homeowner lee gaddy. great to have you with us. what do you think of this grand bargain? >> you hit the nail on the head, ed. wall street will look to privatize whatever they can of detroit. these are the same people that sucked $8 trillion out of the economy with the mortgage crisis. they brought us to our knees. cities everywhere. nobody was investing for years and we're just beginning to inch back in cities across america and yet, wall street is booming. wall street is back to growth from before the recession. they're almost at record levels. jamie diamond has a nice big raise, like 74% raise and meanwhile, they want the pensioners in detroit to pay the price. when he talks about $100 million he's going to invest and half of it is in loans, so he's giving away nothing. he's paying for nothing. at best, at worst, for him it's a wash. so it's ice in the wintertime for him.
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wall street is booming back and main street is still struggling. we are paying the price. what we have witnessed in the last couple of yearsnd what we're witnessing "today" sh int inform built up in the middle class for decades that's been shifted to wall street. >> mr. diamond thinks it's okay for the american taxpayer to bail out wall street but it's no good for the american taxpayer or federal dollars to help out a city recover after back absolutely butchered in the manufacturing sector and not invested in for generations? >> exactly. the divestment -- >> and they have super pacs now are trying to derail the deal and get it even worse than it is for the fooex? >> yeah. it's par for the course. you said it. we have to fight and vote. there's no question. not done. my mom e -- the old saying you
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can't get blood out of a turnip. they're going to squooez the pensioners and residents for everything that they've got. i'm all for efficiency. and i've done that in my city. lord knows we had to become more efficient. when you talk about vat tiezed and corporate tiez, they're looking to make money. they're taking care of the creditors and the money people, the paper shufflers. do they have the street lights back on? have they dealt with crime? are they answering the 911 calls? they're just getting to those issues. those are the things that should be first. any mary knows it's public safety first but they're taking care of the creditors and financers first. >> what do you think the people think of this deal, lee? >> people think that the coke brothers should stay out of their business, number one. number go, we know that lansing is responsible for a third of the revenue laws and revenue
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sharing. detroiters pay for what they want. when lansinlansing, another lay government gets put on top of detroit and an emergency manager gets put on top of that the americans for prosperity should be against that if they're against smaller government. we know a third of all the revenue lost in detroit was from revenue sharing that was withheld by lansing. if detroiters were allowed to tax themselves the way they wanted to, we are wouldn't be in this problem in the first place. quoteman young did it in the 'sooirnts and '80s and i got went through a financial crisis without any help from the federal government. >> so you're saying -- >> what we're asking for is to use our own money. we're taxpayers too. >> you're saying the state looirch in lansing michigan short changed the city of detroit but not other cities? >> that's exactly what i'm sayinging. >> they short changed all cities, i can tell you that. >> they have a surplus. yeah. so detroit -- detroit was
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particularly hit hard because detroit used to raise its own taxes. now through the state legislature through lansing, we can't do it anymore because we were revenue sharing with the entire state and withheld a third of the revenue from the city which forced us into bankruptcy. so they are direct lir responsible for it and they should be directly responsible for give us that money back so we can ghof vern ourselves. we have a in mayor and city council and what we don't need are more layers of government from vat corporations like kevin or paying lawyers $$900 afternon hour to -- 900 an hour to do the same job. >> this money they agreed to pay the federal government and they still may face other charges but the $13 billion they agreed to pay, how about we free it up to cities like detroit and lansing and other cities that have been paying the price? it's middle class america we're
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the ones that have had to cut back services because there's no money available. our businesses are suffering. main street is suffering. this has been a welcome-way transfer from main street to wall street. let's get system of those fines and fee that was wall street now is fine approximately having to fay a few fines. let's get is that -- things like detroit in lansing where the need is -- >> and virge, ni community was directly affected. the lawsuits is that the government filed against jp morgan and morgan show they targeted our communities for fraud loent mortgages and fooiling phony paperwork which further erodetion our tax base and further makes them culpable for detroit's tax decline and it's base. so for them to come long and sell us a bill of goods saying wall street is not responsible is a bunch of malarkey. all these other wall street firms need to put money back in that they stole from us. detroit was one of the wealthest
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income-areas in the state of michigan. >> you have a claim on those funds with cities everywhere do. you have a particularly big claim on those funds. the funny thing is, ed, when people talk about money for dwroit, here and everywhere, they talk about a give-away. what about the give-away that went from detroit to wall street. the one that went from lansing and cities all over the country to wall street. let's have the give-back now. put the fines where it's needed on main street on the ground floor. >> gentlemen, this is what happenings. >> let me put this in corporate terms that the coke brothers will understand. we want a call-back and you're making a bad investment. investing in people is good. taking care of our kids and elderly is a good investment. >> lansing mayor and lee
