tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC May 22, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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a political sideshow. and how much of that assignment is about protectioning hillary clinton? super sized outrage. a new day of wage protests outside a big meeting of mcdonald's shareholders. more than a hundred demonstrators already arrested. is this changing the wage debate? and establishment rules. a weak tea party tuesday may have jeb bush and chris christie packing a sunny 2016 disposition as they both hit the sunshine state today. the sunshine state say that many times fast. good morning. i'm chris jansing. this morning there is new movement on a lot of fronts on the growing va hospital scandal. just moments ago the house veterans affairs committee voted unanimously to subpoena three top va officials to testify at a may 30th hearing if they don't voluntarily attend a hearing two days earlier. next hour one of president obama's closest advisers deputy chief of staff rob nabors will visit the phoenix va which is ground zero for the scandal. 40 vets may have died while
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waiting for care there. at 12:30 a embattled eric shinseki will return to capitol hill to meet with dick durbin. >> i'm going to put him on the spot to tell me what he's done in these six years and where we are. it is unacceptable if we have waiting lists for veterans in any facility that endanger their health. if we find that that has been the case, we have to make dramatic changes and these changes can go all of the way to the top. >> these new developments come a day after president obama met with shin seky and pledged to fix whatever is wrong, but the president is getting pushback. >> tough words aren't enough when it comes to this issue. >> there is no urgency. mr. president, we need urgency and we need you to roll up our sleeves and get into these hospitals. >> we are just now hearing for a month about into this issue and it's too little, too late. >> let's bring in usa today,
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susan paige and mea malika henderson. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with some of the pushback the president has been getting since yesterday and i want to read of what dana millbank wrote in "the washington post," he can't be madder than hell about something if he won't acknowledge that the thing actually occurred. frustratingly he's playing president passive insisting on waiting for the va's inspector general to complete yet another investigation. what did you make of the press conference yesterday and is the white house and the president running the risk of looking tone deaf on this issue? >> i think they do. i think like you heard congressman scott who is a democrat calling for a sense of urgency. i think president obama, i mean, obviously you want to respect someone who is waiting for the facts to come in, but this is a time, i think that the president both politically and substantively needs to show that there will will be changes under way at the va and with all
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respect to general shin seky and his service to the country, i'm not sure he is the person to conduct the kind of transformation that is apparently needed there. >> there is this broadening investigation. 28 va facilities are being looked at including one in albuquerque, new mexico. a retired air force colonel told abc's john yang that she waited two months before she can get treated for breast cancer and she knew getting treated early could make a big difference and she left the va system. >> his answer was to call the president and he hung up on me. >> because i didn't get a response and didn't seem to cari really wasn't comfortable going there. >> so i wonder at this point does congress and the white house have to try something new, malika? how do they wrap their arms around this? >> i think they started the process of doing that and the president started getting a blow back from folks in his own party
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and that's something that you have to look at to see if there is a more growing chorus of democratses who are calling for shinseki to step aside and the the president seemed to hint that that could be a possibility if he comes back with a report that the president finds unsatisfactory. i do think that we'll also see conversations about the va. i think we flashback 10, 20 years we could have the same conversations. the president who has campaigned on veterans care and you have the first lady also talking about improving our treatment of veterans. so i think this is a real political pickle that they find themselves in. you know, in some ways it's cynical to talk about politics when you have these veterans dealing with these life and death situations. i think we'll also start to see conversations about whether or not the va is fit for this kind of care we've had, these two large land wars, whether or not
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the va actually adequate in the way it's set up to care for these veterans. >> we mentioned that call, susan by the two georgia congressmen for shinseki to be fired. what might it mean for the midterms? >> i think you do see concern on the part of supporters of the president that this is a case like the the affordable care act implementation where the management of the administration's management of big issues does not seem to be competent. it's really opened up that line of attack to republicans, but you hear concerns among democrats as well and the meeting with senator durbin will be very important and senator durbin could not be closer to senator obama and could not be a more loyal democrat. he could not given a more full-throated endorsement on msnbc. so what senator durbin says after the meeting with shinseki,
