tv Up W Steve Kornacki MSNBC May 24, 2014 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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the democrats are joining the benghazi committee, so now what? good morning. thanks for getting us with us this memorial day day weekend. four hours on thursday, soldiers with the 3rd u.s. infantry regiment placed small american flags at every grave at arlington national cemetery. all 220,000 of them. a ritual that has been bone ahead of every memorial day since the end of the civil war for those who have given their lives to this country. that is what this weekend is supposed to be, not trips to the beach. two americans were killed in 2012 in benghazi. they were part of a security
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contractor force. they died after rushing to the aid of their colleagues. they were among four killed that day, including the u.s. ambassador to libya, christopher steven. seems appropriate to mention them at the start of this memorial day weekend. on wednesday this week, we learned that democrats in congress decided to cooperate with a special panel formed by house republicans to investigate the attack. nancy pelosi the house democratic leader appointed a full slate of five members to sit on the special committee and decided it would be better to have her members inside the proverbial tent to gain access to documents and other evidence. she picked five members. trey gowdy had any evidence before a previous committee and democrats can point that out. if the democrats claim to have new evidence the democrats ask ask why none of the investigations already taken place managed to turn it up.
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also just yesterday, secretary of state john kerry agreed to testify before a congressional committee on the subject of benghazi but not before this committee. instead, next month, contrary will testify one day only before the house oversight committee. that is darrell issa committee. here to talk about all of this and the other stories that have the political world talking this memorial day weekend, i'm joined by suzy kim, a national policy report at jonathan martin with "the new york times." crystal ball is the co-host of "the cycle" here on msnbc. talk about this benghazi committee to start with. the debate two weeks should the democrats be putting people on this committee and should only have one person or boycott it altogether? they went with five. went with eli cummings people know from the democratic voice
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on darryl issa's committee. what is the smart answer? i don't know. because i could argue it both ways. crystal, what do you think? >> i was hoping this is what they would do or put somebody on the committee. as much as you would want to say this is not legitimate, i think republicans are doing enough to sort of delegitimatize themselves and we wanted to have those voices like elijah cummings to say what is going on and the republicans not the only megaphone there. i think the right call but i understand the instinct not to put anyone on. >> jonathan, the question that comes to mind the idea behind boycotting it, look. if you don't show up you deny the appearance of bipartisan. ship. i guess you would deny -- >> but -- >> could that have worked?
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>> no. the whole point is the megaphone still would have been there. if democrats hadn't shown up, the microphone still would have been on. the old mack from steven politics you know is believe. democrats made the decision that an attack unanswered in this case was not going to fly and they wanted to have folks there to push back. i think it was ultimately the move they had to make for two reasons. first, it was basically politics. as i said you have to push back. secondly the entire democratic party thinks their next nominee is hillary clinton and you can't have your future nominee battered on capitol hill for weeks at a time which would have been a huge part of it. >> a story this week. i think politico said indications that people around hillary clinton were encouraging democrats to have people on this committee. so suzy, let's play this forward. this is a story that we are going to be following in the weeks and months ahead. this committee is going to be meeting, hearings, there is going to be testimony. if you're a democrat in that
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committee, what do you expect democrats on that committee to be? how do you think eli cummings or other members will handle the particular session? a bit of show manship on the democratic side? >> i think what you pointed out in the introduction definitely indicates their strategy which is they are going to point out stuff that is old. the stuff has already been surfaced in the countless number of hearings have already been held on this. the senate had a select bipartisan committee that produced these and produced a reports that concluded missteps that were made but ultimately nothing could have been done to necessarily have brought other military forces, you know, anyone in the area to protect the consulate when the attack happened. you'll see a lot of that and basically that is going to try to drive the democrats' messages. listen, are we rehashing stuff we know or is there new stuff.
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how much of this is kind of percolating down to the public. do they care about this issue? what do they associate with it? is it something they will associate very strongly with clinton? >> it's really an issue for the base. the republican base is very upset about this. they see this as another reason why obama should be impeached and they have been ginned up about it and demanded the select committee. some indications that john boehner was reluctant to go forward but felt pressure the need to do so. >> as you say this is one of many stories sort of out there this morning in the political world talking about this memorial day weekend. i want to get to another one. this is i think the story of the week. voters in the commonwealth of kentucky they say made it official this week it's mitch mcconnell versus allison grimes in the race. i call this the marquee election of the year. mcconnell will be the next majority winner. the playing field seems to be
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tilted in their direction this year but mcconnell has to win this re-election race in kentucky. a new poll shows grimes is up 43-42 and dead even race and been dead even for months and expect this to be dead even for the rest of the way basically photo finish in november. let me play a gipp here. this was allison grimes this week. oh, we don't have the clip. sorry. memorial day weekend. >> in a way it wasn't what she was but how she said it. it was more forceful and people who saw her a year ago at the start of this campaign, i don't think they expected a year later this is where she would be this polished. >> democrats in washington privately i think were concerned about her prospects a few months ago. i think they have been more impressed recently, even though i think if you give them truth
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serum they will say she is the better candidate of the two in terms of the bigger challenges they have this year. this is trench war fare the next six months. the polling has not moved 43, 42. the big challenge that she is going to have how does she separate herself from the national democratic party? you saw her two steps and the ad she released the following day and it's going to be tough. you know, steve, a democrat has not been elected in kentucky to the u.s. senate since 1992 so it's been 22 years. if anybody can be beaten there it's probably mcconnell because his numbers are so bad. >> that is the thing. when you look at kentucky. >> what you're saying is right. mitt romney won by 23 points. i was going back and trying to find an incumbent senator whose
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party won their state by the margin that the republicans won kentucky in the most recently presidential election and went down and lost. i couldn't find one in the last 12 years. it's rare. at the same time, mitch mcconnell's approve rating in kentucky 34% on the eve of the primary. >> i think the important thing to remember is that especially in election like this that is already on such a huge national stage with national implications to really kind of go back to kentucky and figure out what voters actually care about. i was in eastern kentucky last year on a reporting trip in appalachian in coal country and thousands of jobs lost and unemployment is quite high in kentucky. when you talk to people they blame obama. this is going to be something that is coming up again the next couple of weeks as the obama administration wants to keep up these sort of strict epa regulations on carbon emissions. allison grimes has already sort
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of put out her strong support, you know, pushback against the obama administration on these kind of regulations the fact she does believe there is a -- she is trying to distinguish hearst but i think one point that is going to be difficult. >> i want to get this in too. a bit of news overnight. a little news this morning because mitch mcconnell yesterday gave a press conference and he was asked about the staple of sort of republican politics in the obama area is repel -- a democratic governor in kentucky said they call kynect, get it? it took me a while to get it. it's been pretty successful in terms of enrollment and mitchell mcconnell was asked yesterday should kynect be repelled? his answer is i think that is
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unkynected to my overall -- >> folks are asked about how they feel about kynect and like it better than obamacare. obamacare is still a bad word in conduct. the other thing and you were talking about her speech. she is running as a woman. she talked about she not an empty dress and she's not a cheerleader, she said. to me that is remarkable because the advice that women candidates used to get is not to talk about those sorts of things and not call out sex i'm when they see it. that thinking has changed and she is taking advantage of that. this is a brutally hard race. the numbers of the approval numbers in the state but she is the perfect candidate because
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she is a such a visual depart tour of mitch mcconnell who people in that state are tired of. >> like that song by neil diamond. she kept saying i'm a proud kentucky woman. the debates will be fun to watch. we have to squeeze a break in here but back with the panel after this. cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated.
