tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 23, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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flows from order. they're just talking about shifting burdens and making noise. >> david k. johnson, we'll follow up on that effort that you've got going. thanks so up many. that's "the ed shultz." "politics nation" starts right now. and you wonderful viewers have a great memorial day weekend. >> have a great weekend, ed. thank you. and thank you for tuning in. president obama confronts the broken gop. for years, the republicans have resorted to a do-nothing, block-everything strategy. bringing congress to historic levels of gridlock. in a desperate bid to undermine this president's agenda. and now the president is calling themg out for it. say, quote, when you hear a false equivalence that somehow congress is just broken, it's not true. what's broken right now is a
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republican party that repeatedly says no. it's a message meant to cut through the noise and reach the gop people. it's a party swallowed up by the tea party. but don't take my word for it. take speaker boehner's. >> i'm not going to into enter into this dissension between the tea party and the republicans. because it's a distinction you're going to have a hard time finding. >> by the speaker's own admission, there's no distinction between the tea party and the republicans. president obama is also ripping apart a related myth, that he simply needs to reach out more. cozy up to the gop. maybe attend more dc cocktail parties. it's a myth pushed by the right wing and the mainstream media alike. >> one of the big corn serns with the president's tenure so
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far has been his inability to persuade congress to give him a break. >> he's not somebody who's willing to listen to opposing views. >> a truism of sorts that you and your staff are too insular, that you don't socialize enough. >> it's about making deals and about human relations. is he going to be able to grow and expand who he is and reach out to nies people and quite frankly make some friends. >> make some friends? that's the problem? last night president obama mocked the idea. quote, there's one thing that bothers me, which is when i hear folks that say, you know, if you just play golf with john boehner more, then we would get more stuff done. the idea is laughable. no more serious than the idea that the president simply needs to get chummy with senator mcconnell.
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>> some folks still don't think i spend enough time with congress. why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell. >> you got to laugh because it's ridiculous. but the bigger point is serious. government isn't broken, the gop is. republicans are blocking progress on jobs, gun control, climate change, immigration. the american people need to make that change in 2014 and 2016 and beyond. joining me now, e.j. dionne and margie o'mara. thank you for being here. e.j., how important is it for the president to address this
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issue of false equivalence? the idea that both sides are somehow equally to blame for the dysfunction in washington? >> i think this was a huge deal what happened here. in a couple of respects. one is, this is a real challenge straight up to the media. and he's echoing what soar people have said, tom mann in his book, it's even worse than it looks argued that look, the republican party now is different from the past. you can't just say democrats have moved left and republicans have moved right. no, republicans have moved farther right. i think he's laying down a gauntlet that will start a debate within the media. and the other thing that's important is in many ways, this may be the real kickoff speech for 20914 campaign. yats over the years have been frustrated when he just called out congress in general. well, this is not congress in general. he's being very specific about the republican party. >> yeah. very specific. and, you know, marge,
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republicans seem to be -- they will use any excuse, any excuse as to why they will not take action. for example is, speaker boehner says he can't move on immigration because of the health care law. listen to this. >> and when he continues to ignore obama care, his own law, 38 unilateral delays, he reduces the confidence of the american people in his willingness to implement an immigration law the way we would pass it. so the president has to rebuild his trust if we're going to be able to do this. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i just gave you an answer. >> you see, margie, a reporter actually called him out on this ridiculous explanation on why they're not moving on immigration and speaker baker just stuck to it. >> yeah, he didn't say i gave
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you the answer. esaid i gave you an answer. it's just whatever answer i a really cancy. to pair phase our vice president, it's a known and a ver b, obama care, for a lot of these republicans. what the president is doing by calling out the false equivalency and calling out the cob instructionism on the right is something that not only a lot of observers know, a lot of voters already know that. that's why republicans in polling get worse ratings on compromise. they get worse ratings on being in touch. they get worse rates on overall favorability. they get a lot worse ratings than democrats do as a group. even within their own parties because people see that republicans have time and time again just blocked everything. any basic movement on any important issue that's facing the country right now. >> you know, e.j., they go from absurd to bizarre. because senator ted cruz