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i think this is very important. >> i want to bring in congressman adam schiff. >> good morning. >> let me get your reaction to what kansas senator jerry moran had to say to the president's remarks yesterday. >> the president is mad, and we're going to wait to see the results of another report. where is the action that takes place necessary on see that our veterans have the care provided in the timely fashion that they earned and deserved? >> as you just heard susan say, dick durbin this morning on "morning joe" didn't exactly give a full endorsement to what's going on. georgia congressman john barrow and david scott have been the first democrats to call for shinseki's resignation? what do you say of his stat us? is he so damaged that he can't effectively oversee the needed changes at the va? >> the allegations that have been made are incredibly disturbing and appalling and we'll have to get to the basis of this. >> are they will allegations at this point? >> you've seen, i know the
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emails that don't just suggest, but show that there was a pattern here. i mean, is -- are you not satisfied that something wrong went on here? >> well, look, what we've seen already is pretty damning, but i do think we want to know the full extent of this. is this something that took place in a few vas or is it a systemic problem around the country? that is at the conclusion of two wars we're going to have an incredible, pressing demand for health care for decades to come. if you look at the vietnam generation, many of the most intensive needs in the va didn't take place for decades after that war. so what we're seeing now is the tip of the iceberg in terms of the stresses and demands on a health care system. so we'll have to make some pretty dramatic changes, but in terms of accountability and who's head ought to roll, i think we ought to let the full facts come out and i think there
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will have to be some very difficult, ruthless accountability when this is all over. >> full facts is what republicans say they want in this committee they're putting together on benghazi. you're among the five democrats appointed by nancy pelosi to the select committee. you've called this a red herring, a colossal waste of time. you've previously said democrats should boycott the process. so why participate now? >> listen, i do think this is a terrible abuse of taxpayer dollars and an abuse of the select committee process. because we've had so many investigations over and over on this, as you know, chris, we had a vigorous debate in the caucus about whether we should participate at all. having had that debate our leadership made the call and it was a very tough decision that we have people in the room to make sure that the subpoena process isn't abused and witnesses aren't abused and i respect that call. once that call is made and then you go and implement the decision that the leadership has reached. so that's what we're doing. if we can help guide this
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committee to do something constructive, frankly, that would be a service to the country and that means directing it to focus on what we can do to protect our people around the world, where are we in the hunt for those who have the responsibility and not allow the committee to become a select committee on talking points or simply to make a political attack on the administration. >> i'm sure you've heard the suggestions and you saw the story in politico today that says hillary clinton allies reached out to house democrats and aides encouraging you folks to participate in this republican investigation. so i'll ask you bluntly, is the main role for you and other democratic committee members to protect hillary clinton? >> no. the main role for democrats is to make sure that this committee doesn't become a circus and a mere fund-raising vehicle for the gop, but that serves some valid purpose in trying to keep this thing from going completely off the rails. if the republican are truly interested in learning something from benghazi in learning how to
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improve the security if they're truly interested in bringing to justice those responsible, we will work with them. if they're simply interested in trying to embear. as the administration or fabricate conspiracy theories or go after a likely nominee for president, we will fight them, but it is our hope that as we profess, they will try to do something constructive. >> congressman adam schiff, it is always good to have you on the program. >> let me bring back susan and ni nia-malika. >> how much of this is about hillary clinton? >> i would say 93%. >> that's a pretty exact percentage. what's the other 7%? >> i was being facetious. of course, it's a very serious matter that four americans were killed, but it's being investigated by six committees already. o so i think this is all about roughing up hillary clinton, and to have her not run and if this is something that something that she'll have to face during her
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bid. this is all about politics. >> nia, i haven't heard about anthony weiner for a while and he describes democrats going into this committee, going into a knife fight carrying library books. give me your take on what will happen here. >> there is a great deal of discussion going into this about what democrats should do, right? >> yeah. >> should they participate? should they not? they've decided to do that. it will be five republicans and five democrats. in some ways, republicans have to figure out how to do this, too. how do they look forward and how does benghazi mean in terms of the safety of the diplomats and i think if democrats and some republicans take that up, too. it will be seen as less political, but i agree with susan. so far you've heard from republicans and talk to folks at the rnc who say, sure. they do want to tie this to clinton as much as possible ending her chances in 2016.