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some breaking news last night to get you up-to-speed on this morning. a federal judge ruled that congressman john conyers can be on the ballot in michigan after all. he didn't have enough signatures to qualify but the judge ruled it was an error made in good faith. a congressman who served his district 5 years now has a chance to defend his seat after all.
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also news this week. former montana governor brian schweitzer first hinted about the possibility of running for president in 2016 that possibility gained steam this week when he expressed interest to "wall street journal" which led to an appearance on "hardball." he had this exchange with our own chris matthews. >> why come on the show. are you running or not? this is "hardball" my fellow colleagues, my fellow commentator. >> look. just because the "the wall street journal" comes out to montana and interviews a guy on his ranch doesn't mean he is necessarily running for president but i can tell you this. bill clinton -- i did the interview and i'll do a few more interviews but when become ran for president, he got 2% in iowa. he got third place in new hampshire and called himself the comeback kid. you don't necessarily start out ahead to win a democratic
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primary. most of the front runners as you know in history, chris, you know better than the rest of us, they usually lose. >> fact check it. bill clinton didn't come in third in new hampshire and second in new hampshire and 2% in iowa. nobody showed up there. the first one was south carolina. any way. yes, a good talking point for him. we had him on the show. some time i think over last summer or last fall, i forget exactly when it was. one of the guests asked him are you running for president question. i didn't ask him because i figured i would get a normal answer. he said it's always on my bucket list to visit all 99 counties. i said, wow, i should have asked that question! is he having fun here or he is seriously going to run? >> the key to that segment that you just showed on "hardball" was i'll do a for you more interviews. that to me was -- >> good way to get on tv? >> that was the takeaway.
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there is a great moment in american politics where you've got a front-runner on the democratic side that is, i think, unique in american history. there is nobody else we have seen not an incumbent who has the sort of footprint she does in one party ahead of her party's nominating process. because of that there has created this vacuum that very few folks want to step in but those who do want to step into it are assured to get a certain degree of attention and i think he is wise enough to figure that out and why he is happy to -- >> you don't think at the end of the day he's getting in the race? >> i think he might try to explore. i think he'll make more trips to iowa and new hampshire and i think he'll look at it. he may create some kind of infrastructure, but he is ultimately going to spend 16 months running around the country raising money and trying to really beat hillary clinton? it would seem unlikely. >> this is another thing you can look at it a couple of different ways. you look at the polls. i've never seen -- we said
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before 2008, wow, hillary clinton, never seen a front-runner like this before. in 2008 hillary looked nothing like the hillary in 2016. she is at 60%, 70% in these democratic polls. at the same time, we are always talking about the democratic party moving to the left on economic issues and elizabeth warren poppism in the party. there seems to be room at least broadly speaking for a sort of economic populace voice in this. is this room? >> yes, there is room there in terms of another candidate who could wear that populace mantle. i think somewhat of a bringing back to earth. right now she is in the perfection of unrealized extract. they can imagine what her policy positions are going to be. i do think a significant chunk
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of the democratic party, i'm already in that place, that is concerned with where she is on economic issues and feels that we need a break from the sort of '90s type of democratic party that she represents. i do think there is room there at least for someone to get in and occupy some space and make some waves in the primary. i'm not sure that brian schweitzer is that person, right? he has some of that economic poppism to hipo populism to him. i'm not sure he is the spirit and soul where the democratic really wants. >> is there anyone else? if not brian schweitzer, who? >> i think this is the question and concerns underlying this that democrats don't have a deep bench that we don't have other fresh faces. julian castro is new and brings different experience to the
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table. i think the democrats should have these issues out there candidates provide a very easy and accessible way to have that conversation that americans are having. i think that is part of the problem. >> talk about troubling not a very deep bench when you talk about the mayor of san antonio being sort of the top tier there. thanks to the panel for this. they will be back later in the show. crystal ball and suzy kim and jonathan martin. breaking news to california in the morning. we know seven people are dead, including a suspect, and people who have been wounded following a series of shootings in a college town near santa barbara. reports of shots fired were received around 9:30 last night. santa barbara county sheriff's offices withholding the suspect's identity for now. they say it appears the shooter acted alone and suggestion that it's premeditated action. we will bring you more
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developing stories throughout the in the morning. we will be right back. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive.. confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor can get the real answers you need. well, knowing gives you confidence. start building your confident retirement today. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ why let erectile dysfunction get in your way?