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captured the gop's extremism, the new extremism, i should say, in a nutshell. with this jaw-dropping accusation about democrats, listen to this. >> this year, the united states senate is going to be voting on a constitutional amendment to repeal the first amendment. i am telling you. i am not making this up. >> i mean, do republicans just float these reidiculous around o they don't have to do any real work, e.j.? >> let's talk about what's happening. the proposal before the senate is a proposal to interpret the first amendment the way the courts used to interpret the first amendment before the roberts court came along. and the old way of interpreting the first amendment was we do have free speech, but in the interest of protecting the
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political system from corruption, you can pass a paid financial office so unlimited sums of money can't come into politics. that's what the real issue is. there's always a risk when you propose a constitutional amendment. and personally, i prefer to fight to change the court sberp ration, but what he said is not what the democrats want to do. >> you know, margie, the congress, as you said, has low arueful ratings since the gop took control of the house in 2011. but this is astonishing. a new poll finds just 5% say most members of congress deserve reelection. that's the lowest number ever recorded in a poll. >> yeah. they should be ashamed. i mean, what started has a political partisan gimmick, which is to just block everything that the president does to hurt democrats, has now resulted -- it's an anchor that
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has dragged everyone down. it's dragged down democrats, it's dragged down republicans. it's dragged down the entire institution. and it's caused well meaning, otherwise previously well meaning republicans to drift farther to the right in order to avoid primary challenges, encourages extremist candidates to get in and supports them. it has created a whole bunch of unintended consequences. anticipate now you have this record low approval rating. it's something that's going to be very hard to rebuild. and that's something that should really worry a lot of leaders on both sides of the aisle. >> but e.j., there is a way forward. the president said, this do-nothing gop congress has left americans with no option but to vote them out of office in the midterm election. his quote was, we're on the right side of every single issue and the majority of the american people agree with us on every single issue. but we've got to make sure those folks get out to vote.
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don't wait till 2016. >> and this is consistent with something the president has been doing now for months. democrats are acutely aware that one of the reasons they got clobbered so bad in 2010 is because their core constituencies didn't vote in 2010. younger people, members of minority groups and others tend to vote more in presidential elections. and what the president is doing is sending a very clear signal that this midterm election matters as much as a presidential election. because i can't do anything in office if i'm stuck with a congress like this one. or a congress that from his point of view would be even worse if the republicans took over the senate. and so i think it's very important that democrats are starting really early to try to get their folks to come out to vote this fall. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. e.j. dionne and margie omara. thanks for your time tonight. please have a great memorial day weekend.
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>> you, too. >> thank you. ahead, why a top democrat is saying john boehner lost control of darrell issa today. >> plus, that story of a mississippi political blogger sneak into a nursing home for a photo gets weirder. today, new arrests made, and they all have a connection to senator cochran's opponent. and nba owner mark cuban apologizes to trayvon martin's family after frank comments on race and profiling. should the nba take action? stay with us.
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>> donl sterling handed the keys over to his wife shelly to negotiate a deal with the teem taem. many are wondering if she's willing to sell the team in full. but guess what? none of it matters. right after the news broke today, the nba responded basically saying this news doesn't change a thing. quote, we continue to follow the process set forth in the nba constitution regarding termination of the current ownership interest in the los angeles clippers and are proceeding toward a hearing on this matter on june 3. credit to commissioner adam silver. there is a process and that process is in motion. on june 3, the board of governors will vote and it appears they have the votes to force the sterlings to sell. both donald and shelly.
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we cannot get sidetracked by this drama going on. this brings us to our poll question tonight. because there's a lot of talk out there about comments made by nba owner mark cuban in which he said this -- >> i know i'm prejudice. i know i'm bigoted in a lot of different ways. if i see a black kid in a hoodie at night on the other side of the street, i'm probably -- on the same side of the street, i'm probably going to walk to the other side of the street. if i see a white guy with a shaved head and a bunch of tattoos, i'm going to the other side of the street. if i see anybody that looks threatening. there's part of me that takes into account race, gender and age. i'm prejudice. but other than safety issues is i try to catch my prejudices and recognize and be self-aware that, you know, my stream of thought is never perfect and i've got to be careful. >> he apologized on twitter
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saying in hindsight, i should have used different examples. i didn't consider the trayvon martin family. and i apologize to them for that. beyond apologizing to the martin family, i stand by the words and substance of the interview. so our poll question tonight is should mark cuban face any punishment from the nba? yes or no? let us know what you think. just go to our facebook page or let us know on twitter. we'll have your answers and mine later in the show. ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees.