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gentlem with great to have you. what f this is what happens when rums get control and privatization. they take away the voices of the people and go in like sharks to make as much as they can with no regard for the people. it's investment in communities and people. that's the way the country should be run. remember to answer tonight's question there at the who tom of the screen. share your sthauts on twr an-- your thoughts on twitter and facebook. coming up, massachusetts the first state to legalize same-sex marriage. the rapid response panel weighs? joined first, food fight. a republican bill takes healthy lunches from kids that need them. and i have a personal announcement later in the broadcast. ♪
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this is where you can join the media. on the radio monday through friday noon to 3:00. channel 127, sirius xm. the ed show has decided that we're reporting and hear today's top trenders voted on by you. >> duck season. rabbit fear e. >> the number three, feathered friend. >> we had a great duck season and off-season. >> i say it's duck season and i say fire! >> now we're ready to go back in to filming and production. >> let me try that again. >> bobby jindal will guest star on "duck dynasty." >> we're great ambassador. >> phil roberts called homosexuality sinful. >> i'm fixes to go crazy red neck up in here. >> phil is a personal friend. we were friends before i was governor and before he had his show and he's always going to be my friend. >> number two, flight club.
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>> obviously with flight 370 story is a tragedy. and it's a tragedy that's by no means, resolved. >> cnn has been much like our native american ancestors, using every part of the tragedy. >> cnn questions the timing of a flight 370 movie. >> what is being billed as the untold story of missing malaysian plane. >> these are based on facts? >> based on facts? so many of the facts are still unknown. >> a lot of people have been asking about black holes. >> what happens to the plane in the movie? >> are you kidding me? >> there's no point in making the movie. >> don't spoil it. >> today's top trender, failure to launch. >> the food on student's lunch dre's has been getting increasingly healthier. this fall school also go further reducing sodium levels and only offering whole grains. >> i want some more. >> a house republican agricultural bill could can healthy lumpks for school kids. >> a house subcommittee is considering giving struggling schools a one darn year waiver
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for the requirements. >> you have any fruit? >> it has purple inside. purple is approved. >> this comes after overwhelming criticism from school officials and congress. they argued the new standards are too ditch consult to implement. >> unwanted food ending up in the trash. >> join us tonight, joel berg, the director of the coalition against hunger from new york city. good to have you with us tonight. when they start talking about budget cuts and changing things, the kids are on the table, too. pretty amazing. this bill would allow schoolsing that show financial hardship to opt out of these healthier standards. what do you make of it? >> so, if schools don't have enough money because republicans cut over all educational funding to them, their u going to be allowed to give less healthy food for our kids. this is a give-away to the junk food companies that fund the conservatives. they're motto seems to be an
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apple aday will keep the donors away. horrible for kids and tchs. if we pay for the meals we can ensure our kids get healthier meals. >> so do you believe that the junk food industry is pushing this ag bill to make these cuts to get them in the door more? >> no question about that. not all food companies. some are very responsible on these issues but there's no basis in science. there's no basis in nutrition. there's is your planting science and nutrition with politics and special-interest money. >> what habit these new requirements. some say it would be too hard to implement these new requirements. >> like much of what the right says, it sounds good. it's just not true. 90%, 90% of the schools in america have already implements these new improved guidelines. we've known better nutrition for decades. it's only because the obama administration stepped up to the plate and got congress to sign on to this. the united states senate passed this unanimously a few years ago
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with every republican supporting or at least not objecting to it so it's ridiculous to ploliticie it now and put this over our kids' needs. they need healthier foods. >> that unanimous vote underscores how relentless the special interests are to make sure they get their way in schools when it comes to feeding kids. the healthy lunches, are they that enough more expensive? is this a bridge too far? can we financially do this? >> the bill actually increased funding for school meals. now, we opposed the bill yourself ago because it paid for that by cutting the food stamp program. but the truth is, most school districts can afford to do it now. and why are the republicans saying, the only part of schools that have to make money are the part of schools that are providing nutritious food to hungry low-income and also, middle class kids. they want to turn school meals into casinos. they have strong ties to casinos. but our school meals program
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shouldn't be them. >> and now, the gop's ag plan disproportion thatly provides for rural versus urban kids. is that true? >> sort of. in that regard it's not a horrible mistake to say weigh need to that's significant nutritional resources in rural america. they have some of the highest levels of opportunity but we should expand opportunities for summer meals for all kids like senator patty murray proposed today. >> what did she propose? >> this pilot project that allows family to get extra money on their food stamp benefits, their wick benefit overs the summer in areas where it's 45rd to get school meals at sights to basically pay for that by going to the supermarket and buying food. that's what this pilot project does and instead of expanding it, basically, the house is calling for restriktding it and having it in one location. >> so considering how much kids in this country live in poverty that would help families out a great deal.