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it's hard to get americans to vote. we like to think everyone does it and everyone probably says they do it but only about half of us actually follow through and that is in a good year. in 2012 nationwide turnout was 58% of eligible voters that was a presidential election. when it's easier for both parties to rally people behind the personalities of their candidates, they turn out to the polls and especially true for democrats lately. midterm elections are different as we mentioned before and 2010 mid terms nationwide turnout only 41% a big drop from the 58% number and even bigger drop from the nearly 62% who showed up two years early in the obama/mccain election in 2008. how do the democrats get through to the voters who supported president obama in 2008 and 2012, but who skipped the mid terms in 10:2010? how do they convince those voters to show up this fall? the 2010 midterm was a republican romp that left john boehner and the gop in control
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of the house crippling president obama's agenda ever since. this week, a top democrat, the man whose job it is to try to win back the house for his party, he unveiled his plan to solve that midterm turnout puzzle and he thinks he knows how to get more democrats to vote this november and it's nothing like 2010. he is here to tell us about that now. congressman, thanks for joining us. i was interested in this. you gave a presentation to your fellow democrats this week based on what looks like awful lot of research what actually motivates people to go out and vote and what interested me about this you were candid about what doesn't seem to motivate people. i start asking you about the minimum wage. we hear about it all the time and democrats tried to get this on the ballot a number of states this year the idea to goose turnout a little bit. you're basically saying this is an issue with a lot of public
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support and broad sfouupport bu doesn't necessarily get people out to the polls. >> thank you for having me on, steve. on the minimum wage and many other issues our research shows that we are winning decisively but you have to put it in contrast and here is the contrast. would you rather vote for a house republican who will oppose increasing the minimum wage but continues to support increasing their minimum wage and increasing oil company subsidies and minimal subsidies for the special interest or vote for a democrat who will support strengthening the middle class? on those contrasts we have two key advantages. one, we win decisively on those economic contrasts and they motivate people to vote. number two the contrasts resonate across the board. they are important to voters in urban districts and important to
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voters in suburban philadelphia in the suburbs of florida and illinois and california. they are important to rural voters. you're right. we do have that challenge. but we also have those two key opportunities which is why the next six months will be a referendum on who has got your back. >> i want to ask you about that. there is a polling out this week politico surveyed basically battleground house districts. tried to get president obama's approval rating how the parties are viewed and battleground house districts and what they came up with was the generic ballots. this is not all but the most competitive ones. 29 39% for the republican candidate and 30% for the democratic candidate. i just wonder if you could take a step back maybe. in light of what you said just said about the advantages the research shows your party has the philosophical advantages your party has. when you see a poll like that and other polls showing similar findings what is it at a
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baseline level makes people at this point more likely to say they want a republican in congress than a democrat? >> steve, first of all, the day that poll came out, another poll came out that showed us ahead on that ballot who would you vote for, a republican or democrat in congress? which is why i don't pay much attention of these polls. i'm a baseball fan and a good baseball fan doesn't predict the ninth inning in the inning and being a mets fan i really don't do that. the fact of the matter the ballots are tight. we are up a couple of and down a couple of. the point of this research, despite that environment on every single economic issue on the contrast between republicans who protect their perks and their privilege and the special interests and democrats who are fighting for the middle class, we win decisively which is why this campaign is going to be about those contrasts and who has got your back. >> your counterpart on the republican side from oregon, he made news and said the
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republicans have 233 members of the house right now and he predicts the end of the cycle he is the chairman of the -- he said they are going to have 245. he said we are going to pick up, republicans will pick up 12 seats this fall. i know you responded by saying you don't want to make predictions. i want to ask you a bigger picture question here and that is we know the nature of these midterm elections and you think you've found a way to change that. to pick up any seats in the white house party in the midterm is practically unheard of and when it happens very small amount. when the democrats picked up seats in the '98 mid terms and democrats picked up five and shocking and not since james monroe had the white house picked up that many seats. you have 17 to pick up the house. is it fair to say you're playing a longer game where 2014 is about setting up 2016 when you'll have that presidential turnout environment and able to pick up big seats then potentially? >> first of all, i like greg but
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that was showboating and he can look in crystal balls all he wants. i'll look on the fundamentals how you win elections. on sever single one of those fundamentals we are exceeding every expectation. greg waldon talks about winning a historic number of societies. i'll give you history. we are in the minority party. we beat the republicans by $3 million in april because our grassroots are so animated. they can't wait to vote and they are spoupporting us with small donations. how do you get voters to turn out in the midterm? put people in the field. we have dozens of congressional districts covered by paid field staff and thousands and thousands of volunteers. those are the fundamentals that count. now we know from our research that we have a message that works across the board with progressive voters and moderate voters and we are going to stick with those fundamentals without making prophecies. >> are you expecting hillary clinton to be an active campaigner this fall on behalf
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of house democratic candidates? >> i sure hope so. i have said to secretary clinton not the minute she decides whether she wants to help us but the second she decides whether she wants to help us, we would enjoy having that involvement. >> have you gotten any indication from them if we are going to? if she is going to? >> she's not made any indication to us as of yet. i did brief president clinton a month and a half ago on our races and we hope, as he always has done, that he will engage in helping us elect more democrats to defend the middle class. >> my thanks to congressman steve taking time to join us this morning. a bizarre political story to come around in a long time. it's not about new jersey. more arrests made in connection with the mississippi senate race and talking this the tea party's last stand. we have the new details next. creates something else as well: jobs all over america.
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implicated by authorities in mississippi with the public ize thad cochran's bedridden wife. two people arrested charged with unauthorized photographs of rose cochran in a video attacking her husband. first arrested is mark mayfield vice chairman of the mississippi tea party and richard sager who is a soccer coach and alleged also is john merry. the police didn't arrest him because of his, quote, extensive medical conditions. the guy who broke into the nursing home last month and took the pictures. clayton thomas kelly. a video he produced with the photos apparently suggested that thad cochran was cheating on his ailing wife. all this is playing out as cochran's career hang in the balance. the mississippi primary is now ten days away on june 3rd. there wasn't much polling have
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reputable outlets but they say the race is close each before the nursing home episode. national tea party groups poured more than $2 million in mcdaniels campaign. so far this primary season republican establishment have defeated their tea party challenger but this looms as the tear tea party's last chance to knock off a big named republican. he was elected to the senate 36 years ago into the house six years before that so that is 42 years in washington. his voting record is conservative but not nearly as conservative as his fellow senate republicans according to ratings from the american conservative union. he is very low key and he hasn't been that visible in mississippi during this campaign. but cochran's campaign clearly sees the bizarre nursing home story as an opportunity to rally
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the public behind the senator. against his primary opponent chris mcdaniel, cochran team called mcdaniels's campaign explanation of what it knew about the nursing home video and when it knew it, quote, inconsistent. mcdaniels has condemned the video and denied having involvement in it and new batch of arrests isn't helping his cause. clarion ledger newspaper reported the following. paper also reported that john merry who was charged on thursday but too ill to be arrested that he is frequently cohosted a radio show with mcdaniel. "the washington post" was told mcdaniel and his team have not been cleared in the case. mississippi is the last stand for the tea party in this year's primaries. nursing home story will it cost their candidate a primary or
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cost republicans a race they never thought they would have to worry about in the fall. suzy kim is back at the table and jonathan martin and crystal ball and also joining us who is covering all things is ben starry. you are mr. 2014 did they sort of win in a backhanded way these other primaries? here is where they have a shot or until this story broke have a shot to take out a big named republican establishment figure. is that shot gone or is that still playing out and still fluid? >> it's hard to tell. you mentioned this was the state by far that the establishment republicans were most concerned about. they have been taking it very seriously. they have been attacking mcdaniel for months. they didn't want to get caught off guard like in the past with someone like christine o'donnell who shows up at the last minute and too late to stop them when
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they built momentum. this connects with the attacks they have been leveling against mcdaniel which he has unsavory associations. they have been attacking him for months for his habit of seeming to pop up at event that are also cosponsors or speakers of white supremacist or neoconfederates. the idea many of the people arrested were very drecket irec him and feeds into this idea who does mcdaniel hang out with even if he doesn't necessarily have any connection with this. >> tell us the flip side of this. why is it that thad cochran is getting this? what is it about thad cochran that drives the tea party crazy? >> well, there is a general bias among tea party republicans against people who have just been there a long time. in these sort of mythology of the tea party, the republican has lost its way over time.