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congressman issa leaked an e-mail showing the white house contacted youtube the day of the benghazi attacks to raise concerns about the anti-islamic video. and fox ran with the story last night. >> this is a fox news alert. tonight, word is breaking about a classified e-mail that proves the white house, the obama white house had direct contact with youtube during, let me repeat, during the benghazi terror attack. this news comes to us court sit of the chairman of the house oversight committee darrell
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issa. they wanted their viewers to be alerted. unfortunately i've got some bad news. this story isn't new and it wasn't a secret. the white house announced that it asked youtube to review the anti-muslim film. and they announced it on september 14, 2012. over a year and a half ago. and just days after the attack. no secret cover-up. just more proof that the white house thought that video sparked the attack. but if you think about congressman issa's actions, it's kind of laughable. as republicans gear up for yet another committee to investigate benghazi, he's trying to gin up another angle to their phony scandal. and the more republicans grasp to find a cover-up, the more desperate they look. joining me now is "the washington post" dana millbank. dana, thanks for being here. >> hi, reverend. >> you wrote recently that the
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benghazi investigations, house republicans are abandoning any pretense of legislative in favor of unremitting hostilities with the white house. is that what's going on with congressman issa's phony leak? nothing but trying to stir up hostility with the white house? >> well, that's part of it, reverend, but he also seems to have some unrelenting hostility towards his fellow republicans. the reason they created trey gowdy's select committee is because darrell issa has botched this investigation with all kinds of phony allegations that were being unproven. so what has he done since naming the select committee? he went after and subpoenaed john kerry to come before his committee and now he's doing another one of these selective leaks that actually proves something opposite to what he's saying in the first place. the very man who discredited the
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benghazi investigation in the first place is now undermining the republicans attempts to salvage it by taking it away to another committee. >> that's a great point. because house republicans are really touting their new select committee on benghazi, but today, the secretary of state announced that he will, john kerry, this is, he will appear before congressman issa's panel on benghazi. and that would remove any need for the secretary before the select committee to answer additional questions. so since issa insisted kerry testify before his committee, he won't testify before the other, dana. it prompted democrat elijah cummings to say, quote, i think the speaker has lost of issa. mr. issa is trying to interject himself into the select committee's business. it undermines the select committee. dana, your take. have they lost control of issa? >> well, issa has clearly gone
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rogue here. and he has this case of subpoena envy that trey gowdy is now the guy everybody is watching. he's saying no, wait for me. i can still create a whole mess of this benghazi thing. but if john kerry is irritated about being ordered twice now to appear before darrell issa's committee, the one who should be really irritated is trey gowdy. look, if you republicans in the house want to drag the secretary of state up there for something that happened long before he took office, you can go ahead and do that, but you're only going to get one bite of this apple so they would be very fair in saying no to the other committee. now, elijah cummings is going to be the ranking democrat on both committees. that shows democrats have confidence in their guy here. and the republicans are quite split on how they're going to proceed on benghazi. >> you know, democrats even debated whether to involve themselves at all in this new committee. and they finally agreed to send five members to it.