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that when school ask out and they're in the summer months not going to be deprived of healthy meals 123450 not only is this about fighting hinger this is about battling obesity. if the other side is so concerned about rising health care costs they ult to be supporting healthier meals for kids to reduce health care spending in the long run. >> what do the profiteers want in the lunchroom. >> fewer hassles in their marketing plans overall. more salt. more sugar. more calories. you have to balance the meals so they're healthier but kids will also eat them. there are serious concerns about making sure that school district the around the country is meet these new guidelines but the administration's been working with them 90% of them comply. this is not about what's good for the kids or public education. this is about what's good for the pocketbooks of their donors.
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>> would you characterize the gop bill as an stie family? >> it is and it's anti-life. school meals make kids healthier and live longer. >> appreciate your passion so much. still ahead can be karl rove surprising contribution to narch equality. the rapid response panel weighs in. >> and later, wheel of distortion. pay saja krechlt has some choice words. we're right back.
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you think there will be immigration reform this year or in the near future? no, i don't. but hearst what has to be reported and i think, profoundly stated. the democrats, i believe, are giving the republicans every opportunity in the world to come to the table and do something about immigration reform and they constantsly stumble to the table. our next question is for michael. he wants to know -- does the president get all his news from watching your show? no. but he should. and i know he doesn't because he habit said no to the keystone pipeline yet. stick around. the rapid response panel is next. i'm morgan brennan with your cnbc market rap. >> the dow climbs 158 points. s&p up 15. naux nasdaq adds 34 points. the central bank takes no immediate action on interest
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welcome back to "the ed show." on monday, same-sex marriages with legalized many oregon. and on tuesday, a federal judge struck down pennsylvania's ban on same-sex marriage. these are just the latest in a surge of victories for marriage equality in america. ten years ago this month, massachusetts became the first state to grant same-sex couples the right to marry. now gay marriage is legal in 18 states, plus the district of columbia. this is thanks to the courage and activism of groups like the
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human rights campaign and americans like edith windsor. it might surprise you but i also wants the take a moment to tlaing karl rove. rove is credited for using anti-gay marriage amendments to turn out conservatives back from the the 2004 presidential election. remember gays, guns and god? karl rove bent the republican bet the republican farm and the party their hand on a crusade against gay rights. that year, voters in 11 states, backed constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage. shortly after the election, rove told "the new york times", there is an issue on which there is a broad consensus. i think people would be well advised he said, to pay attention to may the american people are saying. i couldn't agree with you more, carl. i think politicians would be well advised to pay attention to what the american people are saying, especially now. in 2014. a new gallup poll released today
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found americans spoirts for same-sex marriage has reached an all-time high of 55%. why is that? nearly 8 of 10 people ages 18 to 29, support gay marriage. karl rove could not have been more wrong. it may take time, but in the ends, americans favor equality. his bigoted campaign against gay rights forced us to have a national conversation a decade later his party is stuck. totally stuck on the wrong side of history and i thought i'd throw this in, just like health care. joining me tonight our rapid response panel. actress and comedian. did glold and mike rogers. judy, you first. let me ask the progressive question. where are we going to be ten years from now. >> it will be legal in all 50 states. look how far we've come in the last ten years. and yooirt you're right. in attack on gays, what changed
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it are these people who had no choice but to come out and say, you know what? i'm not going to take it anymore. it got to the point where we -- our community was like welcome i'm not going to put up with this crap anymore. and you look at the goodridges who were the first plaintiffs in the massachusetts marriage case ten years ago. look at us now? 18 states plus the district of colombia and states like utah and arkansas and pennsylvania. these states, in our community, we thought, would never, ever come to our -- >> what do your make of the demographics here? kwhooi do the younger people get it and the old folks don't? >> a lot of young people have same sex parents and i think that, also, you look at these older people, no one talked about it. i think we really can attribute
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how far we've come to all the people that have come out of the closet. and i think that's really made the difference. sons and daughters, saying to their parents, i'm gay. and it's really -- when you come out of the closet and it personalizes it and people say i know and love a gay person and i'm not going to vote against them. when it's a personal thing, i think it really truly affects people sfwho people. >> mike rogers we've e seen it evolve into acceptance and change in society but a political force. tell us what you think the republicans -- where they are going to be in ten years? this is really a backwards for them politically, isn't it? >> i think you're absolutely right. they took all of their eggs and threw them into one basket. unfortunately, that basket is the same basket that they have the tea partiers in who were just a bunch of folks who were