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they gave into too many of these establishment politicians and just agreed bringing pork back to their district and cochran fits that to a t. mitchell mcconnell more than 30 years in washington and pat roberts in kansas at least as long. this is the type of republican they like to take out even if it's not always specific policy. >> it's just that whiff of entrenchment basically. tae let's talk about this. the people implicated in this so far are supporters of mcdaniel. mcdaniel, what, makes this a little tough for him is initially when this story broke last weekend, mcdaniel told a newspaper reporter late saturday morning he hadn't heard anything about this. this was news to him when he was told of it and then came out his campaign manager had already called cochran's campaign to say, hey, our candidate mcdaniel
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really upset about this. had nothing to do with this. so there has been this suspicion from the beginning maybe it's just inept handling on the part of the mcdaniel campaign but he has created this problem for himself to a large degree, crystal. >> i think the old saying if you lay down in bed with dogs, you get fleas, kind of applies here. even if he wasn't sort of directly connected, people think of the worst of politicians. they assume there is a connection there even if there is not. these are characters around him and volunteering for his campaign and posting on facebook about his campaign. one of them is from his hometown and the other was co-hosting his radio show. the connections are very close. no matter who are you or where you are on the political spectrum this is an awful thing to do and strikes people as so -- >> that is the other question i have too. you think back to -- i said this yesterday but you think back to watergate. in june of 1972 nixon's people break into the dnc.
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in june of 1972 nixon knew he was facing george mcgovern and it was a landslide. why do they do? this i start looking this and ask the exact same question. apparently they are showing he had some kind of an affair maybe or cheating on the bedridden wife or something like that. >> i'm wrestling with -- >> the motive? >> yeah. you think about it what is the political benefit from a -- capturing video of cochran's bedridden wife. i guess it's what you said. if you think about it for more than 30 seconds, it, obviously, would create a backlash. it's a third-rate hair-brain notion that it strikes you as something of a gift ultimately for the cochran campaign and they view it like that too. they have been swarming on this story and pushing it relentlessly since it happened
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and now by the way, they are on the air -- with a commercial in mississippi. >> was he -- >> i think so he was in real trouble prosecute this and i think reflected by the fact they have been so aggressive and sort of pushing this out there and trying to blow this thing up, because the story speaks for itself. it's bad enough as is. not only struck about how they are push ing it out there and promote it but the facts are what they are. >> even if you don't have this charges or anything like that, wouldn't you think you would be sympathetic toward someone -- everyone knows that his wife is ailing and in a nursing home. that the fact that he is older he has an older spouse makes you feel like, no, he -- his poor wife. they are trying to go for another narrative but now we know these facts. i think it's sort of interesting. as much as sort of confirms some people's suspicions about the tea party. they have associations with these fringe elements that sort of thing. i think part of the reason that
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cochran was particularly vulnerable is not because he had been in senate for so long and in congress for so long but because he was an old school appropriator that he never backed down from defending the fact that ear marks were a good thing. never voted for any of those ear mark bands that went forward and he sort of stayed stubborn on that issue. >> another side that hasn't been explored too much. mississippi, i think nine straight presidential elections mississippi has voted for a republican. i think 1972 would be the last time mississippi elected a democrat to the u.s. senate. you do not think of this as a state in a year like 2014 is a general election battleground. democrats are starting to make some noise about that and they got this from a big name republican and i'll show you that and talk about that on the other side. iness. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points.
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yeah! but i thought you were the queen of the pre-treat soak treat soak? those are fond memories, but those things are amazing. once i saw what they did, i actually started to relax. don't touch my things. those little guys clean, brighten and fight stains. so now i can focus on more pressing matters. like your containers. isn't it beautiful? your sweet peppers aren't next to your hot peppers. [ gasps ] [ sarah ] that's my tide. what's yours? you can't guarantee the nrc is supporting chris mcdaniel if he is not a republican nominee? >> listen. i don't know what the facts are about this scandal in
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mississippi ist that was a republican from kansas and he is running the nrc. his job is to support financially and to help elect republicans in key senate races across the country. yesterday he is talking about a scenario i'm hearing democrats talk about which is mississippi, i know, deep red state. but if chris mcdaniel still somehow wins this primary and you got this nursing home scandal still hanging in the air and you got the other baggage you're talking about, benji, have the republicans now effectively made it next tod aiken or nominated that candidate in mississippi and do democrats travis childress, a conservative democrat he won an election in 2008 a special election do the democrats have a candidate who could potentially take advantage that have if the tea party still wins this primary on june 3rd? >> something would really have to change in major way. the skajed would probably have to blow out a lot further. travis childress has raised almost no money so far. it's not a serious race up to
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this point. it's hard to imagine chris mcdaniel collapsing with that republican base there in a year like this where the priority is so much on these national issues which is the whole reason he has been successful up to this point in the first place. he really is running a kind of national conservative campaign. let's take back the country. i'd say it's a reach but it would certainly be a distraction. there would be a lot of questions like you raise there. would the nrsc stick with this guy and state republicans have basically said this guy is completely out of balance. what do they do if he wins? >> what if that were to happen and a poll came out we have not seen many reliable polls in mississippi so maybe have to poll mississippi first. assuming they did that and a poll came out and there is race a imagine the money would come flowing in. >> senate races are less about the individual candidates on the ground than they used to be. you used to have election cycles democrats and republicans would
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use. now more wave elections across the country the trends that sort of drive what is happening. so it's hard to see how even a good democratic candidate with a really bad republican candidate could get through in mississippi but it sure would be interesting. look. republicans might be happy to see mcdaniel lose if he was the nominee one term unless it's a term in control of the senate. this guy would be such a liability what he says not only the associations but he had a radio show and he waxed about the term mamma would mean with predictable results so he would be a real problem for them. >> look at the demographics of mississippi. a reason why it's a red state and a reason why in presidential years, democrats have sort after baseline. >> they say 40%. >> it's because of the fact you have -- it's the most heavily blocked state in the country so you have a very strong african-american voting block. the challenge for democrats this year would be hard to get that
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vote out and a none presidential year and also basically if you are a republican, as long as you get about 70% of the white vote in mississippi you're going to win is usually the standard. the question for mcdaniel would he be so offensive that number would drop somehow to 65? which would put him in more of -- >> you're right. the racial polarization of voting in mississippi and alabama, deep south, i think in the presidential you're at like 90% plus -- no other state is at that level. >> what else is out there about mcdaniel? that is the question. is it what we know so far? >> probably not. >> is there something worse out there that could sort of really become a turnout lever. >> or the unforced error. are we seeing he is prone to the kind of make ago mistake two months from now? >> i think the other issue that might be attractive to democrats
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nationally is not yu mcdaniel weaknesses but a expansion for the medicare and obamacare. a population with a high percentage of folks who would benefit from the argument they have been making in a place like georgia. that said, you know, even michelle nunn told me she supported the medicaid expansion but hasn't made that a central rallying point for her campaign. >> they need to make a kynect in mississippi. up next, an update on the series of drive-by shootings in california. hey! [squeals] ♪ [ewh!] [baby crying] the great thing about a subaru is you don't have to put up with that new car smell for long.