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minority lead canner nancy pelosi explained why. listen to this. >> regretingtablregrettably, th approach does not prevent the unacceptable and repeated abuses committed by chairman issa in any meaningful way. that is all the more reason for democrats to participate in the committee. and so the process appeared to be fair, more transparent and the rest, there would be more trust in it. but since it wasn't, we need to be at the table. >> now, that took some time to get to the point of deciding to send five members. what's the democrats' strategy here, dana? >> i think as you and i have discussed before, this is the right approach to take. because you don't want to leave spirous allegations unaddressed. the democrats can now turn around and say no, in fact, they
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didn't hide it in the first place. and second of all, it's actually exculpato exculpato exculpatory. it exonerates the fogs that they weren't trying to deceive anyone at the time. they blooeed there was an embassy behind the embassy protests. >> the only reason they would contact youtube and put the statement out at that time. i'm going to have to leave it there, dana. thank you so much. have a great holiday weekend. >> thanks, you, too, reverend. >> still ahead, the koch brothers network has found their new target. you won't believe this one. but first, one of the tea party's rising stars is in big political trouble tonight. and this picture has a lot to do with it. is this really where the tea party is today? it's not about elections. now it's about jail. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
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>> take our country back! >> by now, most of you have heard of something called the tea party movement. >> and it is certainly alive and well here in northeast, indiana. >> that was then. this is now. they've lost on health care, they failed to kick the president out of the white house. and just last week, they were handed more upsets and losses at the primary around the country. but if you need an idea of just how far the tea party movement has fallen, look no further than mississippi. the mississippi senate race. it's become down right dirty and bizarre. uncome bent senatored that cochran has squared off against his tea party challenger chris mcdonnell. here's where it gets weird. last weekend, a conservative blogger was arrested, accused of
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sneaking into the nursing home of cochran's bedridden wife who suffers from dementia. he photographed her and then he posted the picture online. but now we have new developments. three more people have been arrested, accused of being co-conspirator, and each seems to have a connection to the tea party candidate. first, there's richard sabre, a mcdaniels supporter from the same small hometown as the candidate. next, john merry, a political activist who used to occasionally host a radio show with mcdaniel. here they are together in 2009. and finally this man, seen here with mcdaniel. he's the vice chairman of the mississippi tea party who even helped host a mcdaniel fundraiser. so far mcdaniel himself has not been imp pli kated, but this
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race was the tea party's last big hope in the midterms. and so far, it's further exposing how far the tea party has fallen. joining me now are jonathan cape hart and jimy williams. thank you both for come on the show. >> thanks, rev. >> jimmy, the district attorney says mcdaniel has not been cleared in this case. you worked in politics a long time. but isn't it particularly a dirty race? >> it's pretty bad. i mean, this is -- don't get me wrong, both parties have a long history of doing dirty tricks, et cetera, et cetera. but this is pretty -- i don't -- i've been many politics for 22 years. i don't know of anybody that's ever gone into basically a woman who's sick with dementia in her room and take a picture of her. to go after the family, that's bad. to go after a disabled member oof a family is worse. here's the kicker. it's not that mcdaniel wants to
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beat senator cochran, who's a pretty nice guy on the merits, because he can't. he wants to go after his family because they have no policy distinctions. so what does he do? he does this. it's unchristian, it's not what we do as a judeo-christian nas, and more importantly, it's immoral. these are god fearing christians right down in mississippi. this is how they act, this is what they do. they should be ashamed of themselves. >> that's the point. is this an epitaph on the tea party? how far will they go? is this showing they have no boundaries in the beginning of the end for real? >> what it shows is that the tea party is like any other political movement and that is, this is a question for power. as jimmy just said. there's no policy dipgss between the two men fighting for this seat. so the fact that senator cochrane's opponent would go to such low depths to true try to gain some sort of perrers is
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advantage over him, shows the tea party will do anything in this fight for power. as we've been seeing for the last few years now, the real big political fight isn't so much between prups and democrats, republicans and the president, it's the fight between the republican party between the republican party so-called establishment wing of party and the much more broad tea party part of the republican party. and as we all know, that fight is pretty much over. the tea party won. >> you know, jimmy, he's still not tied, mcdaniel, the tea party candidate. we don't know that he's directly tied. there are a lot of details that raised some questions. the morning after the initial arrest, mcdaniel was surprised when he was asked about it by a reporter. he said i don't guess i've been awake long enough to see what's happening. kbept his campaign later said he was informed about it the
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incident earlier that morning. >> if i were mcdaniel's campaign manager, i would quit and i would call my -- i wouldn't even tell him in person. he doesn't deserve it. i would call it and say you're a buffoon. you can't get your story straight on talk radio, which is the easiest thing in the world to do. there's a big problem here. and that is the tea party, jonathan just mentioned this, when everyone goes to vote this year, is there's no tp by a candidate's name. there's an r. i want the republicans to do something brooif for the fist time. i want them to own their people. own mcdaniel, own james o'keefe who did the exact same thing that james kelly did by going to landrieu's office. i want them to own their agenda. because guess what on the left, we own our people. we're not ashamed of our people. but they do things that are so bad. it's like self-immolation, it's awful. it's like goldwater in the '60s. the party had to literally