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so resistant to any change that they're not willing to be progressive. not willing to have progress. so i think that the republicans and we're seeing it -- the party be abandoned by young people because frankly, judy is right. the more people come out, their friends are coming out and their friends and college and classes are coming out and they don't like seeing their friends beat up. it's bad political sense to beat people up. >> i remember when i started my syndicated radio show in 2004 and we were on only a few stations and the first time we ever had full lines is when we started talking about gay marriage. and marriage equality in america. an i think about where it was then and where it is right now and here, you've got a conservative pennsylvania governor tom lakshmanan sathyavagiswaran -- some corbit and he anoungss he won't strike down the state's been on same-sex marriage. what does it mean a decade later and what does it mean for the future of the republicans? >> i think when you look at
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who's making these decisions the judge in pennsylvania who ruled yesterday was a sweetheart pick for rick santorum. rick is an 20r rum must be falling over backwards right now. this is the same republican judge who stood up to kre creationism. and then the governor in pennsylvania says -- wait a minute. this is getting out of hand because they realize they want to be on the right side of history and like so many other times that people have been discriminated against, they've been on the wrong side. they fought the civil rooirts act and the vote rightses act and fought against women constantly so i think we see what's happening and younger people are waking up today. >> judy, how much of the impact did the supreme court ruling have last year? >> that was major. eddy windsor who was with her
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partner for over 40 years and was given this sfral tax bill of over $363,000. and who hates taxes more than the republicans? and you take this woman who has contributed to society on so many leveltion, she was a huge ibm executive in the '60s. and here she is, having to pay taxes that she should not be paying. i mean, it's just ridiculous. and i think that she was like the perfect candidate to bring before the supreme court. and, also, you look at there and we always called it the religious right. the religious right and you see when gay people get married, same-sex couples get married they run to city hall. all of these people have run to city hall and not run to their churches or synagogues. they have run to city hall because it's about civil human equal rights. >> there are some portion of christians in the country that simply will not accept the hard right wing of the republican
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will not accept marriage equality. what does this do to the party? the party is going to have to make some changes or stay with the hard rooirt wingers? >> right. >> so december graphically and societ societally, this causes big problems down the road. >> i saw a 17 and 12-year-old. they have no issues with same-sex marriage and you have you have these milenials who are now voting. >> what about the "don't ask don't tell" but i was a real institutional move in the military. >> i think president obama brings this issue to light as much as heck he can and he brought it tolight being the first president to support same-sex marriage and don't ask don't tell and this work has culminated. not one case has been won in a court of law since the windsor
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ruling. so it's game over. it's a matter of how long it will take. >> i want to make this profound point at the end of this secondment with both of you. we talked about this and neither one of you have ussed the word discrimination. the policy of the republican party on marriage equality isn't it about -- are we asfrad to say they have discriminatory practiceless politically and they think that there should be the haves and the have not's and personal lives in mesh. >> i do think it's discrimination but i think it's deeper than that. these are families that deserve the same rights as other people. yes, it is discrimination. >> mike, your thoughts, quickly. >> basically, the bottom line is that these people are learning that they're using this discrimination as a tool to divide. as long as political leaders tell people to hate, they will hate and young political leaders today are over this. we're crossing the line and we have a lot more work to do on
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other issues to prevent job discrimination and other things on those lines. >> great to have you can us on "the ed show." coming up pat sajak spins out of control squlam we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service.
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the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals download the expedia app text expedia to 75309 expedia, find yours and in pretenders tonight, wheel of denial. pat sajak, the wheel of fortune host blasted environmentalists saying global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists. anyway, the wheel is spinning a little too fast in pat's head. maybe we should borrow one of his line. >> it's one of those that just didn't come out the way you intended it to. >> sure didn't. i don't need a vowel to solve the puzzle. pat's climate knowledge has taken a turn for the worse.