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more difficult by the fact there are nine different crime scenes. we will continue to bring you more on this story as it develops and we will be right back. ameriprise asked people a simple question: can you keep your lifestyle in retirement? i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last. i try not to worry, but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop? because everyone has retirement questions. ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need.
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do you know that joe biden was in cyprus this week? the first sititing vice presidet to visit there for years. do you know he has a new blog on the website? he is talking about infrastructure projects and urge congress to pass a new highway funding bill and if both fail to capture your attention, what you probably did hear about joe biden this week is about how a high school senior from connecticut named tallia decided to invite the vice president to her prom. she wrote this last fall. i'm sure many 17-year-old girls send you prom invitations and i had to beat hem to it!
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she never expected to hear back. on the day before her prom last week a package was delivered in her home and inside a corsage and note from the vp. i am flattered by your invitation but my schedule will not permit me to be there on friday evening but i hope you will accept this corsage and enjoy your prom as much as i did mine. he even invited her to the white house. when it hit the internet and one is calling the legend of joe biden. this is joe biden, the character. the joe biden millions people think they know in the obama era. the joe biden is the american political system answer to your crazy uncle. the guy who stood next to president obama as he signed health care reform in 2010 and had this to say. >> [ bleep ]. >> the guy who walked into a diner and found some bikers in
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the back and made himself right at home! it's the guy who put on a pair of aviator shades and fired up the yellow corvette for this video last month. >> hey, do you want to come and pick me -- up? what? what the had heel are you doing? yellow? seriously? yellow? >> get in the car. >> oh, [ bleep ]! >> but this is the west wing. oh, it's locked! >> just check for me. >> no? i'm going to remember that! >> these are the kind of moments that built the legend of joe biden and given rise to this. the president of vice. a fake auto biography produced by the onion.
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it's a term that josh marshall highlighted this week as he watched the coverage of biden and the corsage. as marshall points out this caricature is a new phenomena. a generation ago he was the fastest rising star in america politics. biden set out to run for president in the 1988 campaign and "the new york times" noted his, quote, stature as a candidate rests in large part on his ability to move crowds. a plagiarism scandal ended that campaign early but biden quickly and thoroughly rebuilt his reputation so much when barack obama added him to the democratic ticket in 2008 was supposedly because of biden's unusual experience and maturity and gravitose.
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they know he would like to run for president but is the legend of joe biden hurting his ability to be taken seriously? has he made things worse for himself by playing along with the joke or is playing along with the gag biden's mad genius plan to be viewed as the candidate voters prefer grabbing a beer with and a guy they can relate to? where did the legend of joe biden come from in the first place? to figure this out is our panel. joining them is john fugelsang. where did this come from? 36 years in the senate. he is a pretty well-respected senator. becomes vice president and he is driving yellow corvette and putting aviator shades on. where did this come fro? >> from? >> it came from the onion. because it all came from that
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with the joe biden band if you watch the onion tv show. again, i think you nailed it in terms of how he compliments the president's energy. with this it's like you got spock and colombo and they make a great team. >> caricatures were obvious with bill clinton where people making jokes about his womanizing or eating at mcdonald's. george w. bush jokes. is it the fact that it's harder to make jokes about obama because he doesn't really let himself the caricature and biden takes that role? >> exactly. some would say obama is our first none buffoonish president in a generation. when barack obama first got the nomination what about everyone say? good lord the first african-american nominee. you want to take a shot at me is
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here is what you get. a real liberal with plugs. take your best shot. that is the secret weapon. the fact joe has been so willing to wear this buffoonish hat and allows him to be accessible and likeable but never a fiscal cliff deal without joe biden. >> i don't know about getting shot. >> of course, i'm just saying. he is much more -- they are not going to impeach him either. >> i want to give a taste of this onion ebook. this is -- the auto biography of joe biden a sample from his supposed auto biography. uncle joe and buffalo wings wing challenge hall of fame member. >> that's not easy. >> whitenak karaoke night third place and mr. daytona beach only the runner-up. and la quinta inns gold elite
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membership 1993 to present. any publicity is good publicity. one thing i've been struck by is i came to the obama -- mainstream national political figure and i would say to peep the last few years it's 2016 who would run? what about joe biden? i'm saying are you kidding me? he is kind of a joke. has this hurt his stature? >> i actually don't think it's hurt his stature. i am someone who believes that authenticity because people do feel like they know joe biden even though they don't. they feel like they know who he is and get him when he stands up in front of a crowd he has that ability to connect with the audience which is such a rare gift and i think people feel that about him. in this moment when folks are very concerned about the future of the middle class, i think he has that like i'm one of you, i get your struggles, i get your pain. i know what to do. i think he has all of that vibe. is he going to be the democratic
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nominee? no. but i don't think it's because he has this every man quality. to me it's an asset. >> do we know, does he -- we know he is playing along with it. does he like it? does he think it's helping him? do we have any sense what the real joe biden thinks of uncle joe or whatever you want to call him? >> i think there is some resentment he is seen partly for the ka caricature. i think he is a proud man. i don't think he doesn't totally get why someone who served as long as he did in the senate and chairman of the foreign relations committee is the character. i think this happened before the onion. the '08 campaign, jason horowitz, my colleague. >> i was my colleague at the time. i know what you're talking about here. >> joe biden launched his campaign saying barack obama was formidable because he would be a clean and articulate candidate. i think among political
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observers they have known this side of joe biden. yes, he was the guy that could talk fluently about kosovo but he was also somebody that was sort of pro into windiness and saying things that were a little bit head scratching. the '08 comments to jay horowitz was the obvious example and going on years before that. he is the vice president of the united states and he has played along with it that it's a more prominent opposition in this sort of political world. >> it's true. i remember when that interview came out in early 2007 and it caused a major storm and it was one of those things he looked back at when obama put him on the ticket a year and a half later and saying their relationship has come a long way. >> i think part of the reason that we have sort of seems distinct for these personality reasons for his quirks and all these funny lines and that sort of thing if you were actually running what would he
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distinguished himself on? he and hillary were members of the obama administration. yes, he has this career in the senate and deep foreign policy experience and you're running against the secretary of state. it's harder to see the personality how you would set yourself apart on that -- >> he is far superior debater. let's not forget. it's already forgotten how much credit he is owed turning things around in the 2012 campaign after the first disastrous debate with romney. >> also in 2008 when he started out the comments about obama that got him in trouble and he got himself back in the conversation in the debates in 2008. >> and debate against paul ryan and everybody said would be a cake walk for the very academic ryan. when we saw it, it looked like clarence daro beating your drakeo and that deceptive buffoonery could serve president bush when he has these debates and he has that this and you
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say, you're not like that. >> set the bar low and it's easy to clear. >> it really worked for biden in 2012. >> in 2008, he had the challenge too of going up against sarah palin in that first debate. how do you handle that? >> setting the bar lower for her. >> the reviews afterwards she, that night, it's hard to look back and remember but she exceeded expectations that night but had he a difficult and underappreciated talent too. >> his secret weapon is his heart and what people respond to and he is the sort of democrat that a lot of conservative folks can feel warm towards and when he shares his narrative and feelings for the working class you know he means it and why he is consistently the secret weapon of this administration hilarious gaffes aside. >> i say the young woman who invited him to the prom, i think you are the most delighted man in america. >> thank you very much. unfortunately, prom season is passing. we will have to wait for next year on that.