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become so conservative that it just blew up. then the next person they put in at the white house was a guy named richard nixon who created the epa. they're not there yet. the republican party is not at that point, but they're going to get there. >> jonathan, the race is really exposing a big rift, though, in the party because mcdaniels has scored some big endorsements from those on the right, including club for growth, freedom works, senate conservatives fund. >> yeah. and that goes to the fight that i was talking about before within the republican party where you've got those groups that are heeshoeing the tea par candidates. in the last five year, certainly the last ten years, those republicans who were certified conservative republicans by any definition, as a result of the tea party movement, those conservative republicans are now
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not conservative enough. and that is the big battle within the republican party. and that's what i meant when i said that the tea party won. the tea party moved the republican party so far to the right because that's where the energy is, that's where the republican party base is to the point now where you've got establishment republicans adopting tea party mantras, stae party policy prescriptions, pulling the party so far to the right that the idea of republicans moving to the center to appeal to the vast middle of the country is ridiculous. >> you know, jimmy, you said if if you were to do press for this guy, you would quit, you wouldn't even call him. but he's been a major hope for the tea party in this whole midterm election. and when he was questioned going back to 24 whole thing about when did he know about the arrest of the guy that went into senator cochran's wife's room,
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nursing home room while she suffered dementia. listen to how he handled the question. >> i can't imagine your campaign manager not telling you. >> i was asleep. she called me and -- >> she called you and told you that there was a problem and what did she say? >> i can tell you what she said. she says chris, we have an issue involving ms. cochran. i said let me do this, you can get up and fully brief me when i get to hernando. that's when it went down. >> she never called her, you never called her back? >> paul, no. we're busy. >> does it past the smell test? >> no. don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining outside because it's not. >> coming up, what do the
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millionaire tea party koch brothers really think about president obama? a new book dives deep into their past. and the author joins us. and nba owner mark cuban under fire for some very frank comments on race and profiling. your take is ahead. this is mike. his long race day starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines"
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pensions. the associated prez says that the koch brothers and the koch group is threatening to run ads against any republican who votes for the detroit plan. and to try and rally 90,000 conservatives to oppose it. why is a group backed by two of the richest men in the world attacking the deal to help public workers in their retirement? by the same token, why was the koch network bank rolling those creepy uncle sam ads? telling young people not to get health insurance. it's just part of a vast right wing agenda pushed by the koch brothers. "forbes" says they're worth $40 billion each. and the koch network spent over $412 million trying to defeat president obama and other democrats in 2012's election. they failed. but now they're back at it.
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for the 2014 election americans for prosperity plans to spend $125 million. so how did the koch brothers become so powerful? how did they arrive at their extreme views? a new book has some of those answers. joining me now is daniel sh schuman, author of the new book "sons of wichita." dam, thanks for being here tonight. >> it's my pleasure. >> in your reporting, you went back into the roots of their conservatism. what about their dad? he had an amazing story in his own right. very conservative. you even write in the book that the father, quote, on the cusp of world war ii, fred ko cl even
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saw something laudable in the rise of fascism. although nobody agrees with him, you're quoting him, i am of the opinion that the only sound countries in the world are germany, italy and japan. simply because they are all working and working hard. he reported in an october 1939 letter. i mean, how did his views influence his sons' political views later? >> these views that he had really did influence charles and david. and they're sort of view on socialism, which you have seen come full circle in the obama era. and fred also came under -- he was sued by a number of the major oil companies of the day. he felt unfairly. and i think that influenced some of his anti-government sentiments. >> you write the koch brothers really, and this surprised me, they don't want the attention they're getting now. quote, david did not relish the attention that accompanied the rise of the tea party. he preferred the tux in the
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center variety. he was surprised anyone would associate him with protests around the country. did he really think he could stay in the shadows with all the money they were giving and stuff? >> i think he's got this interesting life here in new york where he goes to a lot of openings. his name is on lincoln center so it's very much a different set of people that he's sbrer acting with here. he's rubbing elbows with liberals every day here in new york city. many of his friends are democrats, i'm sure. and i think the level of scrutiny they came under did shock them. >> now, you are real clear about how charles and david have very critical views of the president. in the book, you write, charles koch has called president obama a dedicated egal therien who has internalized some marxist models and david koch called him the