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the game show host, well, he needs to stop staring at the wheel and take a look out the window, dude. the union of concerned scientists released a report saying wildfires, flooding, rising sea levels, well, from climate change are putting our nation's landmarks at risk. if he thinks climate change is a game, he can keep on spinning and pretending. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd,
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2:55 pm
professional announcement to make tonight. the ed schultz radio show is moving to a different format and platform starting next tuesday, right after memorial day. ed schultz broadcasting will end the production of my three-hour radio show this friday. the three-hour format will change to a one-hour show monday through friday noon to 1:00 p.m. all of the audio and video content will be moved to my website and be offered for free. commentary and news maker interviews, of course, will continue to be the focus and really this change will give me more flexibility to be on the road to do the kind of shows i want to do here for "the ed show" on msnbc, and i hope all of you will follow me to my website at talk radio consultant and great friend of mine for years in the business joins us tonight. holland, also, this is on me. i just don't want to do a three-hour talk show anymore and a lot of it has to do with the
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tread on the tire and stuff like that, the fish are really biting. the platform and the consumption of consumers now and their time is so different, and i think my time is changing, as well. what's happening in talk radio in america when it comes to all the different platforms that are available? >> whatever became of that guy i met 20 years ago on a radio station in fargo, that's what i want to know, but i think you're going in the right direction. recently an executive from npr, national public radio, confirmed something i had suspected all along, there are actually more listeners on demand than on radio to public radio, and it makes sense. it's the culture, it's the society we live in. we're a very on demand culture. i just hooked up the sling box, roko box and dvr and my tv exploded with stuff, and frankly, radio is late to this party.
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what you're doing is canny. there's no dvr for radio. so far it's been marginalized as podcasts and you've been doing three hours a day. that's 15 hours a week, plus you got the tv show. you may have broken hugh down's record by now, and i think it will be easier on you in terms of wear and tear, but this is going to open up new opportunities for you and for the listener, because with realtime live radio, you're talking to the people who happen to be available when you're doing the show, and when you're doing the show, you're counting on guests who are available, you're talking to callers who happen to be available at that point. this whole on demand thing is where it's at, and the content that this option will open up for you gives you a chance to do on radio what we've seen you doing on tv lately, that stuff you did with the steelworkers in lorraine, you went off to nebraska saying, let's build the pipeline and you walked the land and you talked to the folks and
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you came back instructed by that and said, don't do it. this will give you a chance to make an audio what we've seen you lately do in video, and that is special. so i think what you're doing is a smart move. >> well, i think juggling this job on television and also audio, the audio culture of the country, there are so many different platforms it can be produced and delivered. i have to tell you, the trips down to florida we have done covering numerous stories, the trips to south dakota and nebraska and also to ohio and out to arizona, we've done a number of different things on the road the first six months of the year here on "the ed show," it got me thinking a lot i'll be able to do more. i won't have the rigid regimentation of having to be in the chair three hours a day, yet i'm convinced that i can reach as many people and maybe be more effective on stories. >> and when you're sitting there, you're an anchor. when you're out there, you are a
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reporter getting it first hand, and that's a really important distinction. you're not just reading to people, you're not just talking to folks on the phone, you're on the ground where the story lives. now, selfishly, i will miss hearing you on the car radio, on satellite radio, and super selfishly, i will miss being on your radio show, so i hope you'll let me file some packages for the new show. >> you can file the first one. >> it was a real kick to sit in for you in new york and doing national radio show in 30 rock, but i'm looking forward to this. >> i guess i never thought this day would come, where i would make a change like this. i've been in radio since 1978, in fact, i've done everything in this business except the weather. i don't want to do the weather. nobody likes the weather people. >> you've been doing national radio ten years now. i remember your first radio show. you've got nothing left to prove there. >> i appreciate that very much.
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holland cook, thanks so much. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. don't worry, ed, i'm still doing three hours of radio, you can come on my show any day you want. any time you want, we love you, ed. we love you. >> i do, too. thank you, rev, appreciate that. >> thank you, thank you, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop runs right off the cliff. today, establishment republicans are celebrating the demise of the tea party at the primary victories last night. and on one level, the so-called establishment did win, but headlines like this, "gop establishment strikes back," really only tell half of the story. the gop establishment won by becoming the tea party. and the
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