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>> nia-ml malika henderson. >> susan page, great to talk to you. >> thank you. checking the news feed, president obama turns his attention away from the vshg a backlash to pushing u.s. tourism. he'll become the first sitting president to ever visit the baseball hall of fame in cooperstown, new york. the hall turns 75 this summer. we expect to see the president in his first event of the day later this hour. he'll be meeting with travel industry executives. the u.s. is getting more involveded in the search for those 300 kidnapped nigerian school girls. 80 u.s. troops are now on the ground in neighboring chad. the pentagon says they won't be involved in ground searches, but will launch a drone being used in the search. what's not their mission? taking on the terror group holding them. boko haram yesterday double bombing those terrorists killed more than 130 people. they're responsible for more than 40 villagers murdered in three attacks near where those girls were taken. >> at least 31 people were
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killed and 90 hurt in an attack in a busy market in northwest china. the attackers drove suvs through the crowds of shoppers and threw explosives out of the window before crashing head-on. this is the bloodiest incident in the series blamed on separatist muslims in the region. a california woman is free today, one decade after being kidnapped by her mother's boyfriend. the unidentified 25-year-old ysidro garcia, he drugged, kidnapped and raped her. investigators said garcia gave them both new identities, forced her into marriage and fathered a child with her. the woman contacted police after finding her cyst or facebook. garcia has his first court appearance outside los angeles. protesters are outside mcdonald's shareholders meeting after they were arrested yesterday. is the battle for higher wages being taken to a new level, but first, stay of execution. this missouri inmate got a
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last-minute death row reprieve from the supreme court. we'll go inside the last 48 hours with had his attorney next. it's more than that...'s perfect. introducing curved ultra high definition television from samsung. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping.
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this morning and for that he can thank the u.s. supreme court. the convicted murderer, kidnapper and rapist was scheduled to die before midnight in a missouri prison by lethal injection, with five hours left on his death warrant the supreme court unanimously ordered the stay sending it back to the lower courts. the order does not provide a specific reason for the ruling, but bucklew's attorneys had disclosed source of the lethal injection drug. bucklew has a rare medical condition that could interfere with the injection process making the execution cruel and unusual punish am. i want to bring in cheryl
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pilate. >> the supreme court ruling came down to the wire after several back and forth rulings. take us through the process. what were the last 24 hours like? >> the last 24 hours were very challenging. there was a lot of back and forth, a lot of filings being written as quickly as possible and filed for this supreme court's review and it was -- it was just really a sprint, a very hard sprint to the end and a lot of up and down, really a roller coaster. >> i can't imagine the pressure that that puts on you and your staff of lawyers. so tell me what your reaction was when you got the supreme court ruling finally at the 11th hour?
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>> well, was there, of course, a great deal of relief in our office. we were very happy. we had been very concerned about the state's decisions in this case to proceed in the direction of secrecy. we think the decision to attempt to proceed with the execution in light of the things that were known about mr. bucklew's condition was extremely reckless and extremely risky and really demonstrates why secrecy can be such a terrible thing when the government is carrying out one of its most grave and important acts. >> help people to understand who find trouble, frankly, when they look at the nature of the crime not just of your client but of other clients and we've seen a series of these happen since oklahoma. the other folks who have filed and been successful in filing for a stay, help them to understand what your argument is
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because to an awful lot of people, a majority of americans who still support the death penalty, this is justice denied. >> we believe that the majority of americans it actually is not fully informed about all of the aspects of the death penalty, and a great deal about executions is wrapped in secrecy. in fact, we believe the execution itself is a stage-managed production in which the act of executing someone is deceptively sanitized, that the actors, of course, are kept off stage where no one can see them with the exception of the person being executed. there is a great deal that is not known about what occurs during the execution itself which is why we were seeking permission from the court to tape it. my client has a condition that makes him very vulnerable.