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my thanks to crystal ball and john fugelsang for spending some of your time with us on this holiday weekend. ask democrats who their biggest enemy it sand i bet you a two-way tie is for first place. that is next. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states,
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pretty much a once in a decade event when a major political donor breaks through to become a nationwide target of the opposition. during the bush years george soros and obama years two brothers from wichita, kansas charles and david koch. spending against the president's re-election so great direct replies from obama's campaign like this one from may 2012. >> you may have heard of the koch brothers. they are backing mitt romney. pretty simple reason for this.
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president obama would take away billions of dollars in unnecessary oil taxes breaks. these 'what it takes to tear down the president and say anything. >> as "the new york times" documented david koch was libertarian party's 1980 vice president nominee. and charles ran a major and ubiquitous force in american politics. politico says the koch brothers intend to spend more than 225 million this year to get their candidates elected which is more than they spent the last campaign cycle. they host conclaves presented by supreme court justices scalia and connors. a stand was taken this week to help the bankrupt effort of detroit lobbying state lawmakers to prevent michigan from providing 195 million in aid.
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the kind of interference and heavy spending led democratic leaders to want to make the upcoming election in part a referendum on the koch brothers. >> senate republicans, madam president, are addicted to koch. >> we take a look at this powerful family that is the champion of the republican party and boogie man of the democrats. decades ago back in kansas, family patriarch fred koch was a member of a group that sprang up as an extreme reaction to communism and many conservatives wanted nothing to do it w. his sons got into poxs on tliti the libertarian side. where the money comes from, koch
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brothers father built an empire that expanded rapidly. it is the second largest private corporation in america selling not just oil but everything from carpets to toilet paper. 115 billion in annual revenue makes the corporation bigger than disney. recent estimates pegs their worth at at least a hundred billion and making them tied for the sixth richest man on the planet but add their wealth together and they are number one. here to tell us more about them is david schulman a senior editor of washington bureau of mother jones magazine and is the author of this book. let me ask you this. as we said the koch brothers this is practically a curse word on the left now. democrats are relying on sort of opposition to resentment of the koch brothers and fueling them this year. you're from mother jones sort of the left of center publication.
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you spent a lot of time. this is a deeply researched and well-reported book. i wonder what surprised you? what did you go into this thing you knew about the koch brothers you came out of it saying i was wrong about that? >> well, the way i went into this honestly is in the 2010 and 2011 time frame you really saw charles and david koch being demonized and that is starting to happen more and more is happening now. it was very much a caricature of these guys. and as i dug into the family story the first thing you mind is that they are four koch brothers, not just two. they have a phenomenally interesting family saga. the most interesting thing to me that i did find out was, you know, one of the most interesting things about this family isn't the politics. they also have a great business story. they have an incredibly dramatic, sometimes tragic, family tale so it's not just about the politics with these guys, although certainly tracing
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the origins of their ideology. >> the family spent years in court together, different siblings. >> charles and david paired off against frederick and bill in what was a two decade long struggle. first over the family company and basically there was a settlement. frederick and bill were bought out and bill came to believe that he had been cheated on the sale of his stock and that triggered not just one lawsuit but a wave of lawsuits and, at the same time, bill was actually trying to get koch industries investigated for stealing oil from native american lands. this was the most brutal family feud ever perhaps. >> wow. so now it's charles and david right now. i want to ask you about the roots -- we -- we -- we said in the introduction there david ran for vice president. he ran against ronald reagan ticket in 1980 but now these are the sort of financial faces of the republican party at this point.
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you write the election of barack obama in 2008 was sort of a turning point. can you talk about how that was? what it was that they were fearing in particular, what it was they were worried about and how that translated into becoming a big force in the republican party. >> to understand what took place in the obama era you have to go back to the clinton administration during that time koch industries was basically under siege by environmental regulators and department of justice. they had a variety of pipeline spills. in one case in texas they had a pipeline explosion that killed two teenagers in the most grisly of ways. this resulted in a wrongful death jury award which was the lars largest in the state's administration. the clinton's departing start to koch industries was a 90 count felony indictment. when obama took office, i think they believed that it could be a repeat of the clinton years, if
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not worse. but then there was also you have to look at charles and david who are both in their 70s. charles in his late 70s. his long time ideological project. he is entering his highlight years and he sees in obamacare and these sort of policies that he would call socialistic the rolling back of the work that he and david and their allies have done for the past 50 years. >> i want to get this in. we have a statement here. we asked koch industries if they wanted to comment and a statement from a koch industries spokesperson rob tappen and he says the following.
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we have to squeeze a break in here but when we come back i want to ask you and pick up on that. what is it like to write a book about the koch's to deal with them and trying to write, you know, basically a biography of the koch brothers and what it's like to deal with them or try to deal with them in that process. we will pick that up and ask about that when we come back. ie wondering how we're going to build a better truck. we get out there and walk a mile, thousands of miles, in the footsteps of the guys we build trucks for. the groundbreaking ram heavy duty with 30,000 pounds of towing and 850 pound-feet of torque. ♪
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are we still on for tomorrow? tomorrow. tomorrow is full of promise. we can come back tomorrrow. and we promise to keep it that way. csx. how tomorrow moves. what a day. can't wait til tomorrow. dan, we put this statement up before the break there from koch industries basically saying they make clear david and charles koch did not talk to you for this and they are going to review the book and haven't read it and all that. it strikes me. we know the koch brothers keep a close eye how they are talked about and portrayed in the media and you guess anybody in that position would be. what was it like for you trying to write this book? you wanted to get cooperation from them. they knew you were working on it. a long-term project here. what was it like interacting with koch brothers and koch industry and writing this book? >> the short answer i started going gray in the process.