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most radical president we've ever had as a nation. hard core economic socialist. i mean, it seems like all of this lifetime of resentment going back to their dad has really come down on the head of the president from them verbally. and spending their money. >> they certainly saw obama as a major threat to the principles that they've been trying to advance in terms of free market principles for many, many years. >> they backed some groups like americans for prosperity. spent millions of dollars att k attacking democrats already in the midterm election. how long are the koch brothers prepared to bank roll the right in your opinion. did you get any handle on that? >> it's not all their money. they managed to bring together a really diverse and large kind of coalition of conservative backers. they're not social conservatives, but they have social conservatives who are backing their efforts. and you know, they're raising
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more and more and more money. americans for prosperity is expected to channel $125 million into the midterms. and in karl rove's crossroads, i read the other day is only expected to put in $10 million. so you can see where things are headed. the kochs have really only become more powerful politically since they' kind of been vilified. republicans have been -- they've attracted republicans to the cause. >> well, we're going to be watching. and certainly this is a very important book you've written. daniel schuman, thanks for your time. >> thank you so much. again, the book is "sons of wichita" how the koch brothers became america's moat powerful and private dynasty. koch industries has released a statement saying, quote, we are in the process of reviewing mr. schulman's book and are reserving judgment at this time. still ahead, should mark cuban be punished by the nba for his
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11 million americans are currently unemployed but 4 million jobs are available. one reason is the skills gap in america. we've got to improve that. tonight, we shine a spotlight on the jobs corps program. it's a labor department program that aims to help at-risk youth obtain vocation aal training an certifications. there are 125 centers around the country, providing training for all kinds of careers. joining me now is nicole baker, who completed her pharmacy technician training with the jobs corps program. and roxanne chin, the director of the potomac, maryland, jobs corps center. thank you both for come on the show tonight. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you.
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>> nicole, let me start with you. you were a single mother sleeping in your car, i'm told, before you started the job corps program. what made you decide to apply for this program? >> what made me decide to apply for the program was that i had hit rock bottom, didn't know what to do. i had previously heard about it from my mom and i decided to apply. and several months later, i was able to get into their nonresidential program and i started my training. >> now, when you say rock bottom, i know what you mean, but a lot of people may not know what you mean. tell me what life was like rock bottom, and then what this opportunity was able to bring you out of. >> when i mean rock bottom, i didn't have any money. i was living paycheck to payche paycheck. i did not have any diepers.
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i didn't know how efs going to feed my daughter. >> so you with respect lazy, you were try, you just didn't have the opportunity or the skills? >> yes. >> and why did job corps appeal to you. you're going paycheck to paycheck you just said. you don't know sometimes how you're going to feed your kid. why did job corps appeal to you? >> job corps appealed to me because it was for, one, free. i heard testimony about other people making it. and i said why not? >> besides teaching technician skills and technical skills, how important is teaching soft skills in this program. how to interview for a job, the importance of being on time, stuff like that. >> we call those career success standards. all 125 job corps scepters focus on that. in fact, we're turning 50 years old. so we've had 50 years to get great at this. and nicole is an example of that.
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those are the most important skills because you can teach anyone to hammer a nail. however, can you teach them to get there on time? to be in uniforms, to be ready for receiving direction? our job becomes coaching anticipate slowing them down and getting them ready. and they look like nicole, they're ready, they're perspective on employment is different and they can go out there and compete. >> nicole baker enand roxeanne chin, thank you for your time this evening. congratulations on your success, nicole. >> thank you. >> we thank you, sir. >> coming up, results of the politics nation poll, should mark cuban be punished by the nba? that's next. rs are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones
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comments by nba owner mark cuban. you can continue to join the conversation on facebook and twitter. the question, should mark cuban be sanctioned by the nba for his comments about race? 25% of you said yes. 75% of you said no. desmond said yes. now any black in a hoodie is considered to be a menace. i'm sure some of his players wear them. it's in style. latoya said no. it was an honest introspective look into himself which we should all be willing to do. >> well, i got to agree with latoya, we all need to look inside and grow. i think there is a qualitative difference between what cuban said, as distasteful as it is, because it is profiling on whites and blacks, whites he said with certain tattoos, i
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think that despite his personal coming out and saying i'm dealing with this, there's not even a hint of him saying i'm going to therefore execute an act. sterling said i don't want blacks in the building. it's the culture. he embraced it. he accepted it. there was no introspection there. there's no punishment that i think is required for somebody dealing with some of their own needs to grow. thanks fsh watching. have a great holiday weekend. "hardball" starts right now. mississippi burning. let's play "hardball." good evening. politics does not get any nastier than this. less than two
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