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he has weak and unstable veins. he was at risk of coughing, choking, suffocating, experiencing a prolonged and excruciating execution and those facts we think are very important to be known and the fact that the state of missouri was going to pump an unknown drug into my client's veins was of great concern. there's always risk with these compounded drugs which are prepared by pharmacies that are not regulated by the fda, and when you have someone who suffers from a severe medical condition and you are pumping an unknown substance about which there's no assurances to quality, purity, potency and then you exponentially increase the risks and the risks were immense here, and i think there was across the board medical
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agreement on that. my client's airway among other things is partially be on strucked due to a vascular tumor. >> we will it continue to follow this story, cheryl pilate, thank you so much for making the case and for helping us to continue to cover this very important story. we appreciate it. now a note on another high-profile death penalty case that's not even in the courts yet. boston bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev is facing multiple charges that could mean the death penalty. court documents reveal chilling notes that tsarnaev wrote as police closed in on him hiding in a backyard boat just hours after his brother tamerlan was killeded. quote from these notes, i do not mourn because his soul is very much alive. god has a plan for each person. mine was to hide in this boat and shed some light on our actions. on radical islam, he wrote, know you are fighting men who look into the barrel of your gun and see heaven. how can you compete with that? from these court documents you
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also know the bombs that czar in of tsarnaev include lights from christmas lights and model cars. republicans won primaries all over the country and gave us a stable of really good candidates to run as we're going forward. what do midterm results mean for establishment republicans like chris christie and jeb bush in 2016, but first, a new day in the fire fight against a wildfire in arizona. families waiting on possible evacuations. we'll have a live report from there. in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented. no one's losing their job. there's no beer robot that has suddenly chased them out. the technology is actually creating new jobs. siemens designed and built the right tools and resources to get the job done.
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protesters today descending on mcdonald's illinois headquarters as the the fast food giant's annual investors' meeting gets under way. about a hundred demonstrators were arrested yesterday after they marched on the mcdonald's campus demanding a pay increase to $15 an hour as well as the right to join a union. i want to bring in dorian warren, associate professor of political science and msnbc contribute and gebreslasse. good to see you. >> can they make a difference? can they move the needle on this? >> absolutely. mcdonald's has faced a pretty bad year and a half. they've faced six strikes nationwide and they saw global protests last week in 33 countries. they've seen themselves faced with class action lawsuits where they're having to defend against
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allegations that they violated minimum wage and overtime laws. you know, so they are -- they are shareholders today when they see what's happening are rightly asking is this the right business model for mcdonald's? we know that it's impacting their reputation and their bottom line. >> there's also a question, is this the right strategic model for these protesters. what they've seen, frankly, dorian, they're not getting anywhere in congress and so maybe where they go is to shareholders. maybe where they go is to the companies themselves. is this smart? >> absolutely. we've seen an example of the company responding and that's the gap who now pays its workers over the minimum wage. today they've preempted any minimum wage increase. they've mentioned mcdonald's and the march sec filing actually told its investors that they were concerned about the risk factor of these protests. so they actually know that this is having an impact and in many
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stores across the country raises have been given to workers from 50 cents to 75 cents an hour. >> yet a mcdonald's spokeswoman said, and we should say it's not just about mcdonald's, it's about minimum wage workers that make up half of the minimum wage workers of the country. here's what a spokeswoman from mcdonald's told "the wall street journal." this is an issue that goes beyond mcdonald's and she reiterated the 14,000 locations are run by franchise operators who set the wages for their employees. it varies widely by the areas of the country. there is no one size fits all. is there truth to that argument some. >> it's a red herring because at the end of the day these strikes are not about raising the federal minimum wage. what these workers -- raising the minimum wage is incredibly important and sets the pay scales for millions of wokkers in the country. what they're trying to do is they can go directly to
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mcdonald's and to their employer and bargain with those that go beyond the minimum wing. they're building power for these workers so they're on a more even playing field for a company like mcdonald's that posted $5. billion in profits this year and can afford to pay much higher than the minimum wage. the nonpartisan congressional budget office did their own analysis of what it means to raise the minimum wage in february. they find raising the federal minimum to $10.10 would reduce it by 5,000 and at the same time pull 9,000 people out of poverty. what do you say to half a million people who lose their jobs? >> for one, that's a projection. i think it's advised to look at where we've seen increases. san francisco, the city by minimum is over $10 an hour. the sky didn't fall. mcdonald's is doing just fine in san francisco and in fact, studies of that increase have