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but basically it's the way i started out is i sent letters to all of the brothers and i entered into a dialogue with the folks at koch industries. a lot of nice people over there. i was in touch with them, you know, basically throughout the process of writing the book. i think that they were as cooperative as they felt they could be but i think they saw mother jones reporter and, you know, hit the doomsday switch. >> did you ever think you would get one of them to talk? >> i tried throughout the process. honestly, i thought it would have been great to talk to them. and i think it would have maybe even helped their image just to come out and be totally forthright because they have this image of these kind of secretive guys. >> right. >> but really, you know, they have a lot of -- they are misunderstood in so many different ways and to hear them kind of explain their politics and their family story in their own words, which i do have in
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the book because there was so much court testimony and i was able to speak to friends of theirs and members of the extended family and things like that. >> in terms of that sort of publicly, reclusive when it comes to the media is probably fair to say. what is that about? do they bristle at the idea of people covering them and don't want to cooperate or is it more like they are writing it bit, we don't want to deal with it and they right hand they are resigned to it? >> it goes back to their dad. he was attacked when he was in the john burrch society and talking about anti-communist causes in the country. i think their private nature really traces back to their tad but this is also infused in their company. they run a private company and that is for a reason. they don't want their competitors to know what they are doing and if they were to be a public company they would have to file with the s.e.c. and
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baverl basically be tipping off their competitors. yeah, this family has long had a history of just being very private about its affairs. >> right now evolution here, if you read the book and the whole story. the evolution of a libertarian outliers in the american political system to the financial heart and soul of the conservative movement right now. they are at this moment where they are throwing all of this money in the senate races this year. republicans could take back the senate this year. they have the house and probably have the house after this year. then go for the presidency in 2016. if on january 20th, 2017, all this has happened with the koch brothers pouring all of this money in, what do the koch brothers expect to happen then? what is the payoff for the investment they are making right now? >> you know, i think what -- what they want is a free market. that's the only issue you really see them advocating on.
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they want to roll back all sorts of regulations and slash government spending, entitlements and things of that nature. one thing you should understand about charles and david koch is they really are true believers in this stuff, which you can sort of see in the libertarian movement. that was a fringy movement of the time and it was an ideologically driven one. everything since 1980 has been trying to mainstream libertarian yied. >> ideas. >> it's a more hospitable place. my thanks to dan schulman of mother jones and author of the books "sons of wichita" which is out now. for more on the breaking news that mass shooting in california authorities say they are interviewing a large number of witnesses and asking for the public's assistance after seven
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well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? in allison schwartz lost the primary for governor by 40 points she blamed her gender for her loss. >> it's the pundits and they couldn't believe a woman could serve as our governor and couldn't imagine a woman with my experience and my accomplishments could be the governor of pennsylvania. they didn't believe it and they said so over and over again. in fact, i think they couldn't quite imagine it and they didn't even really think it mattered and we know better. we know that, in fact, it matters to have women at every level of leadership in this country. >> by the end of that race,
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schwartz lopsided defeat surprised no one. if you had gone to sleep a year ago and just woke up, it had to come as a shock to you because she started out as the clear overwhelming favorite to win not just the democratic nomination in pennsylvania but the governorship itself. a fall like that it's fair to say a lot of factors that contributed to schwartz's defeat. millionaire businessman tom wolf came out of nowhere pouring $10 million of his own money in the campaign. he blanketed the tv ads in january and sailed to a huge victory on tuesday. there is also evidence that schwartz's gender didn't help per. as jonathan martin noted this week in "the new york times." we have seen this happening before. women having trouble breaking the glass ceilings. northeast is a blue state and known for leading the way on progressive reforms and issues like gay marriage and gun control and the environment and these states are entrenched political cultures that were dominated by men.
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nationwide 30 female governors have been elected ever and that is 11 republicans in 19 democrats. as you can see the northeast lags far behind other regions of the country when it comes to putting women in governorships. take massachusetts. known nationally as a liberal haven. 1998 republican jane swift was elected lieutenant governor on a ticket with governor paul salucci. swift became governor and would like to run to be the state's first elected governor the follow year. in 2002. but a series of setbacks soon enveloped swift. >> even before they became massachusetts first woman governor controversy and jane swift were never far apart. as lieutenant governor she earned the dubious title queen jane for having staffers babysit her older daughter elizabeth and using a state police helicopter to visit the child when she was sick. >> as swift's approval ratings dropped republican leaders
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drafted mitt romney to replace her as the republican nominee. when they tried to get her to step aside, swift said i guess i should be accustomed to powerful man trying to tell me they know better than i do what it is i should be doing. swift ended up dropping out of the governor's race a few weeks later. to this day new hampshire and have the and what matter in the northeast when it comes to electing women executives? to discuss this is former massachusetts governor jane swift and jonathan martin is with us as well. governor, i'll start with you. we showed that quote from 12 years ago. it's 12 years now, 2002 when all of that happened. when you look at that quote right now and hear it right now, do you still feel what you felt back then when you said it? >> well, i think it is without debate that women face some special hurdles but i think
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allyson schwartz found a challenge facing yourself against a self-funded candidate. it is tough to overcome. i would add this is not a great election season probably to be from washington, d.c. and serving in congress. so i think that the key is that women face unique challenges as women but they are not immune to the other challenges that faced candidates and that can sometimes be double jeopardy if you will. >> that's right. we should say this really jumped out at me this week when we were getting ready for this with al llyson schwartz losing the primary in pennsylvania and giving up her congressional seat. 18 house seats for pennsylvania and 20 seats and two in congress from pennsylvania. unless a major upset this november all 20 of those seats after this year's election will be held by men. 20 men and zero women in the congressional for pennsylvania.
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the largest single delegation in the country. could you talk about different factors i've seen sided for why this happens everywhere in the northeast and in particular why statistics like that pop up. one factor to cite is the northeast sort of these old school male dominated almost like clubhouse political culture. is that something you experienced in massachusetts? >> well, i think there's no doubt that there is a culture of leadership that hasn't traditionally embraced women. i also think that this is an area where one party domination actually hurts the prospects of women. as you know, there are five women governors right now and four are republicans. because the republican party has lost so much clout in the northeast, you almost are only relying on the democratic party and i think it may surprise some liberals that even democrat dominated states are not immune from the biases that impact
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women candidates. >> governor, if i could jump in there. can you talk for a second about the difference in the political cultures between the democrats in the northeast and the republicans? it does strike me that the republicans, because they are a minority party in the northeast tend to be more open. they are open to self-furneds like mitt romney and open to outsiders. they are open more to women, for example. whereas, democrats, at the majority party do have this complex layer infrastructure. a lot of organized layer and a lot of interest groups and tend to be longer lines it seems like in the democratic party in your part of the country. >> yeah. i think -- yeah, i think that is exactly right. the democratic party establishment you have to work your way up generally and it is more influenced by unions that tend to be male dominated, but you also have a wait your turn strategy and frankly that then lends itself to folks who do politics on a sustained level
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over decades and that doesn't always work for women who sometimes interrupt their careers to have children or have other priorities and don't tend to be lifers in the political system. absolutely the republican party is desperate to win in the northeast and, in general, women tend to be more moderate and if they can survive a primary, have some advantages as republicans running in elections. >> i want to ask you, too, governor swift, the other piece we talk about the culture within the parties and how that can work against female candidates particularly in the northeast. i want to -- when it comes to media coverage and in general to how comments from a female candidate are perceived and filtered through the media versus how they are with -- male candidate. i notice in that 12-year-old clip we showed referring to you in that clip as queen jane.