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found no employment loss. so we have actual cases, seattle, we know is about to go to $15 and they'll be setting that and there is an imperical evidence and the job losses are negligible and that study is a projection. it's a guess, right? then there is the guess and what we it actually know and what we know is that wage increases do not result in employments losses like the projections try to -- try to project. >> so what are the politics of this? because i'm looking at rahm emmanuel, for example. nobody will say he's a conservative. they're looking at raising the minimum wage in his city. he's created a committee to discuss the pros and cons and people who are strongly behind this issue and not to mention the president is one of them are saying, you know, here is a guy who is a bull in a china shop when he wants to get something done he goes after it. why is there a committee. i don't want to make this just about rahm emmanuel, but what is
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the political calculation to this? >> raising the minimum wage is an insanely popular issue. republicans, democrats, independents, all of them support raising the minimum wage. you've seen seven states this year vote to raise the minimum wage and now cities like chicago and like seattle, like san francisco which might raise it it further, like new york which is trying to raise its minimum wage and isn't allowed to currently under state law. so there's a lot of activity and that is one, because our economy needs it and two, because politicians know this is a winning issue for them. >> rahm emmanuel is running for reelection. >> she's just saying it's a very popular issue. >> it's very popular. that's right. >> thanks to both of you. we haven't heard the last of this topic. >> thanks, chris. let's turn to arizona now where fire crews are starting a new day in the fight against what authorities are calling the slide fire. at least 300 structures are threatened and thousands of area residents have been issued
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pre-evacuation warnings. here's what the incident commander said about those warnings just moments ago. >> you should have your stuff ready to go in case we do have an anomaly today. have some embers cross that, re-establish, and have to pull a full evacuation into those folks. pre-evacuation is just what it says. be ready. more than 4800 acres have burned and authorities began with the fire at 0% containment. miguel almaguer is in flagstaff, arizona and it sounds like the strategy for today is obvious. just get some kind of containment. >> yes. certainly, chris, with this fire burning erratically in multiple directions, the big push will be to get some containment to build fire lines around those rural communities that are threatened. as you know, 300 homes are threatened by this wildfire and 3,000 people have been told you may have to leave at a moment's notice and the goal today is to build the containment lines and the issue will be those winds
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and they do expect winds to die down later this afternoon and that's good news for firefighters. the bad news, the winds are expected to shift directions and it could blow that fire which is right now burning into the forest back toward the community and it will be touch and go for much of the day, chris. >> miguel almaguer who has become too familiar with covering fires out to the west. >> new census show americans continue to move it to cities and they favor them over the suburbs. check out the highlights from the census. seven out of the top 15 most rapidly growing cities are in texas, especially around austin. new orleans is continuing its post-katrina recovery up 2.4%. san jose now the tenth largest city is past san francisco, nearing 1 million residents. seattle is the fastest-growing big city, leapfrogging boston to become number 21 in the countryt is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again.
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christie and jeb bush are making the rounds in florida. of course, florida just happens to be an early voting state, crucial for moderate candidates like christie and bush. you'll remember rudy giuliani based his entire campaign on winning that state back in 2008. so after this week's primaries resulted in the establishment gop striking back as the headlines roared, have more moderate republicans gained the momentum they need in 2016? let's bring in our strategists, joining me from d.c., former communications adviser to president obama corey ealons and republican strategist rick tyler. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> what seems to be a shift to the republicans, is the strategy to win primaries in idaho, george. >> i don't know if it's making them uneasy. it appears they have learned their lesson. they were able to tie their
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election in 2010 in the midterms and they quickly realized that they're not going allow us to govern in the way that is in the best interest of the american people. now you see the rise of the establishment and people saying, hey, we're willing to stand up for candidates who will help us win broader elections in the coming years and in this upcoming presidential campaign. >> chris christie talked about those establishment victories over the tea party yesterday. he was at the republican governor's association event in new york. let me play that. >> primaries by definition are a fight of people of like ideology and we need all of the people in the party working together because whatever differences they exist and however you guys want to label them. the fact is that those differences are minor compared to the differences they'll have with the democratic opponents in the fall. >> the differences between the tea party and the establishment aren't that big, and another take is that a moderate won't fire up the base.