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not necessarily king mitt would have been used or something back in that time. i wonder -- your experience with that, how different that is for women. >> politics is not for the faint of heart in massachusetts so establish that to begin with. it gets to known as the three h's. hair and hem lines and husbands. we tend to see more coverage of women because they are still an anomaly, unfortunately, in political leadership positions. so the focus on the personal, the monikers like that are in and of itself troublesome. you show that clip so nobody knows what i did to impact our foster care system or the worth that i did to improve education in massachusetts. it crowds out the coverage of the other issues that are really what voters hopefully will be focused on and vote on in the end. the center for american women in politics has actually done some good research outside of bruised
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failings, whether they are mine or someone else's, that shows there is a lot more focus on the personal, the hair, what do you look like? the hem lines, what are you wearing? the husbands. what is your family situation? that is a distraction as much as anything else and in a crowded media saturated event, you want to be be able to break through with the message about issues. >> does that sort of environment affecting when you're running for governor than senate in the nature there tends to be more about who is this person and what is her husband or kids and head of the household? is it more layered running for governor versus senator which is an advocacy type job? >> i think it is two-prong. they know it's an executive
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role. they want what you're going to do about schools and traffic and it's hard to talk about those things when you're talking about your children or who is going to take care of them on any given day. and in addition to that, it is perceived as a 24/7 job and in many cases you're responding to crises and emergencies. and some older voters still worry what women will prioritize. >> we got to squeeze a break in here. on the other side i want to look at this from the other angle as well because we talk about, you know, the ways that female candidates are from a negative standpoint treated different than male candidates. an example this week that somebody played out to me a way in which a female candidate might be insulated from an attack that would play against a male candidate. i want to talk about that when we come back. ♪
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know, women can be subjected to attack certainly in politics in ways that men can't but one of our producers was pointing this to me this week. she is talking about media matters sort of a liberal media watch dog group and on this network. she was talking about the allison grimes versus mitch mcconnell in kentucky and listen to this and then we will talk about it. >> easy to look at the two of them they stand next to each other and see a contrast. she is young and vivacious energy and he is old and white male so you can see the difference between the two of them. >> governor swift, the producer this week is a saying thinking about hillary clinton. if hillary clinton was running and there was an attack on her that was she is older, gray hair, her opponent is young, vivacious and full of energy, we would be talking about that.
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but that is not really the story at least so far when it comes to an old white guy with gray hair, mitch mcconnell. >> no doubt that gender can work to your advantage and i think it's great that you're pointing that out. i am certain that part of the reason i won my first race in 1990 is because i didn't look like the typical bum on beacon hill. and i was running against a lawyer, white male. so certainly there are times when it's an advantage. although i'm not sure i take the bet that hillary won't be beaten up over being older appearance at the end of this week. >> right. jonathan, i want to get a question about your reporting too. you were talking earlier about the sort of the clubhouse culture kept some women out. we look at republican women in the northeast maybe an opportunity there in some of these states for republicans but
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i wonder nationally. we talk about the gender gap and marriage gap all the time and single winning gap by women 30, 40 points. is there a concerted effort right now on the part of the republican party a real effort? i know they talk about it but is there a real effort there to recruit more female candidates? >> i think in 2010 there certainly was and that's when you saw some of these female governors. martinez is a great example. there was a really aggressive effort to get a local d.a. or prosecutor to run for governor of new mexico. i think there is this year too. if you look at the senate, some of the women candidates in oregon, monica webbe, the national party really want her to be the nominee. so yes, i think there is an effort and what you see is it's actually striking to me, steve, because conservatism generally has looked toward identity of politics with revulsion. that's what they do, that's what liberals do.
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but they have gotten over that on the right because they recognize one of the easiest ways to push back against democrat charges about race or sex is by nominating their own, be it women or african-americans or hispanics. it is a handy rebuttal when the identity politics charge comes up. does it contradict philosophically in tenets of conservative? some folks on the right think yes. ted cruz actually i think believes that. but given the fact that identity has become so central to american politics, republicans now see it as both a sword and a shield. >> that's why i was surprised this week that karen handel didn't make it in georgia because she had been making an appeal to the republican base saying if you're tired about hearing about the war on women, nominate me. >> and palin endorsed her too. >> i was surprised she did not make that. there's a lot of other factors, as there were in pennsylvania, as there always are. i want to thank former governor of massachusetts, jane swift,
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for taking the time and joining us this morning. what do we know now that we didn't know last week? our answers right after this. oduces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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all right. it's time to find out what our guests know now they didn't know when the week began. >> voter i.d., it doesn't work very well. got an early test in arkansas, which is one of the few states where a judge hasn't thrown it out and they had a low turnout primary. total chaos, including the republican gubernatorial front runner showing up without their i.d. and getting turned away. this is what happens to combat a problem that does not actually exist. >> asa hutchinson sent an aide to get it and come back. >> actually some good news for once. 25 states now have an unemployment rate below 6%, which is actually encouraging, and this includes states like ohio, pennsylvania, places where not necessarily people are thinking that there are going to be jobs but things are slightly improving. things are not so great in
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places like rhode island and nevada, but it's at least an encouraging sign that this recovery is slowly moving forward. >> and jonathan, between pastry bites there, what's the -- >> i will not indulge on camera. i think one of the most undercovered primaries was the idaho secretary district where mike simpson, the republican, won. part of the reason he won, he had huge help, $2.4 million in outside spending. not contributions, outside spending from washington lobbyists on his behalf. groups like the american hospitals, the american dentists, even the american chemistry council. all kinds of interests coming in for him that tells a big story about national politics and about washington culture and about the power of incoumbent se and how they like to keep who they have in congress. >> we only cover idaho when there's a biker on the ballot. i thank our panel for today. appreciate you all getting up. thank you for joining us today
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for "up." join us tomorrow, sunday morning at 8:00, when forget health care, forget benghazi, we will look at how climate change has the potential to become the latest political fight. coming up next, melissa harris-perry. i hear they have john conyers book. plus the author of that blockbuster piece entitled "the case for reparations." that is next. thanks for getting up. an d at d inventing amazing new cleaners, like his newest invention, liquid muscle, that lifts and cleans tough grease with less scrubbing. it's a liquid gel, so it's less watery and cleans more. and its cap stops by itself so almost nothing's wasted. ♪ no matter where he went or who he helped, people couldn't thank him enough. new mr. clean liquid muscle. when it comes to clean, there's only one mr. and i felt this horrible pain on one side of my back. new mr. clean liquid muscle. i saw this red, blistery, rash i had 16 magic shows to do. i didn't know how i was going to be able to do these shows with this kind of pain that i was in.
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