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so what's your calculation in what you see out of these results and what it might mean for 2016? >> first of all, the tea party was enormously successful in 2010, and not so much in 2012, but today the tea party doesn't have much of a distinction. the tea parties are loosely organized, they're different in different places and people attach themselves to win in some places and distance themselves in some places, but let me give you an illustration of what i mean. when the media on the left is claiming that jack kingston who is in the runoff in the u.s. senate in georgia is an establishment favorite which he is, then i would say overall the tea party won. jack kingston, i'll point him out because he's the got a record, he's got an a-plus for the nra and he's got 100% for the right to life. the eagle forum, and jack kingston is about as conservative as you get and jack kingston is being claimed by the establishment to be the
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candidate we want. i call that a victory. >> that means the party is actually moving even further to the right. >> no. i'd say they move where the country is which is conservative. buddy carter who is running for jack's seat is also a conservative and this has happened across the board. these are great candidates and they're rated by conservative organizations as conservative. if they want to claim them as own. i'd call them a victory. >> let me read to you what politico had today because they propose a theory that there is a conundrum for republicans. the article is titled how republicans lose by winning. republicans prevail in this year's midterm if republicans prevail in this year's midterm elections, it will be because of their party's sharp-edged stances on topics like abortion and benghazi, obamacare and immigration, gay marriage and minimum wage, but if they lose the white house in 2016 it will be because of the polarizing out of step stances on those very
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same issues. so i guess the question then becomes, corey, is that good news for you democrats potentially in 2016, but pretty bad news coming up in 2014? >> well, i think the short-term implications of what happened on tuesday will play out over the coming months. we'll know at the end of the year where we are, but as far as republicans are concerned for 2016, i don't know that they're in a much better place now than they have been in the past. the one thing that we know is that republican primaries tend to be very decisive and there's always a radical race to the right. so the challenge going to be for folks like jeb bush and chris christie is can they maintain the discipline necessary in order to be the people who they are, to maintain common sense, conservative, moderate positions. the interesting thing to this will be watching folks like rand paul and paul ryan who have been tilting a little bit back to the middle over the past several months with rand paul going out
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talking to minority communities and paul ryan talking about poverty in these communities because they know they need to appeal to narrow constituencies, single white women, african americans, hispanics and others and that's what this is about at the end of the day. can they appeal in a way that makes sense to these groups as they move into 2016. >> rick, who is the stronger candidate. let's assume hillary clinton is the nominee. who is the stronger candidate? is it it a more conservative one or is it jeb bush who is more moderate on issues like immigration? >> listen, i've maintained that hillary clinton is a weak candidate and she's got many, many problems and benghazi not amongst them and people don't want to go back, but i agree with what corey is saying and he's not saying it this way, but instead of it being a left-right thing which rand paul is not buying into, it's a forward back. look at the current bureaucracies of the senate president. the va is a mess. it's a mess and he hasn't fixed
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it. it's part of the bureaucracy that doesn't work. they were codified in the 1930s and they didn't work in the information age and president obama has not been able to fix them and who will move the country forward to get things done on education, jobs and immigration and who will keep the country back where it is? i contend if republicans can move it forward, the republicans will keep the status quo. >> rick tyler, corey ealons, thank you. i'm heading to washington to start a new job as senior white house correspondent and something kind of cool happened yesterday. i was there visiting and i was told this is a rite of passage for white house media. in the basement is where the former swimming pool was and so you sign it it. you add your autograph to the wall alongside, so truly legendary journalists and bono. we'll be right back. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 there are trading opportunities
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for hillary. they will headline a red for hill row fund-raiser next month. rahm emanuel have fund raisers of their own in chicago. it's time for the reputation report. "jansing & co's" weekly report on who's hot and who's not. howard, chairman of 15 minutes public relation. hillary finds herself in the headlines pretty much every day. she has her book "hard choices," karl rove suffered some flack after suggesting she might have had brain damage after falling in 2012. >> hillary clinton, despite the health care, despite benghazi, she's actually moving up which is -- bodes very well for her. what seems to be happening here is that people really have embedded feelings about hillary clinton. those that like her continue to like her. there's a certain segment that
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won't. the number's not huge at 54% in the overall sentiment, but it's certainly enough to get elected president and that's really what matterses right now and she's going to define the conversation when her book comes out. so that's going to do very well for her, and she should move up a few points from that. >> let's talk food. fast casual is what we call this category. chipotle is being praised by gun control advocates for asking customers not to bring guns to the restaurant. moms tweeted thank you, chipotle for your gun sense and the picture included in the caption, kids eat gun free. moms spend at businesses with gun sense. what do you say in seeshl media because this decision got a lot of activity, didn't it? >> it really did and that, surprisingly, huge volume and a lot of disagreement about this particular issue. clearly, moms, parents want to
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take their kids to a family restaurant that's free of guns and yet we saw a lot of protests in texas where people literally walked into chipotle restaurants carrying ak-47s and other assault weapons which resulted in some very shocking photos that got a lot of people buzzing online, chris. i have this personal thought. i'm thinking if somebody comes in to do harm and they want to do harm, and aren't you the ak-47 aren't you the first guy they'll take out? i don't know. i'm just wondering. >> let me ask you about mcdonald's and they got a huge social media reaction with the mascot and some are dubbing it mcscary and mcdonald's had tweets of its own. terrifying, nightmarish, cute? someone thinks we're cute. >> another tweet simply says tough crowd. what's the overall verdict? >> well, the volume is certainly up about two and a half times normal. i think this is just an
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anecdotal problem. i think big media likes to look at mcdonald's especially when there's any kind of minor controversy. this is not a market movie. it's not going to affect mcdonald's in the long run. i don't know, i think he's kind of cute and my dentist likes him. he's got a lot of teeth. >> he does have a very shiny smile. howard bragman. always great to have you on the program. thanks, howard. >> thanks, chris. to politics now where jackie kennedy's collection of deeply personal letters won't be auctioned off. an irish auction house could have made $5 million from the letters -- excuse me. that the former first lady wrote to an irish priest about jfk's assassination and her marriage. some thought they amounted to a catholic confession and should remain private. now the kennedy family will be part of deciding what happens to those letters. on a much lighter note. take a look at this, congressman charlie rangel getting down in east harlem. he put on serious move with the laurens latin dance studio and he happens to be in a tough
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primary fight in his seat and that's when he started pulling out the old dance moves. >> he looks like he's having fun. >> sarah palin told a high school to cling to gun, god and the constitution and she advised them not to shy away from competition. >> when we hear someone whining about maybe claiming some offense or getting their feelings hurt about something we rely on the old saying up there in alaska where we say buck up or stay in the truck. >> but perhaps the group hart isn't thrilled with things like that. the rockers have asked sarah palin not to use their hit song barracuda. they've been asking all of the way up to the 2008 campaign, but breaking news, they're okay if hillary wants to use the song, saying, quote, whatever hillary clinton needs from me, she's got. that wraps up this hour of "jansing & coe." news nation is up next.
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good morning, everyone. i'm tamron hall and this is "news nation." developing right now, president obama's veteran administration trouble shooter is expected to arrive at the va hospital in phoenix any minute now. that is where the scandal over delayed care and alleged cover-up by administrators first surfaced last month. deputy white house chief of staff ron nabors will meet with officials there today amid allegations that up to 40 veterans may have died waiting for critical care. meantime, two georgia congressmen, john barrow and randa rand david scott called on eric shinseki to resign. he was on "morning joe" and was asked whether shinseki should step down after six years on the job. >> i think we've seen some improvement in the va, but the
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current situation is absolutely unacceptable. in illinois and across the nation. i think there's going to be clear accountability here. general shinseki today, i'm going to put him on the spot to tell me what he's done in the six years and where we are, but from where we stand right now and what we've heard, unacceptable. >> all of this comes after president obama met with shinseki yesterday and stood by him and also vowed problems will be fixed and any misconduct will be punished. reaction to the president's remarks from veterans has been mixed. >> we can't control 500 veterans hospitals. i mean, how can he? >> he puts these people in office. evidently he doesn't know what's going on. he just turns a blind eye. >> the fact that it it took him this long to come out and speak out on it, we needed something for the president to know that he'll do something about it and it was more of the same. >> joining me no
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